There is safety in numbers. Confirmation and refutation of a well-known expression


The meaning of the proverb "One man is not a warrior"

This old Russian proverb belongs to the category of those that suggest several versions of their origin. According to one of them, in this phrase there was a replacement of concepts due to their consonance. It is assumed that the original expression sounded like "One in the field do not ratai." The word "ratai" at the time of the appearance of the proverb meant a plowman who alone would not be able to plow a large field. "Ratay" turned out to be consonant with the word "warrior", that is, a member of the rati, an irregular peasant military unit. Subsequently, the "army" was transformed into an "army", and the "warrior" into a "warrior".

The second version indicates that the concept of "field" included not only agricultural but also military significance. Accordingly, a loner who appeared on the battlefield automatically became an easy target, rather a victim than a warrior.

There is also a third version, according to which this proverb has a continuation "One in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler." This refers to a later period of history, when the main internecine wars ceased, and travelers were able to move relatively safely between cities alone.

The widespread school interpretation of the appearance of the expression “One man is not a warrior” is interesting. It says that the problematic of the fight against the Tatar-Mongol yoke was precisely the fragmentation of the Russian principalities and their constant civil strife. The victory turned out to be possible precisely when several of them united under the pressure of Dmitry Donskoy.

In modern conditions, the proverb "One man is not a warrior" usually calls for collective action as obviously more successful. There are other Russian expressions that correspond in meaning to this one: “You can’t tie a knot with one hand”, “You can’t move a stone alone, but you can move a mountain with peace.”

The closest foreign analogues are "One man, no man" (English), "Einer ist keiner" (German).

Curious fact. At present, proverbs with the opposite meaning “And one warrior in the field”, “One, but dear - you don’t need forty” are becoming more and more popular.


There are such forms of human activity in which one has nothing to do: firefighters, police, doctors. In these professions, no matter how brilliant an individual subject is, he cannot cope without a team.

Imagine a house on fire. A firefighter runs to rescue people who have been captured by the fire. Even if we are very well disposed towards the hero, we are unlikely to believe that he can do it himself without a team, because one is not a warrior in the field. He at least needs partners to provide him with water and insurance just in case, all of a sudden.


A lone policeman is, rather, a hero of crime series. You probably watched them on NTV. In real life, such heroes can hardly be found. The maximum that a trained riot policeman can do is to pacify a gang of hooligans, but our Russian peasant cannot boast of feats in the spirit of the famous action movie icons of the 90s. And not even because he is bad; our man, perhaps, will give Hollywood actors a head start, but only now they act in an ideal world, where even bandits have some moral principles, albeit minimal ones, and our riot policeman is fighting crime in the real world, and here one in the field is not a warrior.


What is true of firefighters and rescuers can also be said of doctors. There are wonderful surgeons, they have golden hands, but they need a good team nearby.

Take the fictitious genius diagnostician Dr. Gregory House. He unraveled many complex cases, but his assistants did all the "dirty work" for him. Although if you do not pay attention to particulars, then House is a lone hero, but this is only at first glance. And even a crazy and cynical doctor is not a warrior alone in the field.

Professions made for singles. Writer

True, it cannot be said that an individual person has no chance to change something in the world. There are professions where other people provide only technical support. In some professions, loneliness is a sine qua non for any success. That is the job of a teacher or a writer. Of course, the above-mentioned ones need a social field for implementation, but the representatives of these types of activity change all by themselves. The role of the publisher is great, who noticed and released a cult book, but, firstly, he did not write it himself, and secondly, he did it not out of the kindness of his soul, but because he saw in it a commercial, and, perhaps, some that still makes sense. Thus, the proverb "one man in the field" can be invented by the writer in retaliation for the majority.


Teachers also need an educational institution in order to translate their talent into something material, but the leaders of these “temples of knowledge”, as a rule, do not help a capable person, but hinder him.

because the superiors always have their own tasks, and they are rarely as far-sighted as to free a talented person from some not very important tasks for the fulfillment of his mission. Thus, the teacher withstands double pressure: on the one hand, the social environment, and on the other hand, the pangs of creativity.

Fiction versus real life. Why do audiences love action movies so much?

Why were action movie tough guys so popular in the past? Now there are more and more superheroes (Iron Man, Spiderman, etc.) on the screens, the tone has changed. The viewer is no longer so naive, he does not believe that the aging Jean-Claude Vam Damm will scatter all the bandits with his combat skill. Now, to become and be a hero, you need serious equipment.

Whoever shines on the screen, the viewer still walks. Because he wants to believe that one person can still change something in the world. In addition, we never grow up, in essence, which means we love fairy tales as before.

On the contrary, brave schoolchildren, and not only them, can say: “One warrior in the field! We'll write an essay about it!" We can only wish them good luck in this difficult task. As we have seen, in life it can be both this and that. A person can become both a member of a well-coordinated team, and try to change something alone. The main thing is to choose correctly the sphere of application of your forces, because all paths are open.

Fairy tale is different. Russian Rambo? A film when the phrase "The Red Army is the strongest of all" is defeated even by common sense? The screenwriter... If it were possible to blame everything on him... I'll start with what jarred the most. Previously, when shooting films about the war, they always invited a military consultant, and a military historian. Everything is much worse here. Wehrmacht soldiers who conquered Europe on the screen behave more stupidly than bots in some shooter on Novice difficulty. Not only do they know nothing about tactics or aimed shooting, but using shelters is not for immortals, so they are still corny blind. Try to repeat GG's trick with your friends, when he hid behind a motorcycle sidecar, and the brave fascists walked right past the sidecar and ... DID NOT NOTICE the fighter. The ninja, who have not yet done hara-kiri out of frustration, nervously smoke in the corner. Trucks with valuable cargo to guard among the crowd of wounded enemy soldiers? For what? The posted guards let the GG go back and forth every time. The brave general, having learned that his group, sent to clean up the hospital, was destroyed, and 30 more were nearby! Germans, from his modest security, sends a group to capture the landing ... The strategist, you can’t take that away, is no worse than a military doctor, who, having learned that the Germans are heading to the hospital, sends the latter, capable of holding weapons in their hands, to an unknown village, for help, and this is then when NO ONE knows where the Germans are and where the Soviet soldiers are, and only because she didn’t work out with men.
back to the capture group, killing two Russians, discovering that one was wearing a pilot's jacket, they understand that this is the landing force that destroyed 30+ of their brothers. And what? Pilot and landing. Everything is connected. And they take him for the older dead without insignia, but in a flight jacket, and not lying next to him, a living GG with captain's shoulder straps ... And, finishing off everyone, in the previous scenes, they leave without touching the GG and deciding that their task is completed. The military doctor does not know about the Hippocratic oath in principle. This film is generally characterized by illogical and unjustified actions. And it is clear that the actors are trying, but ... oranges will not be born from the aspen. I recalled Zhvanetsky’s monologue: “Behind the scenes they say that half of Europe works for them, and they, even generals, have uniforms that don’t fit.” The major is clearly dressed from someone else's shoulder, or his figure has undergone significant changes since 1941 ... Gentlemen, if you are filming a fairy tale, then a dose of absurdity should not foam into the eyes of the viewer. This is not a war movie, unfortunately. This is not a war story. Unfortunately. This is... Thanks for trying, but it didn't work.

People are taught from early childhood that they should have many friends. They must behave well not only in society, they need a good reputation, and this continues almost all their lives. In all why? Because one in the field is not a warrior. But what this saying means, we will explore in this article.


There are such forms of human activity in which one has nothing to do: firefighters, police, doctors. In these professions, no matter how brilliant an individual subject is, he cannot cope without a team.

Imagine a house on fire. A firefighter runs to rescue people who have been captured by the fire. Even if we are very well disposed towards the hero, we are unlikely to believe that he can do it himself without a team, because one is not a warrior in the field. He at least needs partners to provide him with water and insurance just in case, all of a sudden.


A lone policeman is, rather, a hero of crime series. You probably watched them on NTV. In real life, such heroes can hardly be found. The maximum that a trained riot policeman can do is to pacify a gang of hooligans, but our Russian peasant cannot boast of feats in the spirit of the famous action movie icons of the 90s. And not even because he is bad; our man, perhaps, will give Hollywood actors a head start, but only now they act in an ideal world, where even bandits have some moral principles, albeit minimal ones, and our riot policeman is fighting crime in the real world, and here one in the field is not a warrior.


What is true of firefighters and rescuers can also be said of doctors. There are wonderful surgeons, they have golden hands, but they need a good team nearby.

Take the fictitious genius diagnostician Dr. Gregory House. He unraveled many complex cases, but his assistants did all the "dirty work" for him. Although if you do not pay attention to particulars, then House is a lone hero, but this is only at first glance. And even a crazy and cynical doctor is not a warrior alone in the field.

Professions made for singles. Writer

True, it cannot be said that an individual person has no chance to change something in the world. There are professions where other people provide only technical support. In some professions, loneliness is a sine qua non for any success. That is the job of a teacher or a writer. Of course, the above-mentioned ones need a social field for implementation, but the representatives of these types of activity change all by themselves. The role of the publisher is great, who noticed and released a cult book, but, firstly, he did not write it himself, and secondly, he did it not out of the kindness of his soul, but because he saw in it a commercial, and, perhaps, some that still makes sense. Thus, the proverb "one man in the field" can be invented by the writer in retaliation for the majority.


Teachers also need an educational institution in order to translate their talent into something material, but the leaders of these “temples of knowledge”, as a rule, do not help a capable person, but hinder him. Because the superiors always have their own tasks, and they are rarely as far-sighted as to free a talented person from some not very important tasks for the fulfillment of his mission. Thus, the teacher withstands double pressure: on the one hand, the social environment, and on the other hand, the pangs of creativity.

Fiction versus real life. Why do audiences love action movies so much?

Why were action movie tough guys so popular in the past? Now there are more and more superheroes (Iron Man, Spiderman, etc.) on the screens, the tone has changed. The viewer is no longer so naive, he does not believe that the aging Jean-Claude Vam Damm will scatter all the bandits with his combat skill. Now, to become and be a hero, you need serious equipment.

Whoever shines on the screen, the viewer still walks. Because he wants to believe that one person can still change something in the world. In addition, we never grow up, in essence, which means we love fairy tales as before.

On the contrary, brave schoolchildren, and not only them, can say: “One warrior in the field! We'll write an essay about it!" We can only wish them good luck in this difficult task. As we have seen, in life it can be both this and that. A person can become both a member of a well-coordinated team, and try to change something alone. The main thing is to choose correctly the sphere of application of your forces, because all paths are open.

There is safety in numbers. the meaning of the proverb and examples))) plzzzz

Liudmila Sharukhia

It is difficult for one person to survive, to achieve something, to win the fight. It is said to justify someone's impotence, the inability to cope with the case, or as a reproach for the inability to act together, together.

The proverb is originally Russian. Its original meaning is clarified on the basis of an older version - One in the field is not ratai, where ratai (from orati - to plow) is a plowman, a farmer. The proverb referred to agricultural labor requiring several workers. Then the word ratai, by consonance, was replaced by a warrior, and such a replacement was also prepared by stable folklore associations of the military field, the battlefield with the field of peaceful labor. The word warrior was synonymously replaced by a governor and a warrior. On the basis of antonymic opposition, a new version of the proverb was formed - And there is one warrior in the field.

"One in the field is not a warrior" how do you understand this?


“There is no warrior alone in the field” is a primordially Russian proverb that has survived to this day in a somewhat distorted way. The thing is that in the original version, instead of the word "warrior" was "ratai" (in other words, a plowman). As you can see, the proverb had an agricultural bias and encouraged collective work. Subsequently, the word "ratai" was apparently replaced by a consonant with it "warrior" (an outdated name for a warrior). By the way, it is in this version that this proverb appears in the work of Alexander Herzen “Who is to blame?” . And although the bias has changed to the military side, the meaning of the phrase still remains the same - it is quite difficult for one person to achieve success in business, only thanks to the cohesion and consistency between team members can one get a high result.

In conclusion, I want to add that some sources mentioned another, expanded version of this proverb - "One in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler." Why the second part did not take root in circulation, I do not quite understand. Although this is far from the only case of proverb reduction. Remember at least another, no less famous proverb - "Two boots of a pair, but both are left."

Come up with a content and give a speech-reasoning on the following topic: Alone in the field is not a warrior. help me please

Dianochka Savelieva

ONE IN THE FIELD IS NOT A WARRIOR (not a warrior). It is difficult to do everything alone; you cannot do what can be done together. Wed You cannot tie a knot with one hand; One and porridge is undeniable; One is grieving at home, and two are fighting in the field; One fly won't eat a bruh. [Dolgay] won all the bets, not letting anyone die, raked pennies and nickels from the board - and every time the whole crowd laughed, everyone was amused by his sayings, except perhaps one loser; but one in the field is not a warrior; one walked sadly aside, another took his place, and Dolgay remained in harmony with the crowd. Far, Unprecedented in the past. - Your Majesty's will will be done, and I firmly hope that Ignatius Brianchaninov will be useful wherever you want to appoint him. - I am very glad, but I regret that he is the only one: one in the field is not a warrior. - With him there is his friend - the same strict monk - Chikhachev. Leskov, Unmercenary Engineers. Samosadskie old men stole the hated by them chief manager, who in retaliation took away from them every pasture and. , Krutyash closed the copper mine .. - But I don’t care, - Golikovsky repeated, feeling that he had no choice but to run away from the factories. - One in the field is not a warrior. Mamin-Siberian, Three ends. - What can I do? I told her. - One in the field is not a warrior, and I have never experienced such loneliness as now. I would give dearly to find even one person in the whole county on whom I could rely. Chekhov, Wife. - If you do this alone, then this, of course, will not be enough. But the idea is important. You are one of the most respected people in the city; your initiative at first, perhaps, will cause bewilderment, but then it will find imitators. That is why nothing is successful with us, because everyone is guided by a false, but very convenient proverb: “One man is not a warrior in the field. Veresaev, Without a road. - Kids! - shouted Pugachev hotly and self-confidently, as always in conversations with the people. - Now you know, kids, my royal will. Just feel that it is impossible for me alone without your help to create anything. There is safety in numbers. Shishkov, Emelyan Pugachev. Is it possible to live without the right people, Krutilich! By the way, this is your main life mistake. You are a loner. And one in the field is not a warrior. Kochetov, Brothers Ershov. People are arranging such sabotage, they print leaflets, glue posters, and all that remains for me is to caress with my tongue. There is safety in numbers. . Yes, it's very difficult for you. Whatever you say, he worked as a driver in the Gestapo. Popov, Steel boiled. Around the Germans mastered. Where will you go, who will you complain to? The king, and that half-German. Only Speransky Russian, popovich, is smart, but one is not a warrior in the field. E. Fedorov, Stone belt. I am like a hero of our folk tales, which I used to translate to you, walked along all the crossroads and shouted: “Is there a man alive in the field? But a living person did not respond ... my misfortune! . And one in the field is not a warrior. Herzen, Who is to blame?
- Snegirev: One in the field is not a warrior (ratai); Dal: Alone in the field is not a warrior; Rybnikova: One is not a warrior in the field.

“There is no warrior alone in the field” - usually in this way they comment with regret on the struggle without a chance of winning one person with superior forces, for example, with the system.

The meaning of the proverb "One man is not a warrior"

This old Russian proverb belongs to the category of those that suggest several versions of their origin. According to one of them, in this phrase there was a replacement of concepts due to their consonance. It is assumed that the original expression sounded like "One in the field do not ratai." The word "ratai" at the time of the appearance of the proverb meant a plowman who alone would not be able to plow a large field. "Ratay" turned out to be consonant with the word "warrior", that is, a member of the rati, an irregular peasant military unit. Subsequently, the "army" was transformed into an "army", and the "warrior" into a "warrior".

The second version indicates that the concept of "field" included not only agricultural but also military significance. Accordingly, a loner who appeared on the battlefield automatically became an easy target, rather a victim than a warrior.

There is also a third version, according to which this proverb has a continuation "One in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler." This refers to a later period of history, when the main internecine wars ceased, and travelers were able to move relatively safely between cities alone.

The widespread school interpretation of the appearance of the expression “One man is not a warrior” is interesting. It says that the problematic of the fight against the Tatar-Mongol yoke was precisely the fragmentation of the Russian principalities and their constant civil strife. The victory turned out to be possible precisely when several of them united under the pressure of Dmitry Donskoy.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "The ABC is a step to wisdom." reading allows a person to get an education. And education endows a person with knowledge, wisdom, which mankind has been accumulating for years.

proverbs and illustrations for them

"Keep honor from a young age." The full version of the proverb "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." The meaning of the proverb indicates the need from a young age to monitor what people think about you, monitor your reputation, and not commit unworthy and shameful acts. The proverb compares the honor of a person with a dress: it makes no sense to take care of an old dress covered with stains. The dress must be kept new, then it will retain its appearance for a long time. The same with honor, with reputation. Spoiled in youth, you can’t wash it off, you can’t whiten it. The surrounding people will remember that this person did something bad and obscene, and they will treat him appropriately all his life. Therefore, those who think that young people forgive all mistakes and forget all bad deeds are mistaken. Honor is given to a person one for life, try not to tarnish it in your youth.

Explain the meaning of the proverb “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. Cheerfulness of spirit, clarity of thought and good mood depend on the well-being of the body. When somewhere it hurts and weakness is felt, the state of mind also suffers. The weakness of the body has a bad effect on mental abilities, the ability to think, concentrate. Therefore, caring for the body is both strengthening the mind and caring for peace of mind too.

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Explain the meaning of the proverb "Water wears away a stone." "A drop wears away a stone." over time, any action will surely give a result. Nothing goes unnoticed, even the smallest events. So it is in human life - stubborn, methodical efforts will surely overcome the obstacle, achieve the goal.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "The deaf listen to the mute speak." the proverb means that people do not understand each other, the meaninglessness of the conversation, and inattention to the interlocutor. A proverb similar in meaning: "A conversation between the blind and the deaf."

Explain the meaning of the proverb "A guest is not a pointer to the owner." according to the laws of politeness, it is not customary for a guest to dispose of in the host's house. A guest in a strange house, in a foreign country, does not manage, does not tell the owner how to live, does not allow himself harsh criticism. And even more so, it is indecent for a guest to quarrel or conflict with the owner. A proverb similar in meaning "They don't climb into someone else's monastery with their charter."

proverbs for one two three four five

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Your anger is your enemy." in anger, a person is capable of very bad deeds. In anger, a person does not understand the words that he says. Therefore, you need to deal with anger in the same way as with the enemy: try not to let it reach you, and not let it control you.

proverb about the smart and the fool

Explain the meaning of the proverb “The work of the master is afraid”: any, even the most difficult task, lends itself to skillful hands and persistent efforts. A proverb similar in meaning: "Patience and work will grind everything"

Explain the meaning of the proverb "To share the skin of an unkilled bear." It means taking credit for achievements that have not yet been achieved.

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Explain the meaning of the proverb "Time for business, hour for fun." Things need to be planned and given to them most of the time. Entertainment should occupy a small part of life, otherwise work will suffer. To live with dignity, you need to work first, and only then you can gladly leave yourself some time for entertainment.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "A kind word to a person is like rain in a drought." the word has great power. In a difficult moment, a kind word of support can encourage a person, breathe life into him, strengthen his strength. It's like a sip of water to quench your thirst.

proverbs where there are vaguely personal sentences

Explain the meaning of the proverb "A friend in need is a friend". Its meaning is this: a true friend is one who comes to the rescue in misfortune or helps to solve a problem. This is the only way to recognize a true friend: by willingness to help. True friends cannot yet be called those with whom you just have fun or communicate when everything is fine with you. It is still unknown how they will behave if you feel bad, whether they will need you. A friend, his sincere feelings for you and willingness to help can only be tested in a problem situation.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "If you chase two hares, you won't catch one." The meaning of the proverb: doing two things at the same time is unreasonable, because neither of them will turn out well. This happens because attention and efforts are scattered on many things at once. One thing interferes with another, and vice versa. Two things, like two hares, pull a person in different directions, and in the end he is left empty-handed.

Dmitrieva 1000 riddles of proverbs and sayings buy

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Put in the belt." It comes from the habit in old Russia of plugging mittens, tools, and various trifles into the belt. So they say about the master of his craft, who has no equal, all rivals are much weaker than him. “Put in the belt” means to treat something or someone casually, famously, skillfully, and not even take it into account. A proverb similar in meaning: “And it’s not good for soles”

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Explain the meaning of the proverb "The forest is cut - the chips fly." The proverb means that small deeds and people often suffer during big events. Often, no attention is paid to them, because the big thing is more important. An example would be a revolution or a reform. Therefore, if something global is happening, expect trouble - ordinary people need to look for shelter, because the “chips” will fall into them.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Small spool but expensive." not everything important is large and lush. Not everything of value is immediately noticeable, but this does not detract from its importance and value. So the coin is small, but its price is great.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "The bear stepped on the ear." So they say about those people who do not know how to listen to music, sing out of place and out of tune.

proverb literature lesson

Explain the meaning of the proverb "A lot of snow - a lot of bread." It has long been noted that after a snowy winter, the harvest is better. Under the snow cover, the earth rests well during the winter, does not freeze through, and in the spring it is abundantly wetted by melt water. Melt waters also carry with them particles of fertile land.

proverbs with gestures

Explain the meaning of the proverb "On the thief and the hat is on fire." The proverb confirms the popular observation that in every case the guilty person is visible - everything in him betrays his actions. Even his appearance, facial expression and clothing are suspicious. A proverb that is close in meaning is “The cat knows whose meat it ate.”

Explain the meaning of the proverb "I found a scythe on a stone." It means that the force suddenly stumbled upon an obstacle, on the same counter-force, and stopped.

Explain the meaning of the proverb: "They carry water for the offended" or "They carry water for the angry." It is said when someone gets angry or offended for no reason, because of a trifle. This proverb says that the most angry from his anger or resentment only gets worse.

proverbs about vasil and melanka

Explain the meaning of the proverb "One man is not a warrior." a man alone can do little, like a lone soldier in a war. For important matters, he needs a team, he needs the help of other people. Only a community can really be "warriors" and change something in the world.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "One for all, and all for one." She speaks of the true, faithful friendship of comrades who always and in all cases help each other. They support and stand by the mountain for each other in trouble.

proverbs about zhika

Explain the meaning of the proverb “Under King Peas” It refers to something that happened a very long time ago, in time immemorial. Or maybe what is said did not happen at all. After all, King Pea is a character in fairy tales, and no one is sure if he ever really lived.

proverbs and talk about military service

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Tears and mosques." This proverb means an extreme degree of anger and rage. To do this, it is not necessary to literally tear something to shreds and throw (throw). But the meaning says that a person is ready for destruction, he is so angry.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar." The proverb speaks of the solidarity of people. Each person first of all notices in a crowd of people someone who is similar in some way to himself, who is similar to him. There is solidarity of professions, brotherhood on the basis of profession: be it a fisherman, a journalist, a doctor, a factory worker, a military man, and so on.

the meaning of the proverb do not have a hundred rubles

Explain the meaning of the proverb "The work of fools loves." The saying reminds us that there is "bad work", superfluous and unnecessary. The fool is the one who undertakes it, instead of considering whether it is worth doing it at all, or inventing a more practical, more useful way of doing it. Working hard and pushing yourself to the limit is not the right decision in this case.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Seven do not wait for one." the majority always decides. The decision in any situation is always made based on the interests of the majority.

mini essay on the proverb business time fun hour

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Measure seven times, cut once." before doing something, you need to think, weigh everything, calculate possible errors and results. Then things will work out well.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "The word is silver, and silence is gold." The words spoken are of great importance. But, holding your tongue in time, you can sometimes do much better than if you spoke out. In many situations, an eloquent or reserved silence is much more valuable than any words.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Old age is not joy." in old age a person is overcome by weakness and disease. The body no longer obeys the way it used to, and the possibilities of a person are limited. There are fewer and fewer comrades who go to another world. Therefore, there is no reason to rejoice at old age.

proverb look for the wind in the field its meaning

Explain the meaning of the proverb "A good friend is closer than a brother." often people become very close not by kinship, but by friendship. A faithful comrade plays no less a place in life than relatives. And often - and more, because they don’t choose relatives - good or bad, they already exist. But we choose friends ourselves, according to common interests, according to spiritual qualities, according to our mutual understanding with them.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Chickens are counted in the fall." The proverb means: achievements and successes should be considered not at the beginning of the matter, and not during its course, but already by the end result. The origin of the proverb “Chickens are counted in the fall” comes from a comparison: it is difficult to raise chickens after they have hatched from eggs in the summer. Many of them die small and do not survive until autumn, and therefore only in autumn can one say how many chickens have been raised. A proverb similar in meaning: "To share the skin of an unkilled bear."

10 proverbs in latin

Explain the meaning of the proverb "A tongue without bones grinds." it is easy to talk with the tongue, nothing interferes with it. So they say when a person does not think at all what he is saying, and how much it is said to the place, and how much it is worth saying at all.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Language will bring to Kyiv." communicating with people, you can cope with any task. The main thing is not to be afraid to ask.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "My tongue is my enemy." often carelessly spoken words bring a person to trouble, to conflict with other people. This results in quarrels, resentment, misunderstanding, even violence. Therefore, before giving free rein to your own language, you need to think over what you are going to say every time. As if your tongue is really the enemy, and you need to be on your guard with it.

Explain the meaning of the proverb “Language gives a message to language”. any new information is very quickly passed from mouth to mouth.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Patience and work will grind everything." The efforts and efforts of a person over time can solve any problem, overcome any obstacle. Let it happen not immediately, but still. Gradually, slowly, but things will go smoothly, but we must not retreat, we must continue to achieve. A proverb similar in meaning: “A drop wears away a stone”

Explain the meaning of the proverb "And there is a hole in the old woman." nobody is perfect. Everyone has their own shortcomings, everyone makes mistakes in one way or another in life.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Even a frog can drown." there is nothing that a person would be insured against. No matter how strong, smart, energetic he is, he can still make mistakes, or fail to cope with something. A proverb similar in meaning: "Do not renounce prison and scrip." "And there is a hole in the old woman."

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Dashing trouble is the beginning." it is always more difficult to start, and only then everything starts to go easier, faster, “rolling like clockwork”.

Explain the meaning of the proverb "Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky." it is better to be content with small, but real, than to strive for a huge, but unrealizable.

don't ask proverbs

People are taught from early childhood that they should have many friends. They must behave well not only in society, they need a good reputation, and this continues almost all their lives. In all why? Because one in the field is not a warrior. But what this saying means, we will explore in this article.


There are such forms of human activity in which one has nothing to do: firefighters, police, doctors. In these professions, no matter how brilliant an individual subject is, he cannot cope without a team.

Imagine a house on fire. A firefighter runs to rescue people who have been captured by the fire. Even if we are very well disposed towards the hero, we are unlikely to believe that he can do it himself without a team, because one is not a warrior in the field. He at least needs partners to provide him with water and insurance just in case, all of a sudden.


A lone policeman is, rather, a hero of crime series. You probably watched them on NTV. In real life, such heroes can hardly be found. The maximum that a trained riot policeman can do is to pacify a gang of hooligans, but our Russian peasant cannot boast of feats in the spirit of the famous action movie icons of the 90s. And not even because he is bad; our man, perhaps, will give Hollywood actors a head start, but only now they act in an ideal world, where even bandits have some moral principles, albeit minimal ones, and our riot policeman is fighting crime in the real world, and here one in the field is not a warrior.


What is true of firefighters and rescuers can also be said of doctors. There are wonderful surgeons, but they need a good team around.

Take the fictitious genius diagnostician Dr. Gregory House. He unraveled many complex cases, but his assistants did all the "dirty work" for him. Although if you do not pay attention to particulars, then House is a lone hero, but this is only at first glance. And even a crazy and cynical doctor is not a warrior alone in the field.

Professions made for singles. Writer

True, it cannot be said that an individual person has no chance to change something in the world. There are professions where other people provide only technical support. In some professions, loneliness is no success. That is the job of a teacher or a writer. Of course, the above-mentioned ones need a social field for implementation, but the representatives of these types of activity change all by themselves. The role of the publisher is great, who noticed and released a cult book, but, firstly, he did not write it himself, and secondly, he did it not out of the kindness of his soul, but because he saw in it a commercial, and, perhaps, some that still makes sense. Thus, the proverb "one man in the field" can be invented by the writer in retaliation for the majority.


Teachers also need an educational institution in order to translate their talent into something material, but the leaders of these “temples of knowledge”, as a rule, do not help a capable person, but hinder him. Because the superiors always have their own tasks, and they are rarely as far-sighted as to free a talented person from some not very important tasks for the fulfillment of his mission. Thus, the teacher withstands double pressure: on the one hand, the social environment, and on the other hand,

Fiction versus real life. Why do audiences love action movies so much?

Why were action movie tough guys so popular in the past? Now there are more and more superheroes (Iron Man, Spiderman, etc.) on the screens, the tone has changed. The viewer is no longer so naive, he does not believe that the aging Jean-Claude Vam Damm will scatter all the bandits with his combat skill. Now, to become and be a hero, you need serious equipment.

Whoever shines on the screen, the viewer still walks. he wants to believe that one person can still change something in the world. In addition, we never grow up, in essence, which means we love fairy tales as before.

On the contrary, brave schoolchildren, and not only them, can say: “One warrior in the field! We'll write an essay about it!" We can only wish them good luck in this difficult task. As we have seen, in life it can be both this and that. A person can become both a member of a well-coordinated team, and try to change something alone. The main thing is to choose correctly the sphere of application of your forces, because all paths are open.

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