Nurlan Saburov stand-up - the funniest performance. Stand Up star Nurlan Saburov unsuccessfully joked about the spectator who lost her father Nurlan Saburov stand up new releases


Who is Nurlan Saburov?

Real name— Nurlan Saburov

Hometown— Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan

Activity— Comedian, Stand-Up Resident

Nationality— Kazakh

Family status- Married

Nurlan Saburov - comedian, resident of StandUp. Born on December 22, 1991 in Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan.

Nurlan Saburov comedian photo

Before fame

Nurlan grew up in a small town. As a child, he went in for sports, at the age of eight he went to boxing. Some of his relatives had a good sense of humor, and Nurlan himself gained fame as a joker when he was still at school and played pranks on classmates. Since he was a boxer, he often came to class with bruises. On this occasion, he came up with various comic stories and told them to classmates. Nurlan performed on stage during school events.

Saburov he liked to make people laugh, and he had a talent for it. When I was in high school, I became a member of the team KVN from Karaganda. Then, he spoke with participants from Kokshetau.

Since he was a student, he already had his own family, he had to earn money. At that time, Nurlan and his friend Nikolai Tesenko went to weddings, offering guests to see humorous miniatures.

When I finished school moved to Yekaterinburg, began to study at UrFU. He studied on the profile "Organization of work with youth."

During his studies, he continued work in KVN playing for the varsity team. At the same time, I met guys comedians and showmen. They began to perform in Yekaterinburg. First, the guys organized “microphones”, then they switched to full-fledged performances. So Nurlan discovered a new genre - stand up and he began his first performances. In one of the interviews, Saburov admitted that he felt like a full-fledged stand-up comedian only after 3 performances.

Fame and performance

The guys performed once every 2 weeks in Yekaterinburg, up to 300 spectators came to their performances. For a year and a half, they gained experience, and also gathered their audience of fans. At one of the speeches Nurlan met a comedian Dmitry Romanov when he was "opening up" for him. He advised him to record the performances on video and send it to TNT. He followed this advice, because he had nothing to lose. Soon, Nurlan was invited to « open microphone' as an invited guest.

Saburov Stand Up

Saburov's performances were liked by the public. As a result, he was invited several times in a row to " stand up». He became a resident of the show, then one of the central artists in recent seasons.

Nurlan has his own style of performances, they are bright and memorable. He tells jokes while keeping his face serious. He has a unique facial expression, and he takes many topics for monologues from real life, while presenting them to the public from a different viewing angle. The comedian often jokes about his nationality. Although he created his comical character, he puts himself in the best light. And on the contrary, he belittles those around him, for example, relatives, ridicules their shortcomings.

Saburov uses elements of improvisation in his performances. He asks questions to the public in order to bring any viewer to a dialogue. But, this is not always possible, since the audience does not always enter this dialogue, but simply laughs.

There are no taboo topics for Saburov, so to some extent his speeches are scandalous. He posts many of his jokes on Instagram.. He borrows some elements and manner of speaking from stand-up comedians from Western countries. His Favorite Comedians: Richard Pryora, Patrice O'Neill, Louis C.K..

In 2014, the comedian graduated from the university and moved to Moscow with his family.

After debuting in stand up”, Saburov gained a large number of fans in Russia and abroad. Together with the residents of the show Stand Up and Comedy Club, Nurlan travels around the Russian Federation and the nearest foreign cities, where they give performances.

creative activity now

In 2016, Saburov said in an interview that he wants his future life to be devoted to stand-up. If he wasn't a comedian, he wouldn't know what he was doing. The only solution then would be to perform at weddings, where his talent began to "rot".

In 2017, Nurlan became a member of season 2 " open microphone". Appeared in " Improvisations» in season 3.

In the future, Saburov plans to do what he loves, perhaps try to act in films.

Nurlan Saburov and his wife

Saburov met Diana. They dated for a very long time. The girl said she was pregnant then Nurlan proposed to her. They got married when he was still studying at UrFU. By the way, Nuralan's daughter's name is Madina.

The comedian admits that his wife acts as a muse, and his little daughter became a "participant" in his monologues. Nurlan also has an official Instagram account with a large number of followers.

nurlan saburov with his wife

Nurlan Saburov is a young Kazakhstani comedian who became popular after joining the troupe of the famous show "Stand Up" on TNT.

Nurlan was born and raised in the city of Stepnogorsk, located in the north of Kazakhstan. As a child, the boy was fond of sports, for 8 years he went to the boxing section. Sport and good genetics have led to the fact that today Nurlan's appearance is quite TV-like: height is 188 cm and a toned figure.

In addition, while still a schoolboy, Saburov gained fame as an excellent storyteller and joker. Every time Nurlan lost in boxing sparring and came to school beaten up, the boy came up with funny stories and reasons for such a state. As the artist later admitted, it was most likely a defensive reaction.

Another source of inspiration for the jokes of the young humorist was Nurlan's grandfather. He constantly said funny phrases and told stories that the boy then retold to classmates.

But the main thing is that Nurlan actually liked to make people laugh, and Saburov consciously decided to link his own biography with this. The young man decided to realize this talent with the help of the incredibly popular KVN game and joined the team of the city of Karaganda, later he performed with the guys from Kokshetau. In addition, Saburov himself says that even then, together with a friend, he went to weddings, where he offered the celebrating people to watch funny scenes and miniatures.

After graduating from high school, the young man went to receive higher education in the capital of the Urals - Yekaterinburg. There he managed to enter the Ural Federal University, where Nurlan Saburov became a student at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy. Upon graduation, the young man received the specialty "Organization of work with youth."

By the way, throughout his studies, Nurlan played for the KVN student team, but gradually discovered a new genre of comic show - stand-up. Later, in an interview for the official page on the website of the Stand Up show, the artist said that the main reason for Saburov to go to stand-up was the opportunity to speak out.

Humor and creativity

At the very beginning, Nurlan Saburov performed in Yekaterinburg along with other novice comedians, comedians and showmen. The guys organized first “microphones”, and then full-fledged performances and, as they say, gained experience. According to Saburov, the artist felt like a real stand-up comedian only after the third performance.

For a year and a half, the artists gathered an audience of fans, and every two weeks 200-300 people came to the performances to listen to the comedians.

Then, at one of the common concerts, the guy was seen by an already held comedian and advised him to send videos to the TNT channel.

Saburov decided that he had nothing to lose and followed this advice. An invitation soon arrived. For the first time, Nurlan appeared on television as an invited guest in the Open Microphone section. The audience liked his show, and the Kazakh comedian was invited to the Stand Up show several times until he became a permanent resident. In the last seasons of this humorous show, Nurlan became one of the central artists.

First of all, Nurlan Saburov is remembered for his manner. The artist makes colorful performances, and tells the funniest jokes with an absolutely serious face. It is impossible not to note the amazing, unique facial expressions of the artist, as well as the topics of monologues that Saburov takes literally from real life, but presents from an absolutely incredible angle of view.

Nurlan Saburov regularly jokes about his own nationality. In general, the comedian himself is always the protagonist of his own performances. At the same time, Saburov tries to present himself or his comedic character in a positive light, but he actively belittles those around him, and even close people like his wife and daughter, ridiculing their shortcomings.

Also, the popularity of the comedian is also due to some scandalousness of his performances. The artist openly admits that there are no taboo topics for him. In the same defiant vein, the artist maintains an account on Instagram, where he often posts jokes that the public likes.

Many of the formats and elements that Saburov uses in his performances comedian takes from Western stand-up comedians. Among his favorite stand-up comedians, Nurlan names Richard Pryor and Patrice O'Neill.

The comedian also tries to include elements of improvisation in his performances. The artist addresses the audience, asks questions and tries to bring the audience into dialogue. But such elements are not always successful, as often the audience only laughs in response and does not support the dialogue.

In 2016, the artist admitted in an interview that he hopes that in the future his whole life will be connected with stand-up. When the journalists tried to find out what the artist would have done if he hadn’t taken up stand-up, Nurlan honestly answered that he didn’t know. And when asked about plans in case the fame of the comedian passes quickly, he said that he sees in such a future only work at fifteen-hour weddings, where the comedian plans to gradually “rot”.

Personal life

Nurlan Saburov got married while still a student. He met with his chosen one Diana for quite a long time, but when it turned out that the girl was expecting a baby, he immediately proposed to her. As the young man recalls, he learned about the birth of his daughter while sitting on a couple at the university.

It must be said that the humorist's wife is definitely his muse, since both she herself and their little girl are obligatory "participants" in his monologues: Saburov very rarely does not mention his beloved women during performances.

Until 2014, Nurlan lived with his family in Yekaterinburg, but when he became a permanent resident of the show on the TNT channel, he moved to Moscow with his wife and daughter and now lives in the Russian capital.

Nurlan Saburov now

In November 2017, the artist became a guest of the Improvisation show. This is a weekly television comedy show with a non-standard format. Four regular actors of the program -, and - participate in improvisational games, that is, in the given performance formats, they play short stage sketches, based on new tasks given by the TV presenter.

Nurlan Saburov did not have to compete with the actors of the show. The invited guest has a different role, which is also filled with improvisational moments. The guests come up with words that the actors should insert into the dialogues, speech themes and other parts of the assignments, which differ from issue to issue.

Before the premiere of the issue with his participation, which took place on November 21, the humorist promised to "stupid" on the show exactly 21 times.

At the end of 2017, posters appeared that promised that the comedian would go on a big IQ solo tour and give concerts in the cities of Russia and Kazakhstan. Also, in honor of this occasion, a thematic video clip was released. In the video, which lasts less than a minute, the main focus is, of course, on Nurlan himself. What distinguishes this video poster is that the clip itself is a parody that reflects Saburov's comedic style.

In the video, off-screen rap is read, and the video sequence changes slowly and cyclically, as in the clips of famous rappers and R'n'B musicians. But the action does not take place in expensive mansions and limousines, and half-naked models do not dance around the main character. The clip was filmed in a poor apartment, in an average yard with grandmothers on benches and even in a bathroom with an old man washing himself.

In December 2017, as part of a tour, Nurlan Saburov gave eleven concerts in Kazakhstan, and in January 2018, ten in Russia. At the same time, during the Kazakh tour, the artist did not perform in Astana, and during the Russian one - in Moscow, though he gave a performance in St. Petersburg.

In March 2018, Nurlan Saburov held a solo concert in Astana. This is a concert with the support of TNT and the Stand Up project native to the artist, but this time only the humorist himself performs on stage with several hours of original stand-up.

At the beginning of 2018, the artist, together with a colleague, became a guest of the Soyuz Studio show. Under the terms of the show, the comedians had to guess the melodies of Russian pop music played with unusual sounds.


  • 2017 - 2018 - "Stand Up"
  • 2017 - "Improvisation"
  • 2018 - "Studio" Soyuz "

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Member Name:

Age (birthday): 22.12.1991

City: Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan

Education: UFU

Family: married, has a daughter

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Reading this article:

Nurlan Saburov was born in Stepnogorsk, studied at school and, perhaps, would have remained a Kazakh guy whom no one knows. However, there is one feature that unites all members of the Saburov family - they are crazy pranksters who love to joke everywhere and about everything.

Grandfather, grandmother, mother, father - there are no exceptions, everything is in order with a sense of humor in this family. Nurlan still at school amused classmates, teased them, and in high school he began to perform in the KVN team. His numbers were always met with applause, and he had an even more desire to surprise the audience.

After leaving school, in 2009, Nurlan entered the Ural Federal University. During his studies, student Saburov was also engaged in KVN, and in the last years their team even went to the Major League.

Performances within the framework of this competition became Nurlan's first numbers on television. In 2013, the comedian learned about the Open Microphone festival, which was also held by the TNT channel. At that moment, the Kazakh comedian realized that he wanted to try solo performances.

Moreover, before that he actively performed at weddings and corporate parties. From the very first attempt, Nurlan was invited to the project "Stand Up" in which he is still actively involved.

To date, Saburov has already completed his studies, having received a diploma in the specialty "Organization of work with youth." He has a wife and a little daughter, who often become the heroes of his stories.

Of course, most of them are fiction or an exaggerated version, but the wife likes that they appear in his jokes. His wife is an open, good-natured girl, she can be seen in the photos of the humorist on his page on social networks.

On stage, Nurlan behaves quite defiantly, overly confident and even boorish.. This is his image, he likes to present himself this way, and he sincerely believes that he does not offend anyone.

In his jokes there are a lot of stories about his daughter, wife, friends.

Nurlan is not going to stop there, while he performs at various events, goes on tour and is increasingly convinced that Stand Up is his destiny.

After all, only this genre, according to the comedian, allows you to express everything that you have long wanted to talk about. His favorite comedians worked in the same style - Louis C.K., Richard Pryor, Patrice O * Neil.

Nurlan does not believe that he has a certain charisma or has any chips, helping him in his performances - there is simply him and the audience, eager for frank confessions. In such openness lies the success of the comedian.

In addition, acting data helps him - grimaces, squints, parodies, Saburov brilliantly manages to use all this in his numbers.

Nurlan Photos

In almost all photographs from the personal life of Nurlan together with his wife. You can also find many photos from performances.

Nurlan Saburov is a young Kazakh humorist. In his student years, he played in KVN, but became widely known by becoming a resident of the Stand Up project on the TNT channel.

The charismatic comedian jokes a lot about his nationality and family, delighting listeners with an unexpected point of view on completely ordinary things.

Childhood and youth of Nurlan Saburov

Nurlan was born in the small town of Stepnogorsk, in the north of Kazakhstan. According to him, all family members, including grandparents, were amazing pranksters and pranksters. The atmosphere of humor and fun constantly reigned in the house, which little Nurlan absorbed into himself.

He liked to make people laugh and perform in public from a young age. At school, he constantly played pranks on classmates, and teachers got it from his sense of humor. Nurlan studied well, went in for sports at his leisure - he devoted eight years to boxing. In high school, he became interested in playing KVN, played for the school team and even participated in the Higher Kazakhstan League.

Having received a secondary education, Nurlan moved to Yekaterinburg, where he entered the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Ural Federal University. As a student, he continued to play in KVN, playing for the university team.

Nurlan Saburov and Stand Up

In Yekaterinburg, the novice comedian made new acquaintances who invited him to try himself in a new humorous genre - stand-up. Then he did not even suspect that in the future this occupation would become the work of his whole life.

In the meantime, the young student needed money. Saburov started a family early, and in order to earn a living, he led weddings and corporate parties in a duet with Nikolai Tesenko from Yekaterinburg.

Seriously carried away by stand-up, the novice humorist began to write monologues and perform with them at improvisational concerts in Yekaterinburg. At one of these events, he was noticed by the comedian Dmitry Romanov, who had already taken place at that time - he was the headliner, and Nurlan was his “opening act”.

Stand-up performance by Nurlan Saburov (types of laughter)

Nurlan's jokes made an impression on Romanov, and he advised the young stand-up comedian to send recordings of speeches to the editors of the Stand Up show and apply for participation in the Open Microphone section.

Nurlan took his advice, especially without counting on anything, and therefore was incredibly happy when he received an invitation to perform on the show. The young Kazakh comedian immediately captivated the audience with his unique style of performance: low voice, deliberately casual style, unusual facial expressions and slightly cynical jokes. He was also liked by venerable stand-up artists like Pavel Volya and Ruslan Bely, and soon received an offer to become a resident of the Stand Up show.

Stand Up: Nurlan Saburov about the provincial maternity hospital

After graduating from the university and receiving a diploma in the specialty "Organization of work with youth", Nurlan moved to Moscow, where he actively performs with his original numbers on the TNT channel, and also conducts successful touring activities.

Personal life of Nurlan Saburov

Nurlan met his future wife Diana in Yekaterinburg, when they were both students. They met for a long time, until the girl became pregnant.

The lovers played a wedding; soon little Madina was born. So Nurlan, while still a university student, became a young father - he learned about the birth of a baby while sitting on a couple.

He often talks about this time in his speeches, and rarely does he not mention his beloved wife and daughter in monologues, as well as the pug that the family got shortly after the birth of his daughter.

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