The new Minister of Education fired Kalina. Isaac "deviant cucumber" Kalina

Activity: statesman

Isaac Iosifovich Kalina(born November 14, 1950, in the village of Sharlyk, Sharlyksky district, Orenburg region, RSFSR, USSR) - statesman of the Russian Federation, in 2009-2012. Deputy Chairman of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on Counteracting Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia's Interests, Since November 10, 2010, by the Mayor's Decree, he was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, head Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.


In 1968 he graduated from the Sharlyk Secondary School No. 2 with a gold medal and the Correspondence Mathematical School at the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. In 1972 he graduated with honors with a degree in Mathematics.

In 1998, he studied at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and received a manager's diploma (with honors) with a degree in State and Municipal Administration.

She has been working in the education system for over 40 years.

Labor activity

Since 1973 - a teacher at SPTU-62 in the village of Sharlyk, Orenburg Region, since 1981 - a teacher of mathematics at secondary school No. 2 in the village of Sharlyk. In 1984 he moved to Orenburg, director of boarding school No. 1.

Since 1989, in the public service - head of the department of district education of the Industrial District of Orenburg, since 1992 - deputy head of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. In 1996-2002 Head of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. In 1998 he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation with a degree in State and Municipal Administration. In 1999 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the development of the regional education system.

In 2002-2004 - Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House "Prosveshchenie". Since 2004 - Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Since September 11, 2007, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Since November 10, 2010, by the Decree of the Mayor, he was appointed Minister of the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Education of Moscow.

He is critical of the problem of standardization of education:

I think it's no secret to anyone that the school has been working all its life according to two standards: the first is a textbook, the second is control and measuring materials. A normal teacher rarely studies the program in the subject he teaches, for him this is not the most important thing. And those who have thoroughly studied the federal component of the state educational standard, I think, are generally not difficult to find. The question is, for what and for whom are these standards needed? I am convinced that they are needed to create textbooks for their authors and those who develop educational programs, as well as to develop KIMs for conducting a unified state exam. Standards are needed in order to coordinate the activities of all levels of education on a single basis, because the needs of universities determine the content of school education, the needs of the school - the content of preschool.

In 2009, he headed the working group of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, which monitored issues related to passing the exam and entering universities.

Isaac Kalina, as noted by the Ukrainian resource, is known for “active introduction in schools of a textbook on the history of the Russian Federation, edited by Alexander Filippov. In it, schoolchildren are told about Joseph Stalin as an effective manager of the 20th century, and the repressions of citizens are called “costs.”

Optimization activities in the field of education

Isaac Kalina gained notoriety for his efforts to merge and streamline Moscow schools and other educational institutions, including boarding schools, special schools for disabled and difficult children, and schools for gifted children. Explaining his managerial experiments at a round table in Moskovsky Komsomolets in January 2013, Isaac Kalina gave an illustrative "analogy":

Whatever cucumber gets into a good pickle - small, large, fresh, lightly salted - averaging takes place, all become equally good pickles. Therefore, even the merging of ordinary schools with deviant ones is not scary: if adolescents with antisocial behavior are placed in a good social environment (primarily school), then they will also become worthy students.

This statement immediately became the subject of witticism and ridicule:

But what if you merge several ministries into one, for example, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Defense? There will be savings on the salaries of ministers. At the same time, there will be more discipline in education, and more knowledge in defense. And in general, it is necessary to merge everyone into one barrel so that the most diverse brine is obtained. Why didn't they think of this before?

When the intentions of Isaac Kalina began to be put into practice, this caused a stormy protest on the part of Moscow teachers, students and their parents. So, on October 11, 2014, the first major rally was held against the merger of the Intellectual school with school No. 1588 and the reduction of its funding below the base level. The rally brought together about one and a half thousand people, its participants stated the need to preserve "special" schools and an individual approach to education when it comes to sick, "difficult" or, conversely, gifted children. Further, problems arose with a large number of other schools, such as the "School of Home Education No. 542", petitions were created against Kalina with numerous requests not to touch the schools. At subsequent protest actions, the demands of the protesters were personified and shifted towards the dismissal of Isaac Kalina from his position, in a rather harsh form (“Kalina in the garden”, etc.).

A petition was posted on the Internet addressed to the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, demanding that Isaac Kalina be dismissed.


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An excerpt characterizing Kalina, Isaac Iosifovich

- G ... "az! Two! T" and! ... - Denisov shouted angrily and stepped aside. Both walked along the trodden paths closer and closer, recognizing each other in the fog. The opponents had the right, converging to the barrier, to shoot whenever they wanted. Dolokhov walked slowly, without raising his pistol, peering with his light, shining, blue eyes into the face of his opponent. His mouth, as always, had a semblance of a smile on it.
- So when I want - I can shoot! - said Pierre, at the word three, he went forward with quick steps, straying from the beaten path and walking on solid snow. Pierre held the pistol, stretching his right hand forward, apparently afraid of lest he kill himself with this pistol. He diligently put his left hand back, because he wanted to support his right hand with it, but he knew that this was impossible. After walking six paces and straying off the path into the snow, Pierre looked around at his feet, again quickly looked at Dolokhov, and pulling his finger, as he had been taught, fired. Not expecting such a strong sound, Pierre flinched at his shot, then smiled at his own impression and stopped. The smoke, especially thick from the fog, prevented him from seeing at first; but the other shot he was waiting for did not come. Only Dolokhov's hurried steps were heard, and his figure appeared from behind the smoke. With one hand he held on to his left side, with the other he clutched the lowered pistol. His face was pale. Rostov ran up and said something to him.
- No ... e ... t, - Dolokhov said through his teeth, - no, it's not over, - and taking a few more falling, hobbled steps to the very saber, he fell on the snow beside it. His left hand was covered in blood, he wiped it on his coat and leaned on it. His face was pale, frowning and trembling.
“It’s a pity…” Dolokhov began, but he couldn’t pronounce it right away… “Perhaps,” he finished with an effort. Pierre, barely holding back his sobs, ran to Dolokhov, and was about to cross the space separating the barriers, when Dolokhov shouted: - to the barrier! - and Pierre, realizing what was happening, stopped at his saber. Only 10 steps separated them. Dolokhov lowered his head to the snow, greedily bit the snow, raised his head again, corrected himself, drew up his legs and sat down, looking for a firm center of gravity. He swallowed cold snow and sucked it; his lips trembled, but still smiling; his eyes shone with the effort and malice of the last gathered strength. He raised his pistol and took aim.
“Sideways, cover yourself with a pistol,” Nesvitsky said.
- 3ak "ope!" - unable to stand it, even Denisov shouted to his opponent.
Pierre, with a meek smile of regret and repentance, helplessly spreading his legs and arms, stood straight in front of Dolokhov with his broad chest and looked sadly at him. Denisov, Rostov and Nesvitsky closed their eyes. At the same time they heard a shot and an angry cry from Dolokhov.
- Past! - shouted Dolokhov and powerlessly lay down on the snow with his face down. Pierre clutched his head and, turning back, went into the forest, walking entirely in the snow and aloud saying incomprehensible words:
“Stupid… stupid!” Death... lie... - he repeated wincing. Nesvitsky stopped him and took him home.
Rostov and Denisov carried the wounded Dolokhov.
Dolokhov, silently, with closed eyes, lay in the sleigh and did not answer the questions that were put to him; but, having entered Moscow, he suddenly came to himself and, raising his head with difficulty, took Rostov, who was sitting beside him, by the hand. Rostov was struck by the completely changed and unexpectedly enthusiastically tender expression of Dolokhov's face.
- Well? How do you feel? Rostov asked.
- Bad! but that's not the point. My friend, - said Dolokhov in a broken voice, - where are we? We are in Moscow, I know. I'm fine, but I killed her, killed her... She can't take it. She won't bear...
- Who? Rostov asked.
- My mother. My mother, my angel, my adored angel, mother, - and Dolokhov began to cry, squeezing Rostov's hand. When he calmed down somewhat, he explained to Rostov that he was living with his mother, that if his mother saw him dying, she would not be able to bear it. He begged Rostov to go to her and prepare her.
Rostov went ahead to carry out the assignment, and to his great surprise he learned that Dolokhov, this brawler, Dolokhov lived in Moscow with an old mother and a hunchbacked sister, and was the most tender son and brother.

Pierre had rarely seen his wife face to face lately. Both in St. Petersburg and in Moscow, their house was constantly full of guests. The next night after the duel, as he often did, he did not go to the bedroom, but remained in his huge, father's study, in the very one in which Count Bezuhy died.
He lay down on the sofa and wanted to fall asleep in order to forget everything that had happened to him, but he could not do it. Such a storm of feelings, thoughts, memories suddenly arose in his soul that he not only could not sleep, but could not sit still and had to jump up from the sofa and walk around the room with quick steps. Then she seemed to him at the first time after her marriage, with bare shoulders and a tired, passionate look, and immediately next to her he saw Dolokhov’s beautiful, insolent and firmly mocking face, as it was at dinner, and the same face of Dolokhov, pale, trembling and suffering as it was when he turned and fell into the snow.
“What happened? he asked himself. “I killed my lover, yes, I killed my wife's lover. Yes, it was. From what? How did I get there? “Because you married her,” answered the inner voice.
“But what is my fault? he asked. “In the fact that you married without loving her, in the fact that you deceived both yourself and her,” and he vividly imagined that minute after dinner at Prince Vasily’s, when he said these words that did not come out of him: “Je vous aime.” [I love you.] Everything from this! I felt then, he thought, I felt then that it was not that I had no right to it. And so it happened." He remembered the honeymoon, and blushed at the memory. Especially vivid, insulting and shameful for him was the memory of how one day, shortly after his marriage, at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, in a silk dressing gown, he came from the bedroom to the office, and in the office found the chief manager, who bowed respectfully, looked at Pierre's face, on his dressing gown and smiled slightly, as if expressing with this smile respectful sympathy for the happiness of his principal.
“And how many times have I been proud of her, proud of her majestic beauty, her worldly tact,” he thought; he was proud of his home, in which she received all of Petersburg, was proud of her inaccessibility and beauty. So what am I proud of? At the time I thought I didn't understand her. How often, pondering her character, I said to myself that it was my fault that I did not understand her, that I did not understand this eternal calmness, contentment and absence of any predilections and desires, and the whole clue was in that terrible word that she was a depraved woman: yourself this terrible word, and everything became clear!
“Anatole went to her to borrow money from her and kissed her bare shoulders. She didn't give him money, but she let him kiss her. Her father jokingly aroused her jealousy; she said with a calm smile that she was not so stupid as to be jealous: let her do what she wants, she said about me. I asked her once if she felt any signs of pregnancy. She laughed contemptuously and said that she was not a fool to want to have children, and that she would not have children from me.
Then he remembered the coarseness, the clarity of her thoughts and the vulgarity of her expressions, despite her upbringing in the highest aristocratic circle. "I'm not some kind of fool ... go and try it yourself ... allez vous promener," [get out,] she said. Often, looking at her success in the eyes of old and young men and women, Pierre could not understand why he did not love her. Yes, I never loved her, Pierre said to himself; I knew she was a depraved woman, he repeated to himself, but he did not dare to admit it.
And now Dolokhov, here he is sitting in the snow and forcibly smiling, and dying, perhaps with some kind of feigned youth answering my repentance!
Pierre was one of those people who, despite their external, so-called weakness of character, do not look for an attorney for their grief. He processed his grief alone in himself.

The most odious figure in Russian education at the present time can be safely considered Isaac Iosifovich Kalina- an indefatigable Orenburg reformer who worked in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2004-10 (Director of the Department of State Policy in Education, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, head of the working group of the Ministry of Education and Science on the Unified State Examination), and on November 10, 2010, by decree of Sergei Sobyanin, he was appointed Minister Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Education of Moscow (DOGM); reassigned 21 September 2018.

RIA Katyusha: " This “effective manager” from Orenburg spent 8 years purposefully destroying affordable fundamental education in the capital, under the guise of optimization, merging schools into multidisciplinary “holdings” with corruption and extortion, dismissing and subjugating independent directors and talented teachers, setting up digital experiments on children (project "Moscow Electronic School") and completely ignoring the opinion of the parent community. Having undergone retraining at the RANEPA in the late 90s (the forge of liberal globalists No. 2 - after the HSE), Kalina acted in close conjunction with the main team of the liquidators of the Russian school: Yaroslav Kuzminov (Rector of the HSE), Isak Frumin (a person involved in the homoscandal at the HSE, curator deposition of education to the level of transferring “basic skills and competencies”), Dmitry Peskov (a transhumanist, under whose foresight projects the Agency for Strategic Initiatives under the Government was created in 2011, now he is the President’s special envoy for digitalization; not to be confused with the presidential press secretary), German Gref (the corporate university and various “charitable” foundations of Sberbank are introducing a caste system and “education on credit” according to the patterns of globalists from Stanford and Yale universities, taking patronage over schools and universities in Russia, reformatting teachers, etc.). It is Kalina’s belonging to this sect that explains the absurd for any adequate teacher of the initiative of the DOGM, such as the complete abolition of exams and the introduction of “personal development trajectories”, within which artificial intelligence will determine a person’s place in society from birth, as well as the rejection of traditional methods for assessing acquired knowledge. In addition, Isaac Kalina is the developer of the Strategy for the Development of Moscow Education until 2025 (in fact, this is a poorly camouflaged version of the same foresights "Education-2030" and "Education-2035") and the inspirer of the "new wave" school managers - directors-businessmen from education, which knows nothing about pedagogy. The damage caused to Russian education by Kalina's activities cannot be described within the framework of compressed material - he planted a time bomb directly into its foundation. Assessing his activities, we can safely talk about deliberate sabotage and sabotage - even Kalina's compatriot, political scientist Yevgeny Satanovsky, who often appears on federal channels, called the head of the DOGM "successfully finished with the school education of the capital ". "Halfapproximately the schools destroyed in the Russian Federation were destroyed in Moscow, for which I personally would like to thank - a deep bow to Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin and Isaac Iosifovich Kalina, whom I personally, as the former president of the Russian Jewish Congress, consider a great disgrace to the Jewish people and speak of this, weeping bitterly. I believe that only Berezovsky did more harm - he was like that, Boris Abramovich. There can be one benefit from the reduction of 628 schools in Moscow, from their merger, from everything else, including the reduction and merger of specialized schools: the area can be built up. To whom is the war, to whom is the mother dear! To whom - a school or, by the way, an institute of the Academy of Sciences, or, by the way, a university, and to whom - expensive land that can be built up. And when heavy rednecks, mixed with traditions, with the darkest traditions of the 90s, collide with the future of the country, then the future of the country will not survive, ”Satanovsky rightly noted at the beginning of last year.".

The "optimization" of Moscow schools and other educational institutions, including boarding schools, special schools for disabled and difficult children, schools for gifted children, has long become a byword. Isaak Iosifovich himself likes to compare the merger of schools where children with different abilities study with the preparation of pickles. " Whatever cucumber gets into a good pickle - small, large, fresh, slightly salted - averaging takes place, all become equally good pickles. Therefore, even the merging of ordinary schools with deviant ones is not scary: if teenagers with antisocial behavior are placed in a good social environment (primarily school), then they will also become worthy students.", - he reasoned during a profile round table organized by MK. Kalina's words caused a storm among Moscow teachers, who came up with an original nickname for the head of the Education Department - Deviant Cucumber.

68-year-old Kalina is a doctor of pedagogical sciences (evil tongues claim that the dissertation of the capital minister "Axiological foundations for the modernization of pedagogical education" in some places literally repeats word for word the work of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Oksana Pozdnyakova), an honored teacher of the Russian Federation, was awarded an honorary diploma of the government of the Russian Federation " for a great contribution to the improvement of the Russian education system and many years of conscientious work", the gratitude of the mayor of Moscow, the Order of Honor, the medal of K. D. Ushinsky, the badge "Excellence in Public Education." One of the wealthiest Moscow officials.

By the New Year, rumors about the imminent end of the brilliant career of Isaac Iosifovich revived again. There is an opinion that the "many years of conscientious work" of the pogromist of Russian education is finally coming to an end.

"Our sources report that as part of the “cleansing” of the Moscow authorities from gradually becoming “toxic” leaders, now it is the turn of loosening the chair under "unsinkable" headDepartment of Education of Moscow Isaak Kalina. Against the backdrop of his recent final press conference, during which Kalina voiced a lot of joyful, cheerful and victorious things, the structure he leads has now come under various checks. Particular attention is paid to tenders held in the interests of the Department of Education and their winners. In particular, according to one of our sources, the FSB is currently interested in the situation with the purchase of computer equipment for examination points. The Lanit-Integration company, which is part of the Lanit Group of Companies, decided to earn 3 billion rubles on the eve of the New Year by supplying this very computer equipment for the capital's examination points (a total of 10 procurement procedures with a total initial price of 4 billion 136 million rubles). And for this, the company is ready to supply Chinese-made equipment to Moscow schools. Experts drew attention (including regulatory authorities) to the low reliability of this hardware, as a result of which the supply of these laptops will lead to significant operational risks. Interestingly, the real cost of such laptops is no more than 15-18 thousand rubles. per unit, that is, 3 times lower than the price in the contract. However, at the same time, by agreement with the FAS, Lanit actually ousted the Russian manufacturer of such equipment - Technoprogress LLC. In the terms of the contract, the requirement for the location of the input / output ports was written on the back side of the case. And the appearance of such a "fundamental" condition in the terms of reference made it virtually impossible to supply laptops from the world's leading manufacturers as part of these purchases, which, in terms of their characteristics, are significantly superior to Chinese equipment from Lanit. Now the officials of the Moscow Department of Education responsible for the competitive procedures are getting ready to answer uncomfortable questions. Apparently, the determination of the winner of these purchases will have to wait. And it is not excluded - to rewrite the terms of reference. But the checks will affect not only this, so the subordinates of Isaac Kalina before the New Year felt some nervousness in the behavior of their boss", writes the Nezygar Telegram channel today.

In general, I practically do not use the term "problem", but prefer the term task. However, it is probably possible to call a problem a situation when the “task” simply has no solution under the existing conditions. Nevertheless, even in this case, I would say that such a problem is simply a task of increased complexity. I say “increased complexity” because, of course, the most difficult task is changing the conditions operating in the system.
And then, perhaps, we should first talk about the problems that we faced seven years ago. Precisely problems, because under the conditions that operated seven years ago in the system, these problems simply had no solution. You know them well. These, of course, are April Fools' night fires near Moscow schools, bred by parents who needed to enroll their child in the first grade in this particular school. The second is a large number of children older than three years old who could not get into kindergarten in any way. The third is bribes for admission to school and kindergarten under the guise of collecting money for the needs of the school.
- Why do you say that in the conditions that existed at that time these problems had no solution?
- Any system is always stronger than its individual element. And the elements try to simply use the rules that exist in the system. And if the funding in the system depended on the status of the institution, the relationship of the head of the institution with the department, the ability of parents to support the institution financially, then it is logical that school principals were motivated to implement these rules: to prove the status, to achieve a good relationship with the department, to gather solvent parents. And night bonfires, concealment of empty places in kindergartens, extortions are just a natural reaction to the funding rules that were in effect in those years. Therefore, the most important and most difficult task was to change the rules of financing. It couldn't be done all at once. The system has become so accustomed to voluntarism in the distribution of funds that some people still have a longing for the possibility of begging, knocking money out of the department or parents in excess of the amount that is due to everyone. That is, the existing conditions and rules motivated the headmaster to compete with his colleagues for resources. It doesn’t matter if they are budget or parental. Sometimes the victory in the competition for resources brought victory in the results. Although it can hardly be considered an honest victory, obtained due to the advantage in the conditions. Often, the victory in the competition for resources remained a resource one and did not translate into a victory for results. Today, Moscow has completed the fight against voluntarism in providing schools with resources, and directors simply have neither the opportunity nor the need to fight for resources, and therefore there is no motivation to do so.
Decree of the Government of Moscow No. PP-86, adopted in March 2011, marked the beginning of a change in the principle of school funding from funding the staffing to the principle “money follows the student”. And the possibility of electronic enrollment in the school, implemented on behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin, made the procedure itself as accessible and transparent as possible. Therefore, April Fools' bonfires have disappeared, the queue of children older than 2 years 8 months to kindergartens has disappeared, and there is no reason to collect money from parents for the "needs" of the school. On the other hand, another motivation appeared - the motivation of school directors to achieve the results that the city and citizens need.
- Isaac Iosifovich, what is the management of the Moscow education system based on today?
- I would say that the Moscow system rests on four pillars.
First. On formula funding that does not depend on the department, but depends on the achievement by the school of the parameters for the number of students whose families have chosen this particular school.
Second. On the formulaic assessment of the school, which is independent of the department, but depends on the achievement by the school of high indicators of the rating parameters.
Third. On the formulaic attestation of the director of the school, which does not depend on the department, but depends on various measurable managerial results that are important for the city and citizens, which are reflected in the attestation certificate of the director.
Fourth. On the principal's formulaic salary, which does not depend on the department, but depends on the number of students, rating points, the salary of the least paid teachers of the school and the volume of additional educational programs provided to the townspeople they need.
I confess, Petr Grigoryevich, given how inertial the education system is, we did not expect any immediate results, but life turned out to be more optimistic than our forecasts. Actually, according to the new rules, all schools in Moscow began to live only from September 2014. And from next year, ahead of all our forecasts, the results of Moscow schoolchildren at the Olympiads, the Unified State Examination and in the whole numerous spectrum of various measured results went up sharply.
At the same time, it is logical that by stopping the competition for resources and having equal access to them, more and more schools are entering into competition for results. And that is why every year there are more and more schools in Moscow, whose students bring diplomas of the All-Russian Olympiad, high USE results and other achievements to Moscow. Therefore, we can say that more and more schools are becoming schools without educational dead ends for our Moscow children.
- Isaak Iosifovich, the majority of economists dealing with teacher salaries, including those from the Higher School of Economics, believe that two indicators - the quality of education and salaries - are practically not correlated ...
- Let them consider themselves. As a teacher with great experience, I have always believed that I work as best I can, and I won’t work for better or worse from an increase in salary, although, of course, its addition is always nice. Probably, this is true in relation to each individual teacher, but this message has nothing to do with the system. The results of a large system that employs tens of thousands of educators are very much in sync with the wages of the teaching community. Look: over these seven years, the growth rates of the measured results of Moscow schoolchildren surprisingly coincide, slightly ahead, with the growth rates of the average salaries of Moscow teachers. At the same time, it should be noted that the sharp decrease in the number of officials and quasi-officials who supervised the teacher over the years, and the natural redistribution of the released money in favor of teachers directly working with children, created conditions under which the growth rate of the average salary of teachers significantly exceeded the growth rate of expenses. for one student. In general, the fact that in fact the only source of income for the budget of each school is its student has changed a lot in the system in essence. As one economist who studied the Moscow financing system said: “Your student has moved from the expenditure side of the school budget to the income side.” I'm not sure that all the teachers fully realized this, but the principals realized it for sure. Therefore, they understand that each student of the school with his results is dear in every sense, including financially, to his school. And the school is trying to invest the resource received from the city in those people who directly work with children, ensure their development, upbringing, and educational results. It has become unprofitable for the school to inflate the staff of "teacher guards", to spend money on them that can be invested in teachers who are necessary and useful to children.
These were indeed problems, because they required the solution of the most difficult task - changing the conditions. Everything else is an ongoing challenge. By the way, most often they arise in those schools where the leaders have not fully realized the changed conditions and in which the remnants of voluntarism sit in their heads. But these are tasks that can be solved already under the created conditions, which means that it is unjustified to call them complex.
And I am glad that the change in conditions has created a situation where the results of Moscow schoolchildren and the salaries of Moscow teachers differ from similar indicators in the regions more than the costs for students in our regions differ. After all, this is an indicator of the effectiveness of the system in the interests of teachers, and hence their students.
- The vertical of management of Moscow education has changed significantly, the district administrations have disappeared, their role is now performed by public organizations - inter-district boards of directors. To what extent has this public form of education management justified itself, since the head of the interdistrict board of directors is elected for a year, being at the same time the head of an educational organization?
- Inter-district boards of directors do not play the role of district administrations. The role of district administrations was transferred to the department. On this we have laid off more than three hundred officials and several thousand quasi-officials who once worked under these departments. But you are right, we were able to reduce them and transfer the saved money to the salaries of school teachers due to the fact that we are increasingly delegating authority to the schools themselves. In fact, we leave to ourselves the formulation and transmission of the city's goals in the field of education, training, certification of the leadership body of educational institutions, support for the implementation of citywide projects and control of the three most important regulatory moments in the life of the school: financial discipline, ensuring safety and ensuring compliance with the requirements for the results specified in the standard. So inter-district boards of directors perform a huge public-professional, expert, advisory and organizational role in the system, but the department cannot assign the function of district administrations to them.
- As a result of the education reform, the system of financing educational organizations has changed, schools have received complete financial freedom, the head of an educational organization has the right to independently resolve many serious issues (staffing, teachers' salaries). Is there a danger of losing objectivity in assessing the work of teachers and other employees of educational organizations?
- They received not only financial freedom, but also responsibility, not only to the state, but also to the collective. The leader is not completely independent in dealing with financial issues. He reports his decision to the governing council, which includes a representative of the students, and teachers, and the trade union, and the founder. It is precisely the system of governing councils that makes it possible to ensure objectivity in the evaluation of work. And then, Petr Grigoryevich, you have been engaged in education for so many years. Do you want to say that the department could better evaluate the work of a teacher of conditional school No. 999 than at the school itself? Therefore, do not persuade me to take back to the department the assessment of the work of a particular teacher of a particular school. This is much better done in the school itself. In addition, the objective system of olympiads, the Unified State Examination, the GIA, diagnostics checks the system of intra-school quality control, and hence the assessment of the work of teachers for objectivity. In Moscow, unlike Adygeya, it is almost impossible to get a medal without getting 220 points in the Unified State Examination and without winning the Olympiad. Everything in the system is so interconnected and mutually verifiable that today we are much more confident in an objective assessment within the school than when the department did it.
- The creation of large educational complexes in Moscow has many positive aspects, but are there any real difficulties in management, given their dispersion in a metropolis?
- Petr Grigorievich, as far as I follow you, you are very often geographically so distant from the editorial office of the Teacher's Newspaper that if its release depended on your being in the office, then the newspaper would simply not come out. But you use modern technologies for communication, control, situation monitoring, communication, etc.? And the newspaper comes out every week, and the site works twenty-four hours, seven days a week. You prove by your example that today the workplace of a modern, technologically competent manager is always with him, wherever he is.
A director today should not be a specialist in supervising every person in the organization, but a specialist in managing the educational system. And the system is governed by goals, objectives and rules.
When many years ago I was appointed director of a boarding school for orphans, it was in such a deplorable physical and organizational state that I was sure that I needed to be there 24/7. The first years it was like that. I did not go on vacation, I did not have days off, and then the moment came when I felt that I could leave the boarding school. And he took a vacation, but did not go anywhere to come to the boarding school once a week for the whole day. And suddenly I realized that everything works. Goals work because they have become commonplace in the boarding school. Tasks work because they have become commonplace in the boarding school. There are rules that have also become generally accepted in the boarding school. Therefore, it is not the director who should work, but the system of goals, tasks, rules, mechanisms, tools developed under the guidance of the director and adopted by the entire team. And today's communication technologies make it possible to do this not in three years, as I did in a boarding school, but in a much shorter period.
The director, who has worked for at least a year and feels that nothing can be solved without him, has not fulfilled the main task of the manager: to create a system of generally accepted goals, tasks and rules that will work on their own. Systems can have only system control. And if you need manual control, then this is not a system.
- Great attention is paid to vocational education in Moscow today. Does it make sense to create a separate structure for the management of vocational education, as it was in previous years?
- Petr Grigoryevich, apparently, you have not heard the answer to the second question about the vertical of control. The department does not manage institutions. The department manages the motivation of directors to achieve the goals and objectives that the city and citizens need, and the directors manage the motivation of teams to achieve the same goals and objectives. And therefore I don't think that our vocational education institutions want to have some kind of management office over them, they are completely independent people.
The goals and objectives of the city are the same, very integrated, so today colleges work not only with their students. They do a great job with the students. In fact, today they have restored the stations of young technicians that once disappeared in the city and created a huge network of circles of technical creativity. They have taken over the vocational training of schoolchildren, they are taking over the teaching of school technology, so they do not want to break with the schools. Now, if you asked: “Maybe they don’t need the department anymore?”, I would rather think about the question. And to the question of whether another department is needed, I definitely answer: there are a lot of ours, and you want to create another one ...
- Today, the USE has justified itself as an independent form of assessing students' knowledge, but it's no secret that 60-70 percent of high school students use the services of tutors to successfully pass exams. Your comment?
- We are adults, and the newspaper is for adults. And let me remind you of the old anecdote for adults that it seems that it was the seventh toast that brought you to full condition and the first six were useless. And everything is exactly the opposite. Maybe the seventh was just unnecessary. I am sure that without the contribution of the school to the knowledge of the student, the tutor would not have achieved anything.
- Isaac Iosifovich! Currently, there is a sharp rejuvenation of the leading cadres of educational organizations. Young managers, effective managers come. Will the role of the school principal as a teacher of teachers be lost in this case?
- Petr Grigoryevich, the rejuvenation of the leading cadres is mostly resented by people who themselves, under the age of 30, became directors and have been directors for the next 30 years. And, probably, they would like to stay in this position for as long. I would not use the term “effective managers”, because the first word is understood very differently by everyone, and the second is generally understood by few people, including me. I would say that today people who are learning to be organizers, and therefore leaders of the educational system, in which everything is very interconnected, come to the management of Moscow schools.
Today, the school is finally truly financially free and responsible. And without financial freedom, there can be no other, so directors learn to manage finances to solve pedagogical problems. And this can only be done by a person who understands well both pedagogy and the financial part. This is often taught to teachers. Sometimes, but less often, it is possible to teach pedagogy to economists, financiers, lawyers, so the vast majority of directors of Moscow schools are people with a pedagogical education and pedagogical experience.
And I read the term “teacher of teachers” about 50 years ago and was very surprised. I confess that many years ago, when I became a teacher, I did not really want my director to be my teacher precisely as a teacher. I wanted to learn from him the professionalism that he shows as an organizer of education. Yes, I agree that the director should be able to conduct a training session. But this is not its value. There are almost 100 thousand people in the system who can do this. Its value is that it can organize a system in which a teacher working in his school can only think about his teaching tasks and not think about whether there is equipment for his pedagogical activity, whether the office is repaired, whether the school has a clear timetable.
The standard clearly spells out three groups of requirements for the school: requirements for results that only a teacher can really provide and no one else; requirements for the structure of educational programs, the implementation of which is ensured by the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs; and conditional requirements. The director must distribute his attention to all three groups of requirements. And since the school traditionally did not have any financial, economic and economic freedom, then, unfortunately, our generation of directors did not know how to manage the implementation of the third group of requirements at all, and some still believe that this is not necessary. Therefore, in such schools, teachers are in worse conditions, and this is a disaster for teachers.
And you will conduct a survey of teachers and ask: do they want the directors to teach them or that the directors create all the necessary conditions so that teachers can be such that students learn from them? Ready to bet on the results. Conduct such a survey.
- Let's do it. Tell me, Isaac Iosifovich, could you be a director in Moscow?
- Since we have more and more young competent managers, I would not take myself as a director.
- When will robots replace teachers?
- When robots learn to feel and understand human feelings. That is, never. But the question is put in such a way that I wanted to give another answer to it. When not guys, but "robots" come to school. That is, again, never. It's just that we, teachers, will have to learn all the time to always be the owner of the robot that will help us. And I hope it will never be the other way around.
An example is the Moscow Electronic School. Yes, MES is a kind of analogue of a robot. But the MES does not replace the teacher, it helps the teacher, and the teacher is the owner of the MES. But in order for the robot not to become our master, we need to learn to control it all the time. And since robots are developing quite quickly thanks to people, then we humans will have to develop very quickly in order to remain the master of the robot. In the case of MES, the process of this training and active development of new technology is also specially encouraged: the Mayor of Moscow has established special grants and a city bonus to the monthly salary of teachers for active participation in the development of the MES.
- And what does the MES directors and deputies get?
- Do not think that the Moscow e-school is only educational content that teachers need. As a matter of fact, the MES is connected both with the contingent of students, and with the list of employees of the education system, and with the electronic diary and electronic journal, and with accounting. I think that even now the headmaster can analyze the information necessary for making managerial decisions based on MES data.
- How to become a director of a school in Moscow?
- Get certified. It consists of two stages: computer diagnostics of your knowledge, skills, and an interview with the certification committee. You must demonstrate your knowledge and skills in people management, knowledge and skills in resource management, knowledge and skills in process management, knowledge and skills in results management, and knowledge and skills in information management. There can be an infinite number of training attempts. Training tasks are freely available on the MIOO website. You are given three credit attempts. The next stage is a public, broadcast on the Internet, certification of candidates for directors of Moscow schools. It takes place every Tuesday in the form of an interview with a commission, which includes the most experienced directors of the city's schools. There are representatives of the scientific, parent community, journalism, veterans of pedagogical work. The composition of the commission is diverse, but at the core are the most experienced directors of the city, who have long confirmed their personal compliance with the position of director by the results of their schools. Before the members of the commission there is an information certificate about the candidate - who he is, where he is from, and the commission asks the candidate questions. At the end of the interview, there is an electronic vote. Everyone who scored more than 50 percent is considered certified, and those who are certified with a score of 80 percent are credited to the personnel reserve of the department.
- And what is the dropout rate?
- About 30 percent cope with testing the first time, after three attempts more than half are eliminated. After the second stage, about 60 percent are considered certified, and a fifth of them gain the same 80 percent, which allow the candidate to be enrolled in the personnel reserve of the department. For all those who passed the certification, there is an opportunity to study at the School of the Future Director. Every second Wednesday, our specialists give lectures to them, conducting testing during the lesson to assimilate the material covered. With those who scored the maximum number of points on tests during classes at the School of the future director, we conduct a group discussion and say, so to speak, universal things. And if we see that a person has normal values, high potential, we transfer data about him to the curators of the districts. If there is a vacancy in the district, then the curator sends this candidate to the personnel council of the interdistrict board of directors, consisting of three authoritative directors. Also present at the interview with the candidate for principal is the coordinator of this IRSD and the chairman of the governing board of the school to which we plan to appoint the candidate. If the conversation was satisfactory, the members of the personnel council write me a paper, sealed with three signatures, stating that the personnel council agrees to accept Ivan Ivanovich Sidorov as director and that the experienced director Ivan Ivanovich Petrov has been appointed mentor. After that, I sign an order for his appointment to the position of director.
Rocketeers say that they have the principle of two keys, and we have at least the principle of six keys. By the way, at any stage a person can leave the race himself, but this does not mean that everything is lost for him. Having passed the certification, and it is valid for three or five years, he still has the right to apply for the post of director of a Moscow school.
- Are there people from the regions in your personnel reserve?
- Yes, but not enough. The percentage of them passing through our long chain is not very high. An example would be the director of school No. 1566, she is now in 81st place in the ranking. She came to the capital from Tolyatti, where she was deputy head of the city education department. She worked hard and got what she wanted. Now she is not only a director, but also a member of the attestation commission.
- Isaac Iosifovich, have there been cases when a young candidate passed all the tests, he was appointed director, and he admits in a year or two that he can’t cope and he has to leave?
- It was even faster.
- What influenced, in your opinion, this decision of young managers?
- I always say that the result of our life is the product of our two qualities: intellect and character. And if one of the factors is equal to zero, then the second does not affect the result in any way. Our long chain first checks intelligence. And the fact that our selection system does not test character is, of course, a flaw. I just thought about personnel advice: maybe at this level it is just possible to probe whether a candidate for director has a firmness of character. The director's contract cannot be longer than the term of the current attestation, the first contract is rarely longer than two years. But at the second attestation, when he already leaves as an acting director, not only his intellect and managerial skills are manifested, but also his character. To be honest, the number of those who themselves came in a short time to refuse, well, is simply scanty. I remember only two cases over the years. But about 10 percent of those who have worked for two years, having not achieved any positive changes, do not pass re-certification and leave the director's chair. Any system that objectively looks at a person will definitely weed someone out. And if you can work indefinitely for everyone, then this is some kind of strange system.
- What do you consider the most unnecessary in school and what subject, in your opinion, is the most inexpressive?
- Uselessness in school does not depend on the names. Uselessness at school is always associated with a person: director, head teacher, teacher. Everything that the right person does at school, the school needs. And if something unnecessary is being done, then this person is not needed by the school. And it doesn't depend on the subject. Necessity and uselessness are determined not by the type of activity, but by the person who performs it. The right person will not do unnecessary work.
- Isaak Iosifovich, what axioms, in your opinion, should not be neglected in any reforms in education?
- Let's first clarify what each of us understands by the word "reform". If it's just a change in shape, then that's one thing. And if the change of essence, then this is different. But since in our country the word "reform" is often identified with the word "revolution", then I have one axiom: no reforms in education are possible, since the essence of education is unchanged. Children need to learn. By the way, adults too. And I am glad that, for example, I still constantly meet people from whom I have something to learn. And so I really want to have a professional person next to every Moscow schoolchild, from whom this student will want to learn professionalism. After all, even a future poet can learn professionalism from a mathematics teacher, just as a future mathematician can learn professionalism from a teacher of literature. These are the values ​​of education, and they are unchangeable. And the technologies for ensuring the realization of these values, of course, will change and develop all the time. But changing technology is not reform. This is development. In a rapidly changing world, the most reliable way to preserve traditional values ​​is the timely modernization of technologies that ensure the sustainability of these values ​​even in the new world.
- Isaak Iosifovich, I ask all my interlocutors to continue the phrase: “A modern teacher is ...”
- For me, this is a person from whom you can learn professionalism, I have already talked about this. It seems to me that it would be very interesting to conduct a survey: who is a teacher? I think 90 percent will say that a teacher is a person who teaches, and this is a very bad characteristic of our school of all time. After all, the normal answer is: a teacher is a person who learns from. The main thing we learn from our teachers is relationships. Attitude to the world, to yourself in this world, to the people who surround you, to the country and city in which you live, to the tasks or problems that life sets before you.


To learn more about the projects that are being implemented in Moscow today, visit the website of the School of the Big City
We recommend that you pay special attention to the sections “Pre-professional classes”, “Director’s remuneration as a way to increase motivation for results” and “Rating criteria for the contribution of educational organizations to the quality of education of Moscow schoolchildren in 2018”.

The reform of Moscow education, which began four years ago with the arrival of Sergei Sobyanin, who headed the city, continues. And although there are already first results testifying to its effectiveness, there are no fewer questions about innovations in the capital's schools. With them, the conversation began at the "Business Breakfast" in "RG" with the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina.

Isaac Iosifovich! The enlargement of schools was met in different ways in the city. There are also protests. For example, the parents of the students of the "Intellectual" gymnasium recently went to a rally on Suvorovskaya Square. So in "RG" there are a lot of letters from them. They fear that its merger with the educational complex N 1588 will reduce the quality of education in their advanced school. What can you tell them?

Isaac Kalina: Let me remind you why this is done in essence. For many years, there were several dozen strong schools in Moscow, which really provided a high level of education to those who got into them. How exactly? This is another question. But most of the population in Moscow strives to give their children a good education. Therefore, the task of the city is not just to select children who are easy to teach, but to help identify the abilities of each child - there are no incapable children, I am sure of this. And then develop them. But for this, residents do not have to run around Moscow in search of quality education, but it should come to where people live. And our task is to ensure the mass availability of such education.

In 2010, when we analyzed the execution of the city budget, with the formal minimum standard of 63 thousand rubles per student, there were schools that had funding of 50 thousand rubles, and schools that received up to 400 thousand rubles for a healthy child. And this gap, thanks to the support of the state budget, continued increase. Which, in my opinion, gave rise to two mortal sins. For schools that are not included in the list of special ones, it is a sin of despondency - why try, you still can’t see the money. Those who had a lot and believed that they were already at the top of Olympus were possessed by the sin of pride. Therefore, on March 22, 2011, a resolution of the Moscow government "On the development of general education in the city of Moscow" was adopted, where one of the mechanisms was the adoption of an equal funding rate for all schools participating in the pilot project that this document launched.

That is, the school began to receive money for each student and decide for itself what its priorities are. When, at the end of 2011, some schools had fairly serious financial balances, Moscow Mayor Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin resolutely stopped the attempts of financiers to take them away, saying: "The schools earned this money by the quality of their work, having managed to attract students." So schools have the opportunity to build long-term plans for their development. Now they can always accurately calculate what resources they have and what may appear in the future. And when the first directors believed that nothing would be taken away from them, regardless of whether they had a large staffing table or a small one, the first proposal appeared to connect the two schools, the territories of which were separated only by a chain-link grid. They understood: here is a director - there is a director, here is a supply manager - there is a supply manager ... Why?

That is, the initiative of the association came from the directors themselves?

Isaac Kalina: They themselves were interested in creating a more efficient model for managing school resources. In addition, Federal Law No. 83 was released, which gave school leaders as much authority as even the head of the RONO did not have in Soviet times. And there is no freedom without responsibility. The directors realized that they needed a very serious and competent management team, they needed a financier, a lawyer... Such a team cannot be created in a small school. Nevertheless, we did not force the connection process. In 2011, we considered all applications from schools together with the city committee of the trade union, other public organizations, and rejected more than half, because we understood that people see this as only economic efficiency and do not understand how this will affect the results of the work of the entire school. And they are there. In Moscow, there are now twice as many excellent students in the Unified State Examination than the national average. A third of the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiads in Russia are Moscow schoolchildren. And most importantly, not 70, but 145 schools of the capital are preparing them!

What fate awaits good schools with strong mathematical traditions in the conditions of new funding?

Isaac Kalina: Each case has its own. For example, I immediately said that I would be the first to oppose Vladimir Fedorovich Ovchinnikov's attempt to expand Lyceum No. 2. I value this unique person in the education system so much that I consider it wrong to load him with any additional tasks in relation to him. The same can be said about the gymnasium N 1543 Yuri Vladimirovich Zavelsky. But school N 444 with in-depth study of computer science and physics is expanding. The main thing is not the profile of the school, but the profile of the classes. And there will be math classes in every district of Moscow.

In general, I think that traditions should be preserved not in forms and mechanisms, but in values ​​and results. I was once interested in the movie "The Last Samurai". It is just about the fact that if you try to keep your traditions in forms, tools and mechanisms, you will definitely lose to a competitor who is more loyal to innovation.

Doesn't it bother you that the heroes loyal to innovations in this film are negative?

Isaac Kalina: Yes, at first I sympathized with just positive characters, that is, losers. And then I began to think and realized that it is important that good wins, and does not continue to fight with squeakers.

How many schools are there in Moscow now? Will their number continue to decrease?

Isaac Kalina: It was 1572, now there are 750. The main mass connection of schools, which lasted three years, is completed. But I will emphasize again. We didn't do this for digital results. It is necessary that in every district and every microdistrict of Moscow there is a school in which a child can realize himself, regardless of what his abilities are - in mathematics, literature, physical education or music. In the national doctrine of education, this task is expressed in three amazing words: quality, accessibility, efficiency. It is almost impossible to provide all three parameters for a small school. Schools that have been living in the combined version for at least a year and a half have already understood this.

You have repeatedly said that the best school for a child is the one closest to his home. In connection with the consolidation, many families are faced with the problem when a first-grader must be led through three intersections, along four streets ... As a result, girls are taken to school almost up to the 10th grade.

Isaac Kalina: What are you about? The buildings are all in place! We don't play the famous game "the house has moved". Connecting is a step by step process. At first, the administrative block was simply merged: there were three directors, and only one remained. Then comes the connection of resources: you have a pool, we do not, now it will be shared, the same with the assembly hall, etc. Then the unification of personnel begins, and this is the most painful: in total there were 7 physicists, of whom only 5 are now satisfied ... In the end, it is also possible to create the so-called school of steps, when for the convenience of children and the teaching staff one building is given over to an elementary school, another for the main, the third for high school. But I would not advise anyone to hurry with its creation.

Nevertheless, there are already such examples in the city. For example, school N 57 ...

Isaac Kalina: But the school came to this in the process of connection, which began back in 2008. She is currently ranked 4th overall.

Vladislav Vorobyov, "RG": School N 1189, where my child is studying, is now in the process of merging. I agree that street rallies are not the best way to solve problems. But to be honest, we, parents, are simply afraid that our good school, the director of which will most likely be the director of school N 2077, to which it is attached, will simply fall apart as a result.

Isaac Kalina: Are you worried about the director's fate?

Vladislav Vorobyov: I am concerned about the fate of my child. But the director of school N 2077 has his own team and it’s not a fact that our teachers will find a place in it ...

Isaac Kalina: Any school director, any administration in Moscow is interested in the high results of the work of the entire school. And if your school has a strong physicist, then any team and any director will cherish him. And in general, before you get excited and oppose it in advance, I would advise you to go to school N 2077, listen to its director. Then most likely we would have a different conversation. Now a large school has a physics and mathematics class, a cadet class, a medical class, a law class... We are agreeing with the medical university to open additional medical classes, and engineering classes with engineering universities. The more diverse the school environment, the more opportunities each child will have to choose from.

I was there recently. Went to a children's concert. And I did not immediately understand that children were not only healthy, but also with disabilities. I guessed this only by translating with gestures that a high school girl did for hard of hearing children. Clever, beautiful, involuntarily made me think about a simple life situation. After all, if she studied at a school for children with the same developmental characteristics as hers, she would be put in conditions where the gentleman must be looked for only the same. And why? Yes, in her current school, all the guys will run after her! Well, if you think that your exceptional children should by no means come into contact with other children in their lives, then excuse me.

I will just say one more thing for those who do not know: the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bconnecting these two schools did not originate in the department of education. She was born at the Kurchatov Institute, which, in fact, created and raised school No. 1189. There was a letter from its president, Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, a conversation with the director, Mikhail Valentinovich Kovalchuk. Both said that Kurchatovka wanted to develop a big school. We talked with neighboring N 2077 and received both her consent and the consent of the chairman of the governing board of school N 1189.

Is this a required connection?

Isaac Kalina: According to the current regulation, for the reorganization of any budgetary institutions, even in healthcare, even in education, formally the founder should not ask for consent. Nevertheless, from the very beginning we went to a broad discussion of each connection in order to insure ourselves and not make mistakes. At the second stage, it was decided that school governing councils were sufficient as expert groups. But this is our voluntary decision.

Why, then, did people come out to a rally against the unification?

Isaac Kalina: There are 1 million 300 thousand students in the city. 10 percent of them will always be dissatisfied with something. And that's okay. Why do I keep talking about the two sins at school? Despondency, usually quiet, silent. When more than a million families of students, who had five times less funding than the rest of several thousand, this million was silent, although he had "above the roof" reasons to go to the square.

There is one more problem. In the course of discussing the upcoming changes, I eventually realized that the most difficult thing is where the governing board is identical to the parent committee. Such a council most often makes a decision based not on the perspective of the school, but from the position of the momentary convenience of the parents. When we try to tell them that, unfortunately, such a position is not focused on the future, we hear in response: give us the opportunity to finish school, and then do what you want. But the city should think not only about those children who study today, but also about those who will come tomorrow. Therefore, we have created inter-district councils of school directors who assess the situation in the whole district. And the Chamber of Chairmen of Interdistrict Councils was delegated the responsibility to assess the consequences of the reorganization in the city.

If we do not think about the future, then very soon we may find ourselves in the position of a patriarchal rural family, where a 30-35-year-old son says to his parents: come on, mom, I will rebuild the house. And his parents answer him: when we die, rebuild as much as you want. Well, they do not want to endure the inconvenience of life at a construction site! And then the son himself lives to an age when these changes seem to him to be useless and beyond his strength. And so generation after generation lives in the aging house, which was once built by one decisive generation of the family. But the world around us cannot and should not age with us. He is constantly rejuvenated, which is great. Although annoying, of course.

Please clarify the situation with the extension: is it still paid or free in Moscow?

Isaac Kalina: Article 66 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" gives the right to introduce a fee for care and supervision in an extended day group. But due to the fact that we have a very high funding standard for schools in the capital, they can also keep free groups. The decision, which group to be - paid or free, is taken by the school on its own. The department retains the sole right to agree or not to agree on the amount of parental supervision and care offered by this educational institution, and to check whether those categories of families that are supposed to be exempted from this payment. To date, only 15 schools have succeeded, with the participation of their governing boards, in persuading the district departments of education and obtaining permission from them.

That is, if someone takes a fee for an after-school program without approving its amount in the district education department, then he is acting illegally?

Isaac Kalina: If the receipt says: fee for care and supervision, then yes. In addition, I asked the directors what kind of prices are being discussed in the city: an extension for 17 thousand a month? No one admitted to offering. I don't think anyone offered.

And what, in your opinion, can a real fee be?

Isaac Kalina: Up to 3-4 thousand rubles per child. I warned that no one tried to include in this price the cost of, for example, heating or lighting.

Isaak Iosifovich, the possibility of introducing a single vacation is also being discussed. Readers of "RG" see in this not only pluses, but also minuses. They are worried that at once in the city there will be crowds of unruly and unoccupied teenagers. Museums won't accommodate everyone, and it's silly to expect that you will be able to cover everyone with excursions ... What do you think about this?

Isaac Kalina: I don’t want to influence the results of the voting of Muscovites: it starts on October 27 on the website and in the Active Citizen mobile application. Let's first find out the opinion of the inhabitants of the capital.

But, as you know, 70% of the survey participants have already supported the idea...

Isaac Kalina:"For" they spoke, but at the same time everyone had in mind an option that he personally likes. We exhibited all three existing options in Moscow. One traditional - between quarters, the other - big holidays between trimesters and the third, when you study for five weeks and rest for the sixth.

It would also be nice if, when making a decision, the holidays in music schools were taken into account so that they would not be at different times.

Isaac Kalina: I think there will be no problems with this, they always focus on us. In any case, this year the holidays will still be the same as before.

Isaac Iosifovich! Let's talk more about frames. For a long time, Moscow experienced a shortage of teachers, even had to provide apartments, if only there was someone to teach children. Is this problem gone now?

Isaac Kalina: When I came to work in Moscow, I had a different problem - many acquaintances tried to arrange school for their children or grandchildren through me. We introduced electronic registration in the first class and I didn’t have this headache. By the way, after some time, talk about bribes for admission to school practically disappeared. Just do not think that the number of those upset by the disappearance of the opportunity to sell and buy a place in the school was small. Alas, there are still many of these dissatisfied today. But another topic has appeared: now my friends are trying to arrange through me who are children, who are nephews, who are their acquaintances as teachers in the school. In this regard, I remember one good man who worked in the Ministry of Culture. When one of his colleagues complained to him that he was tortured with requests to get a ticket, he uttered a wonderful phrase: "While they are asking to enter the hall, this is not so bad. The trouble will be when they start asking for the stage ..." Here I am right now the moment has come when everyone wants to be on the school stage, and I can no longer help anyone in this, because the competition in Moscow schools is now 10-12 candidates for the position of a teacher.

All Muscovites?

Isaac Kalina: No. At first, I also thought: a Muscovite should be a teacher in the capital. And even tried to promote this idea among school principals, but did not find support. Many take young teachers from nearby areas. They say that these guys are very zealous about teaching. They also have financial interests. For example, two girlfriends come - graduates of the Pedagogical Institute from Yaroslavl, rent for two "odnushka" thousand for 30 rubles. The average salary of a teacher in Moscow is 65,000. This means that each of them has 50,000 left. About twice as much as they would receive in their city. Yes, and living in the capital is more interesting, and the law allows it. In order to attract more Muscovites, we are now inviting graduates from non-pedagogical universities to study at our Pedagogical University, so that, say, a graduate of the Moscow State University Mechanics and Mathematics, after passing it, would come to work as a mathematics teacher. There are many graduates of this faculty in the capital, who work excellently in schools.

Does this mean that there will be no "extra" teachers in education, like superfluous doctors in healthcare, who, in the process of modernizing the industry, need to be retrained for another medical specialty?

Isaac Kalina: Another problem awaits us - timely rotation. Salaries have become good, so older teachers are in no hurry to retire. In addition, very good teachers in the city now belong to a category close to my age, young people also work. And in the middle there is a big gap. Pensioners will leave, only young people will remain. Great, of course, but also fraught with great risks. It would be better to have a team of 25, 40 and 60 year old teachers. I hope this will happen over time.

At the beginning of the new academic year, Sobyanin said that an experiment had begun in six schools to introduce electronic textbooks. Does it mean that paper textbooks will soon become a thing of the past?

Isaac Kalina: The other day I was at a school where children were given tablets with downloaded textbooks, in which the content is regularly updated. This pace of innovation is even a little alarming... But this is only the beginning. And I can't say for the developers how long the process of introducing such textbooks will take. So far, the Moscow teachers are not just testing them, but in fact, together with the developers, are creating electronic textbooks. Although, to be honest, I can’t imagine a good teacher who would be guided in his work only by a textbook, no matter if it is paper or electronic.

How do you feel about the proposal, recently made to the President at the All-Russian Educational Forum in Penza, to save graduates who do not want to enter universities from passing the exam?

Isaac Kalina: 4 years ago I would have supported him. Indeed, why strain a person who does not want to continue his education? But for Moscow, this does not matter, since 99.9% of school graduates want to enter universities. So, I am sure of this, they will all come to the exam.

And this proves once again that quality schools should be available to all Muscovites. And this main task of ours has only one solution - it is necessary that all schools in Moscow be of high quality. But the mechanism of this solution must be effective. Otherwise, everything will end with a dozen "exhibition samples not for everyone."

- There are quite a few of them.

I do not remember who owns the phrase: "If you want to make enemies, try to change something." I would be very surprised if, after four years of working in the city, in a system in which more than two hundred thousand people work, everyone would be satisfied with me. I'm not a chervonets to please everyone. In this case, I want to say: I am pleased that many directors come to me, both individually and in groups. I am very glad that at these meetings people do not ask for additional resources, but talk to me about the content, organization, and essence of education. To me, this is a signal that these wise and experienced educators find it possible to discuss meaningful things with me.

Isaac Kalina

Graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute. V.P. Chkalov with a degree in Mathematics and the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration with a degree in State and Municipal Administration. Since 2012
-doctor of pedagogical sciences.

Work in Orenburg
Since 1989, he worked in the civil service: head of the district education department of the Industrial District of Orenburg, since 1992 - Deputy, since 1996-Head of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region.

Work in the Ministry of Education
In 2002-2004 - Deputy General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House Prosveshchenie in Moscow. In 2004, he became director of the department of state policy in the field of education at the Ministry of Education and Science. From 2007 to 2010-Deputy Minister of Education and Science.

Work in the government of Moscow
Since November 2010 - minister of the metropolitan government and head of the city's department of education.

Work under the President
In 2009-2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Commission to Counter Attempts to Falsify History to the Detriment of Russia's Interests.

Let's talk about what's bothering them. For example, the teaching staff of the "Intellectual" school is openly dissatisfied with your policy. Compared to previous years, the school's funding was reduced several times, and in order to receive a living wage, they had to merge with another school from the pilot project. As far as I know, no one wanted this merger. (About the conflict of the teaching staff of the boarding school for gifted children "Intellectual")

Let's raise any speech of the director of "Intellectual" Yury Borisovich Tikhorsky. I do not see anything in his speeches that is perpendicular to what is being done in the Moscow education system.

- Perhaps he is now simply put in such a framework?

Listen, I really don’t like it when people who occupy very responsible positions are given even hints in front of me, as people who are weak and adapt to circumstances.

- In the end, Yuri Borisovich has no other choice, it seems to me.

I think that every person who has undertaken to be responsible for a great cause and a large team can be blamed in this life in many ways, but not for weakness.

The administration of the Intellectual school, which previously received over 200 thousand rubles annually per student, refused to enter the pilot project, after which funding was cut to 63 thousand rubles. Why did this happen?

The city has a single standard - 63 thousand rubles a year. It was installed until 2011, no one changed it. But on March 22, 2011, the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 86-PP “On Conducting a Pilot Project for the Development of General Education in the City of Moscow” was issued, which was prepared for a long time, including with the participation of directors and financiers. This is not a funding order. This is a decree on the achievement of mass qualitative results in the education system of the city. Yes, it also contains the funding standards for the participants of the pilot project [123,000 rubles a year on average per student], because the participants have taken on quite serious obligations both to achieve results and to optimize their farming. At the first stage, 125 schools joined the project. Principals' seminars were opened on the basis of these schools, where directors of the pilot schools gathered every Tuesday. At the next stage, there were 134 schools, and then we suddenly received more than 700 applications. We tried not to accept all of them, the directors began to complain that the selection was starting again, and so on. At the same time, already at the second stage, schools with funding of even more than 120 thousand rubles entered the pilot project, i.e. schools entered the project not because of funding, but because of becoming participants in the development of all these mechanisms. Some schools considered that the development of these mechanisms was not necessary for them. Everyone was eligible to join the project. And each school made its own decision, including "Intellectual" ...

- ...who received funding of 63 thousand?

They didn't get 63,000 because before getting anything, the school administration applied for a merger with the school participating in the pilot project.

- Nevertheless, the teachers are unhappy, the students write a letter to the president ...

Let's clarify - part of the students, part of the teachers.

- In a recent interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta, you said that you would be the first to oppose Vladimir Ovchinnikov's attempt to expand Lyceum No. 2. “I value this unique person in the education system so much that I consider it wrong to load him with any additional tasks in relation to him,” you said. You said the same about Yury Zavelsky's gymnasium No. 1543. It turns out that some schools have preferences, they do not need to be enlarged?

This is not a preference, but a limitation. Which, let's not hide, is due to the fact that these two directors are over 85 years old, and the pilot project is a very laborious and lengthy project. This question has nothing to do with schools, but only with the personalities of principals.

School as a pedagogical unit

- As far as I understand, you are a supporter of consolidation of schools.

There is such a legal concept - a budgetary institution. A school is a pedagogical unit. And within one budgetary institution there can and should be more than one pedagogical unit. A budgetary institution is a term that has no direct relation to students, parents, or even teachers, but only to the school administration. To those who are engaged in legal, financial and economic activities. In 2010, it became clear that three wonderful laws (FZ-83, FZ-44 and FZ-273) were about to come out, which would finally give budgetary institutions freedom in their financial activities. As a result, along with freedom, a huge responsibility for financial, legal and economic issues fell on the school. To exercise all these powers, the director must either be a human orchestra, which is impossible, or have a team of specialists. A decent team of specialists should receive a decent salary, which is paid from the general wage fund of the team, primarily teachers. And to hire these excellent specialists to manage resources of 30-40 million rubles a year is complete nonsense. As soon as the directors believed that their money would not be taken away, they began to think about rationalizing management. Schools that stood nearby began to hire one management team.

The newspaper "MK" quotes the mother of one of the students of school No. 1189 named after Kurchatov: "Our school is at the Institute. Kurchatova has always been very strong. Until now, we have been admitted through a competition, and now we are being merged with complex No. 2077, which includes three comprehensive schools, two of which are for children with developmental delays who require increased attention from teachers and a special program.

I can't discuss whether the merger went well or badly with people who aren't involved. These are people who tell what kind of water is in the pool without even touching it. We have 700 schools, which, as a legal entity, merged three years ago, some two, some one and a half. For some reason, they interview not the administrations of these schools, but only those who have not yet tried to live a new life. Here is a school that has been living life in a combined version for two years, and it says: “We have become like this, or like this.” And then they just say: "It will get worse for us." There is only an order about the institutions you mentioned, it concerns two directors, two accountants, two supply managers and no one else. The order came out on September 25th. The legal association lasts 5-6 months, and the pedagogical association will last, I think, 3-4 years.

Here is what Yevgeny Yamburg, who is called the founder of large educational complexes that include more than one school, says: “If we close all schools of the seventh or eighth type [schools for children with developmental delays], we send all conditionally “sick” to ordinary schools - this is death and healthy and sick."

Yamburg visits me twice a month, and I listen to his criticism with pleasure. He does not criticize us. He says that in Russia in many cases it is impossible to create conditions in every rural school for such children (with special needs). But Moscow is not a rural school. We have the opportunity to strive to ensure that in every district of Moscow there are schools for general childhood [integration schools in which both ordinary students and children with special needs study].

To which members of the parent organization of the class for teaching autistic children, which was created at school No. 1447, write on social networks that their school is being merged into a complex with four more schools and three kindergartens, the former director is being fired, and one of the main candidates for the director of the complex allegedly asked the question: “Autists are the children of alcoholics, right?” ... Who makes sure that the merger is harmonious, and that the union is managed by people who understand the characteristics of the contingent?

About four thousand people have now ceased to be heads of budgetary institutions: they were heads of kindergartens or directors of schools. It would be too naive to believe that all these people are happy with the changes in their destiny. Another thing is that some of them understand the rationality of changes in fate, while others will never accept them, and this is natural. Now you don't have to run to the department to beg for money. Children will come to you to study - you will receive resources. Children will not come - do not receive.

Teachers at the campus schools say that per capita funding results in class sizes of 35 and this creates an additional workload for the teacher.

There are sanitary norms, and no one can violate them. There is Rospotrebnadzor. But I will say this. I am also a teacher, I was still teaching when there were 42-43 students in the class. You know, I'm most afraid of classes with less than 18 students, it's terribly boring there. Someone organizes the educational process as their personal work with students. Then yes, 35 is difficult, even 25 is difficult. Although 25 is a sanitary norm.

Then, perhaps, school directors should not so much gather more students as recruit people who are passionate about pedagogy. And there will be much more schools where parents want to send their child.

That's what I like [slaps the table with his hand]! Everyone is dissatisfied with the existing, and everyone is shouting at the same time: “Do not touch!” Remember, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin once said that everyone is dissatisfied with the existing one, but how changes begin, a groan rises throughout Great Rus'? This is what excites me. Everyone wants to improve, but without changing! Education has two tasks that are difficult to combine - development and consolidation. It's like saying on a hike to a group of people to go all together, but very quickly. So we need to move quickly and together.

Education reform in Moscow

On March 22, 2011, the Decree of the Government of Moscow "On the development of general education in the city of Moscow" was adopted, where one of the mechanisms was the adoption of an equal funding rate for all schools. Previously, the spread was quite large: different schools received from 63 thousand rubles. per student per year 400 thousand rubles. The Department of Education launched a pilot project: all schools that joined it received the same rate (85 thousand rubles per year for a student in elementary grades, 107 thousand in middle and 123 thousand in senior classes). From September 1, 2014, the pilot project became mandatory, and all schools that did not participate in it began to receive a rate from the city according to the 2010 standard - 63 thousand rubles. on a student.

Together with the funding reform, the Department of Education launched the process of merging schools and kindergartens into educational complexes. As a result, about 1,000 centers were formed out of 4,000 educational institutions over several years. At the same time, for example, an ordinary school and a special school for mentally retarded children or a school for children with deviant behavior could turn out to be united. Officials claim that they are implementing the integration approach adopted in the West in this way, when "special" children study together with ordinary children, helping each other. In fact, such accession met with a sharp rejection of schools and teachers, who massively write complaints and hold pickets. For example, on October 11, a rally "In defense of the capital's education" was held in Moscow, which was attended by 1.5 thousand teachers and parents of schoolchildren.

Children and money

A draft budget has been submitted to the Moscow City Duma, in which 238.5 billion rubles are allocated for the education system for next year. How much federal money, how much city money?

There has never been and never has been any federal funding for schools and kindergartens in Moscow. There is a federal subsidy for the construction of kindergartens, but this has nothing to do with the education budget. This is the construction department's budget. Financing Moscow education is the most easily calculated item in Moscow's budget today. I can't ask for anything extra, and the system can't be given less, because 3.5 years ago we approved the funding principle: the number of children multiplied by the standard.

An issue that worries many parents is paid after-school groups. According to rumors, they will be introduced any day.

As for after-school groups, from September 1, 2013, a federal law came into force, according to which the school, I emphasize, can open after-school groups and has the right, not the obligation, to establish parental fees for care and supervision. Indeed, in the extended day group, not only educational classes are held with children, they are also looked after there. That is, the law allows you to set a parental fee, while the only condition is that the founders, i.e. district departments of education are required to agree on the amount of fees and exemptions from preferential categories for the school. At the same time, since the funding standard for Moscow schools is many times higher than in any corner of Russia, then, of course, Moscow schools can open after-school groups without charging a fee, and it’s not for me, not for anyone, not for the district administration to decide this the school itself should. This is not about a paid extension, but about a fee for care and supervision. This will be controlled by the governing councils and the school administration.

- Can the changes affecting the structure of Moscow schools be called a reform?

In no case! The reform is a change of goals and objectives, and we are simply trying to make mechanisms common to most schools that have been tested much earlier in other regions and in some schools in Moscow.

Teachers of urban schools complain not only about the merger of schools, but also about the active introduction of an electronic journal into practice, which is intended to replace school paper journals and diaries, but, according to them, does not work.

The magazine's problem is not limited to technical and technological problems. Most of the problems are the lack of regulations and algorithms in organizing and accounting for the control of the educational process.

As far as I understand, teachers used to use electronic journals developed by private companies [Webbridge,,] and were satisfied with them. Starting this year, according to them, they were strongly recommended to switch to a magazine developed by the Moscow Center for Educational Quality RBC].

The fact is that when creating a single electronic journal, not only technological or technical problems were revealed, but also the lack of competent algorithms, regulations in the organization, accounting and control of the educational process. Now these problems are being solved. There will be one electronic magazine in the city, and it will be integrated with all citywide information systems. It's a state magazine, and besides, it's nowhere proven that this one is better and this one is worse. If now any other magazine tried to integrate one and a half million parents, then I'm afraid that there would be no less problems. The magazine ran smoothly until there were 300 schools. Now, when one and a half million are connected to it, it falters from time to time.

Isaac Kalina, a former physics teacher and weightlifting coach, is forcing massive changes in education in the capital (Photo: Oleg Yakovlev / RBC)

A couple of years ago, it was said that rent incentives would be introduced for new private schools - 1 ruble per sq. m for 49 years. Is this rule followed? Does it only work for new private schools?

This is written in great detail in Decree No. 145 of the Moscow government. Existing schools must enter competitions and tenders in order to receive preferential rent. If we are talking about buildings and plots that they have already occupied, then there is another benefit - 1800 rubles. per sq. m, this is, of course, a big benefit. But this ruble per meter is mostly ruined buildings that require restoration. Understand that no one will give up the palace for a ruble.

- Are you happy with the way things are going for you? People go to rallies and demand your resignation. Are you not offended?

No, this is not an adult term at all. I will say again that I would probably be upset if everything went without friction. This would mean skimming the surface, not touching the essence. “If you want to make enemies, start changing something!” Believe me, nowhere and never was easy for me. When I served in the army, in a sports company, there were different teams - weightlifters, boxers, volleyball players. And we took a lot of life things from each other. We had a cycling team that was the champion of the Soviet Union. I still love one of their aphorisms: “Life is like riding a bicycle. If it’s hard for you to pedal, then you’re going up, and if it’s easy, then you’re rolling down.” That's why I never wish my friends an easy life. I wish my friends to go up!

- Unlike the Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Leonid Pechatnikov, who oversees the issues of the capital's healthcare, you do not react to unpleasant things that are written about you in the press. So, you did not comment on the information about the tender for the supply of information systems at the Far Eastern University (FEFU), which was won in 2011 by the company ["Vintegra projects" - approx. RBC], associated, according to some media reports, with your son [for the installation of the Electronic University system, FEFU, according to the tender documentation, was ready to pay up to 820 million rubles; Vintegra Projects won the competition, which was subsequently overturned by the Far Eastern Antimonopoly Service, but the company managed to challenge the cancellation in arbitration; the contract amount was 647.3 million rubles - approx. RBC].

I do not mix my official life and family life either in deeds or in words. These are two different worlds. And none of my relatives is responsible for my official choice. But I am not responsible for their work. Therefore, I absolutely do not want to comment on what is happening in the lives of my relatives. Let me just make one comment. I worked with Vladimir Vladimirovich Miklushevsky [now the Governor of Primorsky Territory] for quite a long time and I know that he would never commit any violation of the law - neither for my sake, nor for the sake of his loved ones. Therefore, who needs to understand this story, I'm sure they figured it out.

- Is it true that you supported a unified history textbook?

If we approach this issue from the side of the student, then the student had, has and will always have one history textbook, according to which he studies, which, however, was chosen by the teacher, and not by him and not by the country. And I would very much like the degree of mutual trust between a person and the country to be such that a person agrees that his country chooses a history textbook, and not a teacher, with all my deepest respect for millions of teachers.

- Everything changes, including views on history. Some, for example, call Stalin an effective manager.

I'm not saying that the textbook should be forever "concrete". The textbook cannot be alone. The process of the birth of a textbook should be constant. But the student still comes alone. And it is very bad that the degree of trust between a person and a country is such that we are ready to entrust the choice to a teacher, whom not every one of you considers a super connoisseur of history, and are not ready to entrust the choice to a country, in whose person it is another matter. I had a lot of meetings with academicians, and I kept saying: “Colleagues, because of your indecision, in general, you do not want to make a choice and shift the responsibility for this choice onto the school teacher. You, academicians, are not ready to say that this is how it should be stated, it should be like this, but you have stated it in twenty versions, and the teacher must, is obliged to suddenly choose. No one should ever place this burden on a teacher. And the teacher should not take it upon himself.

With the participation of Farida Rustamova

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