Nobel Prize in Literature Bob Dylan. Nagasaki postmodernist wins Nobel Prize in Literature


Ishiguro's penultimate novel, Don't Let Me Go, was included in Time's list of the 100 best English novels of all time. Critics compared the writer to Joseph Conrad and Vladimir Nabokov, who also managed to create classic works in a language other than their own.

In anticipation of the decision, the bookmakers named Japanese writer Haruki Murakami and Kenyan writer and playwright Ngugi Wa Thiongo as the main contenders for the Nobel Prize. Both were listed as favorites last year. Israeli Amos Oz, Canadian Margaret Atwood and Syrian Adonis also had good chances for the award, according to bookmakers.

In addition, such celebrities as Philip Roth, John Le Carré, Tom Stoppard, Ursula Le Guin and Salman Rushdie were mentioned among the contenders, but the probability of winning any of them was estimated to be low. And if George Martin (the author of the A Song of Ice and Fire saga that inspired the Game of Thrones series) wins, the fan who bet on him could get a thousand times his bet.

In 2016, the Nobel Prize in Literature for "creating new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition" American musician, writer and artist Bob Dylan.

In total, over the previous 116 years (1901-2016), the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded 109 times. Seven times the Nobel Committee and the Swedish Academy have decided that there are no worthy contenders for the award. Most of these cases date back to the First and Second World Wars (1914, 1918, 1940-1943), with the exception of 1935.

The Nobel Prize in Literature is extremely rarely shared among several laureates, in the entire history of the award this has happened only four times. In 1904, the French poet Frédéric Mistral and the Spanish playwright José Echegueray y Eizagirre were awarded the prize. In 1917, the Danes Henrik Pontoppidan and Karl Gjellerup received it, in 1966 the Israeli Shmuel Agnon and Nelly Sachs, who moved from Germany to Sweden, and in 1974 the Swedes Harry Martinson and Eivind Yunson became laureates.

Until 2017, 113 people received the Nobel Prize in Literature, including 14 women (the last award in 2015 was the Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich). No one has been a laureate more than once.

Most often, writers from France received the award, but the majority of laureates (28 out of 113) wrote their works in English. In addition, the top ten languages ​​in which the works of Nobel laureates are written are French (14), German (13), Spanish (11), Swedish (7), Italian (6), Russian (6), Polish (4) , Norwegian (3) and Danish (3).

The first Russian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize was Ivan Bunin. He was awarded in 1933 with the wording "for the strict skill with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose." At that time, the writer was in exile. Another laureate, Boris Pasternak, refused the prize due to pressure from the Soviet authorities and society. In addition, the award was received by Mikhail Sholokhov and Alexander Solzhenitsyn, as well as the poet Joseph Brodsky, who left Russia.

The average age of a Nobel laureate at the time of the award is 65 years. Rudyard Kipling, who received the Nobel in 1907 at the age of 41, is still the youngest. And the oldest laureate exactly one hundred years later was the English writer Doris Lessing, who then turned 88 years old.

The Swedish poet Eric Axel Karlfeldt is the only one to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature posthumously (1931). Two laureates - Boris Pasternak in 1958 and Jean Paul Sartre in 1964 refused the award awarded to them.

He was awarded for "creating new poetic expression within the great American song tradition"

American musician Bob Dylan

Moscow. October 13th. site - The 75-year-old American musician and singer-songwriter Bob Dylan received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016, Sarah Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, announced.

According to her, he won the award for "creating a new poetic expression within the great American song tradition." Danius called Dylan a great English-speaking poet, noting that his works "should be read."

According to a survey on the Nobel Prize website, 71% of its visitors are familiar with the lyrics of the American singer.

Bob Dylan (real name Robert Allen Zimmerman) was born on May 24, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota. His ancestors were Jews, immigrants from the Russian Empire.

In addition to his musical activities, Dylan is also known as an artist and film actor. Many of his songs, such as Blowin' in the Wind and The Times They Are a-Changin', have become anthems for the civil rights and anti-war movements in the United States. The last, 37th in a row, studio album of the musician called Fallen Angels was released in May this year.

In 1988, Bob Dylan was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In April 2008, he received the Pulitzer Prize for "significant influence on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of exceptional poetic power." He was also awarded the Presidential, one of the highest civilian awards in the United States.

The Literature Prize was the last Nobel Prize awarded this year, as the ceremony to announce the winner had been postponed earlier due to the Nobel Committee's work schedule.

Last year, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to a Soviet and Belarusian writer "for her many-voiced work - a monument to suffering and courage in our time."

The list of contenders for the literature award is kept secret until the last moment. The names of the nominees can only be revealed 50 years later.

In the entire history of the award in literature, that is, since 1901, among domestic writers and poets, five have been awarded it - Ivan Bunin (1933), Boris Pasternak (1958), Mikhail Sholokhov (1965), Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1970) and Joseph Brodsky ( 1987).

Nobel Laureates 2016

Earlier, the Nobel was awarded to 71-year-old Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi for his discoveries in the field of autophagy. The prize was awarded to David Thouless, Duncan Haldane and Michael Kosterlitz with the wording: "for theoretical discoveries in topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter." The award went to Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Bernard Feringa and Fraser Stoddart for the design and synthesis of molecular machines.

This year's Nobel Prize was awarded to Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, who signed a peace treaty that ended the country's more than 50-year-old civil war.

The Nobel Prize (Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics) went to the British economist Oliver Hart and the Finnish economist Bengt Holmström for their contribution to the development of contract theory.

award ceremony

The awards ceremony will traditionally take place in Stockholm on December 10, the day of the death of the founder of the Nobel Prizes, the Swedish entrepreneur and inventor Alfred Nobel (1833-1896).

Nobel Prize winners in 2016 will receive 8 million Swedish kronor (about $931,000). In terms of the current exchange rate, the amount of the premium is less than a million dollars.

American musician Bob Dylan won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature. The name of the winner of the award was announced on October 13 by the permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy Sarah Danius.

The Bob Dylan Prize was awarded with the wording "for creating a new poetic language in the great American song tradition."

Bob Dylan began his musical career in the late 1950s and became known as a folk musician who drew on traditional American music. In 1965, Dylan released the first electric album, Bringing It All Back Home, which initially caused protests from his fans, but then became a recognized classic. Dylan is considered one of the main protest musicians of the 1960s and one of the most important folk artists in US history. According to Rolling Stone magazine, Bob Dylan is ranked second in the list of the most influential artists in the history of music.

Bob Dylan is the winner of 11 Grammy, Golden Globe and Oscar awards. His last two awards were for the song Things Have Changed, written for Curtis Hanson's Geeks (2000).

In 2015, the Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich received the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The monetary reward of the Nobel Prize is approximately 900 thousand dollars.

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  • 13.10.2016. Nobel Prize in Literature 2016
  • 10/11/2016. Do not miss! Reader's vote
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  • 02.10.2016. 30th Contest What is he looking for? started
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American singer Bob Dylan became the winner of 2016. The name of the winner was announced in Stockholm Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The award was presented to Dylan with the wording "for creating new poetic forms within the great American song tradition." Eight years ago, in 2008, Bob Dylan received Pulitzer Prize"for his outstanding influence on popular music and American culture, marked by lyrical compositions of exceptional poetic power." The future musician was born in Minnesota in 1941. He began writing poetry and playing in the school band at the age of ten. A debut album called "Bob Dylan" released in 1962.

The names of contenders for the award are kept secret and announced only after 50 years. Nevertheless, bookmakers traditionally name the favorites of the Nobel race. This year's top five potential winners included Kenyan author Ngugi Wa Thiongo, Japanese Haruki Murakami, Syrian poet Adonis, Americans Philip Roth and Don DeLillo. Bob Dylan was not among the favorites, and the bets on his victory were British bookmaker Ladbrokes on the eve of the announcement of the name of the winner, it was accepted with a coefficient of 16/1.

The Nobel Prizes are traditionally awarded during one week in October. But this year, the schedule for announcing the name of the laureate in literature was violated for the first time. Representatives Swedish Academy already stated that the delay was due to work Nobel committee, which this year met for discussion only in mid-September. Every spring, the Academy determines a list of the 20 most deserving writers during the spring. Then it is reduced to five candidates, from which the Nobel laureate is chosen in the fall.

In 2015, for the first time in the last 28 years, the laureate Nobel Prize in Literature became a Russian-speaking author. The award was received by Svetlana Aleksievich "for her many-voiced creativity, which has become a monument to suffering and courage in our time." Aleksievich writes in Belarusian and Russian. Her most famous works are War has no woman's face", "Zinc Boys", "Chernobyl Prayer". Svetlana Aleksievich became the 14th woman in history to receive Nobel Prize.

Haruki Murakami

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2016 Nobel Prize nominee:
Ngugi Wa Thiongo

On October 13, it finally became known who will receive the Nobel Prize for Literary Merit in 2016. This time the tradition of the announcement was somewhat broken. Usually laureates in literature become known in the Nobel week, on Thursday. However, this time the announcement of the recipient of the award was seven days late. But let's not bore you and tell you who is recognized as the Nobel laureate in literature this year.

The Swedish Academy said in a press release that American poet, performer and popular actor Bob Dylan was awarded the prize for "enriching new poetic expressions of American song culture". Until this day, bookmakers have tried in vain to guess which of the modern writers will be able to win the main award. In their ranking at the highest positions were Haruki Murakami, the famous Kenyan playwright and publicist Nguti Wa Thiongo, the poet of Syrian origin Adonis, the Norwegian Yun Fosse, the American Don Delilo. Each of them invested a lot of strength and talent in the development of world literature and culture, enriched it with their works. Of course, the total number of nominees is in the dozens. And the selection criteria in this direction are completely incomprehensible to a simple layman. On what merit is the laureate chosen? Popularity? Topic of work? Their historical significance? Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature are almost always a surprise.

The award ceremony will take place in Stockholm on 10 December. This year, the honorary writer will receive 8 million Swedish kronor along with the medal, which is about 920 thousand US dollars.

This is not the first prestigious award for an American artist. Just 8 years ago, he received the Putlitzer Prize for his contribution to the musical culture of the United States, in 2001 - an Oscar for the best song for the film "Geeks". In addition, Dylan became the first Nobel laureate who was immortalized in the rock'n'roll hall of fame.

Nobel Prize winners in the last five years

Over the past 5 years, natives of China, Sweden, the USSR, France and Canada have become laureates of this prestigious award:

  • 2015 Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksienko received the award "For polyphony in her prose and immortalization of courage and suffering." In her work, she combined the abilities of a psychoanalyst, preacher, journalist, sociologist and writer. Her books contain the real voice of the common people, their ideals, dreams, hopes and tragedies. Among the most famous works: "Chernobyl Prayer", "Charmed by Death", "Zinc Boys".
  • 2014. A native of the French town of Boulogne-Billancourt, published his first novel, Star Square, at the age of 23. And the book immediately gained popularity. Most of his works are directed to the past. They contain the difficult times of the occupation of France, his personal experiences and events from life, the thirst for self-knowledge. The author's works have been screened more than once, translated into foreign languages. His pen belongs to "Villa "Sadness"", "Street of Dark Shops", "Night Grass", "Strangers", "Little Miracle" and many others.
  • 2013. Alice Ann Munro, a native of the Canadian city of Wingham, was recognized as a master of the modern story. She began writing as a teenager and published her first story at the age of 19 while teaching at the university. During her long life, she published many collections, went on tour to other countries, and received well-deserved awards. The last collection entitled "More expensive than life itself" was published in 2012. Some of the stories have been adapted. Her stories often appeared and still appear on the pages of major literary magazines. Among her cycles and collections are “Too much happiness”, “Runaway”, “Who do you imagine yourself to be?”.
  • 2012. Chinese writer Mo Yan received the Nobel Prize with the original wording: "For his hallucinatory realism, which combined folk tales with history and modernity." His works include passion, magical realism, provincial life, symbolism, psychology, history, mythology and the grotesque. His works have been translated into a dozen languages, although Mo Yan is practically unknown to the Russian-speaking reader. He was also mentioned this year as a possible candidate for the Nobel laureates in literature.
  • 2011. Tomas Transtremer from Stockholm was awarded "for his concise, translucent images that give us an updated view of existing reality." This talented writer and pianist began his long career at the age of 13. The stroke, which took away speech and the right side of the body, did not break him, forcing him to take the pen in his left hand and use it to perform numerous works on the keys. His poetry is a real miracle, a wonderful combination of ideally adjusted form and fullness of strong metaphors. Almost all the prestigious awards that the Scandinavians have established have ended up in Transtremer's luggage.

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