Nominations for employee awards in oscar style. Comic nominations for sales managers, sellers


Adults, like children, love when they are given gifts, and if they are prizes. It will be just a sensation. Therefore, I bring to your attention the nominations - the beautiful half of our team ... That is, the male half ... suitable for February 23 or the men's anniversary ...
First nomination "Fighter of the invisible front". The prize in this nomination is awarded for modesty and purity of thoughts.
There are three nominees in this nomination: _____________________.
Nomination two "Mr Wolftail". The prize in this nomination is awarded for unbridled craving for winter extreme sports! In this nomination were presented ________________________________
The third category is called "Golden voice of the team".
And it is awarded for the most successful stories in the field of love relationships.
Nomination "Mr Charming Simulator" for hiding from the views of persistent ladies and disappearing from sight! and wins it after a long debate
Nomination “Mr. Punctuality is the team’s alarm clock_______________”
Sixth nomination “Awesome aura”, for filling the team with positive energy and relieving a stressful situation, smoothing out sharp corners. Awarded by ____________
. For patience with raids into your office for correctness, understanding the sympathy of the team. in nomination "Mr Kindness" After a long debate, ________________ wins!!! (_______)
For proof of principle “Slower ride - you will continue” medal “Shy guy”!- awarded by _____________
For courage in combining business with pleasure and confirmation of the saying “Our urchin has ripened everywhere” - medal of the second degree "Cause - time, and fun - two“- are awarded _____

For courage in the pursuit of a better lifestyle medal “Foreigners will help us” rewarded ______________
For courage in the difficult task of keeping women's secrets according to the principle “I will not tell anyone ” Order “Chingachkuk”
2nd degree is awarded __________________
The Medal of the First Green is awarded to a young member of our team ___________________________
For courage in maintaining mystery, the medal "Mr. X" is awarded to ___________________________
For courage in the struggle to comply with the principle "There are no ugly women" "Ladies' Man" is awarded __ __________________________________

Medals can be any: Reckless, rich Pinocchio, Mr. Locomotive, Superman, hero of our time, exclusive macho, intellectual, Agent-007, plush Hercules, Schumacher.
“Order of the 3rd degree “Gallant Knight”

is awarded………
Gentleman is not just a title,
What is given to you by God
Being a gentleman is a calling
Here, take it and try it yourself!
You are by nature knights in everything,
And we will find nobility in everyone!
You have been given a good upbringing,
And on the shoulder of any test!
Oscar” in the nomination “Charming smile”
You are all big optimists,
Funny and comedians.
Let humor decorate your life
Turns problems into a joke!
No wonder you excelled in sports,
Learned how to win!
Let hardening help you
Personal success will multiply!

Oscar” in the nomination “Workaholics”
We know that patience and hard work
All difficult problems will grind!
We wish you the same great work
And achieve a lot in life!

Oscar "A Hero of Our Time"
Probably not without reason given to you
Such a fountain of energy!
Although it does not sit still,
But it will come in handy in real life!
Always helpful, no doubt
Have a position and opinion!
You are outstanding in everything
So let your life rise!

"Oscar" in the nomination "Crazy Hands"
is awarded to……………… dedicated to an employee, by magic
wave of the hand of which "will be hammered" into
any office equipment.
You have been given "golden hands"
And this is a plus in any science,
Both in personal life and at work!
In short, you will not be lost!

"Oscar" in the nomination "Technical vein"
is awarded
You and our technology are “on you”,
So let your dreams come true!
No wonder you are an example for everyone,
As a businessman, as an engineer!

"Oscar" in the category "Active volcano"
Let the energy spring
Doesn't run out for a moment
So that all things succeed,
So that life is full!

"Oscar" in the nomination "Growth to match the mind"
It is given to _________.
Admiring, we are glad that
What growth you have to match the mind!
So be high in spirit
Let the big takeoff await!

"Oscar" in the nomination "Intellectual"
is awarded
Your outlook helps
Have a free conversation.
With people like you know
Always interesting to be around!
This is our most intelligent employee, erudite and intellectual. He is capable of solving the most difficult tasks
"Oscar" in the nomination "Reliable Shoulder"
We often hear about these
What is possible with them, at least for reconnaissance!
And if you yourself are a true friend,
Everyone is drawn to you around!

Medal "Mr. antistress":»
This is the most, most calm voice of the company
communication with him brings you into a state of peace. You want to communicate with him again and again

Nomination "Keeper of Traditions": he can always do it
find out what date, who did what in the company, why it is what is called that way and who named it. He can
endlessly telling stories from the history of (company)
Nominations“He is our Superman…”:-Prize of women's sympathies.
our company.
Nominations "Peace they only dream of»:
This is exactly what you can say about them, the company started, the motor
Energizer. companies.
Nominations “Thought at the speed of sound»:
The most quick-witted, intellectual connoisseur of work, an indispensable employee for women, . You have repeatedly turned to him for practical advice. And, what is most interesting - they always received it! At once in a word - the Internet of collective.

Nominations”Artist of large and small stages“:
Let there be interruptions in hearing
But there is a loud voice
Good in person…
Yes, the advantages of all can not be counted!
If you suddenly ask what you need,
The scene will suit you in an instant,
And marvel at the talent
Both a colleague and...
Nominations "Hidden reserves of the team"- the core of the team, support.
Medal "In step with the times"
For a responsible attitude to the work schedule:
despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms, the fall of the dollar and the rise in prices for gold and oil, it will appear in the right place and at the right time.
Friends! We wish you to continue
Burn with work, friendship,
Develop your talents
Earn rewards with hard work!

To be honest, at first I wanted to write comic nominations for men from the word “defender”.

Since the holiday is called Defender of the Fatherland Day, then let the nominations be like this:

the main defender of the ladies, the first defender of colleagues from the authorities, the patron of those who are late from dinner, the defenders of the labor code and the rights of smokers.

But that's all I got. I remembered everyone and realized that I won’t invent any more defenders, and I know why. Therefore, I wrote the nominations in my favorite style - by name.

In this case - by the names of several works by A. Ostrovsky, A. Dumas, B. Okudzhava, films by E. Ryazanov and some others.

Here's what happened:

Comic nominations for men and guys.

There are 24 titles here, some of them double or group. So for your corporate party or school holiday should be enough.

I mostly write for men at work, but some of it will work for boys at school as well. Some I have already adapted, others redo yourself in the same way.

Appointment with Bonaparte

An employee, or the head of a department, or a student whom you rarely see. He is either often absent, or it is not possible to get through to him. Therefore, rare meetings with him are equated with a date with the emperor.

Zastava Ilyich

A colleague with such a patronymic. Then his place of work will be just an outpost. Just in case, I will explain for the younger generation - initially we are talking about Lenin, but there is no need to talk about it out loud.

The man in my head

A comic nomination for a man who distracts women's thoughts. And these thoughts are not necessarily of a romantic nature - maybe he borrowed money from them or shoved his work on them. This must be stated at the announcement of the nomination.

Be healthy, dear!

Basically, anyone. But the winner will be a man with a cold)))


For real men - for reliability, equanimity and the ability to cope with classic male work without tantrums.

Orphan Kazan

Exclusively in a figurative sense!!! In order not to inadvertently injure the soul, check the biography. Dimochka Petrov is nominated for his amazing talent for authentically pretending to be an orphan, and it is easy to beg tea, coffee, sugar, cigarettes, and payday money from colleagues. At school, the same thing, but with classmates: call from their phone, write off from their notebook ...

Aibolit and Barmaley

The staff doctor or staff member who is consulted for medical advice. Announce with words that he will choose and nominate Barmaley himself. See, he'll love it.

The Man Who Couldn't Cry

A man who does not succumb to fictional and exaggerated stories told to him for the mercenary purpose - to pity and beg for something.

Henry III and his court

This is exactly for a male boss who considers employees to be his courtiers.

handsome man

Let there be a nomination for a handsome man, even a young one, although initially it has a slightly different meaning. But he himself will guess, if not stupid.

Good sir

A man or youth acting arrogantly, inappropriately majestic, or emphatically magnanimous.

Often this is the ideal nomination for the boss))).

Festive sleep before dinner

A semi-joking nomination for those who like to sleep and, as a result, be late for the start of work or study.

Say a word about the poor hussar

In this nomination, Vasya Ivanov (for example) wins, about whom you need to say a word to the management from time to time so that he is not fired (not expelled, not expelled).

Old robbers

A comic nomination for two or more men of any age at once, even the youngest, if they can be called robbers in a good way for at least one successful positive adventure known to you. Name which one.

At work, it might just be a risky project.

At school - not vicious, not offensive hooliganism.

I am a frivolous Georgian

My favorite nomination in today's article! Bulat Okudzhava said this about himself in a documentary film-interview, which was filmed for his 70th birthday by Eldar Ryazanov. Therefore, you can nominate a man for her if he fits at least one criterion:

  • Georgian by nationality
  • Outwardly similar to Okudzhava (look at his young photos with hair)
  • Writes poetry and sets it to music
  • Plays bard songs on the guitar
  • A big fan of Bulat Shalvovich's work.

Tell the nominee that this is a nomination-compliment, since it sounds from the lips of the poet himself, and it is awarded for something with the hope that our chosen one will justify it for more than one year.

Poor Avrosimov

Substitute the correct surname and explain why he is poor. Most likely he did something.

Nemukhin musicians

If you have amateur musicians, then this is for them. You can substitute the name of your city or your company.

Zarechensky suitors

About the same, only for unmarried men.

The Adventures of Leopold the Cat

You beat the rest of the nominations in the same way:

Gentlemen of Fortune


The Adventures of Shipov, or Ancient Vaudeville

Morning of a young man

Every day is not Sunday

* * *

If your men are teachers or doctors, choose from ready-made ones - I have already written and funny ones.

Thus, comic nominations for men will be supplemented, and the holiday on February 23 will not be boring.

Wishing you well-aimed nominations for our defenders,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Need help with nominations - contact through.

Any corporate event is always a great occasion to gather in one place with your entire work team. And, of course, in order for the evening to be a success, it is best to come up with fun contests with incentive prizes and comic nominations. As a rule, the names of the nomination are directly related to the theme of the event, for example, from February 23. About what names of nominations to come up with for men, we will tell in this article.

What do the names of the nominations depend on?

As we have already said, the names of the comic nominations directly depend on the theme of the party. Also, the names of awards can be influenced by the gender of the nominees nominated for the award. In our case, we agreed that all titles would be for men. So, what kind of comic nominations can you come up with for a corporate party?

"Most Late Worker of the Year"

This nomination, as the name implies, should go to the employee who is constantly late for work. As a rule, such people constantly come up with new excuses for their lack of punctuality. However, in order not to offend the nominee, you can present such an award using the following verses:

The alarm clock will ring in the morning

Get up, get up! It is time!

But he just can't get up

He wants to sleep so much.

He's not in a hurry to get to work.

He luxuriates and sleeps for a long time.

As soon as he sees that he overslept,

Runs to a taxi, but again late.

Well, who doesn't?

He deserves his award!

Such comic nominations in verse will help to raise the mood and tell the employee in a playful way that he is doing something wrong. As a reward for the nominee, in addition to the diploma, you can make a beautiful medal with the image of a sleeping person. You can also give him a big alarm clock.

"Sickest Worker of the Year"

In such a nomination, an employee of the organization who is regularly ill and is on sick leave for any reason can win. In this case, we are not talking about those employees who have chronic diseases or real health problems, which certainly should not be laughed at. Nominees for this award are often referred to as "supposedly ill" or as "suffering from cunning inflammation".

Wakes up in the morning, that's the trouble.

He got a headache!

Now the stomach, then the back hurts,

Now a sore throat, then the flu, then colitis.

He won't go to work

One hundred reasons will be called.

He calls to work

He coughs and wheezes into the phone.

And so every day he suffers,

For this he receives an award.

As a reward in this nomination for employees - comic prizes in the form of a large first-aid kit with a red cross.

"The most thrifty employee of the company"

In this nomination, you can nominate, for example, a chief accountant. Such a person, as a rule, decides many financial issues of the organization. He always knows where and in what amount certain funds are spent, and also has information related to saving money. The nominee can be awarded with a large medal depicting a chest with gold coins or with a hand holding a fan of green banknotes in its fingers. You can also give him a calculator or old wooden abacus (the second option is preferable - in order to save money).

Such comic nominations will distinguish your employee from the team and will be an additional motivation for everyone else.

"The most important ladies' protector"

This nomination is ideal for men who like to be in the center of the women's team. They, as a rule, are not deprived of the attention of the fair sex, they always know how and what to say to any lady. Such a colleague can be awarded a medal with the image of an inflated athlete or sports attributes, for example, sports dumbbells.

"Tea Ceremony Master"

It is interesting to include such interesting titles as “Master of the Tea Ceremony” in the comic award nominations. A candidate in this nomination can be the employee who was often seen with a cup of tea. At the same time, he could be seen with this drink not only at lunchtime, but also during working hours. Such people, as a rule, simply "play for time." During tea drinking and after it, they can go for a smoke break and accompany the use of this drink with conversations with colleagues, etc.

On the same topic, you can come up with similar nominations, for example, in the heading: “for the record cups of coffee drunk during the working day”, “for the record frequency of visiting the smoking room”, and so on. In a word, come up with nominations for employees that are comical and at the same time emphasize individual characteristics each of the nominated employees.


An excellent nomination in which people who like to talk a lot can be involved. They usually talk whether they are on their lunch break or doing some activity during work hours. As a prize, such employees can be presented with a mouthpiece or a poster in the style of "silence is golden."

"Chief psychotherapist of the company"

The choice of candidates suitable for this name of the award must be approached very carefully. Comic nominations should cheer up, not upset. Therefore, it is better not to make the candidate of the person who is tight with humor.

For example, if your boss does not have any prejudices, you can reward him with this award. At the same time, the awarding of the prize can be accompanied by a certain text in the style: “Our director will always find his own approach to everyone: he will “return” the smarts to the ground, enlighten the dull ones, set the true heads of departments on the path, etc.”. As a reward, he can be presented with a statuette reminiscent of the Oscar.

"King of Social Media"

Such nominations for a corporate party are comic, so the name of the nomination should be carefully thought out. "Speaking" names that do not need explanation are welcome. Thus, the nomination "King of social networks" may be a subtle allusion to some employees who only imitate hectic labor activity, and they themselves only "sit" in VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

"The most important fashion critic"

Some comic nominations for men need clarification. For example, "The Most Important Fashion Critic" is awarded to those male representatives who closely monitor what clothes the secretary and other work colleagues wear. At the same time, in reality, they may not be at all in the fashion trend, but they will happily discuss the length of the skirt, the depth of the neckline and the width of the cut.

"Best Connoisseur of Privacy"

There is such a person in any company. As a rule, he is always aware of the personal lives of all employees. He knows who and with whom he lives, with whom he meets, with whom he quarrels, from whom and for what reason his wife left, who is cheating on her husband, and so on. If you want to single out this particular employee from the crowd, make comic nominations for rewarding employees in such a way that you don’t offend him, and everyone present at the corporate party can guess who they are talking about.

"Biggest Partisan of the Month"

In a large team there are also people from whom, as they say, every word needs to be pulled out with ticks. They are usually laconic, but in most cases - hardworking. Almost all representatives of the "silent" behave like hermits. They almost do not communicate with anyone and prefer loneliness to a noisy company.

Comic nominations for rewarding employees: "Genius of the Year"

In this category, all employees who have distinguished themselves in some way in the workplace can take part. For example, to reward the middle manager who solved the problem for the 5th grade child of the chief engineer; for a quick and efficient search for a solution when working with a printer that jammed paper, and so on.

"IT Maniac of the Month"

All employees who cannot imagine their life without computers and other information technologies can take part in this nomination. They are usually said to be "gadget addicts".

Recall that all nominations for the corporate party are comic. Do not confuse jokes with sarcasm or black humor. Remember that your nominees should not be offended or become the object of ridicule and caustic remarks. Therefore, treat the selection of names for the nominations very scrupulously.

Use tools such as medals and diplomas with comic content. In addition, all participants and prize-winners can be called to the stage, making funny photos with them. Additionally, comic nominations for men can be accompanied by some funny accessories, such as glasses with a nose and mustache, unusual headwear, colored wigs, and so on.

Person of the Year: nominations for congratulations


The title is solemnly awarded to:


For a smile - simply amazing, for amazing gaiety, for the positive that energizes everyone, for the delightful and most ringing laughter.


For amazing charm and amazing charisma, for the ability to be a great leader, the ability to rally the team and lead him into the fire, even into the water.

3. THE MOST eloquent

For the ability to be a brilliant and sophisticated interlocutor, for showiness, originality and inimitability.


For a wonderful sense of humor, for amazing jokes and delicious witticisms, for the ability to effortlessly raise the mood of everyone around.


For the ability to surprise the team, for unexpected decisions and versatile abilities, for progressiveness, efficiency, and effectiveness.

For stunningness of a wide radius of destruction: tattooing, fashion make-up, readiness to amaze others with a rich collection of fashionable clothes.


For the ability to find a way out of the most hopeless situation, inexhaustible optimism and cheerfulness, impeccable devotion and reliability.


For sensitivity, kindness and breadth of soul, knowledge of everything about everything, care and support.


For the readiness to always come to the rescue and give the right advice, for professionalism and golden hands.


For maintaining a healthy lifestyle (does not drink or smoke ... almost), regular visits to the gym, compliance with high quality standards according to the ISO system.


And he is talented, and smart, brilliant, gifted, fair, a little strict, but he will solve everything right on time. Winner and hero, our boss is the golden one!


For brilliant successes and phenomenal achievements, for the desire to be the first and the ability to leave rivals with a nose.


For the ability to enjoy heavenly life and the fulfillment of all your desires at the snap of your fingers.


For the ability to find the right answer even to the most difficult question, for loving your job and turning it into art.


Ready to help everyone! Charged with positivity! With him, we are not afraid to go even to reconnaissance, even for beer!


Because you are an impeccable man: you are the embodiment of dignity and strength. Because you are a super flash among the stars, being the best is your thing. For the fact that you are all a superstar in one bottle, you are the brightest in the Hollywood sky.


You press the pedals and fly like a bird in the distance. Ace in parking lots and drifts, school of life on wheels.


For the ability to do the impossible, such as: move mountains, get a star, shove the unimaginable. For kindness, simplicity in communication and modesty.


For the presence of mind always and everywhere, for the ability to get away with it, for having extensive connections and damn charm to maintain and develop them

For a kind heart, easy disposition, amazing charm, captivating at first sight. For a mischievous twinkle in the eyes that can brighten up a cloudy day.

Luxurious, stunning, captivating. Gorgeous and amazingly beautiful!!! Accept the treasured medal soon as a sign of admiration from the assembled guests!

You sing the loudest karaoke - and your voice is heard by everyone around. You are the loudest toast, the loudest you spend your leisure time. You like to shout and laugh, make some noise and surprise with a joke, and there is nothing to even try with you in fiery eloquence! In recognition of all your talents, let me award you a diploma. Be always the same loud, bright, continue to amuse your colleagues!


You are a model of beautiful, polished manners, a worthy example in everything to follow. Exquisitely you greet, exquisitely say goodbye, you treat cutlery like a guru. You will find your own approach to everyone, you smile clearly at everyone, even in the palace, even in the Kremlin - you will not be confused anywhere. Allow me, with all the necessary ceremonies, to honor you with the most beautiful diploma.


You, beauty, are friendly with the camera and love to be photographed. Pose, turn, sly look - you will be cooler than every top model! Ah, what a profile and full face! From any angle - just class! You are amazingly photogenic and amazing in every picture! To the little star that is loved by the camera, we present the diploma in admiration. Be always as beautiful and always in a great mood!


For the activity that you show in everything, for the ideas - you captivate everyone with them! And for the fact that you are leading us, it is interesting for all your friends to always be with you! We congratulate you with this title and wish you wonderful days!


Solemnly awarded with a well-deserved title ... For organizational talent and unsurpassed leadership skills, for professionalism and perseverance in achieving goals, for willingness to move forward and only forward, for sincere concern for the success of the team.


For sincere love for your work, for responsibility and organization and a businesslike approach to work, for the desire to always achieve your goals and objectives.


You are always collected and smartly dressed - isn't this the secret of your victories? A shirt under a suit, a matching tie - you are just a champion in the dress code! For elegant style in every detail, you are worthy of a well-deserved medal.

29. MISS HIGH stilettos

You excite the team with a beautiful gait - charming, captivating, graceful and light! For the beauty of the legs and the elegance of the hairpins, we heartily handed you a medal of honor.

30. Mrs. Whisperer

All evening you whispered loudly and smiled softly. They were engaged in chatter, they had fun with conversation! "Shushukanya" - the team decided so worthy of this special medal. Just make sure that loud chuckles and whispers do not interfere with your work.


With inspiration, perseverance and diligence, you strive for new knowledge with pleasure! You want everything in the world to teach the team to be proud of you.


Your legs are just a miracle: both beautiful and slender! This is joy, this is pride, the heritage of the country! Long, chic and beautiful - how not to love these legs! Let me congratulate you on them and hand over a letter in your hands.


For a chic, strong biceps, for an excellent, powerful triceps, for a relief, clear press - just a miracle of miracles! For a beautiful figure, for your muscles, we hand you a diploma, we reward you with admiration.


Thunderstorm of women's hearts, the perfect man! We award you the title of idol! You know how to take care beautifully and conquer the ladies with a playful smile! You are a model of excellent manners, a worthy example for all men.


For the best mustache in the world of unprecedented, wondrous, wonderful beauty! You have a reason to be proud of your mustache: a mustache is the pride and glory of a man!


You are fast and bright, courageous and brave, you rush forward at super speed. Only victories await you ahead - know that success will definitely come to you!


For loyalty to the lady of the heart and deeds in her name, love and kindness to those who need his protection, knightly prowess and loyalty to the code of knightly honor, beliefs and the word of a knight.


Attention! A socialite, she has more gold on her than in the state reserve!

Comic letters are presented for a birthday, wedding, retirement or other special occasions. Medals and diplomas encourage employees, bosses, relatives, friends and acquaintances. The wording for the award depends on the occasion for which the document is awarded. It is advisable to use ready-made samples of filling out thanks, which are presented for any solemn event.

Samples of letters

Examples of diplomas can be downloaded for free on the Internet or bought in specialized stores. Electronic versions are printed and signed. There are letters where congratulatory words are filled in on their own, or those where the text is already present and it is enough to write the name of the recipient. The advantage of the former is in an individual approach, in which you can choose any text - comic, funny, official.

For a birthday

The birthday boy is awarded a certificate with an interesting congratulation. For example: “Beloved dad and grandfather are awarded!” or “Happy birthday to the best mom in the world!”


A comic diploma for a round date will be remembered by the hero of the day or the hero of the day. It is usually awarded for 50 years, 60 years, 70 years. A congratulator can download a letter with warm words from Putin, Zhirinovsky or another famous politician, singer, actor. Originally signed certificates will appeal to birthday parties and guests.

For a wedding

The wedding certificate is given to the bride and groom. Comic letters are given to a witness and a witness, matchmakers, father-in-law with mother-in-law and father-in-law with mother-in-law. You can honor with a diploma for the active participation of cheerful guests.

Congratulations on a red diploma

There are certificates on the network in which students are jokingly congratulated on graduation. If desired, they give highly specialized certificates: a cunning lawyer, an ideal programmer. Options are suitable: “Diploma of a recognized genius”, “Certificate of a Bright Head”.


When signing a diploma for lovely ladies, do not skimp on compliments. The text says that the woman is beautiful, charming, gentle, sweet, smart, kind, with a good sense of humor.


A real man receives a letter of thanks in the nominations: "Golden Hands", "Steel Muscles", "Sex Symbol". The nomination depends on the character and hobbies of the man who is awarded a diploma.


Usually, the presentation of a letter falls on the shoulders of the children or the spouse. You can reward a woman for the fact that she is just going to become a mother. In this case, comic diplomas are selected for expectant mothers who are suffering from pregnancy difficulties.




The certificate to newly-made parents is presented in a comic form. Diplomas are given at the time of discharge from the hospital or after it. Diplomas for long-term and conscientious work in raising children are awarded when the child has already graduated from school.

For children

The nominations for diplomas for kids are "Achievements in Sports", "Outstanding Academic Achievement", "Exemplary Behavior". Funny nominations - "Miss sweet tooth", "Miss laughter", "Mr. imagination".

For girl

For boy





The joke is made out in the form of a diploma or a postcard. The best girlfriend will be delighted with the original design of the diploma. For example, a diploma is jokingly signed and a photo joint with a girlfriend is glued to it.

To the best friend


For first place

The award sheet for 1st place or 2nd and 3rd places is given at the holidays as a prize for participating in competitions.


The boss is given a comic letter or a funny order from a team of workers. The text talks about what positive qualities a leader has: wisdom, determination, justice.



employee for work

To a conscientious employee

In a comic letter, the best employee should be thanked for a good job. Managers can sum up the year in brief, ask employees to maintain a positive momentum and continue to improve in the professional field.




If you are going to give out comic diplomas, parents can buy a little more forms. Then sign blank certificates for the most delicious meals, kind attitude towards children, games and walks in the fresh air and hand them over to the kindergarten staff.



to the cook


For sports achievements

Rewards with funny titles

Medals for comic nominations

Diploma Templates

Layouts of comic letters should be fun to sign. If the network does not have a diploma with the desired nomination, then they download empty certificates, then sign them at their discretion.

For example: “To the best checkers player!”, “Diploma for participation in the most incendiary dances!”, “Juicy berry at its 45 years old!”.

How to sign an acknowledgment

The text is the main part of the commendable diploma. The finished template is found on the Internet or the words are composed independently. An important part of a successful congratulation is a gift and receiving a diploma by the hero of the occasion. It is worth taking care of the solemn atmosphere, presenting a diploma to the birthday man, reading the text in front of the guests, adding a few sincere words from yourself.

Letterhead text

The text for diplomas is the main part of the diploma. Comic congratulations should be kind and cheerful in order to bring a smile to the hero of the occasion. Those who want to write a congratulation on their own take into account the strengths of the birthday man or birthday girl, jokingly describe them.

Example 1

Dear friend Alla! I present you with a diploma for the ability to support with advice in a difficult and joyful period of life. You can chat on the phone the longest, rock the clubs with me at night and find the most fun adventures. Thank you for your friendship!

Example 2

Dear colleague Irina Mikhailovna! We have worked together for many years. Today is your holiday! You are retiring, but 55 is a misleading date. Sparkling eyes and a charming smile betray your true age. Irina Mikhailovna, our security officers have learned a secret: You are only 20 years old. Stay always cheerful, perky and friendly!

Example 3

Best friend Vlad! I'm glad we're friends. You always do what is right and fair! It is interesting to play with you and watch cartoons, overeat cakes and sit at the same desk. You will always prompt, and if necessary, you will solve the control work for me. Let this diploma remind you that you are my best friend.

Inscriptions in verse

Owners of poetic talent can easily congratulate the hero of the occasion on their wedding anniversary, anniversary, even with the defense of a diploma in the form of a cheerful poem.

If congratulatory lines do not work out in any way, but you want to write a verse yourself, then you can peep rhymes on the Internet: a fisherman is an eccentric, an anniversary - do not get sick, a friend - suddenly - a spouse. On the basis of rhymes, compose a short quatrain.

Gratitude is given on various occasions: on birthdays, other holidays, out of a desire to thank for work or study. You can make a commendation sheet with your own hands or download it online.

In order to make a diploma on your own, a sheet of white paper, A4 format, is taken. In the upper central part, the word is written in large letters: diploma, certificate, commendation sheet, gratitude.

The text is written below and the signature is put. If desired, the diploma is framed, in the lower or upper part you can draw a picture or paste a photo. When designing, make sure that the sizes of text and pictures are proportional to the sheet of paper.

Ready-made layouts of thanks are found on the Internet. You can download for free, send the required number of copies for printing. Special programs-constructors allow you to add new elements to the layout of the commendation sheet. Original gratitude is performed in the form of a certificate, a Soviet leaflet, an old letter or scroll.

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