Primary training in labor protection. Labor protection training


06.04.2017 6:34:00

In accordance with the requirements of Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide training for employees in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructing on labor protection, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Training in labor protection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations”.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide training for employees in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructing on labor protection, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Training in labor protection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations" (hereinafter - Procedure No. 1/29) .

Alena Petrovna LYSAK,

Director of the Department of Additionalvocational education
JSC "Klin Institute of Safety and Labor Conditions"

All employees of the organization, including its head, are subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements. Managers and specialists of organizations must undergo special training on labor protection in the scope of job duties upon admission to work within the first month, then - as necessary, but at least once every three years. In order to ensure these requirements, the organization must build a system of training on labor protection, as well as ensure strict control over compliance with the terms of training for each employee.

Labor protection training for managers and specialists is carried out according to the relevant labor protection programs by educational institutions of vocational education, training centers and other institutions and organizations engaged in educational activities, if they have a license for the right to conduct educational activities, teaching staff specializing in labor protection , and the corresponding material and technical base. Organizations providing training in labor protection, in addition to a license for educational activities, must have a notification from the Ministry of Labor of Russia (formerly the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) on inclusion in the register of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection, in particular, training employers and employees in labor protection issues.

The register of organizations that train employers and employees in labor protection issues is posted on the website “Automated system for analysis and control in the field of labor protection. Reference information» - . To date, the number of organizations in the register exceeds 2,200. Employers face a choice - which organization to entrust with training employees in labor protection?

The following situation is currently developing on the market for advanced training in the field of labor protection: often, dumping prices for training offered to potential customers are much lower than the cost of the services provided, and, accordingly, training centers cannot provide a decent level of quality training. Some companies undertake to deliver ready-made certificates to the customer within 24 hours for 1,500 rubles. They openly declare this on their websites.

However, it is important to understand that the real cost of high-quality training of one specialist is about 3,000 rubles. This is primarily due to the fact that the list of the main costs of organizing the learning process includes:

- rent and / or maintenance of classrooms (from 8,000 rubles per day);
- payment for the work of a qualified teacher (from 5000 rubles per day or more).

Thus, for example, the main costs of the organizer of a 40-hour training course will be (8000+5000)*5=65000 rubles. The income received from a group of 20 people, based on the cost of training one specialist at 3,000 rubles, will be 60,000 rubles. It is obvious that such arithmetic is not at all interesting for most educational centers. Therefore, some unscrupulous educational organizations are trying in various ways to save on the quality and volume of services provided. Which option for training employees to prefer is up to the customer. Let's try to weigh all the "pros" and "cons", assess the possible risks of the employer when choosing the option of organizing employee training.

METHOD FIRST. Do not conduct training at all, but simply “print certificates”

Employer risk: the activities of an unscrupulous training center may be recognized as illegitimate, and, accordingly, issued certificates may be declared invalid.

Thus, the employer actually violates the requirement of Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and may be held administratively liable under part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for allowing an employee to perform work duties without undergoing training in labor protection in the prescribed manner and without testing knowledge of labor protection requirements .

Penalties: up to 130,000 rubles for each employee.

Employer actions: it is important to categorically exclude the possibility of "cooperation" with such dishonest training centers.

METHOD SECOND. Conduct employee training to a minimum

Employer risk: violation of the requirements of the law in terms of the duration of the course of study, which is clearly regulated by the Exemplary Curriculum for Training in Occupational Safety and Testing the Knowledge of Occupational Safety Requirements for Employees of Organizations, approved by the First Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation on May 17, 2004.

The fine for violation of state regulatory requirements for labor protection in accordance with part 1 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses can be up to 80,000 rubles.

Employer actions: it is necessary to choose those training centers that use a combined approach to teaching: part of the training is full-time, part - using distance learning technologies.

METHOD THREE. Conduct employee training using remote technologies

Employer risk: the financial risks of the employer are minimal, since clause 2.3.5 of Order No. 1/29 does not prohibit the conduct of training in the course "Labor protection for managers and specialists of organizations" in a remote format.

However, at the same time, there are risks associated with the safety of work, and therefore risks for the life and health of workers, if the employee has not really been trained.

Actions of employers: necessary make high demands on the quality of distance learning systems (hereinafter referred to as LMS), including the quality of the content provided by the training center.

The main document in matters of labor protection is, of course, the Labor Code. It directly outlines the obligations of both the employer "to ensure safety and working conditions that comply with state regulatory requirements for labor protection" (), and the employee - "to comply with all labor protection requirements" (Article TK RF). The principles of labor protection, the procedure for organizing the necessary activities, including training, are detailed in a separate section X (Articles 209-231).

In addition to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, federal laws, orders and resolutions, and by-laws have been developed. They establish specific requirements and standards that should be used when organizing specialized events and developing local documentation. Pay special attention to the following documents:

  • The procedure for training and testing the knowledge of employees in terms of the safety of professional activities and labor protection ( );
  • Recommendations on the organization of the work of the labor protection service in the organization (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 14 of 08.02.2000);
  • Model regulation on the committee (commission) for labor protection (dated 06/24/2014).

Who organizes the training

Who is being trained

Occupational safety training, according to, must be completed by all employees of the organization without exception:

  • managers, including employers - individual entrepreneurs;
  • specialists;
  • workers.

Those who have not completed training cannot be allowed to perform their work duties.

Instruction or training?

Depending on the profile of work and the position held, employees can master different programs. The most common type of training is instruction. All employees pass without exception.

There are several types of instruction.

1. Introductory - for all hired, as well as seconded employees of third-party organizations, that is, everyone who is associated with production activities. An introductory briefing is conducted by a labor protection specialist or an employee who is assigned these duties by order of the head.

2. Primary in the workplace - this is a briefing for all new employees, permanent and temporary, for those transferred from a neighboring unit and seconded from other organizations, as well as for those who have had a significant break in their work activities. Primary briefing is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the employee: foreman, foreman, teacher, etc.

3. Repeated - is carried out for all employees at least once every six months according to the same programs as for the initial briefing at the workplace.

4. Unscheduled - this type of training is associated with fundamental changes that affect the employee's performance of labor functions. This may be a change in legislation, a change in equipment or technological processes. Unscheduled briefing is also carried out in cases of gross violation by the employee of labor protection requirements.

5. Targeted - the need for targeted briefing arises when it comes to eliminating the consequences of accidents (natural disasters), one-time work and those types of activities that require a work permit, permit and other special documents.

For representatives of working specialties, the employer is obliged to provide additional training in safe methods and techniques for performing work. This applies to new employees and those who are transferred to another job. Training should be carried out within a month after admission / transfer to work. P the procedure and frequency of such training, as well as the format for testing the knowledge of blue-collar workers, are established by the employer based on the regulations that regulate the safety of certain types of work ().

Separate training should be organized for the head of the organization, his deputies, deputy chief engineer for labor protection, as well as for specialists of labor protection services or employees who are charged by the employer with the responsibility of organizing labor protection work. The term is the same - no later than one month from the date of employment or appointment to a position.

Important! Labor protection training for managers and specialists of the organization is included in all advanced training courses in the specialty, which are held at institutes and advanced training faculties.

Check of knowledge

Each briefing should end with an oral survey on the knowledge and skills acquired by the employee in safe working practices. For representatives of working specialties, a knowledge test is carried out by the immediate supervisor. Specialists and managers have a special commission of employees who have received the appropriate permission from a higher organization or a specialized educational institution.

Certification of managers and specialists is carried out at least once every three years, and workers - at least once a year.

The knowledge testing commission consists of at least three people: the head of the organization and / or structural unit, the chief specialist (technologist, mechanic, power engineer, etc.) safety and labor protection). Members of the commission can only be those who have been trained and tested on labor protection in the prescribed manner.

The results of testing the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of the employees of the organization are drawn up in a protocol in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to and testing the knowledge of employees in terms of the safety of professional activities and labor protection.

Important! An employee who failed to successfully pass a knowledge test after training is obliged to try again within a period not later than one month.

Conducted briefings and training, as well as the results of certifications and surveys, must be recorded in the journals and, if necessary, in the work permit for the production of work. Magazines are bound and numbered without fail. The forms and procedure for their maintenance were approved by the “System of Labor Safety Standards. Organization of labor safety training. General Provisions".

The requirement to provide employees with safe working conditions applies to all employers without exception. This area of ​​activity of enterprises has many components and is quite strictly regulated. But at the same time, labor legislation provides different options for organizing work on labor protection. The head of the enterprise should choose the appropriate option, familiarize himself with the regulatory documentation and be attentive to the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and legislative acts. And modern automation systems will help facilitate the preparation of the necessary documents.

Conducting training on labor protection is one of the main obligations of the employer related to ensuring the safety of the labor process of employees. The training includes instructing employees and training in safe working methods. The organization of training is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 and GOST 12.0.004-90.

The purpose of the OSH training:

  1. reduce the number of injuries at work, reduce the level of occupational diseases;
  2. ensure compliance with labor protection requirements throughout the enterprise;
  3. train employees in safe work practices.

Training is mandatory for all employees of the enterprise, including the head of the organization.

Who is responsible for providing OSH training?

Labor protection training at the enterprise is organized by the head of the enterprise; in workshops, at sites and in laboratories - the heads of individual departments. The timing of the organization of training is controlled by security service specialists.

The difference between briefing and training in labor protection

According to legal requirements, the provision of labor protection training should include instruction of employees and training in safe working methods. The briefing is carried out for a short time - about 2-3 hours, after which the employee is immediately interviewed for the acquisition of skills. The survey is conducted orally, and only after the successful completion of the briefing, the employee is allowed to work. The briefing ensures that the employee can properly handle the equipment, knows the technological processes and internal regulations.

Conducting training on labor protection (in the narrow sense) is carried out during the initial development of the profession by the employee. Every employee who is accepted for a position passes it. Training is carried out within a month from the moment the employee enters work, i.e. the employee can begin to perform duties without passing it. Training programs and requirements are different for different categories of workers.

The procedure for instructing employees

When conducting training on labor protection, the following types of instruction are distinguished:

  1. Introductory. All employees who are hired or transferred to a new position are instructed. The briefing takes place before the employees begin to perform their duties.
  2. Primary. Employees who work with equipment, are engaged in its maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair are instructed. The briefing is carried out for specialists who use electrified or other tools in their work, who are responsible for the storage and use of raw materials and materials.
  3. Repeated. Once every six months, employees who have passed the initial briefing are trained according to the same program.
  4. Unscheduled. It is carried out in case of a change in the type of work, the introduction of new or revision of existing standards, in case of recorded violations or accidents.
  5. Target. It is carried out before carrying out one-time work not in the specialty of the employee, during the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations, in the case of excursions to the enterprise and other public events on the territory.

After the briefing, the employee is immediately, without allocating time for preparation, questioned orally on the subject of the acquired knowledge and skills. The results of the inspection are signed by the specialist who conducted the briefing and the trained employee.

The order of training in labor protection

Training can be carried out by the organization itself if it has a commission for knowledge testing. The commission includes at least 3 people who have already been trained and tested. The commission is created by order of the head of the organization. The commission usually includes heads of structural divisions, security service specialists, and chief specialists of the enterprise.

Must be completed within one month of the employee's employment.
Employees who are transferred to another job are also required to undergo training. The duration of training, the form in which it is carried out, and the frequency are established by the employer, depending on the regulations for a particular type of work. If the organization does not have a knowledge testing commission, the manager can select employees and send them to study at an educational institution. After passing the exam, these employees will receive a certificate that will give them the right to train other employees.

In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, it is MANDATORY to have secondary vocational or higher education, confirmed by an appropriate diploma, for enrollment in advanced training courses.

Occupational Safety and Health

What is called labor protection?

This term is often compared with safety engineering. Safety is a safe way to do a job. Occupational safety is a broader definition - these are specific actions that make it possible to exclude employees from receiving various injuries and diseases at work at the enterprise. It is worth saying that this process helps to minimize their consequences.

Who is required to undergo training?

Specific categories of employees must undergo training in labor protection. We are talking about the following categories of citizens:

  • heads of enterprises and their deputies;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • chief employees of departments and heads of branches;
  • responsible representatives of departments of engineering and technical orientation (they must organize and control the performance of work at the workplace);
  • specialists involved in checking the knowledge of labor protection standards in the organization.

It is also worth mentioning that our center offers training for labor protection specialists responsible for maintaining order at various enterprises. They go through a special training course. After completing the preparatory course, any of the students will be aware of the main provisions of labor protection at the enterprise.

It is worth noting the following, the occupational safety training course assumes that the student will learn:

  • certain issues of guaranteeing health and safety standards in the workplace;
  • options - how to organize this training for employees of the enterprise;
  • how the social protection of those who have suffered in the framework of the production process is carried out.

How often is training required?

Occupational safety training must be completed once every three years (if you are a manager or a specialist at an enterprise). All other employees must be trained once a year (or their knowledge must be checked).

What is the order of learning OT?

This program was prepared for representatives of various specialties. The volume for everyone is different - so that they all competently and safely fulfill their official obligations.

Based on the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the training of labor protection managers consists of a 40-hour lecture course in the first days of work in a new place. Further, it is required to check knowledge once every few years. If any innovations and changes regarding labor protection are introduced into the existing legislation of the Russian Federation, unscheduled inspections should be carried out. Thus, the heads of these branches are obliged to prepare a short course of labor protection training for working specialties and make certain amendments to the local briefing for working personnel.

If we talk about employees of organizations, it is worth noting the following: it is necessary to check knowledge every year. The specialists of our training organization can determine which training program is suitable for the employees of your enterprise. In addition (if you so wish), they will determine the category of persons who need to take this course.

Labor protection training is necessary in various areas of production activity:

  • in the field of the national economy;
  • in the field of education;
  • in trade;
  • in medecine;
  • in the field of housing and communal services;
  • in the construction industry;
  • managers and members of commissions - they must check the knowledge of the working staff;
  • employees responsible for the use of power plants;
  • persons using tools and devices in their work;
  • persons performing their duties at a height.

The course is lectures. The course can also be completed stationary - using our modern classrooms. If this form does not suit you due to various circumstances, you can use other options. You can take distance learning (modern tools will help with this).

Our teachers are specialists with extensive experience and a high level of qualification. After studying the program, you will learn:

  • how to organize labor protection activities;
  • how to complete all documents;
  • rules and options for certification of workers.

Training in labor protection in 2017 ends with the passage of the final exam and the presentation of a special certificate. It is certified by an authorized person of the state labor institution with his signature. The document is valid for three years.

Occupational safety training for managers and specialists in Moscow can be completed with the help of our additional education center. If you have any questions or just want to order this service, just dial our phone number (it is listed on the official website) or leave a request in the appropriate window and wait for our manager to call back!

Managers and specialistsOccupational safety

Rules for labor protection when working at height

  • Workers (1 group and no group)
  • Responsible (2nd and 3rd group and without group)

Rules for working with a construction and assembly gun

  • Construction gun operator
  • Engineers of the construction and assembly gun

Intersectoral rules on labor protection in the operation of industrial vehicles (floor trackless wheeled vehicles) "(POT RM-008-99)

  • Responsible

Rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods

  • Responsible

Labor protection rules in construction

  • Managers and specialists

Rules for labor protection in housing and communal services

  • Managers and specialists

All workers, from ordinary workers to managers, are required to undergo training in labor protection. The exception is not businessmen conducting individual entrepreneurial activities. Employers need it to ensure the level of labor protection required by law at the workplace, and hired specialists for the safe performance of job duties.

For failure to comply with the requirements for the protection and safety of labor for employers, the law provides for administrative liability. Since 2015, after making adjustments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, penalties have been significantly tightened.

Why get trained

The importance of OSH training should be understood by both employers and their subordinates. It is designed to reduce the level of injuries in the course of production, improve the quality of working conditions at enterprises, and observe the rights of working citizens guaranteed by the state.

It is necessary to undergo training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements to occupy leadership positions. It is required by leaders:

  • for self-guided briefings;
  • monitoring the knowledge of subordinates in the field of ensuring and maintaining safe working conditions;
  • monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements of OTs in their areas.

Responsibility for violation of the rules and norms on labor protection determined by law is assigned to the superiors. To control their compliance with employees, training is indispensable.

The Labor Code obliges employers to provide safe working conditions for personnel and protect their work (Article 212). To do this, they must:

  • train employees in the safe performance of labor functions in accordance with the requirements established at the federal level;
  • provide personnel with protective equipment in cases required by law;
  • instruct on the creation and observance of conditions and measures for labor protection in the organization (initially, repeatedly, for separate purposes, etc.);
  • check the level of knowledge and requirements of OT with mercenaries;
  • conduct practical training in the production process.

Who must pass

Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the requirement for who should be trained in labor protection and control of knowledge of its requirements: all workers, including company managers, and individual entrepreneurs. The difference lies in the curricula developed according to the characteristics of positions and activities.

The state is obliged to protect labor and control its safety, therefore, it takes this task with particular seriousness. The laws establish norms and standards that guarantee the safety of life of citizens.

Read also Basic requirements for the qualification of a labor protection specialist

Representatives of various professions and positions are required to undergo labor protection training and inspections:

  • management of firms in charge of OT issues;
  • employees and managers who organize, manage and carry out work;
  • teachers of educational centers and institutions;
  • management and organizers of production practices of students;
  • personnel of labor protection departments, members of labor protection commissions and trade unions;
  • representatives of federal and municipal authorities who control knowledge on labor protection;
  • workers of production sites at the enterprise.

It is allowed to accompany the completed compulsory training in OT by checking the acquired knowledge in an organization where there is a commission with the authority to exercise such control. This norm is due to the impossibility of separating the management of companies from the production process for a long period. Therefore, on-the-job training is the most effective way to gain knowledge of OT.

OSH training of personnel is organized on the basis of legal documents developed and approved by authorized state bodies.

Who conducts

According to Art. 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the process of studying in OT and monitoring competence in it is established by the federal executive body, which is appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation. The participation of the Russian tripartite commission regulating social and labor disputes is obligatory. So, on January 13, 2003, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approved the current throughout the country procedure for training personnel in labor protection and conducting knowledge and requirements tests by Decree No. 1/29 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

The requirements for training in OT for the management and subordinate personnel of firms are enshrined in clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure. It is carried out according to training programs by authorized entities:

  • by the enterprises themselves;
  • institutions of specialized education;
  • training centers and other licensed educational companies.

In addition to the license, educational subjects are required to have material and technical equipment and teachers specializing in OT.

Attention! It is allowed to take courses on OT and control the knowledge of its requirements for management and employees at the employer. To do this, a commission must operate within the company, created to test professional knowledge in the field of labor protection.

The formation of the commission is carried out on the basis of the order of the director. It must include at least three people who have successfully completed OT courses and passed the test. According to clause 3.4 of the Procedure, it has the right to work:

  • senior executives of firms;
  • heads of individual divisions of companies;
  • personnel of OT departments;
  • chief specialists (such as power engineers, engineers, technologists).

Read also Tasks and powers of employees of the labor protection service at the enterprise

When organizing studies in the company, representatives of the trade union and their authorized (authorized) persons may participate in the activities of the commission. But their presence is determined by the employer independently and is not a prerequisite (clause 3.4 of the Procedure).

Within the company, training for management and staff is carried out by specialists from the HSE department. At the same time, clause 2.3.6 requires that they have a qualification level and work experience in the field of labor protection.

Thus, it is possible to train the company's personnel in labor protection at the employer's if the staff includes three persons holding managerial positions and professionals who have successfully completed earlier occupational health and safety courses in accordance with the legally established procedure.

If the subordinate has not coped with the test of knowledge of the rules and regulations on labor protection, the employer has the right to remove him from the performance of his official functions. Upon passing the exam positively, the worker receives a certificate with an imprint of the company seal, certified by the chairman of the labor protection commission working in the company. Upon receipt of a negative mark, the employee must be retested.

The employer and the OSH commission established in the company are responsible for the quality of in-company training. Its control is under the jurisdiction of the local labor inspectorate. Most companies try to prevent increased attention of this body: it is more expedient to comply with the requirements and rules for labor protection at the enterprise than to neglect them and conduct educational courses formally.

Clause 2.3.4 of the Order says that OSH training in the company should be based on training programs. Their development is carried out on the basis of exemplary educational plans and curricula approved by the representative of the employer. Unlike courses conducted by specialized institutions, in this case, these programs do not require approval from the authorities.

Clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure imposes the requirement to license educational activities in accordance with OT and the availability of teachers only to third-party educational institutions, and not to the employers themselves. Therefore, the company is not required to obtain a license to train its own personnel in OSH.

Since the firm provides training and knowledge testing for its own employees in the field of labor protection, and does not provide services in this area to other companies, it does not apply to the need to obtain accreditation (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 205n of 2010).

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