The image of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm": the tragedy of the "women's share" in the interpretation of A. Ostrovsky


The image of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" contrasts perfectly with the gloomy realities of Russia in the pre-reform period. At the epicenter of the unfolding drama is the conflict between the heroine, who seeks to defend her human rights, and a world in which strong, rich and powerful people rule everything.

Katerina as the embodiment of a pure, strong and bright people's soul

From the very first pages of the work, the image of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" cannot but attract attention and make one feel sympathy. Honesty, the ability to feel deeply, the sincerity of nature and a penchant for poetry - these are the features that distinguish Katerina herself from representatives of the "dark kingdom". In the main character, Ostrovsky tried to capture all the beauty of the people's simple soul. The girl expresses her emotions and experiences unpretentiously and does not use distorted words and expressions common in the merchant environment. This is not difficult to see, Katerina's speech itself is more like a melodic chant, it is replete with diminutive and caressing words and expressions: "sun", "grass", "rain". The heroine shows incredible candor when she talks about her free life in her father's house, among icons, calm prayers and flowers, where she lived "like a bird in the wild."

The image of a bird is an accurate reflection of the state of mind of the heroine

The image of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" perfectly echoes the image of a bird, which symbolizes freedom in folk poetry. Talking with Varvara, she repeatedly refers to this analogy and claims that she is "a free bird that has fallen into an iron cage." In captivity, she is sad and painful.

Katerina's life in the Kabanovs' house. Love of Katerina and Boris

In the house of the Kabanovs, Katerina, who is dreamy and romantic, feels completely alien. The humiliating reproaches of the mother-in-law, who is used to keeping all the household in fear, the atmosphere of tyranny, lies and hypocrisy oppress the girl. However, Katerina herself, who by nature is a strong, whole person, knows that there is a limit to her patience: “I don’t want to live here, I won’t, even if you cut me!” Varvara's words that one cannot survive in this house without deceit cause Katerina's sharp rejection. The heroine opposes the "dark kingdom", his orders did not break her will to live, fortunately, they did not make her become like other residents of the Kabanovs' house and begin to hypocrite and lie at every turn.

The image of Katerina in the play "Thunderstorm" is revealed in a new way, when the girl makes an attempt to break away from the "hateful" world. She does not know how and does not want to love the way the inhabitants of the “dark kingdom” do, freedom, openness, “honest” happiness are important to her. While Boris convinces her that their love will remain a secret, Katerina wants everyone to know about it, so that everyone can see. Tikhon, her husband, however, the bright feeling awakened in her heart seems to her And just at this moment the reader comes face to face with the tragedy of her suffering and torment. From that moment on, Katerina's conflict occurs not only with the outside world, but also with herself. It is difficult for her to make a choice between love and duty, she tries to forbid herself to love and be happy. However, the struggle with her own feelings is beyond the strength of the fragile Katerina.

The way of life and the laws that reign in the world around the girl put pressure on her. She seeks to repent of her deed, to purify her soul. Seeing the picture “The Last Judgment” on the wall in the church, Katerina cannot stand it, falls to her knees and begins to publicly repent of sin. However, even this does not bring the girl the desired relief. Other heroes of the drama "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky are not able to support her, even a loved one. Boris refuses Katerina's requests to take her away from here. This person is not a hero, he is simply not able to protect either himself or his beloved.

The death of Katerina is a ray of light that illuminated the "dark kingdom"

Evil is attacking Katerina from all sides. Constant harassment from the mother-in-law, throwing between duty and love - all this eventually leads the girl to a tragic ending. Having managed to know happiness and love in her short life, she is simply not able to continue living in the Kabanovs' house, where such concepts do not exist at all. She sees the only way out in suicide: the future frightens Katerina, and the grave is perceived as salvation from mental anguish. However, the image of Katerina in the drama "Thunderstorm", in spite of everything, remains strong - she did not choose a miserable existence in a "cage" and did not allow anyone to break her living soul.

Nevertheless, the death of the heroine was not in vain. The girl won a moral victory over the "dark kingdom", she managed to dispel a little darkness in the hearts of people, induce them to action, open their eyes. The life of the heroine herself became a "beam of light" that flashed in the darkness and left its glow over the world of madness and darkness for a long time.

Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky in the play "Thunderstorm" revealed the theme of the confrontation between good and evil. The main character is the girl Katerina, who, by the will of fate, encounters the "Dark Kingdom" of the city of Kalinov and the Kabanov Family. The long-established way of life and way of life of the inhabitants of the city of Kalinov is called the "Dark Kingdom" in criticism. In this world everything is run by tyranny, tyranny, cruelty. All goals are achieved by humiliating other people. Most heroes exalt themselves at the expense of denouncing the failures of others. A bright, and one might say, the main representative of this kingdom is Kabanikha, who is trying with all her might to subjugate all members of her family, she establishes laws that no one has the right to transgress. By humiliation, reproaches and other moral means of pressure, Marfa Kabanova builds her social status, makes her obey, not allowing her to go beyond what is permitted.

Katerina strives for freedom, she knows exactly what she wants and will never obey tyranny and tyranny. We can say that the girl, by her opposition to all the laws of this kingdom, passes judgment on the inhuman foundations of this society.

Katerina is an integral image of the national character. Everything in it, from appearance to the inner world, expresses the desire for justice, freedom and happiness. Katerina is a truly tragic heroine. From childhood, the best was brought up in her, the girl, who grew up in love and tenderness, simply could not come to terms with such a cruel life that reigned in the Kabanovs' house: “I was like that! I lived, didn’t grieve about anything, like a bird in the wild.

Mother did not have a soul in me, dressed me up like a doll, did not force me to work; what I want, I used to do it." The simplicity and sincerity of the girl, inherent in all Russian people, sharply distinguishes Katerina from all other heroes of the play. The girl tries to treat everyone with kindness and understanding, not wishing harm to anyone, she lives with the hope of happiness "The girl is trying to find a common language with her husband, to establish relationships and live happily, she tries her best to be a gentle, loving, understanding and faithful wife. But all attempts become futile. Tikhon simply cannot understand what Katerina wants from him, he completely belongs mother, his every step is controlled by Marfa Kabanova, and no forces can change this.

Speaking about the image of a girl, we must not forget that Katerina is an extraordinary beauty, a very modest and charming heroine. Simplicity, kindness, piety, naivety, honesty - complement the image of the "earthly angel". Katerina's speech is not the last in her image. The girl speaks smoothly, beautifully, her speech can be compared to a song. But no matter what the daughter-in-law was, Marfa Kabanova disliked her with all her heart. Also an integral feature is the determination and firmness of Katerina's character. Not every girl is capable of such decisive actions, it cannot be said that the heroine's act is an example, but if you think about it, you can understand that such a person as Katerina will never sacrifice her principles. But whatever the daughter-in-law, Marfa Kabanova disliked her with all her heart, and when the girl appeared in their house, disturbed the peace of their petty conditions, Kabanikha decided to do everything possible to save her son from such a wife. Life in the house of an unloved husband, the pressure of her mother-in-law - all this did not make Katerina happy, and she is trying with all her might to fight it.

The clean and bright image of the girl suggests that Katerina personifies the ideal Russian woman. No other conclusion can be drawn here. Katerina, like no one else, knows how to love, for her this is the most important of feelings. She is ready for anything for her, and desperate to find this feeling in her husband's soul, she falls in love with Boris, he seems to her an ideal, perfect, dear person. But Katerina gets burned again. From all these failures, unjustified hopes, unfulfilled dreams, a solution is formed that will free the heroine from everything that caused pain, and no matter how much she pities herself, the heroine is ready to pay for her mistakes.

Katerina's character cannot be called simple,

she does not allow herself to be offended, does not tolerate the attacks of her mother-in-law: “It’s nice to endure slander!”

Katerina can be hot and emotional, about which she herself speaks, telling Varvara a story from her childhood: “They offended me with something at home ...; I ran out to the Volga, got into a boat... The next morning they already found it, about ten miles away! The girl loves the world, loves people, tries to treat everything with kindness. She is trusting and simple, dreamy and beautiful. Honesty and nobility are also very important for this girl. It is hard for her to hide her betrayal from her husband, and when she confesses to Tikhon in treason, it becomes easier for her, but she understands that nothing can be returned. "Let everyone know, let everyone see what I'm doing. If I'm not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?" - this is the life position of Katerina.

The girl went against the system of tyranny and tyranny, did not obey the absurd orders of her mother-in-law, and never once doubted her innocence. The girl did not betray herself, remained true to her principles. Katerina was right, without any doubt, when she followed the path that her heart suggested. She remained true to herself, gained eternal freedom, soared over the entire "dark kingdom", exposing all its vices.

It cannot be said that Katerina's suicide is her victory, this girl dreamed of a bright future, great love, a happy family, but fate decreed that only this step became her deliverance from the shackles of the "dark kingdom" Many character traits helped the girl determine your destiny. Let the play end on such a tragic note, but everyone understands that suicide has become a necessity for Katerina, thus a means of achieving absolute freedom from cruelty and tyranny.

The main character of the work is Katerina, whose tragic fate is described by the author in the play.

Katerina appears as a writer in the form of a beautiful nineteen-year-old girl who got married early. In early childhood, Katerina lived happily with her family, surrounded by motherly love and care, being free in her movements and passion for church life. The nature of the girl is vulnerable, sensitive and emotional, capable of real, sincere feelings.

The writer characterizes Katerina as a kind, sympathetic, sincere young woman who does not know how to deceive, hypocrisy, and has a charming smile.

Once in her husband's house, Katerina is faced with rejection of her as the wife of her son by her mother-in-law, the cruel and greedy merchant Kabanikha, who turns the life of young people into an unbearable existence.

The gambling desire of the Kabanikha to subjugate her will to all household members, which is on the verge of insanity, is completely directed to the daughter-in-law who has appeared in the house.

The son, slaughtered from childhood by the Kabanikhoy, tired of the tyranny of his mother, but not making attempts to change the situation in the house and constantly complaining about an unhappy life, is not able to protect Katerina from the humiliation and nit-picking of the Kabanikh.

Katerina strives to create a happy and prosperous family, she is very religious and afraid to commit a righteous sin. A passionate feeling of love flares up in Katerina's soul for another man, the nephew of the merchant Wild Boris, who reciprocates her feelings. But the woman is afraid of heavenly punishment for perfect treason and, due to her susceptibility, takes the sudden onset of bad weather in the form of a thunderstorm as a sign of God.

The girl is distinguished by inner purity and sincere honesty not only in relation to herself, but also to others. Therefore, Katerina decides to confess her feelings for Boris to her husband. Having opened up in treason, the girl learns that Boris is not ready to accept her as a wife and does not feel love for her at all.

Katerina begins to realize that Boris is for her a symbol of freedom, a dream of a happy life, and, shedding hope, the desperate girl decides to commit suicide by throwing herself from the steep bank of the river.

Revealing the image of the main character of the play, the writer depicts the inner strength of a girl who decides to commit a mortal sin for the sake of the desire for a new life, to get rid of the world of the dark kingdom towards true and true love.

Option 2

Kabanova Katerina Petrovna - the heroine from the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

Catherine in the play is eighteen years old. Born and raised in the city of Kalinov. Her parents loved her very much. There were a lot of interesting people in Katerina's childhood, alike. how wanderers often came to them and told different stories. She was very religious: every week her mother dressed up in beautiful dresses and took her to church. The girl loved being there.

Katerina Petrovna's character is fighting, fair, kind. Once, as a child, she was offended by something at home. Angry, she got into a boat and sailed far from home. She was married off early. Perhaps because of her character.

Tikhon, her husband, is a timid, calm man. His mother puts pressure on him all the time and tries in every possible way to offend Katerina. Because of this, the main character is forced to defend herself all the time, because her husband does not. The main character did not want to put up with the foundations of that family: humiliation, submission, insults. She is the only one who resisted this.

Married Catherine was unhappy. In the house, she normally communicated only with Tikhon's sister, Varenka, who felt sorry for her brother's wife. Katerina began to languish in this family. But one day a young man, Boris, came to their city. The girl immediately drew attention to him, so. as in her opinion he was like no one else. They began to meet when the husband went away on business and did not take his wife with him, even though she begged him. But Katerina was very religious and was afraid to die with sin in her soul. She was not afraid of death, she was only afraid to stand before God with all her sins. Katerina Petrovna confessed to her betrayal.

After that, her life became even worse: at home, constant insults, sometimes beatings, everyone turned away from her. She was ready to run away with Boris because she loved him. Boris was sent to Siberia. He also loved Katerina, but did not take him with him, because he did not want to quarrel with his uncle, on whom his inheritance depended.

At that time, women did not have the opportunity to live independently. If Katerina had run away alone, she would have been caught and severely beaten as punishment. She had only two choices: either return to her husband's house, where she would not have a place to live, or throw herself into the Volga River. She chose the second.

When her dead body was pulled out, many realized (and some already knew) that she was the only person in that area who was worthy of respect.

Composition The image and characteristics of Katerina

The theme of women's fate in a harsh society is one of the most striking themes revealed in Ostrovsky's works. "Thunderstorm" also refers to the cycle of these works. The main character of the play is a collective image.

Katerina is a girl from a decent family who married Tikhon, she loves him, but his mother always teaches her. She doesn’t even let her say goodbye to her husband when he leaves for Moscow.

Katerina is a poor, unhappy married woman, whose image is the image of many girls of that time. She understands that she will spend her whole life in this kingdom of darkness, where she is not loved, although she tries to be a good wife, where she will never become a free bird, which Barbara tells about, but she also does not understand her.

She is the only bright soul in that city. Katerina, even when she fell in love with Boris, experienced feelings of shame and considered herself guilty of this, asked her husband to take her with him, as if she felt that something bad, irreparable would happen.

But Tikhon does not listen to her, he goes on about his mother. Tikhon does not even dare to object to her, and does not stand up for her, although Katerina herself did not become silent, and answered Kabanikha that she offended her in vain.

The author also shows the honesty of the main character, when she is unable to keep her husband in deceit, in front of a terrible riot of the elements, tells him everything about them and Boris. At the same time, the author also emphasizes her bright soul, which is unable to endure the humiliation of Kabanikh, the indifference of her previously beloved husband, and the cowardice of her lover.

She knows that the only way to be released from these shackles is death. The last hope fades when Boris refuses to take her with him.

Although he has every reason to do this, if he truly loved her. But Boris is a coward. The author emphasizes the main feature of this character at the beginning, when Boris lives with his uncle and endures all the insults and humiliations, and in front of everyone, in the most crowded place, namely on the river embankment, on the main boulevard of the city.

Boris, when he says goodbye to Katerina, feels that something will happen, but he is afraid and Katerina will never see him again.

Her only way to freedom is death, and now, jumping, she feels absolutely happy, and free, now she is a bird!

Option 4

The work "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky occupies a special place in the writer's work due to the image of the main character.

Katerina is different from the rest of the "Dark Kingdom" people in that she includes all kindness. However, fate does not spoil her. From her words, we learn that she did not receive an education, since she did not have the opportunity for this. The heroine lived in a village in poverty. But her childhood was carefree. Her mother did not force her to work, and therefore Katerina had a lot of time to do what she liked. It is clearly seen that the girl grew up happy and romantic, loving everything around her. But most importantly, she lived in dreams, isolated from the existing world. Especially Katerina loved to visit the temple and admire the angels. Yes, you can count her as well. But sometimes a contradictory nature woke up in her soul, and she went against some actions.

When Katerina got married, she changed a lot. From a bright world, devoid of deceit and injustice, she falls into the sphere of deceit, cruelty and deceit. And the reason was not at all that her life partner was a man whom she did not even love. It's just that the girl was torn out of the bright and kind world, where she had been for a long time. And now she does not give much pleasure to go to church. A girl cannot go about her daily activities the way she did before marriage. She is always in a sad and depressed state, which prevents her from even admiring the beauties of nature. She has to endure and suffer, and the girl can no longer live with her thoughts, since reality returns her to the place where there is humiliation and insult. The girl is trying to love her husband, but all her feelings are suppressed by the Kabanikha. Because of her humility, she tries to show her feelings towards Tikhon, but he does not appreciate it. Then Katerina becomes quite lonely.

And the heroine cannot live in her husband's house, pretending. A woman has a conflict with her mother-in-law. She frightens the Boar with her sincerity and purity. Katerina did not howl in the house after her husband left, as Kabanikha wanted. And what courage one had to have to express one's feelings to Boris. Running away from the hated house, Katerina seeks to find support from Boris, but she encounters a weak-willed and weak person. The woman remains completely alone, and she can only leave this terrible world. It seems to me that only a person with a strong character could do this. For us, Katerina embodies a simple, bright and Russian soul, which encourages us to fight against rudeness, ignorance, tyranny, which are still present.

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  • Perhaps, few works of that time, and even among the works of the author Ostrovsky himself, could cause so much heated debate than the play "Thunderstorm".

    The desperate act of Katerina Kabanova, who crossed the line of life and death, causes both sympathetic understanding and sharp rejection. There is no single opinion, and there cannot be.

    Characteristics of the heroine

    The beloved and spoiled daughter of a merchant family, Katerina marries Tikhon, turning her world upside down. On the example of her parents and the new family, we see how different the patriarchal way of life can be: ostentatious and demonstrative (what will the neighbors say? what will the acquaintances think?), or deep and sincere, hidden from prying eyes.

    The lack of a full-fledged education contributes to the fate of this woman. According to Katerina's stories, she learned her knowledge from the stories of her mother and father, as well as praying women and wanderers. Faith in people and admiration for the world created by God - these are its main features. Katerina did not know hard work, she loved to go to church, which seemed to her a fabulous temple, where angels were waiting for her.

    (Kiryushina Galina Aleksandrovna as Katerina, stage of the Maly Theater)

    A cloudless and happy childhood is quickly replaced by a bleak marriage. A kind, naive and very religious girl for the first time faced with undisguised hatred for the people around her. There is no place for angels and joy in the new family. Yes, and marriage itself is not at all for love. And if Katerina hopes to fall in love with Tikhon, then Kabanikha - as her mother-in-law is called by everyone around - leaves no chance for either her son or daughter-in-law. Perhaps Tikhon would have become the one who would have made Katya happy, but only under the wing of his mother he does not know such feelings as love.

    Meeting with Boris gives the unfortunate woman hope that life can still change and become better. The black atmosphere of the house pushes her to rebel and try to fight for her happiness. Going on a date, she realizes that she is committing a sin. This feeling does not leave her either before or after. Firm faith in God and awareness of the depravity of the perfect deed push Katerina to confess everything to her husband and mother-in-law.

    The image of the heroine in the work

    (Scene from drama)

    Struck, but deep down understanding his wife, Tikhon does not condemn her. Only Katerina herself does not feel better about this. Forgiving yourself is much harder. Perhaps she wanted to relieve her mental turmoil with a confession, but it just didn’t work out. She doesn't need forgiveness. The very thought of returning to the house for her becomes identical with death, only not instantaneous, but long, painful, inevitable. According to the religious canon, suicide is a mortal sin that cannot be forgiven. But this does not stop the desperate woman.

    In her thoughts, Katya often imagines herself as a bird, her soul is torn to heaven. She is unbearable to live in Kalinovo. Having fallen in love with Boris, who has recently arrived in the city, she imagines how they will leave the hated city together. Love is seen as a real and so close salvation. Yes, only a mutual desire is needed to fulfill a dream ...

    (Fragment from a dramatic production)

    Having met Boris on the banks of the Volga, Katerina is deeply disappointed. Once upon a time, such a beautiful young man resolutely refuses to take a married woman with him, inflicting the final blow to her heart with his refusal. Katya does not want to be a stumbling block in her family anymore, to continue to drag out a bleak existence, to break her soul day after day for the sake of her mother-in-law.

    And here it is - very close, you just need to take a step off the cliff into the waters of the Volga. And the storm seems to her the most that neither is an indication from above. What Katya once thought only vaguely, afraid to admit to herself in sinful thoughts, turned out to be the easiest way out. Not finding her place, support, love, she decides to take this very last step.

    In the drama "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky created a completely new female image for his work - with inner harmony, spiritual strength and an extraordinary worldview.

    Life before marriage

    Katerina is a bright person with a poetic sublime soul. She is a dreamer with a remarkably developed imagination. Before her marriage, she lived freely: she prayed in church, did needlework, listened to the stories of praying women, and had fabulous dreams. The author vividly represents the heroine's desire for spirituality and beauty.


    Katerina is very devout and religious. Christianity in her perception is closely connected with pagan beliefs and folklore traditions. Katerina's whole inner being strives for freedom and flight: "Why don't people fly like birds?" she asks. Even in a dream, she sees her own flights in the form of a bird or a butterfly.

    Having married, settled in the house of the Kabanovs, she feels like a bird in a cage. Being a person of strong character, Katerina has a sense of dignity. In the house of Kabanikhi, where everything is done as if involuntarily, it is hard for her. How hard it is to accept the stupidity and weakness of your own husband. Their whole life is built on deceit and submission.

    Hiding behind the commandments of God, Kabanova humiliates and insults the household. Most likely, such frequent attacks on her daughter-in-law are due to the fact that she feels in her a rival capable of resisting her will.

    Varya Katerina admits that if her life becomes completely unbearable, she will not endure - she will rush into the Volga. Even as a child, when her parents offended her with something, she sailed away on a boat along the Volga alone. I think that the river for her is a symbol of freedom, will, space.

    Thirst for freedom and love

    The thirst for freedom in Katerina's soul is mixed with the thirst for true love, which knows no boundaries and barriers. Attempts to maintain a relationship with her husband lead nowhere - she cannot respect him because of his weak character. Having fallen in love with Boris, Diky's nephew, she imagines him to be a kind, intelligent and well-mannered man, very different from those around him. He attracts her with his dissimilarity, and the heroine surrenders to her feelings.

    Subsequently, she begins to be tormented by the realization of her sinfulness. Her internal conflict is caused not only by her conviction of sin before God, but also before herself. Katerina's ideas about morality and morality do not allow her to calmly treat secret love meetings with Boris and her husband's deceit. Thus, the suffering of the heroine is inevitable. Due to the growing guilt, the girl confesses to her entire family just as the storm is approaching. In thunder and lightning, she sees God's punishment overtaking.

    Resolution of internal conflict

    Katerina's internal conflict cannot be resolved by her confession. From the inability to reconcile her feelings and the opinions of those around her, she commits suicide.

    Despite the fact that taking one's own life is a sin, Katerina thinks about Christian forgiveness and is sure that the one who loves her will forgive her sins.

    I am very sorry that in Katerina's environment there was not a single strong man who could protect her from internal experiences and external conflicts. In my opinion, Katerina is rightly called "a ray of light in a dark kingdom."

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