The image of a gypsy at an anniversary or corporate party. Tell me, funny predictions of a gypsy


Comic fortune-telling by a gypsy will make the holiday brighter!

2012 by Olga Ladyemansipe 4 Comments
If you are planning a festive event, and you do not know how to entertain guests, then you have come to the right place. From personal experience, I can say that one of the most effective ways to make the holiday memorable for everyone is themed dressing up.

Surprise moment "Gypsy"

I don’t know whether it’s about clothes or people, but the dressing method always works, even without careful preparation. If there is no time to come up with a costumed role-playing performance, then you can always dress a woman as a gypsy, and preferably a man.

And maybe, at first glance, gypsy comic fortune-telling in verse will seem banal to many, but when people see the whole picture, they will be able to restrain themselves from laughing and will remember the holiday for a long time. So, if you organize comic fortune-telling for a birthday, you can make a pleasant surprise for the birthday man, and if you come up with comic fortune-telling for a gypsy at a wedding, then all the guests and newlyweds will appreciate the efforts of the organizers, and will gladly take part in the process. I bring to your attention gypsy comic fortune-telling in verse, which you can safely use at any holiday.

Comic gypsy fortune-telling for women

Comic fortune-telling of a gypsy for an anniversary

Scene-congratulations on the anniversary "Fortune telling of a gypsy."

A woman, better who can speak and loves to talk, dresses up as a gypsy. One of the guests says that some gypsy is asking for the hero of the day, which is a matter of life and death. Asks to accept and quickly.

A gypsy woman enters the hall and approaches the hero of the day: Well, my diamond, I will tell you for free, almost for nothing, just for a glass of vodka. He sits down next to the hero of the day, takes out cards and begins to lay them out, commenting on each card along the way.

Cards love lies and flattery, cards will tell everything as it is. Now I'll scatter the cards, I'll learn a lot about you. The cards tell me what to call you ... and your name in a great language
Maya means… You love being right in everything, you always try to help everyone and everywhere.

Always want to be helpful. Your zodiac sign, ... and you were born today exactly ... years ago. You love (then you need to list what the hero of the day loves, for example, football, fishing or hunting). Each person was born under the auspices of some tree, so your tree is .... And this means that you are a necessary person in any company and the soul of the company.

It is always interesting and fun with you and you always like to joke. You are always surrounded by friends and you have many of them. You love your family and are proud of your children.

You are loved by women and always surrounded by lovely ladies. Come on, accept a gift of a bouquet of flowers from ladies dear to your heart. And the gypsy gives the hero of the day a bouquet of flowers.

Congratulations from a gypsy on a woman's anniversary

I will scatter the deck
It was in her life that she had
I'll scatter the deck
The same suits, the same clubs,
Yes, I know from those suits
Will be in life that she has
In the past, a wedding, a feast on a mountain,
Yes, there are no guests around
A wedding that is called golden
I have it in my deck!
So that she had a plane,
Say let her pay
But we are in this business
They would also have something!
It was to sell them the mind.
But then marry her
Must be their moneybags. She's fine here too.
Husband is not easy!
Live somewhere underneath
That slogan has been put into practice!
The main thing is that undershirt
Each of them was endowed!
Where will we settle the generation
She has a life!
Happiness and do not count in the asset,
And the merits cannot be counted!
Happiness is in the future
And there are merit too!
In a stack so that one to one,
At least two hundred years
Go hunting for a pheasant
And if you bring a boar home, you will find five hundred rubles in a basket.
Put them on your phone
You say: “Fuck!
Reluctance!" The boss will call - you will send
Fired - you say: "Well, so what!" Showcases passing by
I want this bullshit!” And go broke at the root.
And a long youth awaits you,
A pleasant cycle of travel. You will see the whole world and more than once,
So save money now, right away.
There will be blood in the veins
Big love awaits you. And happy besides
Choose who you need.
And all this without cheating
Pockets full of money. Since you will find the treasure,
Just don't yawn for a long time
Dig all 24 hours a day
Three months you will dig
And then you bathe in wealth.
If you want to be happy
You will be happy, for the life of you.

KVN-2012. 6th game 1/4. Pyatigorsk - Gypsy woman is guessing...

Scene Gypsy on the anniversary

Host: Attention, attention!
A charming and charming woman came to visit us for the holiday. Meet the master of magical and gypsy sciences, professor of divination, unpredictable and inimitable ... Lyalya
Gypsy: Wai-wai, what a warm company!
Receive mpiya into your agreeable company. (He sits down at the table.) It's no use the deushka called me professor. Yes, I am a professor. I can predict the future.

I know the fate of all the guests of this house. Podkhady, gild the pen, I’ll tell you everything, what is, what was, what will be, what to be afraid of, what gifts to expect from fate… , someone - the birth of another child, someone - moving, someone - a promotion, etc. After fortune-telling, everyone raises a glass for the future and health of the hero of the day.

Then the gypsy performs a gypsy dance, inviting "First-class (th) gypsy (-ku)." Presenter: And I heard from one of my acquaintances that gypsies have the ability to guess the thoughts of other people. (Turns to a gypsy woman.) Perhaps this is not true? Gypsy: Wow, you're right!
Everything is true!
Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I’ll tell you the whole truth, who thinks and what ... (He goes to one of the guests, a representative of the older generation.) That young man, handsome and handsome, thinks about what a delicious salad the hostess of this house has prepared, but his wife cannot do such a thing. will be able to ... (Approaches another guest.) This young and ruddy one thinks about what a good person the owner is ... (Approaches the third, etc.) Host: I also know that you can predict fate by pulling out a lucky or unlucky ticket. Gypsy: And such a fortune-telling is known to me!
Here are my tickets. Padkhadite, dear guests, good people, pull the papers of the king. What is written on them will certainly come true ... As tickets, you can use an astrological forecast or clippings from newspaper statues pasted on small pieces of paper.

Gypsy (after divination): Now everyone knows their future. Well, I have nothing more to do here. I’m going to the camp, the children are tired of waiting, and my husband is strict, stern, doesn’t like it when I’m late for work ... Hello everyone!
And I wish the hero of the day and his family happiness, prosperity, health and prosperity!
I’ll drink a glass on the path for the hospitable owners of this house and for their guests! ..
Host: Thank you
Lyalya, that came to us for a light!

Ukrainian show program

Gypsy prediction options

1. Oh, my dear, I see the brilliance along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money.

You can buy a cottage outside the city, because you will give up an apartment for debts, and now give me a coin, my rich man, gild the pen. 2. Wai, dear, I see you will be a big boss: you will gain fifty kilograms! 3. Wai, dear, be on the lookout: avoid cold from a partner of the opposite sex, otherwise you will get sick! 4. My golden, great love awaits you. Very big. Weighs 120 kilograms! 5. Wai-wai, honey. Take seriously... your drink. Don't put it past your mouth! 6. Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today's table will bring certain results by the evening! 7. Today
You may have an inclination for solitude with anyone!

8. Today, be careful and don't fall asleep on your table neighbor's plate! 9. Well, beautiful, gild the pen, I'll tell you what will happen tomorrow!
Oh, I see, I see everything!
You'll have a hangover tomorrow! 10.
Wai, dear, you will feel bad tomorrow, you will have to go to work on 11.
And you - I know exactly what tomorrow will be!
Sunday! (If today is Saturday.) 12.
I see everything, I know everything, in the morning - you will run for beer, in the evening - for girls! 13.
Oh, my dear, they will put their eyes on you today, I know for sure.
Then also the heart, liver, tongue, and on top of something long and thin ... hard to see ... ah, herring! 14.
You will sing so that the neighbor will cry. The rest - fall asleep! 15.

You will sleep, curly, sweet, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you! 16. They will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette! 17.
Friends will be around you tonight.
Friends are faithful, devoted. Can you tell me what to call them? Ball,
Bobik and
Polkan! 18. The boundless ones are waiting for you, the unknown ones have given. You will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up! 19. Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that you will lose today. 20. Get ready for the big fight!
Did you eat red caviar? Pink salmon will come to take revenge! 21. A great loss awaits you. You will lose your tie. You will search all night, you will find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt. 22. Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you! 24.

Do you like to watch horror movies in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror! Comic fortune-telling existed and was always in demand. They were performed differently. In modern conditions, not every old divination can already be reproduced, but new ways of comic predictions have appeared.

Comic fortune-telling for the anniversary - for fun or seriously? If earlier they guessed on wax, yarn and needles, now they use books, keyboards and other modern items. People have different attitudes towards such rituals. Some consider comic fortune-telling on
New Year, or interesting fortune-telling for an anniversary with fun games, non-binding buffoonery, while other people are sure that this is a wonderful opportunity to find out your future easily and without negative consequences.

Funny comic divination by a gypsy in verse

We all know about gypsy magic. And, there is nothing to hide, for many of us fortune-telling, and witchcraft, and the old secrets of the camp are attractive. Comic fortune-telling by a gypsy in poems for a birthday can bring novelty to the atmosphere of the holiday, add some zest to the script.

But, of course, these funny fortune-telling with funny predictions were not invented by gypsies, but by ordinary people with the intention of making the holiday unforgettable. Agree, the owner feels awkward when his guests yawn from boredom. And to make it more fun to celebrate
New Year, birthday or any other holiday, and they use frivolous rites of frivolous magic, including comic fortune-telling by a gypsy in verse or funny fortune-telling for a man's anniversary.

Comic fortune-telling by a gypsy for an anniversary will make the holiday brighter

There are many ways of such fortune-telling for a woman's anniversary. For example, this way is very interesting. There are elements of surprise, surprise, and prediction here - funny, comic fortune-telling by a gypsy in verse.

For this pun, the height of a noisy feast is best suited, when it is time to serve sweets to guests. Dessert dishes can include a sweet pie, consisting of small buns, each of which has a special filling hidden in it. The guests take a bun, break them, and the host or hostess reads out a gypsy woman's comic prediction about what he got. Perhaps these comic fortune-telling of a gypsy for an anniversary,
New Year or at a wedding may seem banal and even stupid, but when the guests see the whole picture, they are unlikely to be able to resist laughter, they will appreciate the efforts of the host and will remember this holiday for a long time.

Comic fortune-telling for a birthday

Gypsy - Fortuneteller

During the feast, a gypsy appears in the hall, accompanied by an accordionist (guitarist). First, she sings to the motive of a gypsy:

I am a funny fortune teller
I don't ask for a lot of money
I know the whole truth about you
I'll tell you for a chervonets!

Oh, one more time
Many, many more times!

I ran away from the camp
My father is chasing me
Out of me out of naughty
Wants to make jelly!

Oh, one more time
Many, many more times!

If I were a bride
Such a groom
Right on this very spot
With him I would have tasted sin!

Oh, one more time
Many, many more times!

Let me guess people
Let me lay out the cards
Give me a coin
I will tell the whole truth!

The gypsy tries for money, or maybe just “guesses” the guests by the hand. It would be best if the predictions were somehow connected with real events in the guest's life, with his work, hobbies, etc. But they can also be general, for example, like this:
Well, beautiful, gild the pen, I'll tell you what will happen tomorrow! Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!
Wai, dear, you will feel bad tomorrow, you will have to go to work!
And you - I know for sure what will happen tomorrow! Sunday! (If today is Saturday.)
Oh, my rich man, in five minutes you will be dancing a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you will be washing your trousers!
I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you will run for beer, in the evening you will run after girls!
Oh, my dear, they will put their eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue, and on top of something long and thin ... it's hard to see ... oh, a herring!
You will sing so that the neighbor will cry. The rest are asleep!
You will sleep, curly, sweet, you will sleep softly until the cake is pulled out from under you!
They will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!
Friends will be around you tonight. Friends are faithful, devoted. Can you tell me what to call them? - Sharik, Bobik and Polkan!
The boundless gave you, the unknown gave. You will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!
Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that you will lose today.
Waiting for you, young, different diseases, contagious diseases. No, not because the lines are bad, but because the hands are dirty!
Get ready for the big fight! Did you eat red caviar? Pink salmon will come to take revenge!
A big loss awaits you. You will lose your tie. You will search all night, you will find it in the morning. On the neighbor's belt.
Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you!.. In the morning, when you stand on the scales
A funny comedy will be shown to you on TV, funny, erotic. It's called Today's Wedding.
To be you, beauty, tomorrow morning an asterisk, a berry, a pussy, a fish, but if you give beer, you will become a wife again.
Do you like to watch horror movies in the morning? And tomorrow you will have to, when you see yourself in the mirror!
Oh, flowers, beauty, love! .. They will give tomorrow. So much so that you will sneeze until the evening!

The loss of a loved one is always a tragic event. It takes time to get over it, to come to terms with the loss. So the death of my great-grandfather Nikolai Ivanovich was for relatives akin to thunder from a clear sky.

Great-grandfather, a simple rural worker, was a wonderful person. True, he had one oddity: he did not like gypsies. It was rumored that as a child he was almost stolen by a camp passing through our farm.

In the first years of perestroika, many gypsies again appeared in our area: some begged for alms, some traded whatever they had to. When my great-grandfather was driving another trader out of the yard, she suddenly said:

"Don't make noise, grandfather, I won't do anything to you." But know that to drown you - do not drown and burn - do not burn out.

And she walked away. Everything might have been forgotten, but that same summer my great-grandfather went fishing and almost drowned. Since then, he firmly believed that he would have to burn! Therefore, even when old age completely overcame and illnesses tormented, great-grandfather answered the question of his fellow villagers “How are you, Ivanovich?” cheerfully answered:

- We'll live! Haven't burned yet!

And on June 30, 2001, my great-grandfather passed away. Relatives came to our small farm to see off a loved one on their last journey.

According to the old Orthodox custom, a grandmother-reader was invited to the funeral of the deceased. She settled down at the coffin of the deceased, lit the lamp, opened the psalter and began to read. After spending four hours in prayer, she took a break and, leaving the lighted lamp in the house, went out into the street.

I was then a little "why" and constantly poked my nose into adult affairs, asking everyone about everything in the world. It was I, as my parents said, who asked my great-grandmother the question:

Why is there smoke coming out of the window?

It turned out that the room in which the deceased lay was already blazing with might and main. After a moment of stupor, they rushed to put out the fire - filled buckets with water, pulled irrigation hoses from the garden. But the flames had already burst out of the windows and spread to the roof. It is not known how everything would have ended if at that moment the saving howl of a siren had not been heard.

It was the neighbors who called the fire department. Help arrived just in time.

The fire chief asked:

- Are there people in the house?

Great-grandmother shouting "Kolenka, my dear!" rushed to the door. The fireman pushed her aside, ripped open the door, and stepped into the fire. The flames licked the walls mercilessly, the nylon tulle on the windows melted, hissed, and dripped black drops onto the floor.

After taking a few steps, the fireman froze, shocked by what he saw.

In the middle of the room stood the coffin with the dead. Flames raged all around, smoke billowing from the ceiling. But the coffin was as if covered with an invisible veil. Neither fire, nor smoke, nor soot - nothing touched him.

When the firefighters, after knocking down the fire, carried out the deceased, all the relatives at first stood in a daze. Then someone said softly:

- They say the truth: there can be no two deaths.

Relatives later told me that they all heard a sound like a sigh. He was accepted as a sign of the repose of the great-grandfather's soul: they say that what was promised happened.

If you are going to attend a costume event and the theme allows you to dress up in a gypsy costume, consider yourself lucky. The image of a gypsy is very advantageous, because it allows you to sing, dance, and guess by the hand. This bright image is quite easy to embody and it will undoubtedly be remembered by all the guests, you will shine in it.


To recreate the appearance of a gypsy, it is enough to find a pair of bright scarves, skirts, massive earrings and jewelry, a fan, a deck of cards. You can also use a black wig with long thick hair, it would be appropriate to add a bright flower to the hairstyle. Makeup in this image should be catchy - scarlet lipstick, black arrows on the eyes, bright shadows.

An important attribute of a gypsy is a large number of colorful skirts of different lengths, one on top of the other, while each skirt should have a visible hem. For skirts, you can wear a jacket with lush flounces and bare shoulders. Additionally, you can hold cards, a fan or a guitar in your hands if you own this instrument.


If according to the program you have a performance, then there are many options for your image - “a gypsy with an exit”, singing a song or fortune telling.

If you stopped at the dance, then on the Internet you will find a lot of useful material for its performance, the “gypsy girl with an exit” consists of two contrasting parts - slow and fast, to which there is an acceleration in the course of the dance.

To sing a song, you can choose from a huge number of options, for example, in the movie "Cruel Romance" several famous gypsy songs are presented. The songs of the robbers from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" are also popular. You can surprise everyone if you do not perform the original song, but remake it with words suitable for the event. If the desired text is not available on the Internet, then you can to order the text of the alteration of the song on that website.

funny divination

The image of a gypsy at an anniversary or corporate party allows you to communicate with almost every one of those present under the pretext of fortune-telling. In the form of predictions, your congratulatory speech can also be framed.

There are several options - you can "guess" by hand, on cards, or simply invite those present to try their luck by pulling a prediction out of the bag.

The main thing is to prepare in advance comic wishes that will amuse, but, in no case, will not offend those present. Predictions can be both in prose and in verse, the same Internet will come to the rescue. You can see options for New Year's predictions in verse below.

If, on the Internet or among the options presented below, you did not find suitable verses, and you want to make unique poetic predictions, then it would be logical order poems.

Predictions or wishes can be written on small strips of paper, folded into a tube and folded into a bag, from which guests will get them. The second option is a deck of cards, on the front side of which you stick wishes, and those present, again, will draw them out.

Options for New Year's predictions in verse

Good luck awaits you in the New Year
A lot of money, and in addition -
Growth up the career ladder
And in everything your number is the first!

A long road awaits you
In the country where there is a lot of sun,
Sea, rocks and sand
And my favorite voice!

A drive and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsports are waiting for you,
And good work
If you want - believe, but if you want - no,
You will find the answer to everything!

In the magical year ahead
Love and happiness await you
Addition in everything
And a big cozy house!

Big changes await
In the coming year,
Excellent mood
Defeat the blues!

Forget about the word "rest"
Hard work awaits you!
But also in terms of income
You will be super-duper cool!

You are in your sixteenth year
Remember your childhood dream
And finally fulfilling
You will be super-well done!

Looking forward to great updates
In the coming year,
Change of scenery
And the palace on the beach!

Salary increase
Santa Claus hid in a bag,
And the Snow Maiden is a devil
Dancing smartly for you!

In the New Year of the horse you will change
Of his iron
And you can get through it
A lot of interesting!

Vacation awaits you by the sea
And a pleasant surprise soon!
And the work of the shock
You deserve gratitude!

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