New Year's dance show "Dancing on the NNP". Scenario "Dances of the peoples of the world" at school




Children's team;




"Merry kids"

entertaining dance program

Purpose: organization leisure activities for children attending summer camp


Formation of positive relationships between children, rallying

Children's team;

Promote physical activity of children;

Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

Program progress

VED.: - Good afternoon everyone! All-all good mood! Come on, shout out, which of you is in a good mood? Very good! Now you have the opportunity to demonstrate it! So, our fun kids library is open!

More fun than a playground

Our miracle is a children's library!

Dances of all peoples of the world,

Noisy, nice, very nice!

We, dear friends, will need your hands and feet. Clap, stomp, whistle, dance - in general, express your emotions, whoever is in what much! Come on, show me how you can do it!(all children express their emotions in different ways)Well done! Begin!

1 competition "Dance in a hoop"


1 option: Music sounds. Children walk in a circle, holding a hoop in one hand (several people for each hoop). As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly get inside the hoop.

Option 2: Children dance in a hoop for several people. Dance melodies change, movements also change (jumping, squatting, spinning, raising legs like in a variety show, etc.)

2 competition "Musical falls"

Children walk in a circle to the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone should sit on the floor. The one who sits last is out of the game and must step aside to the leader.

3 competition "Blind dancer"

(hat, chair, handkerchief, glass of water, mop or broom)

Several players are selected. They are blindfolded and asked to dance to the music using unexpected paraphernalia given to them by the host. For example, a glass of water, a hat, a chair, a scarf, etc. During the dance, you can not stop and drop objects. The most original and longest dance wins.

4 competition "In the world of animals"

Participants need to dance the way they would: elephants, snakes, centipedes, horses, etc.

5 competition "Situations"

(written on situation cards)

Two teams of five people receive cards from the host, on which situations are written. It is necessary to distribute roles among the representatives of your team and dance the situation so that the audience can guess it. If they do, then the team won.


Girl catches butterflies in a meadow

The climber climbs impregnable rocks,



Football players etc.

6 competition "Musical chairs"


Children stand in a circle near the chairs, which are one less than the players. Music plays, everyone dances and moves in a circle. The music stops - everyone strives to take a free chair. Whoever is left without a seat is out. One chair is removed. This continues until there is only one winner left.

7 competition "Tummy"

(eye patches, balloons)

Couples participate. Both participants are blindfolded. Between them, the host puts a balloon. The music is constantly changing, the couple is dancing, while they should not drop or burst the ball. The most artistic and accurate couple wins.

8 competition "Snake"

All those present form a chain or are divided into several chain teams. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance movements as it wants - waves its arms, makes lunges, goes goose step, etc. Everyone else should follow her movements. When the “head” gets tired, it turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “jokes”. The contest lasts as long as the music is playing.

Vedas: - We will not get tired of having fun,

Let's dance for a long time.

We invite all friends

Relax with us.

Our competition program has come to an end and I hope you enjoyed it.

Diana Semenova
"The Beautiful World of Dance" Scenario of the reporting concert dedicated to the Day of Dance

Scenario of the reporting concert dedicated to the Day of Dance

"The Wonderful World of Dance"

While the audience is gathering, children's songs about creativity are heard.

(Fanfare) The host enters the stage.

Leading: Good afternoon dear parents! We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this bright hall at the reporting concert of the dance group "Caramelki" dedicated to the International Dance Day, which is celebrated annually on April 29. One of the important features of any dance is its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of choreography. On this day, the entire dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday. And today the members of the dance circle invited us to their Dance Festival.

Music is playing today.

Today is joy and fun.

Let the dance festival complete

April week.

So, we present to your attention young dancers who are looking forward to their appearance on stage. Yakut dance "Patterns" (children enter the hall, music sounds). (BACKGROUND). Dance "Patterns" is performed

Leading: Thanks to our guys!

And our holiday continues

Grief is not allowed here.

Yes, is it sad here

If there is a Russian dance on the stage!

We meet the senior group "Kuncheen" with the Russian dance "Plyasovaya".

Dance "Plyasovaya" is performed

Leading: We meet the vocal ensemble "Freckles" with the song "Samovar" artistic director Yulia Shishmareva. (BACKGROUND).

Leading: Cheerful April smiled,

Sang, roared, played,

From the noise the snowdrop woke up

And he stood on the thaw.

It smelled, it blew a prelude,

A little audible snowdrop repeated:

Thank you April, thank you

For waking me up."

Performed by the preparatory group "Kustuk" dance "Snowdrops".

Dance "Snowdrops"

(a bench is placed in the center of the hall, during this the presenter speaks (BACKGROUND).

Leading: Let's turn the pages of the creative life of the choreographic circle "Caramelki" together again today. Let's remember the brightest moments, admire the best dance compositions, once again rejoice at their well-deserved victories and achievements. To your warm applause, we meet the Laureates of the 1st degree of the Republican competition "Sardatsalaakh Aartyk", the Laureates of the 111th degree of the International Festival "Diamond Notes", the Laureates of the 2nd degree of the Republican interethnic competition "Spring of Friendship" dance "Dandies" (children enter the hall, music sounds). (BACKGROUND)

The dance "Stilyagi" is performed

Leading: To your warm applause, we send our guys backstage, getting ready for the next exit, and let the applause sound in honor of the senior group of the Karamelki choreographic circle! And we continue to flip through the pages of the circle's creative album.

How amazing.

What can be danced, and in plastic

Embodi all feelings!

After all, dance is a flight of inspiration!

And lives in harmony with music!

And so, we meet the children of the preparatory group "Thumbelina" with the dance "Ice-snowflakes".

The dance "Ice-snowflakes" is performed

Leading: Thanks to our guys! And we continue our concert. We meet the vocal ensemble "Uolan" with the song "Uruts kun" artistic director Miroslav Ananyeva.


He is brown

Dressed in a warm coat

And in a dream and in reality,

Everyone chews their grass.

Day and night

And night and day.

Dear parents, what is his name?

Beast with swift legs

And branched horns

That's right - a forest deer!

Performed by the preparatory group "Asterisk" dance "Deers". (BACKGROUND)

Dance "Deer" is performed.

Leading: Let's clap guys!

The path runs through the meadow

Dive left, right.

Wherever you look, flowers are all around

Yes, knee-deep grass.

Green meadow, like a wonderful garden,

Smelly and fresh in the hours of dawn.

Beautiful, rainbow colors

They are strewn with bouquets.

Meet, performed by the preparatory group "Golden Key" dance "Flower Glade".

The dance “Flowers. (Children leave the room).

Leading: Let's clap again for the kids.

From cheerful rhythms

Nowhere to go

Rhythms modern -

These are the rhythms of childhood. Performed by the preparatory group "Fidgets" dance "Robot toy".

The dance "Robot toy" is performed.

Leading: How easily and beautifully our young artists perform today! It seems that you know how to sing and dance - go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right? Of course not, one talent is not enough! Rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage it takes to go on stage here! And adult artists' knees are shaking! And what can we say about young artists… But the participants of our concert are already real artists! And again, our young artists are on stage, Laureates of the 1st degree of the republican competition "Sardatsalaah Aartyk", Laureates of the 1st degree of the international festival "Diamond Notes", Laureates of the 2nd degree of the interethnic republican competition "Spring of Friendship". Meet the dance "Joy of the Tundra". (BACKGROUND)

The dance "Joy of the Tundra" is performed.

Leading: Let's applaud the young artists! Meet the younger group of the ensemble on stage! While these kids are taking their timid, first steps on the stage. They are serious, and almost do not worry. Well, maybe just a little... Today's concert is the first serious test for them! But we are sure that they will successfully pass this creative test! (Children enter the hall, music sounds). (BACKGROUND)

The dance "Children of the Sun" is performed. (At the end of the dance, the children remain in the hall and clap their hands, the leader speaks in the background of the music)

Leading: Our concert was a success

We hope everyone enjoys it!

May it be memorable and bright for all of us,

As the best expensive gift!

Dance numbers were prepared by the head of the choreographic circle "Caramelki" Semenova Diana Mikhailovna.

Scenario of the show "Big Dances-2016"

"Give Youth"

Fanfares sound, presenters come out

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, lovers of dance rhythms.

Host 2:

Hello, dear teachers, and guests of our holiday!

Presenter 1: Every holiday does not pass without dancing. Although not everyone knows how to dance professionally, but, of course, the beauty of dance is understandable to everyone. Dance allows you to tell others about your experiences and feelings.

Host 2: Our competition will be varied and unique with bright dance numbers. Today you will find a riot of colors and many enthusiastic impressions, smiles and admiration.

Presenter 1: You can talk about dancing endlessly, but it's better to watch them. Do you agree with me?

Host 2: Of course I agree. And so we begin our show "Big Dances-2016".


Presenter 1: Greet our participants with loud applause. (listing of participants, during the listing, each dance group waves their hand)

Host 2:

When we were preparing this show, we faced a difficult task, to gather people into the jury who will be able to professionally evaluate each of the participants in various categories, acting skills, plasticity, the level of performance of the performance. It wasn't easy, but we made it. I hasten to introduce you to an authoritative, competent, strict and at the same time beloved jury, each of which is unique in its own way with its skill, experience and professionalism:

    Zharenova Tamara Nikolaevna - director of our school, honored teacher R.F.

    Filatova Tatyana Alexandrovna - Deputy director for educational work.

    Perfilova Yulia Vyacheslavovna -Deputy director for scientific work.

    Zharenov Nikita Evgenievich -teacher-organizer

    Gogoleva Vera Genadievna - social teacher

    Rodichkina Olga Vladimirovna - librarian

    Usov Igor Vladimirovich - teacher-organizer of life safety

Presenter 1: In our competition evaluated:

- the level of performance of a dance composition, flash mob;

Artistic embodiment of the performed work;

Time endurance;

The presence of dance costumes, attributes of the team - class;

The mass character of the dance group

Host 2:

After each performance, the jury must comment on the performance, evaluate it from 2 to 10 points.

Presenter 1: The works submitted to the festival will be evaluated in five categories. This is a folk dance.

Host 2: Classical and modern dance.

Presenter 1: Dance all and sundry!

Everyone knows for sure:

Don't need a language dance

Everything is clear without idle words:

And life and tears and love!

We want to wish today:

Let's dance together.

Host 2: Go ahead, contestants!

Dance from the heart

And remember that in the world

All dances are good!

Presenter 1:

Maxim Gorky wrote: "Talent is faith in oneself, in one's strength ...".

We see that you all have already believed in yourself, we wish you good luck and we will start our show program

Host 2:

There are many dances in the world

Just make sure you choose them

There are also new items

So let's dance!

The choreographic group is invited to the stage _________________

1 dance group

Presenter 1:

Our competition is continued by the choreographic team ___________________

2 dance group


Presenter 1: __________, can you bring me a glass of water, please?

Host 2: You feel bad!?

Presenter 1: No, it’s even very good for me, it’s just that when such “Dares are good fellows” appear on the stage, my throat dries up.

Host 2:

3 dance group


Presenter 1: We invite the following participants of our competition, choreographic ensemble ___________________________

4 dance group


Host 2: We continue to raise the temperature of our dance floor.

Presenter 1: Does your rampage require the following members? Please, we invite the dance group to the stage __________________________

5 dance group


Host 2: How fast time flies! The 21st century has already arrived.

Presenter 1: And everyone around is running, afraid to be late, not to be in time, to fall behind! Get away from life, from fashion, from time!

Host 2: And time - it still inexorably runs forward! Time for amazing discoveries and new rhythms, time for new dances!

Presenter 1: Meet! Dance group _______________________

6 dance group


Host 2: Now there will be a flurry of applause?

Presenter 1: Why?

Host 2: I announce the next number of our competition, it is _______________________________________________________________

7 dance group


Presenter 1: And here I wanted to be a little smart and "cheat".

Host 2: "Chat"? Intrigued.

Presenter 1: I ask the question, which of you is ready to tell when and thanks to whom the World Dance Day arose? And another question, who is the pioneer of the dance movement?

Host 2: I found what to ask, all dance experts know this, even me. For the first time, World Dance Day was celebrated in 1982 by decision of UNESCO, and the pioneer of the dance movement was none other than Jean-Georges Nover. Any more questions?

Presenter 1: Certainly. Who will continue our dance marathon next?

Host 2: I also know the answer to this question. It will be continued by the dance group _________________________________________________________

8 dance group


Host 2: I would like to see your mood now. How do you like our show? Applaud the following participants of the competition - the dance group _________________________________________________

9 dance group


Presenter 1: Dancing, dancing, dancing is life, movement, sport

Host 2: Yes, nowadays people pay great attention to a healthy lifestyle, appearance, and more and more people are engaged in dancing.

Host 21: Yes, it is the most spectacular sport.

Host 2: So, the team performs ________________________________

10 dance group


Presenter 1: Have you seen how they do it? This is where preparation is needed.

Host 2: Yes, this is a sport for the strongest.

Presenter 1: You just need to do exercises in the morning /shows/.

Host 2: I agree with you. Before you is a team of _______________________________________________

11 dance group


Presenter 1: Listen, I've wanted to ask you for a long time, what do you want to become?

Host 2: And I dance well at the disco. So I'll be a dancer. It's easy!

Presenter 1: Do you think it's easy?

Host 2: Of course, 2 floods, 2 swoops! Jumping gallop! Easy and nice! /music, dancing/

Presenter 1: And I'll tell you that professional dance is hard work. And the participants from the team _______________ will confirm my words

12 dance group


Host 2: Our competition is continued by the choreographic team _____________________________________________________

13 dance group


Presenter 1: Oh, youth is a wonderful state and a wonderful time of life. You need to live it so that pleasant memories remain for a lifetime.

Host 2: So get this positive today. Energize your dance. Dancing - I love it!

Presenter 1: Meet the choreographic team __________________

14 dance group


Host 2: Yes, Dancing today is just on top. Only a true professional can support speakers in this way.

Presenter 1: Yes, there I am. I am sure that as soon as we announce the next contestants, they will be supported, not only with this, but also with loud applause.

Host 2: You speak so confidently, as if you know exactly who will perform now.

Presenter 1: Certainly.

Host 2: Meet the choreographic team __________________

15 dance group


Presenter 1: You will find it difficult, yet interesting

Overcome all the difficulties of fate!

Through life you go with the dance together -

He will reveal the secret of beauty to you!

Host 2: Let your dance be winged

The movements are light and slender,

A smile on the lips and a kind look

Applause is your reward!

The results of the competition will be announced on the line

Presenter 1: As they say, the ball is over, the candles went out.

Host 2: Good luck to you!

Presenter 1: See you!

Purpose of the holiday:

1. Involving students in systematic sports and a healthy lifestyle.

2. Summing up the results of the academic year for extracurricular activities.

Dance holiday competition of rhythmic gymnastics dedicated to the International Dance Day on April 29.

    Leading: Hello ladies and gentlemen. We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall to the competition "Live while dancing", dedicated to the International Day of Dance, which is celebrated annually on April 29th. As conceived by the founders, the International Dance Day is intended to unite all areas of Dance, to become an occasion to celebrate this art form as a means of overcoming all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries.

    Leading: One of the main features of any dance is its ability to unite in times of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

On this day, the entire dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday: opera and ballet theaters, modern troupes, modern and folk dance ensembles, both professional and amateur artists.

    Leading: Also on April 29, the annual participation of the great stars of the scene takes place. Since 1992, Moscow has been awarding the so-called ballet "Oscar" - Benois de la Dane. This prize is awarded to the most successful choreographers who created their dance pieces during the year, and the most famous choreographers and choreographers sit on the jury.

The prize is a small figurine depicting a dancing couple. It is very difficult to get this statuette, you need to make gigantic efforts in your business.

    Leading: We decided to celebrate this holiday in our own way. We present to your attention the competitive program, which includes the competition of rhythmic gymnastics.

    Leading: At the end of April, like a full-flowing river, International Dance Day Sparkles.

It is designed to different dances and styles

United under the flag of art.

Let us congratulate those who by their labors comprehended

Beautiful, understandable to all, body language!

May all performances be successful

And the dance of the soul embodies aspirations!

2. Host: And now we will introduce our participants to you. The competition program is attended by: _____________, ______________, ____________, _____________________.

Music is playing today.

Today is joy and fun.

Let the dance festival complete

April Sports Week.

Let's dance today

And have fun until you drop

We will light the stars

I invite everyone to the stage.

Meet the contestants!

    Host: class __________

    Host: class __________

    Leading: Dear contestants, dear members of the jury and spectators, now we will read to you the “Rules for evaluating contestants”:

Performances are evaluated by jury members, each category separately, according to a 5-point system. Performance is evaluated according to the following criteria:

Purity and technique of performance, musicality.

Artistry, stage image: costume, appearance.

Synchronization of performance

Rebuilding the drawing.

All criteria are combined into one score.

    Leading: Well, now it's time to introduce you to the jury members: Chief judge of the competition _______________.

Before the competition program begins, we have a big request to the audience and fans: do not make noise during the performances, applaud only after the performances and do not interfere with the rivals. Agreed?

    Leading: or you waltz in the hall,

Or in the rhythm of the tango you went.

On this International Dance Day

I wish my soul to fly up.

Your life passes under the sign of music,

You dance in a dream and in reality.

Let everything go during the dance,

Everything bad, so as not to invite trouble.

Passion goes the same way with you.

In the dance, feelings will overwhelm the mind.

It doesn't go away with the years.

So sincere you find comfort.

Well, let this feeling be with you

Let it keep the warmth of the heart

Let dances give you peace,

Dancing - God has given you!

And we invite the _________ class to the stage.

    Leading: Thank you for your performance. Being the first is always difficult: it is a big responsibility and emotional stress. But on the other hand, now the “pre-launch excitement” is behind them and they can calmly watch the performances of their competitors.

Why do people dance?

Hoping and waiting

What will suddenly be slimmer

And gain flexibility?

What is their bold dance

Will anyone love?

That the world will become kinder

And even a little prettier?

Flickering legs, arms,

Knees, bellies!

Don't be bored,

Dance quickly and you!

    Leading: I invite the class __________. Our competition is on the rise. And we want to say to everyone who has ever danced or will dance the following words: We wish our dear dancers that nothing interferes with you: neither an uncomfortable costume, nor embarrassment about a stupid hairstyle, nor nervous tension, nor irritation due to constant partners stepping on your feet!

And if something is wrong, immediately remind yourself: everything interferes with a bad dancer. I invite the class _______________.

    Leading: Spinning, dancing singing,

The flight of life and passions flight,

Young couple on stage

She is fire, he is blue ice.

Art that goes without saying

That never gets old.

It's nice on the day of the dance

Those who make us happy.

I invite class ______.

    Leading: if your favorite vacation is active, and not spending hours at the computer, or communicating with your own mobile phone, then our offer is just for you! Do you love to dance, but the same movements bore you? With us, in a fairly short period of time, you will be able to learn many movements in various dance styles and learn how to combine them into a spectacular dance (possible advertisement for a dance club, studio of a given educational institution, organization). I invite the class ___________.

I'm in awe of your talent!

You don't just dance, you soar!

Outshining other contestants,

You do wonders in all tournaments!

I always watch with wild delight,

What a wonderful dance you are!

On Dance Day, I sincerely wish -

Let your cherished dreams come true! We invite the class ____________.

    Leading: We thank those who showed us their talent today, and we sincerely wish you victory. Now the jury members will go to the deliberation room to sum up the results of the competition (song or dance).

    Leading: The word for congratulations is given to the chief judge of the competition __________________________________________________.

    Leading: We once again congratulate our winners and participants on the International Dance Day. We sincerely thank everyone for the pleasure given to us and wish you further creative success.

    Leading: Many thanks and gratitude to you, dear viewers, for your attention and support to the participants of the competition with your applause.

    Leading: This concludes our rhythmic gymnastics competition. We do not say goodbye, but say "See you again!" Go in for sports, be healthy.

Or any calendar holiday or just wanted to have fun and dance. To organize such a holiday, all prospective guests need to send out invitations, in which, in addition to the place and time of the evening, there will be a creative competition for the best author's dance and for the most original name of the dance and for the best costume. Guests should be prepared for such a turn of events.

  1. Musical break-ring.
  2. Cocktail party.
  3. Party attraction.

An invitation to a party might look something like this:

Writing an invitation

I'm waiting for you impatiently

There will be funny contests

Dances solo and collective.

You must come up with a name

And show your gifts.

Put all things aside

And hurry to my holiday.


  1. Just in case, the host of the party should stock up on scarves, hats, scarves, bandanas, if possible, then a few ballet tutus or something to replace.
  2. The room in which the holiday will be held must be decorated: for example, posters with silhouettes of dancing people should be hung on the walls, lighting should be considered: illuminate brighter those places where there are tables and competitions and dances will take place, and recreation areas should not be so intensively lit.
  3. In order for guests to refresh themselves or quench their thirst in between dances, you need to set up a buffet with snacks and a stack of clean plates, which should be at least 3-4 times more than the guests present, put a variety of glasses and glasses with drinks on a separate table , goblets.
  4. For a holiday, a leader is required (the position may be called a dance manager or dance master). It can be either one of your friends or the host of the evening.

Party Scenario

Dancemaster: At today's party, everyone should dance until they drop. The program of our evening will include competitions for the most ridiculous and ridiculous dances, as well as for the most extravagant costumes and original names of their author's dances. You can split into groups, couples or perform solo! All who wish to take part in these competitions must notify our authoritative jury. In the meantime, I'm announcing a competition for the most incredible and sparkling tango - whatever your imagination can suggest. Competent jury, please take your seats. Competitors are given 10 minutes to prepare. And the rest for the warm-up will perform dance exercises for me.

  • To peppy music, everyone performs dance steps: a variety of funny movements with arms, legs, head.

Dancemaster: Well done! We warmed up well, and now we will support our contestants with thunderous applause. The jury today will give out cards to everyone: red - the highest score, followed by blue, green, yellow and black, respectively, which is equivalent to scores of 5,4,3,2,1. (In order to make it convenient for guests to dance after receiving any card, they can be made on a ribbon and hung around the neck. You can also draw emoticons on the cards - the higher the score, the wider the smile). The guest who earns more points during the evening will receive a prize and the title of the best dancer of the evening. So, the competition begins!

  • There is a competition for the best tango. The jury announces the winner of this competition and distributes scorecards.

Dancemaster: And now a dance for everyone. My assistants will give the guys a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). During the dance, they need to collect as many autographs of the girls as possible, while not forgetting to dance. Each girl writes her name. Of course, the one with the most autographs wins.

  • At the end of the dance, the host announces that each autograph is a promise of a dance.

Dancemaster: Well, finally, it's time for author's dances.

  • Participants of the competition show pre-prepared dance numbers. Spectators are invited to give a name to the dance they saw, write it on a piece of paper and submit it to the jury. After all the performances, the jury will read out the most original names of the dances. The jury, after consulting, announces the winner and solemnly presents a comic prize, and the rest of the rating cards.

Dancemaster: The evening continues. I announce a dance for everyone. Those who are "unwilling" become spectators who will determine the winners with their applause.

  • First, everyone dances as usual, then the host announces that everyone should dance ONLY with the upper body, after a while - ONLY with the head and arms, then - ONLY with the head, and finally - ONLY with facial expressions. Those who break the rules are out. The jury or the audience celebrate the best. It is advisable to record this unusual dance with facial expressions on video.

Dancemaster: For the next competition, everyone should stand in a circle and dance. Dancing, you need to pass this bag to each other. As soon as the music stops, the one who at that moment has a bag must, without looking, put his hand into the bag and get the first thing that falls into his hand, then put on what is in his hand. Go!

  • You can put a variety of skirts, tutus or details of any costume in the bag: those who get the tutus should dance the "Dance of the Little Swans", those who get the wide skirt - a gypsy girl, a short skirt - a lambada, etc.

Dancemaster: And now I need to know which of you likes to draw? Come out to the center. I have a special game for you.

Game "Fast Artists"

There is a large sheet of paper on the floor and colored crayons or pencils around it, which should be one less than the participants in the game. To the music, everyone starts to march around the leaf. As soon as the music stops, everyone starts drawing where it stopped.

You can draw anything - a house, trees, animals. Whoever lacks a pencil is out of the game. Music sounds and the presenter removes another pencil. The music stops again. Again, everyone tries to grab a pencil and draw something - exactly at the place where the stop occurred, regardless of whether something was drawn there or not.

The one who remains last in the game wins. As a keepsake, the presenter is left with a sheet with drawings, which he can hand over to the birthday man, if any.

Dancemaster: Well, in conclusion, I announce the final competition. It's called Do Like Me. The rules are as follows: to the music, everyone takes turns showing some kind of movement, and everyone repeats. If someone hesitated or did not come up with anything, everyone makes claps, jumps or some other movement by agreement.

  • The movements can be repeated in the second circle, and then perform all the movements as a general dance.

Contests don't have to do everything. It is best to alternate general or pair dances with competitions, periodically, announcing pauses for snacks, drinking drinks or going to the toilet, otherwise the guests will not have time for competitions.

At the end of the evening, those with the most points are declared the winner and the best dancer, who will be rewarded with a prize or a joke medal. For those who have cards with a lower face value, special nominations can be established: “The fastest legs”, “The most flexible waist”, “The best jumper”.

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