About the dances of the wife for her husband. Unusual Pugacheva dance by candlelight made a splash among her fans


With the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his companions!

Fatawa No. 103413. Family relationship section - married life

Shari'ah ruling regarding a wife dancing in front of her husband and whether she is obligated to obey him if he orders her to do so.

Praise be to Allah. There is no problem for a woman to dance in front of her husband. And in essence this act, through which love for his wife penetrates into the heart of a man, awakens in him an attraction to her, and as a result he satisfies his sexual passion with the help of what is permitted.

So, it helps to win the love of your spouse, and also to keep his gaze from the forbidden glances at strangers, because some men fall into this sin by watching dancers whom they have no right to look at.

But surely, having satiated his passion with the help of what is permitted, he will no longer want to turn his gaze to the forbidden. However, dancing in front of a husband is permitted only under the following conditions:

1. That their children not be present at the same time, as this may negatively affect parental authority and lead to a decrease in respect towards them. You should know that not everything that is legal is legal in the presence of children.

2. So that dances are not accompanied by musical instruments.

3. So that, for the purpose of learning various dances, a woman does not look at all kinds of forbidden photos and videos, since she is forbidden to look at these slutty dancers and their ‘awrah (shameful places). She should use different dance moves that she knew before, or dance arbitrarily without any training.

Sheikh Muhammad Salih ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “As for the wife dancing in front of her husband, without anyone present, there is nothing to worry about, since this can be one of the effective ways to awaken desire for her. And everything that leads to this goal is necessary, with the condition that it is not prohibited. So, for example, it is a desirable sunnah for a wife to adorn herself for her husband, as well as a husband for his wife. See al-Lika ash-shahri 9/12.

Sheikh Muhammad Nasirud-Din al-Albani was asked: “If a woman dresses in front of her husband like dancers performing on the stage, would this not be a manifestation of love for what they are doing and agreement with it?”

The Sheikh, may Allah have mercy on him, replied: “This is permissible on the condition that it happens only between spouses, and no one sees them. And this type of dress will not be likened to them, since these dancers perform in public, while this woman dances only for her husband. These are completely different situations.” See Silsila al-Huda uan-Nur (No. 814).

With the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his companions!

Fatawa No. 103413. Family relationship section - married life

Shari'ah ruling regarding a wife dancing in front of her husband and is she obligated to obey him if he orders her to do so?.

Praise be to Allah. There is no problem for a woman to dance in front of her husband. And in essence this act, through which love for his wife penetrates into the heart of a man, awakens in him an attraction to her, and as a result he satisfies his sexual passion with the help of what is permitted.

So, it helps to win the love of your spouse, and also to keep his gaze from the forbidden glances at strangers, because some men fall into this sin by watching dancers whom they have no right to look at.

But surely, having satiated his passion with the help of what is permitted, he will no longer want to turn his gaze to the forbidden. However, dancing in front of a husband is permitted only under the following conditions:

1. That at the same time their children should not be present, as this may negatively affect parental authority and lead to a decrease in respect towards them. You should know that not everything that is legal is legal in the presence of children.

2. So that dances are not accompanied by musical instruments.

3. So that, for the purpose of learning various dances, a woman does not look at all kinds of prohibited photos and videos, since she is forbidden to look at these dissolute dancers and their ‘awrah (shameful places). She should use different dance moves that she knew before, or dance arbitrarily without any training.

Sheikh Muhammad Salih ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “As for the wife dancing in front of her husband, without anyone present, there is nothing to worry about, since this can be one of the effective ways to awaken desire for her. And everything that leads to this goal is necessary, with the condition that it is not prohibited. So, for example, it is a desirable sunnah for a wife to adorn herself for her husband, as well as a husband for his wife. See al-Lika ash-shahri 9/12.

Sheikh Muhammad Nasirud-Din al-Albani was asked: “If a woman dresses in front of her husband like dancers performing on the stage, would this not be a manifestation of love for what they are doing and agreement with it?”

The Sheikh, may Allah have mercy on him, replied: “This is permissible on the condition that it happens only between spouses, and no one sees them. And this type of dress will not be likened to them, since these dancers perform in public, while this woman dances only for her husband. These are completely different situations.” See Silsila al-Huda uan-Nur (No. 814).

Alla Pugacheva is rarely published. Now the singer prefers to spend all her free time at home with family and friends. However, for the sake of the birthday of one of her comrades, she made an exception. The actress came to the event with her husband Maxim Galkin, choosing a stunning knee-length outfit and a large train for the evening. The dress was decorated with numerous feathers.

Fans recognized the image of the star as extremely successful, but they were even more impressed by her unusual dance. The artist did not hesitate seductively moving in front of Maxim Galkin, and he diligently recorded what was happening on his phone.

“At a birthday party with friends,” Galkin succinctly signed the video on Instagram.

Alla Pugacheva danced to her own song "Cafe of Dancing Lights". Fans came to the unanimous conclusion that the pop star looks great. Many of them noted that the Diva lost even more weight, and now looks at least 20 years younger. "The best. She has always been and will remain”, “I would like to dance like that, but I’m 30 years younger. One can only envy”, “Love and truth works wonders. Alla Borisovna has changed beyond recognition for the better. Maxim, upload such videos more often, ”the artist’s fans wrote.

Maxim Galkin often shares family photos and videos. Moreover, the appearance of Alla Borisovna invariably causes a strong reaction among her fans. Many of them note that over the past five years, the star has changed dramatically. The actress managed to lose a few extra pounds. At the same time, the style of the Primadonna has also changed. Now she chooses more feminine and elegant outfits. Moreover, Pugacheva does not hesitate to wear mini-skirts, and also tries on youth dresses with pleasure.

On the air of the program “You won’t believe!” the famous nutritionist even suggested that the Prima Donna had a gastric resection. Allegedly, this procedure contributes to the gradual weight loss. This operation involves the removal of part of the stomach. However, no evidence supporting this hypothesis has yet been provided.

Pugacheva's fans are sure that there was no operation at all. In their opinion, the star is on an extremely effective diet and limits himself to junk food. At the same time, Maxim Galkin also contributed to the transformation of the artist, who surrounded his wife with care and attention. He does not get tired of making compliments to his beloved, and sometimes uploads candid shots with Alla Borisovna.

The dance video proved once again that Pugacheva is in great shape and is not afraid to show it to others.

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