NOD “Journey into the history of human habitation. Presentation on history on the topic: "Primitive era" Presentation on the topic of the dwelling of an ancient person


First people:

  • appeared on the lands of our Motherland about 40 thousand years ago
  • their main occupations were hunting and gathering
  • simple tools made of wood, stone and bone - axes, scrapers, bone awls
  • man's first dwellings were caves
  • people lived primitive herds

About 10 thousand years ago the end of the ice age

People reached the Baltic Sea in the west and the Pacific Ocean in the east. They crossed the Arctic Circle, and through the Bering Strait they began to populate America.

Sites and burials of people of the Stone Age:

  • Sungir (near Vladimir)
  • Kapova cave in the Southern Urals (rock paintings)
  • Lyalovo (near Zelenograd)

Gradually, the economy of people became producing.

Man has learned to raise cattle, to cultivate the land, to grow crops.

Began metal production :

  • products from copper, the softest and most convenient metal for processing;
  • bronze- an alloy of copper with tin or other additives
  • iron

  • Fatyanovo (near Yaroslavl) - Bronze Age burial ground
  • Dyakovo (near Moscow) - an Iron Age settlement

Larger communities of people emerged:

  • Several related families were tribal community.
  • Tribe - the unification of tribal communities with a single territory, a single leader, common traditions, beliefs and customs.

The occupations of the tribes differed among themselves:

In the south, in the steppe zone - cattle breeding (pastures);

Forest strip - agriculture (dugouts - huts deepened into the ground with stone hearths; log cabins - houses built of logs)

formed craft

Appeared commodity exchange, when tribes with different economic structures began to exchange their products or products.

language family - unification of related languages

Language families, the languages ​​of which are spoken by the current inhabitants of our country, were formed in

III-II millennia BC


language family


Checking the correctness of the task

language family



Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian


Udmurt, Karelian, Mordovian, Mari


Tatar, Chuvash, Bashkir


languages ​​of the inhabitants of the Caucasus


Buryat, Kalmyk

Paleoasian (Old Asian)

Chukchi, Eskimo


§1, notebook entries

Now in your city a large number
beautiful high houses, in which you can immediately
live a lot of people. Every year they build
new modern
buildings to live in
warm and cozy. But
it wasn't always.
Let's go to
time machine in
past and find out where
people used to live!

Long ago people lived in caves because they couldn't
make bricks. They didn't have cars to help them
build big houses.
In order to cook food, they made a fire right on the floor.
caves, and slept on the skins of animals.

Think about whether it was convenient for people to live in a cave. Which
Were they in danger?
There were no doors and it was cold. Can go into the cave
any predatory animal. Sleeping on the rocks is cold and
Over time people
have learned
make tools
labor that
let them cut
branches from trees.

So the ancient people began to build huts. They
they collected sticks, intertwined them with twigs, and from above
covered with grass or large leaves. Sometimes
people also used the skins of large animals.

But such huts did not save people from bad weather, they could even
blow away strong wind. And people began to think how to build
strong, warm houses. Time passed and man learned
mine clay. From it they began to build huts and huts.
Clay is not
moisture, so
no such house
terrible rain
and cold.

And such clay houses, they are also called kuren,
can be found even now in villages and villages.

People have learned to use to build houses
trees. From neat trunks turned out wonderful,
warm, cozy cabins.

Not only small houses were built from wood, but also
beautiful carved palaces..

Time passed and people learned more and more.
We learned how to make bricks and construction began
urban brick houses, in which they already helped
construction vehicles.

So that many people can live in one house at once
people came up with the idea of ​​building multi-storey buildings.

In modern cities, houses are built of concrete. It's durable
material, it allows you to build very high houses,
in which there are many apartments.

Think, Vasya lives on the 7th floor, and Masha on the 2nd. Who
lower, who is higher?
Petya's house is higher than Tanya's, but lower than Sasha's. Who lives in
the highest house, who is in the lowest?
Now the construction of houses is well-established
process involving people and the construction
technology to make their job easier. Remember what
vehicles are used in construction.

With the help of construction
cranes erect multistory
at home, they raise different
building material for
Bulldozers and
excavators dig
pits, which
will form the basis of a large

Modern houses are very beautiful and are built with
using glass and plastic.

Remember what dwellings your loved ones lived in
fairy-tale heroes.
Houses of the three pigs
A hut on chicken legs

wooden teremok

mouse hole
House -
for the gnome
Hut of the Shamakhan Queen

Think about the name of a house made of adobe
(adobe), made of wood, brick, glass, concrete, clay,
stone, straw, ice?
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Svetlana Shevlyakova
NOD "Journey into the history of human habitation"

NOD "Journey into the history of human habitation"

(senior group)

Shevlyakova Svetlana Leonidovna,

MBDOU No. 85 "Robin"

combined type,

Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region.

Target- to create conditions for the development of preschoolers' ideas about the history of the dwellings of various peoples.


To acquaint children with the first dwelling of an ancient person;

Give an idea of ​​what kind of dwellings a person built depending on the climate and living conditions;

Expand children's orientation in space and time;

To consolidate the ability to correlate the type of dwelling and the person;

Exercise in the formation of adjectives from nouns denoting building materials;

Develop creative imagination;

Develop curiosity;

To form communicative qualities, friendliness;

Raise respect for the architectural heritage of our ancestors;

Raise interest in the history of human development;

Integratable educational areas:




"Reading Fiction"

Form of activity: subgroup activity of adults and children.





Reading fiction

Form of conduct: game-journey

Equipment and materials:

didactic game "Russell home" (pictures depicting a yaranga, a cave, an igloo, a primitive man, an Eskimo, an African, a modern man); cubes; multimedia presentation "Human Dwellings".

Tell me please, do you like to travel?

Where can you travel?

And today I invite you to make a journey not only in space, but also in time.

But what kind of journey we will go on, you can guess if you guess my riddle.

Adults need it, and children,

All people need in the world

He will protect us from the cold,

And uninvited guests.

And we always strive for it

We'll be back soon.

It's hard for us to live without him

I am telling my story about...

Of course you guessed

This is our favorite ... (HOUSE)

That's right, it's a HOUSE. Each person needs a warm and protected home, and today we will go on a journey through the history of the dwellings of different peoples.

Our journey begins, close your eyes (music sounds)

So, open your eyes. Maybe someone already guessed where we ended up? (slide "primitive world")

That's right, you and I found ourselves in a time when a person had just appeared. (slide "Primitive Man")

Tell me, please, where did the primitive man live then?

That's right, primitive people lived in caves.

Our distant ancestor was surrounded by forests, mountains, deserts. But nature does not build a house, and then man did not yet know how to use trees, stones or clay. Primitive man was cold, because, unlike animals and birds, he had neither a warm fur skin nor plumage. Our distant ancestor was threatened from all sides.

The man began to look for a place to hide. Searched - searched and found a CAVE.

A cave is an empty space in a mountain (slide "Image of a cave").

He brought twigs and dry grass there and made himself a bed. He set up a hearth in the cave, and hung the entrance with animal skins. The hearth warmed the dwelling, and on the fire you can cook food. So the cave became for a distant ancestor his first home (slide "Primitive people in the cave").

The game "Cave good and bad."

Think and say what good happened to a person with the appearance of a cave, and how does a cave differ from a modern house.

Fine- protects against dangerous wild animals; protects from bad weather; serves as a place to relax; You can cook food on the hearth.

Badly- the door had not yet been invented, so the entrance to the cave had to be protected from wild animals; not every locality had caves.

Our journey continues, close your eyes and we are moving on.

Look carefully, who can say where we ended up?

(slide "Snow Desert")

Please tell me, could people live in such harsh conditions?

It turns out that even in such difficult and difficult natural conditions, a person has adapted to survive (slide “Igloo”)

Have you guessed what their unusual houses are made of?

That's right, these dwellings are built of snow and ice. And the ESKIMOS live in such houses, the Eskimo dwelling is called “igloo”. They find a level spot, draw a circle, build walls of heavy ice bricks they cut out of the ice. An entrance is dug in the finished wall, snow is selected. Everything, the needle is ready. Inside they burn bowls with seal fat. This fire is not enough to melt the ice, on the contrary, slightly melted ice freezes even stronger. And they try to cover the snowy floor and walls with animal skins.

Eskimo house game

Let's imagine that these cubes are made of ice and build a house like the Eskimos (children lay out a “needle” from the cubes)

Well done, and who remembers the name of the house made of ice?

Well, our journey continues, close your eyes.

Look, we ended up in the Arctic Circle, where there is a very long winter and a very short summer (slide "Tundra").

Here live such nationalities as the Nenets and Chukchi. From time immemorial, these nomadic peoples bred deer and were engaged in fishing and hunting (slide "Peoples of the North").

Without deer, these peoples would not have warm fur clothes and fur boots, and without warm clothes in this cold land it is very bad.

And they built such houses (slide "Yaranga and chum")

Look at their unusual houses. These houses are called - chum among the Nenets and yaranga among the Chukchi. They are very similar, only the chum is made in the form of a hut, and the yaranga is made in the form of a large tent. The basis of these houses are wooden poles, which are covered with deer skins. There is a small room inside, where people eat and sleep. And behind the canopy is the kitchen and pantry. A fire crackles in an iron stove, venison is boiled in a cauldron.

Physical education "Building a house"

What does it cost us to build a house?

Do you have a foundation to live on? No.

And look out the window.

Roof us from bad weather,

Everyone will be covered all year round.

Smoke comes from the chimney

Mom bakes pies

"Help yourself!"

Well, we rested a little and we can move on again. Close your eyes and our journey continues.

Who guessed where we ended up this time? That's right, this is Africa (slide "Africa")

What do you know about Africa?

That's right, it's really always summer here and it's very hot. And a variety of African tribes live here (slide "African tribes")

In such natural conditions, very warm houses are not needed and people build such dwellings for themselves (slide "Houses of African tribes")

What bizarre houses they create for themselves, some even look like dwarf houses.

Take a close look at what natural materials they use to build their homes?

Indeed, palm leaves, clay, bamboo branches, and reed stalks are used.

The game "The Fourth Extra"

I will now pronounce a chain of words, and you must listen carefully, find the extra word and explain why it is superfluous here.

Heat, desert, snow, sun.

Elephant, hippopotamus, polar bear, giraffe.

Lion, crocodile, giraffe, cheetah.

Pineapples, bananas, coconuts, apples.

But our journey does not end. We close our eyes again ... and find ourselves in the world familiar to us (slide "Modern City")

Modern people have learned to build beautiful houses that are very comfortable and safe for their living. These can be one-story cozy houses for one family or multi-story skyscrapers, where a lot of people can live at once (slide "House and skyscraper")

Didactic game "Tell me differently"

I will name the building material and throw the ball, and the one who catches answers what kind of house can be built.

House of stone - .... stone

brick -

logs -

Here our journey has come to an end. And I want to offer you a very interesting and difficult task, "Spread people into their homes."

You need to choose the right dwelling in which they live.

Well done, everyone did a great job.

We were on a trip.

Haven't forgotten anything?

Stretch out your hand to me

What do you remember, tell me!

What did you like about the trip?

Name the dwelling of the primitive man?

What was the name of the Eskimo dwelling?

What house would you like to live in?

Well done, next time we will get acquainted with other interesting dwellings of different nations.

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