The new model library is equipped with special furniture. Model Rural Libraries


The model library is an exemplary library located in a well-maintained building, with a well-stocked, diversified fund, equipped with modern computer equipment, using the latest information technologies in its work.

In 2002, the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Interregional Association of Business Libraries at the expense of the Regional Public Organization "Open Russia", as well as regional and local authorities and sponsors, began to implement the project "Creation of model public libraries in the countryside." Since 2006, the project has been included in the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia".

Since 2009, with the support of the FTP "Culture of Russia (2006-2011)", the National Library of the Udmurt Republic has been implementing the project "Creation of Model Libraries in the Udmurt Republic". Within the framework of the project in 2009, 2 rural libraries received the status of model libraries. The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation provided computer equipment and office equipment for each of the libraries in the amount of 140 thousand rubles, paid for the training of library staff in working with information technologies, and completed the funds with new printed and electronic publications in the amount of 250 thousand rubles. Repair of library premises and ensuring fire and security safety was carried out at the expense of municipal budgets.

In 2011, with the support of the republican target program "Culture of Udmurtia (2010-2014)" within the framework of the project "Creation of Model Rural Libraries in the Udmurt Republic", 1 model library was opened on the basis of rural libraries. The library received computer equipment worth 75,000 rubles. and replenished the fund with printed and electronic publications for 225 thousand rubles.

In 2012, 2 more model libraries were opened. Each received computer equipment and office equipment worth 75,000 rubles. and replenished the fund with printed and electronic publications for 100 thousand rubles.

In 2013, 2 model libraries were opened - in Kiyasovsky and Yarsky districts. Each library received 175,000 rubles from RCP funds, including 61,000 rubles. to equip the library with office equipment and 114 thousand rubles. to replenish the fund with printed and electronic publications.


What does a rural librarian need to know and be able to do for this?


In 2005, the modernization of rural libraries in the Pskov region began.

The Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library, together with the Interregional Association of Business Libraries (Moscow), carried out the project “Creation of computer libraries in rural areas and organization of virtual reference and information services for the population on their basis” in two districts of the region: Velikoluksky and Pechorsky.

When determining the libraries of participants, the following was taken into account: the presence of creative workers in the library staff, a strong professional community, sustainable traditions of supporting libraries by local governments, premises and library equipment that meet the standards, and a developed infrastructure of the village.

The main goal of the project: modernization of rural libraries, elimination of the information gap between the city and the countryside.

In 2005, two central regional libraries and six rural libraries, Bulyninskaya, Peresleginskaya, Porechenskaya, Velikoluksky District and Izborskaya, Kirshinskaya, Kruppskaya, Pechora District, received modern computer and office equipment and furniture: (two computers each, printers, scanners, modems, copiers). The libraries provide Internet access, e-mail is connected. Each of these libraries received 126 titles of encyclopedic books, textbooks and teaching aids, as well as 323 electronic licensed publications on CDs, the volume of information on which significantly exceeds the book fund of not only rural, but also urban libraries. The Velikoluksky Central District Library has developed a program of computer libraries "Computer Ladder" aimed at all residents of the district. Book exhibitions have been organized - "The era of computers", "The one who has information succeeds", "Everything-everything-everything about the computer", "Studying with a computer is more interesting and exciting." Thematic folders "Computer glossary", "Useful links on the Internet", "Computer alphabet", "Computer for everyone" were created.

In 2006, the NF "Pushkin Library" supported the Pushkinogorsk Central Regional Library, a model reading room was created.

In 2007, the NF "Pushkin Library" supported the Polyanskaya Model Rural Library of the Pushkinogorsk District (equipment, books and DVDs were supplied in the amount of more than 300 thousand rubles).

In 2008, 2 model libraries were opened in the Pskov region - Solovyovskaya and Piskovichskaya. On December 10, 2008, a model library was opened in the village of Solovyi, Pskov region. This rural library was chosen as the basis for creating a model library for a reason. The library is the leader among the libraries of the Pskov region, an active participant and winner of regional and regional competitions, the initiator of holding regional, regional and all-Russian events on its base. The opening of the model library is the first stage of a great work on the creation of a multifunctional cultural institution. Partial cosmetic repairs were carried out in the library with funds from the local budget, equipment and new furniture were purchased. During the year, the library fund received twice as many books as last year. Subscription to newspapers and magazines complies with the Model Standard of the Public Library of the Pskov Region. For library users, the legal bases of the STC System "Legislation of Russia", "Publication of legal information", local history databases: full-text database "Temples of the Pskov region", "Pskov region during the Great Patriotic War", bibliographic database "Volosti of the Pskov region", factographic Database "Population of the Pskov region", new scenario materials for the preparation for the New Year. Activities on the formation of a modern model library will be continued in 2009. In the first half of 2009, it is planned to connect to Internet resources and expand the park of computer equipment. Priority acquisition of the library with new programs, CDs, video cassettes, etc. will also be carried out.

On December 19, 2008, the second model library in the Pskov region was opened in the Piskovichi settlement of the Pskov region.

Over the past few months, the Piskovichi Library has been transformed: cosmetic repairs have been carried out with funds from the local budget, computer equipment, office equipment, furniture, and interior items have been purchased. The number of new books and periodicals increased by almost a third. In the first half of the year, it is planned to connect to the Internet, expand the park of computer equipment, purchase video equipment, and prioritize the acquisition of the library on all types of media.

In the Ostrovsky district, a program for the modernization of rural libraries for 2008-2012 was developed, aimed at organizing model libraries in 7 volosts. Approved by the Ostrovsky District Assembly of Deputies.

On May 29, 2009, the first model library was opened in the Gdov region, this is the Dobruchinsky rural model library.

Computer libraries have an impact on the entire local community in these areas. Other libraries of the region are beginning to strengthen and reorient themselves.

As of January 1, 2018, 140 rural libraries in the Pskov region have the status of model libraries (55%). These libraries have become trusted, public information centers. The activity of model libraries contributes to the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to information, the creation of conditions for high-quality and prompt provision of legal information to all interested individuals and legal entities, public associations and organizations. readers, strengthened ties with schools and preschool institutions. Speaking of model libraries, we can say that each of them differs in content from one another: resources, priority areas of work, design, etc. But by and large, they are engaged in one big important thing aimed at strengthening ties, traditions and innovations, providing access to information and knowledge, developing and improving librarianship. MODEL LIBRARIES From a floppy disk to a tablet.

On October 27, 2016, in the Pskov region, on the basis of the Bulyninskaya rural model library of the Velikoluksky district, a regional scientific and practical conference was held on the topic: "Rural model libraries - 10 years: the scale of change."

The conference was attended by 56 library specialists from district and rural model libraries of the region: from the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library and the Central State Library named after. M.I. Semevsky city of Velikie Luki, Velikie Luki, Kuninsky, Nevelsky, Novosokolnichesky, Ostrovsky, Opochetsky, Pechorsky and Pustoshkinsky districts, representatives of school libraries and mass media of the Velikie Luki district. Valentina Efimovna Bezrukina, director of the MBUK "Information and Cultural Center" of the Velikoluksky district, opened the scientific and practical conference with a welcoming speech and congratulated all participants on the 10th anniversary of the creation of model libraries in the Velikoluksky district. The congratulatory address came from Vera Ivanovna Pavlova, Chairman of the Pskov Library Association and General Director of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library.

Specialists of the Pskov Regional Library and the Velikoluksky District spoke at the conference:

Vlasenko Olga Alekseevna, head of the sector of statistics and monitoring of the department for coordinating the activities of libraries in the region of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library - about the history of creation and development of a network of model libraries in the Pskov region ; Lysanova Larisa Alekseevna, director of the Velikiye Luki Central Regional Model Library named after V.I. I.A. Vasiliev MBUK "Information and Cultural Center" - about the possibilities and prospects for the development of model libraries in the Velikoluksky district.

Specialists of rural model libraries of the Velikoluksky district introduced the conference participants to the practical experience of their libraries:

As of January 1, 2017, 132 rural libraries in the Pskov region have the status of model libraries (51%). In 2016, the first model libraries of the Pskov region celebrated their 10th anniversary. These libraries have become trusted, public information centers. With the advent of computer technology and new media in libraries, it became possible to diversify educational, cultural work with readers, and ties with schools and preschool institutions were strengthened. Speaking of model libraries, we can say that each of them differs in content from one another: resources, priority areas of work, design, etc. But by and large they are engaged in one big important thing aimed at strengthening ties, traditions and innovations, providing access to information and knowledge, developing and improving librarianship.

Analysis of the activities of model libraries in the Pskov region in 2015

On 01.01. 2016 in the Pskov region, there are 124 model libraries. In 2015, 14 rural libraries acquired the status of model libraries in the Pskov region.

Opened by connecting to the Internet; Krasnogorsk rural library in the Dedovichsky district, Uschitskaya rural library in the Kuninsky district, Usovskaya rural library in the Nevelsky district, Vyazovskaya rural library in the Novosokolnichesky district, Elokhovskaya, Skuratovskaya rural libraries - in the Ostrovsky district, Dubrovenskaya, Verkhnemostskaya rural libraries - in the Porkhovsky district, Zabelskaya, Shchukinskaya rural libraries - in Pustoshkinsky district, Veleiskaya rural library - in Pushkinogorsky district. The Dachno and Iskrovskaya rural libraries in the Dnovsky district were opened at the expense of local funds (repair and purchase of books, a modem - at the expense of federal funds) and the Rovno rural library in the Strugo-Krasnensky district. In total, it was planned to connect 39 libraries, 32 were connected. Acquired through the transfer: 13 laptops, 8 PCs, 4 MFPs, 1 router, 1 megaphone modem, 1 amplifier, 1 printer.

State support of rural libraries (premiums of 100.0 thousand rubles): Sector of library work of the Solovyevsky CDC of the MBU "Pskov Regional Center of Culture", the best worker - Evdokimova Inna Nikolaevna; Sosnovoborskaya rural model library-branch of MBUK "Sebezh Central District Library"; Spitsa rural model library-branch named after S.A. Voronin MBU "Gdov Central District Library"; Rubilovsky rural model library-branch of MBUK "Ostrovskaya Central District Library".

Having received the status of model libraries, libraries have become multifunctional, information-cultural, educational and educational centers. With the opening of the legal information center, the library has become more capable of meeting the growing needs of users. Speaking of model libraries, we can say that each of them differs in content from one another: resources, priority areas of work, design, etc. But by and large they are engaged in one big important thing aimed at strengthening ties, traditions and innovations, providing access to information and knowledge, developing and improving librarianship. A few examples. For the first time in 2015, the model libraries of the Velikoluksky district developed virtual local history tourist routes: "Famous countrymen" (Kupuysky KB), "Temples of the Velikoluksky district" (CRH), "My Borki" (Borkovsky KB), "Military burial places" (Plaksinsky KB) , "My father's land will not be repeated in anything" (Porechensky BDTs). Model Libraries are also the Center for Public Access to Socially Important Information.

All model libraries have become centers for teaching the population how to work with information technologies: educational groups of pensioners, the unemployed, and children are being created. An innovation in 2015 in the Velikoluksky District were virtual exhibitions: “Everything starts here, in my native land ...” (local history literature) and “Books of Victory”, as well as video clips based on photographic materials: “The Immortal Regiment” of the Velikoluksky District” and “Relay Race of Memory : Presentation of commemorative medals "70 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", which are posted on the POUNB library portal.

The work of model libraries of the Kunyinsky district in 2015 under the program "We are proud that we are from Pskov!" associated with the solution of a set of tasks to preserve and maintain local cultural traditions, familiarize members of the local community with cultural heritage, and provide opportunities for creative development. At the events, modern equipment is fully used - TV, video camera, camera, music center. This modern equipment improves the quality of mass events and the possibility of introducing new forms - the collection of local history video materials, the organization of virtual exhibitions, the demonstration of video reviews, presentations. Visiting the library for readers has become much more interesting.

What has changed with the assignment of the status of a model in the Nevelsk region? Much has changed in libraries: libraries have been equipped with modern computer and office equipment, with Internet access. In 2015, using Internet resources in the Nevelsk district, the following events were held: watching video slides with comments: “The Rocket and Space Age”, “Patterns and ornaments on dishes”. Electronic quizzes: "Space far and near", "Symbolics of the countries of the world", "Quiz based on the works of N. Nosov", etc.

Librarians of rural model libraries were given the opportunity to participate in webinars held by POUNB, learn about innovations, interesting forms of work, about the requirements for library work in the new conditions. For example, in Novosokolnichesky district in 2015 survey for users of rural libraries "Assessment of the quality of services." The goal is to find out to what extent rural institutions ensure the quality of library services. The results of the survey showed that model libraries provide a higher level of service. As the study showed, 54.4% of readers use the Internet for study, for work, in order to obtain useful information. An important conclusion of the survey can be considered: the demand for a new level library and the assessment of significant transformations. The Public Council at the MBU KDK, using the analysis of questionnaires and other indicators, formed a rating of the work of rural libraries: in 1st place are the Zakharinskaya and Nasvinskaya model libraries. Model libraries have changed significantly: the book fund has been updated, the interior of the libraries has changed. Libraries provide villagers with access to the Internet. Library readers use the legal bases "NTC-System" and "Consultant +".

Since the opening of model libraries, librarians have new directions in their work. Librarians of rural model libraries - branches took an active part and shared their experience in the Master class in the Ostrovskaya central district library on the topic: "Libraries and the Internet space: prospects, opportunities and reality" for librarians of the Pskov region. Dokhtor Nina Vasilievna, a librarian of the Rubilovsky rural model library-branch, presented a presentation about the people of the village "My native land, my village." And then the librarians talked about interesting events held in libraries, about changes in their libraries since connecting to the Internet, about planned events for the near future, about Internet resources of particular interest to the library, about the achievements they are proud of.

The department for coordinating the activities of the libraries of the region of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library conducted research “Methodological support of rural libraries”. The purpose of the study was to find out to what extent rural librarians need methodological assistance / methodological support from the district / regional level. One of the questions is related to whether rural librarians are familiar with online electronic resources posted on the website of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library, in particular. And answers were received that: Electronic library of dissertations (36 people - 31.8%); Polpred database. Com (30 people - 26.5%); the State system of legal information (32 people - 28.3%); Legal reference system "Garant" (45 people - 39.8%); Legal reference system "Consultant Plus" (84 people - 74.3%); Electronic library of the publishing house "Grebennikov" (6 people - 5.3%); Electronic library system of the publishing house "Lan" (11 people - 9.7%); %).

With the introduction of new information technologies, libraries began to provide additional services to users: photocopying (63 people - 55.7%); counseling (67 people - 59.2%); printing of texts (69 people - 61.0%), scanning (50 people - 44.2%). Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that rural librarians use information resources in their work: more than 80.0% of respondents have computer skills; about the same number (77.8%) have an idea about the electronic resources of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library (local history catalog "Pskoviana", a consolidated electronic catalog of libraries in the Pskov region, etc.). Librarians visit the website of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library (68.1%), the library portal of the Pskov Region (84.0%), the blog "Methodological Service of the Pskov OUNB" (72.5%).

General conclusion: rural libraries need methodological support, both from the district level and from the regional methodological service. In 2016, it is planned to open 17 rural model libraries in 13 districts of the region.

Main tasks for 2016:

Development of rural libraries, connection to the Internet, holding a conference on the 10th anniversary of the creation of model libraries (on the basis of the Bulyninskaya rural model library of the Velikoluksky district). Conclusions: Model libraries are very important for the modern village: the range of services provided to the population has expanded, the quality of service for library users has improved, new opportunities have appeared for holding events, decorating premises, and improving the skills of rural librarians through webinars.


Analysis of the activity of model libraries of the Pskov region in 2014

So 2014, the Year of Culture in Russia, has ended. What are the results in the development of model libraries? Currently, there are more than 100 model libraries in the region: district libraries, a model reading room and 74 rural model libraries. In 2014, 10 libraries were opened under the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia" and 10 libraries under the State Program of the Pskov Region "Culture, Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Development of Tourism in the Region for 2014-2020". Equipment was purchased for another 20 libraries through an interbudgetary transfer - to carry out activities to connect libraries of municipalities to the Internet and develop the library system, taking into account the task of expanding information technology and digitization.

Practically all model libraries are connected to the Internet, legal electronic databases, legal information centers have been opened on their basis, additional electronic services are provided to the population, incl. access to public services.

In 2014, the best rural libraries received financial incentives in the amount of 100.0 thousand rubles (Nazimov Library of Kunyinsky District, Krulikha Library of Opochetsky District, Cherskaya Library of Palkinsky District, Kupuysky Club-Library of Velikoluksky District). The best worker - Arzhanik Lyubov Gertsevna - 50.0 thousand rubles.

The grand opening of the Year of Culture in the Russian Federation, timed to coincide with the Day of the Cultural Worker, took place in Moscow on March 24. A delegation from the Pskov region was invited to the festive events of the All-Russian Forum of Cultural Workers, which will include cultural and art workers, as well as the best workers in the library industry in the region. Among them are representatives of rural model libraries of the Pskov region:

Arzhanik Lyubov Gertsevna- librarian of the Nazimovsky rural library - branch No. 11 of the MBU "Library and Museum Association" of the Kunyinsky district;

Gorelovskaya Natalya Vasilievna- librarian of the Krulikha rural model library - a branch of the MBUK "Opochetsky regional center of culture" of the Pskov region;

Samsonova Elena Vladimirovna- librarian of the Kupuy club - library of the MBUK "Information Cultural Center" of the Velikoluksky district;

Ushkacheva Alevtina Evgenievna- head of the library Cherskaya rural library - a branch of MBUK Palkinskaya centralized library system.

From September 15 to September 19, 2014, the non-profit Pushkin Library Foundation held an educational project-analytical seminar "Modernization of the rural library as a means of changing the situation in the local community" for employees of recipient libraries in 2013-2014. subsidies from the federal budget for the creation of model libraries (for the purpose of modernizing the rural library network). The seminar was organized by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation within the framework of the project "Creation of Model Libraries" of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia (2012-2018)". The participant of the seminar from the Pskov region was Mikheeva Tatyana Nikolaevna, head of the Lekhov library of the MUK of the Nevelsk region "Culture and Leisure".

Seminar topics:

-Analysis of the experience of creating and operating model libraries in the regions;

- New roles of the librarian and library in the local community;

- Organization of the library and information space of a model rural library;

- Creation of an attractive image of a model rural library;

- Effective technologies and methods of library and information services for the rural population;

- Organization of project activities of a model rural library.

The round table “Model Libraries of the Velikoluksky and Nevelsky Districts: Experience, Ideas, and Creativity” took place on May 21 in the Bulyninskaya Rural Model Library of the Velikoluksky District. Director of the central district library Larisa Lysanova spoke about modern technologies used in the model libraries of the Velikoluksky district to serve the population, and also presented to the seminar participants an electronic presentation on the activities of libraries in the Year of Culture.

Of particular interest to those present was the exchange of experience in library work. The librarians of the Borkovskaya and Shelkovskaya Model Libraries spoke about the services offered to the residents of the library, how the work of amateur associations is organized, what interesting presentations there are.

When opening Legal Information Centers, an agreement is concluded with Spetssvyaz of the Federal Security Service of Russia (Russian Legislation). The presence in the model library of reference and legal systems Spetssvyaz FSO of Russia (Legislation of Russia), "Garant", "Consultant Plus" allow you to quickly find the document you need by various parameters and get its electronic copy or print it for further use.

In 2014, the collection "Experience in the work of model libraries in the Pskov region" was published.

Work Experience of Model Libraries of the Pskov Region” / GBUK “Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library”, Department for Coordinating the Activities of Regional Libraries; [comp. O. A. Vlasenko, responsible for issue O.V. Akinfieva; ch. ed. V. I. Pavlov]. - Pskov: POUNB, 2014. - 80 p.

The modernization of libraries is a special milestone in the development of librarianship in Russia. It made it possible to introduce automated processes in the information and bibliographic service of readers, in the accounting and processing of documents, to create electronic catalogs, specialized bibliographic and factual databases, and electronic libraries. Thanks to the modernization, it became possible to create model libraries.

2014 marks 12 years since the start of the federal project, the purpose of which is to create model libraries in the countryside, and, as a result, improve the quality of library services for rural residents.

The collection presents the experience of rural model libraries of Velikoluksky, Gdovsky, Loknyansky, Novorzhevsky and Pechora districts, analysis of the survey "Efficiency of the Interlibrary Loan Service (ILO) and Electronic Document Delivery (EDD)". There is a list of books and periodicals about the work of libraries in Russia, publications about the model libraries of the Pskov region. In the appendix - Regulations on the procedure for creating model libraries, a list of model libraries in the Pskov region, Pskov library groups on Vkontakte, scenarios for opening model libraries.

In order to improve the activities of the IBA and EDD service, the department of outpatient services for the population of the region conducted a survey of specialists and users of model libraries in the Pskov region. The second quarter of 2014 was chosen as the time period. 41 model libraries from 18 districts of the region took part in the survey. To study the situation, two questionnaires were proposed: for the heads of model libraries and users. Loknyansky and Pustoshkinsky districts were not polled among readers. Such districts as: Novorzhevsky, Novosokolnichesky, Pskov, Pytalovsky, Sebezhsky, Usvyatsky did not take part at all. In the course of studying the materials received, the question arose about the objectivity and reliability of the answers. Out of 72 model libraries in the Pskov region, in the 2nd quarter of 2014, 27 (52%) used the services of the ILA. During the survey, several questions were asked with the possibility of choosing the answer that best matches the user's opinion. The survey involved 671 respondents from 39 model libraries in 15 districts of the region. The respondents' answers indicate that only 51% of respondents use or used the possibilities of the IBA. (Did not know about this service 4%). During the second quarter of 2014, more than 500 book publications on various topics were delivered to KIBO readers on orders. Since 2014, KIBO specialists have been teaching readers how to use the Consolidated Electronic Catalogue. Readers choose their own publications. In the absence of one or another book at the moment, IBA specialists offer others to replace it, or, if the book is in hand, they put readers on the waiting list. It can be concluded that, in general, the adult socially active working population took part in the survey, but the fact that only 51% of respondents use the IBA service, and even less EDD (21%), gives rise to specific actions.

Model libraries participated in the All-Russian Internet competition "Small Motherland - the Center of the Universe". Seekers team of the Dobruchinsky Library of the Gdov District, see She positioned the sights of the Dobruchinsky volost /participants of the Internet competition gained the ability to work in a team, and also got to know other participants of the competition and their small Motherland/. The “Chudskie Skobari” team of the Samolvovsky Library of the Gdov District developed a tour of the historical and literary places of their small Motherland “Seven Wonders of Our Land” and also presented it on a Google map. The competitive work can be viewed on the Internet at the link:

The Krulikha Library of the Opochetsky District also participated in this competition.

A competition was held in the region for cash incentives for the best model libraries located in rural areas. Such support will be received by: Nazimovskaya Kuninsky district, Krulihinskaya Opochetsky, Cherskaya Palkinsky district, Kupui club-library of Velikoluksky district. For participation in the regional competition "Virtual Parade of Library Theaters of the Book" Living Book "" she was awarded the Diploma of the winner of the competition and a valuable gift.

In the reporting year, the Dobruchinsky Rural Model Library took part in the regional competition "Virtual parade of library theaters of the book" Living Book ", dedicated to the Year of Culture in the Russian Federation in the nomination "Visiting a Fairy Tale". Participated in the regional seminar "Information Technologies - for the Service of a Rural Librarian ".

In the Pechora region, there was a further expansion of the network of model libraries. A higher level of user service is noted by an employee of the Rotov Library after a year of work in the status of a model library. The library now performs a number of additional services. For the first time the library took part in the regional library action "Day of the Citizen of the Information Society". As part of the action, a game program on information literacy “Something about information” was held for students in grade 9. An exhibition “There are many good and different sources” was arranged for the event, where information sources were presented: books, periodicals, DVDs, CDs, records. The introduction of computer technologies in the library activities of the Rotov Library opened a new page in the work, qualitatively influenced the service of readers and the improvement of many library processes.

Librarian L. G. Arzhanik became a laureate of the regional contest of storytellers “Pskov Tales, Storytellers Storytellers”, which took place in the museum complex of Pushkinogorye.

In 2014, the Rubilovsky rural library-branch independently developed a program on local history "Native Land - My Fatherland". R Ubilovo Library has repeatedly become the winner of regional and regional professional competitions. It is a creative laboratory, on the basis of which traveling seminars are held.

"Cultural Assembly" - this is how you can safely call the first this year regional meeting-seminar for the heads of municipal libraries of the Pskov region "Pskov Libraries in the Year of Culture". It was held as part of the Year of Culture on January 30, 2014 on the basis of the Opochets Central Regional Library named after I. A.S. Pushkin.

"Cultural and event tourism as a component of the socio-cultural activities of cultural institutions" was the main topic of the speech by Lysanova Larisa Alekseevna, director of the Velikiye Luki Central Regional Model Library named after M.V. writer I.A. Vasiliev. The Kupuy rural library of the Velikoluksky district - the winner of the regional competition "Successful Library" in the nomination "Spring" - since 2004 has been implementing the local history program "Here is the beginning of my homeland", within which excursions from the cycle "Famous fellow countrymen" are conducted to the homeland of legendary travelers - brothers Laptev, interesting meetings on the basis of the museum of ancient life.

The speech “Open Library: Representation in the Internet Space” by Nadezhda Anatolyevna Ginchak, Deputy Director of the MBUK “Ostrovskaya Central District Library” aroused great interest. Today, the Ostrov Library is actively working on the regional library portal, and has its own group on social networks Vkontakte, conducts online contests and quizzes, virtual book reviews and photo contests for its users, and much, much more.

Over the past year, employees of rural model libraries had the opportunity to improve their skills by participating in the webinars of the Pskov OUNL. For example, the webinar: "Creating Bibliographic Publications" was attended by the Krulikha Model Library of the Opochetsky District; Rubilovskaya, Vorontsovskaya and Pervomaiskaya model libraries of the Ostrovsky district. The webinar "Using Information Resources to Serve Users of Rural Libraries" was attended by the Vyborg Library of the Novorzhevsky District, the Shelkovskaya Model Library of the Velikoluksky District; Blasinskaya model library of the Krasnogorodsk region; Chersk model library of the Pskov region.

Model libraries are multifunctional centers connected to databases of legal documents. The population is provided not only standard, but also additional electronic services. All model libraries are equipped with modern office equipment, are centers of legal information, have regularly updated legal information bases "Legislation of Russia", are connected to the Internet, which allows them to provide information services to the population.

Services provided to the public include: use of legal electronic databases, access to the Internet, selection of material for term papers, abstracts, tests, individual information. Model libraries also provide such services as: scanning, printing on a printer, providing a computer for independent work, typing, preparing presentations, copying information to electronic and paper media, etc.

In 2014 at the Novorzhevsk Central District Hospital in the status of a model library, the Vyborsky rural branch worked. The users of this library have the opportunity to receive information via the Internet, on electronic media, receive services (typing and printing text, photocopying), attend public events using new technologies. The library was also able to launch its promotional activities with the help of a computer. Posters about ongoing events are printed, titles of exhibitions, information stands are drawn up.

Model libraries in our area have been created since 2006. Therefore, for the first time, an audit of the model libraries of the Velikoluksky district (April 21-22, 2014) and the Pechora district (September 23-24, 2014) was carried out.

Velikoluksky district(department for information and bibliographic activities of MBUK "IKTs" Velikoluksky district of the Central regional model library named after writer I.A. Vasiliev, Bulyninskaya model library, Peresleginskaya model library, Porechenskaya model library, Shelkovskaya model library).

Pechorsky district((Izborsk branch library, Lavrovskaya branch library, Central District Library, Kirshi branch library, Novoizborsk branch library).

For this, the following documents have been developed: Regulations on the audit of the compliance of the model library with the requirements of the “Model Standard for the Activities of the Municipal Library of the Pskov Region”, “Auditor's Memo”, “Audit Protocol”. Auditing the activities of model libraries once again proved the demand for model libraries in the countryside.

Suggestions for improving the work of model libraries.

- annual updating of book collections and electronic resources of model libraries,

- acquisition of children's literature in rural libraries-branches,

- use of the fund of electronic resources in the general lending of the library,

- Accounting for electronic publications and donations from readers.

Over the past year, positive trends in the development of model libraries can be noted:

- improving the material and technical base, equipping libraries with modern computer and office equipment, communication facilities, which allows them to actively develop as multifunctional, cultural, educational and information institutions;

- library visitors have an equal opportunity to use and master the world's information resources;

- there was an increase in the statistical indicators of the work of libraries: visits and lending, which indicates a positive perception of innovations in libraries, etc.

The experience of model rural libraries shows that the skillful use of new information technologies makes it possible to create a favorable social climate, improve one's image in all structures of the local community. A rural model library is the format of organizing library services that corresponds to the current level of development of society and improves the quality of life of the population. Model libraries are the Center for public access to socially significant information.

Model libraries, providing the population with new information and cultural opportunities, form new needs, media and information literacy of users, provide access to world information resources, and promote reading.


Analysis of the activity of model libraries (according to the results of 2012) /services to the population, main activities/

What does a rural librarian need to know and be able to do for this? - These topical issues were submitted to a special workshop "Information and methodological support for the creation and development of rural model libraries", which was held on February 19 at the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library for heads of rural model libraries. Of course, the participants of the seminar most of all remembered the speeches of their colleagues-rural librarians at the round table “In the context of reading: the range, ideas, concepts, practices”: - Lukina Tatyana Mikhailovna - head of the Lavrovskaya rural model library-branch of the Pechora region, - Ushkacheva Alevtina Evgenievna - head of the Chersk rural library of the Palkinsky district; - Evdokimova Inna Nikolaevna - head of the sector of library work of the Solovyov cultural and leisure center of the Pskov region.

Novoselskaya Rural Model Library opened in Strugo-Krasnensky District

On December 23, 2014, the grand opening of the Novoselskaya rural model library in the Strugo-Krasnensky district took place.

Krestilovskaya model rural library opened in Loknyansky district

On January 30, 2015, a model village library was opened. This is the second model village library. Share a joyful event with the librarian Drozdova M.I. adult and young users of the library, members of the Sudarushki club, social partners and employees of the central district library came. Marina Ivanovna introduced the audience to the history of the Krestilovsky rural library and the librarians who worked in the Krestilovsky library. The director of the MBUK MBO congratulated all library users on such an important event in the cultural and intellectual life of the village, which will expand the horizons in work, study, broaden one's horizons and much more. The fact that the model library is also a center of legal information was told by the head of the information department of the Central District Hospital. Warm words and congratulations and gifts to their library were also presented by the Head of the rural settlement "Alekseevskaya volost" - Yakovleva Olga Nikolaevna, director of the Maryinsky basic school Andreeva Galina Anatolyevna, reader Senatorova Valentina Ivanovna. Fellow villagers noted the active participation of the library in the social and cultural life of the village.

On February 27, 2015, a significant event took place in the cultural life of the village of Velye in the Pushkinogorsk region. Following the dictates of the times, a model library was opened on the basis of the Veleiskaya rural library.

The celebration was attended by employees of the Central District Hospital, the head of the Veleiskaya volost S.E. Alekseeva, chairman of the SEC G.E. Afanasyeva, director of the local school V.A. Tikhanova, director of the CDC N.I. Stepanova and library readers. There was an acquaintance with the new technical capabilities of the library, the receipt of literature, the history of the library.

On February 27, 2015, the grand opening of the second model library in the Pytalovsky district, the Skadinsky rural model library, took place.
This is a very important event in the life of the village, which will expand the horizons in work, study, and broaden the horizons of the villagers.

To congratulate the librarian of the Skadinsky rural library Artemenkova Marina Stanistavovna on such an event came the Deputy Head of the District Administration Kondratiev V.M., the head of the Department of Culture Vasilyeva V.A., the Head of the rural settlement Bystrova N.V., deputy. Vorobyov M.V., director of the DO for the work of the CLS, teachers and schoolchildren, residents of the village. Everyone wished the librarian the fastest mastering of computer technologies - and to serve for the benefit of his readers, who we hope will appreciate the availability of information technologies in the library.

Lekhovskaya library has become a model
On March 4, 2015, an important event took place in the life of the Lekhov library of the Nevelsk district - it received the status of a model library.

This allowed it to become a multifunctional information, cultural and educational center in the countryside. The library is located in the same building with the Lekhovskaya parish, the House of Culture. Its owner Mikheeva T.N. received congratulations on this festive day from the director of the MUK of the Nevelsk district "Culture and Leisure" Mikhailova Z.I., who expressed the hope that with the opening of the model library her work would change qualitatively. She donated a set of books to the library. Shared the joy of the emergence of new information technologies in the library teachers Lehovskoy school. The librarian will be able to diversify creative activities so that every meeting with the library brings joy to schoolchildren. Alexandrova A.A., a specialist of the Lekhovsky rural settlement, expressed her hope that the library would create all conditions for free access of citizens to information. There are many interesting events and creative meetings ahead.


Opening of the Verkhnemostskaya Model Library in the Porkhov District

On April 29, 2015, a joyful event took place, for which we have been preparing for a long time - the Upper Bridge Library has become a model one.

Under the target program "Culture of Russia (2010-2018)" in order to implement the event "Creation of Model Libraries", the library was renovated, modern equipment was purchased - a computer, an MFP, a projector and a screen. Shelves, furniture were purchased for the library, a telephone line was installed, and the Internet was installed. The district library rendered a great help in the design of the library, work with the fund. The grand opening assumed a rich program. The holiday began with a visit to the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and a mass burial. An excursion in the museum of labor and military glory of the Verkhnemostskaya volost was conducted by a guide-local historian Lyudmila Zhukovskaya. Guests were greeted by hospitable cultural workers.

Librarian Tatyana Platonova organized and led the opening of the model library. Guests and readers were shown new opportunities in the work of the library. At the event, the main characters were children. Poems for the opening of the library were read by young readers, and they also showed a small sketch. The library's readers and guests were congratulated by the Head of the Department of Culture Tatyana Ivanovna Zadvorova, the Head of the Verkhnemostskaya Volost Tatyana Alexandrovna Kuzmina, and the Head of the Children's Department Nadezhda Nikolaevna Evdokimova. KFOR employees performed a musical greeting. And now, thanks to everyone's efforts, the fourth model library in the Porkhov district has opened! We wish the library new creative ideas, constant searches, inspiration.

Opening of the Iskra Model Library of the Dnovsky District - February 19, 2016.

A rural library, as a rule, turns out to be the only window to the world of knowledge, information, culture and a spiritual "vent" for people. It is as close as possible to people and included in the life of the local community. This provides her with an excellent knowledge of the interests and needs of her users. On February 19, 2016, the grand opening of the Iskra Model Library took place. The holiday gathered numerous guests, whom I cordially met Head Nadezhda Nikolaevna Sokolova . The Deputy Head of the District Marina Alexandrovna Karpova, the Head of the Department of the District Administration for Culture, Youth Policy, Sports and Tourism Marina Vitalievna Vasilyeva, the Head of the Administration of the rural settlement "Iskrovskaya Volost" Viktor Vasilievich Molotkov and the Director of the Municipal Institution "Dnovskaya TsBS" came to congratulate the library and wish it further creative success. » Galina Nikolaevna Andreeva. Colleagues from the city and readers of the library were invited to the celebration. The Iskra model library received new computer equipment, and the book fund was replenished with new editions of adult and children's authors, popular genres. One of the main functions of the library in the new status is the preservation and transmission of cultural traditions in time and space.

Model libraries, providing the population with new information and cultural opportunities, form new needs, media-information literacy of users, provide access to world information resources, and promote reading.

Libraries of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in the countryside 2008 (according to the GIVC of the Ministry of Culture of Russia) The population living in rural areas is .8 thousand people. The population living in rural areas is .8 thousand people. Number of libraries - (average serving 1,100 people) Number of libraries - (averaging serving 1,100 people) % library service coverage of the population - 51% % library service coverage of the population - 51%

Libraries of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in the countryside 2008 (according to the GIVC of the Ministry of Culture of Russia) Number of libraries with: Number of libraries with: personal computers - 6431 libraries (17.8%); personal computers - 6431 libraries (17.8%); Internet access - 2099 libraries (5.8%); e-mail - 1600 libraries (4.6%)

The goals of the program are the formation of a single cultural and information space, the creation of conditions for ensuring equalization of access to cultural values ​​and information resources of various groups of citizens; the creation of conditions for ensuring equalization of access to cultural values ​​and information resources of various groups of citizens

Municipal budget repair and decoration of the premises; installation of security and fire alarms; connection to a dedicated telephone line; connection to the INTERNET network; purchase of library and computer furniture to accommodate equipment, books and CDs.

Federal budget Set of equipment: two computers with monitors; two computers with monitors; multifunctional peripheral device (printer, scanner, copier, HP LaserJet fax); multifunctional peripheral device (printer, scanner, copier, HP LaserJet fax); uninterruptible power supply, modem; uninterruptible power supply, modem; consumables: cartridges, CD-RW, DVD+RW, paper consumables: cartridges, CD-RW, DVD+RW, paper multimedia projector multimedia projector

Leaders Chuvash Republic* 500 libraries Belgorod Region 116 libraries Kursk Region 43 libraries Chelyabinsk Region 33 libraries Stavropol Territory 31 libraries Tambov Region 28 libraries _____________________________ * Not included in processing

Professional retraining and methodological support Organization of annual seminars in Moscow for participants in the Model Rural Libraries project of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia"

The model of a modern public library that meets the requirements of the information society and meets the needs of today's users, to which every library should aspire, is presented in the "Model Standard for Public Libraries", approved in May 2001 at the VI Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association. In the new version of the document, adopted at the XIII Annual Conference of the Russian Library Association (Ulyanovsk, 2008), the emphasis is shifted to the modernization of library services based on the introduction of information technology into library practice.

In the Pskov region, a "Model Standard for the Activities of the Municipal Library of the Pskov Region" has been developed.
The creation of model libraries in the Russian Federation began with the implementation of the all-Russian project "Creation of model public in the countryside" of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Interregional Association of Business Libraries and the public organization "Open Russia".
As part of the federal target program "Culture of Russia (2006-2010)", 70 model rural libraries have been created to date.
In our region, the modernization of public libraries began in 2006, when, with the support of the Interregional Association of Business Libraries, rural computer libraries were created in Velikoluksky and Pechora regions. Within the framework of the federal target program “Culture of Russia”, a model reading room in the central regional library and the Polyanskaya model library were opened in the Pushkinogorsk region. Projects for the modernization of rural libraries are being developed in the Gdovsky, Ostrovsky, Pskov, Sebezhsky and other districts of the region.
The model public library is a modern universal information and cultural institution capable of effectively performing information, educational, cultural and educational functions. To solve this problem, it is necessary to increase and diversify library collections, including, in addition to printed publications, electronic and audiovisual products. It is necessary to carry out a radical technical re-equipment of the libraries themselves and train librarians to work with modern information technologies
The main goal is to change the quality of life of rural residents, develop new intellectual needs in them by providing high-quality information and legal services and thus help the villagers adapt to modern living conditions, help them find their niche in the labor market. Without exaggeration, it can be noted that this is a serious social program to combat poverty, protect a person who is limited in his ability to acquire knowledge, and enter new labor markets, including intellectual ones.
Practice has shown that a model library can be successfully created only under the following conditions:
availability of creative workers in the staff;
a strong professional community in the area;
sustainable traditions of library support by local governments;
meeting the standards of premises and library equipment;
developed rural infrastructure.

The concept of "model library" has a broad meaning. First of all, this is the desire to approach and comply with the international model standard for the activities of a public library. All work, information resources, technology are being rebuilt. New functions are being worked out in the model library: automated processing of information, provision of resources to users on electronic media.
Catalogs of leading libraries and resources of information centers in Russia, Europe and America become available to rural residents. Everyone can look at any legislative act, presidential decrees, government decrees, heads of district and rural administrations. Those who wish will be taught how to search for information on the Internet and databases, work with electronic encyclopedias and reference books, use e-mail, and scan necessary documents.
As a result, each of the model libraries will have the opportunity to work as a multifunctional cultural institution that provides new forms of information services - as a center for municipal and legal information, a center for education and self-education, social and everyday information, a cultural and leisure center.

These recommendations contain questions on the creation of a model library in a municipality: the conditions for opening, the procedure for creating, the minimum requirements for technical equipment and information resources, personnel and services of a model library. The appendices give advice on organizing the presentation of the model library and the proposals of the NF "Pushkin Library" on the acquisition of library collections for 2008.

A model library is a library that has an optimal standard set of material and information resources, which is the minimum necessary for the implementation of high-quality library and information services for the population. It is created with the aim of providing residents of municipalities with unlimited access to information, a qualitative increase in the level of library services for the population.
The main principles that determine the content of the activity of the model library are:

  • providing all citizens with equal access to information;
  • availability of various types of services;
  • ensuring freedom of reading;
  • providing library documents and information to all categories of the population in accordance with their needs;
  • access to knowledge and information in close proximity to the place of residence.

Modernization of the rural library includes the following components:
Organization of a modern comfortable environment (overhaul of the premises);
Improvement of the adjacent territory;
Updating the main core of the book fund, based on the norms of the regional model standard;
Current acquisition of the fund on all types of media;
Subscription to periodicals;
Automation of library processes;
Access to information resources of the Internet and regional libraries;
Training of personnel in practical skills of using new technologies in library and information services for users.

Choosing a base for creating model libraries.

A rural settlement in which a model library can be created must meet the following requirements:
Approximately from 0.5 to 1.5 thousand people should live in a settlement.
Expanded social structure: secondary school, kindergarten, post office, medical assistant's station, etc.
Availability of a developed system of transport communications between the district center and the rural settlement
The principle of accessibility of library services to the population is implemented by placing a model library, taking into account the maximum spatial accessibility (the distance from the library to the place of residence of the population served should not exceed 3 km or 20 minutes of travel), as well as the convenience of its location (at the intersection of pedestrian routes, near transport links) .
The library should be located in a special, separate building, or a block extension to a residential or public building, or in a specially adapted room of a residential or public building.
The area of ​​the library premises should be sufficient to accommodate technical equipment and information materials on separate tables and shelves, at least 70-100 square meters. m.
The library must be provided with fire protection equipment (1 fire extinguisher per 50 sq.m. of the floor, but not less than 1 for each room, fire alarm).
It is also necessary to achieve a sustainable power supply of 220 V / 50 Hz and a well-functioning system for post-accident restoration of power supply and reliable space heating for the entire heating period to maintain the temperature for the normal operation of technical facilities.
The library must have at least one telephone number.
Ensuring the safety of equipment and funds is achieved by installing bars on the windows, metal doors with reliable locks, alarms directly in the library or on the control panel of the security structure.
The necessary physical components of the building (room) of the model library should be:

  • attractive interior and exterior design;
  • maintenance during operation of a state that complies with established standards (lighting, temperature control, fire safety, security);
  • provision of various areas of library activities (receipts and movements of documents, access to the library, ways of moving users and staff).

The daily mode of operation of a model public library is established taking into account the needs of local residents and the intensity of its visits and should not completely coincide with the working hours of the main part of the population.

Requirements for staff: the presence of two full-time positions, the chief library manager (head), who is generally responsible for the library and simultaneously conducts constant training courses in computer technology for all categories of village residents. The second person of the library is the administrator, who implements the functions of e-mail service, registers and controls access to the Internet of readers, and at the same time performs traditional library services. Basic professional training of library staff should be sufficient to master the work with technical means and modern information resources.

Creation and financing of the model library.
Model libraries are created on the basis of municipal libraries by decision of the local government. Model libraries are financed by the municipal authorities, who invest in: renovation, repair of the building, ensuring the safety and security of funds and equipment; formation and further development of information resources: telephone installation, connection of the library to the Internet, acquisition of library collections on all types of media; acquisition of licensed software; acquisition of video-audio equipment, duplicating equipment; organization of the library space (creation of a comfortable environment for employees and users): purchase of furniture and equipment, design items, etc.
They allocate funds for training personnel in working with a computer, the methodology for performing "virtual reference", the formation and dissemination of information resources.

Information resources of the model library.
The policy of forming the fund of a model library is focused on the strategy of access to all information available in the library and information space of Russia, and not only to its own resources.
The model public library provides access to a wide range of documents in a variety of formats (books, periodicals, audio-video documents, electronic documents, CD-ROMs, databases, including Internet databases, voiced books, etc.), presented in sufficient quantity.
The main characteristics of the model public library collection are:

  • reasonable amount;
  • information content;
  • constant renewal.

The stocking profile of a model public library takes into account the real needs of the local community. The fund is based on modern encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, new editions of domestic and foreign classics, children's literature, modern publications on history, psychology, philosophy, economics, law, art, technology and agriculture, medicine, and leisure activities.
The book fund of the model library should be cleared of obsolete and dilapidated literature, especially in its branch part.
A one-time (initial) acquisition of new documents should be at least 10% of the existing fund.
In order to update the content of the collection of a model public library, it is necessary to maintain its renewal at a level of at least 5% of the total volume of the fund per year, or at the rate of 250 books per 1000 inhabitants.
Subscription to periodicals and continuing publications - at least 10-16 newspapers and magazines.
The formation of the fund of video publications is carried out by video films on educational topics, screen adaptations of works of domestic and foreign classics, cartoons, recordings of the best domestic theatrical productions.
The fund of audio documents includes recordings of classical domestic and foreign music, popular jazz compositions, and recordings of popular contemporary performers.
The content of the fund of electronic editions of the model library:
educational discs on the main subjects of the school curriculum;
training disks on computer technologies;
educational discs for learning foreign languages, taking into account the specifics of teaching at school;
multimedia publications on the history of Russia;
multimedia publications on the history of religions of the main confessions of Russia;
educational multimedia publications for children and youth;
universal and industry-specific multimedia encyclopedias;
multimedia publications on domestic and foreign art, famous museums in Russia and foreign countries;
e-books with collected works of classics of domestic and foreign literature;
e-books with albums of famous Russian and foreign artists
Legal information centers are being opened in model libraries to serve the public with legal information. Information and legal systems should be installed in the library to ensure public access to legal information.

Requirements for minimum technical equipment and equipment
model library

Library furniture items (racks, lending lecterns, chairs, etc.) must meet the requirements of durability, be comfortable and functional.
Technical equipment includes:
2 sets of computer equipment;
1 copier;
1 scanner;
1 printer;
1 set of audio-video equipment (TV, VCR, music center; multimedia projector);
Internet connection
means of communication (telephone, fax, modem or dedicated communication channel to provide access to the Internet)
licensed office software, including MS Office 2000 with MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power point and MS Photo Editor ABBYY Fine Reader, a subscription to an anti-virus kit;
legal database issued on CD-ROM and including all documents of Russian legislation necessary for the population
The configuration of a computer complex must meet modern requirements for quality and reliability, as well as the characteristics required for it by modern software products.

Model Library Services

The model library provides citizens with the most complete set of services that should be accessible and convenient for all groups and categories of users.
The model library has the ability to offer users various types and purposes of services, including documentary, reference and bibliographic, informational, educational, communicative, leisure, service.
The model village library chooses the specialization of its activities independently, taking into account the needs of the village residents. It can be an information and legal or information and leisure center, an information and national center, a library-museum, etc.
The obligatory free services of the model library include:

  • providing information on the availability of a specific document in the funds;
  • obtaining complete information about the composition of the fund through the catalog system and other forms of library information;
  • provision of consulting assistance in the search and selection of sources of information;
  • providing information about the possibilities of satisfying the request using other libraries;
  • issuance of documents from the library fund for temporary use in accordance with the Rules for using the library;

The Model Library provides a wide range of reference and information services, including:

  • compiling thematic bibliographic lists and manuals, issuing address and factual information, including by phone and e-mail;
  • preparation and provision of problem-analytical reviews, information-analytical and thematic packages;
  • consulting services on various issues.

The model library uses the latest information technologies to provide users with access to corporate and global information networks, expanding the range of services and serving users in local and remote access.
Having become a model, the rural library becomes a creative laboratory for further training of regional librarians and heads of rural administrations on its basis.
Rural model libraries should be seen as an integral part of the country's overall library system. Its first and main characteristic is its integration into Internet technologies. Model libraries created in the same organizational and technological format have their own identity, as a rule, they differ in their content, style, and design, which helps them maintain a high status in the local community. A model library is not just a change of signage and interior: it is a reorientation of the library's activities to the interests of the local community, completely new areas of work that qualitatively change the life of the rural population, their psychology.

Annex 1.

Some methodological advice on organizing the presentation of a model rural library.

Organizational matters
Library Administration:
Initiate consideration and conduct of the opening of a model library at the level of the administration of the municipality with the adoption of a resolution (order, appeal) by the head of the administration on the opening of a model library in the district.
Develop and approve the regulations on the model library in local governments.
Invite to the opening ceremony the head of the district administration, the head of the village administration, representatives of the state universal scientific library, regional and local media, creative intelligentsia, famous fellow countrymen, readership, the general public.
Find financial resources (local budget, sponsorship) for the presentation.

CBS employees, together with interested organizations, institutions, individuals, are recommended to organize a wide advertisement for the upcoming opening ceremony, for this purpose:
Design and place in all libraries, organizations, institutions, public places (clubs, schools) advertising posters, announcements; distribute small advertising media: booklets, leaflets, bookmarks with information about the order of the ceremony, place and time.
Prepare and distribute invitation cards for the opening ceremony.
Give information about the upcoming ceremony to the local press, on the radio.
Design an outdoor sign for the model library.
Develop a corporate identity (logo and other symbols) of the model library.

A few tips for writing a script.

Include in the script:
Detailed information about the concept of the model library, goals, tasks that the library will solve in the new status;
Demonstration of the capabilities of the technical equipment installed in the library - the use of electronic resources (legal, business, educational information, e-books, etc.), Internet resources;
Oral review of the exhibition of purchased documents, audio-video cassettes, multimedia CDs;
Speech by local residents and readers on the importance of the model library in the life of the village;
Ceremony of solemn registration of new users in the library with the presentation of a library card, a memorable gift;
Letter of gratitude on behalf of local residents to the organizers of the model library;
Participation in the event of creative people of the region (artists, musicians).

Appendix 2

For the formation of the fund of the model library, book sets are very important, the purchase of which is provided by the NF "Pushkin Library".

Pushkin Library presents: proposals for 2008
on acquisition of library collections

  1. January 2008 - Catalog "University book". Issue 7 with appendices of the BHV publishing house, specializing in computer literature, and the Omega-L publishing house. More than 1,500 publications are presented in 28 thematic headings of the catalog;
  2. March 2008 - Catalog "Pushkin Library" Issue 19. The catalog will contain more than 2000 titles of books and multimedia publications, as well as an application of one of the leading Russian publishing houses. The catalog will feature 28 thematic headings, including educational, business, reference literature on the social and scientific and technical sciences, children's fiction and educational literature, fiction for adults, etc.;
  3. March 2008 - Thematic set "Family Reading Library", about 80 - 85 titles of books selected by experts specifically for adult reading to children and discussion with the whole family;
  4. May 2008 - Catalog of memoirs. More than 150 best books from various publishers;
  5. July - August 2008 - Catalog "Pushkin Library" Issue 20. The catalog will contain more than 2500 titles of books and multimedia publications, as well as an application of one of the leading Russian publishing houses. The catalog contains 28 thematic headings, including educational, business, reference literature on social and scientific and technical sciences, children's fiction and educational literature, fiction for adults, etc.;
  6. July - August 2008 - Catalog "The Best Books for Children and Teenagers" - more than 1000 titles of books with the application of publishing houses specializing in the production of literature for children and youth;
  7. August 2008 - The electronic catalog of multimedia products will contain more than 700 titles of electronic encyclopedias, reference books, educational and training programs, audio books and popular science films;
  8. October 2008 - Thematic sets "Literary awards" for adults and children in 2008;
  9. From February to November 2008 - Special offers on thematic headings of publications of 2006-2007 for the preparation and conduct of competitive procedures. More than 25,000 current titles presented on the book market for the current acquisition. collections of various types of libraries. Information will be provided at the request of libraries in electronic form.
List of used literature.
  1. Antonenko S. The whole world created model libraries in the Ryazan region / S. Antonenko // Bibliopole. - 2006. - No. 2. - S. 16-20.
  2. Afanasyeva M. Bessnovskaya model library: four years after the start of the project / M. Afanasyev / / Library life of the Belgorod region: inform.-method. Sat. - 2006. - Issue. 2(32). - S. 18-21.
  3. Grateful G.I. Alekseevskaya model library / G.I. Blagodarnaya / / Library life of the Belgorod region: inform.-method. Sat. - 2006. - Issue. 2(36). - S. 38-44.
  4. Golik L.V. Spinning wheel, book and computer... / L.V. Golik / / Rural libraries of Bryansk in the new millennium: an almanac. - Bryansk, 2007. - S. 31-33.
  5. Information letter of the NF "Pushkin Library" on the implementation of the megaproject "Model Rural Libraries" in the framework of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia" (2006-2010) No. 118 dated 20.07.07.
  6. Karnaukhova V.I. Yakovlevskaya model library / V.I. Yakovleva / / Library life of the Belgorod region: inform.-method. Sat. - 2007. - Issue. 1(35). - S. 27-29.
  7. Kononova E.A. Model libraries: concept, essence of activity / E.A. Kononova // Library life of the Belgorod region: inform.-method. Sat. - 2006. - Issue. 3 (33). - S. 6-17.
  8. Kulikova O.Yu. Chronicle of the project "Model computer rural libraries" / O.Yu. Kulikova / / Rural libraries of Bryansk in the new millennium: almanac. - Bryansk, 2007. - S. 31-33.
  9. Logvinov N.L. New reality of the Ryabchinsk library / N.L.Logvinov// Rural libraries of the Bryansk region in the new millennium: an almanac. - Bryansk, 2007. - S. 49-51.
  10. Novikova M.V., Matlina S.G. "Rural Library" - a partnership program of the fund "Pushkin Library" / M.V. Novikova, S.G. Matlina / / Rural Library: the view of library scientists and practitioners: Sat. articles. - St. Petersburg, 2005. - S. 85-92.
  11. Pavlova V.I. Model libraries - the heart of the information society / V.I. Pavlova / / Library life of the Pskov region: inform. Sat. - 2005. - Issue. 4(16). - S. 19-26.
  12. Popova V.N. Nikolaev model public library / V.N. Popova// Library life of the Belgorod region: inform.-method. Sat. - 2007. - Issue. 1(35). - S. 30-34.
  13. Electronic versions of the materials of the Altai Territory, Belgorod, Karaganda, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and other regional universal libraries of the Russian Federation.






All articles 12/16/2015

Dramatic changes are possible within the standard budget for repairs

The KIDZ design team turned the library to them. N.V. Gogol into one of the most fashionable urban spaces and has since transformed more than one St. Petersburg library. It was they who, on the portal of the New Type Library, visualized the ideas and principles laid down in the “Model Standard for the Activities of a Public Library”.

How to transform book storages into actual social spaces? Designers shared their experience.

Alexey Puzin,
Development Director, Design Bureau KIDZ

Egor Bogomolov,
architect, design bureau KIDZ

Nastya Tereshchenko,
architect, designer, design bureau KIDZ

Saint Petersburg

Ideology determines design

When we were offered to transform Gogol's library, we asked ourselves the question: “What is a library? What is she now? Who does she work for? It is from the answers to these questions that depends on what the structure and design of the space will be.

The ideology of space is changing. The Model Standard states that the public library becomes a center of social activity and communication. The book itself loses its value as a type of value, and the library is reorganized from the book storage (although one of the main functions of the library is to continue to store books as a value) and acquires a social function: holding events and building communication. It is from the format of events, when people gather and interact with each other through various types of activity, that the concept of space is also repelled. A person should be comfortable ideologically, visually and at the level of sensations.

Focus on the event

At the top of the new website of the Gogol Library, the phrase “propose an event” attracts attention. This is an iconic detail. The user himself can offer to hold a lesson or a meeting in the library and, most likely, he will not be refused. This approach, of course, is reflected in the structuring and design of space. In fact, it is necessary to give an opportunity to organize a cultural event in a small area, without knowing in advance what exactly the visitors can offer. This means that in 10–15 minutes, without the use of brute male force, a space that was adapted, for example, for 50 people to read, should turn into an auditorium for 100 people. How to do it? And just move the racks on wheels, make room, arrange chairs - that's it, the lecture is on! After an hour and a half, it ended and the space also easily takes on its former form.

Make space mobile

Mobility is achieved through multifunctional furniture, which at the same time serves as a space delimiter. We love versatility. For example, we have objects that are at the same time a bookcase, a place to sit and relax, and separate zones of different activities. One piece of furniture solves several problems: functional, spatial and design. In addition, most of the furniture - on wheels, it can be easily and quickly moved.

Make space transparent. Literally

In the Gogol library, the entrance area is decorated not with a heavy massive door, but with the help of large glass surfaces. Full-wall windows and glass doors symbolize the openness of the library. Passers-by see what is happening inside, that is, the functionality of the room is clear from the outside. Such “transparency” is not always perceived positively by the staff, because it obliges and even requires changes in working methods.

However, if all libraries were decorated with large windows, it would help them a lot. A person who did not plan to come to the library, but simply passed by, could see that something alive was going on there. That alone might motivate him to come in. The librarian, who greets visitors and tells what is happening and where, makes it clear that they are expected here. Such ethical aspects are no less important than design techniques.

Librarian - activity facilitator

The new library format does not serve books in terms of value, but people. If earlier the librarian performed the technical functions of issuing a subscription, now he becomes a facilitator of activities in the library environment. One of the goals of the New Type Library project is to create a space that would eloquently declare that it can become a platform for almost any event. We think in terms of events - in this format it is most convenient for people to interact. Each visitor can come up with the whole idea, so the librarian should be open to any idea and build communication with active users. Plans for the future - to form a caring community around the library and its staff. It must be said that the space in its development is ahead of the community. Even in St. Petersburg, the amount of reorganized space is now a level higher than the number of people who can professionally serve it.

Let the space be flexible

Any rigid functions run the risk of dying off over time, so it is necessary to lay the ability to change in space. For example, the art hall was originally planned by us as a space for musical evenings and exhibitions. But over time, he especially fell in love with the children who began to come here after school. As a result, the art hall expanded its functionality. In the daytime, children's activities are held here: lessons and master classes. And it is right: the space must be flexible and responsive to the real needs of users. In addition, we are against the division into children's and adult libraries. A parent can come with a child and leave it to a teacher for a couple of hours: both will spend time with benefit.

From traditional division to open floor plan

The library has always been created as a book depository where you can come and borrow a book. Related to this is the traditional layout: a subscription, a reading room, a storage for books, as well as many shelves and narrow aisles between them. Time has shifted priorities: we expect that a person, having come to the library, will stay here, not only to work, but also to communicate, attend events. That's why the need to divide the space in the old way has disappeared. All space is for people, there are practically no closed areas, all books are in the public domain. Gogol's library has a closed storeroom of unpopular literature, but this is a very small room.

Of course, visitors have different goals: someone came for communication, and someone needs to concentrate on work. Therefore, we divide a large space into smaller zones, including through mobile furniture. Oddly enough, in order to retire and feel protected, there is no need to hide behind a concrete wall, just the shelving on the left is enough. Yes, it is impossible to create an ideal space, especially in such a limited area. Therefore, a network of city libraries is needed: if you feel uncomfortable in one of them, you can go to another, solved in a different style.

Every library has its own face

Each of the libraries should have its own conceptual solution: one can specialize in events and lectures, another - in musical evenings and have a recording studio, the third one can conduct master classes and have its own workshop. It's not even so much about a network of libraries, but about a network of urban spaces, whether they are commercial or non-commercial. The partnership of the library with commercial partners is very important. The idea is to bring the local community together. People can gather in the library, among other things, in order to solve pressing problems (for example, the issue of parking or landscaping the yard). The library becomes an activating space and influences what happens in the city, its cultural, social and physical landscape. The goal is this.

Standard renovation budget

Many people think that a cool, trendy environment is either foreign or very expensive, but it is not. The furniture for the Gogol library was designed by us and assembled at the Ryazan factory. Good spatial solutions are not always expensive. No space budget! We fit into the amount allocated for a standard renovation for a district (not even a city!) library. A good designer will always be able to find an effective solution for a specific problem, which will require minimal costs.

It turned out to be difficult to convince the contractors to meet us and produce custom-made furniture according to our sketches. Suppliers have developed a standard line over the decades, which they sell to libraries, and see no reason to change anything. It would be more convenient for us, designers, to cooperate with small workshops that can easily make changes to the technological process, unlike large manufacturers. But a rigid system of tenders prevents them from entering this market.

Fit the library into the urban context

What exactly to create in the library depends on where it is located and what residents need. For example, a recording studio was created in one of the St. Petersburg libraries, following the example of Finnish colleagues. The project is not bad, but artificial, because there is no real need for this studio. While visitors to the library of Finland, with which they took an example, really needed such a studio, a sociological study was carried out. Next to it is a music school and residents need a platform for recording, rehearsing and performing.

You cannot create a library in a vacuum, in isolation from what already exists. It is necessary that the library supports the already established activities, then people will come themselves. The Gogol library is a pilot site, the context was not fully taken into account there, its goal was different - to loudly declare itself and the changes taking place in the library world. But working on the Rzhev Library, we “tune” it to the surrounding space. For example, a theater studio has existed there for many years and people want to keep it, so the project includes an auditorium. It is important to pay attention to what is around. If there are a number of institutions that already perform a certain function, the library should abandon it so as not to duplicate each other.

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