Stage decoration for the day of unity of peoples. Design of the stand `National Unity Day`



Decorate the stage - ribbons of all colors, scarves, national things

Muses - 1

8.30. Host: Good evening! We are glad to welcome you on the eve of the day of consent and reconciliation, the Day of National Unity of Russia! So, Wider circle, friends! Today's holiday calls on all of us to unite and live in peace and harmony! And we begin our holiday of friendship of peoples!

8.31. show ballet - Cossacks

8.35. Host: This is the holiday of my grandfathers ...

Now we will listen and guess the music of the peoples, of which there are more than 200 in our country alone, and we will be imbued with solidarity!

COMPETITION No. 1 Music of the peoples of Russia


2. Jewish

3 gypsy

4. Chukchi

5. Belarusian

6. mexico

7. Cossack

8. brazilian

9. Chechen

10 Japanese

11. Africa

12. Russian

Host: I bring to your attention a dance of friendly people who love Russians very much, football, TV shows and carnivals ... yes, this is Brazil!

8.42. show ballet - Brazil

8.46. Moderator: and let's start to unite, to make the circle wider!

CONTEST 2 Round dance of SIRTAKI

10-15 people join hands. At the beginning of the chain, the leader begins to lead, then he begins to dive between the clutches of hands, pulls the whole crowd behind him, then dives again in another place, and so on - the crowd gets confused. fun coming out!

muses - 1.2.

Prize - 1

Leading: And the next dance of the people, whose way of life we ​​do not really accept, but they dance and sing perfectly! ballet - Gypsy - taken to the dance floor

8. 57. dance block.

9.20. Presenter: After death, the Russian and the American went to hell.

The devil asks them:

- Which hell will you go to, Russian or American?

- What's the difference?

- In the American one, you have to eat a bucket of waste every day, and in Russian, two.

The American chose the American, and the Russian thought: “I have lived in Russia all my life, why change?”

Meet in a month. Russian asks:

- Well, how are you?

“Fine, I ate a bucket of waste in the morning and I’m free all day. And you?

- And as always: either the waste was not delivered, or there are not enough buckets for everyone.

Do you know how many peoples inhabit our country? Over 200!!

Well, I propose to watch the dance of the people, whose number in Russia is 95 thousand thousand!

9.20. show ballet - Spain

9.25. Well, I propose to play our Russian squatting, as we said, there are more than 200 peoples in Russia, and it is almost impossible to find purely Russians ...


2 TEAMS OF 4 PEOPLE stand in a circle and hold hands. The host says in the ear of each player the names of two nationalities (the same for 1 and 2 teams). And he explains the meaning of the game: when he names any nationality, then the person who was told the nationality in his ear should sharply sit down, the player whose team figured it out faster - gives 1 point to the team. The joke is that the second nationality, which the host says to the players in the ear, is the same for everyone - Russian. And when, after a minute or two after the start of the game, the host suddenly says: "Russian", then everyone must inevitably sit down sharply - which leads to prolonged wallowing on the floor.

Ukrainian, Cossack, Dzhigit, American.

9.31. oriental dance - wings


how Caucasians respect their dances, not like we are shy, they say, it’s not fashionable, although Russian folk dances are a cool thing, only a person who is physically strong can dance them


and this movement - I'm already very drunk, but carefully, don't come near I can give legs to me, do not come near.

our dances are menacing and warlike - Russian folk dance begins and ends with this movement: clapping- a person who talks like that will kill anyone

we do not like our dances and do not value them

Americans don't have their dance at all - they have canti - this is crap, and they don’t dance and don’t be shy, we were warming up in the 6th grade tan in physical education

Jewish - dance paid

Gypsy- jelly was ordered, the horse was stolen

Spanish - I shaved my armpits))

9.45. Leading: so friendly and continue, and I will be back soon!


10.05. Host: Friends, how are you? Brazilian miracle on stage!

10.05. capoero


The guys ride on a broom, depicting how they saddle a horse. The most resourceful wins. By applause.

Prize 1

Russian beauty is boundless...

10.20. Fat girl - Russian

10.25. Host: Well, I'm leaving you! Have fun all together, down with national strife! Consent to you and reconciliation! And remember, it doesn’t matter what nationality you are, the main thing is that the person be a good one!

Decoration of the hall: on the proscenium on the right - the flag of the Russian Federation of a standard size, next to it on the side wings - the coat of arms of the Russian Federation. On the left side of the back of the stage is a screen for demonstrating computer slides.

Before the start of the concert in the foyer and in the hall, music for Glinka's operas "A Life for the Tsar" and Mussorgsky's "Boris Godunov" is played; pictures of Russian landscapes change on the screen.

Equipment: computer, slides, musical phonograms, state symbols of the Russian Federation, icon of Our Lady of Kazan.

The concert begins with the sound of the Anthem of the Russian Federation recorded by the choir. On the screen is a map of the Russian Federation.

All spectators stand up and sing along with the choir.

Russia is our sacred power,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, great glory -
Yours forever!


Hail, our free Fatherland,
Fraternal peoples age-old union,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail country! We are proud of you!

Enter two leaders

Leading I: In the life of most peoples there are such moments when it comes to their very existence. About existence not even as a state, but as an independent nation.

For the Russian people, such a turning point was the beginning of the 17th century, which entered our history under the name of the Time of Troubles.

Those who express some doubts about the appropriateness of the new holiday are not sufficiently aware of the meaning of what happened then in Rus'.

The fact is that the Time of Troubles is not at all reduced to the Polish-Swedish intervention. It was a time when the foundations of state and national life were shaken.

On the screen - Chistyakov's painting "Time of Troubles"

Leading II: A series of disasters, a severe drought, a monstrous famine, an epidemic of plague - coincided with a complete breakdown in management. When Rus' came to a state of not only extreme poverty and fragmentation, but also complete criminalization, countless robber gangs practically seized the entire territory. Of course, all this did not happen by itself, one problem entailed another. So, because of the famine that raged everywhere, the landlords drove out the serfs so as not to feed them, and they huddled together in gangs and began to earn their living by robbery. Natural disasters turned into economic ones, followed by social and political ones, which aggravated each other. As people say, trouble does not come alone.

Leading I: If we recall those events, it becomes obvious: the main misfortune of that time was the loss of moral and religious foundations. The beginning of the Troubles can be defined in one word - betrayal. For the sake of their selfish interests, the boyar groups that existed then (today they can be called the elite) were ready for any betrayal, for the recognition of any lie. After all, remember what happened when False Dmitry was already approaching Moscow.

Leading II: Armies, entire boyar families went over to his side, recognized him as the rightful heir. Then there was a strange confusion in the minds when at the same time Godunov was accused of the murder of Dmitry and Dmitry was recognized as an impostor. And perhaps the most terrible was the episode when the Pretender entered Moscow, and all the boyars, clerks, including the clerk Shchelkalov, who investigated the murder, recognized him as Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich. Even the mother of the murdered youth, and she recognized him as her son. And at that moment, only Patriarch Job, usually portrayed as a weak man, only he, who was beaten in the Assumption Cathedral, spat upon, expelled, only he did not get tired of repeating: this is not Tsarevich Dmitry, but Grishka Otrepyev, a thief and defiant. They didn't listen to him. But it is very important that at this moment, as throughout the Time of Troubles, the Russian Church tirelessly bore witness to the truth. And neither Patriarch Job, a soft man, nor Patriarch Hermogenes, hard as flint, were broken.

Leading I: And this terrible period lasted for years. A real national catastrophe was unfolding. And, probably, many contemporaries then no longer had any hope for a revival. The destructive processes seemed irreversible. It was even hard to imagine that such a decomposed society would be able not only to repel intervention, but simply to survive, to stand on its own feet, even if there were no external threat.

Leading II: Nevertheless, there were healthy forces - both among the common people and among the ruling elite. We remember their leaders Kuzma Minin and Prince Dimitry Pozharsky, they united, saved, preserved the country, made its future revival possible. Indeed, by the middle of the 17th century, Rus' was again a strong power, and not only in military, political, and economic terms. Returned national identity. Spiritual, patriotic beginnings were strengthened.

On the screen photo of Alexei II

I presenter: “That is why we celebrate this date as a day of preservation and salvation not only of the Russian state, but also of the Russian people - it simply would not exist if the Time of Troubles could not be overcome.” This is a quote from the current Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II.

II presenter: This is, in fact, Feast of the salvation of our country! And not from the Polish intervention, but from internal decay.

The next three participants come out, sing along to the musical soundtrack

1 verse of the song from the film "Officers".

On the screen - portraits of Minin, Pozharsky, Patriarch Hermogenes, Susanin

From the heroes of yesteryear
Sometimes there are no names left.
Those who have accepted mortal combat,
Became just earth and grass
Only their loud prowess
Settled in the hearts of the living
This eternal flame
bequeathed to us by them,
We store in the chest.

The phonogram is turned on: D.Verdi - a fragment from the overture to the opera "The Power of Destiny", M.Mussorgsky's symphonic fantasy "Night on Bald Mountain".

To the sound of an alarming melody, participants read T. Pavlyuchenko’s poem “Russian Troubles”

I participant:

Again smoke over the homeland of fires,
Again war, devastation, famine
And the enemy's desecration of shrines...
... it seemed: the Russian spirit was split.

II participant:

The people are split. There is no strong power.
Rod, conceived by Rurik, has sunk into oblivion.
Tsar Godunov wanted to save from troubles
Country, traitors to call to account.
But ... died unexpectedly

III participant:

False Dmitry - a former Russian monk,
That betrayed the Orthodox faith,
Probably, nevertheless, he was abandoned by God,
Kohl gave his soul to the Catholic Church.

I participant:

Liar - in Moscow, in Moscow - the Poles,
Those who came to seize all of Rus',
The Russians launched attacks on the church:
Saints icons - in the mud, at their feet.

II participant:

In a terrible year again there is no unity
Among the boyars, among the eminent Cossacks.
When will people run out of patience?
When will he be ready to fight the enemy?

III participant:

False Dmitry has already been killed. But the same Trouble.
Boyar Shuisky quickly took the throne.
He calls the Swedes for help. As long as
Second False Dmitry near Moscow. Who is he?

I participant:

He is the new claimant to the kingdom.
By any means he came to take the throne.
But in Tushino, as in Moscow, there is no brotherhood.
Troops of False Dmitry - on the thief - a thief

II participant:

Forcibly took Shuisky tonsure:
From the throne - out, away - to the monastery.
Again the question of power is acute:
Country - sovereign to be??? Or... a wasteland?!

III participant:

Moscow boyars top
Again let in the Polish troops
The Russian throne is a toy for them:
“We need Vladislav as the king.”

I participant:

The boyars drew up an agreement,
That the Catholic Church should not be,
Vladislav - not to be autocratic,
In Moscow, Vladislav - to live in Russian.

II participant:

But Sigismund - the treacherous monarch -
Vladislav's father is a Pole -
For power, he entered the battle wrong,
Kohl son agrees to rule so.

III participant:

There is only one church left
Prayed for Russia night and day.
"Get together, Russians, together" -
Called from captivity Hermogenes.

I participant:

The call came to Nizhny Novgorod,
Where anger has accumulated for many years:
The betrayal of the boyars accumulated discontent,
The fact that Russia has no freedom.

II participant:

That there is no end to the damned Troubles,
Rus' - not to be on the world map
The Poles are preparing fetters for Russians -
The crow is already ready for the feast.

III participant:

The Volga Tatars brought
Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.
The face of that intercessor of the earth
He called out to the people: “Save Rus'!”

It is possible to bring in the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.

On the screen - Makovsky's painting "The Rise of Minin to the Nizhny Novgorod"

I participant:

The merchant Minin gathered the people,
Whose soul has been burning for a long time
Resentment, pain for Russia:
"The victory of the Motherland is a holy cause."

II participant:

Pozharsky Dmitry - governor, prince,
Already known for battles with enemies,
Chosen by the people, bowing to the people:
“Poles should not trample Moscow underfoot.”

III participant:

Here are Russians, Mordovians, Tatars
Joined the militia voluntarily
Preparing cursed punishment for the enemies
For the Motherland, for the people, for the will.

The soundtrack ends with a bell ringing

Leaders on stage

Leading I: The militia consisted of 10 thousand people: nobles, archers, peasants, artisans, merchants. The spiritual stimulus for liberation was the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. In the autumn of 1612, the militia fought hard after a long siege, during which not only the Poles, but also the Muscovites ate all the supplies, many died of starvation: they entered the Kremlin. Moscow was liberated in January 1613. The Zemsky Sobor elected 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov, the son of Patriarch Filaret, as tsar. The election of the king meant the revival of the country, the protection of its sovereignty and identity.

The screen displays an illustration for Ryleev’s book “Ivan Susanin” “Breaking with Love for the Motherland”

Leading II: At this time, Sigismund sent a Polish detachment to the Kostroma forests, where the young Russian tsar was forced to hide, to capture him. Near the shelter, the enemies captured Ivan Susanin, a resident of the village of Domnina, and demanded that he secretly lead them to Mikhail's shelter. As a faithful son of the Fatherland, Susanin decided to die rather than save his life by betrayal. He took the Poles in the other direction, into the dense forest.

Staging of K. Ryleev's poem "Ivan Susanin" against the background of a musical soundtrack (fragment of M. Glinka's opera "Life for the Tsar"). On the screen is an illustration from the book by K. Ryleev “Breaking with Love for the Motherland”.


  1. Reader.
  2. I. Susanin.
  3. Poles (3-4 people).

Pole: Where are you taking us?

Reader: Enemies cried out with heart to Susanin.

We get stuck and drown in drifts of snow;
We know not to get to your lodging for the night
You've gone astray, brother, right on purpose astray,
But you won't be able to save Michael that way.

Pole: Where did you take us?

Reader: the old Lyakh cried out

Susanin “Where you need

Reader: Susanin said

Kill, torture - my grave is here.
But know and rush: I saved Mikhail.
They thought you found a traitor in me,
They are not and will not be on the Russian Land!

Poles: “3 lodey!”

Reader: shouted the enemies, boiling over.

Poles: "You will die under swords."

“Your anger is not terrible
Who is Russian by heart, he is cheerful and bold.
And joyfully dies for a just cause.
Neither execution nor death, and I'm not afraid:
Without flinching, I will die for the tsar and for Rus'.

Poles: "Die!"

The Poles cried out to the hero,
And the sabers over the old man, whistling, flashed.

Pole: “Die, traitor! Your end has come!"

And the solid Susanin fell down in his wounds.
The snow is clean, the purest blood stained:
She saved Mikhail for Russia.

On the screen - a miniature "Election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom"

I presenter: After the liberation of Russia from the Polish and Swedish interventionists in many cities here and there, impostor tsars were declared. The civil war continued until 1618. The turmoil left grave consequences. Many cities and settlements lay in ruins. Russia has lost many of its sons and daughters. Agriculture, crafts were ruined, trading life died out |.

Leading II: The Russian people returned to the ashes, began, as was customary from time immemorial, to the holy cause - rebirth. The Time of Troubles greatly weakened Russia and its people. But it also showed her strength. The beginning of the seventeenth year ushered in an era of national liberation.

On the slide screen - a monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow and a monument to Susanin in Kostroma

Members sing:

(Music and words by M. Nozhkin) to a musical soundtrack

On the screen during the performance of the song, the map of the Russian Federation on the screen is replaced by pictures of Russian landscapes

  1. RF map.
  2. State symbols of the Russian Federation.
  3. Photo of the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy from the newspaper Trud. 11.2005
  4. Boris Godunov, fragment of the painting of the Moscow Kremlin.
  5. L. Kilian. False Dmitry 1.
  6. K. Wenig. The last minutes of the Pretender.
  7. P. Chistyakov. Time of Troubles.
  8. K. Makovsky. Appeal of K. Minin to the people of Nizhny Novgorod.
  9. Ivan Susanin - illustration for the book by K. Ryleev "Breathing with Love for the Motherland".
  10. N. Lavinsky. Monument to I. Susanin in Kostroma.
  11. Miniature from the book "Election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom".
  12. Illustration for the book "Kingdom of people".
  13. Boyars. Vorozheykina's textbook "Stories from native history".


1. K. Ryleev “Breaking with love for the Motherland”.

2. Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II. Article “The holiday of saving the country”, the newspaper “Trud”, November 2005.

Scenario of the solemn part of the holiday - November 4
"Day of national unity"
Hall decoration: on the proscenium on the right - the flag of the Russian Federation of a standard size, next to
side wings - coat of arms of the Russian Federation. On the left side of the back of the stage is a screen for demonstration
computer slides.
Before the start of the concert, music for Glinka's operas A Life for the Tsar and
Mussorgsky "Boris Godunov"; pictures of Russian landscapes change on the screen.
Equipment: computer, slides, musical soundtracks, state
symbols of the Russian Federation, the icon of Our Lady of Kazan.
The concert begins with the sound of the Anthem of the Russian Federation recorded by the choir. On the screen is a map of the Russian Federation.
All spectators stand up and sing along with the choir.
Russia is our sacred power,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, great glory -
Yours forever!
Hail, our free Fatherland,
Fraternal peoples age-old union,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail country! We are proud of you!
Enter two leaders
Leading I: In the life of most peoples there are such moments when it comes to their very
existence. About existence not even as a state, but as an independent nation.
For the Russian people, such a turning point was the beginning of the 17th century, which entered into
our story called the Time of Troubles.
Those who express any doubts about the appropriateness of the new holiday,
they are not sufficiently aware of the meaning of what happened then in Rus'.
The fact is that the Time of Troubles is not at all reduced to the Polish-Swedish intervention. This
there was a time when the foundations of state and national life were shaken.
On the screen - Chistyakov's painting "Time of Troubles"
Lead II: A series of disasters, a severe drought, a monstrous famine, an epidemic of plague -
coincided with a complete breakdown of control. When Rus' came to a state not only
extreme poverty and fragmentation, but also outright criminalization - countless

robber gangs practically seized then the entire territory. Of course, all this
did not happen by itself, one problem led to another. Yes, because
raging hunger everywhere, the landowners drove out the serfs so as not to feed them, and those
huddled together in gangs and began to get food by robbery. Natural disasters
turned into economic, followed by social, political, which
exacerbated each other. As people say, trouble does not come alone.
Leading I: If you recall those events, it becomes obvious: the main misfortune of that
time was the loss of moral and religious foundations. The beginning of the Troubles
can be summed up in one word: betrayal. For your selfish interests
the then existing boyar groups (today they can be called the elite) are ready
were for any betrayal, for the recognition of any lie. After all, remember what happened
when False Dmitry was already approaching Moscow.
Lead II: Armies, entire boyar clans went over to his side, recognized him
legal heir. Then there was a strange confusion in the minds, when at the same time
they accused Godunov of killing Dmitry and recognized the impostor as Dmitry. And maybe,
the most terrible was the episode when the Pretender entered Moscow, and all the boyars, clerks, including
including the clerk Shchelkalov, who conducted the investigation of the murder, recognized him
Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich. Even the mother of the murdered youth, and she recognized him as her son. AND
at this moment, only Patriarch Job, usually portrayed as a weak man, only
he, who was beaten in the Assumption Cathedral, spat upon, expelled, only he did not get tired
repeat: this is not Tsarevich Dmitry, but a thief and a defrocked Grishka Otrepyev. They didn't listen to him.
But it is very important that at this moment, as throughout the Time of Troubles, the Russian Church
testified unceasingly to the truth. And neither Patriarch Job, a soft man, nor a hard man,
like a flint, Patriarch Hermogenes was not broken.
Leading I: And this terrible period lasted for years. A real national
catastrophe. And, probably, many contemporaries then no longer had any hope for
revival. The destructive processes seemed irreversible. It was difficult even
to imagine that such a decayed society could not only repulse intervention,
but simply to survive, to stand up, even if there were no external threat.
Leading II: Nevertheless, healthy forces were found - both among the common people and among
ruling elite. We remember their leaders Kuzma Minin and Prince Dimitri
Pozharsky, they united, saved, saved the country, made its future possible
revival. Indeed, by the middle of the 17th century, Rus' was again a strong power, and not
only in military, political, economic terms. Returned national
self-awareness. Spiritual, patriotic beginnings were strengthened.
On the screen - a photo of Alexei II
I presenter: “That is why we celebrate this date as a day of preservation and salvation not
only the Russian state, but also the Russian people - it would simply not exist if
The Time of Troubles could not be overcome.” This is a quote from the current Patriarch of All Rus'
Alexy II.
II presenter: This is, in fact, the Holiday of the salvation of our country! And not from
Polish intervention, but from internal decomposition.

The next three participants come out, sing along to the musical soundtrack
1 verse of the song from the film "Officers".
On the screen - portraits of Minin, Pozharsky, Patriarch Hermogenes, Susanin
From the heroes of yesteryear
Sometimes there are no names left.
Those who have accepted mortal combat,
Became just earth and grass
Only their loud prowess
Settled in the hearts of the living
This eternal flame
bequeathed to us by them,
We store in the chest.
The phonogram is switched on: D.Verdi - a fragment from the overture to the opera "Force of Destiny",
M. Mussorgsky symphonic fantasy "Night on Bald Mountain".
To the sound of an alarming melody, participants read T. Pavlyuchenko’s poem “Russian
I participant:
Again smoke over the homeland of fires,
Again war, devastation, famine
And the enemy's desecration of shrines...
... it seemed: the Russian spirit was split.
II participant:
The people are split. There is no strong power.
Rod, conceived by Rurik, has sunk into oblivion.
Tsar Godunov wanted to save from troubles
Country, traitors to call to account.
But ... died unexpectedly
III participant:
False Dmitry - a former Russian monk,
That betrayed the Orthodox faith,
Probably, nevertheless, he was abandoned by God,
Kohl gave his soul to the Catholic Church.
I participant:
Liar - in Moscow, in Moscow - the Poles,
Those who came to seize all of Rus',
The Russians launched attacks on the church:
Saints icons - in the mud, at their feet.

II participant:
In a terrible year again there is no unity
Among the boyars, among the eminent Cossacks.
When will people run out of patience?
When will he be ready to fight the enemy?
III participant:
False Dmitry has already been killed. But the same Trouble.
Boyar Shuisky quickly took the throne.
He calls the Swedes for help. As long as
Second False Dmitry near Moscow. Who is he?
I participant:
He is the new claimant to the kingdom.
By any means he came to take the throne.
But in Tushino, as in Moscow, there is no brotherhood.
Troops of False Dmitry - on the thief - a thief
II participant:
Forcibly took Shuisky tonsure:
From the throne - out, away - to the monastery.
Again the question of power is acute:
Country - sovereign to be??? Or... a wasteland?!
III participant:
Moscow boyars top
Again let in the Polish troops
The Russian throne is a toy for them:
“We need Vladislav as the king.”
I participant:
The boyars drew up an agreement,
That the Catholic Church should not be,
Vladislav - not to be autocratic,
In Moscow, Vladislav - to live in Russian.
II participant:
But Sigismund - the treacherous monarch -
Vladislav's father is a Pole -
For power, he entered the battle wrong,
Kohl son agrees to rule so.
III participant:

There is only one church left
Prayed for Russia night and day.
"Get together, Russians, together" -
Called from captivity Hermogenes.
I participant:
The call came to Nizhny Novgorod,
Where anger has accumulated for many years:
The betrayal of the boyars accumulated discontent,
The fact that Russia has no freedom.
II participant:
That there is no end to the damned Troubles,
Rus' - not to be on the world map
The Poles are preparing fetters for Russians -
The crow is already ready for the feast.
III participant:
The Volga Tatars brought
Icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.
The face of that intercessor of the earth
He called out to the people: “Save Rus'!”
It is possible to bring in the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan.
On the screen - Makovsky's painting "The Rise of Minin to the Nizhny Novgorod"
I participant:
The merchant Minin gathered the people,
Whose soul has been burning for a long time
Resentment, pain for Russia:
"The victory of the Motherland is a holy cause."
II participant:
Pozharsky Dmitry - governor, prince,
Already known for battles with enemies,
Chosen by the people, bowing to the people:
“Poles should not trample Moscow underfoot.”
III participant:
Here are Russians, Mordovians, Tatars
Joined the militia voluntarily
Preparing cursed punishment for the enemies
For the Motherland, for the people, for the will.

The soundtrack ends with a bell ringing
Leaders on stage
Leading I: The militia consisted of 10 thousand people: nobles, archers, peasants,
artisans, merchants. The spiritual stimulus for liberation was the icon of the Kazan
mother of God. In the autumn of 1612, the militias with the hardest fighting after a long siege,
during which not only the Poles, but also Muscovites ate all the supplies, many died from
famine: entered the Kremlin. Moscow was liberated in January 1613. Zemsky Sobor
elected 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov, the son of Patriarch Filaret, as king. The election of the king
meant the revival of the country, the protection of its sovereignty and identity.
The screen displays an illustration for Ryleev's book "Ivan Susanin" "Love for
breathing homeland”
II presenter: At this time, Sigismund sent a Polish detachment to the Kostroma forests, where
the young Russian tsar was forced to hide in order to capture him. Enemies near the hideout
captured Ivan Susanin, a resident of the village of Domnina, and demanded that he secretly escort them to
Michael's refuge. As a faithful son of the Fatherland, Susanin decided it would be better to die than
betrayal to save a life. He took the Poles in the other direction, into the dense forest.
Staging of the poem by K. Ryleev “Ivan Susanin” against the background of a musical soundtrack
(fragment of M. Glinka's opera "Life for the Tsar"). On the screen is an illustration from the book by K. Ryleev
“Breathing with love for the Motherland”.
1. Reader.
2. I. Susanin.
3. Poles (3-4 people).
Pole: Where are you taking us?
Reader: Enemies cried out with heart to Susanin.
We get stuck and drown in drifts of snow;
We know not to get to your lodging for the night
You've gone astray, brother, right on purpose astray,
But you won't be able to save Michael that way.
Pole: Where did you take us?
Reader: the old Lyakh cried out
Susanin "Where you need,

Reader: Susanin said
Kill, torture - my grave is here.
But know and rush: I saved Mikhail.
They thought you found a traitor in me,
They are not and will not be on the Russian Land!
Poles: “3 lodey!”
Reader: the enemies screamed, boiling over.
Poles: "You will die under swords."
“Your anger is not terrible
Who is Russian by heart, he is cheerful and bold.
And joyfully dies for a just cause.
Neither execution nor death, and I'm not afraid:
Without flinching, I will die for the tsar and for Rus'.
Poles: "Die!"
The Poles cried out to the hero,
And the sabers over the old man, whistling, flashed.
Pole: “Die, traitor! Your end has come!"
And the solid Susanin fell down in his wounds.
The snow is clean, the purest blood stained:
She saved Mikhail for Russia.
On the screen - a miniature "Election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom"
Leading I: After the liberation of Russia from the Polish and Swedish interventionists in many
cities here and there were declared kings - impostors. The civil war continued
until 1618. The turmoil left grave consequences. Many cities and settlements lay in
ruins. Russia has lost many of its sons and daughters. Rural
economy, crafts, trading life died out |.
II presenter: Russian people returned to the ashes, began, as it used to be, to
holy cause - rebirth. The Time of Troubles greatly weakened Russia and its people. But also
showed her strength. The beginning of the seventeenth year ushered in an era of national liberation.

On the slide screen - a monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow and
Monument to Susanin in Kostroma
Members sing:
(Music and words by M. Nozhkin) to a musical soundtrack
On the screen during the performance of the song, the map of the Russian Federation on the screen is replaced by pictures
Russian landscapes
The content of the demonstration material (computer slides).
1. Map of the Russian Federation.
2. State symbols of the Russian Federation.
3. Photo of the Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy from the newspaper Trud. 11.2005
4. Boris Godunov, a fragment of the painting of the Moscow Kremlin.
5. L. Kilian. False Dmitry 1.
6. K. Wenig. The last minutes of the Pretender.
7. P. Chistyakov. Time of Troubles.
8. K. Makovsky. Appeal of K. Minin to the people of Nizhny Novgorod.
9. Ivan Susanin - illustration for the book by K. Ryleev "Breaking with Love for the Motherland".
10. N. Lavinsky. Monument to I. Susanin in Kostroma.
11. Miniature from the book “Election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom”.
12. Illustration for the book “Kingdom of people”.
13. Boyars. Vorozheykina's textbook "Stories from native history".
1. K. Ryleev “Breaking with love for the Motherland”.
2. Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy II. The article “The Holiday of the Country’s Salvation”, the newspaper “Trud”,
November 2005
3. T.M. Pavlyuchenko "Russian Troubles". Unpublished poem, pos. October, 2005

"My Motherland is Russia"
Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of National Unity and the Kazan Icon
Mother of God - November 4
(Children enter the hall to the soundtrack of the song "My Motherland")

Download here: Choir_of_Sretensky_monastery__01__I see_wonderful_freedom_(247)
I see a wonderful pleasure
I see fields and fields -
This is Russian expanse,
This is Russian land.
I see mountains and valleys
I see steppes and meadows -
This is the Russian side
This is my homeland!
On the day of reconciliation and consent
We congratulate all people
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you happiness
Holy Rus' for many days.
(child reads poetry)
Motherland's birthday
We will gladly meet.
All illuminated by the sun
Adults and children.
And we will sing the Anthem of our Motherland (the “Hymn of Russia” sounds on record, everyone stands up,
sing along) (During the performance of the Anthem, 4 children bring the Russian flag into the hall.
Children who hold the flag recite poetry)
The anthem of Russia performed by the children's choir - listen
Download here (item 7 from the list)
1 child:

Russia! Russia!
Your holiday today.
2 child:
Both adult and child
National holiday!
3 child:
Where do not look -
Both there and here
The banners of Great Russia are blooming!
Presenter (shows the colors on the flag):
Three colors on the flag of Russia:
Red, white, blue.
Flag with a red stripe
She has the blood of her fathers and grandfathers.
With red Russia
Honor and victory won!
Blue stripe -
The color of the sky and the seas
And also the Mother of God.
Russia is Her destiny!
White color -
In it is holiness, love, purity.
We want to live in friendship
And the world always!

(Children take the flag out of the hall)
(On the stage, the decoration of the Kremlin)
Pictures that can be used as decorations can be downloaded here:
Option 1
Option 2
No wonder Mother of Kazan
This holiday was established
After all, the faithful Christian army
The capital city was liberated.
Yes, guys, our fathers and grandfathers shed a lot of blood, protecting the Motherland from enemies. A lot of
our long-suffering Russia survived the wars. In 1610 the Poles attacked us.
(The soundtrack of the battle sounds, children in the costumes of the conquerors take the Kremlin by storm).
You can listen and download the battle sounds here
They captured Moscow and the main fortress of the capital - the Kremlin.
It was difficult for the residents of Moscow, the invaders destroyed their houses, desecrated the temples .. What
what to do? Thank God, there were brave people - Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.
They gathered an army and went to liberate the capital of Russia - Moscow.
(Children in costumes of Russian warriors, with swords and shields, with banners enter the hall. In
the hands of a child dressed in a priest's costume - an icon with which he blesses
As an affordable, but, in my opinion, no less impressive alternative,
I propose to arrange a staging with toy soldiers on the table!
The Russian soldiers had an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos - Kazan. They prayed
Heavenly Intercessor and went to liberate the Kremlin.

Icon image can be downloaded here
(they pray in front of the icon, the chant “Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice” sounds, item 5 in the list
download here)
The Russian soldiers fought for two months and on November 4th they defeated the enemy and drove him out of the Kremlin.
Rus' again became autocratic, that is, independent.
(they drive the invaders out of the Kremlin, take them out of the hall).
Worked for the glory of God
And the prince and just a citizen.
Swords were forged and prayed
Enemies in battle were not afraid,
The world was found for all one.
It happened on November 4, 1612. Since then, on November 4, we have been celebrating the Kazan
the icon of the Mother of God, which miraculously helped our soldiers, and the Day of National Unity. IN
commemorating the miraculous liberation of Moscow on Red Square, a beautiful
Kazan Cathedral, and two centuries later they erected a monument to the heroic liberators Kuzma
Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky

(Children read poetry)
Let everyone know, all over the earth
Peace begins in the Kremlin!
Well, in the opinion of the kids,
Peace begins in the soul!
So that wars disappear on earth,
In harmony, we will live in peace,
Keep Holy Rus' with dignity
And cherish our faith.
We remember past victories.
With love on holiday we say:
“Thank you, great-great-great-grandfathers!
We thank you for peace!”
Children sing the song "About the Motherland" (I suppose the one that was at the beginning).
Growing up under the warm sun
We live together, have fun.
Russia, dear, dear,
Blossom and grow stronger every day.
Children perform the dance "Sudarushka" in Russian folk costumes with scarves
(download here).
Let's celebrate friends
Consent and friendship.
Let's make peace with each other -
We don't need more wars!

(bell sounds)
Bells can be downloaded here
"Miracles of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God"
(for parents)
It cannot be said that Kazan, as people say, and the current National Day
Unity - different holidays. The church has been seeking restoration for years
national celebration on November 4, because the history of church veneration
The Kazan icon is inseparable from the history of our Fatherland.
We will understand nothing of our own history if we do not relate events to
Orthodox church calendar. The meaning of the existence of the Russian state
was always revealed by this correlation. Our ancestors called the fatherland
Holy Russia. We, their descendants, living in Russia in the 21st century, can hear in these
words pathos, metaphor. Meanwhile, for our ancestors, it was a very specific
reality, embodied in certain events and symbols.
Since 2005, the date of November 4 has become not only a day for religious festivities, but is celebrated
by all Russian citizens, as "National Unity Day".
Law on naming the date of November 4 as National Unity Day or Reconciliation Day and
consent was adopted at the level of the State Duma of the Russian Federation at the end of 2004. Initially, it was conceived
the date of celebration of such a significant celebration for all Russians, to appoint November 7th.
After all, the memory and habit of celebrating November 7 is firmly entrenched in the minds of Russians for
long years of existence of the USSR. But a little later decision, reschedule the date
celebration of National Unity Day from November 7 to 4, was nevertheless accepted.
Why, then, was chosen as the day of celebration of National Unity, Reconciliation and Accord
date 4 november? This day was chosen by our government as the day of victory in
liberation war of 1612 led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry
Pozharsky from the Polish interventionists. On this day, the Russian people's troops were
liberated Moscow. Such a feat testified to national heroism, unity and
the strength of the people of Rus', regardless of nationalities, religion and class
Kuzma Minin was named by Peter 1 himself "Savior of the Fatherland". On the day of victory
of the Russian people, the tsar appointed a public holiday dedicated to the Kazan icon
Mother of God. But always on this day they remembered the name of the leader of the people
uprising, with the help of which Russia gained freedom and the right to independence. This
the holiday was removed from the list of obligatory and state holidays after 1917. But today we
back to old traditions...
The 16th century was marked by the resounding victory of Tsar Ivan the Terrible over Kazan, the capital
mighty Tatar Khanate. The entire Russian people rejoiced because. many years from here
devastating raids on our lands began, after which scorched
cities and villages, and thousands of people were killed by the Tatars or taken into captivity. Many
the inhabitants of Kazan began to convert to Christianity, but after a few years a terrible fire

Most Pure Mother of God,
destroyed half of this great city. Then the Tatars are Mohammedans who deny the faith
on the Holy Trinity and the veneration of holy icons, began to laugh at the Orthodox faith,
saying that God is not merciful to the Russians, the Ras allowed such a terrible disaster. They
rejoiced, but the Christians mourned, realizing that they had brought trouble with their own
sins, and the Lord, seeing their sincere repentance, revealed, through the prayers of the Mother of God, a great
miracle. There lived at that time in the city an archer named Danila, and he had a little daughter
Matronushka. Their house burned down, but they did not lose heart and began to build a new one in its place.
Once in a dream, the Most Holy Theotokos herself appeared to the Matrona and said: “On the spot
burnt house, in the ground, is My icon. Go to the archbishop and the city
commanders and tell them to dig it up, for it pleases my Lord and me to show
mercy to strengthen people in the true faith.” The mother did not believe the girl at first, but
The Blessed Virgin appeared to Matrona twice more and reminded her of her request. Last
once, warning that if the girl does not fulfill Her command, then She will appear in another
place, and Matrona will die. Matrona and her mother Efrosinya told everything
to the city authorities, who also at first did not believe in what had happened. Then they
they themselves began to search in the ashes. Other residents of the city also joined the excavations.
At first they could not find the icon, but as soon as Matrona herself began to dig, she immediately
remembered where the icon should be. The girl ran to the stove and took out a bundle,
unfolding it, she took out the image of the Mother of God, which shone brightly and looked like
as if it had been written recently. Apparently, this icon was carefully hidden under the ground alone
of the first settlers of Christians, being wary of the unrestrained oppression of the Tatars - Mohammedans,
who considered the veneration of holy icons to be idolatry. They did not understand that they were not icons
christians worship,
weird on them
depicted. Vladyka Jeremiah and the governors on their knees asked for forgiveness from God
Mothers - for lack of faith. Then Vladyka ordered throughout the city in all churches to call
bells and carry the icon in a procession to the church of St. Nicholas of Tula. After the prayer service
Church of St. Nicholas of Tula, the icon was transferred to the main cathedral. On the road and then in
In the cathedral itself, two blind men saw the light - Joseph and Nikita! Since then, it has been observed that more
only with the Kazan icon was the disease of blindness healed. And Tsar Ivan the Terrible, having learned about the miracle,
ordered to build a nunnery on the site of the appearance of the icon. Matronushka with mother of steel
his first nuns. Hard times soon followed. People have sincerely stopped
pray to God. The thirst for power led to the fact that the little innocent Tsarevich Dimitri
- the son of Ivan the Terrible - was killed. Troubled times began in the country: robberies and
the bloodshed did not stop. To this was added another crop failure and the ensuing
him severe hunger. Taking advantage of the unrest, the Swedish troops captured
Novgorod, and the Polish - crossed the border in the west, approached Moscow and occupied it. This
It was God's punishment to the people for their sins. Usually, remembering the year 1612, they say:
"liberation of Moscow from the Poles". This is not entirely accurate. Poles of those interventionists
(Poles, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Hungarians, Germans) are named only insofar as at the head
their were Polish governors. The goal of the Europeans was to keep as long as possible
occupied territory so that you can scoop out as much good as possible. Target
Russians - to quickly drive out uninvited guests. Moscow was in the hands of the Polish
military leaders since October 1610. Muscovites' outrage turned into armed
uprising, back in March 1611, a year and a half before liberation. The invaders suppressed
him, destroying Moscow so that the inhabitants would not have a roof over their heads, and the survivors
Muscovites were forced to flee the city. But autumn came, and in Nizhny Novgorod
Headman Kuzma Minin threw out his cry, to which thousands of hearts responded
Russians. Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky led a new powerful militia.
It is noteworthy that together with the Russians, the Mari joined and went to this militia,
Chuvash, Komi and other Volga and northerners are representatives of peoples who are not yet

long ago, during the conquest of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, they acted as fierce enemies
Russians. It was very important that they now felt at one with the Russians,
realized that enlightened Europe would come to rob them. Called Liberators
and the winners of Minin and Pozharsky, but we are Orthodox people, we must see ourselves
the main victorious, overshadowed by God's grace. They, in that difficult time, became
Moscow Patriarch Hermogenes. He openly and boldly opposed the invaders. He
refused to go out and order the first militia to retreat from Moscow. "What are you to me
threaten? – His Holiness Patriarch said to the Poles. I fear only God. If you leave then
I will order them to leave, disperse, otherwise I will order them to stay and die for the faith. - you to me
you promise a cruel death, but through it I hope to receive a crown. I've been dreaming for a long time
suffer for the truth." The Poles imprisoned him in the dungeon of the Chudov Monastery, subjected him to
torture. Being imprisoned, Patriarch Hermogenes wrote a letter, which faithful brave
people were able to take them to Nizhny Novgorod, and this patriarchal message ignited the hearts of people,
and when Minin issued a cry, Rus' rose to the fight, thanks to the call of Hermogenes! Poles,
having learned about this, they stopped feeding the sharpener. They, mockingly, threw him a sheaf of hay and
some water. On February 17, 1612, Patriarch Hermogenes died of hunger and cold,
taking on the crown of martyrdom. He sacrificed himself for the sake of Rus
remained Orthodox, overthrew the hated aliens who wanted to ruin it first, and
then forcibly converted to Catholicism. The feat of the most holy Hermogenes is a victory in the spiritual
battle over enemies, a guarantee of a future military victory! Another inspirer of the coming
victory, the elder of the Borisoglebsky monastery appeared, that at the Mouth the Monk Irinarch
Rostovsky. Minin and Pozharsky moved their regiments from Yaroslavl. Knowing that the militia
Pozharsky does not dare to go to Moscow, because of the disagreements that arose, Irinarkh sent
prosphora and blessing to Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich, and also ordered to hand over to
he went without fear to liberate the capital. Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich, rejoicing,
moved the rati, and along the way, Minin and Pozharsky arrived at the Boriso-Glebsky monastery to
personally receive the elder's blessing. Irinarkh blessed them and gave his
cross, becoming for them the same as Sergius of Radonezh was for Demetrius of Donskoy. IN
miraculous copy of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was in the ranks of the militia,
owned by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Before the decisive battle, the warriors imposed
upon themselves a 3-day fast and with weeping they cried out before the miraculous icon to the Heavenly
Intercessor. And their prayers were heard. Troops coming from Poland to help those who
were in Moscow, were defeated. Finally, the Kremlin was taken on November 4, 1612
year. The liberation of Moscow from foreigners in the fall of 1612 was the beginning of the liberation
Our Fatherland, which survived the terrible, incredibly difficult, years of troubled times.
From here began the ascent of Russian statehood to the shining Imperial
peaks. In memory of the miraculous liberation of Moscow on Red Square was erected
a beautiful cathedral in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Elected in 1612 new
Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, established annually on July 21 in a new style
to celebrate the acquisition of the icon, and on November 4, the deliverance of Moscow from the Poles.
The Most Holy Theotokos, through her miraculous image of Kazan, helped more than once
to our Fatherland.
Before the Battle of Poltava, Peter 1 ordered to wear the Kazan icon of the Mother of God in front of
regiments, and he himself prayed with tears, begging the Heavenly Queen for help. invincible
The army of the Swedes was defeated!
And in 1812, the Mother of God granted victory to our soldiers over the armies of Napoleon.
Field Marshal Kutuzov, before taking command of the Russian troops, for a long time

prayed before the miraculous image of the Virgin in the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. AND
here, on November 4, on the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Russian troops
won their first victory. On this day the first snow fell, and severe frosts began, so
which had a detrimental effect on the French, who were not accustomed to the cruel cold. From this day,
the enemy army began to melt, and the retreat of the French began, turning into
Even more wonderful things were done by the Mother of God quite recently - during the Great
Patriotic war of 1941-1945. The breakthrough of the blockade ring of Leningrad occurred
after the procession through the city with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Battle of Stalingrad
ended with the victory of our soldiers, who also had the Kazan icon
Mother of God. Kyiv was liberated by our troops on November 4th. Not to list all the miracles!
Holy Mother of God, save us!

▫ Alevtina Petrovna, they have such a job.
▫ There is something. There are no words. But its terribly meek source has already torn out love. one can already see how his future circuit stands up for brothers and sisters. How dark it all is, how stupid. Who is who's brother and who is who's sister? Everyone to everyone. When a word comes, it knows no distant relationship. It kisses breathlessness on the lips. Reciprocal exhalation - we hear and great. Only the word tramples on delirium and chaos and speaks of immortality to mortals. Bella Akhmadulina 1982 (an excerpt, but I hope that all lovers of Poetry know it well - MUSIC!) 6176621-a151550 Vladimir Nikolaevich! Thank you! It is logical and I like this answer to the question. And it arose, because a caustic epigram was received from Anna Akhmatova, or rather from Alina Alexandrovna in her commentary. Nevertheless, I looked at the popularity rating of poems from domestic lyrics. For every 10-15 male poets, there is one woman. And Marina Tsvetaeva is higher than Akhmatova, the third (confidently) is Bella Akhmadulina, then Larisa Rubalskaya, Yulia Drunina, Veronika Tushnova .... But I will finish with your opinion on this matter: `Every poet is inimitable! And the destinies of all people are different. And everyone is respected by someone, And everyone writes `excellent`, Everyone is interesting in their own way .... (c) Each of us has the MOST_MOST!!! AND NOT ONE! AND IN DIFFERENT PERIODS OF LIFE! Today it will be fair to celebrate the birthdays of our favorite Poets here on the page! Olga Fedorovna Bergholz was born on May 16 (May 3, 1910, St. Petersburg - November 13, 1975, Leningrad) - Russian Soviet poetess, prose writer. 6582469-a151550 May 16, Igor Severyanin was born (most of his literary activity, the author preferred the spelling Igor-Severyanin; real name - Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev; May 4 (16), 1887, St. Petersburg - December 20, 1941, Tallinn) - Russian poet of the Silver Age `. 6465544-a151550 Thank you for the conversation, Vladimir Nikolaevich! Good evening everyone!
▫ Inna Viktorovna, `The colonel says that he is a fucking soldier, and not a ... comedian!` (`Killer`) Olga Alekseevna, the above does not concern comrades in arms ...
▫ They just push asexual upbringing through them, that's all. In this they are perhaps the best .... If their model is introduced in our schools, do not say later that you do not like it. I wanted to, after all. Do you want yours to write with a pencil and do all the homework in 15 minutes? All their super-duperness only in the fact that they will not leave the child `with ignorance of the topic`, they will explain to the last. And we have a hard time with this, very hard, but this is a flaw of the directors. But the same Amonashvilis and Lysenkovs, dozens of years ago before Finland, developed methods that made it possible to assimilate most of the material without shouting and coercion. But it was the Finns who surrendered to us.

Elena Sutyrina

November 4 will be the Day of National Unity, the day of unity of all who love their country, their homeland. I offer a brief report on the preparations for the holiday today for your judgment.

At first, the children were tells the story of the origin of this holiday, they also read excerpts from Vladimir Solovyov's book Minin and Pozharsky.

Children look at the illustrations of the book with interest, discuss.

With friends held the games "Let's live together" and "Tell a compliment to a friend".

Learned a poem with children:

“We are family and we are friends.

We are a people and we are one.

Together we are invincible."

Introduced proverbs and sayings:

The people have one home - the Motherland.

Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.

Children with sisters and brothers prepared small crafts.

Together completed the collective work "Our Motherland - Russia".

A screen was presented for parents on the theme of the holiday.

“On Unity Day we will be together, we will be together forever!”

Happy holiday to you, dear colleagues!

Peace, unity, harmony to all families and our big beautiful

Motherland named Russia!

Related publications:

The script of the holiday "Day of National Unity" National Unity Day The hall is festively decorated. The song “About Russia” sounds, the children go into the hall and take their seats. Host: Kind.

Scenario of the event "Day of National Unity" Holiday "Day of National Unity". They don’t argue with history, They live with history, It unites For a feat and for work One state, When.

Entertainment "National Unity Day" (senior preschool age) Entertainment for older people "Day of National Unity" Aims and objectives of the holiday: - to instill in students an interest in the history of the Day holiday.

Entertainment "Day of National Unity" in the senior group Purpose: To acquaint children with the peoples of Russia, talk about their culture and customs. Tasks: 1) Educational - to cultivate respect for their culture.

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