Nonna Grishaeva is sick with what disease. Nonna Grishaeva: “Most of all I am afraid of war


Actress, singer, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia, artistic director of MOGTYUZ, winner of the prestigious Theatrical Star Award for the main role in the play About My Mother and About Me and this year's nominee for the play Five Evenings, beloved by everyone beauty Nonna from "Election Day", the mother of "Daddy's Daughters" isAllshe, brilliant and very positive Nonna Grishaeva! In an exclusive interview with "Light it up!" the actress told

“Parents resigned themselves to the fact that such a “geek” in the family”

Nonna, as an artistic director, you have been heading the Moscow Regional Theater for Young Spectators for several years ... Yese those tips to your youthful act e rams and actresses?

Theater is a big responsibility. And since I am a person in general, in principle, hyper-responsible, it is very difficult for me. I'm really veryea tough leader, but at the same time quick-witted. During this time, we fell in love with each other so much that we became absolute seveneth. The first performance that we had was “Lady Perfection”, I play Mary Poppins there. directorerum was my favorite teacher Mikhail Borisovich Borisov. Many thanks to Maxim Isaakovich Dunaevsky for simply giving us the rights to use his songs! It was truly a magical performance! Children work in our theater, but there are very few of them. I give advice, of course, because I myself have been on stage since childhood and I know a lot. And from childhood I remember how it should be. By the way, once at this performance there was a funny story. We are, by status, a theater near Moscow, a regional one - that's why we tour a lot. And now we are playing “Lady Perfection” somewhere in the suburbs, in the final we bow,em encore "33 cows", children run up to the stage, hold out flowers, ask for autographs - and out of the corner of my eye I see a boy who stretches his hand with a piece of paper towards me and shouts something very expressively. And we have a scene at the beginning of the performance where the children tell their parents how they made gunpowder and blew up the chimney of the fireplace. So, when the music ended, I realized that he needed more than an autograph. He holds out a pen and a piece of paper to me and shouts: “Gunpowder recipe! Gunpowder recipe write! We had a lot of laughs with the artists!

As a child, did you dream of becoming an actress?

I did not dream - I always knew that I would be an actress, this is without options at all! And the parents somehow immediately reconciled that such a geek in the family - well, what can you do ... (smiles). When I was about to go to enter, my mother said: “Where are you going? Who needs you there? We have neither money, nor Bondarchuk's dad, who is waiting for you thereeT?" And I answered: “Mom, I know!” I went to every theater university, but I have a very strong intuition for life, and when I entered the Shchukin Higher Theater School, which is located in Arbat Lane, I told my mother: “I will study here!” She replied: “Yeah, right now!” But it turned out that I felt right, and 17 years of my life were spent on this magical Arbat street, because after graduating from college I went to work at the Vakhtangov Theater.

“I think: I wonder if I will live to see the final or not?”

Many artists are quite superstitious and are afraid to play heroes with a tragic fate. You have such roles. Are you not afraid that something will pass from the heroes to your life?

Not afraid. I do not refuse such roles as in the film "Invented Life" - this is my favorite role! There's an amazing acteRussian range - from an actress, a star, beloved by everyone, to a degraded, drunken alcoholic, dying of cirrhosis of the liver. This life, this path is very interesting to pass, to live. I'm still waitingesuch roles, really looking forward to! I'm not afraid to die on stage, in the musical "Zorro" I died every day and the gypsies carried me out. The same Judy in the performance of the same name is a heroine with a difficult fate. Her monologues reveal the essence of the problems of acting and our relationship with journalists and viewers. There is a lot of terrible, horrifying truth about this in the production. It's incredibly interesting for me to play such a role. Although, before the start of each performance, I think: I wonder if I will live to see the final or not? Because this story is very hard for meebarking, physically and emotionally...

You have worked with a huge number of directors in theater and cinema. Which one is truly yours?

My director, unfortunately, passed away. An absolute gift in my life was that thanks to the Vakhtangov Theater I managed to work with Pyotr Naumovich Fomenko. And although we are talking only about entering roles in the performances of The Queen of Spades and Guilty Without Guilt, it was still happiness. I came to Pyotr Naumovich at the theater, we sat one on one with him in his office, and what he said, how he introduced me - it was an absolute shock! In general, happiness is to work in the theater, where different directors can come. I made my debut in the production of "I don't know you anymore, honey" by Roman Viktyuk. We must pay tribute to Roman Grigoryevich, who was not afraid to take risks. Two weeks before the premiere, the artist broke her leg, and they told him: “There came a young one, she is dancing.” And Viktyuk immediately remade the role for me dancing, comes up with such a sexy dance with Grisha Siyatvinda on a chair - this way and that! And at the end, he separately began to line up bows. I dared to ask a question: “Roman Grigoryevich, why are you building bows as a separate performance, a separate story?” He told me: “Baby, you gave them energy for three hours - take it back!” That is, on bowseHere is the exchange of energy. I remember this for the rest of my life.

“I burst into tears, she burst into tears - the book was not written in vain”

Which roles are closer to you - humorous or tragic? Do you play pranks on your friends in real life?

We have enough jokes, laughter, games on stage. Outside the theater, we are completely different. And I never play anyone, it's stupid and no one needs it. We get so tired while working that in life we ​​try to “breathe” somehow. And as for the roles ... As my friend and partner once very accurately saider Sasha Oleshko, the viewer often comes to look at the "remote" character, whom he is used to seeing on television: "Come on, show what you can do on stage!" Therefore, Judy, Gelya in Warsaw Melody, Tamara in Five Evenings - this is my very attempt to break the stereotype, to overcome the television cliché. And for me, the most valuable and beautiful thing is when people say and write after the performance: “We could not even imagine what a dramatic actress you are!”

A few years ago your book came out "Advice for Daughters" Who inspired its creation?

My daughter Nastya, who at that time was 14 years old, is a transitional age. So, when the publisher approached me with this idea, I thought: really, I have something to say, and someone might need it. Now my daughter graduated from the department of graphics and illustration in Cambridge, and then, 6 years ago, it was the first book she illustrated, her drawings decorated the flyleaf (a sheet connecting the book block with the bindingecover. - Auth.). Once there was such a moment: Sasha Oleshko and I played our benefit performance, I don’t remember in which city, and after that we always have an autograph session. We were sitting signing postcards when a girl came up with this book and said: “Nonna, thank you very much! I don’t have a mother, and you helped me a lot ... ”I burst into tears, she burst into tears, and then I realized that the book was not written in vain. There really is a lot of necessary advice and topics are raised that mothers often do not dare to talk with their daughters, but they should.

You also have a son, Ilyusha. How big is the difference in raising a daughter and a son? And has there been a desire to write "Counsel to Sons" now?

The difference is cosmic, these are two absolutely opposite planets. And advice to sons should be written by fathers, because they themselves were those boys. Therefore, do not wait, there will be no book "Advice to Sons", I have no right to take on it.

How are you All do you have time, what is your engine?

I don't really know what my engine is. Probably some kind of thirst for work, I am an absolute workaholic. I don’t know where it comes from in me, but it has always been there, since childhood. Where do I get my strength from - probably, in those moments when I leave for the sea. Breathe in this air, soak up the sea - and work again!

In the photo: Nonna Grishaeva with her husband

“I realized that I was falling up, I was falling, I was rushing”

I heard that one of your relatives even sang in the Milanese La Scala opera ... Is that true?

I am infinitely grateful to Channel One for the fact that they once investigated my family tree, andem unearthed eeuntil the 5th century AD! I had Greek archons in my family, can you imagine? My great-great-grandfather lived in Kazan, was a teacher at an Orthodox theological seminary, the first translator of the Koran, but at the same time remained Orthodox. And great-grandmother and great-grandfather were just opera singers and toured the world, including La Scala. SoAllIt's probably not just me. There are roots, and they make themselves felt.

Nonna, with such demand and workload, how do you find time and energy for your husband and children?

I turn down a huge number of invitations - just to be near my family.eth. I practically don’t go to any TV projects, conversational programs, but they call ten times every day. PricheI say “no” without much regret, because for me it is much more happy to be at home with loved ones. We like to relax all together, the most expensive places are, of course, Odessa, then Montenegro (especially the Bay of Kotor) and Mexico, which we discovered recently. Absolutely fantastic country, this is some kind of space! All these gardens, parks, lakesera, unthinkable forests, jungles, cenotes… Simply fantastic!

You have a song with an interesting title "I'm Falling Up". Is it possible?

Of course, it's possibleeHow! Checked on myself! This expression was born at the moment when three projects simultaneously fired in my life - "Big Difference", "Daddy's Daughters" and "Two Stars". And whenAllit happened, I realized that I was falling up, I was falling, I was rushing. And so the song and its title were born.

Nonna Grishaeva is grateful to God for having the gift to make people laugh. According to the actress, many colleagues suffer from the fact that they get exceptionally serious roles and therefore are perceived as sharp performers.

Actress Nonna Grishaeva

Grishaeva prefers to transform into heroes who personally evoke sympathy for her.

“Otherwise I can’t, I’m not an evil person. I parody everyone with love. Maybe that's why people like it that way."

But the artist has repeatedly proved that she is able to play women with a difficult fate, reflective, deeply worried.

Childhood and youth

Nonna Valentinovna Grishaeva was born on July 21, 1971 in Odessa in an ordinary family. The great-grandfather and great-grandmother of the future artist were famous opera singers in the prestigious La Scala. Mom is an engineer, father worked on a dry cargo ship. Little Nonna showed her creative abilities as a child and already at the age of 5 she acted in films, and at the age of 10 she appeared on the stage of the operetta theater in her native Odessa.

Nonna attended ballet school and from an early age dreamed of becoming a great actress. After graduating from high school, the girl decided to enter a theater university and went to Moscow. Upon arrival in the capital of Russia, Grishaeva passed the competitive selection to the Shchukin school the first time, but Nonna's mother was afraid to leave her daughter alone in the big city and took her back to her native Odessa. There Grishaeva entered the music school in the vocal department.

In the first year of study, the girl had a chance to visit the Russian capital again, where she went on tour with her classmates with the production of The Princess and the Pea. The student performance was a great success, and Odessa students played 53 performances on the theater stage.

Nonna Grishaeva proudly calls this work her baptism of fire. After the tour, the girl's desire to study at Pike became a global goal, and Nonna still managed to persuade her parents to let her go to Moscow.

In the summer, the future film and theater star again applied to a prestigious theater university, where Nonna was remembered from last year. Grishaeva was admitted immediately to the 3rd course at the department of V.V. Ivanov. The artist's student life took place during the difficult times of perestroika, when food on cards was a normal thing in the country. The artist recalls those hungry years with horror, when her mother fed her food packages from Odessa, which ended in just a few days.

Due to financial difficulties, the aspiring actress went to work in the then popular TV show "Oba-Na", where she received her first experience in television and achieved significant popularity, thanks to which she began to receive a lot of interesting job offers.

Films and theater

In 1994, the young artist successfully graduated from the Shchukin Higher Theater School, after which she received three job offers at once in the theater. Choosing between "Satyricon", "Lenkom" and the theater named after, Nonna Valentinovna preferred the latter option, while acting in films at the same time. Grishaeva's first paintings were "First Strike", "Countess de Monsoro" and "Place on Earth".

Nonna Grishaeva in the film "Risk without a contract"

During the first year of her theatrical career, the actress played a lot of roles in theatrical productions: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Princess Turandot, Scapen's Tricks. However, Grishaeva did not wait for the very cherished role that would bring her tremendous success.

Almost 10 years have passed until Nonna managed to win the audience's sympathy and recognition. Success was brought by the main role of Denise played in 2004 in the production of Mademoiselle Nitush, which, at first glance, seemed to be specially written for Grishaeva.

She became the winner of the theatrical award of the publication "Moskovsky Komsomolets" "For the best female tandem". A year later, she received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2014, the actress took up the post of director at the Moscow Regional Theater for Young Spectators, where she also plays roles in the musical Lady Perfection, the performances The Seagull and Five Evenings. For the sake of the stage, Grishaeva refused to participate in television projects, but continued to cooperate with the Quartet I - she played on Election Day and Radio Day. In addition, she took part in the film adaptations of these non-repertory productions, where her heroine was called Nonna.

Nonna Grishaeva in the play "Warsaw Melody"

After the triumph on the stage of the theater in the career of an artist, filming followed. In 2006, Nonna Grishaeva played key roles in the films and sitcoms “Lyuba, Children and the Plant”, “”, “Who is the Boss in the House”, “Silver Lily of the Valley”.

In the youth film "Club 69" about the adventures of the administrator of an entertainment establishment, Grishaeva appeared in the image of the hero's wife. In the comedy "Money Day", the actress became the screen husband of the actress. A husband and friends - Denis Yasin also got these roles - found $ 33 thousand, lost by a criminal authority on a spree. And from that moment on, the company started having problems.

Nonna Grishaeva in the series "Daddy's Daughters"

In 2008, Nonna joined the crew of the television series "", in which she played the main role throughout all seasons. The image of the mother of five daughters brought the actress the Woman of the Year 2009 award in the Smile of the Year nomination, Golden Eagle 2009 in the Best Actress on Television nomination, and TV Star in the Favorite Actress nomination.

In the same year, the woman began to try her hand at television. The audience remembered the popular show "Big Difference", in which Nonna Grishaeva became one of the first persons of the TV project. On the stage of "Big Difference", the artist flawlessly embodied fifty representatives of the beau monde. Her works were parodies of and, and, and. And she wanted to make a program about the actress who portrayed her so authentically.

Nonna Grishaeva in the show "Big Difference"

Not without Grishaeva's program "Ice Age", "Thank God you have come!", "Minute of Glory", "Two Stars", "One to One".

However, Nonna did not forget about the roles, far from parodies. The actress got a small role in the romantic comedy The Irony of Love with, and. The film, shot in Moscow and Kazakhstan, told about a girl who dreams of becoming a TV star. A friend offers the heroine help, but on the condition that she seduces the first man who enters the cafe. It turned out to be Chadov's hero, a sports masseur. The difficulty was that for a young man the main place in his life is occupied by his mother. A woman throws all her strength into protecting her beloved child from a young rival.

Nonna Grishaeva in the film "Serving the Soviet Union!"

In the military drama "Serving the Soviet Union!" Nonna showed remarkable dramatic talent, reincarnated as the singer Taisiya Meshcherskaya. The plot is built around the artist's relationship with an army officer in the performance. Events unfold on the eve of the war, in a camp where a serviceman who has become objectionable to the authorities and a girl who has refused to pay attention to herself end up.

Grishaeva played another actress in the series "Invented Life". In the film, Nonna took care of the heroine, introduced her to her future husband, whose role went to.

The musical tape "Dance with me" attracted Grishaeva because it was "an eternal love story of young people against whom everyone took up arms." The character of Nonna is the mother of the main character Katya, whose role was played by Anastasia Novikova. An eccentric lady, a failed artist, believes that her daughter should marry a rich producer. And the girl falls in love with a simple dancer.

Nonna Grishaeva in the film "A Man with a Guarantee"

The romantic film "A Man with a Guarantee" confirmed that social status is not important for true love. Nonna Grishaeva, in the guise of the owner of a trading network, in the final, marries the store security guard, whom he played.

The heroine Grishaeva in the melodrama "Semeska" is a careerist who has set herself the goal of getting a significant position. The understanding that there is another life besides work comes to the girl after she receives an SMS message sent by someone by mistake.

In the TV series “The Consequence of Love,” Nonna Grishaeva played a divorced mother of three children, who manages to raise her offspring and investigate crimes. He appeared in the role of an ex-husband, in the role of a boss and a new admirer -.

Alexander Mokhov, Nonna Grishaeva and Igor Lifanov in the series "Consequence of Love"

The character of Nadezhda Polyakova turned out to be close to the performer. Grishaeva admitted that she is the same crazy mom, and in life it happens to be guided by an inner voice, intuition, like an on-screen investigator.

Personal life

The personal life of Nonna Grishaeva is like a fascinating love story. 3 days after graduating from the theater school, the young artist married an actor and musician. Over time, the woman was disappointed in her beloved. In 1996, daughter Nastya was born, but this joyful event did not improve relations with her husband, and the actress filed for divorce.

Then Grishaeva's heart was won by a certain businessman, whose name Nonna does not name. The couple lived in a civil marriage, during which the man gave the artist a mansion on Nikolina Gora, a car, a boat.

Happiness prevented girlfriend Masha. Nonna, who lost faith in love and friendship in an instant, ended up in the hospital with a nervous breakdown, but in the end she forgave both. However, the lovebird never married Grishaeva's companion.

Despite unsuccessful previous relationships, Grishaeva did not lose faith and hope for great love. However, after meeting with actor Alexander Nesterov, she did not immediately understand that this was her fate.

At first, Nona's future husband became her "best friend" and mentally helped to cope with depression after a broken relationship. And after some time, Alexander Nesterov and Nonna Grishaeva got married in Prague, in 2006 they became the parents of their son Ilya.

The birth of a child did not affect the appearance of the actress. Nonna, without hiding, said that she had just worked out on a home simulator, and dancing and swimming help to keep her figure. In addition, Grishaeva refused meat, pasta and alcohol, although she considers herself a gourmet. While traveling, the couple study the local cuisine.

Nonna's husband is 12 years younger, but this does not prevent him from being a real strong support for his wife, helping her as a director to overcome various difficulties in her career. Nesterov became the ideal father for the daughter of his beloved woman from his first marriage.

In 2015, a threat loomed over the happy marriage of Nonna and Alexander - the media actively discussed Grishaeva's love affair with, with whom the actress played the main roles in the production of Warsaw Melody. According to employees and acquaintances of the actors, they were close not only on stage, but also behind the scenes.

Dmitry and Nonna appeared together at events, in restaurants, went on vacation abroad. The actors categorically refused to comment on the rumors, arguing that there could be no question of any romance between them, because Nonna is married, and Dmitry Isaev is also married to the ballerina Olga Rozhok.

The betrayal of her husband was forgiven, the couple continued to live together. Alexander loves his wife, he understood and forgave everything. According to the colleagues of the actress, Nesterov insisted that Nonna and Dmitry did not intersect either on the set or in theatrical projects. And as if Grishaeva accepted this condition. However, a number of media outlets reported that the former lovers continued to play in entreprises after a while.

The actress believes that children are the main thing in the life of every woman. On this occasion, Nonna showed talent in a new role and presented the book "Advice to Daughters", the circulation of which amounted to about 25 thousand copies. Nonna Grishaeva's book went through two reprints and is still in great demand among readers.

Nonna Grishaeva at the presentation of the book "Advice to Daughters"

Throughout her acting career, the artist did not miss the opportunity to perform as a singer. She recorded several of her own songs, in particular "Tango", "Summer", "Night Again", "Comme toi", "Platinum Paradise". In 2012, Nonna Grishaeva released her first solo album.


  • 1995 - Moscow Holidays
  • 2006 - "Money Day"
  • 2007 - Election Day
  • 2007-2011 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2008 - Radio Day
  • 2010 - "Irony of Love"
  • 2012 - "Man with a guarantee"
  • 2012 - "Personal life of investigator Savelyev"
  • 2014 - "Boatswain Chaika"
  • 2015 - "I'll Get Married Urgently"
  • 2015 - "Invented Life"
  • 2016 - "Dance with me"
  • 2017 - Consequence of Love
  • 2017 - "Mole in the Web"
  • 2018 - "From the bottom of the peak"

Two and a half years have passed since Nonna Grishaeva headed the Regional Youth Theater - a rather rare phenomenon among women. The actress herself takes her position calmly. “It seems to me that there is nothing exotic in this: women are generally more resilient in life than men, and not only morally, but also physically, so we will still fight here,” Grishaeva said.


According to Nonna, she has a complete feeling that she comes to the theater like home. “The artists have become very friendly. We make skits, arrange gatherings and at these moments we feel that we are one big family. Recently we played another “theatrical” wedding. This is already the seventh cell of society in our theater,” the artist boasted.

Grishaeva noted that the atmosphere in the theater pleases her. "Most of all I hate intrigues - this is the worst thing in the acting profession, so I stop any encroachments in the bud - this will not happen in our theater!" – categorically declared Nonna.

Despite the fact that, it would seem, the Regional Youth Theater has a rather limited repertoire, Grishaeva does everything in her power to diversify it. "A year we must release from three to five productions, depending on funding. And here it is important to distribute it so that performances for kids, teenagers, and adults appear in the repertoire. But I want everyone, regardless of age the viewer learned something good. There are so many problems in our life, so much grief that sometimes there is not enough ordinary spiritual light. We want to bring goodness, this is the task of our theater, "quotes Nonna Grishaeva

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