Security guard is a profession. The responsibilities of a security guard include:


People have always needed the protection and preservation of their lives and the lives of loved ones, as well as property. Few can cope with this task on their own, while the rest can resort to the help of professionals, and more precisely, security guards.

Security guard is one of the oldest professions. Even the caveman was already familiar with the protection - he guarded his home from wild animals, from the raids of neighboring tribes. Civilization has developed, and the profession of a security guard has become even more relevant. Few noble nobles did not maintain a whole staff of guards. Watchman, security guard, security guard - there are several names for this profession today. As a rule, the guards are mostly young people, in good physical shape. This profession is one of the most risky, associated with a colossal psycho-physical load. Few people know that the main quality of a guard is not a victory over the villains, but the ability to prevent potential danger and quickly avoid it. Any profession implies vocational education and they don’t take anyone into this profession. After all, the work of a security guard is a service where they accurately understand the meaning of the word discipline, order, responsibility, security. And the heights in the profession are reached by those who really care about the cause and take their work seriously. And since 2009, every April 17 - professional holiday - "Guard's Day"

On weekdays and holidays, we wish everyone success in the security business!

REFERENCE: On April 17, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Order No. 199-2009) introduced a new profession "GUARD" 4-6 categories into the "Unified Reference Book of Professions". Now in the section "Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy" of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, Issue 1, Chapter § 262a is devoted to the profession "GUARD".

Section "Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy" of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers, Issue 1


Characteristics of works. Protection of premises and territories of objects. Protection of property, including during its transportation. Ensuring access and intra-object regimes for personnel and visitors at the facilities. Checking permanent, temporary, one-time passes and other documents granting the right to enter and exit persons, enter and exit vehicles, bring in and take out, bring in and take out property from protected facilities. Control over the timely return of passes. Inspection of property, as well as vehicles at their entrance and exit from protected objects. Checking the compliance of the exported and exported, imported and brought in property with the property specified in the documents provided for by the rules of access and intra-object regimes. Provision of security services using technical means of protection. Implementation of control over the means of security and fire alarms. Ensuring the protection of life and health of citizens. Rendering, if necessary, first (pre-medical) medical care to victims of bodily injuries. Ensuring order in places where mass events are held. Protection of facilities and property at facilities that are important for ensuring the life and security of the state and the population. Taking measures to prevent and suppress theft of protected property using, if necessary, special means, civil and service weapons, permitted in private security activities.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts regulating private security activities; fundamentals of criminal, administrative, labor legislation; methodological and regulatory documents for the implementation of private security activities; procedures for emergency situations; rules for the detention of offenders and their transfer to the internal affairs bodies; ways of using physical force and special means; the procedure for obtaining and systematizing information; the procedure for maintaining documentation on protected objects; instructions for the use of technical means of protection and fire alarm; guidance on the provision of first (pre-medical) medical care to victims of bodily injuries; the procedure for sending victims to medical institutions; technical characteristics, device and principle of operation, rules of use and safety measures when handling special means, civil and service weapons permitted for use in private security activities.

When protecting premises, territories of objects, property in the process of its transportation using, if necessary, special means permitted in private security activities - 4th category.

When protecting premises, territories of objects, property in the process of its transportation using, if necessary, special means and civilian weapons permitted in private security activities - 5th category.

When protecting premises, territories of objects, property in the process of its transportation using, if necessary, special means, civil and service weapons permitted in private security activities - 6th category.

Professional training required; advanced training at least once every 5 years; availability of a certificate of a private security guard of the appropriate sample obtained from the internal affairs bodies.

The main goal of the work of a security guard is to prevent theft on the territory of a protected facility, to ensure security and public order at the place of his activity.

A security guard is a person who guards the object entrusted to him.


Each security officer, after completing studies and training, is assigned a rank (4th, 5th or 6th). You can improve your qualifications and undergo retraining after a certain period, which is 5 years. The highest rank is 6th. It is assigned with at least one year of work experience in the fifth category.

Under the concept of a security guard, they mean the work of a watchman, bodyguard, janitor, warden in a prison, steward at a stadium.

The history of the security guard profession

In the Soviet Union, the role of guards was assigned to the police. Security activity began to develop since 1988. Private security organizations are actively appearing. To date, their number has greatly increased.

On March 11, private security guards and detectives celebrate their professional holiday. Bodyguards also consider this date a solemn day.

Advantages and disadvantages

The work of a security guard is in demand, based on the following factors.

  • You can get a job as a security guard without special education and work experience. It is enough to have a military ID and a health certificate.
  • Having a flexible work schedule, which allows you to have free time.
  • The opportunity to learn another profession and increase the amount of income.
  • The admissibility of rest during the break, a comfortable place to work.
  • A good start to start working.

To date, the female sex in the security service can also get a vacancy, although preference is still given to the strong half of humanity.

Negative aspects of the profession:

  • constant emotional stress - the help of the guard may be needed at any time;
  • monotony - every day you need to do the same thing;
  • danger and risk associated with the threat to life.

Requirements for a security guard

You can apply for a Security Guard position if you meet the following criteria:

  • preference is given to the male sex;
  • the availability of special training courses and the presence of a relevant document;
  • no criminal record or other problems with the law;
  • the right to bear arms;
  • ability to provide emergency medical care;
  • knowledge of legislative documents;
  • martial arts skills.

Job Responsibilities

The work of a security guard includes the following obligations:

  • Monitor the safety and integrity of property at a protected facility, territory, building.
  • Pass visitors to the territory of the institution if they have a pass or other documents confirming their identity.
  • They inspect visitors and their vehicles when leaving the base.
  • Inspects the territory in order to identify unauthorized persons, checks the serviceability of the alarm system, locks.
  • Prevents theft of property.

If we are talking about the protection of a person, then the position is called a bodyguard. It is his responsibility to ensure the safety of the client.

Security Guard Responsibility

For persons working in private enterprises, the degree of responsibility is reflected in the job description, or is stipulated by an agreement on collective liability.

  • The guard is not a financially responsible person. The limit of his liability is limited only to losses associated with damage or theft of property inflicted on the organization by him personally.
  • The position provides for disciplinary responsibility, in accordance with established legislation. If an employee appears at the workplace under the influence of drugs, his certificate will be canceled.

The security guard faces administrative or criminal charges if, while performing his official duties, he exceeds his powers: unreasonable use of special equipment or weapons, exceeds the necessary measures when detaining an attacker).

Employee powers

The rights of private security guards in comparison with the powers of police officers are significantly limited. They are prohibited from personally searching detainees and seizing any items.

If the theft of goods is suspected, the security guard of the outlet has the right to detain the visitor until the police arrive.

Features of the security guard profession

The facilities are guarded by employees of private security companies, security departments of large companies, government agencies, such as the Department of Internal Affairs, and special forces.

Under protection should be public and private institutions: banks, jewelry stores, shopping centers, warehouses and other organizations.

Professional skills and abilities

The experience of serving in law enforcement agencies, such as the army, police, and special services is valued. Each position requires a certain level of training. So, a watchman does not need special education, former military men are hired for the vacancy of a prison guard, an ex-police officer can be hired as a security guard in a trading floor, a former special forces worker can work as a bodyguard.

The guard must be guided in the basics of the legislative framework. Know and be able to apply in practice the techniques of hand-to-hand combat and self-defense.

Personal qualities of a security guard

  • To work in the structure of the security system, you need to have perseverance, observation, endurance and the ability of the body to be in an active state for a long time.
  • The vacancy requires a good long-term memory for external data, observation of people's behavior and changes in the environment.
  • The candidate should be characterized by low suggestibility, the ability to show initiative and responsibility for what is happening.
  • The guard must be able to recreate the visual image, according to the verbal description, have a quick reaction to understanding the information provided.
  • The position requires emotional and volitional stability.

The absence of contraindications from the organs of vision and hearing, the musculoskeletal and nervous system.

security guard career

You can combine work in this position with study and build a career in a completely different field. But if you are focused on developing in the field of security, take care of the availability of special courses.

Get a good working experience and understanding of the structure of the security system in a private organization.

If you have an excellent physical shape, the ability to respond to non-standard situations, analytical and psychological skills will allow you to become a personal security guard of some high-ranking client. This is accompanied by an increase in wages, up to about 1,500 US dollars.

Places of work

The work of a security guard in the North is the most demanded and has its own nuances. Salary is approximately $700. In most cases, job seekers are offered shift work with free accommodation and meals. However, it is problematic to get a job in the North on a rotational basis.

Good places on the watch of the North can be obtained if someone of their influential persons or close associates recommends your candidacy, but first of all, preference is given to former law enforcement officers, masters of sports in martial arts and former military men.


The salaries of those involved in the protection of high and very high. However, the amount of salary is dictated by the region and the degree of risk of the employee. Large earnings are accompanied by a danger to life and health in the performance of official duties.

Profession security guard

It so happened that our society is full of intruders. A person with the profession of a security guard is obliged to protect property and people's lives. This profession combines several varieties, such as a watchman, a bodyguard, a warden in a prison, a steward in a stadium, a janitor and others. This is one of the oldest professions on Earth.

Everyone has the right to protect themselves, loved ones and their property from encroachment. At all times there were people who wanted to get rich through theft. Therefore, the guards were mainly located where there is any valuable property. From ancient civilizations to recent times, the function of a guard was often performed by soldiers. But there were also mercenaries, whose services were used by merchants, slave owners and feudal lords. For example, samurai are medieval warriors whose main income was to protect the possessions and lives of Japanese nobles. An interesting fact is characteristic of most European medieval states - a significant part of the guards of the nobility and merchants did not come from former soldiers, but from robbers. For money, they agreed to protect people and property from the same bandits as they were before. ...

There are a huge number of private firms and security services where it is easy to get a job, especially if you have experience in law enforcement agencies or military service. Almost every major store, bank, and even school has its own security guard or a whole security service. In many ways, we owe our peace at work and on vacation to these people. After all, the presence of a security guard in an institution or at an event immediately discourages many attackers from committing crimes. The need for protection is inherent in nature itself - almost all animals and even insects living in groups and colonies have their own watchmen.

It is easy to guess what skills a security guard should have. To deal with offenders, you need to be in good physical shape, master the techniques of hand-to-hand combat and competently handle weapons. Everything also depends on the goals that are set for the guard: rebuffing simple unarmed hooligans, destroying an armed hardened criminal, or simply calling the police. A bodyguard, for example, must be ready to cover the protected person with himself. For such dedication, only the desire to receive a salary is not enough - you need to be a defender by vocation. Born guards are a special breed of people, just like born military men. There are people whose character shows that they were born to protect others. Such people work in this area, lowering the crime situation in the country.

The work of people in this profession is associated with a daily risk to health and life. The perpetrators are very often much better trained and armed than those who should prevent them. But on the other hand, a good security guard can earn solid money if, for example, he works as a bodyguard for a big businessman or a famous singer.

The best security guards are those who have experience in law enforcement and special services. To whom would you trust your life, if not a soldier of the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, people who have served in the ranks of the armed forces are recruited into the guard. In fact, the requirements for the level of training depend on what or whom this person will protect. A warden in a prison can be a former soldier, a security guard in a jewelry store can be a former policeman, and a simple watchman in a vegetable warehouse can be a person without any training at all.

Profession "Guard"

People have always needed the protection and preservation of their lives and the lives of loved ones, as well as property. Few can cope with this task on their own, while the rest can resort to the help of professionals, and more precisely, security guards.

Security guard is one of the oldest professions. Even the caveman was already familiar with the protection - he guarded his home from wild animals, from the raids of neighboring tribes. Civilization has developed, and the profession of a security guard has become even more relevant. Few noble nobles did not maintain a whole staff of guards. Watchman, security guard, security guard - there are several names for this profession today. As a rule, the guards are mostly young people, in good physical shape. This profession is one of the most risky, associated with a colossal psycho-physical load. Few people know that the main quality of a guard is not a victory over the villains, but the ability to prevent potential danger and quickly avoid it. Any profession implies vocational education and they don’t take anyone into this profession. After all, the work of a security guard is a service where they accurately understand the meaning of the word discipline, order, responsibility, security. And the heights in the profession are reached by those who really care about the cause and take their work seriously. And since 2009, eachApril 17 - professional holiday - "Guard's Day"

On weekdays and holidays, we wish everyone success in the security business!

REFERENCE: On April 17, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Order No. 199-2009) introduced a new profession "GUARD" 4-6 categories into the "Unified Reference Book of Professions". Now in the section "Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy" of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers, Issue 1, Chapter § 262a is devoted to the profession "GUARD".

Section "Professions of workers common to all sectors of the national economy" of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works and Professions of Workers, Issue 1


Characteristics of works. Protection of premises and territories of objects. Protection of property, including during its transportation. Ensuring access and intra-object regimes for personnel and visitors at the facilities. Checking permanent, temporary, one-time passes and other documents granting the right to enter and exit persons, enter and exit vehicles, bring in and take out, bring in and take out property from protected facilities. Control over the timely return of passes. Inspection of property, as well as vehicles at their entrance and exit from protected objects. Checking the compliance of the exported and exported, imported and brought in property with the property specified in the documents provided for by the rules of access and intra-object regimes. Provision of security services using technical means of protection. Implementation of control over the means of security and fire alarms. Ensuring the protection of life and health of citizens. Rendering, if necessary, first (pre-medical) medical care to victims of bodily injuries. Ensuring order in places where mass events are held. Protection of facilities and property at facilities that are important for ensuring the life and security of the state and the population. Taking measures to prevent and suppress theft of protected property using, if necessary, special means, civil and service weapons, permitted in private security activities.

Must know: laws and other normative legal acts regulating private security activities; fundamentals of criminal, administrative, labor legislation; methodological and regulatory documents for the implementation of private security activities; procedures for emergency situations; rules for the detention of offenders and their transfer to the internal affairs bodies; ways of using physical force and special means; the procedure for obtaining and systematizing information; the procedure for maintaining documentation on protected objects; instructions for the use of technical means of protection and fire alarm; guidance on the provision of first (pre-medical) medical care to victims of bodily injuries; the procedure for sending victims to medical institutions; technical characteristics, device and principle of operation, rules of use and safety measures when handling special means, civil and service weapons permitted for use in private security activities.

When protecting premises, territories of objects, property in the process of its transportation using, if necessary, special means permitted in private security activities - 4th grade.

When protecting premises, territories of objects, property in the process of its transportation using, if necessary, special means and civilian weapons permitted in private security activities - 5th category.

When protecting premises, territories of objects, property in the process of its transportation using, if necessary, special means, civil and service weapons permitted in private security activities - 6th grade.

Professional training required; advanced training at least once every 5 years; availability of a certificate of a private security guard of the appropriate sample obtained from the internal affairs bodies.

Seven steps to a profession


Pass a medical commission at the clinic at the place of registration (registration) and receive a conclusion (certificate) Form 046-1.


Decide on the program of which qualification category of a private security guard you will study and work in a security organization in the future.

In doing so, you can proceed from the following:

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for three qualification categories of private security guards. The most significant difference between them is what a security guard has the right to work with in a security organization.

Ø Guard 4 category has the right to work in a security company with special means (protective helmet, protective vest, handcuffs and a rubber stick)

Ø Guard 5 category has the right to work in a security company with special means (protective helmet, protective vest, handcuffs and a rubber stick); self-defense weapons (these are barrelless firearms (such as "Wasp", "Guard", etc.); gas pistols and revolvers; mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices filled with tear substances; electroshock devices and spark gaps);

Ø Guard 6 category has the right to work in a security company with special means (protective helmet, protective vest, handcuffs and a rubber stick); self-defense weapons (these are barrelless firearms (such as "Wasp", "Guard", etc.); gas pistols and revolvers; mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices filled with tear substances; electroshock devices and spark gaps); service firearms (these are pistols, revolvers, shotguns and long-barreled smoothbore carbines).

Which category to choose is up to you.

Option 1: Study immediately for the 6th category


· You get the highest grade and in the next five years you will no longer have to study. Only after five years, when renewing the Certificate, you will need to take a refresher course.

· You will be able to immediately work in a security organization in the 6th category with a correspondingly higher salary;

· Even if you, having a 6th category, start working in a lower category (4th or 5th), then if there is a free position providing for the 6th category, you will not have any special additional worries, time and money for additional training, you can get it.


· Relatively long training period;

· As a result, the cost of education is higher.

Option 2: Study for the 5th grade


· Less, in comparison with the 6th category, the period of study; Accordingly, the cost of education is less.


· You will be able to work in a security organization only in the 4th or 5th category with a correspondingly lower salary;

· If there is a vacant position that provides for the 6th category, you will have to additionally study up to the 6th category and take one more Qualifying Exam in addition to the one already passed, which will require additional care, time and money from you. And it may happen that a position with a higher salary will not wait for you ...

Option 3: Study for the 4th category


· Less, compared with the 6th and 5th category, the period of study;

· Accordingly, the cost of training is minimal.


· You will be able to work in a security organization only in the 4th category with, respectively, the lowest salary;

· In the event that there is a vacant position that provides for the 5th or 6th category, you will have to additionally study up to the 5th or 6th category and pass one more Qualifying Exam in addition to the one already passed, which will require additional care and expenses from you time and money. And it may happen that a position with a higher salary will not wait for you ...


Choose an educational institution to take a course of study in the training program for private security guards.

Regarding your choice of educational institution, we recommend that you pay attention to the following when visiting it:

· Make sure that this educational institution has a license to conduct educational activities in the profile you need. Please note that the License consists of two parts: the License itself and the Annex to it. On the License itself, pay attention to the expiration date of its validity, and in the application - to the list of training programs and make sure that this is a License for training security guards, and not, for example, hairdressers. The license of the educational institution must be presented to you at your first request. If they don’t want to show you the License or if it has expired, you shouldn’t study here even on the most favorable conditions for you.

· Walk through the classrooms and familiarize yourself with the educational and material base. If the classrooms have bare walls, only tables and chairs, or, even worse, “two stools for three listeners” in a classroom that is smaller than the kitchen in Khrushchev, this is not the best option. And one more thing - compare the address where the classrooms of this educational institution are located with the address indicated in the appendix to the License. If these addresses do not match or are not indicated at all, this is a serious reason to think ...

· If you are planning to study for the 6th category, ask if this educational institution has service weapons and in general, how fire training is organized and “fromwhat and where they shoot there” and whether the listeners shoot at all. If “your” weapons are not there and (or) at the shooting range you will be “given” to shoot 3-5 rounds from Margolin and they will say that this is enough, or, even worse, they will say that you can not shoot at all, but limit yourself to “firing from a simulator " and so on. - our advice is to look for another educational institution, as this is a clear scam.

IMPORTANT! Remember that according to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 275 of April 13, 2005, during the course of training, you must personally shoot AT LEAST 43 (forty-three) cartridges from the IZH-71 pistol. If you are allocated a smaller amount, this is “savings” at your expense.

And one more possible "savings" at your expense. You can be given 43 cartridges, but 10 of them will be determined for firing during the Qualification Exam of the Main Department of Internal Affairs (CE) Commission. This is, to put it mildly, hypocrisy. The correct calculation of cartridges is as follows: you must shoot 43 rounds during training and an additional 10 rounds you must allocate for shooting during KE.

It may be objected to you that when combining the final examination in an educational institution withEC (this is possible) you can select 10 out of 43 rounds for the delivery of EC. But keep in mind that if during the shooting at the Qualification Exam (QE) you do not complete the first exercise and you are not allowed to complete the second exercise, then it turns out that you did not complete the training program (during training, out of the prescribed 43 rounds, you actually used only 39). As a result, you, firstly, will not receive a Certificate of Education in an educational institution because you did not pass the final exam and, secondly, you will not pass the CE for the 6th grade. Even if, after unsuccessful firing, you write an application to the Central Internal Affairs Commission on awarding you the 5th grade instead of the 6th grade based on the results of the CE, and the educational institution will return the cost of the unused 4 cartridges to you, then the calculation is again not in your favor - after all, you paid the educational institution training for the 6th category. And the difference in tuition fees between the 5th and 6th category is significant ... Here is such arithmetic ...

About "purchased certificates" (to buy or not to buy?):

Some citizens try to get Training Certificates and even Private Security Certificates by buying them from rogue-looking young men who offer "very cheap, no training or worries" to buy these documents from them. Ads with such offers are often found ...

When deciding on such a “purchase”, you need to keep in mind that:

Currently, an all-Russian electronic database of issued Certificates and Certificates is being created.

Upon presentation of such a “document” by the employees of the licensing and permitting authorities, forgery will inevitably be revealed and you:

· First, you will lose the money spent on this “purchase”;

· Secondly, you will lose your job;

· Thirdly, and most importantly, you will be prosecuted for forging documents under Part 3 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Use of a knowingly false document". This will mean that you will have a criminal record for an intentional crime and you will never be able to work as a guard again.


Obtain a certificate of completion of a private security guard training course at the educational institution where you studied.

Upon receipt of this Certificate, your legal relationship with the educational institution where you studied ends and then you work with the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the issue of obtaining your Private Security Guard Certificate.


Passing the qualification exam of the commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate

Purpose of taking the Qualification Exam : Receipt by you of the Certificate of assignment of the Qualification category.

Note! The Qualification Exam is accepted and assigned by the Commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, and not by the educational institution in which you studied or the educational institution on the basis of which the Commission takes the Exam.

The procedure for passing the qualifying exam:

You can take an exam at the Commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate (of your choice):

- at your place of residence (registration, “registration”);

- at the place of registration of the security organization in which you work.

You can find the address of the Commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate:

- in the educational institution where you studied (if you plan to take the Exam in the same city where you studied);

- in the Department of Licensing and Permits of the District Department of Internal Affairs at your place of residence (registration, “registration”), if you plan to pass the Exam in a city other than the city where you studied);

What documents do you need to submit to the Commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the qualification exam?

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

- Application of the established form for passing the Qualification Exam

- A copy of the Certificate of Vocational Training you received from your school.

- Medical conclusion (certificate) form 046-1, from the date of issue of which no more than one year has passed.

Copies of documents are provided with the presentation of the original.

What grade can I take the Qualifying Exam for?

Citizens who have a certificate of an educational institution on training in programs:

oGuards of the 4th category – can apply for the Exam only for the 4th category;

oGuards of the 5th category – can apply to take the Exam for the 4th or 5th grade (of their choice).

oGuards of the 6th category – can apply to take the Exam for the 4th, 5th or 6th grade (of their choice).

After checking and receiving your documents, the Commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate appoints you the place, date and time for passing the Qualification Exam;

The Qualification Exam consists of:

§ Checks of theoretical knowledge (taking tests on a computer) for applicants for 4, 5 and 6 categories;

§ Tests of practical skills in the use of special means (4 and 5 categories) and self-defense weapons (5 and 6 categories);

§ Tests of practical skills in the use of service firearms - shooting (only 6th category);

In case of unsatisfactory passing of the Exam, it is allowed to retake it (any number of repeated Exams without additional training), as a rule, not earlier than eight days after the previous attempt).

If you successfully pass the Exam, the Commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate issues a “Certificate of Qualification of a Private Security Guard” of the appropriate category.


Contact the department of licensing and permitting work in the district police department at the place of your registration (residence permit) or the place of registration of the security company where you work.

You can contact (at your choice):

§ Personally at your place of residence (registration, the so-called "propiska");

§ Through a representative of the security organization in which you work, at the place of its registration.

Goal of request: Obtaining a Private Security Guard Certificate.

To obtain a private security guard certificate, a citizen submits the following documents to the licensing and permitting department of the district police department:

oA copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;

oA copy of the Certificate of completion of a training course in the NOU under the training program for private security guards of the appropriate category;

oA copy of the Certificate of qualification of a private security guard;

oA medical certificate with a conclusion on the suitability of the applicant for health reasons to engage in security activities (form 046-1), from the date of issue of which no more than one year has passed;

o2 photographs (4 x 6 cm);

oApplication form for the issuance of a Certificate (as a rule, it is filled out on a standard form when visiting the District Department of Internal Affairs);

oReceipt of payment of the state duty for issuing a certificate of a private security guard;

Important! The internal affairs bodies check the completeness and reliability of the information in the submitted documents.

Verification is carried out by:

§ interviews with a person applying for a certificate;

§ sending inquiries to the information centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the presence of a criminal record or the fact that an applicant for a certificate has been charged with a crime, as well as the applicant committing an administrative offense that infringes on the institutions of state power, public order and public safety;

§ sending requests to the relevant law enforcement, licensing, controlling and supervisory authorities, including the internal affairs body at the place of permanent registration of a citizen;

§ carrying out other verification activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the study of the documents and the verification of the submitted documents, the internal affairs body makes a decision to issue or refuse to issue a certificate within a period not exceeding 20 days from the date of filing the application and the documents attached to it.

If it is necessary to carry out additional verification activities, by decision of the head of the department of the internal affairs body, the period may be extended, but not more than 10 working days.

The decision is drawn up with a reasoned conclusion, in which references are made to the legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that served as the basis for making such a decision.

The specified conclusion is issued by an employee of the division for licensing and permitting work and is certified by the personal signature of the employee, as well as approved by the head of the division of the internal affairs body or his deputy or the person acting in their duties.


After receiving a certificate of a private security guard, conclude an employment contract with a security organization that has a license to provide security services.


oA private security guard does not have the right to independently provide security services under an agreement with a client. The contract with the client is concluded by the PSC itself, which has the appropriate license.

oA citizen working in a security organization as a security guard without a Certificate, as well as a security organization that allowed him to work, may be held administratively liable.

Article 19.20. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Carrying out activities not related to making a profit without a special permit (license)

The implementation of activities not related to the extraction of profit without a special permit (license), if such a permit (such a license) is obligatory (mandatory), shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine:

· for citizens in the amount of five to ten times the minimum wage;

· for officials - from ten to twenty times the minimum wage;

· for legal entities - from one hundred to two hundred times the minimum wage.

So, you received a private security guard certificate and work in a private security organization.

Important! A security guard who has only a Private Security Guard Certificate does not yet have the right to work with service weapons, self-defense weapons and special means.

How to get a private security guard permission to work with service self-defense firearms and special means?

To obtain such a permit, a private security guard is required to undergo a periodic check in the Commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the region for admission to work with weapons and (or) special means and obtain the relevant documents.

Important! Receipt by a citizen of the Certificate of qualification of a private security guard is counted as passingperiodic checks for fitness for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms, self-defense weapons and special means.

Periodic checks of security guards holding Qualification Certificates are carried out after the date of passing the Qualification Exam:

ofor security guards of the 6th category in 1 year,

ofor security guards of the 5th category after 2 years,

ofor security guards of the 4th category before renewing the validity of a private security guard certificate.

For security guards allowed to work with weapons and special means Periodic inspection includes:

o passing a theoretical test (law, theory of fire training, medical training).

o passing a practical test (practical firing from service weapons).

Document following the results of the periodic inspection: "Extract from the protocol of the commission"

If this document is available, at the request of the management of the private security organization in which the security guard works, he is issued a “Permit of the RSL series” at the police department for storing and carrying service weapons in the line of duty.


- The weapon specified in the RSL Permit belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is only assigned to the guard. This means that the security guard - receives it only upon taking up duty, - keeps and wears it only during the performance of official duties at the guarded facility - and without fail returns it at the end of duty.

- The guard has no right to work at the facility with a weapon of a different model or having a different number that differs from the number specified in the Permit.

- The permit does not give the right to carry weapons by a security guard during off-duty hours.

- The permit does not entitle the security guard to purchase service weapons or self-defense weapons or hunting weapons for personal use.

- The RSL permit is enclosed in the Private Security Guard's Certificate and is always kept by the security guard when he performs his official duties.

For security guards who are allowed to work only with special means Periodic checks include: passing a theoretical test (law, medical training).

Document based on the results of the periodic inspection: "Extract from the protocol of the commission of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate"

If this document is available, by decision of the management of the private security company in which the security guard works, he is allowed to work at a protected facility using special means.

Practical Exercises of the Qualifying Exam

Typical exercises to test the practical skills of using special tools - for security guards of all ranks.

Exercise 1. "Using a protective helmet"

The person being checked is located near the table with protective helmets of the 1st and 3rd classes. At the command of the leader, “Put on a protective helmet of the 1st (or 3rd) class,” the person being checked puts on a protective helmet of the specified class and reports: “I finished the exercise.”

Positive result: A protective helmet of the appropriate class is put on and fastened within the prescribed time.

Exercise 2. "Using a protective vest"

The checked worker is near a table with protective vests of 1 and 5 classes. At the command of the head “Put on a protective vest of the 1st (or 5th) class”, the inspected employee puts on a protective vest of the specified class and reports: “I finished the exercise.”

The exercise time is 20 seconds.

Positive result: The protective vest of the corresponding class is correctly put on and fastened within the specified time.

Exercise 3. "Using a rubber stick"

The person being checked is located 1.5 meters in front of the mannequin. The rubber stick is on the belt (in the suspension for PR). At the command of the head “Start to perform the exercise”, the person being checked takes the rubber stick out of the suspension and strikes the mannequin (at least six) on the various rubber zones allowed for impact with the stick. After that, the person being checked reports: "The exercise is finished."

The exercise time is 20 seconds.

Positive result: Application of at least six blows with a rubber stick on a mannequin, without touching the parts that conditionally correspond to areas of the human body, which are prohibited from using rubber sticks on them.

Exercise 4. Handcuffing

The worker being checked is located 1.5 meters in front of the dummy. Handcuffs are on a belt in a case. At the command of the head “Put handcuffs in front (or behind)”, the checked employee takes the handcuffs out of the case, approaches the mannequin and puts on handcuffs depending on the task set by the head (front or back). After that, he reports: "Handcuffs are on." Execution time 20 seconds.

After checking the correctness of handcuffing, at the command of the head “Remove the handcuffs”, the inspected employee removes the handcuffs.

Positive result: The handcuffs were put on correctly within the prescribed time and then removed.

Organization of the check:

The person being checked selects a ticket with the number of the exercise. Completion of this exercise counts as a successful test of practical skills in the use of special tools.


1. When performing exercise 1, a protective helmet is worn only if sanitary and hygienic standards are observed (use of a personal headgear of the inspected employee, napkins, inserts, etc.).

2. Exercises 3 and 4 are performed on a dummy.

3. Requirements for the mannequin:

o the mannequin must follow the contours of the human body;

o head and limbs are required;

o the upper limbs must imitate the structure of the hand and have 3 degrees of freedom to ensure the exercise.

4. As an exception, exercises 3 and 4 can be performed on a partner, strictly with his written consent. At the same time, when performing exercise 3, the partner must wear a protective vest.

5. When performing exercise 3, the blows must be applied in a fixed manner, but without applying excessive force that could damage the dummy or injure the partner.

6. Exercise 4 is considered to be performed correctly if, when put on, the handcuffs turn freely and at the same time securely fix the limb.

Questions of the periodic review correspond to the questions of the Qualification Exam.

For preparation, use standard questions to test the theoretical knowledge of private security guards and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks, subject to periodic testing for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 940 of August 15, 2011.

The issue of passing periodic checks by private security guards for suitability for actions related to the use of firearms and special means (hereinafter referred to as periodic checks) has now become especially acute. Private security guards who passed the qualification exam for the 6th qualification category in 2010 and work using service weapons are required to undergo a periodic inspection in 2011.

In this regard, I would like to dwell on the following problem: what awaits a private security guard in case of failure to pass a repeated periodic check.

The passage of periodic inspections by private security guards is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 15, 2005 No. 568 “On the procedure for conducting periodic inspections by the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation of private security guards, private detectives (detectives) and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means” (hereinafter – Order 568). In accordance with this order, periodic inspections are divided into: primary, scheduled, and repeated. Repeated periodic inspections are inspections appointed by authorized officials in cases where employees of organizations fail to pass primary and scheduled inspections.

Prior to amendments to Order 568, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated September 21, 2009 No. 716 “On Amendments to the Regulatory Legal Acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” (hereinafter referred to as Order 716) in the event that a private security guard fails to undergo a re-inspection by a commission for periodic inspections (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) to the head of a private an order was sent to the security organization to carry out the necessary retraining of this private security guard, and to the relevant division of licensing and permitting work - an extract from the protocol decision of the Commission along with a notification for the internal affairs body to take a decision to cancel the storage permit in accordance with Article 26 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" and carrying service weapons issued to this private security guard. The employee was allowed to the subsequent inspection after additional retraining according to the relevant curriculum (clause 15 of Order 568).

Order 716 made a change to clause 15 of Order 568: in the event that a private security company employee fails to pass a re-inspection, an extract from the decision of the Commission is sent to the relevant division of licensing and permitting work, on the basis of whichthe security guard's personal card is confiscated from the employee, which can be returned to him only after passing the periodic check.

If an employee who has not passed the re-inspection has a permit for the storage and carrying of firearms by the internal affairs body, it is withdrawn until a decision is made to cancel or until the employee passes a periodic inspection. Upon the withdrawal of the certificate and permit, a protocol is drawn up, a copy of which is handed over to the citizen. The seized documents are kept in the accounting file.

That is, according to the new version of Order 568, if a private security guard fails to undergo a repeated periodic check, his personal card is confiscated, and if he has a permit from the RSL series, a permit.

Art. 12 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation" determines that employees of a private security organization providing security services have a personal security guard card issued by internal affairs bodies in the manner established by the federal executive body in charge of internal affairs as a mandatory requirement. The normative legal act of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which approves the sample of a personal card and establishes the procedure for its issuance, has not yet been adopted. It would seem that at the present time there is nothing to seize from the guards who provide security services without the use of service weapons (with the exception of those regions where personal cards began to be issued randomly). But let's turn again to Order 716. This order also made additions to the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated June 19, 2006 No. 447 "On measures to improve the activities of internal affairs bodies for licensing and monitoring private detective and security activities on the territory of the Russian Federation" - Annex No. 3 "Instructions for organizing work on issuing a certificate (duplicate certificate) of a private security guard, reissuing in connection with the extension of its validity, amending it, canceling and withdrawing a certificate (duplicate certificate) of a private security guard" (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction).

The second paragraph of clause 13 of this Instruction states thatthe certificate of a private security guard is subject to withdrawal if the private security guard fails to undergo a repeated periodic test for suitability for actions related to the use of firearms and special means. The withdrawn certificate is stored in the accounting file until it re-passes the qualification exam. Upon the withdrawal of the certificate, a protocol is drawn up indicating the reasons for the withdrawal, a copy of which is handed over to the citizen. Data on the withdrawal of the certificate are entered into the data bank of the automated information retrieval system "Arms-MVD" within 5 working days from the date of the relevant decision.

As a result, a private security guard who has not passed the periodic inspection again must be sent to confirm his qualifications - passing a qualification exam, and his certificate of a private security guard is withdrawn from him.

Since the provisions of the orders discussed above do not contradict each other, but complement each other, we can conclude thatthe measures taken in relation to a private security guard who has not passed a repeated periodic check will be cumulative: the certificate of a private security guard is confiscated, the security guard's personal card and the permit to store and carry weapons of the RSL series (if any) are confiscated, and the security guard is sent to confirm his qualifications - passing the qualification exam.

Along with this, clause 13 of the Instruction contains one more rule: if the qualification of a private security guard is confirmed by the examination committee, the withdrawn certificate is returned to the citizen with the necessary changes made to it. At the same time, the security guard’s personal card and the permit to store and carry service weapons must also be returned, since in this case the passing of the qualification exam will be counted as passing the periodic check (clause 12 of Appendix No. 2 to Order 447: “...the decision of the commission on the positive passing of the exam is counted as the passage by a citizen of a periodic test for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means »).

Another issue that needs to be discussed in our topic is the moment from which the deadline for passing a periodic check by security guards performing functional duties using service weapons is counted. Pp. b) paragraph 2 of Order 568 determines,that scheduled periodic inspections “are carried out for guards of the 6th category once a year during the month preceding the day and month of the date of issue of the permit for the storage and carrying of firearms, including in order to extend the period of validity of the said permit”, i.e. the countdown is not from the moment the last periodic inspection was passed, but from the moment the permit to keep and carry firearms was issued.

Thus, according to the totality of the norms of clause 12 of Appendix No. 2 to Order 447 and PP. b) paragraph 2 of Order 568, it should be concluded that a repeated periodic inspection is carried out within one year from the date of passing the qualification exam, but no later than within a month before the date (day and month) of issuing a permit for storage and carrying firearms.

A security guard is a person who has undergone the necessary training and received special knowledge and skills to ensure the security and physical protection of a premises or object.

The profession of a security guard is one of the most ancient. After all, at all times there were people who sought to enrich themselves at the expense of others, taking away their property or money. Therefore, there were also people who guarded personal or state values. Most often it was the prerogative of the soldiers. But there were also mercenaries, whose services were resorted to by slave owners, merchants, and feudal lords. For example, in Japan, the life of the nobles and their possessions were guarded by samurai, medieval warriors whose profession was protection.

How to get a profession?

To become a security guard, you need to master this profession. This can be done at the security school or at the bodyguard school. Sometimes they are hired without special education and experience. Often, to work, a security guard needs to obtain a license for their activities. Often a permit is required to carry gas and firearms, the ability to handle them. Jobs usually take candidates aged 20 to 45 years, mostly men. Preference is given to persons who have served in the armed forces and have a sports background.

Requirements for candidates

The security guard must be able to:

  • detect potential danger;
  • organize yourself and others to complete the task;
  • quickly make a decision adequate to the current situation;
  • control your emotional state;
  • analyze facts and people's behavior in order to anticipate possible danger;
  • focus on the right object for the right amount of time;
  • predict the future development of the situation;
  • develop promotion routes taking into account backup options;
  • check roofs, basements, the area as a whole;
  • place guards on the escort routes;
  • minimize the possibility of hitting the client when disembarking and boarding transport;
  • in the end - to ensure the safety of the client as a whole.

Must be fluent in: martial arts, fire training, medical aid skills.

Personal qualities:

  • honesty;
  • high morality;
  • concentration;
  • emotional self-control;
  • intuition;
  • the ability to analyze a large amount of information;
  • organization;
  • discipline;
  • energy;
  • activity;
  • physical strength;
  • mental endurance;
  • speed of reaction;
  • responsibility;
  • analytical, predictive abilities;
  • determination;
  • flexible thinking;
  • call of Duty;
  • strong will;
  • secrecy.


Currently, there are many security services: private security, fire protection, paramilitary security, personal security. Representatives of this profession are involved in the protection of various facilities and enterprises: cafes, clubs, offices, construction sites, industrial enterprises. The main thing for the guard is to ensure the safety and inviolability of the object entrusted to him. The security guard is obliged to comply with the established uniform, follow the instructions of the job description, maintain cleanliness and order at the guarded facility. At large industrial enterprises, there are entire security services that provide round-the-clock supervision of the protected facility. When detaining an intruder, the guard must call the police squad and draw up a protocol on the fact of theft.

Bodyguard - a qualified specialist who directly ensures the safety of the protected person. A bodyguard is also called a person who provides personal protection services.

watchman - a person who has undergone the necessary training and received special knowledge and skills to ensure the safety and physical protection of the premises of the facility. The word "watchman" is also used, which previously had the meaning of "senior watchman", and was also used to designate the lower quartermaster rank responsible for the safety of the warehouse.


Despite the fact that everyone needs security guards, the level of payment for their work leaves much to be desired. The average salary of a security guard is 45 000-50 000 tenge . But if we take into account that the work of security officers is mainly in shifts, that is, most often in two days, then we get the usual average level of compensation. bottom bar - 45 000 tenge. Young people over the age of 20, at least 175 cm tall, without special training and experience in these structures can apply for such a salary. Such a job is suitable for senior students as a part-time job, if, of course, they can afford to attend classes freely. If you have experience working as a security guard and you can be called a specialist in this field, then you can claim compensation in the amount of 50 000 tenge. A security guard who works only on the night shift, but all five days, or rather nights a week, and at the same time he must have a personal car, will receive a salary of 52 500 tenge + gasoline. Noticeably ahead of ordinary security officers in terms of compensation, the head of the security facilities escaped. If he has work experience of 3-5 years, having a car, he will receive 70 000-120 000 tenge .

Profession myths

Myth 1. The security guard is the face of the organization.
This is true. As a rule, the first person that a visitor to almost any company sees in front of him is a security officer. Without exaggeration, this is the face of the company, and every self-respecting employee of this service understands this fact. How to properly meet a visitor, politely answer the first questions that have arisen, guide them to the right office - a good security guard should know all these nuances perfectly well. The guest's first impression of the organization as a whole depends on how friendly he will be. At the same time, one should not forget that the appearance of a security officer also says a lot about the place where he works. As they say, they are greeted by clothes. So the role of the security guard in creating the first impression of the company is one of the most significant.

Myth 2. The guard is the watchful eye of the authorities.
A competent security representative (a word that has already entered our everyday life) is not only the face of the company in which he works, but also the so-called all-seeing eye of its bosses or founders. A security guard who knows his business is able not only to control the situation at the enterprise with his eyes - even with the use of modern video surveillance technologies (by the way, the more cameras, the more difficult it is). With the help of one glance, he can also catch the most insignificant changes that have taken place in the room or at the enterprise (rearrangement of objects, the loss of some trifle, the appearance of new personnel in the team, etc.). There are also such professionals for whom it will not be difficult to make a detour of the entrusted territory literally with their eyes closed. All such qualities of an employee are an indisputable guarantee of the security of both the organization itself and its material values.

Myth 3. Not producing does not mean not working.
It is not uncommon for some members of the company staff to hear bad things about their security colleagues. As a rule, they are expressed in the following way: the guards do nothing, they get paid for nothing, there is no productivity from these workers, etc. In fact, these people are wrong on at least two counts.
First: the guard gives his time just like everyone else. And then: even constantly standing in one place in a certain position is by no means one of the easiest and most fun activities.
Secondly: the security guard ensures the safety of not only all the valuables and details of the company, on which the salaries and bonuses of all employees sometimes directly depend, but also the safety of the employees themselves, their life and health. All this is worth a lot, if not priceless. The security officer has a lot of responsibility.

Myth 4. A security guard is a person who can exhaust any conflict with two words.
Very often, many people think that a security guard must certainly have high physical fitness, sportswear, etc. Perhaps there is some truth in this, but this should rather be inherent in a bodyguard. And these two concepts are not at all direct synonyms. A qualified security officer is not some kind of bouncer or scoundrel. A real security guard, having the art of words and competent speech, is first of all able to resolve any conflict situation by saying just a couple of phrases; do not let the conflict go beyond the conventional framework; Don't let anger or stress take over your common sense. He must always keep himself in control, and the surrounding situation - under his control.
This is the standard of a competent security guard. And it is a person with such qualities who has the right to call himself a real model of a security officer.

Pros and cons of the profession

Pros of the profession:

  • shift work;
  • no special education required;
  • suitable for former military personnel or for people looking for additional income.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  • night shifts;
  • insecurity.


Medical restrictions: neuropsychiatric disorders, low intelligence, chronic diseases, disorders in the musculoskeletal system, physical weakness, fatigue, suggestibility, topographic cretinism.

guard cat
The Japanese company Bandai has adopted a Bengal cat named Millie as a guard at a children's toy warehouse in Southampton, UK. Millie attracted the attention of the company's employees by regularly walking around and carefully inspecting the warehouse. She also masterfully climbed the stacks of goods, purred loudly, and, if necessary, scratched and even bit. The cat passed her probation with flying colors and was hired on a "salary" that consists of cat food and fresh fish. What else does a cat need to be completely happy? Delicious, healthy food, a warm corner for sleeping and the attention of "colleagues" at work.

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