Do modern society need archaic folklore. Folklore as a subject of philological study


Tell me, have you ever sung a lullaby to your baby from the repertoire of Zemfira or Philip Kirkorov? That's right, it didn't even cross your mind.

We sing to our children uncomplicated, so simple and so beloved songs that our mothers sang to us, and our grandmothers sang to them, which were sung from generation to generation, for centuries, and they have come down to us. And this is part of Russian folklore.

What values ​​have become a priority in modern families? First of all, those that, according to young parents, will help the child survive in a difficult time in a difficult world. Often we forget that there can be no harmonious personality without all-round development, and we miss its main component - emotional, moral.

During the first years of life, the child lives not by reason, but by emotions, through which his first knowledge of life takes place. And it is very important how and what he hears and sees around him. The first impressions of a child are the cozy tenderness of mother's hands and her voice. A soft, unhurried lullaby, funny pestles, when the mother plays with the baby, saying rhymes, disturbing him, making him laugh and filling him with positive emotions.

Such folklore forms were created by whole generations, constantly replenished with new shades, they carry wisdom and great educational value.

Through children's songs, sayings, counting rhymes, the child learns the first moral concepts - empathy, kindness, responsiveness. Speaking of musical folklore, we mean not only oral song forms, but also the characteristic rhythmic pattern of folk dance. Involving children in folk outdoor games, we teach them not only to navigate in space, to move, to develop coordination, but also to accept the general rules of the game.

For older children, who no longer only listen and memorize folk songs and jokes, folklore is of great importance in the development of their creative beginnings. When playing folk music games, children try to bring their own fantasies into the game, endowing their characters with new features or qualities.

Speaking about folk music, I would call it “natural”, so harmoniously and consistently it can lead children through the stages of their development, give each of them the knowledge and concepts that they need at this particular age.

Children will be especially interested in folklore holidays that our ancestors celebrated every year, for example, Christmas, because there are so many songs, games and traditions associated with it!

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with advance payment
adult + child ticket - 1100 rubles, additional ticket - 550 rubles.
when paying on the spot (subject to availability)adult + child ticket - 1300 rubles, additional ticket - 650 rubles.

All questions by phone: 8916-2656147.

The word "folklore" came to us from the English language, and it means "oral folk art". These are fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, riddles, counting rhymes and jokes. Every nation has its own folklore. It is called oral art, because it was created in those distant times, when there was no written language yet. Folklore was transmitted “from mouth to mouth”, that is, the father told his son, who later told his children ... and folklore was preserved among the people. And when writing appeared, scientists began to collect and record all this wealth with great interest. A lot of fairy tales, songs (runes), epics were recorded here in Karelia.

Even today, scholars and lovers of folk traditions collect folklore. It is thanks to their many years of work that you will get acquainted with children's games, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes, which have long been common on the territory of Karelia.

Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters - tongue twisters. The better you learn to pronounce tongue twisters, the clearer and more understandable your speech will be. They can be mistaken for entertainment, fun, and the benefits of them are great. Exercise:

Dear Mila washed herself with soap.

The baker bakes kalachi in the oven.

And now more difficult:

The parrot says to the parrot: "Parrot, I will parrot you." The parrot answers him: "Parrot, parrot, parrot."

Margarita collected daisies in the yard, Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

But your grandparents also knew these tongue twisters:

There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass, do not cut firewood on the grass of the yard.

From under the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Helpful advice: tongue twisters are first pronounced slowly and clearly, and then faster and faster.

The first to pay attention to tongue twisters and write them down was Vladimir Ivanovich Dal, the well-known compiler of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. By the way, his grandfather and father lived in Petrozavodsk.

Teasers and underwear

Although they are called that, in fact, a smart person never takes offense at them. You have to mess around sometime! Teasers are usually in the form of little rhymes that rhyme between a name and a nickname, or emphasize some quality of the person they are trying to tease. For example:


Raw potatoes.


Don't go to the parade.

Andrey the Sparrow swam in the lake,

When I saw the sparrow, I immediately got scared.

But crybabies sometimes say this:

Kok-ml, Kok-ml

Your eyes are wet

If you cry for a long time

Like a frog you will croak.

We laughed and joked a little. We are friends and play together again. In ordinary life, not during the game, you should remember: "Whoever calls names - he himself is called that."


You already know what a "mystery" is. Kids love to solve riddles! Guess these:

1. They appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye two shells.

2. Two brothers look into the water, but they still can’t converge.

3. Not a horse, but running, not a forest, but making noise.

4. Undresses in the fall, dresses in the spring.

5. There is a yarmulke in a red yarmulke: whoever passes, gives every bow.

6. In a fur coat in summer, and undressed in winter.

7. A boy in a gray Armenian coat darts around the yards, collects crumbs, spends the night in the fields, steals hemp.

8. I swam in the lake, it remained dry

9. First - shine, after shine - crackle, after crackle - splash

10. Twelve brothers walk one after another, they do not bypass each other.

You will find clues at the end of the section.

Karelian proverbs and sayings.

That's why it's expensive because it's short.

Proverbs are folk wisdom. Knowing proverbs is very useful, they help express thoughts, make our speech more beautiful. And to think about the meaning of proverbs, to reason is not only useful. but also exciting! Think about these proverbs. How do you understand them?

The Karelian land is rich and sweet.
Human strength and rocks move.
Then you water the field - you will return strength with bread.
An ax is warmer than a fur coat.
The guest will dine, the house will not become poorer.
The work of a man paints.
The beginning is difficult, the end - decorates the work

Think and answer.

Why do they say "Proverb - it is not for nothing that they say"?


1. Find out from your relatives what tongue twisters, proverbs or riddles they know. Write them down.

2. Try with the whole family or on your own to come up with your own riddles or tongue twisters.

To your bookshelf.

CM. Loiter. "Where there is a flower, there is honey

Calls and counters


What do you think the word "invocation" means? It comes from the word "click", that is, to call, to call. You “call” “call” your friends to go outside (and then your mother “calls” you home). In the old days, children and adults called not only each other, but also rain, sun, snow and other natural phenomena. After all, before man depended on nature much more than now. Therefore, such incantations were born


Look in the window!

Sunshine, appear

Red, show yourself!

Rain, rain, more

I'll give you thick

I'll go out on the porch

Ladies cucumber,

Ladies and loaf of bread.

Rain, more water!

rainbow arc,

Don't let it rain

Give me sunshine

Bell tower!

Come up with nicknames that you can use, for example, while looking for mushrooms in the forest! Or so that the cold leaves and finally summer comes, and with it the summer holidays.


Calculators - what are they for? The name itself suggests that they are in order to decide (count) who to drive, who to squint, who to be in what role. In a counting rhyme, there really is always an account, this is its main part:

One two three four five

I'm already looking.

One-two - lace,

Three-four - hooked,

Five or six - eat porridge,

Seven-eight - we mow hay,

Nine-ten - knead the butter,

Eleven-twelve - they are cursing on the street.

Everyone says - sundresses share.

To whom to sink, to whom to become,

To whom a whole sundress.

Lemon glass -

Get out!

In this counting rhyme there are two incomprehensible words: “Tonya” is a net for catching fish, “stan” is a piece of clothing.

The rhyme in the game teaches the laws of equality, honesty and friendship. Usually it depends on the number of players with which score the rhyme is chosen. If there are a lot of players, then they count up to ten or twelve, if there are fewer, then up to five.

One two three four

Mice lived in the apartment

They drank tea, broke cups, paid three coins each.

Who does not want to pay - to drive.

The fox was tearing the little ones,

fox weaving bast shoes -

Husband two, myself three

And the kids - for bast shoes.

And here is the Pomeranian counting rhyme:

Scows, balands,

On the bush, on the bridge,

On swan mountain

On the other side

There are cups, nuts,

Honey, sugar -

Get out, little one!

"Scums, scows"- these words in this case do not mean anything. Often such meaningless words are inserted into counting rhymes, just for rhyme.

Stripes to tear- process birch bark so that it is thin and flexible.

And here is a counter-helper. Although she is comic, it is very easy to remember musical notes with her, one has only to repeat the first two lines several times.

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si,

Carp lived together.

How did you get to the note "si" -

We asked for a taxi.

And there was a cat in the taxi

Smiled at them through the window!

Frightened carp -

And we didn't have a taxi.


What counters do you know? Learn a new count.

The children's poet Boris Zakhoder, whose cheerful poems are loved by many children, liked the counting rhymes so much that he wrote a whole book about a fabulous, amazing country and called it "Counting".

Boris Zakhoder "Counting"

Children's games and fun

Don't be lazy - run

Outdoor games in which several children participate are the most fun and favorite. In boys and girls, dexterity, endurance, ingenuity, fantasy, and the ability to follow the accepted rules of the game are brought up. And also, while playing, you learn to invent new words, speak correctly, pronounce letters clearly, count correctly! All this will be useful to you and your peers in adulthood.

It turns out that children's fun is very important! Agree?

Here are the games recorded by Viola Malmi:

Run. The players stand in pairs. The host draws a line to which the couple must run. At the clap of the leader, the first couple, holding hands, runs up to him, and then scatters in different directions. If the leader has caught someone, then they become the last pair, and the one who remains is the leader. The game continues until all pairs have run.

Ravens on the field. Choose the owner of the field. A small square is drawn on the ground. This is the field that the owner must guard. All other players are crows. They fly into the field and shout: "We trample the field, we peck the grain." The awakened owner tries to catch impudent birds. But if they flew out of the field, they can no longer be caught. The owner tries to pretend to be sleeping longer so that the emboldened crows come closer to him. The caught crow becomes the owner, and the owner becomes the crow.

Fight of roosters. Game-competition for boys. Two people play first. Standing on one leg, and tucking the other, they try to push each other out of place. The one who stands on two legs or falls is the loser. The next rooster comes out of the audience, and the fight continues. the winner is the one who managed to defeat two or three (agree in advance) roosters. The winner will receive an award or the right to choose a new pair of rooster wrestlers.

Sit, sit Yasha.

Someone voluntarily becomes "Yasha". They blindfold him, put him in the center of the circle. The rest join hands and walk counterclockwise to the song:

Sit, sit Yasha,

You are our fun.

nibble nuts

For your amusement.

Put your hands on the darkness

And tell us a word:

One, two, three - look!

After these words, "Yasha" jumps up - and everyone scatters. "Yasha" is trying to catch someone. Caught becomes "Yasha". Game continues.

Cube. A circle is drawn in the center of the playing field - the leader's hole. 5-6 players draw their holes in a smaller size at an equal distance from the central one. All players have sticks in their hands, with which they rest against the hole. The driver puts a wooden cube in his hole and hits it with a stick with force, trying to direct it into someone's hole. Players with a stick try to prevent the die from flying into their hole and beat it back, near the center. The driver runs to the hole of this player and tries to hit him with his stick. If he succeeds, they change places, but not, the game starts over.

For the curious and active.

Collect the games you know with the guys and hold "Karelian games" in the classroom. You can go outside or get together in the gym. Invite your parents to these fun games too.


1. Come up with a nickname, a rhyme with your parents.

2. If you have books with Karelian fairy tales at home, bring them to class. You will need this in the next lesson.

To your bookshelf.

V. Malmi "Games of the Karelian children".

Tales of the native land.

Fairy land.

Karelia is often called a fabulous land for its rare beauty, its wondrous nature. Our pines are able to stand on bare granite. Their heroic roots push the stone apart in search of food. Harsh land and cold but gentle water managed to hug each other so closely under the common sky that a trip across Karelia is impossible without a nimble boat. Each strait, cape, island is a new mystery. For a long time, a fairy tale helped a person to resolve it. Therefore, Karelia is also the land of fairy tales. Fairy tales have always spread, even in those distant times, when books were not yet printed. Narrators distributed them orally. Each added to the well-known history something of their own. Heard from the old people, the fairy tale was passed on to the grandchildren and now it has reached our days.


Read this Karelian fairy tale by roles:

“Once upon a time there lived an old woman. And she only had one bast shoe. The old woman went around the world. Walked, walked, sees - the house. She went into the hut and said:

Can't you stay overnight?

Yes, the owners said.

I have a shoe, where should I put it?

Put it under the bench, with bast shoes.

I don’t want with bast shoes, - said the old woman, I’ll still confuse. I'll go with the chickens.

And threw the shoe to the chickens.

In the morning she began to get ready for the journey, she said:

I had a chicken...

The hostess was surprised.

You didn’t have a chicken, but a lapotok!

The old woman argue:

There was a chicken, a chicken!

And I took the chicken.

In the next house, she put the hen not in the chicken coop, but with the calves. So she got a calf. And then a cow, a horse and a sleigh to boot! She went further. On the way, she put a mouse, a hare, a fox, a wolf and a bear into the sleigh.

“We drove, we drove - the shaft broke. The old woman sent for the shafts of the hare. He brought a thin twig - no good.

The fox has gone. Brought a thin twig - no good.

The wolf has gone. He brought a long, long tree - also does not fit.

Go now you bear.

The bear brought a thick knotty log - and it is no good.

I'll have to go myself, - said the old woman. - And you guard the horse.

While the old woman was looking for shafts, the animals ate the horse, leaving one skin. They pulled the skin over the poles. An old woman came, changed the shaft, harnessed the horse. She began to urge - the horse does not go. She hit the horse - the horse fell off.

My bast shoe is gone, I have nothing left. - said the old woman and began to cry.

New, incomprehensible words.

Shafts are light, durable poles that connect the cart to the horse's harness. You can't go without a shaft.

To urge - to induce, to compel.

Think and answer.

1. Name the animals from the fairy tale "Lapotok".

2. What do you think is the main idea of ​​the tale?

3. What Karelian fairy tales do you know?

Animals in Karelian fairy tales.

When people invent fairy tales, of course, all living (and sometimes inanimate) creatures that people see around them become its heroes. Therefore, animals could not but appear in Karelian fairy tales, the forests were very rich in them in the old days. Animals in fairy tales are endowed with human qualities. Most often there are a bear, a fox, a hare. The main thing for a bear is strength, for a fox it is cunning, for a hare it is cowardice. There are tales about how the bear "lost" its tail; and about why the hare's lip is cut, and about the bride-mouse.

Read Karelian fairy tales, think about them! Often the most important meaning of fairy tales is hidden, but it is always there.

For additional reading.

About books.

The full text of the fairy tale "Lapotok", as well as many other fairy tales, you will find in books. This version of the text is from the book Karelian Tales, published in 1977. It contains beautiful illustrations by the artist Nikolai Bryukhanov. Fairy tales of our region were published not only in Karelia, but also in Moscow, in Russian and Karelian languages. There was even a very beautiful gift edition "Karelian Tales". This baby book fits in the palm of your hand. And it is decorated with drawings by the famous artist Tamara Yufa. Her drawings are not to be confused with any others. Once upon a time, this wonderful artist taught children to draw in the village of Ladva. That's lucky for them! They probably now proudly tell that T. Yufa herself was their teacher! photo reproductions of Yufa's drawings.

A fairy tale in the distance beckoned me

The story captivated my heart

Laughing out loud in joy

She cried with me in grief.

Think and answer:

Why is a fairy tale dear to a poet?

Why do people need fairy tales?

Tell me about your favorite fairy tales.


1. Why is a fairy tale called a fairy tale? Think!

2. Read fairy tales at home with the whole family. It can be not only Karelian, but also Russian, Vepsian, Finnish, and fairy tales of other peoples living in Karelia today. The journey "On the roads of fairy tales" awaits you. Why Journey? Because fairy tales came to us in Karelia from different places. Welcome Fairy Tales!

Answers to riddles.

1-chickens, 2-banks, 3-river, 4-tree, 5-strawberry, 6-forest, 7-sparrow, 8-duck, 9-thunderstorm, 10-months

Writers and poets of Karelia

About nature and children

Many children's writers and poets live in Karelia. In this chapter, you will meet some of them. And in the third, fourth and senior classes you will continue this interesting and useful acquaintance.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Danilov

You have already met Vladimir Danilov's story "The Island of Childhood" from the book "A Song on a String". Even from that small passage that is given in the textbook, you can learn a lot of interesting things. Read it again.

* What trees, bushes and shrubs Vladimir is talking about


* And what berries are not on the island (because there are no swamps)?

Vladimir Danilov has another good book called "Once upon a time there was a seagull."

Lived - there was a seagull

Small islands have their own life. In the spring, when the bright sun barely melts the snow and warms the stone back of the island with warm rays, the ice floes that squeeze it from all sides begin to water and move away from the coast ...

Lake Onego will not soon break the ice and sparkle with its water surface. And the gulls that have returned from the south are already circling over the icy desert, over the islands from which they once took to the wings. For a free bird, there is nothing dearer and sweeter than this piece of rock, open to all winds and the bright sun.

There is more and more clean water, and wider leads around the island. The wind shakes the ice floes on the waves and carries them into the strait. Two seagulls more and more often sit on a warm rock. It's time to build a nest.

Seagulls are not very smart with nests. Here is this couple. A few bunches of last year's grass and dry reeds laid in a hole between the stones - and the nest is ready. In this hole, the mother gull lays two green, brown-speckled eggs and begins to incubate.

To tell the truth, they are still unimportant walkers. Uncertainly shifting from paw to paw, they now and then leaned on the stones with their thin wings, on which there was not a single feather. Adult gulls hovered over the lake and from time to time brought delicious fish to their chicks.

How much will happen to these chicks while they grow up! Even one of them will get into trouble, and a kind person will save him. Often birds cannot do without the help of people. Have you ever helped birds in your life?

V.M. Danilov. Song on a string.

There lived a seagull.

Forest secrets.

☺ The Children's Library in the city of Petrozavodsk was named after the writer Vladimir Danilov in 2005.

"Timppa, the good man"

This book was written by Terttu Wikström and translated from Finnish by Eila Mashina. This is a collection of stories about the life of a little boy named Timppa.

Timppa lives in Petrozavodsk, and in the summer at the dacha, on the Baraniy shore, on the other side of Lake Onego. He doesn't go to school yet, but he's a very interesting boy! He then meets hard-working ants. That saves a big cat... from a glass jar. That kitten, which almost fell into the paws of a huge owl. And one day - who would you think? Read an excerpt from the story "Timppa Protects Nature":

One day I was walking along the boulevard, washed by the warm summer rain, my attention was attracted by a boy of about five, who, squatting, was collecting earthworms from the asphalt. During the rain, the worms crawled out to swim, and now they are located on a hard gray surface.

The kid worked very seriously, muttering something with plump childish lips. He was so carried away that he did not notice me, although I watched him with curiosity. The worms wriggled in his wet palm, but the boy stubbornly carried them from the asphalt to the lawn and shoved them under the bushes - he helped the raincoats quickly get to their native environment.

What are you doing, man? I asked the boy.

I'm getting the worms out of the way," he replied matter-of-factly.

Why are you removing them?

And not to step on them. And that boy over there is crushing worms with his bicycle...

For the curious.

Earthworms are very useful for the soil. Under the ground, they break through their moves to 10 or more meters. So the soil is loosened, more air enters it, and the plants grow better on it. Try to guess why there are especially many worms on the paths after the rain?

A new meeting with the boy awaits readers in the story "The Boy Dreams". A new meeting and a new discovery, even for an adult - the author of the book.

In summer, Timppu can often be found on the embankment near Lake Onega. And today he walks here with a tall bearded man. This is his father. The boy has a large magnifying glass in his hands. (..) Timppa brings a magnifying glass to a leaf on a bush and says:

Look, aunt... These thick threads are like big rivers, but these thin ones are like streams... Well, just tiny streams... It was my dad who taught me to look like that.

And the boy hands me a magnifying glass. I look and wonder: but it's true! What an accurate comparison!

Once Timppa met with ... a thunderstorm.

It happened like this. Even before dinner, the lake was suddenly angry. The water in Onego turned lead-gray, and the lake rushed into the shores, as if it wanted to overwhelm those large stones from which the boy used to look at the city and which the wave had never reached until now. (...) The wind swept along the shore like a hurricane, ruffling Timppa's silky hair. He seemed to want to drag the boy away with him. Strong pores followed one after another. The wind bent the grass down to the ground and ruffled the treetops so mercilessly that Timppa felt uneasy. He had already turned to run towards the house, when suddenly blinding lightning flashed. It seemed to Timppa that the sky had split into two halves and was about to fall on him. He ducked and froze. He was snapped out of his daze by his grandmother's alarmed voice:

Timppa! Tiiiimp! Ay!

It was not scary with my grandmother next to me. And then

Timppa noticed with surprise that the grandmother felt her pulse, just like a doctor, and then said:

Hehe! This storm is far from us!

How do you know, grandma?

I know, buddy. After all, lightning flashes first, and then thunder rumbles: sound runs slower than light. So, the more pulse beats you count between a flash of lightning and thunder, the further the storm. And I counted to eight...

And who told you about it?

People say so. people know everything.

Timppa had heard more than once from his grandmother about the people and about folk wisdom, from her stories he had the idea that the people were big, strong and knew a lot, a lot: fairy tales, and proverbs, and riddles, and songs, and signs of the weather.

On a visit to the Karelian village.

The most amazing stories happened to Timppa when they went with their mom and dad to their grandmother in the Karelian village of Kolatavara. There are several stories about this trip - one more interesting than the other. Living in the village, Timppa learns a lot of new things, thinks about many things for the first time. Once he had to watch how clothes are washed in the village. Do you think this is a very boring business? Convince yourself that you are wrong by reading just one episode from the story about this wash:

And now dad is already dragging heavy basins with washed linen onto a long, stable raft, knocked together from five thick logs. Two iron crowbars stuck between the logs hold him close to the shore. Mom, kneeling on the edge of the raft, deftly rinses either a pillowcase, or a towel, or a sheet. the water around is seething, sparkling splashes fly in fountains. Clean linen is piled on the raft. Mom picks up a roller and beats on the linen until all the excess water flows out.

Have you ever seen such washing? So Timppa was very surprised!

word miracle

Even the words around the boy are new, unusual! For example, Radila - this is the name of a clean spring under a rock. It seems to Timppa that Radila's word is similar to the word "joy". And the word "grandmother" in Karelian sounds like "buaba", summer - "suvi", horse - "hebo". One day, the grandmother asked Timppa a riddle: “What are two perches, on each chicken?” Timppa was already in the chicken coop and knew that the roost was a wooden bar on which the hens roosted. But I couldn't solve the riddle.

Why, those are gums and teeth! That's what it is!" - my grandmother laughed. - This is a Karelian riddle, my grandmother used to guess it for me.


1. What “discoveries” did this book help you make?

2. Try and you watch with a magnifying glass. After all, you can consider not only a leaf!

Terttu Wikstrom. "Timppa, kind man."

There are many other interesting stories in the collection. if you have younger brothers and sisters, read to them. They will be glad.

Andrey Evgenievich Sungurov

Andrei Evgenievich is a teacher of Russian language and literature. He loves his work and his students, and he also loves his land, Karelia.

We meet spring

We're going to visit grandma.

- Hello, forest lake!

Hello our lamp!

At the pier of the boat, boat

We are called somewhere far away.

Where there are secrets and discoveries

Unusual live.

The forest and rocks are waiting for us,

The rustle of herbs, cheerful thunder,

And the sunrise, and the scarlet evening -

All that we call Motherland.

Andrey Sungurov's poems teach the ability to see in a new way the beautiful nature of Karelia, our "Magic Green Country", to look at it and be surprised. That is the name of his collection of poems.

In it, the poet collected good poems-pictures. Read them and see:

Spring is in a hurry, and outside the window

Still the river is covered with ice

More snowdrifts here and there,

The icicles aren't growing yet.

Don't remember the calendar

Winter walks in the yard.

I'll remind her that it's time

Leave to the North from the yard!

After spring comes a wonderful time of the year - summer. In summer, everything around is green, lively, cheerful. In this green world, you can meet a snail, a beetle, funny fish, a travel-loving water lily leaf. And Sungurov has a kind word about every creature!


Rocker, arching the back,

bulging your eyes,

Near the river on a blade of grass

The dragonfly has landed.

It flew up.

And nearby another insect


You see how smart

Does a spider knit a web?

What a trick -

Hang on a thread!

What skill

Knit patterns!

What aspiration

Create a picture!

wonder picture

Dangerous for flies...

Weaves a web

Spider artist.

Now, when you see some insect in the summer, then remember these verses. Maybe you will look differently even at a spider? True, he has no place in the house, but in nature he is an artist!

The poet also has another book of poems - "The river can catch a cold." The name itself makes you smile.

Let's find out how the river can catch a cold?

Snow, frost - winter all around.

The shores are covered with ice.

Steam swirls over the river,

Can the river catch a cold?

Frost on the branches of trees,

The snow is fluffy, white and blue,

And above the black river steam.

Maybe the river is hot?

How to cure the sick

Such an unusual one?

Where to find such a tool

So that the river could warm up?

They bring a lot of medicines -

Two hundred twenty dump trucks,

And raspberries and lemons

We need twenty-five wagons!

Snow, frost - winter all around.

The river sleeps under thick ice.

Ice will cover, ice will warm,

And the river will not get sick!

Think and answer.

1. Can a river catch a cold?

2. What poem by A. E. Sungurov did you especially like? Why? Learn it by heart.

3. What do you think the stories and poems of Vladimir Danilov, Andrey Sungurov and Terrtu Wikström have in common? What character traits help authors write about nature and children?


Read in the section "During Leisure Hours" Sungurov's poem "July Snow". Nearby you will find a story about how to make real miracles with your own hands.

On your bookshelf:

A.E. Sungurov. "Magic green country", "Can the river catch a cold?".

For additional reading.

Sparrow - the hero of the books?

It would seem, what creature can be more common and familiar to us than a sparrow? He's so grey, inconspicuous! What can be written about him?

However, the writer Danilov and the poet Sungurov had very kind words about this bird! Sparrow seemed to them quite worthy of description. Read what they write:

And Sungurov.

my friend sparrow

He knocked on the window:

Give me a grain soon!

Give me bread crumbs!

Very hard for a sparrow

Find food in winter

I love sparrow.

I'll open the window

And I will pour the grain

Little gray bird.

Birds are not afraid of winter

If there is a feeder!

And here is an excerpt from Danilov's story "The Gray Singer":

“Suddenly, from somewhere above, a sparrow fell into a damp lilac bush. Here he jumped on a branch higher. The twig swayed, and droplets splashed on the melted snow like a whole garland.

Sparrow, apparently, has already managed to visit under a drop *. His feathers were wet and bristling. He chirped, rose on his paws, shook his head and sang.

Yes Yes! It sang! And it was not the usual everyday tweet, but a real song. It heard both trills * and simple kneelings * - the sparrow sang the glory of the approaching spring.

The gray singer was so carried away by his song that he did not notice how I approached and began to examine him.

The small black feathers on the sparrow's neck trembled and fluttered with each new trill, drops occasionally fell on its back, but all this was nothing to him. At that moment, the gray singer seemed to me more beautiful than all the songbirds in the world, because he sang that winter would not return, that the awakening of a new life had begun, which no forces could stop.

Very kindly tell us about the sparrow A. Sungurov and V. Danilov, right? Probably, and now you will not pass indifferently past him? And when you leave the house, you will save bread crumbs for the sparrow. Sparrow will be happy with them and you yourself will be happy.

New, incomprehensible words.

Trills - small trills, sonorous iridescent sounds.

Knees - in the song there are changes, bends, drops in the melody.

Capel - a spring event, when melt water drips from the roofs of houses and branches

And Terttu Wikström also has a poem about a sparrow!

Wants a sparrow to go to school...

Next door to our school

In a flock of doves

Yellow-billed and cheerful,

The sparrow jumped.

Curious this little one

Everyone looked at us

And looked out the window

We are in fourth grade.

I looked at the board and desks,

Light bulbs and chalk

And colored spots of the map

Also looked.

In front of the kids

Ran sideways...

It can be seen that he wants a sparrow

Become a student.

Think and answer.

1. Can a sparrow be a hero of books?


Turn the pages of the textbook "The land in which I live."

1. Remember which stories, poems, fairy tales, and maybe homework in it you especially remember. Explain why?

2. What new did you learn from this textbook, what surprised you, what did you want to learn?

3. What new words did you remember? What explanation did he find? Write them down.

I love you Karelia!

Ivanov A.

I love you Karelia

Your lakes are clear

And formidable waterfalls

And quiet meadows.

I love you Karelia

Your forests are beautiful

And frosty evenings

And white snow.

Think and answer.

1. What does the poet Ivanov admire, what does he like?

2. What is dear to you

Folklore (folk-lore) is an international term of English origin, first introduced into science in 1846 by scientist William Thoms. In literal translation, it means - "folk wisdom", "folk knowledge" and denotes various manifestations of folk spiritual culture.
In Russian science, other terms were also fixed: folk poetic creativity, folk poetry, folk literature. The name "oral creativity of the people" emphasizes the oral nature of folklore in its difference from written literature. The name "folk poetic creativity" indicates artistry as a sign by which a folklore work is distinguished from beliefs, customs and rituals. This designation puts folklore on a par with other types of folk art and fiction.1
Folklore is a complex, synthetic art. Often in his works elements of various types of arts are combined - verbal, musical, theatrical. It is studied by various sciences - history, psychology, sociology, ethnology (ethnography)2. It is closely connected with folk life and rituals. It is no coincidence that the first Russian scholars took a broad approach to folklore, recording not only works of verbal art, but also recording various ethnographic details and the realities of peasant life. Thus, the study of folklore was for them a kind of area of ​​folklore3.
The science that studies folklore is called folkloristics. If by literature we understand not only written art, but verbal art in general, then folklore is a special department of literature, and folklore, therefore, is a part of literary criticism.
Folklore is verbal oral art. It has the properties of the art of the word. In this he is close to literature. At the same time, it has its own specific features: syncretism, traditionalism, anonymity, variability and improvisation.
The prerequisites for the emergence of folklore appeared in the primitive communal system with the beginning of the formation of art. The ancient art of the word was characterized by utilitarianism - the desire to practically influence nature and human affairs.
The most ancient folklore was in a syncretic state (from the Greek word synkretismos - connection). The syncretic state is a state of fusion, non-segmentation. Art was not yet separated from other types of spiritual activity, it existed in conjunction with other types of spiritual consciousness. Later, the state of syncretism was followed by the separation of artistic creativity, along with other types of social consciousness, into an independent area of ​​​​spiritual activity.
Folklore works are anonymous. Their author is the people. Any of them is created on the basis of tradition. At one time, V.G. Belinsky wrote about the specifics of a folklore work: there are no "famous names, because the author of literature is always a people. No one knows who composed his simple and naive songs, in which the inner and outer life of a young people or tribe was so artlessly and vividly reflected. a song from generation to generation, from generation to generation; and it changes with time: sometimes they shorten it, sometimes they lengthen it, sometimes they remake it, sometimes they combine it with another song, sometimes they compose another song in addition to it - and now poems come out of the songs, which only the people can call themselves the author.
Academician D.S. is certainly right. Likhachev, who noted that there is no author in a folklore work, not only because information about him, if he was, has been lost, but also because he falls out of the very poetics of folklore; it is not needed from the point of view of the structure of the work. In folklore works there may be a performer, narrator, narrator, but there is no author, writer as an element of the artistic structure itself.

Literature is the art of the word. But there is another type of verbal art - oral folk art (oral literature, oral literature), or folklore. Folklore has specific features that fiction does not have. The first chapter is devoted to their consideration.

1. Folklore and folklore

The international term "folklore" appeared in England in the middle of the 19th century. It comes from English. folk-lore ("folk knowledge", "folk wisdom") and denotes folk spiritual culture in a different volume of its types.

Folklore is the subject of study of various sciences. Folk music is studied by musicologists, folk dances - by choreographers, rituals and other spectacular forms of folk art - by theater critics, folk arts and crafts - by art critics. Linguists, historians, psychologists, sociologists and other scientists turn to folklore. Each science sees in folklore what interests it. Particularly significant is the role of ethnology (from the Greek ethnos: "people" + logos: "word, teaching") - a science that pays much attention to folk life.

For philologists, folklore is important as the art of the word. Philological folklore studies the totality of oral works of art of different genres, created by many generations of the people.

Folk verbal creativity was kept in the memory of people; in the process of communication, works passed from one to another and were not recorded. For this reason, folklorists should be engaged in the so-called "field work" - go on folklore expeditions to identify performers and record folklore from them. Recorded texts of oral folk works (as well as photographs, tape recordings, diary notes of collectors, etc.) are kept in folklore.

lore archives. Archival materials can be published, for example, in the form of folklore collections.

When a folklorist is engaged in the theoretical study of folklore, he uses both published and archival records of folk works.

2. Specifics of folklore

Folklore has its own artistic laws. The oral form of creation, distribution and existence of works is the main feature that gives rise to the specifics of folklore, causes its difference from literature.

2.1. traditional

Folklore is mass creativity. Works of literature have an author, works of folklore are anonymous, their author is the people. In literature there are writers and readers, in folklore there are performers and listeners.

Oral works were created according to already known patterns, even including direct borrowings. The speech style used constant epithets, symbols, comparisons and other traditional poetic means. The works with a plot were characterized by a set of typical narrative elements, their usual compositional combination. In the images of folklore characters, the typical also prevailed over the individual. The tradition demanded an ideological orientation of the works: they taught goodness, contained the rules of human behavior in life.

Common in folklore is the main thing. Storytellers (performers of fairy tales), songwriters (performers of songs), storytellers (performers of epics), wailers (performers of lamentations) sought, first of all, to convey to the listeners what corresponded to the tradition. The repeatability of the oral text allowed for its changes, and this allowed an individual talented person to express himself. There was a multiple creative act, co-creation, in which any representative of the people could be a participant.

The development of folklore was promoted by the most talented people endowed with artistic memory and creative gift. They were well known and appreciated by those around them (remember the story of I. S. Turgenev "Singers").

The oral artistic tradition was the common stock. Each person could choose for himself what he needed.

In the summer of 1902, M. Gorky observed in Arzamas how two women - a maid and a cook - composed a song (the story "How the song was composed").

“It was in a quiet street of Arzamas, before evening, on a bench at the gate of the house in which I lived. The city was dozing in the hot silence of June weekdays. I, sitting by the window with a book in my hands, listened to my cook, portly pockmarked Ustinya talking quietly with the maid<...>Suddenly, Ustinya says smartly, but businesslike: "Well, mow, Mangutka, tell me ..." - "What is this?" - "Let's put down the song ..." And, sighing noisily, Ustinya quickly sings:

"Oh, yes, on a white day, in a clear sun,

Bright night, with a month ... "

Hesitantly groping for a melody, the maid sings timidly, in an undertone:

"I'm restless, young girl..."

And Ustinha confidently and very, touchingly brings the melody to the end:

"All the sadness of the heart toils ..."

In the lessons of Ukrainian literature, we study works of oral folk art. Tales and legends, sayings and proverbs, riddles and songs. Or do they need a modern student? I think they are needed. Therefore, folklore reflects the views of the people, their morality and ethics, shows the relationship with people and nature, introduces the customs, traditions, rituals of Ukrainian. In folklore, the people expressed their ardent love for their native land, poeticized the heroic past, glorified and glorified the courageous defenders of the fatherland. It is hard to imagine how gray life would be without carols and generosity, without Christmas nativity scenes and Easter freckles. The wealth of wisdom and beauty was passed on to us by our ancestors. And all this you need to know, protect, so as not to forget your roots, your pedigree, so as not to become fatherless.

We learn about the life of people in different times and eras from various sources: chronicles, archaeological excavations, songs, literary works, historical documents.

The historical songs studied in the sixth grade enriched my knowledge of the courageous warriors of our people. I especially remember the image of Baida. I knew a lot about the courage of the Cossacks in the fight against the Turks and Tatars. And after reading the “Song about Baidu”, I felt how much our people loved their heroes. By exaggerating the strength and courage of a warrior, the people exalt and glorify him even more. And whatever it was, but the masses believed that the courage and fearlessness of our Cossacks would definitely win.

The people's avengers not only defended their lands from invaders, but also protected the people from cruel masters. Ivan Karmelyuk is called the people's knight, many songs and legends are dedicated to him. I learned about all this at the lessons of Ukrainian literature, studying historical songs.

Folk song … It is difficult to imagine the life of our people without a song. The Ukrainians are a melodious nation, and the song accompanies them all their lives, enriching them with the unique beauty of the art of the word in the valuable musical frame of disagreement. Since childhood, I remember how my grandfather sang with a neighbor the song "Unharness, guys, horses." I liked this song in their performance and became my favorite. I love it for its cheerful melody, high spirits, although the guys are not going to fight, but to relax. I think that this emphasizes the stubbornness of the ataman, who, after the campaign, does not take sleep, his concern for the fighters. When I hear this song, I imagine a dense green garden, where Cossacks in colorful dusty costumes drive up in groups on tired, lathered horses. Their faces are happy from the meeting with their native land. I think that people love to sing it, that it amuses the soul. And it reminds me of my grandfather. May such songs not be forgotten.

Love for a well-aimed and witty word- one of the characteristic features of the Ukrainian people. It was reflected in a huge number of people's jokes, tales, sayings, playful comparisons.

This has had an impact on the work of many writers. Stepan Rudansky is one of them. In the history of literature, he distinguished himself by the fact that he founded a new genre - songs. “Stepan Rudansky really deserves a title dear in the world - the title of a people's poet,” - this is how M. Rylsky assessed his work.

I like the songs of Rudansky. They sound easy and unconstrained, and the simplicity of presentation hides a hidden subtext. The author uses various means - from light humor to sarcastically angry satire. These works are characterized by a sharp contrast between the moral qualities of ordinary people and masters. At the same time, the comparison is not in favor of the landowners. In the eyes of Rudansky, ordinary peasants, Cossacks, are the bearers of the best features, they are honest, decent, intelligent, resourceful and witty. “The Cossacks at the King” did not allow themselves to be offended and outwitted the pompous Poles (“The Cossacks at the King.” John did not allow himself to be deceived by the cunning gentleman, and he himself had a profit (“Pan and Ivan on the road.” The works of Stepan Rudansky went to their reader for a very long time But now there are more and more fans of his work, and I am among them.

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