Fire swamp. Complete mod guide Twilight forest - Best server with mods


Public lesson.

Topic: "Path of ancestors"

(Based on the novel by V.V. Yukhnin “The Fire Swamp”).

Target: Get acquainted with the traditions of the Komi hunter, preserve the national wealth and

The culture of our people.

Tasks: A) educational:

1. get acquainted with the life and work of V.V. Yukhnin;

2. to reveal the diversity of the problems of the story;

3. be able to highlight, analyze and navigate the content of the text.

B) developing:

1. develop a sense of love for the native land, for the small homeland;

2. to find a clue to an old legend that existed in the minds of the people;

3. reflect the actions of the characters in the series of events in the story.

B) educational

1. cultivate respect for the traditions of their people;

2. cultivate a sense of empathy for the heroes.

During the classes.

1. Introductory speech. (small presentation. Slides: 1.plan-map of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2.nature;)

A) Guys, we live in a rich republic. Its bowels conceal huge wealth - minerals: oil, coal, gas; boundless forests are spread, deep rivers flow, and our republic is also rich in people, with its traditions, which are respected even today.

Many of us like to visit our native taiga-parma, which is a storehouse of supplies, a breadwinner, and an assistant to the local population.

B) work with the class. Questions. 1. Guys, which of you likes to go to the forest?

2. What do you collect there?

3. And which of you was hunting? Is it interesting or is it hard work?

C) Let's watch a short scene "The road to the hunt."

(performance by Marina, Alyosha, Vanya)

D) Questions: 1. Guys, did you guess who these heroes are?

2. What product are our boys from? Who is the author of this work?

3. Or maybe someone has already guessed what we will talk about today in the lesson?

(about boys, about hunting, about behavior in the forest and, probably, about the traditions of our ancestors, which are kept in the memory of our people today).

E) And now, following our heroes, we will go on a journey, watch them, learn a lot of interesting things.

2. work with the class. Question: Guys, what do you know about this writer, VV Yukhnin?

(wrote the story "The Fire Swamp" (in Komi - "Bia nur"; our fellow countryman, the central library is named after him, was born in Zanulia).

Well done, you know a lot about him.

Christina will share her knowledge about the writer. (presentation, message about V.V. Yukhnin).

Thank Christina for her work.

3. Word of the teacher.

Today we will talk about the work of V.V. Yukhnin "The Fire Swamp". This story became the first national work for children in Komi literature, telling about two young hunters (Sena and Mita), who found the solution to an old legend about a wonderful “fire swamp” and many other interesting things.

4. work with the class.

Questions: 1. Guys, do you know how Komi hunters dressed for hunting in the old days?

(they may say, or they may not answer), but they will say about weapons, about a dog.

The Komi people spent half of their lives in the forest, hunting, picking berries and mushrooms. But the most important occupation of the Komi people is hunting, and the life of a hunter is difficult, full of dangers, so clothes should protect him, be very comfortable, practical, and these important elements are reflected in many details in clothes.

5. Viewing the presentation (Maxim) "Clothes and weapons of the Komi hunter." (Thank Maxim).

6. Conduct a short tour of the mini-exhibition (belt - tasma, birch bark box - motley, basket, armchair, matches, wooden shovel - gun - pishchal, felt boots - kys, field bag).

7. Work with text. Questions: a) Guys, are our young hunters dressed like this?

(find a description of their clothes in the text, read out the negative; Senya is dressed according to the rules of a Komi hunter.)

B) What is the difference between the clothes of young hunters, Mitya's? (Mitya has a modern one, shoes are shod, leggings are put on, a sweatshirt, a hat).

C) What names of elements of clothing and hunting items are found in the work?

(work with text)

D) How do modern hunters dress up for hunting now? (boots, camouflage suit, hat)

8. Conclusion: Guys, you and I can already determine that not all elements of hunting clothing are observed in modern times, but still, hunter's clothing should be comfortable and practical.

9. We talked about clothes. V.V. Yukhnin in his work “The Fire Swamp” does not bypass folk customs.

Dictionary work: 1 meaning of the word "custom" - traditionally established rules of social behavior

2. bring synonyms to the word "custom" - rule, -a); tradition, commandment, law, morality (these words are synonyms).

Questions: A) What custom is the author of the story talking about? (how to behave on the hunt).

B) What laws of a hunter do you know? (the guys will call if they know, and if not, then go to the presentation).

10. Presentation (Alina) "Rules of hunting morality". (thanks Alina)

11. work with text.

Questions: A). Tell us about the customs of the Komi hunters described in the work.

B) Do our young hunters (Mitya and Senya) observe these customs? (Yes. They ask for permission to spend the night in a hut, prepare firewood, leave prey).

12. Guys, we watched, listened to interesting presentations about clothes, about the customs of the Komi hunter, but we haven’t said a single word about the main assistant of our young heroes.

a) Can you guess who we are talking about? (about the dog Busko)

B) What kind of help does the dog provide to hunters? (a squirrel, hazel grouse barks, helps to catch a marten).

Q) And what other important help does our boys get? (helps get out of the Fire Swamp).

13. conversation with the class.

Questions: A) How did Mitya and Senya get to the fire swamp? (they are hunting for a marten, which leads to a mysterious swamp)

B) What legend lived among the people about this swamp?

(Working with text; History of Peter).

C) Why was Mitya so impatient to learn the legend about the Fire Swamp?

(Not only interest, but also the desire to solve the mystery)

D) Guys, being in a swamp, how do they behave?

(they are scared, but they overcome their fear, show resourcefulness, courage)

e) What helps them in a difficult situation? What discovery did they make?

(knowledge of the laws of nature, science; compliance with the rules of the hunter; discovered a deposit of iron ore and natural gas).

E) How does the writer reveal the characters of the boys? (Mitya is an unreliable comrade, irresponsible, frivolous; Senya is serious, responsible, he is trusted at school).

G) What interests do they have, in what ways do they manifest themselves? (Mitya draws well, and Senya writes poetry, dreams of becoming a good poet. Read lines from the text)

(Senya grew up in the village, he knows everything, he follows the rules, he teaches this to Mitya, since he received knowledge from his grandfather Matvey.

Mitya is a city boy. He has just arrived in the village. For him, hunting is a game, interest, learning new things, he learns from Senya, wants to be the best).

I) Is everything working out for Mitya? What mistakes did he make? (no, because he still doesn’t know much (he removed the hare from the dust, spent the firewood in the hunting hut, took the flint), but he studies with Senya, wants to imitate him, and he succeeds (without a reminder he prepares firewood before returning home ).

K) Our heroes are good boys, but there is an act that causes our heroes mental anguish? Who is doing it? (Mitya)

14. Fill out a table in which they write the actions committed by the boys.

(d / n information for reflection, if we have time in time.

15. Question: Will Mitya and Senya reconcile? How will their future fate turn out? Give them a chance to dream about the future.

Conclusion: lesson reflection

Solve the crossword puzzle.

(or distribute leaflets and write your thoughts about the work, about the characters.

"Fire Swamp" is...

Five years later, at the place where Athanasius and his armed squad discovered the Dragon Dungeon, a swamp formed again.
Now people have called it the Fire Swamp. No one dared to come to this place, especially at night, it was considered cursed.
Like a terrible ghost, in the darkness of the night, the swamp spewed out a fiery light from within. People were afraid not only of the unusually bright colors of the glow of the swamp at night, but also of the disgusting smell of burnt, rotten and rotten earth. This disgusting and acrid smell spread far beyond the Fire Swamp and its environs.
The swamp itself was filled with noxious fumes. The nuclear reactor that provided energy for the internal communications of the Dragon Dungeon slowly and gradually heated up the surrounding area.
Could a nuclear reactor explode or be out of control? People did not know the answer to this question.
Billions of strains of microbes burst onto the surface of the earth, spreading epidemics of unknown diseases.
People were afraid of everything related to the Dragon Dungeon and the Fire Swamp. They bypassed these unfortunate places and tried to build their houses as far as possible.
Silence and oblivion fell over the Fire Swamp. No one: neither man, nor bird, nor beast, nor any other living creature visited these gloomy and godforsaken places.
At that moment, peace came to earth. The departed war has left about itself a sinister and terrible secret of the Dragon Dungeons.
The stinking and rotten excrement of the Fire Swamp constantly reminded people of how dangerous endless hatred for each other can be.

Athanasius could not leave his native place, because his ancestors lived here. He felt how his heart ached for his dear and beloved homeland.
Endless problems and difficulties brought many Russians out of a state of peace of mind. They were forced to lose relatives and friends. Many could not have a family, because they were afraid of the birth of children - mutants. Such children were forbidden to be left alive. This made family life unbearable.
Olga is long dead. Athanasius, at the age of forty-two, was alone. His mental state was difficult. He was far from the only one who had similar problems in his personal life.
The settlement in which Athanasius was located was located on the banks of a large river. It was planned to create a large city on the site of the village. An expedition was located here, which carried out preliminary surveys for the construction of the future city.
A group of geologists had to study the area so that the designers could use this data to create a project for the future city.
Geologists, biologists, ecologists, geodesists jointly conducted their research and surveys. They studied the soil on which structures and buildings would have to be erected. Created accurate terrain. We studied the epidemiological situation. The work was peaceful and very interesting.
But, the taiga... It was full of dangers!
The monsters that met in the local forests frightened people not only with their terrible appearance, but also with terrible stories about cannibalism.
Athanasius was the chief engineer of the project. There were about a hundred people under his command.
The area surrounding the village was uninhabited and full of danger. People were forced to take weapons with them when leaving the village. There were few women in the village.
Athanasius tried not to take women on his expedition at all. But there was one woman. Her name was Silitz.
The rest of the women lived in the village permanently as attendants.
Silitz was an engineer-geologist. Frail in appearance and still very young, she did a man's job. Together with the men, she went outside the village, took the soil for research, made conclusions and carried out other work related to geological surveys.
Silitz liked many of the men on the expedition, but she was hard-to-reach. She was called Silits - touchy.
Athanasius treated women with distrust. He knew that the appearance of a woman on an expedition is always accompanied by difficulties and complications.
Silitz was the cause of quarrels between men. She didn't suspect it, though.
Athanasius looked at the Silits with obvious irritation. She sensed this and their professional relationship was always strained.
But now Athanasius was watching her intently.
- Athanasius, you fought, didn't you? Silice asked suddenly.
“Yes, I fought,” Athanasius answered reluctantly.
He did not like to remember the past wartime. It constantly reminded him of his wife, Olga.
What happened to those who conducted these terrible experiments on people? Were they sentenced to death? Silice asked again.
Few were sentenced to death. Only those who were directly guilty of this heinous crime. - Restrainedly answered Athanasius.
- I'm sorry to ask. I participated in the investigation of this crime and the fate of those with whom I had to meet, as a result of this work, worries me very much. Many of them had no idea what was going on deep underground in the Dragon Dungeon.
Those who managed to avoid the guillotine were forced to go to the bottom. Now they live under the sign of the Order of Atlantis. Athanasius replied with a wry smile on his face.
Women's pity and sympathy, here, seemed inappropriate to him. He had no desire to pity those responsible for this crime.
-Ah well! Does that mean they are the mysterious Order of Atlantis? Silitz asked, widening her eyes in astonishment.
– Yes, they are. They are forced to hide from people and live at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
-I was there! Silitz answered shortly. - But I did not know the real reason why people are forced to live in such terrible conditions, surrounded by sharks and dolphins!
“They deserve sharks to be their friends now!” exclaimed Athanasius in disgust. But what were you doing at the bottom of the ocean? I am aware that communication and communication with the Order of Atlantis is limited. Their location is a secret from most people. This secret is even protected by the laws of our order!
“I am a geologist and have received permission and access to the Order of Atlantis through my scientific work. Unfortunately, I cannot and do not have the right to talk much about this.
Athanasius looked with surprise at the woman who seemed to him so weak, fragile and defenseless.
– I would never have thought that you are able to cover long distances with the help of scuba gear and an underwater suit. You are so fragile and tender! – He added with irony in his voice.
– The underwater gateway that can be used to enter this mysterious city underwater is really very difficult! This job requires good skills and training. I have been scuba diving since the age of fourteen and I can overcome such distances and withstand the physical stresses associated with scuba diving.” Silits answered seriously, not understanding whether Athanasius was joking or speaking seriously.
– And how is life for those who are forced to live away from our order in order to avoid retribution and retribution for their sins? Can you tell us a little about this? I'm very interested. Athanasius asked in the stern tone of a teacher.
- A little, of course, I can. Silitz answered willingly.
-Tell me then. - Now smiling slightly, said Athanasius.
They live deep under water. This city has a transparent dome instead of walls, which protects it from the surrounding waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
Is there artificial air? Athanasius asked with interest.
-Yes, air and fresh water are artificially synthesized with the help of special facilities that are located inside the city. In addition, when the ocean is not stormy and there is no high wave, the transparent dome opens. Then, people can not only breathe fresh air, but also see the sun. Silice replied.
– Is the city spacious enough for people or is it cramped to live in and there is very little space? Athanasius asked her again.
– Of course, tight! Crowded to such an extent that the Atlanteans cannot sleep in a horizontal position the way we used to do it! They are forced to sleep upright and suspended. Because of this, they sleep in a tiny room with thirty or forty people tightly pressed vertically to each other ...

Beginning, Underground City,

The Twilight forest mod adds a new dimension to us that is filled with adventure, the world is huge, like the normal world, and almost all covered with trees. This world is more mysterious and fantastic than usual. It is constantly dark here, which gives this world a unique, dark atmosphere. Large trees with their crown cover the Twilight Forest from the sun's rays, forming a kind of dome. It is only occasionally pierced by huge trees, so huge that they reach up to the sky. The terrain here is flatter than in the overworld, but sometimes you can find hills containing caves full of valuable ores, treasures, and dangerous monsters.

How to build a portal to the twilight forest:

In order to get into this world, we need to create a portal. For the portal, we need to dig a 2x2 hole and fill it with water. To surround this pit with plants, any plants (dandelions, poppies, reeds, seedlings) are suitable). Next, we throw one diamond into the pit and lightning should fall into our portal. Ready! Our portal is activated!

Since version 1.7.10, the author has added a progress system to us. What does it mean? And this means that we need to reach this or that boss or dungeon by completing achievements. That is, we will not be able to immediately kill the Hydra or the Snow Queen. Locations that we have not yet opened will not be available to us. They will have negative effects on us. And around us there will be so-called barriers (Visual effects)

Bosses and adventures:

First of all, we need to kill any creature.

Naga can be found in the Naga Arena. Naga Arena - The area where the Naga boss spawns.

This place is surrounded by a fence made of Nagi stone, mossy cobblestones, and stone bricks of various kinds. Naga is the easiest boss. It drops 6-12 Naga hearts, as well as a large amount of experience. In order to complete the “Naga Killer” achievement, we need to pick up the Naga trophy.

The next task will be to kill the Lich.

The lich appears as a tall skeleton (about three blocks tall) wearing a purple robe and wearing a golden crown on its head. Also, he has different eyes: one is red, the other is burgundy. Upon spawning, five shields rotate around him; in his hand is a Twilight staff that emits blue bubbles.

After the death of the Lich, one of three staffs drops: Twilight Staff, Zombie Staff or Death Staff.
Also drop out: a golden sword, a golden cuirass, golden greaves, or all together; two bones and a pearl of the End. After we have picked up the Lich trophy, we complete the achievement “Killer of the Dead”. In order to open the next task, we need to pick up the staff of the dead.

After that, we need to find the Labyrinth of the Minotaur. He is in the swamp.

In the labyrinth, we need to kill the mushroom centaur. This is a mini boss. It is a hybrid of an ordinary minotaur and a mushroom cow. It spawns on the second level of the minotaur maze in the room with the big mushrooms. He deals damage with a powerful ax that drops when this boss dies. This ax can be repaired with diamonds on an anvil. The best way to fight this boss is to break the block of the big mushroom and just beat him. After we get the soup from the Minotaur, we complete the task “The Mighty Stroganov”.

Hydra. This boss can be found near a large cave with many ores.

Hydra represents the three-headed blue dragon. It only takes damage to the head, the most damage to it can be done by shooting in the mouth when it opens it. Hydra is located in a cut hollow hill in a fire swamp. When you kill her, you will receive several vials of fiery blood and a Hydra trophy. You also get two achievements!

Now we can go to the Dark Forest!

To enter the main part of the fortress, you will need a trophy - the head of a Hydra, Naga, Lich or Gast, dropped from the corresponding bosses. Six ghostly knights who have climbed out of their graves and are now trying to escape from their tomb, which is located in Goblin Underground City to take revenge on their enemies. They are dressed in Phantom Armor and throw iron weapons. From phantoms we get the royal pickaxe, axe, helmet and cuirass of phantoms. All these things will be enchanted with quite good spells. Together with these things we get an achievement.

After the battle with the phantoms, we can go to the ghast tower!

The High Ghast is the leader of all Carminite Ghasts in the Dark Tower. It has a size of 8x8x8 blocks and several additional tentacles on the sides. Shoots 3 giant fireballs at once. Constantly spawns baby carminite ghasts, and with a large amount of damage received, it can go into "Tantrum" - a state when this boss will cry with giant ghast tears, it will rain, the boss will receive 3/4 less damage and will continuously create cubs. Fortunately, in Tantrum, the High Ghast cannot attack. After death, a chest with fiery blood, carminite and a trophy spawns - a reduced copy of the boss himself. For defeating him, we get an achievement.

In order to complete the next achievement, we need to kill the almo-yetti and get his fur.

Terrible Almo-yeti, much stronger than his brothers. Killing this boss drops a warm yeti fur that protects the player from the spell of the Snow Queen. Yetti will pick you up and knock you back, dealing damage. Also, when he is angry, icicles will start falling from the ceiling, beware of them!

After the death of Almo-yeti, we perform an achievement.

After killing the yeti, we need to go to Aurora Castle, where the snow queen lives.

Kills drop a head, a triple bow, and several stacks of snowballs. Congratulations! We've got another hit.

To get the last achievement we need to find a fire lamp. She is in a cave in this biome:

But before you go into the cave you need to find the giants! They are located above the same biome on a floating island.

Kills a giant with a huge pickaxe and go to the cave.

I will say right away that this mountain has a lot of caves, it will be quite difficult for us to find the one we need. But with the cave mode on our map, it's easy to figure it out. In the cave we find a huge masonry with giant obsidian. We break it with a giant pickaxe and see two chests. One of these chests will contain our lamp. And the achievement is done.

- Magic pen. The item is needed to create a magic card. Craft Crow Feather, Glowing Dust and Torch.

- Magic core. An item that can be found in the Minotaur's Labyrinth. Needed to create an anti-workbench and a labyrinth map

— Metal of the ancients. Can be found in treasure chests in the Duskwood. You can also craft from an iron ingot, a gold nugget and a mossy root. Used to create armor and tools from ancient metal. In this case, things will be automatically enchanted.

— Fiery blood and tears. You can get it for killing the Hydra and the Highest Ghast. Used to create fire ingots that can be used to make armor and tools. In this case, things will be automatically enchanted.

— Staff of the dead. Dropped by Lich when pressed PKM spawns a green zombie minion, he is stronger than his fellows and attacks hostile mobs. Burns in the sun and dies a minute after spawning, to recharge, put the scepter in the crafting grid along with rotten flesh and a rage potion.

— Staff of death. Dropped by Lich when pressed PKM takes away health from the mob that the cursor is hovering over and adds it to the player. To recharge, put it in the crafting grid along with a cooked spider eye.

— Twilight staff. Dropped by Lich when pressed PKM fires projectiles that look like ender pearls that deal 5 damage each. Can fire 99 of these projectiles, then requires reloading by placing in the crafting grid along with an ender pearl.

- Naga's heart. Used to craft armor. Can be found in Duskwood Dungeons and can be obtained as a reward for killing Naga.

- Fan of flight. When used, gives the player a jumping effect for a few seconds. Also, if used on creatures, the fan will push them back a few blocks. The fan can be found in treasure chests in the Duskwood.

- Queen of caterpillars. When you press PKM she puts a caterpillar on the block that will glow. The Caterpillar Queen can be found in treasure chests in the Duskwood.

- Attracts ore if pressed and held PKM.

- Triple bow. The bow shoots 3 arrows at once. Obtained by killing the Snow Queen. Deals 10 damage.

- Ice bow. Obtainable at Aurora Castle. Freezes its target, dealing some damage to it.

— Ender bow. If you shoot it at a mob, then the player will change places with the mob. In this case, the bow deals 8-10 damage.

- Seeker's bow. Deals 8-10 damage to the victim. Has the property of homing.

- Pickaxe of the labyrinth. This is a special pickaxe that can only be found in the mazes added by the Twilight Forest mod. The main feature of this pickaxe is that only it can quickly destroy the stones of the labyrinth; other pickaxes destroy labyrinth stones very slowly, and their durability decreases 16 times faster than normal. It is also worth noting that this pickaxe is not found in ordinary chests in the labyrinth, it can only be found in the secret room on the second level of the labyrinth.

- The fire set gives good protection, sets the creature on fire during the attack. The fire pickaxe has the property of auto-smelting ores. The fire sword sets the creature on fire during the attack.

- Anti workbench. A block similar to a regular workbench, but allowing you to assemble and disassemble things; the latter requires experience. If the disassembled tool was used, then some of the ingredients will not be available for crafting.

Has an easy craft.

Biomes other:

The main biome of the Twilight Forest mod. In it, as in many others, you can find special trees, new mobs, structures, and much more. There are also mushrooms, ferns, tall grass, several passive mobs (rams, wild boars, deer). Do not confuse with the Illuminated Forest! The Duskwood biome does not generate flowers in such quantities, and the trees do not have "lanterns" from the fence and glowstone.

Deer, rams and wild boars can often be found in the biome. These are ordinary pig, cow and sheep. They can be turned into their prototypes by clicking on them with transformation powder, which can be found in chests.

Also in this biome you can find the house of the druid. It is a house made of cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, with a brick chimney and a wooden roof. The house contains a Druid Skeleton spawner.

Druids spawn in the Druid's Lodge, or the Dark Forest (there are sometimes found riding spiders). They are very difficult to spot in the forest because of their clothing. They have 20 health and deal 3-5 damage. As a drop you can get: 0-2 bones, 0-2 torches and as a rare drop a golden hoe.

Illuminated forest— a new biome in the Twilight Forest modification since version 1.7.2. In general, the biome is similar to the dusk forest, but unlike it, this biome has many flowers, including flowers from version 1.7.2, as well as jars of fireflies hanging from fences that are attached to trees.

Monsters in this most beautiful biome practically do not spawn, because it is always light there, but friendly mobs like sheep from Twilight Forest spawn. There are also a lot of pumpkins in this biome.

Dark forest- one of the biomes that adds the Twilight Forest mod.

The dark forest is a rather creepy place, as it is completely dark there: a dense hat does not let light through. In this regard, going there without torches or a potion of night vision, or the Queen of Caterpillars and any preparation is almost pointless, and constantly flickering and densely growing trees can confuse. Recently, this biome exudes a special blinding aura, which makes it very difficult to be there even on the foliage; closer to the heart of the forest, the foliage becomes fiery red.
The blindness effect will disappear when you kill the Hydra.

You can walk on the top of this biome and not be afraid that you can fall through - there are no gaps in it. Also sometimes there are lakes with water, sometimes lakes with lava; maybe it's a bug, maybe a joke from the developer. An interesting fact is that the foliage of the trees of this forest does not burn in fire and lava.

Two unique mobs spawn in the dark forest biome - the king of wolves and the king of spiders. Both of them are about twice as large as their prototypes and in absolute darkness will cause a fair amount of trouble if they notice.

The Wolf King has 30 health and deals 6 damage to the player. It has no drop. Twice as large as its counterpart from the ordinary world. By itself, the misty wolf has a scarlet color, but in the darkness of the "native" biome it is transparent. Sometimes inflicts blindness on the player

The Spider King is a huge yellow-brown spider. In the pitch darkness of the Dark Forest biome, he can be seen by his glowing red eyes.
The Spider King is twice the size, speed, and strength of a normal spider, however, if he sees the player, he will bypass water if it serves as an obstacle.
This spider spawns with a skeletal druid as a rider, which makes it quite a strong opponent, since the skeleton druid uses the Poison effect. Drop: Thread (1-2)
Spider Eye (0-2)

Skeleton Druid:
Bone (0-2)
Torch (1-2)

It is worth noting that the Dark Forest is a place where you can definitely find a Dark Tower, with a High Gast boss mob, and where there are guaranteed to be 3-4 goblin cities.

snow forest- one of the biomes of the Twilight Forest, similar to the taiga biome from the ordinary world. Consists mainly of spruce trees covered with snow; flowers, grass and ferns grow. There is always a glacier at the center of this biome; only here can a yeti cave be generated. This biome is also inhabited by snow wolves and yetis.

The prototype of the penguin is a chicken. She can be transformed into a penguin by using transformation powder. The snow wolf is an inhabitant of the snowy forest. Has 30 health when killed and drops arctic mech.

On the glacier Aurora Castle can be found. In the castle, we can meet a snow guard, a stable and unstable core. Unstable core will explode on death. Each of these mobs drop snowflakes. All have 20 health.

Twilight Mountains - this is a biome in which large spruces grow. They are full of deer and wild boars. They are covered with podzol. Instead of flowers, there are light mushrooms and ferns. Trollstein can be found in caves. Above the twilight mountains you can find the island of giants. They live on a cloud in a giant cobblestone and oak house.

In the house you will find two giants. By default they will have your skin. They have 80 xt health and drop a giant sword and pickaxe when killed.

After the twilight mountains we fall in the Thorns biome. Do not lean against them, you will be hurt. Don't break them either. This can worsen everything, the fact is that if they are broken, then they grow even more.

After the spikes, you can climb the central mountains. They are covered with wet stone. From above you can find the druid houses and the castle. Unfortunately, the castle with the final boss has not yet been finalized.

fire swamp- this is one of the biomes of the Twilight Forest world; is a 100% Hydra spawn site. The terrain of this place is somewhat reminiscent of the Lower World: there is lava, grass and foliage of trees have a scarlet hue, the water is colored purple, and smoke and fire spouting from the ground only complement the image of not the most favorable place for both life and exploration. . It makes sense to go here just to kill the Hydra and dig up two unique blocks: smoke and flame generators.
You cannot get to the fire swamps without passing the twilight ones - therefore it is not recommended to go here at the beginning of the game: the twilight swamps impose the effect of hunger, and the fiery ones set fire (until you kill the Lich).

Mysterious forest (enchanted forest)- A biome with unique trees - colorful trees, beautiful grass and a wonderful atmosphere. The spawn chance of this biome is extremely low! Sometimes you need to walk for hours in front to find it, and sometimes it happens that the portal spawns already in it.

Also, here you can meet Quest Rama. This is a unique mob, it lives in ruins. If you give him all 16 types of wool, he will give you gold, iron, diamond, emerald blocks in return. He will also give you a Horn, but it is prohibited on our servers.

Interesting fact. In this biome, the grass is blue in color. It is painted in a circle, the circles decrease closer to the ruins.

It is still very rare that you can find unique trees in the mysterious forest, there are four types in total.

Treasures can also be found in the forests:

hedge maze- is the easiest labyrinth, which will not be difficult to pass. It consists of a thorny fence, breaking which or walking on it, the player takes damage, which makes the passage of such a labyrinth from above quite difficult and dangerous.
Also in this inhospitable place there are spawners of wild wolves, swamp and labyrinth spiders located in small wastelands near 1-2 chests. The whole labyrinth is lit with fireflies and Jack's lanterns, that is, you don't need to light anything extra. At the borders, exits and in the labyrinth itself, sprawling trees are often found, and the area is additionally cleared for a flat area.
Chests often contain food of some kind, as well as weapons and sometimes rare items, making them a bit easier to loot in the early days of Twilight Forest; if desired, you can arrange a mobo-farm from the labyrinth.

Walking through the twilight forest, you can sometimes stumble upon ruined houses, of which only the walls and the wooden floor of oak planks remained, and even then some of the blocks had already become grass. They consist of mossy and normal cobblestone, which can serve as a place where you can dig up such a rare mossy cobblestone in the ordinary world.
These ruins are of two types: large and small - a kind of basement with treasures can be generated under them, regardless of size, with a 50% probability at a depth of two blocks under the floor.

Perhaps this structure was used by the ancient people of the Duskwood, who disappeared for unknown reasons. Perhaps they were driven out by hostile mobs and bosses.

This is a natural structure added by the Twilight Forest mod.

Hollow hills are quite common on the surface of the Duskwood in the form of domed mountains that stand out strongly from the general smooth landscape; this is especially noticeable in the Dark Forest, where a hat of dense foliage goes in an even layer. Also, the hills rise a little at the base by 2-3 blocks, as a result of which, without having a magic card in your hands, you can say that in front of you is a hollow hill (do not confuse with the Highlands).

It is worth noting that in the hollow hills - absolutely in all - there are chests with various treasures (if other modifications are installed, things can also appear from them), and their total number depends on the size of the hill. Since rare and valuable things come across in these structures (ore magnet, flight fan, save charms, and others), the hills become not only a valuable source of resources, but also an opportunity to find any equally valuable tools and materials. On magical maps, hollow hills are indicated by white hills, and the size of such a hill corresponds to the size of the hill. The larger the hill, the more ore, chests, spawners and mobs it contains. Hills are divided into three types: small, medium and large.

Great Dusk Oak- you probably saw big oaks, as the rules they have from 1 to 2 treasures, you need to climb to the very top of the oak and break leaves and blocks, or listen - hear the spiders break the blocks where you heard.

Many items can be found in these treasures, but the rarest and most valuable you will find are seedlings of unique trees.

Guide Editor: MissZymochka

Sincerely, Administration of Youvipas World.

Literary and educational game

based on the story of the Komi writer V.V. Yukhnin

"Bia nur" ("Fire swamp")


1. Acquaintance with the work of the Komi writer V.V. Yukhnin.

    Development of interest in the works of Komi writers.

    Introducing students to the spiritual values ​​of the Komi people through literature and the history of their native land.


1. Circle for the game.


1. Book exhibition (portrait of the writer, works).

2. The title of the story.

Preparatory work:

    Player choice.


Note: V the form of the television game "Field of Miracles", for grades 5 - 7.


At our today's event, we will turn to the history of our native land, to the traditions and customs of the Komi people. And the story "Bia nur" ("Fire Swamp"), which was written by the Komi writer Vasily Vasilyevich Yukhnin, will help us in this.

Vasily Yukhnin was born on January 12, 1907 in the village of Zanulye, in Priluzye, in a large and friendly family of a Komi hunter. Reading Pushkin, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Gorky, V. Yukhnin woke up, he himself wanted to try his pen. In 1939, he published the first national novel, Alöy Ribbon (Scarlet Ribbon). The writer turned to depicting the life of the Komi peasant hunters. Since 1942, he began to work on a new novel, Tundrasa Biyas (Fires of the Tundra). The main theme is the development of the North. A special place in his work was occupied by the theme of the Great Patriotic War. The poem "The Tale of a Hero", the essay "Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Oplesnin" and others are dedicated to her.

V. Yukhnin dedicated the story "The Fire Swamp" to children. First published in 1951. In this story, the writer describes the beauty of the endless parma, its wealth, traditions and customs of the Komi hunters, which have developed over the centuries. The main characters - Senya and Mitya - having gone astray after a difficult hunting business, end up in the Fire Swamp, known for its terrible legends. And learn the secret of this swamp.

And many of you have already learned this secret by reading the story "Bia nur". We offer to test your knowledge, attentiveness, observation in a literary and educational game.

We start the game. The first message for the first task.

(First three players)

I . In the life and economy of the Komi people, hunting has played a significant role throughout the history of development. Komi hunters had their own hunting grounds. There was an unwritten law, according to which outside hunters were prohibited from any prey in this area. Each land was equipped with a hut, outbuildings where furs, meat, and fish could be stored. Such a hut is always ready to receive people. Everything is there - dry firewood, matches, salt, crackers. When leaving, leave everything in order.

What is the name of the hunting hut in the story "Bia Nur"?

__ __ __ __ __ __ (BA N K A)

(Second trio of players)

II . Now let's talk about hunting products. The main species is fur. Hunting rules highlight valuable or licensed species of animals: river beaver, marten, otter, squirrel, red fox, mink, lynx, white hare, muskrat. A significant place is occupied by the meat of wild animals, as well as upland game. After processing, these products provide valuable raw materials. Leather, carpets, and souvenirs are made from the skins of large animals. Bear fat has been famous since ancient times as a folk remedy for the treatment of lungs, stomach, liver, burns and frostbite.

What animal were Senya and Mitya chasing all day long?

__ __ __ __ __ __ (K U N I C A)

(Third trio of players)

III . For hunting, the dog is of great importance. In our area, the most productive and adaptable is the Russian-European Laika, which was created on the basis of the Komi (Zyryansky) Laika breed. Dog of medium height, dry and strong build. Fluffy, but not shaggy and very dense coat of a husky protects it well from cold and heat. The instinct of a husky is able to perceive the smells of animals and birds at minus 40-50 degrees. Komi Laika independently searches, pursues and barks at elk, bear, wild boar, capercaillie. It preys in burrows and under the roots of ermine, and on water bodies it picks up otters and beavers. Hunters knew how to choose dogs and gave a suitable nickname.

What was the name of the dog in the story "Fire Swamp"?

__ __ __ __ __ (B U S C O)

(Game with spectators)

IV . The history of the Komi people, connections with other peoples can be recognized by surnames. According to historical documents, Komi surnames have existed since the 16th century, and by 1720 every family had some kind of surname. Many surnames come from various Russian words: Kuznetsov, Kozlov. There were surnames formed from the names of peoples: Zyryanov, Polyakov, Nemchinov. A lot of surnames are formed from Komi words. Some came from playful nicknames that emphasized some features of appearance and behavior: Kyzyurov, Maegov, Ulnyrov. The second large group of surnames arose from comparisons of a person with representatives of wildlife, with animals, with insects, with plants.

What is the name of Mitya, if it means "radish"?

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (K U S H M A N O V)

(The final)

V . Very often, hunters, bypassing their lands, did not have time to return to the hut. Then they slept in the open air, making a fire of a special device. It consists of two logs 2-3 meters long, laid on top of each other and secured with pegs. Usually such a fire was made from dead fir trees to burn longer.

What is the name of such a fire in Komi?

__ __ __ __ __ (N O D D I)

(Super game)

From generation to generation, experience in hunting was passed on. Senya Maybyrov was taught many hunting laws by his grandfather.

What was Senya's grandfather's name?

__ __ __ __ __ __ (MAT V E Y)

Summing up and awarding.

After reading the story of V.V. Yukhnin, you will learn a lot more about the hunting unwritten laws of the Komi hunters, about friendship and mutual assistance, and most importantly, about the mystery of the Fire Swamp.

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