Provision of consulting services. Contract for the provision of consulting services on business activities





"___" _____________ 20__ G.

Hereinafter referred to as the "Customer" represented by _______________ acting on the basis of __________________, on the one hand, and _______________, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by _______________ acting on the basis of _______________, on the other hand, and together referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. For real treaty in order to improve the management system of an enterprise or a group of enterprises Customer instructs, and Executor undertakes to provide a range of consulting services within the terms agreed by the Parties, while Customer undertakes to accept and pay for services at agreed prices.

1.2. The volume and content of the complex of consulting services is determined terms of reference , which are an integral part Agreements .

2. Algorithm of interaction of the parties

2.1.1. Customer forms for Artist Technical task for the performance of work of the next stage of the project, in which he indicates the type of services he needs, the requirements for their quality and terms of provision.

2.1.2. Executor evaluates the cost of services for the implementation terms of reference and makes its proposals regarding the quality of services, conditions and terms of their provision, payment procedure.

2.1.3. The parties are negotiating the terms of the implementation terms of reference , and, in case of mutual agreement, draw up Technical task as Applications which are an integral part of this Agreements and comes into force from the moment of signing by the Parties.

2.1.4 Payment for services Artist is made by prepayment of 100% of the cost of work of each stage after the signing of the relevant Applications.

2.1.5 Payment for services Artist is made by transferring funds to the current account Artist within 2 banking days from the moment of issuing the Invoice.

2.1.6. Technical task considered completed after signing Customer And Contractor The act of acceptance and delivery of services.

2.1.7. Customer within five days from receipt ofArtist notifications on the performance of works/services, accepts the results of the performed works/services with the participationArtist by: holding a joint workshop (the results of which are fixed by the protocol) and / or accepting the results of the current stage of the project, and / or presenting the results, as well as signing acts of acceptance and transfer of work / services performed for each technical task.

2.1.8. When deviations fromAgreements that worsen the result of the work, or other shortcomings in the workCustomer declares it immediatelyContractor in a written form.

2.1.9. Executor Customer Customer notification of the performance of work and two copies of the act of acceptance and transfer of work performed. 2.1.10. At the end of the projectCustomer sends in writingContractor opinion about the work/service performed in the form of a letter, gratitude, satisfaction/dissatisfaction questionnaire, etc.

3. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. Responsibilities Artist . 3.1.1. Start fulfilling the obligations assumed after receiving the advance payment in accordance with clause 2.1.4 Agreements . 3.1.2. Fulfill obligations under treaty quality and on time. 3.1.3. Ensure the safety of documents and the confidentiality of information received by him in the course of fulfilling obligations. 3.1.4. Give Customer at his request, information on the progress and results of the project. 3.1.5. In the event that circumstances are identified that impede the fulfillment of obligations under treaty on time, notify Customer . 3.1.6. Eliminate deficiencies in the work identified Customer within the time limits set Treaty . 3.1.7. Provide Customer a copy of the Order on the creation of a working group.
3.2. Responsibilities Customer . 3.2.1. Give Contractor all necessary documents, materials and information for the fulfillment of obligations under treaty . 3.2.2. Form a working group or appoint responsible persons in order to achieve the expected results ontreaty and assistanceContractor . 3.2.3. About pay services Artist in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2.1.4. Agreement. 3.2.4. Accept work for each terms of reference within Agreements on the basis of the act of acceptance and transfer of work performed, in accordance with section 2 Agreements .
3.3. Rights Artist . 3.3.1. Suspend work ontreaty in case of non-submissionCustomer the necessary information. 3.3.2. Engage third parties to fulfill obligations undertreaty within its value.
3.4. Rights Customer . 3.4.1. Claim fromArtist quality and timely fulfillment of obligations underAgreement. 3.4.2. Make recommendationsContractor by subject Agreements , which do not entail changes in the terms of reference, costAgreements and do not affect the technique and technology of executionContractor obligations undertreaty . 3.4.3. Refuse to performAgreements at any stage with compensationContractor the cost of actually rendered services and actually incurred expenses related to the executionAgreements . 3.4.4. Make proposals for changing the technical specifications fortreaty . 3.4.5. Supervise the progress of worktreaty by written and oral requests, direct presence at the place of fulfillment of obligations.

4. Quality standards

4.1. Executor fulfills obligations undertreaty on the basis of our own methodological rules, recommendations and developments, using practical methods and experience of foreign and Russian companies, theoretical knowledge and practical skills, using the best examples and samples. 4.2. Executor independently determines the technique and technology for the provision of services fortreaty . Customer not entitled to giveContractor binding instructions on these matters. 4.3. At the signing stageAgreements the parties stipulate the quality criteria by which the result of the work performed will be evaluated. 4.4. Internal quality control (working documents, draft management tools, conclusions, conclusions, correctness of the algorithm for fulfilling obligations and its sequence) is carried out under the control of the project curator. External quality control of fulfillment of obligations undertreaty carries out Customer .

5. Change in the scope of work (additional scope) under the contract

5.1. If it turns out that in order to achieve the goals Agreements required to perform additional work not covered by the technical specifications, Executor guides Customer relevant written justification, and additional agreement and an estimate for the implementation of additional volumes of work if they exceed the total number of man/hours provided for in the terms of reference by more than 5%. In case of non-signing of an additional agreement and estimates or their non-return Customer within 5 working days, Executor has the right:

Suspend work, while Customer must accept everything done treaty ;

Perform work in the amount determined by the technical specifications, while Customer undertakes to accept these works, and subsequently he is not entitled to present Contractor requirements for the elimination of shortcomings caused by the non-fulfillment of additional volumes of work not provided for by the terms of reference.

5.2. Customer have the right to increase the volume and content of work ontreaty with subsequent payment, if the additional amount of work exceeds 5% of the total number of man/hours specified in the current terms of reference fortreaty . An additional scope of work is formalized by an additional agreement totreaty . 5.3. The parties have the right to replace part of the content of the works with other works within the subjectAgreements , the number of man/hours set out interms of reference . Changes in the scope of work are formalized by an additional agreement totreaty .

6. The order of delivery of works

6.1. At the stage of delivery of work performed for eachterms of reference , the parties sign the act of acceptance and transfer.Customer reviews the results of each stage of the project within 5 working days, after which he submitsContractor a signed act of acceptance and transfer or comments on the work performed. 6.2. If there are comments on the results of the current stage of the projectExecutor eliminates the specified Customer shortcomings, and then re-directs Customer a report on the performance of work and two copies of the act of acceptance and transfer of work performed. 6.3. In case of non-signing Customer of the act of acceptance and transfer of the performed works/services or its non-return within 5 working days after receipt of the acts, the act is accepted signed unilaterally, the works are considered to be actually accepted and executed properly. Provided that the signed acceptance certificate is not returned and there are no comments on time, the actual acceptance of the project results is considered to be: Customer protocols of workshops signed by the parties;- direction Customer the results of the execution of the terms of reference; - presentation of the results of the current stage of the projectCustomer ; - indirect evidence (letters of thanks, reviews, explanation of the results of the projectContractor Customer : its employees, members of the working group, responsible persons, etc.).

7. Cost of services

7.1. For the fulfillment of obligations under this Treaty and relevant Terms of Reference, Customer pays Contractor remuneration in the amount and in the manner prescribed Treaty and relevant Applications .

7.2. When changing the scope of work, the total amount of remuneration Artist determined by an additional agreement of the parties to treaty .

8. Payment procedure

8.1. Calculations for treaty are carried out in the manner prescribed by the relevant Applications .

8.2. Payment for services Artist is made in a non-cash form in the currency of the Russian Federation on the basis of an invoice.

8.3. If Customer did not pay for completed Contractor works/services in the established Treaty term, Executor enters into partnership with Customer in order to fulfill the overdue payment. Partnership interaction is not a mandatory pre-trial settlement of disputes.

8.4. Partnership interaction of the parties caused by non-payment Customer performed works/services Contractor , includes:

Organization Contractor telephone conversations with by the customer;

Initiation and implementation Contractor negotiations with by the customer;

Direction Contractor letters Customer on payment for work / services performed .

Direction Contractor Customer a written request for payment for the work/services performed under treaty .

8.5. In case of non-payment Customer performed works/services for treaty within two months from the date of payment obligations, Executor terminates partner interaction and proceeds to protect its economic interests in the manner prescribed by law (filing a statement of claim, seizing property, etc.).

9. Privacy

The parties undertake to maintain strict confidentiality of information obtained in the course of execution Agreements , and take all possible measures to protect the information received from disclosure.

10. The procedure for resolving problematic fields

10.1. If during the interaction of the parties on treaty Contractor Customer (employee, member of the working group) in the form of failure to provide the requested documents, lack of assistance in obtaining information, etc., the project curator sends Customer a letter with a request to eliminate the identified obstacles to interaction.

Customer eliminates identified Contractor Customer with statements Artist The parties agree on ways of further cooperation. If it is impossible to further fulfill obligations under treaty , Treaty is terminated.

10.2. If during the interaction of the parties on treaty Customer refusal (avoidance) of interaction on the part of Artist (member of the working group, project manager), Customer sends a letter Contractor with a request to remove the identified obstacles to interaction.

Executor eliminates identified Customer obstacles to interaction, and in case of disagreement Artist with statements Customer The parties agree on ways of further cooperation.

10.3. If Customer dissatisfied with the quality of the project results, these relationships are regulated by clause 6.2 Agreements .

10.4. If Customer is not satisfied with the quality of the process of performing works / services, he has the right to declare this Contractor . Executor in turn takes measures to eliminate the identified Customer comments, including applying the measures provided for by internal local acts to members of the working group.

10.5. If the parties did not agree on the issues listed in paragraph 3.2.4 Agreements , Treaty may be terminated. In this case Customer assumes the actual costs incurred Artist associated with the fulfillment of obligations under treaty .

11. Force - majeure circumstances

11.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under treaty if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion Agreements as a result of events of an extraordinary nature, which the parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures.

11.2. In the event of a force majeure event Agreements is suspended. After the termination of the force majeure circumstances, the parties resume the performance of obligations under treaty .

11.3. If force majeure circumstances continue for more than three months, each of the parties has the right to refuse further fulfillment of obligations under treaty .

11.4. The party referring to force majeure circumstances is obliged, within two working days after their occurrence, to notify the other party in writing of the occurrence of such circumstances.

11.5. Proper evidence of the existence of force majeure circumstances and their duration will be certificates issued by the competent authorities.

11.6. Failure to notify or untimely notification of the parties about the occurrence of force majeure circumstances and (or) their consequences deprives the guilty party of the right to refer to these circumstances.

12. Final provisions

12.1. Relations between the parties not settled Treaty are governed by applicable law.

12.2. Disputes over treaty considered in the manner prescribed by law. If no agreement is reached, the dispute is referred to the Arbitration Court of Tyumen.

12.3. Treaty drawn up in 2 copies of equal legal force, one copy for each party.

12.4. Applications to treaty :

Terms of Reference No. 1.

13. Addresses and details of the parties

13.1. Customer: _______________

Legal address: _______________

Mailing address: ________________

Tel/fax: _______________

TIN: ______________ Checkpoint: ______________ OGRN: ___________________

R/s: _______________

V _______________ BIC: ______________ K/s: _______________

13.2.Executor : _______________

Legal address: _______________

Mailing address: _______________

Tel/fax: ______________________

TIN: ______________ Checkpoint: ______________ OGRN: ___________________

R/s: _______________

V _______________ BIC: ______________ K/s: _______________

AGREEMENT No. _______

for the provision of information and consulting services

Moscow "__" __________ 20__ G.

OOO "____________________", hereinafter referred to as "Customer”, represented by the General Director ___________________, acting on the basis of the Charter on the one hand, and "DALS Logistics" LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Executor", represented by the General Director _______________________________-, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. According to this agreement, the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with information and consulting services on legal, organizational and economic issues of transportation of goods.

1.2. Under this agreement, the Contractor undertakes to perform the following actions for the Customer (hereinafter referred to as the Services):

  • advising on the procedure for submitting to the customs authorities documents confirming the country of origin of goods and obtaining certificates of origin;
    • advising on the issues of securing the payment of customs duties.
    • Client.

1.3. Services are provided by the Contractor in written and oral forms.


2.1. Executor's obligations.

2.1.1. To provide the services provided for by this agreement, the Contractor undertakes:

  • timely and efficiently provide services under this agreement in written and oral forms;
  • timely provide the Customer with a request for the provision of information necessary for the quality provision of services;
  • perform information and consulting services in the field of current legislation in accordance with the terms of this agreement;
  • perform other duties stipulated by this agreement.

2.2. Obligations of the Customer.

2.2.1. Make payment to the Contractor for the services rendered in accordance with this agreement on time and in full.

2.2.2. Timely and fully submit the documents and information requested by the Contractor for the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement.


3.1. The price of this agreement is _____________ (____________) rubles, VAT is not charged, since the Contractor applies the simplified taxation system (STS).

3.2. The cost of services provided for in clause 3.1 of this contract shall be paid by the Customer to the Contractor.

3.3. When signing the final Act, the Customer's claims to the volume and quality of services provided by the Contractor are not accepted, and the services themselves are payable in full.

3.4. The obligations of the Customer in terms of payment for the services of the Contractor are considered to be duly executed after the receipt of the relevant funds to the settlement account of the Contractor.

3.5. In payment for the services provided by the Contractor, the Customer has the right to make advance payments.


4.1. In case of violation of the terms of the agreement, the parties are liable in accordance with applicable law and this agreement.

4.2. The party that violated the terms of this agreement, which caused damage to the other party, is obliged to compensate this damage in full.


5.1. Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for failure to fulfill obligations due to circumstances that arose beyond the will and desire of the Parties and which cannot be foreseen or avoided, including declared or actual war, civil unrest, epidemics, blockades, embargoes, earthquakes, floods, fires and other natural disasters.

5.2. The document confirming the existence and duration of force majeure is the relevant act issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

5.3. The Party that fails to fulfill its obligations due to force majeure must immediately notify the other Party of the obstacle and its impact on the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

5.4. If the failure of one of the Parties to fulfill its obligations under this agreement for the reasons provided for in this article exceeds 60 days, then the other Party has the right to refuse to perform the agreement by declaring its termination in writing 7 days before the expected date.

5.5. A Party that has not notified the other Party of the impossibility of fulfilling its obligations under the contract in accordance with this article loses the right to invoke such impossibility.


6.1. All disputes under this agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

6.2. If an agreement is not reached, which must be confirmed in writing, disputes are resolved in an arbitration court in accordance with the rules on jurisdiction on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation.


The Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations.



on the provision of consulting services

G. ________________ __

"___"_________ ____ G.

LLC "Class-Finance", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by the General Director Ovsyannikova Inna Nikolaevna, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ________________ ___, hereinafter referred to as __ "Customer", represented by ________________ ___, acting ___ on the basis ________________ ___, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties", have concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide information and consulting services in accordance with the requirements set out by the Customer and agreed by the Contractor in Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of the contract.

1.2. The Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor a fee for the services provided (clause 1.1), as well as to compensate for reasonable and pre-agreed expenses associated with the performance of the agreed services for the Customer. In the event of an increase in the volume and / or list of services, the payment for services is recalculated, which is reflected in the additional Agreement.


2.1. The Contractor under the Agreement undertakes:

2.1.1. Verbally (by phone, at the Contractor's office or visiting the Customer) advise the Customer on issues of its financial and economic activities, as well as provide written answers, conclusions, clarifications, references upon the Customer's written request.

2.1.2. The Contractor is obliged to provide a comprehensive response to the Customer's request within the agreed timeframe.

2.1.3. Treat the provision of the interests of the Customer with due attention, exercise reasonable diligence in the performance of obligations under this Agreement and warn the Customer in advance in writing about all possible difficulties, delays and other circumstances known to the Contractor that could adversely affect the proper provision of the interests of the Customer, if there are reasonable grounds for assuming them.

2.1.4. Perform the actions provided for in clause 1.1. of this Agreement in good faith, with the maximum benefit for the Customer.

2.2. The performer has the right:

2.2.1. Do not give answers that are in the nature of a direct recommendation if the Contractor has doubts about the unambiguity of the interpretation of certain legislative provisions, and also if the issue raised by the Customer is not regulated by law. In these cases, based on its experience, the Contractor expresses only his opinion on unresolved issues, which is not a direct recommendation to the Customer to act in one way or another, but only determines the Contractor's point of view on this issue.

2.2.2. If necessary, involve in the provision of services specialists who are not on the staff of the Contractor, who for the purposes of this Agreement are considered specialists of the Contractor.

2.2.3. Independently determine the composition of specialists providing advice and, at its discretion, distribute the work provided for by the Agreement among the members of this group.

2.2.4. In order to fulfill the Agreement, conclude the Agreement with another person, remaining responsible for the actions of this person to the Customer, unless the parties agree otherwise. The Contractor is obliged to agree on the terms of such an agreement with the Customer.

2.2.5. On behalf of the Customer, negotiate and sign documents, the right to sign which will be granted to the Contractor by the Customer.

2.2.6. Request documents, clarifications and additional information from the Customer regarding the question raised by the Customer.

2.3. The customer is obliged:

2.3.1. Provide the Contractor with all the information and documents he has, necessary for the execution of this agreement.

2.3.2. Provide the Contractor with the necessary powers under this agreement by issuing it with the appropriate powers of attorney and agreements.

2.3.3. Accept from the Contractor protocols of negotiations, letters, certificates of work done and other materials.

2.3.4. Accept the work of the Contractor and sign the acts of work performed.

2.3.5. Timely, at least five days in advance, warn the Contractor about the time and place of negotiations on issues related to the obligations of the Contractor under this contract.

2.3.6. Pay for the Contractor's services in the manner, on time and in the amount established by this agreement and additional agreements thereto.

2.3.7. Do not make claims to the Contractor for the results of work if the Customer does not follow the recommendations of the Contractor, as well as if they provide incomplete or incorrect information.

2.3.8. Do not make claims to the Contractor for refusing to perform actions or refraining from actions if these actions would lead to a violation of the Law or could cause harm to the Contractor or his representatives.

2.3.9 Determine for the Contractor the specific goals and objectives of its activities under this agreement.

2.4. The customer has the right:

2.4.1. At its own discretion, contact / not contact the Contractor for the provision of services provided for by the Agreement.

2.4.2. Require the Contractor to provide information on the progress of the execution of the contract, copies of documents confirming the work performed by the Contractor.

2.4.3. Request from the Contractor data and information about the negotiations held, drawn up by the relevant protocols.

2.4.4. Upon written or oral request, receive from the Contractor information on the regulatory legal acts on which the recommendations and conclusions of the Contractor are based, as well as the texts of these acts, at no additional charge.


3.1. The cost of the Contractor's services includes:

3.1.1. The Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor a fee for the services provided (clause 1.1), as well as to compensate for reasonable and pre-agreed expenses associated with the performance of the agreed services for the Customer. In the event of an increase in the volume and / or list of services, the payment for services is recalculated, which is reflected in the additional Agreement.

3.1.2. The amounts provided for in clause 3.2 of this Agreement.

3.1.3. Other amounts of payment provided for by this Agreement.

3.2. In addition to paying the remuneration, the Customer additionally reimburses the Contractor for all actually incurred and documented overhead costs associated with the provision of consulting services and the involvement of specialists who are not included in the Contractor's staff.

3.3. The Contractor issues invoices on a monthly basis (regardless of the degree of completion of the work) no later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the services were rendered. In the event of an unspecified delay in payment of invoices, the Contractor has the right to demand a transition to an advance form of payment.

3.3.1. An invoice with a transcript of the consultations provided, as well as an act on the provision of consulting services (Appendix No. 2) are transferred to the Customer and must be accepted or protested by him within 5 working days from the date of receipt by the Customer.

3.3.2. In the absence of motivated objections from the Customer, these documents are considered accepted. In this case, payment in accordance with the terms of the Agreement must be made by the Customer within 2 days from the date of expiration of the period provided for acceptance. Transfer of documents is carried out through a specialist, by fax or by courier.

3.4. At the request of the Customer and with the consent of the Contractor, the final cost of services provided on a specific request may be agreed by the Parties before the start of the provision of services. The Customer must inform the Contractor about the desire to preliminarily agree on the cost of services before sending a request for the provision of services to the Contractor. Based on the results of agreeing on the cost and scope of services, the Parties conclude an additional agreement.

3.5. In case of impossibility of performance due to the fault of the Customer, the services are subject to payment in full.

3.6. In the event that the impossibility of performance arose due to circumstances for which none of the Parties is responsible, the Customer shall reimburse the contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him.


4.1. The customer has the right to refuse to execute this agreement, subject to payment to the Contractor of the expenses actually incurred by him.

4.2. The Contractor has the right to refuse to fulfill obligations under this Agreement only if the Customer is fully reimbursed for losses.

4.3. The contract terminates in the following cases:

  • in case of unilateral refusal of one of the parties to perform the contract;
  • when the parties fulfill their obligations under the contract;
  • by agreement of the parties.

4.4. The parties are entitled to compensation for damages caused through the fault of the other party, in accordance with applicable law m.

4.5. If it is impossible to execute this agreement due to circumstances for which none of the parties is responsible, the Customer shall reimburse the Contractor for the expenses actually incurred by him related to the fulfillment of obligations under this agreement.

4.6. If the Customer violates the terms of payment for the Contractor's services, the Customer shall pay the Contractor a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the unpaid amount for each day of delay in payment.

4.7. Payment of a penalty and compensation for damages do not release the parties from fulfilling their obligations.

4.8. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures.

4.9. Force majeure circumstances include events on which the parties cannot influence and for the occurrence of which they are not responsible, for example: natural disasters, emergency social events (war, riots, etc.), government decrees or orders of state bodies , making it impossible to implement the object.


5.1. All disputes and disagreements arising in the process of execution of this agreement will, if possible, be resolved through negotiations.

5.2. If the parties do not come to an agreement on the disputed issues, the disputes will be referred to the arbitration court of Moscow in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. In case of failure to reach an agreement when considering disputed issues, the Party that made the claim sends a claim to the other Party, which is considered by the latter within 10 days from the date of its receipt.

5.4. In all other respects not provided for by this agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5. This agreement is concluded in two copies, one for each of the parties.


6.1. Commercial information received by the Parties and their employees in connection with the provision of services to the Customer is considered confidential (hereinafter referred to as confidential information) and should not be transferred to third parties without the prior written consent of the authorized official of the relevant party. This restriction does not apply to information:

  • subject to disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the applicable law and with the essence of the instructions executed by the Contractor;
  • well-known at the time of transfer, including published or made known to an unlimited circle of persons without violating this Agreement and the fault of the parties and / or their employees;
  • already known to the other party or became known before or during the negotiations or implementation of any project without violating the terms of this Agreement. If the information provided by one of the parties is already known to the other party, the latter must immediately inform it of this.

6.2. Each of the parties undertakes to use confidential information exclusively within the framework of joint work and provide access to it only to persons directly involved in these works. The Parties undertake to take all necessary measures to ensure that their employees, consultants, affiliates and subsidiaries, contractors keep the above information confidential and protect it from loss.

6.3. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, confidential information is and remains the intellectual property of the party transmitting the information.


7.1. Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for delay or failure to fulfill obligations due to force majeure circumstances that arose against the will and desire of the Parties and which could not be foreseen or avoided, including declared or actual war, civil unrest, epidemics, blockade, embargo, as well as earthquakes, floods, fires and other natural disasters.

7.2. A party that cannot fulfill its obligations due to force majeure is obliged to immediately notify the other party of these circumstances.


8.1. All Annexes and additions to this Agreement are its integral parts and form a single whole with it.

8.2. The Agreement is drawn up and signed in two copies, one for each of the Parties, with equal legal force of each copy.

8.3. Each of the Parties is obliged to immediately inform the other party about changes in the constituent documents, bank details, addresses and numbers of communication channels, as well as about any events and / or circumstances known to it that could adversely affect the timely and proper performance by this party of its obligations under this Agreement . The effect of a force majeure circumstance that impedes the proper performance of the relevant obligation postpones its performance for a proportionate and reasonable period.

8.4. This Agreement comes into force from the date of its signing and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under it.

8.5. Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid, provided that they are made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the Parties.

8.6. Applications:

8.6.2. The act of delivery - acceptance of services rendered ().


Customer: _____________________________________________________________




Customer executive:

_____________________ _____________________
(signature) (signature)

provision of consulting services Gr. , passport: series , number , issued by , residing at the address: , hereinafter referred to as " Consultant”, on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of , hereinafter referred to as “ Customer”, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded this agreement, hereinafter “ Treaty" about the following:


1.1 The Consultant, on the instructions of the Customer, provides the Customer with a set of services related to the Services in accordance with the Schedule for the provision of services (Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement), hereinafter referred to as the Services.

1.2. Services are provided in the period from "" 2019 to "" 2019.

1.3. The services rendered are formalized by monthly signing of the Certificate of Services Rendered in two copies in accordance with this Agreement.

1.4. Under this Agreement, the Consultant does not have the right to conclude/change/cancel any contracts on behalf of the Customer, is not a sales representative and/or agent of the Customer, and cannot act on behalf of the Customer in any transactions, has no right to make statements, give instructions, promises on behalf of the Customer.


2.1. The Consultant undertakes to provide services under this Agreement in a quality and timely manner in accordance with the Schedule for the provision of services (Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement).

2.2. The Customer undertakes to timely pay the Consultant the monetary remuneration due to him for the services rendered on the terms provided for in this Agreement, and also to provide the Consultant with the technical information and documentation of the Customer/Client necessary for the provision of services under this Agreement.

2.3. The Consultant undertakes to provide services in a qualified manner, to take care of the equipment and materials of the Customer/Client during the provision of services.

2.4. The Consultant undertakes to comply with the internal labor regulations of the Client and keep secret all confidential information of the Customer and the Client specified in clause 1.1 of this Agreement.

2.5. All costs associated with the stay of the Consultant at the place of provision of services and with the Customer shall be borne by the Consultant.


3.1. The cost of the services provided by the Consultant under this Agreement is rubles per month, of which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Customer withholds and pays personal income tax in the amount of rubles to the budget of the Russian Federation.

3.2. The Customer pays the cost of services in accordance with clause 3.1 of this Agreement within calendar days from the date of signing by the Parties of the relevant monthly Certificate of Services Rendered.

3.3. Not later than working days after the end date of the next calendar month, the Consultant submits to the Customer a report on the provision of services, which is monthly agreed and signed by the Customer and the Parties sign a monthly Act on the services rendered under this Agreement.

3.4. The Consultant is paid the cost of services (excluding personal income tax) in accordance with clause 3.1 of this Agreement in a non-cash form - to the bank account of the Consultant specified in this Agreement. In the event of an incomplete month of service provision, the cost of services for an incomplete calendar month is determined based on the number of full calendar days in the month of service provision.


4.1. The liability of the Parties for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. This Agreement comes into force from the date of signing and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations under this Agreement.

5.2. This Agreement may be terminated by agreement of the Parties by signing an additional agreement by the Parties.

5.3. This Agreement may be terminated unilaterally out of court by either Party, subject to notification of the other Party days before the date of termination. All services rendered by the date of termination must be paid by the Customer.


6.1. The Parties are released from liability for failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement upon the occurrence of force majeure circumstances (extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions - natural disasters, hostilities, blockades, etc.) subject to immediate notification of the other Party of the occurrence of such circumstances no later than calendar days from the date of occurrence of these circumstances.

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