General concept of the method of conversation. Method of conversation in psychology





The relevance of researchThis topic is of great importance, since the counseling conversation is the main means of psychological counseling.

For effective psychological impact, the spatial and temporal organization of the conversation is essential, although, of course, much of what can be said about this has already become common truths (Bodalev A.A., Stolin V.V., 1989; Aleshina Yu. E., Petrovskaya L.A., 1989).

The degree of development of the topic: The issues of conversation techniques were considered by many psychologists, such as: Abramova G.S., Ivy A.E., Aleshina Yu.E., George R., Zabrodin Yu.M., Kochyunas R., Lysenko E.M., Sytnik S.A. and many others.

As Problems researchthere is a contradiction between the need to study the features of the conversation as a method of psychological counseling, and the lack of research and systematization of data on this issue.

Purpose of the study: to identify the features of the conversation as the main method of psychological counseling.

Object of study: psychological counseling.

Subject of study: conversation as a method of psychological counseling

Hypothesis:conversation is the main method of psychological counseling and is characterized by its own characteristics: stages, methods, techniques and techniques.

Research objectives:

determine the place of conversation in psychological counseling;

to determine the features of the conversation as a method of psychological counseling;

to determine the methods and techniques and techniques of conducting a conversation in psychological counseling;

to systematize the methods of technique and methods of conducting a conversation as the main method of psychological counseling;

Research methodsto test the hypothesis and solve the tasks set, a complex research method was used, including various aspects: theoretical analysis of psychological literature on the problems under study - interpretation of scientific data, comparative analysis, systematization, generalization; methods of observation and conversation.

Scientific novelty of the research: systematized data on the conversation as the main method of psychological counseling.

Work structure: introduction, two chapters, conclusions for each chapter, bibliography.

1. Theoretical foundations of conversation as a method of psychological counseling

1.1 Conversation in psychology and psychological counseling

In a psychological conversation, there is direct interaction between the psychologist and the respondent in the form of an oral exchange of information. The conversation method is widely used in psychotherapy as a specific methodological technique. It is also used as an independent method in consultative, political, legal and labor psychology.

In the process of conversation, the psychologist, being a researcher, directs, covertly or explicitly, the conversation, during which he asks the person being interviewed questions. There are two types of conversation: managed and unmanaged (weakly managed conversation)

In the course of a guided conversation, the psychologist actively controls the course of the conversation, maintains the course of the conversation, and establishes emotional contact. An uncontrolled conversation occurs with a greater return of initiative from the psychologist to the respondent compared to the controlled one. In an unmanaged conversation, the focus is on giving the respondent the opportunity to speak out, while the psychologist does not interfere or almost does not interfere with the course of the respondent's self-expression.

In the case of both managed and unmanaged conversation, the psychologist is required to have the skill of verbal and non-verbal communication. Any conversation begins with the establishment of contact between the researcher and the respondent, while the researcher acts as an observer, analyzing the external manifestations of the respondent's mental activity. Based on the observation, the psychologist carries out express diagnostics and corrects the chosen strategy for conducting a conversation. At the initial stages of the conversation, the main task is to encourage the subject under study to actively participate in the dialogue.

The most important skill of a psychologist in a conversation situation is the ability to establish and maintain rapport, while maintaining the purity of the study, avoiding irrelevant (interfering with obtaining a reliable result) verbal and non-verbal influences on the subject, which can contribute to an active change in his reactions. Careless statements on the part of the psychologist, made, for example, in the form of orders, threats, moralizing, advice, accusations, value judgments regarding what the respondent said, reassurance and inappropriate jokes, can lead to the destruction of rapport with the respondent or to the provision of side suggestions to the respondent.

Conversations differ depending on the psychological task pursued. There are the following types of conversation:

Therapeutic conversation;

Experimental conversation (in order to test experimental hypotheses);

Autobiographical conversation;

Collection of subjective anamnesis (collection of information about the personality of the subject);

Collection of an objective anamnesis (collection of information about acquaintances of the subject);

telephone conversation;

The interview is referred to as the method of conversation, and the method of questioning.

There are two styles of conversation, and in its course one can replace the other depending on the context.

Reflective listening is a style of conversation that involves active verbal interaction between the psychologist and the respondent.

Reflective listening is used to accurately control the correctness of the perception of the information received. The use of this style of conversation may be associated with the personal characteristics of the respondent (for example, a low level of development of communication skills), the need to establish the meaning of the word that the speaker had in mind, cultural traditions (communication etiquette in the cultural environment to which the respondent and the psychologist belong ).

Non-reflexive listening is a style of conversation that uses only the minimum necessary, from the point of view of expediency, words and non-verbal communication techniques on the part of the psychologist.

Non-reflexive listening is used in cases where there is a need to let the subject speak out. It is especially useful in situations where the interlocutor shows a desire to express his point of view, discuss topics of concern to him, and where he has difficulty expressing problems, is easily confused by the intervention of a psychologist, and behaves enslaved due to the difference in social position between the psychologist and the respondent.

Consultative conversation is one of the main methods of providing psychological assistance. Ascending to the sociological survey technique called "in-depth interview", a consultative conversation is a personality-oriented communication in which orientation is carried out in the personal characteristics and problems of the client, a partnership style of relationship is established and maintained (on an equal footing), the required psychological assistance is provided in accordance with needs, issues and nature of advisory work.

Aleshina defines psychological counseling as direct work with people aimed at solving various kinds of psychological problems associated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, where the main means of influence is a conversation constructed in a certain way.

The direction of the locus of complaint and the readiness of a person determine the form of work with him. The main task of a counseling psychologist is to help the client look at their problems and life difficulties from the outside, to demonstrate and discuss those aspects of relationships that, being sources of difficulties, are usually not recognized and not controlled. The basis of this form of influence is, first of all, a change in the client's attitudes both to other people and to various forms of interaction with them. In the course of a consultative conversation, the client gets the opportunity to take a broader look at the situation, to assess his role in it differently and, in accordance with this new vision, change his attitude to what is happening and his behavior.

Thus, a conversation in psychology is defined as a psychological verbal-communicative method, which consists in conducting a thematically oriented dialogue between a psychologist and a respondent in order to obtain information from the latter.

In psychological counseling, conversation is one of the main methods of providing psychological assistance. Ascending to the sociological survey technique called "in-depth interview", a consultative conversation is a personality-oriented communication in which orientation is carried out in the personal characteristics and problems of the client, a partnership style of relationship is established and maintained (on an equal footing), the required psychological assistance is provided in accordance with needs, issues and nature of advisory work.

1.2 Stages of conversation in psychological counseling

conversation psychological counseling question

An advisory conversation can be compared to a literary work, which has its own prologue, plot development, plot, denouement, climax and epilogue. In other words, the conversation between a consultant and a client is far from being a random process; it is organized according to certain rules, following which makes it effective and purposeful. What are the basic rules for conducting a conversation in psychological counseling?

The first thing the consultant needs to do during the appointment is to meet and seat the client. The success of the conversation largely depends on how, from the very first minutes, the psychologist will be able to prove himself to be a benevolent and interested interlocutor. The situation of the beginning of a conversation for a person who came to a psychologist for the first time is full of discomfort, he needs to be given time to look around, to come to his senses.

A very important point at the beginning of the conversation is getting to know the client by name, the client may refuse to name himself, but forget or not invite him to introduce himself - this means that in many respects doom the consultation to failure. It will be correct to introduce yourself in the same way as the client - by name, patronymic, just by name, etc. (There may be exceptions to this recommendation related to the age of the interlocutor, the specific conditions in which the consultation takes place, and, if necessary, adhere to the norms of communication of a certain ethnic culture.

It happens that at the beginning of the conversation, the consultant is faced with a situation where the client needs to explain what psychological counseling is, what he can count on when seeking help, and also to assure the anonymity of everything that happens behind the doors of the psychological office.

The next step to take is to go directly to the counseling process. It is natural to assume that it is first necessary for the client to talk about himself and his problems. This move is so logical that often clients themselves begin the story about themselves.

If the client is silent, waiting for what the consultant will say, he can be helped to start talking about himself with remarks like: “I listen to you carefully” or “Tell me what brought you here.” From the very beginning of the conversation, one should not forget that the advisory impact is, first of all, the impact through the word: one inaccurate wording or remark - and the client can be unsettled for a long time, take offense at the consultant, withdraw, feel insecure and lonely. And then the psychologist will have to spend a lot of time correcting the situation and restoring contact.

To establish good contact with the client, to organize the conversation correctly from the very beginning - this means, in many respects, to ensure the effectiveness of counseling. Unsuccessful contact with a person or issues not resolved at the beginning of the conversation can become an obstacle in the development of the conversation just when it is especially undesirable. Most often, it is they that serve as fertile ground for the formation of the client's resistance to psychological influence, which can manifest itself as unwillingness to continue the conversation, claims against the consultant, a sense of the meaninglessness of what is happening, etc.

Resistance to counseling is a common phenomenon at the beginning of a conversation, when the client, already in the psychologist's office, is still asking himself the question of whether he should have come here or not. It happens that a person who has asked for help starts a conversation with general topics and questions that have nothing to do with him personally - why there are so many divorces now, how the peculiarities of the current situation in the country affect relations between people, etc. Of course, you should not completely ignore the client's questions, but interest in the "fates of being" is almost never the basis for seeking advice.

The second step is asking the client.

After the problems of the beginning of the conversation were resolved, the client began a story about himself, thus moving the conversation to the next stage, where the main task of the consultant is to understand his problems as best as possible, to understand what the main conflicts and anxieties are connected with.

At this phase of the conversation, it often turns out that the way the client interprets his situation, in what and how he sees the causes of his problems, is far from reality, contradictory, negatively characterizes other people, exposing the narrator in a positive light. But working with this material, disagreeing with the client, pointing out his mistakes, is not worth it at this stage. Usually, a psychologist does not yet have sufficient information, based on which one could correct a person’s point of view, and objections, expressions of disagreement only activate resistance, destroying the positive contact that is only being formed. At this stage, the principle of "accepting the concept of the client" should be followed. You should not be afraid that due to the fact that the psychologist at first did not express disagreement with what the client says about himself and the people around him, subsequently expressing the opposite opinion at the stage of corrective influence will be perceived by the interlocutor more negatively. On the contrary, often already in the course of the story, the client's point of view changes, he is preparing to accept a new view of himself and others, a different concept of what is happening.

The history of the problem is important (when and in connection with what it appeared); the relationship of the client with all the persons acting in his story, their attitude to the problem; an idea of ​​what exactly caused the problem from the point of view of the person himself and the people around him; the deterioration and improvement of the situation that has ever occurred and what they could be connected with; what exactly caused the appeal to the consultation, why it happens right now, and not earlier or later. All the points mentioned above should be specifically asked for. The questions that can be formulated based on these points should be broad enough, and they usually stimulate the client well to tell.

Structuring the conversation is necessary for both the consultant and the client. The client should have a logical idea of ​​what and why is being said and discussed at the moment. This, on the one hand, helps to avoid recurrences of resistance, since the client begins to feel that not only the consultant, but also himself is responsible for everything that happens during the appointment. In addition, understanding what is happening helps to concentrate attention, increase emotional and intellectual activity during a conversation. Structuring the conversation is also useful for the consultant, because it allows you to use the consultation time more efficiently: if the client can easily trace where and how certain topics arise in the conversation, what exactly the newly emerging ideas are connected with, then, therefore, there is no need for something additional repeat or explain.

Each hypothesis is the counselor's attempt to understand the client's situation. At the same time, polls about what is actually happening, the real difficulties of the client's relationship with others, are absolutely meaningless. Objectivity in human relations is a very relative thing. Each participant looks at what is happening from his own point of view, based on his life experience, his own needs, interests, etc. And the notorious third party, who is usually assigned the role of a judge, is also not impartial: everyone has his own views on life and principles, and even those who, for the sake of truth, try to free themselves from them for a while, cannot go far from themselves.

But if the consultant is not a judge and is not engaged in an objective analysis of the situation, what is the psychological impact based on?

Hypotheses in psychological counseling are, in fact, options for more constructive positions in a situation, probable ways of reorienting the client in his attitude to his problems.

The counselor's hypotheses are based on what the client says about himself and his problems. But this is only the basis for their construction. An inexperienced or unprofessional consultant builds his hypotheses anew at each appointment, having nothing in reserve. But for a professional who is well acquainted with various theoretical and practical developments in the field of counseling and psychotherapy, the client's story is a set of behavioral patterns interpreted from the point of view of one or another developed concept.

A conceptual vision of what the client is talking about greatly facilitates the work, allows you to better interpret the material, quickly find what can help in the current situation, operate with a large number of ideas in understanding what is happening. And the more ideas in the hypothesis that the consultant has about certain statements of the client, the more he is professionally equipped, the easier it is for him to work. But a professional should be able not only to comprehend what the client says, but also to convey, formulate his vision of the situation in such a way that the person who asked for help could understand and accept it. The hypothesis verbally expressed by the counselor is an interpretation. Interpretation is the cornerstone of psychotherapy, the turning point of the counseling process. Z. Freud, who first began to write about this, could hardly imagine how many books and magazines would be devoted to the influence of interpretation on the client in the future. One of the important differences between psychological and medical reception is that in medicine the diagnosis is made by one person - the doctor and communicates it to another - the patient, while the consultant chooses a more constructive position together with the client. The described process can be explained by the following metaphor: the hypotheses and interpretations of the consultant and the view of the problem, which is ultimately accepted by the client, differ as a semi-finished dress of a standard size and a dress made of the same fabric and the same style, but specially tailored for this person. The hypothesis accepted by the client is overgrown with many significant and characteristic facts and experiences only for him, that is, it is maximally individualized.

Before giving an interpretation, trying to change the client's idea of ​​what is happening, the consultant must first formulate unambiguously for himself what is happening in the client's life, that is, checking the hypotheses that have arisen in him, he must stop at one that is most suitable for this person in a particular situations.

What means does the consultant have to test the hypotheses that have arisen? If in the first phase of the questioning the consultant asked broad questions provoking the client into a monologue, then in the second phase the nature of the questions changes fundamentally. The wording becomes more subtle, aimed at clarifying the consultant's ideas. The counselor should strive to ensure that the client's answers correspond to the nature of the questions being asked, that is, they are accurate and specific. Wording like: "often" or "for a long time" is not suitable here. For some, often - it's once a week, for someone - every day. The more accurate the client's answer, the more objective it is, the more it can be considered not only from the point of view of how the client used to perceive his situation, but also from the point of view of the hypotheses and interpretations that arose from the consultant.

The main and, perhaps, the most reliable approach for the consultant to work at the second stage of the questioning is the analysis of specific situations from the client's life, clearly demonstrating his relationships with people, behavior in problem situations, and features of the chosen patterns of interaction. Working with specific situations is one of the most reliable ways for a consultant to test his hypotheses. It is widely known that the more a person talks about something, the more specific details in the story, the less the imprint of subjectivity and one-sidedness, and the more opportunities for the consultant to understand those aspects of reality that are not perceived or noticed by the narrator. Small details of the situation are more difficult to invent or distort, and they become a kind of filters through which information that is unconscious or underestimated by the client passes. But what is it - a complete, detailed story about a specific situation, what are the main requirements for it?

A detailed story should reflect when exactly and in connection with what the described situation arose, where exactly it happened, who took part in it, what exactly the client and other actors said and did, what he thought and felt at the time when events unfolded, what, from the point of view of the client, other participants in the situation thought and felt at that time, how this situation ended, what consequences it had and what it had an impact on.

Let's imagine that a speech at a psychologist's appointment turned to a family conflict, and the wife talks about it. In order for her story to be considered as a specific situation, the client must report what each of the spouses did before the start of the quarrel, how the quarrel went, when exactly the client felt that she was wound up and in connection with what, because of which, with her point of view, this feeling arose, what she herself said and what her husband answered her, what caused the quarrel from his point of view (according to the client’s assumption), how and in connection with what the quarrel was stopped, how events unfolded further, how long the relationship was tense, what are the consequences of this quarrel for their relationship.

Only after hearing such a full story, the consultant can confirm or refute the hypothesis, for example, that the wife herself first provokes conflicts in order to use them later as a means of pressure on her husband, posing as a victim. Clients' self-report is never so complete as to immediately satisfy the psychologist, and a detailed questioning usually follows the description of the situation.

The client does not always easily answer the questions asked by the psychologist. Often you have to spend quite a lot of effort to ensure that the answers are detailed and describe real feelings and experiences, and would not be reasoning on the topic. If at the first stage of the questioning the position of the psychologist can be described as passive, then here it becomes, if possible, active, the consultant offers alternatives, asks detailed questions, stimulating, if possible, the client's memory. It happens that the client believes that he completely forgot some points. In such a situation, the psychologist should encourage him: “Remember at least something”, “It doesn’t matter if this somewhat does not correspond to what actually happened, but you can, knowing your life, imagine as fully as possible how it could be ".

Another often encountered difficulty for the client in such a story is the description of his own experiences and the feelings of other people. It is feelings and experiences that should primarily interest the consultant, since they usually reflect reality more deeply, speak more about the unconscious (according to Freud's theory), often hidden for the client himself, desires and conflicts that underlie his problems. Most people listen to themselves a little, do not know how to analyze their experiences. What the consultant can do to better analyze the feelings and experiences of the client will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter, but here I would like to emphasize that the psychologist should be persistent, helping the client in every possible way. For example, offer various alternatives, encourage: “So you got angry or scared when you heard this?”, “Try to describe your feelings. After all, even if you did not pay special attention to it, you simply could not feel anything at that moment. In a person's life there are always not only thoughts, but also feelings.

Especially often one hears from clients: “I find it difficult to answer” when it comes to the experiences and condition of others. In this situation, the client can be assured that the consultant has enough guesswork. And this is true, since the psychologist needs the features of the experiences and behavior of other people, first of all, in order to understand how the client perceives and evaluates them.

In order for the consultant's hypothesis to be confirmed or refuted, it is not enough to discuss one specific situation; at least two or three such examples are needed. And only if the same pattern of behavior and experience is traced in all the situations discussed, the consultant's hypothesis can be considered confirmed or refuted.

Are there any guidelines for selecting situations to ask the client about? After all, each story requires time and hard work, therefore, its choice should certainly not be random.

The selected situations should be closely related to the content of the main complaints of the client, with those moments of interpersonal relationships that are difficult, problematic.

The situations discussed should be typical, frequently encountered in the life of the client, so that they can be used to judge the features of the relationship as a whole.

It is desirable that these situations be sufficiently detailed, describing integral patterns of interaction, that is, negative, positive and neutral characteristics of relationships.

Thus, a mother's complaints that her daughter does not take care of the order in the apartment and usually scatters her things everywhere cannot serve as an example of a specific situation. As such, a mother-daughter conversation can be chosen here, which begins from the moment when the mother, having come home, finds books and clothes scattered, begins to get angry with her daughter, feels offended and, going up to her, says: “Again, everything is different. old." A skilled professional can easily expand this situation further, finding out why exactly she was offended by her daughter, what she answered and thought, etc.

Most often it happens that after two or three such specific situations have been discussed, the consultant can say with confidence which of the hypotheses turned out to be the most suitable, what kind of behavior of the client leads to the fact that problems arise in his life, how he can be helped to relate to what is happening differently and behave accordingly. This means that you can move on to the next phase of the consultative conversation - to provide a psycho-corrective impact, to interpret what is happening.

What exactly is the psycho-correctional impact, what is its effectiveness, can be described for a very long time. Different schools of psychotherapy and their authors emphasize the importance of various factors in the provision of psychocorrectional influence; the leading role in this is given to catharsis, and changes in personal structures, and the acquisition of meaning, etc.

What are the possibilities of providing psycho-correctional impact [tab. 1], are there any techniques that can be used in dialogue to help solve this problem? Perhaps the easiest way to exert influence, which is effective when the conversation is well organized and logically built by the consultant and fully uses the possibilities of case analysis, is to emphasize the contradictions in the client's story, reformulate and restructure the reality surrounding him. Since not only the consultant is actively working during the reception, but also the client, rethinking his life in a new way, even such a slight push can be enough for the client to see what is happening differently. By such a statement, without trying to discover any new "depths of truth", the consultant, nevertheless, offers a different vision of his life situation, unusual for the client. Even if the client's response does indicate a new vision of the situation, this does not mean at all that the work of the psychologist is over. The task of the consultant at this stage is to once again carefully analyze the characteristics of the client's behavior that underlie the problems, without losing sight of the fundamental question: what exactly does the client seek to achieve with his behavior, what needs is he trying to satisfy. Any inadequate neurotic behavior is always beneficial to the client on some level, since in one way or another it satisfies those unconscious needs that, for whatever reason, cannot be satisfied in any other way. The tasks of psycho-correctional influence can be considered realized only when a peculiar chain of events is built not only in the mind of the consultant, but also in the mind of the client.

Completion of the conversation - it would seem that after the psycho-correctional influence is carried out, the conversation can end. Formally, this is undoubtedly true, but just as there is an epilogue in a novel, so in a conversation one more stage is needed, during which the psychologist must carry out a number of activities, without the implementation of which the effectiveness of even the most successful impact can be significantly reduced. These include the following: 1) summarizing the conversation (a brief summary of everything that happened during the reception); 2) discussion of issues related to further relations of the client with a consultant or other necessary specialists; 3) parting of the consultant with the client.

In the book "Fundamentals of Psychological Counseling" R. Kociunas gives an eclectic model of the structure of the consultative process, proposed by V.E. Gilland et al.: "This systemic model, covering six closely related stages, reflects the universal features of psychological counseling of any orientation." Let's list these stages.

Researching problems - establishing contact with the client and achieving mutual trust.

Two-dimensional definition of problems - the desire of the consultant to accurately characterize the client's problems, establishing both their cognitive and emotional aspects, clarifying the problems, achieving the same understanding of them by the client and the consultant.

Identification of alternatives - clarification and open discussion of possible alternatives for solving problems.

Planning is the critical evaluation of decision alternatives.

Activities - consistent implementation of the problem-solving plan.

Assessment and feedback - joint assessment of the level of achievement of the goal and generalization of the results achieved [table 2].

2. Theoretical foundations of conversation as a method of psychological counseling

.1 Conversation in psychological counseling

A conversation can be used in counseling for several purposes:

To identify charged areas for follow-up work.

To narrow down an area and then apply a more specific technique to it.

As a standalone process to clarify the area for the client.

The first use of the conversation is usually at the beginning of the session, when nothing seems to disturb the client. The goal of the psychologist is not at first to clarify something, but simply to find what needs to be clarified.

The second use of conversation is to enter into another technique. There is a common charged region, but you need to figure out exactly what is happening in order to know what to do with it. As soon as the consultant receives enough information, he switches to a more powerful technique.

The third use of conversation is as an independent process. We start with a charged region. We bring it to completion with just one conversation.

The purpose of the conversation process is for both the counselor and the client to understand the topic to such an extent that it either becomes clear to the client or he knows what to do with it. The goal is to reach a mutual understanding of what it is and for the client to take responsibility for it. In the process of achieving this, the theme may dissolve, and this will be the completion of the process.

When conducting a conversation, like any other process, a counseling psychologist does not try to find out exactly what the client's problem is. There is no one thing that he would be looking for. Together, the psychologist and the client try to bring new material to light, provide more points of view, loosen things up, and so on. What exactly this means depends on the client.

The point of having a conversation is not just to encourage the client to talk. There is a two-way dialogue. The counselor helps the client to clarify the topic by asking appropriate questions. He encourages the client to keep looking at and describing what is there until they reach a result.

To help the client, the counselor can ask a variety of questions on the topic: possible causes, ideas, thoughts, opinions, information, solutions to the problem, attempts at solutions, failed solutions, sensations, feelings, means to correct the situation, improvement, attempts to get rid, help, time, place. , state and event, who, what, where, when and how, what can be done about it, is it possible to take responsibility for it, how things would be without it.

And any other questions that help clarify what we're talking about. Both the consultant and the client should be interested in finding out everything about the topic. The counselor doesn't just choose what else to say to keep the client talking, he tries to encourage the client to discover something new.

The main thing not to do in a conversation is not to be indecisive about what we are working on. The consultant tries to clarify the initial topic, no matter what else the client says along the way. The psychologist always returns to the main theme.

Any question is intended to help the client consider the topic, not to push the consultant's ideas. The consultant can find out what the client said, help him sum it up, but he does not add his own assessments to it.

If it turns out that the issue under discussion is not suitable for a single conversation, the consultant switches to the appropriate technique:

Fixed ideas correspond to unfixed steps;

Traumatic incidents correspond to a re-experiencing procedure; separation into opposites corresponds to the union of opposites, and so on.

But this is only if the main topic of the conversation turned out to be not as expected. Any pop-up information about other charged regions is simply noted for later use.

Also, if the conversation does not lead to anything, you can switch to something stronger or more precise. Or you can use the offload or unlock keys to cover the area more systematically.

Conversation is the main processing. This is one of the most important techniques to master. But for a consultant accustomed to mechanical procedures, the conversation can be difficult. It has no mechanical procedures.

But with understanding of the definition of processing, with exercises and practice, it becomes very simple.

.2 Conversation Techniques: Special Questions and Clarifying Techniques

To a person far from psychological counseling, it may seem that there is nothing special in the way the consultant talks with his client: one of the interlocutors simply tells the other what worries him. No matter how paradoxical at first glance it may be the statement that the less a person who seeks psychological help perceives the role of a consultant as a leader, the better, it is undoubtedly true. In such a situation, the client is more active, easier to accept and discuss the comments and interpretations offered to him, more constructively approaches the problem of the need to change his behavior and attitudes.

You can professionally master the skill of conducting a consultative dialogue only in practice, working together with a trainer or supervisor who would comment on inaccuracies, point out and correct errors in work. It is for this reason that in the process of preparing consultants, modern audio and video recording tools are widely used, which make it possible to more carefully record each step in the development of a consultative conversation. Nevertheless, below we will formulate some basic principles for organizing a dialogue with a client, comment on the possibilities of using some work techniques in counseling, the knowledge and understanding of which can greatly help novice consultants.

Use of paradoxical questions. As an example, take the following dialogue between a consultant and a client:

Client: But I myself never swear, I don’t argue with my mother-in-law, she tells me all this, but I am silent.

Consultant: Shut up… why?

Client: And what, in fact, can I tell her? That she is a fool and everything she says is absolute nonsense?

Consultant: And why don't you really say all this, since you think so?

Client: Well, that's rude, and most importantly, she still won't understand anything.

Consultant: What would you like her to understand?

Let's dwell on this point in the dialogue, and then return to it in a few pages. Let's try to carefully analyze the various forms of the consultant's remarks. The second line is an example of a paradoxical question, the purpose of which is to question what the client takes as absolutely obvious or self-evident. Generally accepted truths such as “it's not good to be rude”, “parents always know better what a child needs” are attitudes and usually serve as a reliable cover for the client's true feelings and experiences. The easiest way to deal with such statements is to question them, to make the client think about what is hidden behind such maxims for him personally. The wording of such a question is usually quite simple: “Why not…?” Many people need only a little push to start thinking about a previously unquestioned topic.

Paradoxical questions are not uncommon in consultative dialogue. Often in a conversation there is a moment when (as in the example above) the client has an answer that is obvious from his point of view, which does not at all contribute to rethinking or constructively solving the situation. The task of the consultant is to challenge this inherently dead-end answer by asking a paradoxical question. Of course, this question is paradoxical only at first glance, it is not difficult to find an answer to it, it is enough to start doubting what seems obvious from the standpoint of ordinary common sense.

Statement of questions. Obtaining information about the client and encouraging him to introspection is impossible without skillful questioning.

As you know, questions are usually divided into closed and open questions. Closed questions are used to obtain specific information and usually require a one or two word answer, confirmation or denial (“yes”, “no”). For example: “How old are you?”, “Can we meet in a week at the same time?”, “How many times have you had fits of anger?” and so on.

Open-ended questions are not so much about learning about the lives of clients as they are about discussing feelings. Benjamin (1987) notes:

“Open questions broaden and deepen contact; closed questions limit it. The former open the doors wide to good relationships, the latter usually leave them closed.”

Examples of open questions: “Where would you like to start today?”, “How do you feel now?”, “What made you sad?” and so on.

Open-ended questions provide an opportunity to share your concerns with the consultant. They give the client responsibility for the conversation and encourage him to explore his attitudes, feelings, thoughts, values, behavior, i.e. his inner world. (1971) highlights the main points of counseling when open-ended questions are used:

The beginning of the consultation meeting (“Where would you like to start today?”, “What happened during the week that we did not see each other?”).

Encouraging the client to continue or complete what was said (“How did you feel when this happened?”, “What else would you like to say about this?”, “Can you add anything to what you said?”).

Encouraging the client to illustrate their problems with examples so that the counselor can better understand them (“Can you talk about any particular situation?”),

Focusing the client's attention on feelings ("What do you feel when you tell me?", "What did you feel when all this happened to you?").

We should not forget that not all clients like open-ended questions; for some, they increase the sense of threat and increase anxiety. This does not mean that such questions should be avoided, but they should be carefully formulated and asked at the right time when there is a chance of getting an answer.

Counseling uses both closed and open questions, but the importance of surveys should not be overestimated in general. Benjamin (1987) points out:

“I am very skeptical about the use of questions in a conversation and feel like I am asking too many questions, often meaningless ones. We ask questions that upset the client, interrupt him, and questions that he may not be able to answer. Sometimes we even ask questions, knowingly not wanting to receive answers, and as a result we do not listen to answers.

Although questioning is an important technique in counseling, however, paradoxically, I dare say that excessive questioning should be avoided in counseling. Any question must be justified - asking it, you need to know for what purpose it is asked. This is a very difficult problem for a novice consultant, who often worries too much about what else to ask the client, and forgets that, first of all, the client must be listened to. If interrogation is turned into the main technique of counseling, then counseling will turn into interrogation or investigation. In such a situation, the client will leave the counselor's office with the feeling that he was not so much understood and called to emotional participation in the counseling contact as interrogated.

Too much questioning during counseling creates many problems (George, Cristiani, 1990):

turns the conversation into an exchange of questions and answers, and the client begins to constantly wait for the consultant to ask about something else;

forces the consultant to take full responsibility for the course of counseling and the topics of the problems discussed;

moves the conversation from emotionally colored topics to a discussion of the facts of life;

"destroys" the mobile nature of the conversation.

For these reasons, budding consultants are generally discouraged from asking clients questions, except at the very beginning of counseling.

There are a few other rules to keep in mind when asking questions to clients:

Questions "Who, what?" most often focused on facts, i.e. questions of this type increase the likelihood of factual answers.

Questions "How?" more focused on a person, his behavior, inner world.

Questions "Why?" often provoke defensive reactions of clients, so they should be avoided in counseling. Asking a question of this type, most often you can hear answers based on rationalization, intellectualization, since it is not always easy to explain the real reasons for one’s behavior (and “why” questions are primarily directed at them, due to many rather contradictory factors.

It is necessary to avoid posing several questions at the same time (sometimes other questions are included in one question). For example, “How do you understand your problem? Have you ever thought about your problems before?”, “Why do you drink and fight with your wife?” In both cases, it may not be clear to the client which of the questions to answer, because the answers to each part of the double question may be completely different.

The same question should not be asked in different formulations. It becomes unclear to the client which of the options to answer. Such behavior of the consultant when asking questions indicates his anxiety. The consultant should "voice" only the final versions of the question.

You can’t ask a question ahead of the client’s answer. For example, the question “Is everything going well?” most often encourages the client to give an affirmative answer. In this case, it is better to ask an open question: “How are things at home?” In such situations, clients often take the opportunity to give a vague answer, such as: "Not bad." The consultant needs to clarify the answer with another question of this type: “What does “not bad” mean to you?” This is very important, since we often put quite different content into the same concepts.

Clarifying and deepening formulations. Let's see how the above dialogue develops further. Recall that the last remark belonged to the client and sounded like this:

Client: That I am also a person, that I am not so bad ...

Consultant: That is, you would like your mother-in-law to understand how good you are, so that she finally appreciates you.

Client: Well, yes, but it's hardly possible.

Let's analyze the consultant's remark. Such formulations, in which what the client said is deepened and clarified, are often found in the dialogue. This group of statements includes both clarifying questions like “How did you feel your confusion?”, And reformulation of what was said: “You felt confused, that is, you got the feeling that you did not understand what was happening?”, And remarks that deepen what was expressed by the client feelings: "You have lost the feeling that someone needs you, that someone is really interested in your presence." The use of such formulations allows you to gradually transfer the client's story from the level of more superficial to deeper experiences. It is important that the careful, step-by-step use of such comments allows, without entering into a confrontation with the client and without provoking resistance, to more accurately characterize his state and experiences, expand the area of ​​​​realized and understood by him and, thus, prepare the ground for the implementation of corrective influence.

Clarifying and reformulating, the psychologist should in no case go beyond the obvious for the client, each step should logically follow from the previous one, as, for example, in the dialogue we are discussing, the phrases “how good you are” and “appreciated” are directly related to each other. another, but the second of them is undoubtedly stronger and more emotionally charged than the first. The purpose of clarifications usually consists in a fuller, more multifaceted coverage of what is happening with a person and linking the facts received with his relationship with others. So, if the mother-in-law is completely absent in the wording “how good you are”, then “appreciated” already clearly refers to her, indicates a certain nature of the client’s relationship, without unambiguously naming what these relationships are, and due to this, without causing the latter premature resistance to the consultant's remarks. Thus, in a certain sense, the psychologist, as it were, "lures" the interlocutor into the "depth of his own experiences", helps to look into the still unknown corners of his own emotions, preparing him to accept the interpretation.

Thus, the conversation about the technology of conducting a consultative conversation can be continued for a very long time. In addition, each experienced professional has his own tricks and "tricks" that help in working with a variety of clients. But to conclude this section, I would like to repeat once again: in order to master all these techniques at a really high level, you need long hours of work under the supervision of an experienced professional supervisor. Only in this case, you can see yourself from the outside, understand and reflect on a lot that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Bibliographic list

1.Aleshina Yu.E. Individual and family psychological counseling. - Ed. 2nd. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 1999. - 208 p. - (Library of psychology and psychotherapy).

2.Bondarenko A.F. Psychological assistance: theory and practice. - Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M.: Independent firm "Class", 2001. - 336 p. - (Library of Psychology and Psychotherapy, issue 94).

.Boronova G.Kh. Psychology of work: Lecture notes / G.Kh. Boronova, N.V. Trusova. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 160 p.

.Gladding, S. Psychological counseling / S. Gladding. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 736 p.

.George, R. Counseling: theory and practice. Per. from English. A. Shadura / R. George, T. Christiani. - M.: Eksmo, 2002. - 448 p.

.Dubrovina I.V. etc. Psychology: Textbook for students. avg. ped. textbook institutions / I.V. Dubrovina, E.E. Danilova, A.M. parishioners; Ed. I.V. Dubrovina - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999. - 464 p.

.Zabrodin, Yu.M. Psychological counseling / Zabrodin Yu.M., Pakhalyan V.E.: ed. Ed. Yu.M. Zabrodin. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 384 p.

.Karvasarsky B.D. Clinical Psychology: Textbook 3rd Edition / Ed. B.D. Karvasarsky - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2008. - 960 p.

.Kociunas R. Fundamentals of psychological counseling. M.: "Academic project" M., 1999 - 150 p.

.Maklakov A.G. M 15 General psychology: a textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 583 p.

.Menovshchikov, V.Yu. Introduction to psychological counseling / V.Yu. Changers. - M.: Meaning, 2000. - 109 p.

.Meshcheryakova B., Psychology. Complete encyclopedic reference book / Comp. And common. Ed. B. Meshcheryakova, V. Zinchenko. - St. Petersburg: prime - EUROZNAK, 2007. - 896 p.

.May, R. The Art of Psychological Counseling. Per. from English. T.K. Kruglova / R. May. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 1994. - 144 p.

.Nemov R.S.N50 Fundamentals of psychological counseling: Proc. for stud. pedagogical universities. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1999. - 394 p.

.Osipova A.A. General psychocorrection. Textbook for university students - M.: TC Sphere, 2008. - 512 p.

.Palatkina G.V. Ethnopedagogy [text]: textbook / G.V. Palatkin. - Astrakhan: Astrakhan University Publishing House 2008. - 270, p.


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Individual conversation- a diagnostic method that allows you to establish direct contact with the subject, to obtain information about his subjective world, about the motives of his activities and behavior.

The conversation method is used with other methods such as questionnaires, observation and experiment. However, in the practical work of a number of leading psychologists of the world, conversation was used as an independent research method (“clinical conversation” by J. Piaget, “psychoanalytic conversation” by Z. Freud). The possibilities that this method provides, in terms of the depth of penetration into the essence of the issue under study, have not yet been fully used in research. Unlike the questionnaire method, this method is still relatively little used.

A conversation is a method of obtaining information based on the interlocutor's answers to questions posed by a psychologist in direct contact. During the conversation, the researcher reveals the characteristics of the behavior and mental state of the interlocutor. The condition for the success of the conversation is the subject's trust in the researcher, the creation of a favorable psychological atmosphere. Useful information during the conversation is given by the external behavior of the subjects, their facial expressions, gestures, intonation of speech.

The purpose of the conversation method usually, verification and clarification in direct communication with the interlocutor of a number of questions incomprehensible to the psychologist that arose in the course of studying the socio-psychological and individual psychological qualities of his personality are usually put. In addition, the purpose of the conversation is to clarify the structure of the motivational sphere, since behavior and activities are usually determined not by one, but by several motives, which can most likely be identified in communication with the interlocutor. The conversation allows you to mentally simulate any situation that the psychologist needs. It goes without saying that intentions are best judged by actions, not words. However, the interlocutor's subjective states may not find expression in his behavior in given circumstances, but they manifest themselves in other conditions and situations. Successful use of conversation as a research method is possible with the appropriate qualifications of a psychologist, which implies the ability to establish contact with the subject, to give him the opportunity to express his opinion as freely as possible. The art of using the conversation method is to know what to ask and how to ask. Subject to the requirements and proper precautions, the conversation allows you to get no less reliable than in observation or in the psychological analysis of documents, information about the events of the past, present or planned future. However, during the conversation, it is necessary to separate personal relationships from the content of the conversation.

The advantage of the conversation method is that it is based on personal communication, which eliminates some of the negative points that arise when using the questionnaire. The conversation also gives greater confidence in the correct understanding of the issues, since the researcher has the opportunity to explain the issue in detail. Greater reliability of the answers is also assumed, because the oral form of the conversation, which is conducted by only two persons, creates the preconditions that the answers to the questions will not be announced.

Disadvantage of the conversation method in comparison with the questionnaire, there is a stretch, a rather slow accumulation of data in surveys of a mass nature. That is why, in practice, they are more willing to resort to a questionnaire, since it saves time.

In psychology, the method of conversation is widespread, although most often it is used in a complex of research methods (for example, to obtain indicative data in socio-psychological research or psychological examination, etc.). It should be borne in mind that non-any conversation is a special scientific method. A conversation conducted by a specialist differs from ordinary communication and conversation in its purposefulness, planning, and accuracy of wording. The conversation can be conducted on free topics and on a specific topic, purposefully in compliance with certain rules and without rules. The difference between them lies in the fact that a purposeful, so-called controlled, conversation is built in strict accordance with the given conditions, which must be strictly observed. Such conditions include, for example, the posing of questions, their order, the duration of the conversation. Conversation as a method of obtaining data by a psychologist directly from the subject implies compliance with a number of requirements and conditions, and also imposes a special responsibility on the psychologist. It is not only a matter of preparing for a conversation at a good level, knowing the essence of the matter, but also the ability to establish contacts with representatives of different social and age groups, nationalities, beliefs, etc. To no lesser extent, the ability to classify and realistically evaluate facts, to penetrate to the core of the problem. Since the conversation is conducted for the purpose of collecting certain information, it is important to write down the responses. In many studies, it is necessary to take notes directly during the conversation, which implies the presence of pre-prepared sheets, diagrams. However, during conversations of an individual plan, when a psychologist is asked for advice on a particular issue, it is not recommended to make notes during the conversation. It is better to write down the course of the conversation after it is over. And although in this case the accuracy of the information may deteriorate, the very fact of taking notes during an intimate conversation can cause a negative reaction in the subject and unwillingness to give truthful answers. This is precisely the reason for the complexity of the conversation method for a psychologist, who must thoroughly analyze the answers in order to discard unreliable and insignificant ones, but focus on the facts that in this case are carriers of the necessary information.

Obtaining information in a conversation is based on the verbal communication of the researcher and the subject, on direct social interaction, which determines the great possibilities of this method. Personal contact helps to better understand the motives of the interlocutor, his position. The flexibility of this method ensures good adaptation to various situations, contributes to an in-depth understanding of the entire context, as well as the motives of individual interlocutor answers. The researcher not only receives information, as when using other methods, but, taking into account the reaction of the respondent, can, in accordance with it, direct the conversation in the right direction. The direct contact of the subject and the researcher requires from the latter certain personality traits, such as the flexibility of the mind, sociability, the ability to win the trust of the person with whom he is talking. Flexibility of mind- the ability to navigate the situation well, quickly make the best decisions. Sociability- the ability to get in touch, overcome prejudices, gain trust, the location of the interlocutor.

An individual conversation takes place in conditions of direct communication, which increases the role of psychological skill, versatility of knowledge, quickness of thinking, and observation of a psychologist. Observation- the ability to identify, evaluate individual signs of events.

If the psychologist manages to create an atmosphere of trust and sincerity, the method of conversation will allow him to receive information that cannot be obtained by any other method. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly ensure that the interlocutor's answers are free from the influence of personal relationships established between the respondent and the interviewer, from the way the question is posed.

In accordance with how many people take part in the conversation, there are conversations individual(the researcher is talking to one person) and group(simultaneous work of the researcher with several people).

According to the structure of questions, standardized (structured, formalized), non-standardized (unstructured, non-formalized) and partially standardized conversations are distinguished.

involves the preliminary formulation of questions and the determination of their order. The information received in this case can be relatively easily processed, but the depth of knowledge decreases. With this form of conversation, the danger of obtaining inaccurate and incomplete data is not excluded. Standardized conversation is used most often when it is necessary to find out certain trends in the phenomena being studied, while covering a large number of people.

Non-standardized (unstructured, non-formalized) conversation passes in a focused or free manner. Of course, the researcher prepares in advance the questions to be posed, but their content, sequence and wording are determined by the situation of the conversation, depend on the questioner, who adheres to a predetermined scheme. The disadvantage of this form of work is the complexity of processing the information received. Non-standardized conversation is often used in cases where the researcher is first introduced to the problem under study.

However, it is usually considered the most convenient partially standardized conversation. Like other methods, the conversation method can have various transitional options that correspond to the subject and objectives of the study. In cases where the researcher is already oriented in existing relationships and is studying a certain aspect of the problem, he can successfully apply the method of partially standardized conversation. The main condition for effectiveness in this case is clearly defined goals and a detailed development of a research plan.

By organizational form Distinguish the following types of conversation: a conversation at the place of work, a conversation at the place of residence, a conversation in the office of a psychologist. Depending on the organizational form, the features of the conversation manifest themselves in different ways.

Conversation at the place of work or occupation is usually carried out at the workplace or in the office. It is most appropriate when production or educational teams are being studied, and the subject of research is related to production or educational problems. For example, if the conversation with the subject takes place in the usual conditions, where he usually works or studies, then all the circumstances related to the subject of the conversation are more quickly updated in his mind.

Conversation at the place of residence is carried out at home, where a person has a lot of time and freedom. It becomes preferable if the subject of the conversation concerns such problems that it is more convenient to talk about in an informal setting, free from the influence of official or educational relations. Under familiar conditions, the interlocutor is more willing to answer questions that require the disclosure of confidential information.

Conversation in the psychologist's office, as a rule, completes a comprehensive examination of the psychological qualities of a person and allows you to obtain information that is difficult to provide in questionnaires and tests. The conversation becomes less formal than in the office.

Regardless of the place of the conversation, it is worth taking care of eliminating or at least reducing the influence of "third" parties. Experience shows that even the silent presence of a “third” person (colleague, family member, guest, neighbor) during a conversation affects the psychological context of the conversation and can cause a shift in the content of the subject’s answers.

Standardized (structured, formalized) conversation- a type of conversation in which communication between the researcher and the subject is strictly regulated by a detailed questionnaire and instructions. Standardized conversation is usually dominated by closed questions. When using this type of conversation, the researcher must strictly adhere to the wording of the questions and their sequence.

The wording of the questions should be designed not for reading, but for the situation of the conversation. The conversation plan is developed not in a “written”, but in a colloquial, oral style. For example, a question might be worded like this: “I will list you different types of activities in your free time. Tell me, please, which of them do you usually do when you have free time?”.

The subject must carefully listen to the question and choose the most suitable answer for him from a pre-thought-out set. If during the conversation there is a need to explain to the subject an unclear word or the meaning of the question, the researcher should not allow arbitrary interpretation, deviation from the meaning of the original wording of the question.

The advantages of this type of conversation are that the most complete description of the facts will be obtained, since the researcher “rigidly” leads the subject according to the conversation plan, without missing a single important detail. At the same time, it is precisely with this circumstance that the possible influence of the prestige factor is connected: the desire of the subject to comply with regulatory requirements in his answers, regardless of the actual state of affairs.

Thus, in a situation of a standardized (formalized) conversation, the researcher is given primarily a performing role. In this form of conversation, the researcher's influence on data quality can be minimized.

Partially Standardized Conversation- a type of conversation in which communication between the researcher and the subject takes place using open questions and provides for a lesser degree of standardization of the behavior of the researcher and the subject. The researcher develops a detailed conversation plan that provides for a strictly mandatory sequence of questions and their formulation in an open form, that is, without answer options. The researcher reproduces the questions without any deviation from the given wording, and the subject gives answers in free form. The task of the researcher is to register them completely and clearly. The method of fixing answers is also standard and provided for by the instructions. This may be a literal recording with the preservation of the subject's vocabulary (including shorthand or tape recording). Sometimes a direct encoding of answers during a conversation is used. In this case, after each question, a scheme for classifying answers is given, in which the researcher marks the necessary positions. For example, after the question: “What newspapers do you read?” - the questionnaire contains a list of newspapers of interest to the researcher, as well as a position - “other newspapers”.

This type of conversation requires somewhat more time and labor: the subject takes longer to think and formulate answers, and the researcher spends more time registering them. The time spent on coding and subsequent analysis of the content of the answers is growing. It is for these reasons that partially standardized conversation with open questions is used less frequently than standardized conversation. At the same time, not all tasks require formalized, unified information. In a number of cases, it is of particular value to take into account the widest possible range of differences in the behavior, opinions, and assessments of the subjects, and such information can be obtained only by reducing the standardization of the conversation, giving the researcher greater freedom in recording the statements of the subjects.

The statements of the subjects can vary significantly in form, content, volume, composition, completeness, level of awareness, analytical insight into the essence of the proposed question. All these features of the received answers become the subject of analysis. A kind of “payment” for this clarification of information is the additional time spent on collecting and processing data. Similar interdependencies of research tasks, quality and content of information, as well as time and labor costs are also characteristic of other types of conversation.

Focused Conversation is the next step leading to a decrease in the standardization of the behavior of the researcher and the interlocutor. It aims to collect opinions, assessments about a specific situation, phenomenon, its consequences or causes. The subjects in this type of conversation are introduced to the subject of the conversation in advance: they read a book or an article, participate in a seminar, the methodology and content of which will then be discussed, etc. Questions for such a conversation are also prepared in advance, and their list is mandatory for the researcher: he can change their sequence and wording, but he must receive information on each issue.

Free conversation characterized by minimal standardization of the behavior of the researcher and the subject. This type of conversation is used in cases where the researcher is just starting to define the research problem, clarifies its specific content in specific conditions.

A free conversation is conducted without a pre-prepared questionnaire or a developed conversation plan. Only the topic of the conversation is determined, which is offered to the interlocutor for discussion. The direction of the conversation, its logical structure, the sequence of questions, their wording - everything depends on the individual characteristics of the one who conducts the conversation, on his ideas about the subject of discussion, on the specific situation.

The information obtained in this case does not need to be unified for statistical processing. It is valuable and interesting precisely for its uniqueness, breadth of associations, analysis of the specifics of the problem under study in specific conditions. Answers are recorded with maximum accuracy (preferably shorthand or tape). To summarize the answers, traditional methods of content analysis of texts are used.

List of used literature

1. Gusev A., Izmailov Ch., Mikhalevskaya M. Measurement in psychology. General psychological practice. - M .: UMK Psychology, 2005 (Grift of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).

2. Ramendik D.M. Psychological workshop. Series: higher professional education. - M.: Academia, 2006 (Vulture of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation).


The topic is relevant, because with all the variety of methods of psychological and pedagogical research, scientists of all times in conversations received such information that it is impossible to obtain by any other means. In conversations, dialogues, discussions, people's attitudes, their feelings and intentions, assessments and positions are revealed. Pedagogical conversation as a research method is distinguished by purposeful attempts of the researcher to penetrate into the inner world of the interlocutor, to identify the reasons for one or another of his actions. Information about the moral, ideological, political and other views of the subjects, their attitude to the problems of interest to the researcher is also obtained through conversations.

The essence of the conversation method

A conversation is a method of verbally obtaining information from a person of interest to the researcher by conducting a thematically directed conversation with him.

The conversation is widely used in medical, age, legal, political and other branches of psychology. As an independent method, it is especially intensively used in practical psychology, in particular in consultative, diagnostic and psycho-corrective work. In the activities of a practical psychologist, conversation often plays the role of not only a professional method of collecting psychological information, but also a means of informing, persuading, and educating.

Conversation as a research method is inextricably linked with conversation as a way of human communication, therefore its qualified application is unthinkable without fundamental socio-psychological knowledge, communication skills, and the communicative competence of a psychologist.

In the process of communication, people perceive each other, understand others and their “I”, therefore the method of conversation is closely connected with the method of observation (both external and internal). Non-verbal information obtained during an interview is often no less important and significant than verbal information. The inextricable link between conversation and observation is one of its characteristic features. At the same time, a conversation aimed at obtaining psychological information and having a psychological impact on a person can be attributed, along with self-observation, to the most specific methods for psychology.

A distinctive feature of the conversation in a number of other verbal and communicative methods is the free, relaxed manner of the researcher, the desire to liberate the interlocutor, to win him over. In such an atmosphere, the sincerity of the interlocutor increases significantly. At the same time, the adequacy of the data on the problem under study obtained during the conversation increases.

The researcher must take into account the most common causes of insincerity. This is, in particular, the fear of a person to show himself from a bad or funny side; unwillingness to mention third parties and give them characteristics; refusal to disclose those aspects of life that the respondent considers intimate; fear that unfavorable conclusions will be drawn from the conversation; antipathy to the interlocutor; misunderstanding the purpose of the conversation.

For a successful conversation, the beginning of the conversation is very important. To establish and maintain good contact with the interlocutor, the researcher is recommended to demonstrate his interest in his personality, his problems, his opinions. At the same time, open agreement or disagreement with the interlocutor should be avoided. The researcher can express his participation in the conversation, interest in it by facial expressions, postures, gestures, intonation, additional questions, specific comments. The conversation is always accompanied by observation of the appearance and behavior of the subject, which provides additional, and sometimes basic information about him, his attitude to the subject of the conversation, to the researcher and the surrounding environment, about his responsibility and sincerity.

From the history of the method of conversation. Conversation is one of the survey methods for studying personality in psychology. Psychologists of various schools and trends widely use it in their research. Among them are J. Piaget and representatives of his school, humanistic psychologists, founders and followers of "depth" psychology.

The historical past of the conversation should be sought in the dialogues of Socrates and the Sophists, where the forms of the conversation were associated with the various positions that the participants were required to take and the goals that the conversation could pursue. The main goal of sophistical dialogue is conversation as such; the questioner's task is to make the answerer contradict himself, and the responder's task is to avoid this trap at all costs. The main goal in the conversation of Socrates is the search and finding of truth, the essence of things. The task of the respondent was to, starting from an intuitive idea of ​​some quality, virtue, to give its verbal definition as a concept. The questioner's task was to lead the interlocutor to the path of revealing those concepts that the determiner owns, but so vaguely that he was not able to give them an exact definition.

The creation of scientific psychology in the middle of the 19th century began with the development of research methods on the basis of which it would be possible to build a scientific theory: experiment, comparative method, as well as survey methods, which include questionnaire and conversation (interviewing). The source of these methods was the parallel development of sociology and the practice of mass surveys of the population. At this time, the questionnaire began to be used very widely in psychological research. F. Galton was one of the first to use it to study the mental abilities and conditions for the development of scientists; a little later, A. Binet developed a questionnaire for the study of the intelligence of children; S. Hall actively used the questionnaire method in the framework of genetic psychology. Nowadays, the method of conversation has gained recognition and widespread use thanks to Carl Rogers, who proposed a "client-centered" approach to therapy. Within the framework of this approach, the conditions for a successful therapeutic conversation are most fully considered.

Psychological characteristics of the conversation. Conversation is a method of obtaining information based on verbal (verbal) communication. Conversation as a method of psychological research can be used independently, or can be used as an additional method in the structure of the experiment at the first stage (collection of primary information about the subject, instruction, motivation, etc.), and at the last stage - in the form of a post-experimental interview, or supplement observation results. The use of this method has age restrictions. They are connected with the characteristics of the age of children: up to a certain age, a child cannot always give a verbal account of his experiences, feelings, explain his preferences and actions. The ability for extra-situational-personal communication with an adult is manifested in a child only by the middle of preschool age; during the conversation, the subject may consciously or unconsciously distort the true information, in connection with which the importance of non-verbal means of communication increases, the interpretation of which imposes additional requirements on the qualifications of the researcher, his skill and professional maturity.

object conversation is a person; subject can become a variety of mental phenomena, relationships and aspects of human life. Depending on the specific goals, the subject of the conversation may be:

Individual psychological properties of a person (features of the cognitive sphere; abilities; character);

Features of the motivational sphere (needs, interests, inclinations);

The system of social relations of the individual;

Self-consciousness (I-concept, self-esteem, self-attitude);

The semantic sphere of personality (values, meanings, existential problems), etc.

The general direction of the conversation depends on the goals and objectives of a particular study. The conversation can act as diagnostic tool, the main function of which is to obtain as rich, complete, and correct information as possible. The conversation can also be viewed as psychotherapeutic tool. In this case, this method is a means of verbalization, comprehension, awareness, transformation of individual experience, its main function is to help the client in the processes of self-change and personal growth.

Conversation types. One of the main criteria for classifying a conversation as a certain type is the features of a pre-prepared plan (programs and strategies) and the nature of the standardization of the conversation, i.e. tactics. Under program And strategy imply a set of semantic topics compiled by a psychologist in accordance with the goals and objectives of the conversation and the sequence of movement between them. The higher the degree of standardization of the conversation, the more rigorous, defined and invariable the set and form of the psychologist's questions in it, i.e., the more rigid and limited is his tactics. The standardization of the conversation also means that the initiative in it moves to the side of the psychologist who asks questions.

A fully controlled conversation implies a rigid program, strategy and tactics, and a practically free conversation implies the absence of a pre-formulated program and the presence of an initiative position in the conversation with the one with whom it is conducted. In addition to the types presented, there are the following main types of conversation (see Table 1).

Some researchers, within the framework of the conversation method, distinguish clinical conversation. The term "clinical conversation" was assigned to a method of studying a holistic personality, in which, in the course of a dialogue with the subject, the researcher seeks to obtain the most complete information about his individual personality characteristics, life path, the content of his consciousness and subconsciousness. Clinical conversation is most often carried out in a specially equipped room. Often it is included in the context of psychological counseling or psychological training.

A special place in her work was assigned to clinical conversation B.V. Zeigarnik. clinical conversation can be considered in the broadest sense of the word, because "this is not a conversation of a doctor, this is a conversation of an experimental psychologist with a mentally ill person, with a somatically ill person, with a person who has fallen ill and is in a hospital or comes to a dispensary." “The conversation is not held at all. The interview is always conducted on the basis of many indicators, conditions, parameters that you received from the doctor with whom you talked, from the medical history. But this does not mean that the conversation should concern the very symptoms of the disease, the disease itself ... The conversation should be conducted depending on the problems that are facing practical pathopsychologist... The nature of our questions, our conversation, should depend on how the patient relates to the whole situation of the conversation. Whether he entered gloomy or cheerful, or with an open mind.

Table 1. Psychological characteristics of conversation types

Conversation type

Main features and possibility of use




Rigid program, strategy and tactics. They are used in the event that the psychologist has already established cooperation with the interlocutor, the problem under study is simple and is of a partial nature.

Gives the opportunity to compare different people; conversations of this type are more flexible in terms of time, may draw on less clinical experience of the psychologist, and limit unintended effects on the subject.

It does not seem to be a completely natural procedure, it fetters immediacy and triggers defense mechanisms.

Partially standardized

Rigid program and strategy, tactics are much more free. They are used if the psychologist has already established cooperation with the interlocutor, the problem under study is relatively simple and is of a partial nature.


The program and strategy are not predetermined, or are defined only in the main features, the tactics are completely free. It is used by a psychologist in the case of a sufficiently long communication with the interlocutor, it is possible to use it in

psychotherapeutic process.

Oriented to a specific interlocutor. It allows you to receive a lot of data not only directly, but also indirectly, maintain contact with the interlocutor, has a strong psychotherapeutic content, provides a high spontaneity in the manifestation of significant signs. It is characterized by high requirements for professional maturity and the level of the psychologist, his experience.

Limitations in application regarding the professional maturity and competence of the psychologist.

It is also necessary to take into account the attitude towards this experimenter (age, professional maturity and competence of the psychologist). “A clinical conversation cannot be schematic, it is impossible to construct a scheme for this conversation. You can schema negatively: you should not ask the patient about his symptoms, you should not repeat the doctor's questions, you should not ask how he evaluates his treatment. There are some things that should not be touched. And the positive invariants of the conversation follow from what the patient came with and, most importantly, for what task he came; and one more thing: in order to find out who is sitting in front of you, you must find out the features of his personality before the illness ... You can not approach a conversation with abstract standards. You need to think about who is sitting in front of you, what he is sitting with, for what ... The conversation of the experimenter with the patient is not limited to a conversation in the proper sense of the word, it continues further in the course of the experiment ... A psychologist is like a psychoanalyst without interpreting ideas .. You yourself must prepare for your conversation, for your behavior during the experiment... A conversation during an experiment is always active communication, and necessarily verbal, using facial expressions, gestures... Briefly summarize, there is no scheme in a conversation with a patient . There is a scheme for the experiment (From a speech by B.V. Zeigarnik at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov in 1986).

Different schools and areas of psychology apply their own strategies for conducting a clinical conversation. During the conversation, the researcher puts forward and tests hypotheses about the features and causes of personality behavior. To test these particular hypotheses, he can give the subject tasks, tests. Then the clinical conversation turns into a clinical experiment.

Conversation requirements.

The researcher should have a clear and specific goal of the conversation, but this goal should not be known to the subject.

The researcher must prepare a conversation program and a detailed development of its tactics (system and types of questions), questions compiled by the researcher must correspond to the goals of the conversation, they must be remembered.

Before conducting a conversation, it is necessary to establish a trusting relationship with the subject.

The conversation should be conducted naturally, tactfully, unobtrusively and in no case be in the nature of questioning.

First, it is worth considering ways to record data (keeping a record, using technical means, etc.); not only the content of the conversation should be recorded, but also the nature of its course: the emotional reactions of the subject, the duration of pauses, features of facial expressions, gestures, postures.

The structure of the conversation. All types of conversation have a number of structural permanent blocks, the consistent movement along which gives an idea of ​​the conversation as a whole. The stages of the conversation do not have rigid boundaries, the transitions between them are gradual and planned.

Introductory part of the conversation plays a very important role in the composition of the entire conversation. It is at this stage of the conversation that it is necessary to interest the interlocutor in the topic of the upcoming conversation, to arouse the desire to participate in it, to make clear the significance of his personal participation in the conversation. This can be achieved by appealing to the interlocutor's past experience, by showing a benevolent interest in his views, assessments, and opinions. The subject is also informed about the approximate duration of the conversation, its anonymity, and, if possible, about the goals and further use of the results. It is in the introductory part of the conversation that the first test of its stylization takes place: the vocabulary, style, conceptual form of statements should evoke and maintain a positive reaction from the interlocutor and a desire to give complete and true information. The duration and content of the introductory part of the conversation depend on the goals, objectives of the study, and also on whether it will be the only one with this interlocutor or whether it can develop.

On initial stage conversations, a special role for establishing and maintaining contact is played by the non-verbal behavior of the psychologist, which indicates understanding and support of the interlocutor. At this stage, there is a consistent implementation of the goals and objectives of the conversation.

Second phase characterizes the presence of acute open questions on the topic of the conversation, causing as many free statements as possible by the interlocutor, his presentation of his thoughts and experiences, which will allow the researcher to accumulate certain factual event information in the future.

Third stage the conversation becomes a detailed study of the content of the problems under discussion, through the transition from general open questions to specific, specific ones. This is the culmination of the conversation, one of the most difficult stages of it. The effectiveness of this stage of the conversation is determined by the ability of the psychologist to ask questions, listen to the answers, and observe the behavior of the interlocutor.

Final phase - this is the end of the conversation. At this stage, in one form or another, attempts are made to ease the tension that arises during the conversation, and appreciation for cooperation is expressed.

Verbal features of communication in a conversation: the main classifications of types of questions. It is known that there is a fairly strict semantic and formal coordination between the question and the answer. The question is built depending on the potential answer. There are several classifications of the types of questions used in a conversation.

The basis first classification types of questions put the breadth of the intended answer. It includes three groups of questions.

1. Closed questions - These are questions to which a “yes” or “no” answer is expected. They are addressed to the entire volume of the meaning contained in them. The use of questions of this type is carried out with a strictly defined purpose - to expand or narrow the speaker's initial message, to aim at making a decision. Examples of questions of this type might be: "Is that all you wanted to say?"; "It's difficult?"; "Would you rather do it yourself?" Questions of this type lead to the creation of a tense atmosphere in a conversation, switch the focus of communication from the speaker to the listener, force the speaker to take a defensive position, disrupt the course of his thoughts.

2. Open questions - these are questions that require some explanation. Questions of this type allow communication to move into a kind of dialogue - a monologue, with an emphasis on the interlocutor's monologue. Thanks to the use of questions of this type, the interlocutor has the opportunity, without preparation, at his own discretion, to build the content of the answers. These are the so-called “who”, “what”, “how”, “how much”, “why” questions. For example: “What is your opinion on this issue?”; “Why do you think this view is insufficient?”; "What are you going to do in the summer?"

3. Clarifying questions - are an appeal to the speaker for clarification. They force the interlocutor to reflect, think carefully and comment on what has already been said. For example: “Is this the problem, as you understand it?”; "What do you have in mind?". However, for in-depth clarification of the content of the interlocutor's answer, it is more convenient not to formulate questions, but to paraphrase, when the speaker is given his own message, but in the words of the listener. When paraphrasing, only the main, essential points of the message are selected. The purpose of paraphrasing is the speaker's own formulation of the message to test its accuracy. Paraphrasing can begin with the following words: “As I understand you ...”; "As I understand it, you say..."; "In other words, do you think..."; "In your opinion..."

basis second classification is the nature of the connection of questions with the studied, discussed subject. It includes the following types of questions:

1. Direct - directly related to the subject under study, for example: “Are you afraid to contact a stranger?”.

2. Indirect - more indirectly relate to the subject under study, leaving the subject a wide choice of answers, for example: “What do you do when you are afraid to turn to a stranger?”.

3. Projective - relate to the area in which the subject under study is included (“Is everyone afraid to turn to strangers?”). Additional questions should be added to them (“Well, how are you?”).

There are a number of general rules regarding unacceptable in conversation types of statements:

Leading questions should be avoided, which, by their wording, suggest the answer: “Do you, of course, like to read books?”;

Questions, the first part of which contains any evaluative position or point of view of the experimenter: “I know that confident people like you communicate easily. Is not it?";

Questions that are arbitrary, unverified, alternative in nature: “Is it easy for you to get to know other people or is it difficult for you to do this?” The subject may adhere to the third point of view;

Questions that are too broad about the subject of discussion: "How do you feel about other people?".

Non-verbal communication during conversation. Non-verbal communication includes such forms of self-expression that do not rely on words and other speech symbols. It is spontaneous and manifests itself unconsciously. Non-verbal communication contains several components.

Facial expression - facial expressions - These are expressive movements of the muscles of the face, this is an indicator of the feelings and moods of a person. Facial expressions can be lively, lethargic, pale, rich, inexpressive, tense, calm, etc. .

visual contact helps to regulate the conversation. Visual eye contact allows you to focus, means interest in the conversation. Interlocutors avoid him, discussing confusing and unpleasant issues.

Intonation and timbre of the voice. You can evaluate the tone of voice, the speed of speech, notice deviations in the construction of the phrase (agrammatisms, incomplete sentences), the frequency of pauses. These vocal expressions, along with the choice of words and facial expressions, are very important for understanding the message. The feelings of the interlocutor are reflected in the tone of voice; the strength and pitch of the voice carry additional information about the speaker's message. Speech deficiencies (increased speed of speech, mistakes and repetition of words) are more pronounced when the interlocutor is insecure, in a state of excitement or when trying to deceive.

Poses and gestures. A person's attitude and feelings can be largely determined by his motor skills (gestures, movements, body position).

Interpersonal space - shows how close or far the interlocutors are in relation to each other. The more interlocutors are interested in each other, the closer they are located. Social distance for informal social and business relationships is between 1.2 and 2.7 m, with the upper limit more in line with formal relationships.

Advantages and disadvantages of the conversation method

Advantages the method of conversation are as follows: the possibility of simultaneous study of the sides of the personality of the subject; the ability to quickly collect information about both one person and a group; the possibility of re-conducting in order to study the dynamics of changes. Flaws the method of conversation are as follows: a violation of objectivity is possible, tk. and the selection of material for the conversation, and the preparation of questions, and the establishment of contact with the subject, and the interpretation of the content of the conversation are largely dependent on the personality, skills and professional experience of the researcher.

Abstract on the topic "Conversation as a method of psychological and pedagogical research". The essence of the conversation method, the types of conversations, as well as the preparation and conduct of the conversation are considered. Attached is the material of the conversation with parents "Tell me about your child".




1. Method of conversation: its meaning and place among other methods…………………4

2.Types of conversations…………………………………………………………………………6

3.Preparing and conducting a conversation……………………………………………...8

Conclusion………………………………………………………………………… 11




The topic of the abstract is relevant, because with all the variety of methods of psychological and pedagogical research, scientists of all times in conversations received such information that it is impossible to obtain in any other way. In conversations, dialogues, discussions, people's attitudes, their feelings and intentions, assessments and positions are revealed. Pedagogical conversation as a research method is distinguished by purposeful attempts of the researcher to penetrate into the inner world of the interlocutor, to identify the reasons for one or another of his actions. Information about the moral, ideological, political and other views of the subjects, their attitudeto problems of interest to the researcher are also obtained through conversations.
The object is the methods of scientific research, the subject is conversation as a method of scientific and pedagogical research.
The work has the following goals and objectives:
1. analyze the scientific literature on the topic of research and define the concept of "conversation";
2. to identify the main types of conversations in the study of personality, to consider the structure of preparing and conducting a conversation.

  1. The conversation method: its meaning and place among other methods

Conversation is a dialogic teaching method in which the teacher, by posing a carefully thought-out system of questions, leads students to understand new material or checks their assimilation of what they have already studied.

A conversation is a question-and-answer method of active interaction between a teacher and students, which is used at all stages of the educational process: to communicate new knowledge, to consolidate, repeat, test and evaluate knowledge

Conversation is a method of collecting information based on verbal communication. It is a kind of survey and is a relatively free dialogue between the researcher and the subject on a specific topic.

Conversation is one of the most well-known methods of creative learning. It was masterfully used by Socrates. Therefore, the conversation, with the help of which the student independently discovers new knowledge for himself, is called Socratic. The leading function of this method is motivating, but it also performs other functions with no less success. There is no method so versatile and effective in all respects.

Conversation is an active, motivating method. With the help of targeted and skillfully posed questions, the teacher encourages students to recall the knowledge they already know, generalizing and developing them, quietly achieving the assimilation of new knowledge through independent reflection, conclusions and generalizations.

Conversation is a dialogue: teacher's questions and students' answers. It makes the student's thought follow the teacher's thought, as a result of which the students move step by step in mastering new knowledge. The advantages of conversation are that it activates thinking as much as possible, serves as an excellent means of diagnosing acquired knowledge and skills, contributes to the development of the cognitive forces of students, and creates conditions for the operational management of the process of cognition. The educational role of conversation is also great.

It is important to emphasize that in conversation, as in other teaching methods, cognition can develop in a deductive or inductive way. A deductive conversation is based on the general rules, principles, concepts already known to schoolchildren, through the analysis of which they come to particular conclusions. In the inductive form, conversations proceed from individual facts, concepts and, based on their analysis, come to general conclusions.

In elementary school, conversation is most effective for:

Preparing students for work in the classroom;

Familiarize them with new material;

Systematization and consolidation of knowledge;

Current control and diagnostics of mastering knowledge.

Compliance with all the necessary conditions for conducting a conversation, including the collection of preliminary information about the subjects, makes this method a very effective means of psychological and pedagogical research. Therefore, it is desirable that the interview be conducted taking into account the data obtained using methods such as observation and questionnaires. In this case, its purpose may include verification of preliminary conclusions arising from the results of psychological analysis and obtained using these methods of primary orientation in the studied characteristics of the subjects.

  1. Conversation types

Several methods for classifying conversations have been proposed. By appointment, conversations are distinguished: 1) introductory, or organizing; 2) communication of new knowledge; 3) synthesizing, or fixing; 4) control and correction.

According to the level of cognitive independence of students, reproductive and heuristic conversations are distinguished.

Reproductive conversation involves the reproducing activity of students (familiar ways of operating with familiar educational material). Heuristic conversation is aimed at organizing the search activities of students, element-by-element training in creative search in solving problematic problems. Its main function is that the teacher, with the help of specially selected questions, leads students to certain conclusions through reasoning. At the same time, students reproduce previously acquired knowledge, compare, contrast, etc. In a heuristic conversation, the teacher poses a problem and dismembers it with the help of questions in such a way that each question follows from the previous one, and together they lead to a solution to the problem.

In psychology, the following main types of conversations are distinguished:

- standardized conversation– persistent program, strategy and tactics;

- partially standardized- persistent program and strategy, tactics are much freer;

free - the program and strategy are not determined in advance, or only in basic terms, the tactics are completely free.

During the conversation, questions can be addressed to one student ( individual conversation) or students of the whole class ( frontal conversation).

Let us dwell in more detail on the classification of conversations by purpose:

1. Introductory (preparatory)The interview is usually held before the start of the study. Its purpose is to find out whether the students correctly understood the meaning of the upcoming work, whether they have a good idea of ​​what and how to do. Before the tour, practical exercises, learning new material, such conversations have a significant effect.

2. Conversation-message (explanatory) happens: catechetical (question-answer, not allowing objections, with memorizing answers); Socratic (soft, respectful on the part of the student, but allowing doubts and objections); heuristic (putting the student in front of problems and requiring his own answers to the questions posed by the teacher). Any conversation forms interest in knowledge, cultivates a taste for cognitive activity. In elementary school, all kinds of conversations are used. Teachers are increasingly introducing complex heuristic (opening) conversations that encourage children to think on their own, to go to the discovery of truth. Therefore, in the course of a heuristic conversation, they acquire knowledge through their own efforts, reflections.

3. Synthesizing, final, or reinforcingconversations serve to generalize and systematize the knowledge already available to schoolchildren.

4. Control and correction (test)conversation is used for diagnostic purposes, as well as when it is necessary to develop, clarify, supplement with new facts or provisions the knowledge that students have.

3. Preparing and conducting a conversation

In order to successfully conduct a conversation, serious preparation for it by the teacher is necessary. It is necessary to determine the topic of the conversation, its purpose, draw up a plan-outline, select visual aids, formulate the main and auxiliary questions that may arise during the conversation, think over the methodology for organizing and conducting it.

It is very important to correctly formulate and ask questions. They should have a logical connection with each other, reveal in the aggregate the essence of the issue under study, and contribute to the assimilation of knowledge in the system. In terms of content and form, questions should correspond to the level of development of students. Easy questions do not stimulate active cognitive activity, a serious attitude to knowledge. You should also not ask "prompting" questions containing ready-made answers.

The technique of question-answer training is very important. Each question is asked to the entire audience. And only after a short pause for reflection, the student is called to answer. Trainees should not be encouraged to "shout out" answers. The weak should be asked more often, giving everyone else the opportunity to correct inaccurate answers. Long or "double" questions are not asked.

If none of the students can answer the question, you need to reformulate it, split it into parts, ask a leading question. One should not achieve the imaginary independence of the trainees by suggesting suggestive words, syllables or initial letters that can be used to give an answer, especially without thinking.

The success of the conversation depends on the contact with the audience. It is necessary to ensure that all trainees take an active part in the conversation, listen carefully to questions, consider answers, analyze the answers of their comrades, and strive to express their own opinion.

Each response is carefully listened to. Correct answers are approved, erroneous or incomplete ones are commented, clarified. The student who answered incorrectly is invited to discover the inaccuracy, the mistake himself, and only after he fails to do this, comrades are called for help. With the permission of the teacher, students can ask questions to each other, but as soon as the teacher is convinced that their questions have no cognitive value and are asked for imaginary activation, this lesson should be stopped.

The teacher should be aware that conversation is an uneconomical and difficult method of teaching. It requires time, effort, appropriate conditions, as well as a high level of pedagogical skill. When choosing a conversation, it is necessary to weigh your capabilities, the capabilities of the trainees, in order to prevent the “failure” of the conversation, the consequences of which will be difficult to eliminate.

To increase the reliability of the results of the conversation and remove the inevitable shade of subjectivity, special measures are used. These include: 1. The presence of a clear, well-thought-out, taking into account the characteristics of the personality of the interlocutor and a steadily implemented conversation plan; 2. Discussion of issues of interest to the researcher in various perspectives and connections; 3. Variation of questions, posing them in a form convenient for the interlocutor; 4. Ability to use the situation, resourcefulness in questions and answers. The art of conversation needs to be learned long and patiently.

The course of the conversation with the consent of the interlocutor can be recorded. Modern technical means make it possible to do this unnoticed by the subjects.

In conclusion, it should be noted the advantages and disadvantages of the conversation as a method of psychological and pedagogical research.

Advantages of the conversation method:

Activates students;

Develops their memory and speech;

Makes students' knowledge open;

Has great educational power;

It is a good diagnostic tool.

Disadvantages of the conversation method:

Requires a lot of time;

Contains an element of risk (a student may give an incorrect answer, which is perceived by other students and recorded in their memory);

A store of knowledge is needed.


I believe that this essay has fully achieved the goals and objectives of the study. The scientific literature was analyzed, the concepts of conversation were considered from the points of view of various authors, the main types of conversations in the study of personality were identified, the structure of preparing and conducting a conversation, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, was considered.

The most widespread conversations received in educational practice. With all the richness and diversity of the ideological and thematic content, the main purpose of the conversations is to involve the students themselves in assessing the events, actions, phenomena of public life and, on this basis, to form in them an adequate attitude to the surrounding reality, to their civil, political and moral duties.

The appendix contains a protocol of a conversation with parents on the topic: "Tell me about your child."


  1. Andreev, I.D. On the methods of scientific knowledge [Text] / I.D. Andreev. – M.: Nauka, 1964. – 184 p.
  2. Ailamazyan, A.M. Method of conversation in psychology [Text] / A.M. Ailamazyan.- M.: Sense, 1999.-122 p.
  3. Bryzgalova S.I. Introduction to scientific and pedagogical research [Text]: textbook. 3rd ed., rev. and additional / S.I. Bryzgalova. - Kaliningrad: Publishing House of KSU, 2003. - 151 p.
  4. Pidkasty, P.I. Pedagogy [Text]: textbook for students of pedagogical universities and colleges / P.I. Piggy. - M .: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1996. - 455 p.
  5. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy [Text]: textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions / I.P. Sneaky. - M .: Education, 1996. - 432 p.
  6. Slastenin, V.A. Pedagogy [Text]: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. - 576 p.



Subject: Tell us about your child

diagnostic possibilities.

Conversations will provide a first impression of the child.

Material : protocol with a list of questions, a pen.

The course of the conversation

The psychologist in an individual conversation with the parents of the future first-grader solves the problem of a comprehensive and detailed (detailed) acquaintance with the atmosphere in which the child was, with the characteristics of his development and the level of pre-school preparation.

Based on the results of the conversation, a protocol is drawn up with fairly complete, meaningful, significant answers from parents to the psychologist's questions.


FULL NAME. _______________________________________________

Date of birth ________ Gender_____ Date of examination _______

Place of diagnosis _________________________________

1. What is the last name, first name and patronymic of your child.

2. What is the composition of your family? Does the child have older siblings who are in school?

3. Who is mainly involved in raising a child?

4. Did the child attend kindergarten (if “yes”, at what age, did he go there willingly)?

5. Are there any differences in the views of family members on education?

6. What methods of education (encouragement and punishment) are used in the family and how does the child react to them?

7. What kind of games does he prefer - mobile or board (such as construction), individual or collective, with the participation of other children or adults?

8. How independent is he - does he know how to occupy himself or constantly requires the attention of adults?

9. Does he perform any household chores?

10. How does the child communicate with peers - does he have friends and do they come to visit him?

11. Does he take the initiative in communication or waits to be spoken to, and maybe avoids communication altogether?

12. Do children willingly accept it in the game, are there frequent conflicts?

13. How does the child communicate with adults - with family members and with strangers?

14. Does the child have a desire to go to school, is he in a hurry
with the purchase of school supplies or does not remember it?

15. Does the child ask you to show him the letters or even teach him anything related to schooling?

16. How did the parents prepare the child for school?

17. Does he know letters (all or some)?

19. Does the child have a desire to go to school?

20. Tell about the child what you yourself consider important, characteristic for him.

Conduct procedure.

The interview is conducted without the child. It is advisable to talk to both parents. The conversation should be as confidential and informal as possible so that parents do not have the desire to present their child "in the best light."

Questions should not be read from paper. Recordings are best done not during a conversation, but after the parents leave.

If it is not possible to conduct a detailed conversation, you can limit yourself to a questionnaire that parents fill out in writing.

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