On the reincarnation of the soul: theories, evidence and personal experience.


We often hear about reincarnation- the rebirth of the soul in a new body. But is it really possible to transfer abilities from past lives and how to use what we once knew how to do so well?

Such simple life stories in different regions of the world happen with enviable regularity. When, say, a 5-year-old boy exactly tells his father (a driver with many years of experience) what exactly broke down in the car; or another option, the child has not even gone to the first grade yet, but is already solving a problem in physics at the level of state Olympiads. We used to call these children geeks, but the mystical theory also has an explanation for such genius.

There are many mystical theories that are taken to interpret the possibility of rebirth of the human soul. Some of them are trying to assure us that it is possible to determine what kind of life we ​​live by the serial number of our zodiac sign, others are sure of the endless rebirth of the soul. However most popular version for magicians and esotericists, this is the individual mission of each person. According to it, the soul will be reborn and receive a new body shell until it fulfills its own mission, which is determined by the Creator. It is believed that a new life on Earth is not given to the soul immediately. The fact is that there are few bodies on Earth, but there are a lot of souls in the subtle world that need rebirth. Souls that could not fulfill their own destiny in a past life through some extraneous obstacles receive a new body shell before others. Moreover, sometimes reincarnation memory works, and a newly born child receives superpowers. This is supposedly how most geniuses are born. But not everything here is so simple and unambiguous. After all, not only their skills are transferred from one life to another souls. The fears that they did not overcome and, of course, the guilt of the actions of a past life, the forgiveness of which they must earn in the next incarnation, remain with them.

The deja vu effect and past reincarnations

People very often do not understand why some unpleasant situation in life happens to them again and again. And the answer, perhaps, must be sought in past reincarnations. And one of the signs that you are on the right track, in such a settlement of karmic debts, is the so-called “déjà vu” effect.

It is assumed that at such moments the experience of past lives makes itself felt. That is, if a similar situation happened in a past life, then this means that you are given a chance in this life to correct what you did wrong before. Of course, one can discuss the origin of such “transmissions” from the subconscious, but no one has yet been able to give a reliable explanation for them. Therefore, in all likelihood, everything that we know in this life, we have learned, being in another body, perhaps in another country and in another era.

The question of reincarnation worries theologians and philosophers throughout the history of mankind. Is death forever, or is it to be continued? If yes, then what?

In this article

Can lives be counted or remembered

A single incarnation or seven hundred exponentially? Or maybe nine of them, like a cat? Or given an infinite number of chances to correct mistakes? Some believe that it is possible to be reborn at least fifteen times, others insist that seven attempts are enough to realize the destination.


Nobody knows the correct answer. Only strange or terrible events make you think about the eternal.

Most laymen are interested in the outside; perceive everything as a joke, a computer game or fun fun.

  1. What is the shape of the previous body and gender?
  2. What part of the world or country did I live in?
  3. How many attempts are left and how to increase them?

Knowledge about rebirths will help correct the present and the future. The past has great power, so work on mistakes is needed.

Special meditations, lucid dreaming or deep hypnosis will help refresh your memory. Having tuned in to the right wave, we plunge into a trance and go on a journey through the places of memory.

Meditation as one way to remember your rebirth

Meditation that allows you to clear karma from the negative experience of previous incarnations:

You can see past events and trace their impact on the present with the help of a magic ball. Psychics often use other reflective surfaces: water or mirrors. The methods work only if the seer is endowed with strong energy. An unprepared and illiterate seeker will hear only echoes of past events, blurry and fuzzy images that do not give a clear answer.

Reincarnation and the laws of karma

Theories about karmic relationships on the Planet are held by Buddhists and followers of the Hindu religion.

Wheel of Samsara. Going beyond it means fulfilling your destiny and breaking the chain of reincarnations

  1. Society lives by the laws of cause and effect. If in your current incarnation you are a despot and a rapist, get ready to get what you deserve next time.
  2. Karma implies an unlimited number of returns: until complete repentance and correction of mistakes.
  3. Thoughts are material just like actions. Pretty bad thinking to hurt karma.
  4. Freedom of expression. We choose to be good or evil and are responsible for our actions.
  5. Reincarnation balances actions, gives a chance for correction.
  6. Negative or positive qualities are acquired in the process of evolution. At the moment of birth, we are tabula rasa - a blank slate.
  7. Karmic laws impose restrictions. You can move forward or backward only in a given plane. Jumping over what was destined from above will not work. Karma is like a river: you swim, hold on, or sink ingloriously. It is impossible to go ashore until communications are worked out and business is not completed.

How to atone for sins is a separate issue. There is no exact answer to it, only assumptions. On a whim, wandering, as if in darkness, the soul must perform a series of actions that compensate for negative actions. Hints come in the plots of dreams, fragmentary memories, the effect of what has already been seen, strange meetings.

If you killed someone in the past, you will tragically lose a close friend or relative in this reality. Did not fulfill the promise - get ready for constant deceptions. Made someone unhappy, suffer until you realize the mistake. The list of assumptions is endless.

The video clearly outlines the laws of karmic relationships:

Transmigration of souls: to believe or not to believe

How many religious teachings, so many options for answering the question of immortality. The first primitive beliefs, which originated in the period of tribal relations, meant by resettlement the ability of the spirit to be reborn in the circle of his family. Such views are held by the indigenous peoples of the north and the Indians. For them, Genus is a constant value. Children are grandparents and other relatives.

The process of transmigration of souls is endless

Socrates, Pythagoras, and Plato spoke about a possible reincarnation.

The fire-worshipping Slavs also believed in repeated returns. Ancestors attributed to the soul the possibility of incarnating not only in a thinking being, but also in inanimate objects or animals.

Buddhism, on the other hand, teaches that evolution proceeds from a primitive being to a higher one, initially all were plants.

In this video you will learn how to remember past lives. At the end of the video, a simple and accessible master class on managing memories is given:

The Christian religious concept says: we are born once. After death, we go to heaven or hell. There we wait for the Last Judgment, at which we receive either remission of sins or punishment.

11 facts confirming the rebirth of the soul

Parapsychologists say that there are practically no new residents. Everyone was reborn, just some more, others less, more or less. It all depends on the karmic destiny and the effectiveness of the fulfillment of the tasks set by Fate. The spirit does not always return to the body immediately, it waits for the next incarnation for decades and centuries. For the universe, the concept of time is relative. What is years for a living being is just a moment for the Cosmos.

The parable clearly shows how our perception correlates with the Cosmic Mind.

The miser prayed:

“God, what is a thousand years to you?”

— A moment.

What is a thousand coins to you?

Give me this penny!

“Okay, wait a moment.

recurring dreams

Dreams are real, as is waking. They are a reflection of fears, hopes, worries. The subconscious gives figurative clues on how to act in reality. In a dream, dormant dragons, demons and angels are released. Traveling through the valley of dreams, you can meet your second "I", and remember previous incarnations.

In dreams we see distant worlds and past lives

Dreamers say that they find themselves in places that are not in real life, but they clearly recognize them. In wanderings on the astral plane, we meet acquaintances, but, upon waking up, we understand that these are strange faces. Perhaps a feeling in the subconscious of the extraneous presence of thoughts, emotions, desires. What other signs indicate reincarnation?

  1. Constant nightmares with similar plots.
  2. Bright, colorful pictures of foreign countries.
  3. Own transformations or amazing metamorphoses of familiar things.
  4. Fantastic dream stories.
  5. The extraordinary reality of what is happening in the world of illusions.

All these phenomena indicate that the soul is painfully trying to remember the previous place of residence.

strange memories

The older the Mind, the less likely it is to remember the past, according to parapsychologists and occultists. Unconscious visions come to children, but parents usually write them off as a wild fantasy. Sometimes they are afraid of revelations and forbid the child to talk about the illusory vision of reality. Non-existent interlocutors or friends are not the fruit of a sick imagination and are not a reason to take a child to a psychiatrist. Try to talk in an interesting and friendly way. Suddenly, the child will be able to remember and realize himself in previous incarnations.

There is a legend that the cry of a baby at birth symbolizes knowledge. But the guardian angel at this moment puts his hand on his head and makes him forget what happened before. Erases memory to keep the secret.

Intuition as a reminder of a previous life

From the point of view of official science, intuition is a projection of the subconscious into reality. Scientists believe that there is nothing mystical or irrational: the brain constantly captures and processes information, and at the right time suggests the right decision. It seems to us that it came from outside, but in fact they themselves generated it.

It happens to everyone: you are walking down the street, thinking about a friend whom you have not met for a long time. After a few steps you see a familiar face in the crowd. Esotericists will call this a premonition. Fundamentalists will shrug their shoulders and say: you first saw a friend in the crowd out of the corner of your eye, and then you thought about him. And not vice versa.

Occultists believe that the higher the level of consciousness and the more rebirths, the more powerful the intuitive flow.

In this video, a powerful mantra that reveals intuition:

Trusting your inner voice saves lives. The media describes many examples of how, feeling discomfort and danger, passengers handed over tickets for a plane or train before a disaster. They did not get into a car that had an accident a few hours later. They went a different way instead of the usual route and avoided the attack of terrorists.

deja vu

Moments that elude understanding appear under the influence of stress, an unusual or unpleasant situation. Smells, sounds, surroundings - you never know when you will feel an amazing feeling.

Scientists studying quantum theories suggest that deja vu directly indicates the multivariance of the Universe and the presence of parallel spaces. Parapsychologists say that these are echoes of experienced memories. The more and more often the effect is observed, the older the age of consciousness.

Empathy as a sign of rebirth and a highly developed soul

Who are empaths? These are people who are able to physically feel the experiences of others. And not only spiritual, but also physical. The degree of involvement in other people's problems is so high that the empath feels them as his own. They perceive the general grief as part of themselves.

Depending on their religious affiliation, they are called Saints, Righteous, or Prophets. In the secular tradition, they are awarded with epithets: “a doctor from God”, “a teacher by vocation”. Such lamps of Light burn brightly and go out early. Often their fate is tragic. Example: Elizaveta Glinka (Doctor Lisa).

gift of foresight

Strong seers come to Earth once a century, and sometimes more. Knowledge obtained from mysterious images cannot always be fully deciphered or openly passed on to descendants. The famous quatrains of Nostradamus are an example of foresight. Due to the peculiarities of the time, the Master could not clearly state the information.

Mikhail Lermontov's poem "I go out on the road alone" is considered by occultists as direct evidence of his involvement in the assembly of Mature Souls. The verse contains these lines:

In heaven solemnly and wonderfully!

The earth sleeps in the radiance of blue ...

At the time of Lermontov, space exploration was far away. But how could he know that the planet looked exactly like this from orbit: surrounded by a bluish halo?

This is what Earth looks like from space

Lermontov's works indicate that his spirit went through dozens of reincarnations. The tragic death of the poet confirms the fact. He lived exactly as long as it took to clear karma.

A look into the past

Information from the past comes in the form of fragmentary memories, unrelated chaotic visions. People are able to remember historical events that happened hundreds of years ago. A tourist from America, visiting Rome for the first time, impressed the guides with the accuracy of describing places that she had not seen before.

Maybe the Jerusalem syndrome, which doctors consider a mental disorder, is a memory?

Jerusalem syndrome is a short-term insanity in especially sensitive natures. Men imagine themselves as Jesus wandering to Golgotha, women experience the suffering of the Mother of God, who lost her only Son.

mental and biological age

It's not about how a person looks on the outside, but how young they feel. It happens that children are serious and concentrated, and adults feel like teenagers to gray hair. Parapsychologists associate the phenomenon with the true age of the soul.

The fewer incarnations there were, the brighter and more emotionally the Spirit manifests itself. Everything seems new, unusual and attractive to him. He never ceases to be surprised and discover the facets of being. Travelers and tireless wanderers most often have young hearts. Examples: Jacques Cousteau, Fedor Konyukhov.

From this video you will find out how old your soul is:

Inexplicable attraction to foreign culture, language, customs

Someone is interested in the philosophy of the East or is thirsty for knowledge of the culture of ancient civilizations. The desire to learn a foreign language or dress in costumes of a certain era can be explained by the theory of life reincarnations.

A striking example is cosplay, a popular phenomenon among young people. Boys and girls choose a real or fictional image that is close in spirit and recreate it with the help of makeup, hair or clothing.

Unexplained fears, phobias and fears

Psychologists believe that we get all the complexes and fears in childhood. Fear of heights, falls or water indicates a violent death in the past. Having unraveled the tangle of phobias, you can get closer to unraveling the origin and purpose of the soul.

Phobias are a product of fears from the past

The feeling that the Earth is not your home

Causeless anxiety, chronic fatigue, anxiety, a feeling of unreality of what is happening. Such emotions arise as a result of the aging of the Consciousness. It gets tired of endless reincarnations and strives to leave earthly limits as quickly as possible. Loneliness, lack of friends, alienation and hostility of relatives are indirect signs pointing to a soul that is ready to leave for the Cosmos.

The premonitions of the old people are based on the feeling, accurately naming the date of departure. Those who are tired clearly know the duration of their stay on Earth and do not regret the imminent death.

They passionately desire to return to their roots, to the boundless space of the Universe and take a break from the difficult path.

Movies and books about the reincarnation of the soul

Popular science and fiction are devoted to the issues of life and death.

  1. At the top of this list is Raymond Moody's Life After Life. The author has collected the experience of patients who have undergone clinical death and realized that going beyond the physical shell is real.
  2. Denise Lynn, Past Lives, Present Dreams. In the book, the author gives simple and accessible methods for realizing one's "I".
  3. Sam Parnia What Happens When We Die. In a scientific work, a professor of medicine talks about research conducted with patients who survived coma and short-term care.
  4. The book and film of the same name, The Secret, will interest those who care about the cause-and-effect relationships between our actions and the reaction of the universe.

Memories, reincarnation and the expansion of the boundaries of consciousness have always been of interest to directors.

  1. The cult American film Flatliners was released in 1990. A remake was filmed in 2017. The picture tells about the posthumous visions of a group of young doctors who decided on a risky experiment.
  2. "Narcosis" is not recommended for viewing in anticipation of major surgical interventions. But with full confidence it can be attributed to films that expand the boundaries of consciousness.
  3. The historical picture "The Mummy" will allow you to look at the problem of incarnation from a different point of view.
  4. From domestic series, we advise you to watch the recently released tape "On the Other Side of Death."
  5. The serial mystical drama "Premonition" will tell how, as a result of an accident, a woman acquires the gift of clairvoyance.

Soul is immortal

There are more questions than answers. Are post-mortem sensations real, or are they the last bursts of brain activity before complete extinction? Visions, premonitions, intuition - what is behind these concepts? World experience of numerous reincarnations or blind Faith. Everyone is free to choose a point of view corresponding to religious or other beliefs. Or maybe just follow the advice of Vysotsky:

Wouldn't it be better to be a decent person in life?

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

I was asked a lot of questions, which I will gradually answer you. So ask more often. The most popular question about the idea of ​​the transmigration of souls was the time of reincarnation, that is, how long after the death of the physical body, the soul acquires a new body. That's what today's post is about.

Fundamental Laws of Reincarnation

In order to understand what determines the time between reincarnations of the soul, you need to know about the mechanism of the rebirth of souls. There are such three laws of reincarnation:

Gender Preserved Reincarnation

In rare cases, when the soul of a deceased person has completed the mission assigned to it in the current life, a reincarnation occurs in a new body of the same gender, but with new karmic program. In such cases, a sudden reincarnation is possible, which occurs during clinical death.

This theory is supported by many cases where a person who has been in a coma for a long time suddenly comes back to life. With such a reincarnation, completely new skills, habits and character traits of a person often appear in the current body.

Surely, you have read stories when a person who came out of a coma could speak foreign languages ​​that he had not thought about before, or showed abilities for crafts and art. Less noticeable to others in such cases is the rethinking of life goals and self-awareness.

What determines the time between reincarnations

The time interval between the death of the physical body and a new birth largely depends on the following factors:

  • level of development of the soul,
  • whether the death was natural, violent, suicide or an accident.

You probably want to ask how death affects the reincarnation of the soul?

Most people who die suddenly at the hands of a murderer or as a result of an accident are reborn instantly. They are embodied in newborn children or in the body shells of people whose spiritual component has left the physical body.

This is what is often explains sudden coming out of a coma people whose brain activity was considered inactive. The changes that occurred to a person after he had been in a state of clinical death are explained in a similar way.

The souls of enlightened and spiritually developed people who have fulfilled their mission in life can wait for many years before they are programmed for new goals and the path of knowing the truth. The waiting period in this case can last from several years to several centuries.

What mechanisms determine the process and time of reincarnation

The soul of absolutely any creature begins its journey resurrection from scratch. According to the Creator's plan, any life is a way of knowing the truth and spiritual development. Thus, everyone starts their great journey from scratch.

For people created by the Gods as higher beings, the first birth takes place in a human body. For other living beings, the path to incarnation in the human body can take a great many reincarnations. However, those people who follow the spiritual path not forward, but backward, often after death are reborn in the bodies of animals in order to follow the spiritual path from the very bottom.

The earthly path of the formation of the soul usually proceeds during eight stages of development, from the spiritual level of an ordinary inhabitant to the level of a spiritual leader, lama, messiah. Each stage involves obtaining a certain amount of experience, completing missions, gaining skills and realizing your own talents. Sounds like the principle of various computer games, right?

Each of the levels of the formation of the soul, and I remind you that there are eight of them, is comprehended in the best case for five or six rebirths, in the worst case, the number of incarnations of one soul is not limited. Why exactly?

It is much easier to achieve enlightenment and realize your destiny if you interact with a teacher or mentor in the spiritual sphere, and follow the path of self-development and self-realization purposefully. However, the surrounding reality is always rich in temptations and temptations of various kinds, which significantly complicates the path of the spiritual development of the individual.

Each soul has its own higher goal or program, on the fulfillment of which the transition from one level of spiritual development to another depends. Thus, the higher forces seem to program everyone for certain accomplishments, the path to which opens at the necessary stages of self-knowledge and self-development.

Cycle The reincarnation of one soul directly depends on how successful its path of development and cleansing from the sins committed during all earthly lives was. Only the highest lamas, messiahs and spiritual leaders of the peoples reached such a level of mental development.

Thus, you can begin to influence your rebirth in the next life right now. It is worth more often to listen to your own intuition and hidden thoughts, not to neglect premonitions.

For those who want to learn in detail about their reincarnation path, the quantity and quality of their earthly reincarnations, I offer.

Alternatively, you can get and try " ". Interesting, can you do it?

Sincerely, Elena Izotova.

Every person, regardless of religion, at least once in his life thought about what awaits him after death. Someone does not believe in the existence of a parallel reality, someone is convinced that they will go to heaven or hell, and someone is looking for all kinds of evidence of the reincarnation of the soul, hoping for rebirth in a new body. The latest version is gaining more and more popularity. Many people believe that a person is able to be reborn, and even films about reincarnation are made, after watching which the hypothesis looks more than convincing.

Where did the theory come from?

Representatives of Judaism and Buddhism were the first to believe in the transmigration of souls after death. It was these beliefs that formed the basis of religions that embody the love of the world, the wisdom of the ages, and the belief in infinity. Eastern sages have always been sure that they are immortal. Despite the fact that our body ages and then completely dies, the spiritual personality remains.

Each of us has moments when we are forced to say goodbye to loved ones, realizing that we will never see them again. However, if you believe the Eastern sages who know the laws of reincarnation, the deceased can be found, but only in a completely different way. The soul is able to move into another body, which does not have to be human. It can be any animal, for example, a dog.

There are a huge number of stories that relatives of deceased people perceive as evidence of the reincarnation of the soul. Maybe your family has them too. Try to remember. Maybe the same bird often sits on your fence, which is not afraid of you or even behaves strangely, trying to draw attention to itself. Someone refers to such manifestations as a wild fantasy, an ordinary coincidence, but there are those who listen to their inner voice, see this as a kind of sign.

From the point of view of science

Scientists, philosophers and esotericists have been trying for centuries to unravel this mystery, to find convincing evidence of the reincarnation of souls. Many years of work on the version, suggesting the possibility of transmigration of spiritual matter from one body to another, gave rise to a variety of hypotheses.

One of the theories says that the human soul performs a certain function, namely, it maintains the natural balance. In each life, she receives the necessary experience, and after the death of the physical body, she moves to another, but necessarily of the opposite sex.

If the deceased was not buried according to the rules or vandals abused his tombstone, then the person into whom the soul will move will experience serious mental health problems. Perhaps he will develop diseases such as schizophrenia, a split personality or persecution mania. If you believe this hypothesis, then all people with mental disabilities ended their past life unsuccessfully.

The transmigration of souls after death can leave a mark on the body, for example, in the form of moles. One of the theories that arose in the process of studying this phenomenon indicates that large birthmarks are marks from the past. To be more precise, these are the places where there were scars on your "old" body. Perhaps a large birthmark indicates a mortal wound that killed the person whose soul now lives in you.

Some sources claim that the souls of people who led the wrong way of life continue to exist in the body of animals. However, this version causes a lot of controversy among those who professionally deal with this issue. Most are convinced that the human soul is not able to take root in the body of an animal.

Eastern religion has its own views on this matter. The sages believe that the soul of a person who has sinned greatly during his lifetime is doomed to a long and painful existence in the body, for example, of a dung beetle. It is also believed that the energy matter that has left a person who has done a lot of trouble during his life can be imprisoned in a stone or some household item.

Some people tell incredible stories, assuring others that from time to time images and memories arise in their minds that have nothing to do with real life. They are convinced that these are “pre-reincarnation” fragments reproduced at the level of cellular memory.

Most likely, among those who are now reading this article, there are people who know firsthand about deja vu. There are a huge number of explanations for this phenomenon, but no one has come to a consensus that would fully reveal the secret of this strange feeling.

Some believe that this is due to the closure of intracerebral impulses, while others are sure that this is a layering of intertemporal segments on top of each other. Experiencing a state of deja vu, people begin to think that everything that happens around has already happened once. They seem to have been at this time and in this place, they absolutely clearly predict the further development of events and even know what their interlocutor will say next. It is unlikely that so many coincidences can occur at one moment.

Several documented cases

Experiments aimed at establishing the facts of reincarnation were carried out long before the moment when various equipment and scientific laboratories appeared. So, in the eastern countries there were unique burial traditions. A deceased person was punctured in a certain part of the body, and when a newborn was born, they looked for a mole on him in a similar place. Have you ever wondered what your birthmarks are? Perhaps their appearance is not accidental.

Many years later, researcher Jim Tucker became interested in this custom, who documented the most interesting cases of reincarnation. So, one of his texts says that a year after the death of his grandfather, a baby was born. There was a strange mole on his arm, exactly in the place where a mark had been left before the funeral of the deceased.

But the oddities didn't end there. A few years later, when the boy began to talk, he suddenly turned to his grandmother in a diminutive form, just like his grandfather liked to do. After the death of her husband, no one called the elderly widow that way. Everyone was in the deepest shock, and the boy's mother admitted that she saw her father in a dream, who did not want to part with his family and was looking for a way to return home.


In the same book about reincarnation, there is another case that makes people think about the likelihood of the existence of this phenomenon. A woman named Diana has worked at a community hospital in Miami all her adult life. In the hospital, she met her soul mate. The man that Diana married and later married had a birthmark that looked like a crescent moon.

The couple lived for many years in love and joy, but the most interesting thing happened at the reception of a psychotherapist. A woman shared a story that allegedly happened in her previous life. She claimed that she was in the body of an Indian woman who was forced to hide from the colonialists from Europe who occupied America. Once, in order not to betray herself and the crying child she held in her arms, the woman had to close his mouth. By negligence, she strangled the baby, on the back of whose head there was a mole in the form of a crescent.

fatal wound

Modern scientists also had to deal with the example of reincarnation. A boy was born in a Turkish town. After a while, he began to claim that he remembers numerous fragments from a past life in which he was a soldier. The boy said that when he was a soldier, he was shot with a large-caliber gun. The wound turned out to be fatal. For the first time, he began to talk about his memories at a very young age, absolutely not knowing what reincarnation is. Later it became known that in the archives of the local clinic, a case was found with the medical history of a soldier who was admitted for treatment with a wound to the right area of ​​​​the face. A week later he died. Is it worth saying that the boy was born with multiple congenital defects on the right side of his face?

Evidence for reincarnation of the soul

Modern psychotherapists and psychologists often use a technique that is known as past regression. Used in conjunction with hypnosis, you can restore memories that are deep in the subconscious.

Most likely, everyone heard or saw in films how the patient is immersed in a state of hypnosis, after which it is possible to remember not only facts, for example, from early childhood, but even from a past life. When a person is brought to his senses, he remembers absolutely nothing of what he said to the doctor while in hypnosis. This practice makes it possible to understand all the subtleties of the human worldview. There are several cases that describe clear facts confirming the existence of reincarnation after death.

In medicine, there is such a thing as false memories. Researchers conducted a survey among children of different ages. To their surprise, most of the guys described the last minutes of their previous life in colors. As a rule, death occurred as a result of violent acts, and the events themselves took place several years before the children interviewed were born. The most realistic and plausible stories were from babies aged 2 to 6 years.

Twilight Zone

And here is one of the situations that Brian Weiss, a psychoanalyst with many years of experience, described in his works. During the next session, to which the girl-patient came, the doctor plunged her into a trance state. Katherine (that was the name of the patient) began to say that she felt the presence of Brian's father, as well as his son, who died due to heart problems. It is worth noting the fact that the girl knew absolutely nothing about the doctor's personal life and could not guess what tragedy Weiss had experienced. A similar phenomenon, when someone sees the deceased relatives of his interlocutor, is commonly called the "twilight zone".

The story of two brothers

An even stranger story happened in the 1970s. The young woman had a son named Kevin. At the age of two, the boy died of blood cancer caused by a complex fracture of the leg, which did not heal properly. They desperately tried to save the young patient, they conducted a course of chemotherapy. He was introduced a catheter through the neck on the right side, and in the area of ​​the left ear, due to the deformation of the eye, a scar appeared. The child died in terrible agony.

Ten years later, the woman who lost her son gave birth to another child, but from another man. A newborn boy showed a birthmark exactly in the place where the scar of the deceased baby was. Later it turned out that the second son has congenital problems with his left eye, and also limps on the leg that was broken in his older brother, although no pathologies were found.

Having become quite an adult, the guy told incredible stories, revealing the whole essence of reincarnation. He claimed that the soul of the older brother was reborn in his image. He unmistakably recounted the entire medication course, and also accurately indicated the location of the catheter. In addition to memories associated with pain and suffering, the guy remembered his old place of residence, describing in detail the house in which, in fact, he had never been.

Burmese girl with a Japanese background

The world learned about this story thanks to the work of psychiatrist Ian Stevenson, who described an amazing case in his teachings on reincarnation. In the sixties of the last century, a girl was born on the territory of Burma, who at the age of three began to talk about the fact that in a past life she was a Japanese soldier. According to her, he was burned alive by local residents, tied tightly to a tree.

In addition to the fact that the girl was overcome by terrible memories, she was radically different from her peers in her behavior. She did not recognize Buddhism, did not wear long hair, and slapped the children with whom she periodically walked on the playground in the same way as the Japanese soldiers who attacked Burma did.

It is worth noting the fact that she was an unusual child from birth. On the girl's right hand, a clear defect was noticeable: the ring and middle fingers turned out to be fused, resembling the membrane of waterfowl animals. A few days later, doctors amputated some of the phalanges, and the child's mother claims that on her daughter's right arm there was a stain resembling a burn, as well as stripes very similar to rope marks.

30 rupees

When asked if reincarnation exists, the inhabitants of the village of Alluna Miana, which is located in India, will give you a positive answer. It was here that a boy named Taranjit Singh lived. At the age of two, he stated that in a past life he was an ordinary student named Satnam Singh, who lived sixty kilometers from his native village of Taranjit.

The boy told his parents that his previous life was cut short as a result of a ridiculous accident, namely, after a scooter flew into a student. The boy also said that he remembers the last seconds of his former existence, as if he was lying in a pool of blood, and notes and textbooks were lying around. Taranjit remembered that at the time of the accident he had exactly thirty rupees in his pocket.

The words of the boy were not taken seriously for a long time, because in the village, where the population is poorly educated, no one knows what reincarnation is. However, the father, tired of the constant stories of his child, decided to look into the situation and get to the bottom of the truth. He became aware that a guy with that name really lived, and then died under the wheels of a scooter. Having gone with their son to a neighboring village, they found the house in which Setnam lived. His parents were shocked by what facts from the life of their son someone else's child operates on. They confirmed that Setnam was dying in a pool of blood, with textbooks scattered around, and that at the time of his death he had thirty rupees in his pocket.

Rumors of an incredible soul rebirth quickly spread throughout the province. Local authorities turned to experts who were asked to conduct an examination. Taranjit was asked to write a few sentences, after which they did judicial handwriting. Everyone was in real bewilderment when it turned out that the handwriting of both guys was almost identical.


In medicine, there are often cases when people begin to speak foreign languages, sometimes the most exotic ones. Most often, this phenomenon becomes the result of clinical death, severe traumatic brain injury or experienced stress. In parapsychology, this condition has its own name - xenoglossia.

For example, a person living in Russia can suddenly speak Turkish, without any accent. The only explanation that comes to mind is that in a past life he was a Turk.

For clarity, we can give a real example that took place in medical practice. So one American woman, born to immigrants from Eastern Europe who spoke Czech, Russian and Polish, began to surprise others. At an appointment with a psychoanalyst, while under hypnosis, a woman suddenly spoke in Swedish, introducing herself as a peasant who once lived in Sweden. Despite the fact that the people who followed the test absolutely did not believe the woman, the polygraph showed that she was telling the truth. There is not a single person in her family who knows Swedish, and she has never been interested in learning it. However, this did not prevent the woman from speaking it without an accent.

Films about reincarnation

Famous directors working with the Mystery genre could not pass by such a phenomenon. The best films based on real stories about the transmigration of souls can be called: "Birth", "Little Buddha", "Restless Anna".

Many of those who pay attention to their spiritual development have come across stories that speak of such a phenomenon as the rebirth of the soul after death.

The soul after the death of the body immediately or after some time incarnates in another. The ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Pythagoras and Plato believed in it.

Reincarnation is spoken of in Kabbalah. Many

They describe cases where people remember their past lives and identify themselves with a specific person.

Over the past decades, the number of people who believe in reincarnation has increased significantly.

The souls of children return

Often mothers who have lost their children for some reason see their souls in the newly born.

The small North Ossetian town of Beslan in 2004 turned into a territory of mourning. 186 children died. In the first three years after the tragedy, seventeen children appeared in the families of those killed in Beslan.

Zarina Dzhampaeva, who lost her son Zaur in that tragedy, was strictly forbidden by doctors to become a mother for the second time. Even after the birth of her first child, she was transfused with infected blood - as a result, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis and disability. Three years was a real nightmare.

One morning, Zarina approached her mother in a completely different way - she was unusually cheerful, saying that a swallow had begun to make a nest over one of the windows of the house - which means that they will soon have a child.

Lydia Dzampaeva: " I see Zaurik in a dream, and he was such a cheerful boy. He came, stands next to me and tells me - granny, I was born again, I am yours again. I told this dream and I say, Zarina, do not be afraid, this child will be born..

After another examination, it became clear that Zarina was carrying a child under her heart. As one doctors persuaded her to terminate the pregnancy. Having given a receipt, the expectant mother refused this. The birth of an absolutely healthy boy, Alan, doctors called a miracle.

Zarina believes that she has already met with the soul of her dead son. There was a rebirth of the soul after the death of Zaur. For Zarina, they are obvious. The boy most of all reaches for the favorite toys of his deceased brother, and when looking at his photographs, he becomes indescribably delighted.


Together with Zaur, 14-year-old Sonya Arsoeva died on that fateful day. Exactly to the mother, promising to return. Fatima Arsoeva, the mother of the deceased Sonya, surprisingly easily endured the pregnancy, carried look at your age. The girl was named Anastasia, which means "resurrected".

Every day I find something new from Sonechka in my daughter. Nastya can play with Sonya's favorite toys for hours.

Girls are very different only in appearance. Habits, character, and even the first words, little Nastya exactly repeats the deceased Sonya.

With my first daughter, Sonya, I was a very strict mother - both in clothes and in everything. I really regret it” – says Fatima Arsoeva. - " If the soul of the deceased Sonya really embodied in her sister Anastasia, this time her childhood will be happier«.

Conscious rebirth of the soul after death

Do you want ? It is believed that the conscious rebirth of the soul after death is within the power of a few enlightened Tibetan lamas. On the eve of their death, they can name the date and place of their future birth. This greatly simplifies their search in the future. This is what happens with the line of the highest Tibetan lamas of the Karma Kagyu tradition - the Karmapas.

Back in the twelfth century, the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa, left a letter before his death, where he indicated the exact time, place and family in which he would be born next. His followers only had to go there, find him and start teaching. Since then, he has been dying and being reborn to continue his mission. Conscious reincarnations help to preserve the traditions of this religious teaching. The chain of reincarnations from the 12th century has not been interrupted even once until today.

In the last century, the sixteenth Karmapa was born in 1924 in one of the provinces of Tibet, where the monks found him thanks to a letter from his predecessor. After his death in 1981, the search for his next reincarnation lay ahead. For the first time in many centuries, a successor was not immediately discovered. This time ordinary people helped to find him. They said that they know an unusual child, who calls himself Karmapa since childhood.

The seventeenth Karmapa Thaye George was found at the age of eleven. The monks conducted a check - they showed the boy several personal belongings of his predecessor, and the child unmistakably chose them. After that, he was recognized as the next reincarnation of the Karmapa, which allows us to speak about the reality of conscious reincarnations.

Now, looking at Thaye George, it is hard to imagine that he lived through more than one life. One day the day will come when he will leave a prediction letter with information about where and when he will be reborn next time.
So far, the Tibetan Karmapas are reborn once a century.

How does organ transplant affect the experience of the soul?

But what happens when a person in real life suddenly receives a memory of the experience of another soul? As it happens with organ transplants and blood transfusions.

Doctors have noticed that organ transplant patients have a change in personality. They have character traits that patients did not have before the transplant.

Knowledge of human cellular memory is closely connected with the concept of reincarnation. The memory of the soul, And from life to life, the soul transfers all its experience, entering a new physical body with each incarnation.

An organ, getting into another body, can lead to a change in psychosomatic reflexes that are not

are under the control of the brain. In other words: together with donor organs, a person receives a particle of the donor soul.

Jewish girl Yael Aloni underwent a heart transplant at the age of nine, after which she began to play football. The donor for Yael was the thirteen-year-old boy Omri, who was covered with sand during the game.

Despite all the efforts of the doctors, the miracle did not happen. The boy died without regaining consciousness. Doctors persuaded the parents to donate their son's organs to other people who need them. So, after his death, the boy was able to help seven people.

In order for the rehabilitation after the operation to be successful, the girl needed to take a lot of medicines. She took them with a snack of chocolate - with a new heart, she received a strong love for sweets.

Passion for outdoor activities was also a new “acquisition” for her - immediately after the operation, she went on an excursion with her classmates.

I have much more strength now. I now put more effort into fulfilling my desires. If earlier I did not have serious hobbies, now I am seriously engaged in dancing. I really like hip-hop, because there are a lot of sports elements.' says Yael.

The girl's mother noticed that from a closed, uncommunicative child, her daughter became the soul of the company. Any injustice could cause a fit of aggression in Yael.

She became bolder - in a good way, began to answer me in a way that she had not answered before. It became clearer to show that she did not like something. I don’t know where she has such a character.”

According to the boy's father, Ofer Gilmour, his son was a cheerful, active child. He was respected by his peers for justice and honesty. He never let himself be offended and always defended the weak.

Mother Yael Aloni wanted to meet the parents of the boy, thanks to whom her daughter is now alive. The meeting was tense, because the boy's parents were in mourning. To defuse the situation, the girl turned on the music. The boy's parents were shocked when, out of all the discs, Yael chose the one that their son liked the most.

At that moment I realized how similar they are says Omri's father, Ofer Gilmore, even the manner of speaking and being silent is the same for them. Yael reminds me a lot of my son”.

Once, when Omri came across information about a donation in a cafe, he read it and for some reason said that he could become a donor. Remembering this incident, his parents decided that it was a kind of testament to their son.

To date, Yael Aloni has also filled out a donor card - a lifetime consent to transplant internal organs to those in need in the event of her death.

Transplanted heart helps solve crime

A few years ago, in one of the US cities, residents were shocked by the murder of a ten-year-old girl. There was no evidence, no witnesses, and the case was about to be closed. But a girl called the station, who in. The narrator was transplanted the heart of a girl killed by a maniac.

After the operation, the child began to have nightmares in which she was killed. She told her doctor about it. After listening to the smallest details of the story of his patient, the doctor was convinced that we were talking about the circumstances of the death of the donor girl.

The phenomenon of rebirth of the soul after death allows traditions to continue, gives hope to people for the rebirth of their loved ones and meeting them.

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