Do we need "hazing" in the army? What hazing was in the Soviet army, is it now in the Russian one.


So, about "hazing" in the army. Probably, we must first determine what EXACTLY is hidden behind this term: "hazing"? The politically correct name "hazing" in my opinion, only confuses the issue! My opinion is this: if (God forbid!) the army tries to act STRICTLY according to the letter of the regulations, it will not only be demoralized, as it is now, but COMPLETELY paralyzed: any relationship between soldiers and between soldiers and officers will simply become impossible! Imagine for a moment that EVERYTHING and ALWAYS in the army approach each other with a marching step! They salute each other, address only by rank ...

No, who argues when it comes to SERVICE business, it happens, it should be so, but not in constant and everyday life! Only robots are able to communicate with each other like that! We, in the years 75-77, punished the "Ustavshchina" STOCKERS. EVERYONE WERE ADDRESSING TO THEM STRICTLY ACCORDING TO THE REGULATIONS, and all the sergeants demanded the same from THEM. It acted more cruelly than physical reprisal - reports were filed about transfers to other units, there were even suicide attempts, although there was no BURNING: just LITERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE CHARTER! But this is one side of the coin! I want to talk a little about something else: about whether an army is possible in PRINCIPLE without this or that form of "hazing", and which "hazing" benefits the army, and which one brings unacceptable harm and is subject to steady eradication. Let's try to figure it out!

In my opinion, it is absolutely not important for THIS question whether the army is recruited on a professional basis, on the basis of conscription, or on a mixed basis, when both contract soldiers and Citizens called up for a certain period of time serve. One way or another, people come to the service who are absolutely not mentally prepared for the most important thing, which is the meaning of the existence of any army ... If we discard all the beautiful words and look at the very essence, then the task of the army is ... what? Defense of the fatherland? - Right! But what is it? - warfare! War, that is! And in peacetime, the ARMY MUST be ready for war! And in the war, they kill ... And they kill first of all the soldiers (and officers, of course, too). If someone says that the defense of the fatherland is not connected with the KILLING of enemies, then I will not believe him! There were no bloodless wars yet! So, people come to the army for whom the murder of a person is absolutely unacceptable! It contradicts the inner attitudes of a normal person! Moreover, murder is not in a state of passion, not after an insult, not in the struggle for one's life, no! often this is a murder on the orders of someone who has not done anything wrong to you personally! And whether it is so important how the murder is carried out, whether by pressing the trigger of the machine gun, by throwing a grenade, or by pressing the "start" button on the remote control, all the same, the result of the military use of the army is murder, call it at least a rebuff to the aggressor, at least the protection of sacred lines, at least upholding "Democracy" - blood is blood! I will not resonate, and pretend that everything is one, no! But one way or another, a soldier must be mentally prepared to KILL! And the task of psychological training at the initial stage of the service MUST solve this problem! Otherwise, the price of such an Army is worthless, it is only suitable for parades ...

But the raw material, so to speak, for future soldiers, is completely unprepared to kill! How to achieve this? From the time of the most ancient armies of the world, from the time of Ancient Egypt and China, Assyria and Babylon, the recipe was simple: A winepress! Constant psychological pressure from the very first day of service! They pressed the young in the Macedonian phalanxes, and in the Roman cohorts and in the Slavic rats - always! In most modern armies of the world, this pressure is assigned to junior commanders - sergeants and corporals. For the first time, they constantly put pressure on young recruits, breaking stereotypes that have been established since civilian life! Yes, they cause hatred of subordinates, and when he is ready to KILL his sergeant, it's done! The civilian was left in the past, sroldat was born! As a rule, at this moment the attitude towards young people changes DRAFTLY, they BECAME THEIR OWN in the army! and there is no longer any need to drive them like that!

But in the Soviet, and later in the Russian army, unfortunately, the importance of the sergeant corps was sharply downplayed! (It was downplayed). It's one thing when 18-19-year-old boys are chased by a 25-28-year-old sergeant, another thing is when the sergeant is six months older, or even the same age! This is how hazing appeared in the SA ... As usual, especially when the selection bar for the troops fell below the plinth, and people with an already distorted psyche began to get into the army, this hazing began to take perverted, terrible forms, stopped working for EDUCATION of stamina and endurance , has become just a terry mockery of some over others! Moreover, which is typical, where the service was characterized by increased risk, high physical, moral and intellectual stress, hazing did not take on goblin, ugly forms! So it was (at least in the mid-70s of the last century) in the Airborne Forces, in the Fleets, in the Strategic Missile Forces, in the technical troops, where either physical readiness of the highest level or good knowledge of military specialty was required. In the same place, where the psychological, intellectual and physical loads were lower (Avtorots, economic platoons, Stroibat, etc.), hazing took terrifying, ugly forms, not educating, but crippling soldiers! I'll tell you what I know personally. Grandfathers in the unit, after training, poked us in the tail and mane, but! There have never been any attempts to make them work for themselves ("slavery"), any hemming of collars, streaking and ironing uniforms, and the like! If there were attempts, they, as a rule, were severely suppressed either by the old-timers themselves or by the officers! But to press on you during physical training, yes, it was in the order of things! after the shooting, everyone also cleaned himself! But they could embed a gaping spirit, so that the raven would not catch with its beak! And they explained at the same time: "boy, the enemy will not warn you!" True, when one spirit in response attached a grandfather, which is called, "From the heart!", And he "climbed into the bottle" he was held back by the "old people" themselves - "what are you digging for? The hedgehog did everything right!" And another such moment! A sense of pride was constantly cultivated in us: we are a landing party! Others can't stand what we are! It was possible to submit a report and you were transferred to serve in other troops ... All this led to the fact that there was no obvious antagonism between calls! Both young and old-timers understood when it was possible (and necessary) to drive the young, and when it was necessary to help. After all, tomorrow you can be behind enemy lines, and the one you drive today will have a machine gun! To the credit of the officers, they regularly conveyed this idea to every old-timer. I will not dissemble that we had brotherhood and good air, but I don’t remember anything special atrocities.

It is a completely different matter when the crazed "Grandfathers", considering themselves the navel of the earth, begin to bully the young ... Here, perhaps, only one thing can be said. The commanders who allowed SUCH a development of events must be mercilessly judged under the article "undermining the defense capability of the armed forces", because it cannot be anything else. Pressing, even hard, almost cruel, but thought out and calculated, has nothing to do with the mores of the "black zone"! The task of "hazing" is to make soldiers out of conscripts, and not cripples, physical and moral. And it depends on the Officers exactly what forms the notorious hazing has taken in his unit or part!

I would be grateful for comments and thoughts expressed in the discussion!

I didn't say anywhere that this is normal.

I would like to be wrong and be happy for Lithuania, but the situation is a little more complicated than it seems. Perhaps you've heard of the Stanford Prison Experiment?

Volunteers selected not from criminals, but randomly selected healthy socially arranged adults were randomly divided into guards and prisoners. So a third of the guards showed sadistic inclinations. This is the result of a closed society (barracks in the army) and an imposed social role (submissive soldiers and soldiers assigned in one way or another to control and restore order). Second, i.e. the appointment of "guards" is optional.

In any team (medium and large) there are people who enjoy showing aggression towards others. In any team there are people with a weak will, who find it easier to endure than to enter into conflict.

I asked and talked with my brother-soldiers, so imagine, they also believe that there was no hazing. But that doesn't mean it really didn't exist.

There are two rules. What doesn't concern you, you don't notice. What can torment your conscience, but you cannot change, you do not notice. If the psyche of people did not have such a property, they would quickly burn out emotionally. What happens to those who are professionally obliged to notice. A fact fixed by medicine, not in Russia alone, but everywhere, and initially studied in Britain and the USA, doctors, teachers, policemen suffer from a burnout syndrome.

You do not pay attention, and aggression, pressure on the weak, is everywhere. The fact that people do not notice this in schools, for example, which everyone goes through, is sad. When your neighbor teased a fat weak-willed boy in your class, it was the very thing that later, in the army, would be "hazing".

When criminals began to be drafted into the army in the USSR, this did not give birth to hazing, but made its forms criminal.

As long as it does not take criminal forms, we simply do not notice it and do not understand it. In our unit, for example, no one noticed anything special, and no one believed that someone was doing something criminal. Well, yes, ordinary stupid jokes, ordinary stupid half-joking raids, demands, the strong one will simply smile and send, and then answer Vitas' question - "we didn't have anything, what are you talking about?". And we got a weak one, and everything was bad in his family, he could not stand it and shot himself. It turned out that what was ordinary was criminal.

Regarding history, returning to the criminals and the USSR, in fact, violence as a daily life in the army was born before the Red Army itself. Open the encyclopedia of Russian life "Quiet Flows the Don" - how Grigory begins to serve in the army. I think there are plenty of other examples, this is the first thing that comes to mind.

Today I will tell you if there is hazing in the army. Before answering this question, I will explain what is hazing in the army, and what is hazing.

Hazing in the army- this is the process of training by old-timers (military personnel of an earlier conscription period) or, in other words, by the "grandfathers" of the young replenishment. And hazing in the army is the relationship between soldiers who grossly violate the requirements of the regulations and are usually a violation of the law with all the ensuing consequences.

Hazing in the army today - myth or reality?

As you understand, hazing in the army and hazing in the army are completely different things. Hazing is when young recruits arrive, and “grandfathers” or the so-called “demobilizations”, military personnel of an older conscription begin to teach them, for example, how to walk correctly, talk correctly, address senior military ranks, etc. That is, there is a smooth formation of a serviceman and, in fact, from this.

Hazing in the army and hazing in the army

Hazing in the army has nothing to do with what you can see, for example, on YouTube by entering in the search films about hazing in the army. All you see there is hazing in the army.

When you join the army, you are, accordingly, a recruit. You meet half-year-olds - these are the same soldiers, but they have already served half a year, the so-called "elephants". In the general sense, hazing is when a so-called old-timer begins to humiliate a young soldier physically or morally.

Useful information for conscripts:

  • How many days, hours, minutes are left before your demobilization.

But, fortunately, today this problem in the army is generally reduced to nothing. Therefore, if mothers or young people who are just going to the army read me, remember: there is no hazing in the army!

Now the difference between the grandfathers and the new replenishment is only six months. Hazing in the army appears because servicemen in the army live in a male team and, of course, they may have disagreements. These disagreements appear for completely different reasons, even for everyday ones. So do not think that the whole army is built on the fact that grandfathers show their superiority over young soldiers.

Many people think that this is what hazing looks like in the army. But it's not!

In the general sense, hazing is when an old-timer beats a young soldier (the so-called "spirit"). Of course, a lot depends on people, and in every military team there are such “rotten” soldiers who begin to tell what kind of “grandfather” he is and how long he served.

But in fact, with the current service life, what kind of “grandfather” can he be? He served 4-5 months more than a young soldier. But still, mostly more or less adequate young people serve in the army, for whom honor and decency are not empty words, and, accordingly, they do not behave like that.

Young people, now I am speaking to you, remember, whatever the situation, always keep your head in a cold mind. Do not let your emotions get the better of you, because this momentary weakness of yours (the desire to hit someone) can lead to irreversible consequences.

Consider the moment that military people, in particular conscript soldiers, and all their deeds are multiplied by three. If in civilian life you hit someone in the face, and even if he writes a statement against you to the police, then you will receive a maximum administrative punishment.

In the army, all this is multiplied by three, if you hit a soldier, and he wrote a report on you, then you will be 100% sent to the so-called "diesel" - a disciplinary battalion (disbat), where you can serve a year, one and a half or maximum two years. And this minute momentary weakness can lead to such disastrous consequences.

Therefore, it is better to send such an opponent to three Russian letters than to bite your elbows later. Summing up, I would like to say once again: there is no hazing as such. There are conflicts at the everyday level and not quite adequate soldiers from the senior draft, who think that they are mega cool soldiers.

Also, what I wanted to say in this article: in the army there is hazing and hazing. Only hazing is a good concept, the process of training young recruits, hazing in the army is any situation that violates military regulations or laws and can lead to bad consequences.

According to analytical studies, more than 150,000 Russian youths tried to avoid the last draft, which took place in the fall. This is explained not only by the unwillingness to serve in the ranks of the armed forces, but also by the fear of the so-called hazing. And this means that it is not external aggressors who fear the Russian army most of all, but precisely those guys who must give all their strength to defend the Motherland. So is hazing currently operating in the army, or is it mere speculation? Next, we will try to figure it out.

What should be understood by hazing

The word "hazing", most often used in the common people, should be understood as relations in the army that are not spelled out in the charter, that is, this concept considers both crimes and various types of offenses between experienced and young soldiers. Each type of violation, whether it is extortion of money from a soldier in military service or the application of physical punishment to him, is punishable in accordance with the current articles prescribed in the Criminal Code of our country.

It is the fear of non-statutory (as hazing is also called) that makes guys evade military service, but the opinion about hazing is ambiguous:

  • some argue that the act of hazing helps to bring up a real man from a so-called youth;
  • others are of the opinion that if hazing is completely removed, then it is impossible to achieve discipline from military personnel;
  • still others argue that it was non-Ustavism that brought a lot of grief to families and therefore they are striving to eliminate it with all their might.

It is necessary to understand the veracity of the above judgments carefully and painstakingly.

When there was a lack of regulation in the army

Many believe that hazing first manifested itself in the Soviet army, but history points to completely different reliable facts, judging by which such a manifestation has been active for much more than several decades.

The concepts of “hazing” or “army ustavshchina” became known back in the days of Tsarist Rus', and, probably, it was from those times that the concept of “grandfather” was attached to experienced soldiers. Indeed, in those days, soldiers had to serve in the army for as long as 25 years, that is, their age at the time of dismissal could be compared with their grandfather's. Most of the soldiers in the army of Tsarist Russia consisted of poor peasant serfs who had no rights. It was lack of rights that allowed the officers to severely punish them. Even if a soldier died during a beating, this was not punished, that is, the officer did not bear any responsibility to the serf.

Hazing in the days of Tsarist Rus' manifested itself not only in the army, but also in some military educational institutions, for example, in the cadet school. According to historical facts, in this institution, which, by the way, was considered the most prestigious, students were forced to run almost naked at night, and at the same time, the officers urged the cadets on with a whip, like horses.

Is there an explanation for the manifestation of unusualism

For more than a dozen years, scientists have been trying to find out the cause of hazing. Currently, several versions have been put forward about the nature of the occurrence of non-ustavshchina:

  • social;
  • psychological;
  • cultural.

But it has not yet been possible to reliably confirm the cause of the occurrence of manifestations.

Disorder can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. The officers force the conscripts to do the work that they should do. Such a manifestation is considered the most harmless; practical jokes and jokes that soldiers accept without much offense can also be attributed to it.
  2. Another thing is if non-Ustavschina is manifested by group beatings, and sometimes even torture and humiliation. In this case, if, of course, the crime is proven, the so-called grandfathers who took part in bullying should be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code of our country.
  3. Quite often, a bullied soldier commits suicide or decides to kill his offenders.

No matter how hazing manifests itself in the army, both recruits and their relatives do not want to watch this process. After all, the most dear to the heart people go to the army.

Hazing in other countries

It is worth noting that hazing is seen not only in the Russian army, in which soldiers serve in military service, but in those units where they adhere to contractual principles, that is, they recruit soldiers under the contract into the army. Of course, no one will confirm, especially officially, that non-Ustavism is present in their own formation. However, such manifestations have already been noted in military formations that belong to the following countries:

  • USA;
  • Australia and France;
  • Germany.

The facts of the presence of hazing in these countries were repeatedly published in the press, and irrefutable evidence was attached to them.

Quite often, non-statutory behavior is manifested due to the unwillingness of officers to fulfill their duties. In simple words, we can say that the officers shift their duties to experienced soldiers, and give them the full right to educate recruits. As a result, not all young fighters are willing to obey orders, as a result of which grandfathers take violent measures to educate them.

Does hazing take place in the modern army

Many are interested in whether hazing is manifested in our modern time in the army. Unfortunately, this question must be answered in the affirmative. Moreover, analysts argue that not only do hazing exist at the present time, but it is unlikely that they will be eradicated in the future. However, some positive aspects in this matter have already been able to show themselves:

  1. Since the length of service in the army has shortened, such manifestations are now less threatening.
  2. Currently, this process is closely monitored by many public organizations and even representatives of the prosecutor's office. Thanks to their joint efforts, preventive measures and educational work are constantly carried out for both officers and young soldiers.
  3. Most recruits enter the army from military higher institutions, so they understand what non-registration is and how to protect themselves from army lawlessness.

Summing up, we can say that at present hazing in the army really manifests itself, but such phenomena are most often harmless in nature and do not cause physical injury to young soldiers.

Hello. Today is another rather unusual post. About the army. I want to say right away to all those who have served or will serve, everything can be completely different. article how to survive in the army I write exclusively on the example of my service.

So, having got into the army, you, as it were, are nobody in the first 2 weeks. Until you have taken the oath, you are taking the course of a young fighter (KMB). Here you are prepared for military service.

There are quite a lot of fellow countrymen at KMB. With whom you were drafted from the draft board to the KMB will be with you. This is a huge plus. Someone already on the train "screamed", someone even already knew each other.

There are 2 types of barracks: general (which we are used to seeing on TV), where everyone sleeps in one large room and divided into "kubricks" (a kubrick is when soldiers live in rooms from 4 to 12 people on average). That is, it can be compared with a hostel.

I was lucky, we ended up in a part where there is a division into quarters. The "general type" barracks are getting smaller and smaller every year in the country. Because of this, there is a division into "groupings". That is, those who live in the same "kubar" are usually friends.

In general, if you are a restrained person, then it will be difficult for you in the army. You need to loosen up, be friends with someone. At the KMB you will not see "grandfathers", only sergeants and officers who stubbornly prepare you for the army.

At first it was hard: dressing like lightning, playing "lights out" - "rise". That is, after the command to hang up, everyone should lie in bed very quickly, and on the command to get up, they should line up. It takes about 1.5 minutes to get dressed (earlier, when there were tarpaulin boots (without laces), and not berets, it was around 45 seconds). If someone did not have time, then again hang up and rise. As the saying goes, "a blunt in the company, the whole company is in sweat" :).

In general, in the army they study collectively. One screwed up, everyone answers. Your main task: do not mow. I remember one went to the chip without permission, because of him we didn’t see chips for almost a whole week. I don't care, but so many of his comrades looked at him wryly.

Therefore, there is no need to "mow". Let's take a morning check. It is done every day: the cleanliness of the berets, the cut, the shaving, the cleanliness of the hemming and the presence of the edging are checked (the back of the hair near the neck must be even). And that's it! But, damn it, some people manage to not even follow these elementary things. By doing these elementary things as expected, you will get rid of unnecessary unnecessary attention to yourself.

What I remember in the first days is calluses. While the berets are new, the corns are rubbed terrible. Many had blood spots. Well, at least the KMB officers were allowed to walk on the parade ground in slippers. I didn’t want to join the “slipper troops”, I found another way out: over my socks (in some parts still footcloths) I wrapped a handkerchief or a piece of cloth where there was pain. Oddly enough, the corns began to heal. We tried to “beat off” the berets with a hammer and other heavy objects, but this did not help. And yes, it’s better to take berets one size larger than the butt, otherwise you can still wear thick socks in winter.

How to behave at KMB? With understanding. Hard to learn, easy to fight. And the commander at the KMB for me was like the first teacher at school.

Even at KMB I understood the main rule in the army:need to be smarter . Here, as nowhere else, you need to be able to say "No". And then they will climb on the neck. It is necessary to "send" whom you need at the time, but, eh the most important thing is to stick together. Together with comrades, support each other.

It was also quite unaccustomed to quickly eat in the dining room. Someone did not have time and I saw the following picture: a salad is thrown into the soup, the second and a side dish, and all this megaporridge is quickly eaten.

Well, after the KMB, the most interesting thing begins: "grandfathers", other officers, etc. Well, I'll tell you about it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

In order not to miss anything (I'll tell you some small soldier's secrets), we subscribe to RSS, well, or just on Saturday evening or Sunday, go to :).

To be continued...

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