General qualification examples. Determination and advanced training of an employee in accordance with the law


From the point of view of labor relations, the concept "qualification" describes the level of training of the employee, as well as the degree of manifestation of his professional qualities and compliance with certain professional requirements. Qualification requirements may vary depending on the position and field of activity.

What is a qualification and to whom is it awarded?

Regardless of what duties are assigned to an employee of a particular enterprise, he must have certain skills and have an appropriate level of training to perform his duties. This is necessary in order to perform its functions as efficiently as possible. Thus, regardless of the activities of the enterprise, the employee must have certain necessary knowledge.

But if in some enterprises all the necessary skills, and, accordingly, qualifications can be obtained directly in the process of work or even without it (for example, to work as a loader), then some professional areas of activity involve a course of study followed by verification in the form of a test or exam, according to the results of which are assigned a certain qualification.

At the same time, one should not confuse concepts such as "qualification" and "specialty". A specialty is precisely the field of activity for which an employee of an enterprise is trained, and qualification indicates the degree of his preparedness in this area.

Qualification indicators and ways to improve it

In most cases, the qualification of an employee of an enterprise or organization is determined by a qualification category (less often, qualification is determined by one of two indicators: it may or may not be available). The qualification category is assigned by the members of the certification committee, while the category directly depends on the responsibility of the processes performed by the employee, the level of complexity of the work. If we talk about qualification levels in Russian enterprises, in most cases a six-digit system is used, although an eight-digit grid is sometimes used.

In addition to categories, categories can be assigned to an employee of the company. This is typical for financial workers and leading technical workers (for example, engineers). But qualification, in addition to certain skills and expanding the scope of the employee's activity, also has an economic aspect. The higher the qualification, the higher the salary. Therefore, most employees of enterprises where advanced training is provided willingly take advantage of this opportunity, because by acquiring new skills and expanding their theoretical base, a person also increases his income.

Types of advanced training:

  • Short-term increase (72 hours or less);
  • Seminars and trainings (average course duration - 72-100 hours);
  • A long-term increase, which provides for classes lasting up to 500 hours.

In the latter case, the courses are attended by employees who do not need to acquire theoretical knowledge and already have experience in the relevant field of activity, but the skills of these people do not meet the requirements. For example, if a person gets a job in some kind of production, where the equipment and technologies are more modern than those with which the employee had to deal. Also, this type of advanced training at many enterprises is mandatory once every five years, but in practice this is not respected, and the employer sends employees to such courses only as needed, sometimes off-duty. In this case, especially if the courses are held in another city or country, the employee retains his workplace and is paid a monthly salary.

A short-term increase differs from a long-term one in that in this case, specific thematic issues are studied in a lecture form, while lectures, as a rule, are given by employees of the same company, but already having the appropriate qualifications. Upon completion of such courses, a certificate or certificate is issued.

The task of thematic trainings and seminars is to adapt the company's employees to new working conditions: for example, when introducing new technological processes or when updating equipment.

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Qualification is the readiness of an employee for professional activities to perform work of a certain complexity within the framework of a profession, specialty, specialization.
In the Labor Code, the concept of "qualification" is defined as the level of general and special training of an employee, confirmed by the types of documents established by law (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc.).
Qualification is a component of the vocational education standard and is characterized by a step and a level.
The qualification level is a stage of training professional personnel in the system of continuous education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and professional! about education and completed by obtaining the relevant document (certificate, certificate, diploma).
A skill level is the degree of professional skill within a particular skill level. The essential characteristics of the level of qualification are: the amount of knowledge and skills; quality of knowledge and skills; ability to rationally organize and plan work; the ability to quickly adapt to changes in equipment, technology, organization and working conditions.
Requirements for different skill levels in relation to specific professions and specialties are established by the relevant local (local) documents in the tariff and certification system.
Determining the qualifications of personnel is regulated by administrative, agrarian and labor legislation. With the help of administrative law, the qualifications of graduates of special educational institutions and a number of other persons are established. Agrarian law establishes the rules for determining the qualifications of members of agricultural organizations. Labor law regulates the rules for determining the qualifications of employees, the conditions for the emergence of labor relations.
When determining the qualifications of workers, they are guided by a system of generalized indicators, the most important of which are categories, classes and categories.
With the help of tariff categories, the qualifications of the majority of workers in industrial, construction and other organizations are determined. Class ranks are assigned to transport drivers, agricultural specialists, etc. The level of qualification of specialists in a number of industries is recorded using the categories Quantitative and qualitative results of labor activity, the level of professional preparedness of employees reflect the following indicators:
duration of experience in this work (special
availability of general and special education;
the measure of responsibility for the entrusted whole, and so on.
These indicators have a great theoretical and practical
great importance in agreeing on the content of an employment contract, resolving issues about the workplace, adapted measures, certification and others. Thus, the labor function is established in accordance with the employee's qualification, which, in turn, is expressed in categories, classes, categories. Legal norms establish the legal obligation of the employer to record such indicators in a timely and objective manner, i.e. correctly determine the qualifications of employees, guaranteeing them work in accordance with their vocation, abilities, education and taking into account social needs.
The definition of qualification is the establishment of the level of knowledge and skill of an employee, the compliance of this level with certain requirements, due to one or another complexity of the work of the corresponding specialty.
W. The qualification of an employee is determined on the basis of certain qualification characteristics, derived from the components of the complexity of the work, the totality of knowledge, work experience, the degree of ability and skills of the employee included in the content of the concept of qualification. Such features may include; the volume of special and general education, work experience in this profession, the ability to perform ügt; certain operations, manage mechanisms, units and devices, compliance of the employee’s personal data with professional requirements, the measure of responsibility for the work assigned, etc. Determining the qualifications of an employee when hiring is necessary for the correct and prompt determination of the compliance of his data with the requirements of his work life. Qualitative determination of qualifications clarifies the content of a written employment contract, labor function, labor rights and obligations, wages and other elements of an employment legal relationship. Determining qualifications when hiring shows the possibility or impossibility of admitting an employee to perform a certain job. On the contrary, untimely identified inconsistency with future work increases the likelihood of disappointment in it or other undesirable phenomena.
Labor law establishes the obligation of the employer to establish the qualifications of the hired workers. However, this obligation does not apply to all employment cases. For example, persons accepted as apprentices do not have professional training and therefore their qualifications are not established.
Labor law provides for the following forms of establishing qualifications when applying for a job: documentary establishment, testing, medical examination, probation, interview, test tests and passing a special exam.
The documentary establishment of qualifications upon admission to work is carried out on the basis of various documents that have legal force.
The qualification of graduates of special educational institutions is determined by a diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate.
The qualification of workers can be established by an entry in the work book on the basis of the qualification category assigned to them, class.
The study of documents helps to establish the business, moral and other characteristics of employees, the level of their professional preparedness. A certain list of documents presented by applicants at the conclusion of an employment contract is established in the Labor Code. Employment without the specified documents is not allowed. It is forbidden to demand documents that are not provided for by law when concluding an employment contract. The significance of the documents lies in the fact that they confirm the age, the level of professional readiness, which are necessary for the coordination of the labor function and other conditions of the employment contract, and the clarification of official duties.
The legislation also provides for other forms of familiarization with the data of an incoming person. When hiring, with the agreement of the parties, a test may be stipulated in order to verify the compliance of the employee with the assigned work. This condition is provided by the TC. but its inclusion in a written employment contract is allowed only by mutual agreement of the parties. If the employee objects, the contract is either rejected or concluded without this condition.
The test period is determined by the TC. and only its maximum duration is regulated (no more than three months). By mutual agreement of the parties, a probationary period can be appointed, for example, for one or two months. The establishment of a test is not a mandatory condition of the employment contract, but if an agreement is reached on it, it must be indicated in the text of the employment contract and the order (instruction) on employment The probationary period is calculated only in working days. Thus, the probationary period does not include the period of temporary disability and other periods when the employee was absent from work for good reasons.
The test is not established when hiring employees under the age of 18; young workers after graduating from vocational schools; young professionals after graduating from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; disabled people; temporary and seasonal workers; when transferring to work in another area or to another employer; when applying for a job on a competitive basis; in other cases provided for by law (for example, when transferring an employee who is in an employment relationship with an employer from one position to another or from one unit to another).
Each of the parties has the right to terminate the employment contract with a preliminary test;
  • before the expiration of the preliminary test period, notifying the other party in writing three days in advance;
  • on the expiration date of the preliminary test.
An unsatisfactory test result gives the employer the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee. In this case, the employer is obliged to indicate the reasons that served as the basis for recognizing the employee as having failed the test.
The employee has the right to appeal against the decision of the employer in court. If, before the expiration of the preliminary test period, the employment contract with the employee is not terminated in accordance with part one of Art. 29 of the Labor Code, then the employee is considered to have passed the test and termination of the employment contract with him is allowed only on a general basis.
A test when hiring is an optional condition of an employment contract, a test of professional preparedness when performing tasks related to the labor function of an incoming employee on time. The test helps to determine the level of his qualifications, compliance with the work performed and change the measures of adaptation and labor protection.
The employee has the right to appeal the results of the test in the general manner: in the commission on labor disputes (CTS), in court. If unsatisfactory results of the test are accompanied by his release from work, then the complaint is filed with the district court
In some cases, labor legislation establishes a mandatory medical examination upon employment.
For example, minors under the age of 18, employees engaged in heavy work, in work with harmful working conditions, as well as in vehicle maintenance work, employees of food industry enterprises, public catering and trade, medical preventive institutions and some other organizations. These measures are aimed solely at protecting the life and health of both the workers themselves and those in contact with their work activities.
The results of the medical examination are documented in a special document.
An internship is one of the forms of establishing qualifications when hiring young professionals. The internship has a multi-purpose purpose. It helps to clarify the qualifications of personnel, quickly develop adaptation measures, improve the level of professional training of workers, and as such is a guarantee of the right to work. The internship is used for transport drivers, law enforcement officers and other categories of workers.
The regulation on the distribution of graduates of state higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance, does not provide for a mandatory internship for young specialists during the first year of work.
In practice, the internship of young specialists, as a rule, is provided for in the local acts of enterprises (organizations).
During the internship period, young specialists acquire the relevant qualifications. Therefore, workers who have received higher education in the system of evening or correspondence education and have at least one year of work experience in the relevant specialty, during which they have already acquired initial qualifications, are exempted from internships.
The qualification obtained during the internship period is established by the collegial body (commission) in the appropriate manner
Coordination of the job function and other terms of the employment contract begins with an interview with the incoming employee
Interviewing is one of the most important forms of determining qualifications in hiring Appointment to a position after pre-selection and interview is a situation where an organization in the person of an employee of the personnel service and a candidate for this position try to determine to what extent their own interests can be satisfied. ~renas as a result of this appointment.
A preliminary interview when applying for a job is aimed at finding out the education of the applicant, assessing his personal qualities, etc.
At this stage of qualification, prior to the entry into force of the employment contract, the employee can change his original intention to join the job. The organization also has the right to refuse the services of an employee, but in cases and on the grounds specified in the legislation
There is a difference in the position of the parties. The employee, changing the original intention, may not indicate the reasons for his decision, in any case, the law does not oblige him to do so. The organization is obliged to explain the reason for the refusal, permissible only for business reasons, with a good reason.

In many areas of life, you can often hear about the presence or absence of any qualification. From the article you can learn that qualification is a very broad concept and even its term has two main translations.

The meaning of the concept

From English, the term is translated as "quality", which means the degree of displayed merit. In an older translation (from Latin), the word "qualification" is a combination of the words "what" and "do". In other words, how good is what is being done.

Depending on the field of application, the term means an assessment of the degree of quality or the levels provided.

Qualification types

Qualification is a rather broad concept. There are various types of it, distinguished depending on the scope of application:

  • in education, this is the level of preparation of those who have graduated from an educational institution (secondary or higher);
  • in labor relations - the level of manifestation of professional qualities, the degree of suitability for certain requirements;
  • in sports - preliminary (qualifying) competitions;
  • in criminal law - an assessment of a specific socially dangerous action.

In addition to the division by scope, the qualifications of the employee and work are distinguished.

Employee Qualification

For an employee, qualification is the degree of his training in a professional sense. In other words, this is the level of his training, the availability of experience, theoretical and practical skills to perform a certain type of activity. Most often, the qualification is established in the form of a category or category.

The employee has the right to take advanced training courses and then receive a higher category or rank. This will also increase his salary. But if the employee cannot confirm the existing category, the employer will have the right to lower it and even terminate the employment contract.

The procedure for determining the level of professional training has its own characteristics in each individual country. They are written into the labor law.

Job Qualification

This characteristic is set depending on the degree of complexity, responsibility of the employee during the performance of labor duties. It is determined in accordance with the existing records of the tariff-qualification categories, which relate to a particular specialization.

What is a job qualification and why is it important? It is used in setting tariff rates and salaries from which wages are calculated. In simple words, wages depend on qualifications.

Professional qualification

This is the name of the professional training of an employee who has to perform a certain type of activity. The work requires one or another qualification, determined depending on its expected complexity and the required quality of performance.

The most common steps are:

  • initial vocational education allows you to be a worker;
  • secondary education - technician;
  • higher - specialist.

Among working specialties, there are 6 categories, which are registered in a special grid. As a rule, vocational schools produce workers of 3-4 categories.

There is a network for teachers. So after graduating from a higher educational institution, a teacher takes up the position of a specialist and works without a category. Then he can raise it to the 2nd, 1st, highest. The last qualification stage in pedagogy is the category of teacher-methodologist.

Employees have their own grid. It consists of 18 bits.

Do not forget that in real working conditions, qualification according to the grid does not always correspond to real mastery. In addition to advanced training, the employee must have a sense of responsibility, professional duty, civic maturity.

Qualification (from lat. qualis - what quality and facio - do)

1) the degree and type of professional training of the employee, the availability of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for him to perform a certain job. The K. of workers is reflected in their tariffing (assignment to an employee, depending on his K. of one or another tariff category). The assignment of a tariff category indicates the suitability of the employee to perform this range of work. In the USSR, the qualifications of workers are, as a rule, established by a special qualification commission in accordance with the requirements of the tariff-qualification guide. In addition to the category, an indicator of a worker's K. can also be a category or diploma, the presence of a title and an academic degree. Occupation of some positions is allowed only with a diploma (position of a doctor, teacher). In the USSR, at enterprises, institutions and organizations, a system has been created for the training and advanced training of workers and employees, where workers and employees are trained in new professions and specialties and are trained to improve their skills (see Balance of labor resources, labor resources). 2) Characteristics of a certain type of work, established depending on its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. In the USSR, the qualification of work is usually determined by the category to which the given type of work is assigned in the tariff-qualification guide. Determining the quality of work is important in setting tariff rates and official salaries for workers. The standard of engineering and technical work and work performed by employees and other persons not directly employed in production is determined by the requirements for the position held. 3) Characteristics of an object, phenomenon, assigning it to any category, group, for example Qualification of a crime.

L. F. Bibik.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


See what "Qualification" is in other dictionaries:

    - (new Latin, see the previous word). Designation of the qualities of any objects. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. QUALIFICATION [cf. lat. qualificatio Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    qualification- QUALIFICATION, CALIFICATION and, g. qualification f., German. Qualification lat. 1. Definition of an object, thing, attributing it to what l. group. Until the Academy understands what is being proven by comparing the skulls of migratory birds and others..,… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    In labor law, a distinction is made between the QUALIFICATION of work and the QUALIFICATION of individual employees. QUALIFICATION of work is a characteristic of this type of work, established by the degree of its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. Usually determined by the discharge, to ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Discharge, experience, skill, skill, skill, skill, art, technique, skill; craftsmanship, skill, high qualification, profession, specialty Dictionary of Russian synonyms. qualification 1. see skill 2. 2. see ... Synonym dictionary

    - (eng. quality quality, in the sense of the degree of manifestation of merit) in some areas, this term refers to either the process of assessing the quality level, or the provided levels themselves. Qualification (education) level of training ... ... Wikipedia

    QUALIFICATION, qualifications, women (specialist.). 1. only units Action under ch. qualify. Engage in job qualifications. 2. Evaluation and designation of varieties and qualities of goods (bargaining). 3. The degree of suitability for some kind of craft, type of labor, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (from the Latin qualis, which in quality and ... fication), 1) a characteristic of an object, phenomenon, assigning it to any category, group. 2) The level of preparedness, the degree of suitability for some kind of work. 3) Profession, specialty ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - (from Latin qualis, which in quality and ... fication) 1) determining the quality of something, evaluating something. 2) The level of preparedness, the degree of suitability for some type of work. ) … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Qualification- - the level of preparedness, the degree of suitability for any type of work. [Terminological dictionary for concrete and reinforced concrete. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Center" Construction "NIIZHB them. A. A. Gvozdeva, Moscow, 2007 110 pages] Qualification - ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

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  • Qualification of crimes with blanket signs of composition, N.I. Pikurov. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. The monograph deals with the most complex issues of qualification of crimes, determined ...

Diploma qualifications are assigned to students by the state attestation commission of universities based on the results of training after the defense or passing exams and is consistent with the specialty.

What is a Diploma Qualification

Diploma qualification is the status of a graduate, reflecting a certain set of knowledge and skills acquired during the time of study at a university. After the transition to the Bologna system, higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation assign qualification, specialist and master's degrees corresponding to the levels of professional education.

  1. Bachelor. The degree is awarded based on the results of four years of study at the university in all scientific areas, except for medicine. It gives the right not only to professional activity, but also provides an opportunity to obtain a master's degree.
  2. Specialist. The most common qualification in the educational system. Confirms the right to practice at a high professional level and to study abroad according to existing international agreements in order to obtain an academic degree. Usually the qualification of a specialist (lawyer, accountant, economist, manager) is awarded after five or six years of study at a university. The diploma is issued in all scientific fields, including medicine.
  3. Master. This degree requires two years of study in a research-oriented program. Bachelors or specialists of any direction can enter the training. The master's work must be an independent study conducted under the supervision of a supervisor. Master's and Specialist's qualifications entitle you to and participate in degree programs.

If the qualifications for the bachelor's degree do not match the chosen direction in the master's program, a certain exam is required before admission.

Diploma qualification example

In the diplomas of graduates of undergraduate and graduate programs, a bachelor's degree (academic or applied) and the direction in which the graduate can realize his knowledge and skills are indicated as qualifications. For example:

  • Applied Bachelor of Economics;
  • management;
  • master of cultural studies, jurisprudence, psychology.

In the diploma of graduates of a specialty, the first position indicates the profession received (it will be a qualification), the second - the branch of activity (specialty or direction of higher education according to the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science), for example:

  • engineer - specialty "construction of unique buildings and structures";
  • economist - "economic security";
  • pharmacist - "pharmacy";
  • lawyer - " ";
  • theater production designer - "scenography".

The choice of a future specialty and place of work should be based on the knowledge of what a diploma qualification is. Understanding the essence of the concept will allow you not to make mistakes when filling out important documents when applying for a job.

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