Computer training for dummies. Computer tutorial: fast, easy, efficient


I am glad that you have decided to take the initial video course - Computer Basics. This course is a textbook, which many who have passed it already call - The Computer for Dummies.

If you immediately want to start learning it, then first watch the video lesson about how to pass this tutorial, you can watch the video lesson (click on the word "here" once with the left mouse button), and then return here (it will tell you how), rewind down to the content of the video course, and start studying. Well, those who want to read the preface to the textbook - you are welcome.

A computer for dummies, or what is a computer and what is it eaten with?

For many people who are just starting to use a computer, this "use" is a real problem. After all, this ill-fated PC (personal computer, means the same as just the word “computer”, so don’t be scared) has a huge number of functions, and as I already wrote on, after a person finds the answer to one question, on its place immediately appears another fifteen.

Once, while teaching my mother and aunt, I realized that if a person is taught certain, basic, computer knowledge, then after such training, all other knowledge will be easily superimposed. But how can this base be determined, where to find such words in order to present information to novice users in such a way that computer for dummies became clear.

I decided to take on this business and wanted to create computer courses for beginners in such a way that their learning went from the simplest to the most complex. You say that everyone does it. And here it is not. Before doing my course, I read three thick textbooks on teaching a computer for dummies, looked through a bunch of sites with video lessons and articles, and noticed this thing - they begin to tell beginners literally from the first lesson what a registry is, and. But these "teachers" forget one thing, that sometimes a person does not know how to turn on a computer, and they are already starting to rub him in about what a registry is, a terribly scary word for a "teapot" (By the way, if it becomes interesting later, you can then read it, but only after going through the textbook).

My computer courses for beginners.

Let me tell you how my first course differs from others (I also have a second course - but I strongly recommend that you take it after passing the first one). And it differs in that in the very first lesson (the first video is an Introduction, but it is not considered a lesson), we will learn how to work with the mouse, yes. Believe me, knowing this will save you a lot of problems, one of these is when to click once with the mouse button, and when two (sometimes even the “oldies” get confused). mouse you will work the hardest, however, other "teachers" sometimes do not even mention the mouse, and it is with it that you will "fidget" all the time while sitting at the computer.

After that, a deeper study of what is located on the desktop will go, because it is he who opens in front of you after turning on the computer. It will be discussed in great detail about, which for many beginners is a rattling forest. After watching this tutorial, you will understand that the Start menu, one of the most convenient tools, for quick work with programs.

In the next step, we will go through the tab (sometimes it is also called "My Computer") and everything that is in it. More precisely, not everything, but what you need, since there is some files and folders, into which even good masters "climb" for a very urgent need. By the way, a couple of incomprehensible words slipped through - you will also be told about them in detail.

After which we again back to the mouse, only now to, because it requires special attention and it is imperative to know how to work with it.

After we have mastered everything that I talked about above, we will move on to more complex things, such as: and. Do you think it's difficult and scary? But no, after passing the first five lessons, you will lose this same fear, which used to slow down your learning. Here another feeling will wake up - interest. This is exactly what we need. After all, what is interesting to learn will always encourage you to learn something new, and in the end, you will not have time to blink an eye when you understand the PC at a good level.

Well, in conclusion, I will show you how to record anything,. I think it's important to know this because learning how to write information to disk, with recording to a USB flash drive, you will not have any problems at all. A flash drive is a very necessary thing, and you need to be able to handle it.

Well here's a brief overview of the tutorial and finished, its meaning is very simple:

1. In the beginning, we study what is the basis of the basics (mouse, desktop)
2. After that, the environment in which we will work (My computer, Start)
3. Working with the program (Installation, and in fact, the work itself (for example, Word, Excel))

As you understand, we go from simple to complex.

Well, it remains for me to wish you a successful passage of this tutorial! To understand how to watch video tutorials correctly, be sure to study this short article - (click once, with the left mouse button). And then you can start going through the tutorial. Good luck!

As a rule, pensioners have to devote more time to master new concepts and phenomena - the principle of intuitiveness, on which the curriculum is built for people who own any modern gadgets, is not so effective in this case. Therefore, teaching computer literacy for the elderly requires a special approach. For example, a deep dive into the technical aspects of a PC will be redundant, but the functional purpose of each element, program or device that you will encounter when using a computer needs to be given more attention.

What you need to know to work effectively on a PC:

  • Key components of a computer or laptop and their purpose;
  • What is an operating system (OS) and why is it needed;
  • Basic controls (menus, buttons, scroll bar, cursor), places and principles of organizing files and folders on a PC (desktop, control panel, system drives);
  • Input-output devices (keyboard, mouse, printer) and data storage (disks, flash drives);
  • Turning on and off the PC, opening, closing and saving files and folders;
  • Built-in programs and applications in the Windows operating system;
  • Internet access, browsers, e-mail registration;
  • Principles of information search in search engines;
  • Addresses of useful sites and portals for various tasks;
  • Social networks: registration and search for contacts;
  • Registration and making calls in Skype/

As you can see, the list is not so extensive - in just a few weeks of careful and consistent study, you will be able to independently perform all the necessary operations. Do not give up if something does not work out: the path from ignorance to knowledge goes through practice. By performing the same operation several times, you will form a skill that will become natural to you over time. Spend a couple of hours a day studying and you will see how easy it is!

It is important for older people to pay attention to eye protection when working with a PC. Ask your relatives or computer literacy teachers to teach you how to set a convenient font size and icons on the screen, periodically look away from the monitor and do simple eye exercises. You can also order special glasses for working with a PC - they will help relieve eye strain.

Another important point is information security when using the Internet. Reasonable caution when communicating with strangers on the Web will never be superfluous. Do not tell anyone the passwords for your accounts and personal accounts, as well as passwords and bank card details. You should not share personal details and details of financial affairs, especially on public online platforms and when communicating with virtual acquaintances. Computer literacy courses will teach you how to shop safely online and how to stay safe online.

When teaching computer literacy, a systematic approach is needed and the opportunity to get answers and explanations on incomprehensible points. Therefore, self-study of the computer by pensioners is much less effective than courses designed taking into account the peculiarities of the perception of older people and conducted by experienced and friendly teachers.

The GTSDPO regularly takes part in PC courses for pensioners in Moscow. Training takes place in equipped classrooms near the metro, and prices are affordable for absolutely everyone - only 2900 rubles for 12 lessons!

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The main task of a computer is to provide the user with the most efficient performance of tasks. Nowadays, in many jobs you need to be able to use iron, but not everyone copes with this. This article will provide a brief instruction on how to learn how to work on a computer for free.

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You will need

  • computer;
  • study guides;
  • computer courses.


  • Learn touch typing (ten-finger touch typing). In many cases, working at a computer is associated with typing, which is why it is important to type quickly without looking at the keyboard. People who master this method can type over 300 characters per minute.
  • Try to avoid the "poke method", this path is very tortuous: many programs cannot be understood on an intuitive level.
  • Make it a habit to read the built-in documentation for all new distributions. So you can reduce the time for studying programs, and you can work more productively.
  • Remember the combination of hot keys and then use them in your work. They exist in almost all software.
  • It is worth optimizing the virtual workspace. You can bring shortcuts to the programs and folders that you use daily on your desktop.
  • Structure the data that is stored on the hard drive. Place text documents in one folder, photos in another, videos in a third. Make it so that the search for the necessary information takes a minimum of time.
  • If you realize that you are not very good with a computer, it is worth hiring a tutor or enrolling in computer literacy courses. So you can get rid of the need to study from books and get the same amount of knowledge faster.


If you have managed to master the computer to the level of an ordinary user and want to study further, then you can learn from books, only you need to avoid materials for beginners, because then you will have to filter out more unnecessary information. Give preference to books for advanced users or professionals.

Do not be afraid to introduce a virus into your computer or break it, constantly study unknown computer functions. Confidence is only half the battle.

If you decide to find a tutor or sign up for computer literacy courses, you don’t need to rely on them for everything: you should always take the initiative. Otherwise, you will automatically always wait for advice, and the necessary information will be more difficult to remember.

Video lessons

Computers have become firmly established not only in the working sphere of human life, but also in everyday life. Using a computer or laptop does not seem like something surprising and complicated, but there are people who are just starting to master the PC and learn about its capabilities. Denis Kolisnichenko's book "The Computer Work Tutorial" is an understandable, informative, but at the same time short reference book. It gives the necessary knowledge without overloading the reader, the information from it is enough to comfortably use a computer without experiencing difficulties.

From this book, readers will be able to find answers to the most popular and difficult questions. The author tells what a computer is, what are the features of the monitor, what the system unit consists of. Each component is described in great detail. Further, the author of the book gives the reader the opportunity to decide on the choice of computer. He talks about the advantages and disadvantages of computers and laptops, gives advice on choosing a processor, motherboard, video card. The book tells how the amount of RAM affects the operation of the computer and other nuances.

It is important for any PC user to choose a comfortable keyboard and mouse, this is also discussed in this book. There are also explanations about the purpose of different keys. The following are tips for choosing a printer and scanner. The issue of choosing a laptop is considered separately. Readers will be able to learn from this book how to independently connect all the details of a computer, so as not to invite a specialist, how to turn it on and off correctly. The tutorial will teach you to understand how the computer works, what functions it can perform, you can turn to it at any time for help in order to work on the computer efficiently and with pleasure.

On our site you can download the book "Tutorial for working on a computer" Kolisnichenko Denis Nikolaevich for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read a book online or buy a book in an online store.

Greetings, dear blog visitors. In touch with you, as always, Dmitry Smirnov, the author of this blog. In this article I want to tell you about how to learn a computer, actually how to learn how to work on a computer and what you need for this!

Since the beginning of the 21st century, people have become much more active in using various kinds of technology. Most devices are extremely easy for a person to master, but as for computers, this is another more difficult issue. Children are the fastest to master new computers and gadgets, and this happens because they do not fool themselves for a long time by reading various literature. Toddlers want to practically touch and press everything, and in the course of such studies they learn what and how to do. Adults take this issue more seriously, they are afraid to experiment in order to avoid equipment breakdowns and other unpleasant moments. Every adult, and especially an elderly person, wants to know how to learn how to work on a computer quickly and, most importantly, without financial investments. By the way, in my last article I wrote about

The process of learning computer literacy at first glance seems very difficult, older people consider this an unattainable goal for themselves. Opening the manual for this technical device, everyone immediately begins to be afraid of complex and incomprehensible terminology, but it turns out that it is not so terrible.

If we consider in detail the supporting literature in the form of an application guide, we can realize that names and terms that are incomprehensible to a person denote a part of a computer or software. If a term is not clear in the instructions, you can always find a step-by-step guide with detailed explanations in the form of pictures.

When a person has figured out the instructions, turned on the computer, he needs to learn how to work on it - print texts, run various programs, work on the Internet and deal with both creating and storing multimedia files.

The beginner will be able to see the first hints directly on the monitor. Many icons and pictograms, due to their appearance, give a person a specific hint, an exact indication of what is hidden behind them. For example, if an image of a note is viewed in a small picture, a person will guess that he is dealing with a music player, and not with the settings menu. The same settings can be displayed on a wrench icon. This story is repeated with almost all programs on the desktop.

When a person starting to work with a computer figured out intuitively what image hides behind it, it's time to check it in practice. Here the question arises of how to do this, because with so many buttons it is not always clear which one to press.

The keyboard is a good thing, but in this case it is necessary to do without its participation. That's what a computer mouse is for. To direct the cursor - an arrow to the desired object, you need to scroll the small wheel located on the mouse between the two buttons. Bringing the cursor to the object that you want to open immediately on the monitor, you can see the name of the object or text indicating its purpose.

In order to open the desired object, you must double-click on the mouse button located on the right side. After opening the program, many stop there, not knowing how to work with it. But it's actually not that hard. Almost every program or game has a step-by-step explanation of how to use it.

The main condition for quickly mastering the nuances of computer literacy is to perform all actions independently without outside help. Having learned to work with the software, many people cannot master the skills of printing for a very long time. At the beginning, it is difficult to even find a letter on the keyboard. To learn this quickly, you do not need to read any literature or ask someone.

In order to learn how to type, there are online simulators that stimulate a person’s observation and are able to concentrate his attention on a specific object or symbol. This is done very quickly and a person, without noticing it, very quickly gets used to the keyboard layout, even though he knows where everything is. Thus, you can already safely print with two hands.

Now, there are many online training courses, but in most cases they are all paid. In order not to spend money on learning from the Internet, you can download special applications absolutely free. Thanks to such small, simple programs, you can learn how to quickly work with the appropriate software, presentations, text documents and discover other fascinating possibilities of the computer mechanism.

Thinking about how to learn how to work on a computer, you can come to the conclusion that this is quickly done with the help of screenshots - screenshots of the same computer, which shows what and how to do. A person sees a screenshot of the actions performed on it, thanks to this he focuses on his computer and eats to do the same. If there is reason to be afraid that your own actions will not be remembered, you can take a screenshot yourself - this is done by pressing a special button on the keyboard.

Working on a computer only at first glance seems complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact everything is extremely simple and you can get used to it very quickly. The main thing in the learning process is the presence of daily practical exercises, because without them even the most understandable courses and programs will not be able to help anyone.

The younger generation masters computer technology very quickly due to their courage and willingness to experiment - this is exactly what older people lack and becomes a mechanism that slows them down.

Drawing conclusions on the topic of how to learn to work on a computer, we can say the following - fast learning depends on the assertiveness of a person and his readiness for new experiments. In life, everything almost always seems complicated and unattainable, but when you soberly assess the situation and get closer to the problem, it will turn out to be a funny trifle. So it is with a computer - do not be afraid of complex terms and a large number of unfamiliar programs, if you open them all in turn and try to work in a couple of days, you can become a computer pro.

Now you know about how to learn a computer!

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