Educational program for the children's museum. Museum programs: sign up now! The cycle "Time for business, and hour for fun"

Obraztsova, 11, building 1a, Bakhmetevsky garage

English for children "Little Bookworm"

It is hardly possible to find a museum in which children would be given more attention than in the Jewish Museum in Moscow. There is a special Children's Center with art classes, quests, a chess club, a theater laboratory, exhibitions and a host of other opportunities. Choose - I do not want! The Little Bookworm program introduces students to the English language through rhymes, rhymes and finger games and original language books. Classes are organized in such a way that the English language is perceived as an environment in which the child organically exists - plays, communicates, worries about his favorite literary characters and interacts with the teacher. Subscription for a month - 6500 rubles

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Krymsky Val, 10

Artist's workshop

Sometimes the phrase "My child can draw just as well!" quite appropriate. For example, at meetings in the "Artist's Studio", each of which includes a walk through the museum halls and a discussion of how paintings, drawings and sculptures from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery were made. The practical exercises accompanying the lectures will allow the children to try different artistic techniques on their own. In addition, the open workshop of the Tretyakov Gallery is also a great way to diversify traditional museum excursions, which often make both children and their parents sad. Classes are held in the New Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val. They are led by artist Anna Mikhailovna Barkova and art critic Elena Lvovna Gerasimova. To study the exhibition "The Art of the 20th Century", to paint with gouache, to learn how to mix paints and distinguish between shades, and also to make your first "collages" and "assemblages" - this is here. One-time visit for a child and an adult - 850 rubles.

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New Square, 3/4

Sepulka. Version 2.0

Creating a museum exhibit with your own hands is easy: just sign up for the Polytechnic workshop and design your own version of the museum's most popular objects from LEGO. The first cycle of classes, for example, is dedicated to the Sepulke robot, working on the model of which, children will get acquainted with the basics of engineering design, mechanics, geometry and drafting. At the end, the participants will assemble a working radio-controlled model. In the process, everyone will be able to offer their own build options. The second cycle will be devoted to Chebyshev's plantigrade machine - using it as an example, children will study the lambda mechanism and other ways of converting rotational motion. Classes are conducted by Artem Minin, a guide of the Polytechnic Museum, a teacher of Polycent courses and CJ scientific camps. The cost is 4000 rubles.

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Krymsky Val, 9, building 32, Gorky Park

Shape and color. architectural course

Children will be able to create a model of a “cubic” animal and construct a real three-dimensional arch at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. The architectural course will teach everyone to work with geometric shapes, as well as introduce the works of famous architects and the laws of proportions. Topics are more than accessible: in one lesson, children are invited to create a mock-up of a diamond bridge and discuss what makes its design sustainable, in another, to design the interior of their own colorful house. The course is taught by architects Daria Turanskaya and Marina Vaisman. At the end, each child has to create a house project for their family. Graduates of the course may not turn into professional architects, but they will definitely become masters of objects. The subscription price is 12,000 rubles.

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Volkhonka, 12

Computer graphics

Offers "two in one" are not only cosmetics manufacturers. Computer graphics at the Pushkin Museum are taught based on the history of fine art: children learn to use color and learn the principles of perspective using examples from the work of Renaissance artists and other masters from the museum's collection. At the end, each child must master the basic skills of working in Photoshop and the history of world painting, as well as create their first graphic works. Classes are held 2 times a month. In order to get into the group, you need to pass an interview. The subscription price is 8000 rubles.

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Vavilova, 57

The world under the microscope

What do plant and animal cells look like under a microscope? Where did the name "insects" come from? What is soil and how is it arranged? The educational laboratory of the Darwin Museum promises to reveal to children the secrets of the living world: from unicellular ciliates to human tissues. In the classroom, students will see the surrounding nature magnified a hundred times, observe the life of the smallest creatures, conduct independent experiments and learn how to work confidently with a microscope. There is only one small restriction: children under 8 years old are allowed to attend classes only if accompanied by an adult. Ticket for one visitor - 200 rubles, family ticket (adult + child) - 300 rubles

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Zubovsky Boulevard, 2

Children's Design School "Shum"

There are design lessons from Alexander Vasin - art director of, founder of the Typomania festival and head of educational projects at There will be a lot of practice in the classes, from which you can later make a good portfolio of a future graphic designer. Children will work on packaging design, fonts and infographics, as well as learn the basics of animation and create a real experimental costume. Students will have to deal with printing ink, wood types, cardboard, glue and, of course, paints. In addition to Vasin, classes are taught by invited artists and designers. Lessons develop the basics of creative thinking, teach composition and interpretation skills. Single ticket - 1500 rubles, subscription for 15 classes - 15,000 rubles

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Ave. Mira, 30

Book club for teenagers "Semicolon"

Once a week at the Silver Age Museum, schoolchildren, together with museum staff, will read excerpts from modern books for teenagers, moving from a superficial discussion of the plot to an in-depth analysis of images and meanings. Books for discussion range from The Ballad of a Broken Nose by Norwegian writer Arne Swingen to Herman by another Norwegian Lars Sobi Christensen. The hosts will help teenagers get acquainted with different genres, explain what subtext and context are, and teach them to “read with the spine”, as Nabokov advised. In addition to reading, they promise creative tasks, psychological games, and tea and biscuits. The club also invites children with special needs of social interaction. After all, how else to learn to accept yourself and each other, if not with the help of books? Ticket for 1 lesson - 500 rubles, subscription for 2 months (8 lessons) - 3000 rubles

1. Classes on educational programs

  • "Steps on the Grass" (environmental program for children of preschool and primary school age)
  • "ABC of the Smolensk Territory" (for primary school students in Smolensk)
  • "Knots for memory" (ethnological program for preschool children)
  • "Journey into the past of Smolensk" (for schoolchildren of the city and the region)
  • "Journey into the world of art and history" (for preschool and primary school age)
  • “Introduction to the old school. Boring Lessons" (interactive classes - lessons in arithmetic, literature, calligraphy, literature, geography, drawing, modeling, needlework, theater skills based on the exposition "Agricultural School of Princess M.K. Tenisheva")
  • Hello Museum! (for kindergartens, primary school students)
  • "Orthodoxy" (for secondary school students)
  • "Museum - rural school" (visiting lecture hall)

Lectures for students:

  • "History of World Culture"
  • "History of Fine Arts"
  • "Museology"
  • "Cultural Studies"
  • "Museum work and protection of monuments"
  • "Folk costume"
  • "Orthodoxy"

Workshops on weaving belts, reed weaving, weaving, making rag dolls and dolls from natural material, napkins (from braid, rope, pieces of cloth by gluing), panels (from stretched threads), painting, making clay products .

Educational multimedia lecture cycle "Summer in the Museum" (maintenance of summer school playgrounds during the holidays).

2. Classes (interactive and theatrical) according to the museum cultural and leisure program "Mercy":

  • For children with poor health: art therapy classes
  • For orphans: theatrical tours, exhibitions of creative works, master classes, military-historical, ethnographic and environmental quizzes, guided tours of museum expositions
  • Boring Meetings (program of activities for the elderly)
  • "Autumn gatherings" (for the elderly)

3. Measures for the implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation"

  • Literary and musical compositions
  • Months of military-patriotic work (meetings with veterans, lessons of courage)
  • Performances-reconstructions of the historical theater "Porubezhye"
  • Cycles of events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23), Russia Day (June 12), Smolensk Liberation Day (September 25)
  • Film lecture hall “Mysteries and secrets of the Great Patriotic War. Documentary Series»
  • Thematic tours around the city "Mound of Glory", "Square of Memory of Heroes"
  • Visiting lecture hall "Children of the Smolensk region during the Great Patriotic War" (for students of schools in Smolensk)
  • A series of events dedicated to the International Day for the Liberation of Prisoners from Nazi Concentration Camps (April 11), the Day of Memory and Sorrow (June 22)

4. Measures for the implementation of the regional target program "Children of the Smolensk Region"

  • "Life of the Russian people"
  • "Calendar holidays of the Russian people"
  • "Journey to the Old School"
  • "The historical past of the Smolensk region"
  • "Treasures of Russian Art"
  • Presentations of creative works of students
  • "Museum - Kindergartens" (cycle of interactive classes)
  • "Children's Musical Lounge"
  • "Fairytale Path" (interactive classes on Slavic mythology for children's summer playgrounds)

5. Program for schoolchildren "You are a Smolyan"

Designed for students in grades 5-9. Frequency of visiting museums: 4 times a year for 5 years.

1st year of study (grade 5)

Objectives: to give an idea of ​​the museum and its types; to acquaint with the museums of Smolensk and other cities of the world.

  1. First meeting with the museum. Museums of the Smolensk region. Museums of the world. Excursion to one of the departments of the museum-reserve.
  2. Ancient Smolensk. Ancient Smolensk people and their occupations. Crafts. Education, culture, life. Excursion to the hall "Monuments of Spiritual Culture".
  3. Ancient streets of Smolensk. City Tour.
  4. types of museums. "Smolensk Flax", Museum of Nature and Ecology, etc. Viewing slides, excursion to the Museum "Smolensk Flax".

2nd year of study (grade 6)

Objectives: to give an idea of ​​the history of the Smolensk principality; to acquaint with the famous monuments of the spiritual culture of Smolensk; introduce the myths, legends, fairy tales associated with the Smolensk land, and their reflection in art.

  1. Ancient Russian principalities. Smolensk principality. Shrines of Smolensk. City Tour.
  2. Culture of the Smolensk Principality. Folk crafts of Rus' (Talashkino). Watching a video.
  3. Legends, myths and tales of the Smolensk region. Signs. Excursion to the museum "In the world of fairy tales".
  4. Folklore in works of art. Smolensk themes. Excursion to the Art Gallery, lecture.

3rd year of study (grade 7)

Objectives: to introduce the history and culture of Smolensk in the 16th-18th centuries.

1. Smolensk - a hero city in the era of Polish-Lithuanian rule. Lecture.

2. Smolensk city wall - the best defensive structure for many centuries. Excursion to the Thunder Tower, watching a video.

  1. Petrovsky reforms and Smolensk. Excursion to the hall of the Historical Museum on the topic.
  2. Russian culture in the XVIII century and Smolensk. Lecture at the Art Gallery.

4th year of study (grade 8)

  1. Objectives: to introduce the history and culture of Smolensk in the 19th century.
  2. XIX century and Smolensk. Life and life of the nobles. Lecture, excursion to the hall "Noble Life".
  3. Patriotic War of 1812. Smolensk battle. Lecture, excursion to the hall on the topic.
  4. Culture of Russia in the 19th century and Smolensk. Lecture at the Art Gallery.

5th year of study (grade 9)

Objectives: to give an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Smolensk region in 1941-1945; to acquaint with the cultural and historical monuments of Smolensk.

  1. Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 and Smolensk. Watching a video film, excursion to the museum "Smolensk region during the Great Patriotic War".
  2. Culture of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century and Smolensk. Lecture at the Art Gallery.
  3. Architectural monuments of Smolensk. Watching a video film, city tour.
  4. Memorable places of the Smolensk land. Famous personalities of the region. Excursion to one of the museums of the Smolensk region

6. Pedagogical program of the historical and architectural complex "Teremok"

Name form of work visitor category date
"Journey to the Old School"

thematic excursion - the first acquaintance with the agricultural school

1-11 grades academic year
"Unboring Lessons"

a journey into church books and monuments of Slavic writing:

Cyrillic and modern alphabet

Slavic and Roman numbering

1-11 grades academic year
"Numbers in Games"

arithmetic lesson

rhythmic movements

Finger Games

Outdoor games

1-4 grades academic year
"Russian Empire of the 19th century"

geography lesson

European Russia

Asian Russia

5-7 grades academic year
"Winged sayings - from sayings and proverbs to aphorisms and phraseological units"

Russian language lesson

All about popular expressions that have become popular in literary and folk speech

8-11 grades academic year
"Return of the Firebird"

Master Class

Drawing lessons

1-11 grades academic year
"Magic Clay"

Master Class

Clay crafting

1-11 grades April-October

7. Program "Mercy" for disabled children of the rehabilitation center "Cherry"

Goals and objectives:

  1. To acquaint children with the variety of museum expositions of the Smolensk State Museum-Reserve.
  2. To give an idea of ​​the richness, diversity, uniqueness of each exposition through excursions, theatrical performances, interactive classes, master classes, films based on each department.
  3. To form in children a cognitive interest in art, history, local history, natural history.
  4. To help children with disabilities (motor, speech, intellectual) in social adaptation through classes in the departments: "In the world of a fairy tale", "Smolensk flax", S.T. Konenkov Museum of Sculpture, Museum of Nature and Ecology, historical and architectural complex "Teremok" » through workshops on modeling clay toys, drawing, making dolls, embroidering, knitting, etc.
  5. To introduce children to the artistic life of the city through visiting exhibitions, meetings with artists, artists, musicians.

Ethnographic program "In what people you live, you keep the customs."


New Year's adventure in a fairy tale. Winter holiday of the Russian people" (Christmas tree, theatrical performance, games, quizzes)

In the world of a fairy tale December - January
2 “Kolyada was born on the eve of Christmas. Winter holiday of the Russian people» In the world of a fairy tale January 1st half.
3 Spring meeting. Magpies" (theatrical performance, games, quizzes) In the world of a fairy tale February 1st half.
4 "Hello, Maslenitsa" (theatrical performance, round dances, games) In the world of fairy tales, Smolensk flax February 2nd half.
5 "Easter. Holy Resurrection of Christ" (interactive performance, games) In the world of a fairy tale April 1st half.
6 "Fairytale tea party" (theatrical performance, games, conversations) In the world of a fairy tale October
7 "Three girls under the window were spinning late in the evening" (theatrical performance, games, quizzes) Smolensk flax April
8 "Russian folk dolls" (interactive lesson, games) Smolensk flax January 2nd floor.
9 “Oh, the box is full. Russian folk clay toys" (interactive lesson, film, master class) July
10 "Old Things Living in an Old House" (theatrical performance) Department "Teremok" June
11 "In the Russian hut" (theatrical performance, games) Department "Teremok" July
12 "Magic Patterns. Traditions of Russian lace-making” (master class, conversation) Department "Teremok" October
13 "Journey to the old school" (interactive lesson, games, quizzes) Department "Teremok" September 1st half.

Programs of the Museum of Nature and Ecology:

  • Program for kindergartens "Steps on the grass"
  • Program for children with parents "Family Hour at the Museum"
  • Holidays at the Museum
  • Days of protection from environmental hazards

Love your city. History of the Smolensk region.

1 "Ancient city, glorious city" (city tour) Historical Museum June
2 "The ancient city, the glorious city" (Cathedral Hill, Assumption Cathedral) Historical Museum June
3 "Stone necklace of the land of Smolensk" (interactive lesson) Historical Museum, Gromovaya tower August
4 "Blacksmith-well done" (theatrical tour) City smithy of the 17th century August
5 "Invitation to the ball" (interactive tour, quizzes, games) Historical Museum September 2nd floor
6 "Ukhar-merchant" (interactive lesson on the exhibition "From the egg-bag to the passbook") Historical Museum August
7 Do you know what kind of guy he was” (interactive lesson dedicated to Yu.A. Gagarin) Historical Museum April 1st half.

We enter the world of beauty.

1 "Magical transformations of stone, wood, metal into sculpture" (interactive lesson, film) S.T.Konenkov Sculpture Museum November
2 “I give my art to dear countrymen” (excursion, film) S.T.Konenkov Sculpture Museum October
3 “Look and you will hear. I. Levitan" (interactive tour) Art Gallery March
4 "The Charm of the Russian Landscape" (interactive tour) Art Gallery November

8. Program of thematic classes “Culture and children. With the dream of a Russian renaissance."

On the basis of the museum "In the world of fairy tales":

  1. Spring meeting. Magpies»
  2. "Easter. Holy Christ's Resurrection"
  3. "Autumn gatherings"
  4. “Kolyada came ahead of Christmas!”
  5. "Wide Shrovetide"
  6. "My favorite toys"
  7. "Fairy Tea Party"
  8. "From memory, as from literacy"
  9. "The Life of a Russian Peasant"

On the basis of the museum "Smolensk Flax":

  1. Master class on making belts
  2. Master class "Russian doll"
  3. "Kolyada has come"
  4. "Oh, yes Maslenitsa"
  5. "Mother spring is red for everyone"
  6. "Russian hut"
  7. "Wizard Blue Flax"
  8. "Three maidens by the window"
  9. "Smolensk decorations"

On the basis of the historical and architectural complex "Teremok":

  1. “The samovar is boiling, it doesn’t order to leave!”
  2. "The Feast of Russian Vegetables"
  3. "Russian gatherings"
  4. "Kuzminki - a commemoration for the summer"
  5. "Christmas"
  6. "Maslenitsa"
  7. "Unboring Lessons"
  8. Clay Fantasy Master Class
  9. Master class in painting "Return of the Firebird"

Museum and pedagogical program for preschoolers "Magic Palette"

The own museum and pedagogical program "Magic Palette" is part of the artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers aged 5-7 and is of a successive nature. The program was developed on the basis of museum expositions in Ulyanovsk. This work will be useful for preschool teachers, as well as museum workers working with preschool children.

The child's soul is equally sensitive to the native word, and to the beauty of nature, and to the musical melody, and to painting, because every child is a born Artist, Musician and Poet. And he is able to create brightly and talentedly, only it is necessary to create a favorable environment for this, which is based on trust and understanding. The task of the educator is to ensure that the child, speaking the language of V.A. Sukhomlinsky, "could not live without beauty, so that the beauty of the world creates beauty in itself."
To achieve this task, it is necessary to form the personality of a preschool child by introducing him to the aesthetic values ​​of art, the formation of his creative abilities and self-expression in independent artistic and creative activity. It is possible to fully accomplish the task if you purposefully create optimal conditions for strengthening the creative potential of each child and the formation of moral principles in him through the perception of various types of arts that have universal aesthetic values. The educational component in this case is the emotionally positive attitude of the child to objects of an aesthetic nature and the understanding of harmony on the example of fine arts, architecture, music, nature and human relationships.
Understanding the need to practically solve the problems of the aesthetic formation of the personality of a preschool child served as the starting point for creating our own program based on the basic theories of the harmonious development of a person, taking into account the potential of the museum expositions of the city and cultural institutions.
The museum exposition as a strong means of pedagogical influence is widely used in the practice of many preschool institutions in Ulyanovsk. Kindergartens work closely with the museums of the city, including on a contractual basis. As a rule, this cooperation is mostly focused exclusively on local history topics. Meanwhile, the museums of the city have rich resources. Thus, the Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum, with its richest collection of works of art, is not sufficiently involved in work with preschoolers. This is where the novelty and relevance of the program lies.
The museum component, without duplicating the generally accepted pedagogical programs for kindergarten, significantly expands their opportunities, both in the comprehension of fine arts and in the formation of visual culture. Educational events are held both in the kindergarten and in the museums of the city, which makes it possible to use the methodology and principles of museum pedagogy based on dialogue and an individual approach in the educational process.
The artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers is formed in the process of developing the artistic and creative abilities of pupils, including through the integration of various types of activities. The tasks set are solved in direct educational activities, in the course of joint activities of an adult and children and in joint activities of an adult and children, carried out in sensitive moments, and also partially in circle activities.
To achieve this goal, I, first of all, determined the ways of implementing the tasks of forming an aesthetic personality, through the complex impact on a preschool child of such related arts as music, artistic expression, plastic movement, dramatization, with the priority use of fine arts and connection to independent children's visual activity.
The means of implementing the tasks of aesthetic education were determined:
1. All types of art (fine, architecture, sculpture, music, dance, theater, design, folk art).
2. Surrounding reality, including nature.
3. Practical artistic and creative activities of preschoolers.

In determining the prospects for the development of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers, the main emphasis is placed on the visual and constructive activities of children, musical education, theatrical and gaming, and local history education of preschoolers.
For this purpose, 4 interconnected blocks have been identified:
1 - Block of visual and creative activity "Magic Palette", which is separated into a separate museum - pedagogical program with the same name;
2 - Block of constructive and creative activity "City of Masters";
3 - Block of musical and rhythmic activity "Musical Mosaic";
4 - Block of theatrical and gaming activities "Actors".
The blocks are selected taking into account the basic program requirements and as a regional component, since the cultural and historical values ​​of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk help us in solving issues of artistic and aesthetic development. Each of the presented blocks has its own purpose and learning objectives. Training begins with the second younger group within the framework of classes in fine arts, as well as in joint activities and in individual and subgroup forms of work with children. Starting from the older age group, part of the activities is transferred to the museum space. In the preparatory group, classes are carried out only in museums (Art Museum, Museum "Urban Planning and Architecture of Simbirsk - Ulyanovsk, Roerich Center for Spiritual Culture, Regional Library for Children and Youth named after S.T. Aksakov, Museum of Folk Art, Exhibition Hall) using authentic exhibits, models and other museum materials. In a preschool institution, the material is consolidated, generalized using the example of other works of art (posters, photographs, clippings from magazines, postcards, etc.).
One of the main blocks, which has been developed to a sufficient extent and tested jointly with the regional Art Museum, is
The purpose of the museum and pedagogical program "Magic Palette" is the formation of the creative personality of a child - a preschooler through the genres of painting and his own visual activity.
Based on the goal, the tasks of aesthetic education of the program are highlighted:
- harmoniously develop each preschooler on the basis of acquaintance with works of fine art in museum expositions.
- contribute to the awakening of creative activity and the development of skills in the perception of various types of art.
- contribute to the comprehension of the language of fine arts through the development of its specifics.
- to develop practical skills through the use of various types of visual means.
The implementation of these tasks is solved through the complex impact of different types of arts on the development of the artistic and creative potential of the child, as well as their optimal interaction on the child's mastery of image techniques in practical activities.
Thanks to the joint planning of the upbringing and educational process, purposeful and coordinated activities of all specialists are achieved, and emotionally rich material leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the child. With the artistic and aesthetic development, the spiritual development of a person also occurs. What a child perceives emotionally today, tomorrow will develop into a conscious attitude towards both art and life.
Providing a full-fledged aesthetic education and development of a preschool child, it will form in the future the formation of such a person who will combine spiritual wealth, true aesthetic qualities, moral purity and high intellectual potential.

Work plan for the museum and pedagogical program "Magic Palette"
SEPTEMBER “Beautiful in the ordinary” Painting genre STILL LIFE
OCTOBER "Nature and the artist" Painting genre LANDSCAPE
DECEMBER "Famous people of the Simbirsk Territory" A. A. Plastov 01/31/1893 - 05/12/1972
M A R T "Man and time" Painting genre PORTRAIT
APRIL "Sculpture and its features" SCULPTURE

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