Dyeing natural fur at home. The best ways to dye fur at home


Things made of natural fur are not cheap, so they are bought not for one season, but for several years. During prolonged wear, the appearance of the product suffers: the fur is rubbed and fades. How to return your favorite fur coat to its former splendor? Of course, you can take it to a dry-cleaner, which implies financial costs, or you can dye the fur at home, thereby breathing new life into the fur thing.

During prolonged wear, the appearance of the fur coat suffers: the fur is rubbed and fades. One of the possible solutions to the problem is to dye the fur coat in a different color.

Preparing for painting

To dye the fur, you must first prepare it. During wear, contaminants accumulate on the surface of the product: particles of dust and grease. It is impossible to wash fur things in the usual way, and before painting, you need to thoroughly clean the surface to be treated so that the paint lies evenly and penetrates well into the villi. What to do? Should gently treat the fur with an alkaline solution which will dissolve grease and remove dust particles.

It is not difficult to prepare the mixture: 3 tsp are added to 1 liter of water. salt, 2 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. l. detergent for dishes and 5 g of ammonia. But another option: water, vinegar and alcohol are taken in the same proportions. All components of the solution must be mixed properly, the dry components must be completely dissolved.

A variety of types of fur can be cleaned with such a liquid, for example, mink, silver fox, arctic fox, fox or rabbit. It is possible that after such a simple cleaning, the appearance of the product will improve and the need for staining will simply disappear.

Perhaps after cleaning the appearance of the fur coat will improve and you will change your mind about dyeing it.

Before applying the resulting solution to the fur, you need to process its wrong side - the mezra. The fact is that the skins after getting wet can crack or deform. Therefore, after the restoration of color, an unpleasant surprise may await you - the product will decrease in size or simply lose its shape. To prevent this from happening, it is best to treat the mezdra with glycerin or any nourishing and greasy cream, for which you need to carefully rip the lining.

After processing the mezra, the fur is carefully laid out on a flat surface and an alkaline solution is applied. It is best to distribute it over the surface of the product with a brush. With this treatment, the liquid will be distributed along the entire length of the villi. Then the product must be thoroughly washed off the fur and proceed directly to dyeing.

Fur dyeing

Hair dye

Fur villi are very similar in structure to hair, so hair dye is often used to color them. When buying paint, you should not save money - it is better to choose a resistant product, for example, for effectively painting over gray hair. The paint should be gentle with respect to the hair, in our case, to the villi of the fur. You should approach the choice of paint with the same care as when dyeing hair.

Fur villi are very similar in structure to hair, so hair dye is often used to color them. The choice of paint should be approached with the same care as when dyeing hair.

So, the tool is chosen, it remains to choose the right shade. In no case should it be lighter than the color of the fur. In order to dye the fur with high quality and the color lasts longer, it is better to choose a shade a tone darker than the existing one. On black or brown products, errors in choosing a color are not so noticeable, but white fur can turn an unpleasant yellow color.

The shade of the selected paint color should in no case be lighter than the color of the fur.

Owners of white fur coats and hats should know that you can say goodbye to ugly yellowness if you first discolor the villi with hydrogen peroxide, and then dye the fur in the desired color with ordinary hair dye.

How many packs of paint you need will depend on the density of the fur. For example, the coat of a fox or mink is denser and thicker than that of a rabbit. To dye mink fur at home, one pack of paint may not be enough, it is better to immediately purchase two, or even three if you have to dye a long fur coat.

Depending on the instructions in the instructions, the paint is applied to a dry or wet pile. This is best done with a brush or a special paint brush.

To make sure that the fur will respond well to the dye solution, and the color is chosen correctly, it is better to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product before dyeing. It is especially important to carry out the procedure before dyeing rabbit fur, since it is one of the most vulnerable. If the resulting shade meets expectations, the villi do not fall out and do not break, you can safely proceed to coloring the entire product.

To dye natural fur at home with hair dye, you need to follow the instructions on the package. Depending on the instructions, the paint is applied to a dry or wet pile. It is best to do this with a brush or a special brush for paint, and then distribute it over the entire surface of the fur with massaging movements. The exposure time should also match the manufacturer's recommendations. The video below shows how to properly apply paint.

Special balms often come with high-quality paints. You can also use them for fur, after washing off the paint. Such care will give the fur of a fur coat, collar or hat shine and silkiness. You can additionally fix the pigment by spraying a solution of water with vinegar (250 ml of water per 1 tsp of 9% vinegar) on the painted product.

It is strictly forbidden to dry a fur product on a radiator, with a fan or a hair dryer. In addition, there is a little secret that will help protect the product from deformation. Before you leave natural fur to dry, you need to stretch it and carefully fix it on some hard surface with pins.

Other means

To dye fox fur at home, you can use paint from an aerosol can. The fact is that the villi of such fur are long and, first of all, their tips burn out and discolor. To restore the original appearance of the product, it is not necessary to paint it completely. You can simply spray the surface with suede paint, which is sold in aerosol cans.

You can dye the fur in this way quickly, without any extra effort and risk to the quality of the fur. But the result will not last as long as after hair dye. One season, the thing will be like new, but before the next season, you will have to dye the fur again.

It is better to hang the product and spray the paint from a distance of at least 40-50 cm. In order for the paint to be evenly distributed, you need to work out each section of the product, and then comb the fur. You don't need to wash off the paint.

To dye faux fur, you can use both hair dye and suede dye in an aerosol can. At the same time, the risk that the product is deformed is minimal, so it can be dried using a hair dryer and naturally.

Dyeing fur is easy if you choose high-quality paint and follow simple rules. Refreshing a fur coat at home will save money on dry cleaning and at the same time return it to the look of a new thing.

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Do you know that:

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Fresh lemon is good for more than just tea: clean stains from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

Reading time: 5 minutes

The fur coat already looks worn, but it is still a pity to throw it away. To improve the appearance, you can paint it. With a detailed study of the information, this process will not be difficult. How to dye fur, what you need for this, how to prepare, is described below.

Preparing for the process

Before painting the product must be prepared. How can you clean the fur:

  • a teaspoon of dishware;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 10 g of soda;
  • 5 g ammonia;
  • liter of water.

From the components make a homogeneous liquid. Clothes are hung on hangers or placed on the table. Spread the cleanser with a brush, leave for a few minutes. Rinse with running water so that it does not get on the bottom.

What else is suitable for cleaning:

  • mix water, vinegar, alcohol in equal proportions;
  • distribute over the product, rinse.

After that, the thing is dried on the street or in a ventilated room. You can not hang next to the stove, battery.

These methods are suitable for cleaning mink, rabbit, silver fox, arctic fox - any natural fur.

Cleaning is necessary for uniform application of paint. Dirt, dust will not allow this to be done.

The leather part of the clothing is treated with ordinary hand cream. It won't dry out, it won't crack.

Fur varieties

Useful tips for coloring fur depending on the type:

  • White wool is the easiest to dye. Chinchilla, rabbit coat is easy to dye. Do this carefully so as not to damage the delicate fur. If the white villi turn yellow, they are lightened with hydrogen peroxide. Then any color will lie flat.
  • The hairs of the arctic fox are dense, they will take a lot of time, paint. The fox is easier to work with, the paint lays down easily, the color remains for a long time.
  • Dyeing a mink coat is not easy. She is difficult to color.
  • A thing from a nutria is easier to color than a mink one. It is similar to mink, but lighter. She has three types of hair in thickness and length, so the fur is adjacent.
  • The dyed muskrat is pinkish with white spots. After a short time, it fades.
  • The hair of a sheared beaver cannot be lightened beautifully. She will turn yellow. It is worth using darker paints on the original color.
  • It is not easy to paint a muton fur coat due to its high density. It is necessary to carefully distribute the dye, carefully monitor the uniformity of application. Otherwise, there will be stains.
  • When dyeing silver fox wool, a new color is usually given to the longest villi.

Hair dye must not be applied to faux fur. Aggressive substances will ruin it.

Do not paint a new product, this will shorten its service life. Only an old, worn thing is subject to this process in order to serve its owner a little more.

Before painting, check the readiness of the skin. Rip off a little of the lining and moisten the skin with plenty of water. If you pull hard, and it breaks, then you can’t paint, otherwise the finished thing will fall apart into pieces. If it stretches, painting is allowed.

Where they paint

Where can I dye a fur coat or fur thing:

  • In a studio specializing in fur processing. There they will repair and paint.
  • Some dry cleaners have a fur dyeing service.
  • The factories paint, but usually in large batches. If you wish, you can find a company to dye your fur coat.
  • At home, it is easy to do it yourself.

Coloring process

  • hair dye;
  • tint shampoo / balm;
  • spray paint for suede;
  • spray dyes for fur;
  • clarifier.

Bleaching agents injure the hairs. The fur coat after clarification will last less than originally planned. It is worth considering whether drastic changes are needed or whether it is worth painting a darker color.

Applying hair dye

Animal hair and human hair are similar in structure. This tool is ideal for dyeing fur. Before use, it is worth checking the action on a small inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing. If necessary, first remove the yellowness from the clothes. After that, start painting. A quality ammonia paint is recommended.

How to use hair dye correctly:

  • Put on gloves. Dilute the product according to the instructions.
  • Apply to the product with uniform, quick movements. Rubbed all over the fur - spots should not remain. Movements must be careful so that the hairs do not break.

After staining, the skin is again smeared with cream. The thing is blotted with a towel, dried. So that the clothes do not sit down, they are pinned with pins to a hard surface with the fur up.

For painting in black, one procedure is not enough. This is done 2-3 times.

You should not do complex dyeing, highlighting wool on your own. Such work should be entrusted to professionals. If you have experience in dyeing hair in this way, you can try:

  • apply paint to the ends;
  • wrap with foil, leave for the required time;
  • rinse gently.

If you paint a natural fur coat at home correctly, it will last a long time. The color will start to fade after 7-9 months. After this time, it is recommended to update the color.


The suede agent is suitable for dyeing part of the product. The ends of the fox fur may turn yellow over time. How to paint fur with a spray can:

  • spray at a distance of 70 cm from the thing;
  • move the spray all the time so as not to glue the hairs;
  • comb through after spraying, then they will not stick together.

There is a special paint for natural fur in the form of an aerosol. A small area is painted with it, for example, a fur collar. This part should not come into contact with the bag, constant interaction will leave a mark. How to do:

  • sprinkle the desired area on a jacket or fur coat;
  • massage for distribution;
  • dry naturally.

Spray will not work to paint in a different color radically. You can enhance the shade, make it more saturated and deep.

Other options

You can recolor fur things in the following ways:

  • A yellowed mink hat is lightened with the following composition: combine a couple of tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 10 drops of ammonia. Moisten the ends of the villi so that the liquid does not get on the skin.
  • Paint a red fur coat with a manganese solution. It must be concentrated. Apply the solution with a new dish sponge and make sure that the skin does not get wet.
  • Toning with a tinted shampoo will help make the color deeper, richer. This is true if earlier a fur coat, hat or vest was dyed with hair dye. The tint maintains the color to push back the time of the next hair dye.

  • To soften an old fur coat and give it shine, you should use a hair balm. This is done after staining or mixed with a tint. Finish staining by rinsing in vinegar solution.
  • Rabbit fur is dyed at home only in extreme cases with delicate dyes. It is very soft and thin.
  • Fur inserts on the coat are dyed carefully so as not to stain the base material. If the fabric allows it, sew a piece of fabric on the main part in a few stitches. You can wrap a piece of unnecessary fabric, secure it with a pin.

How to dye faux fur with your own hands:

  • remove dirt and dust with a cotton pad with shampoo, rinse with water;
  • to update the color, use a tinting shampoo;
  • use dye for faux fur, but not for hair;
  • to evenly distribute the color, the thing is pulled, fixed;
  • brush along the fibers, not missing the fabric;
  • after the required time has elapsed, they are washed, the fur is combed, left to dry.

How to care

Proper care to preserve color, novelty:

  • sometimes comb the hairs with a special brush;
  • dry clothes if it is snowing outside;
  • timely clean contaminated, worn areas;
  • before putting away for storage, get rid of stains, dust;
  • put on a cover for storage after winter.

Dyeing a fur product is not difficult if you approach the process correctly and follow all the instructions. If the thing is badly damaged, you need to dye the entire fur coat or there is a fear that it will not work out, it is better to contact the atelier.

Have you ever thought about how to dye fur at home. But surely every modern fashionista has a vest, a sheepskin coat or a fur coat made of natural or faux fur in her wardrobe. During operation, the fur can change its original appearance, burn out in the sun, or, perhaps, you will come up with the idea of ​​​​changing the appearance of an old little thing. Today, service organizations, represented in sufficient numbers, provide a full range of fur dyeing services, but, unfortunately, at an impressive cost, they do not always meet the expectations of customers. That is why the question of how to dye fur at home, whether it is possible, in general, to carry out this procedure on your own, is very common today. We will talk about it in the framework of this material.

Preparatory activities

The success of the "operation" largely depends on how well the preparatory measures will be carried out. Having decided to update the shade of the fur or radically change it, do not forget to clean it, because the dirt prevents the deep penetration of the dye, respectively, the result of dyeing affects.

For cleaning, you will need an alkaline solution made from a liter of water, 2 teaspoons of soda, 1 teaspoon of any dishwashing detergent and 1 teaspoon of ammonia, which can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy. All components must be thoroughly mixed with each other until a homogeneous mass is obtained. On the mezdra (bottom layer of the skin), to prevent drying out, apply a greasy cream, for example, for children. Then, armed with a brush with hard bristles, you should apply an alkaline solution to the fur, distributing it over the entire surface, then rinse the product thoroughly under running water and lay it in a horizontal position to dry.

What to paint?

If you do not know how to dye fur at home, what means to use for this, you have come to the right place. To date, there are enough professional paints and compositions in specialized stores, but hair dye is still no less effective and affordable. You can find it in any supermarket at an affordable price, and the variety of shades allows you to satisfy the taste preferences of every fashionista.

So, for dyeing, you will need paint, a brush with which you will apply the composition to the fur and, of course, rubber gloves - an indispensable means of protection. When choosing a brush, give preference to the option with hard bristles.

fox fur

How to dye fox fur at home? Luxurious vests made of fox skins have been a trend of the last few years. They will be relevant in the near future, which is why the owners of such luxury need to properly care for it: update the shade of fur every season, clean it. In addition, modern dyes allow, if necessary, to radically change the color of the fur product. So why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Deciding on a shade

If you do not know how to dye natural fur at home, in particular fox fur, it is important to get acquainted with some of the nuances of the procedure. They are primarily associated with the structural features of the fur. Of course, the choice of shade lies on the shoulders of the owner of the fur product, but professionals strongly recommend dyeing the fox fur in dark shades. If, on the contrary, you want to lighten the product, you will have to pre-treat the fur with hydrogen peroxide.

Let's start coloring

For maximum results, wet the fox fur with water, then proceed to apply the coloring composition, paying attention to each area. After the entire composition has been applied, it is necessary to withstand the time indicated on the package. After that, it is enough to rinse the product under running water and dry it, placing it in a natural horizontal position.


Mink hair is identical in structure to human hair, which is why the choice of dye for mink should be approached more demandingly. The same hair dye is perfect, but it is better to give preference to a professional series that will give the most natural natural shade, and it will last much longer than budget counterparts. But some recommend using spray paint. In this case, it is necessary to apply paint from a distance of 60-70 cm in several layers. Do not be afraid to layer paint - this technology will allow you to achieve an expressive and deep noble shade.

If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to dye mink fur at home, use the general rules that work with any fur. In everything, the dyeing procedure completely repeats the procedure for transforming fox fur, described above.

Mouton fur

This once most popular type of fur is still relevant today. Its popularity is largely due to the warmth and comfort that a product made of mouton fur gives. But not everyone knows how to properly care for the fur, which is why, with time of operation, there is a need for additional dyeing.

Mouton products are rightfully one of the most unpretentious, but speaking of staining, you should be patient, be extremely careful and accurate. Since how to paint fur at home with paint in the case of a muton. The pile of such fur is quite thick, dense, which is why it is so important to evenly distribute the coloring composition over the entire surface.

And one more thing: before dyeing, test a small amount of pigment on a small section of the fur product - in case of spots and bald spots, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bself-dyeing and entrust it to professionals.

Artificial fur

Do you think only natural fur causes admiration and admiring glances of others? For several years, faux fur products: bright, sometimes extravagant and quite affordable models, have turned the whole idea of ​​fashion, beauty and luxury upside down. If you have a jacket or bag in this material in your wardrobe, update them with dyeing. Want to know how to dye faux fur at home? We will tell you about it.

The same hair dye is suitable for dyeing - in the case of faux fur, you can experiment, give preference to brighter, more acidic shades. For preliminary preparation, an ordinary soap solution is suitable, which is applied with a sponge over the entire surface of the product.

In order to get the perfect result, before painting, do not just lay the product in a horizontal position, but also stretch it well. This will help avoid the formation of bald spots.

Summing up

We tried to figure out how to dye fur at home, and gave some of the most effective ways. With the proper approach to the procedure, the use of high-quality materials and tools, you can achieve amazing results. In addition, dyeing fur, both natural and artificial, at home will not take you much time and, most importantly, money. We hope that you will appreciate the information provided and be sure to use our advice and recommendations.

Products made of natural fur are always a priority for women, because it is beautiful, expensive and prestigious. But what if something happened to your favorite fur coat, it burned out in the sun, or paint got on it? It doesn't matter - after all, it is quite possible to dye natural fur even at home. In order to dye natural fur, you will need the most common hair dye. The choice of color palette in this case is not limited: from fiery red to jet black. Just remember that after such dyeing, the color of the fur lasts up to eight months, after which the red fades and fades, and the black turns into dark brown and gradually turns red. You can also try to lighten the fur, but the result can be very unexpected: the muskrat becomes soft peach with a white undercoat, and the beaver turns yellow.

Before painting, it is worth doing a little preparatory work. Mezdra (the lower layer of the skin) should be soaked with a fat cream, thus protecting it from drying out. Apply the paint to pre-moistened fur - the color will look deeper and lie more evenly. If you do not want to radically change the shade of the fur, then you should generally dry it a little - the color will turn out to be less intense.

After applying the paint, carefully remember the fur with your hands, rubbing the dye over the entire surface. Make sure there are no unpainted spots left. Leave the product for the same time as when dyeing hair, that is, 30-35 minutes.

After holding the right time, wash off the paint under a powerful jet of water. You can keep the skin for a few minutes in saline so that the color lasts longer and the hairs shine in the sun. Gently wring out the fur - you can lay it out on the bathroom wall and intensively run your hand over it several times.

Then lay the skin out on a surface to dry. It is better to let it drain and dry on its own. Comb the fur, setting the desired direction.

Advice from Osinka.
Skin coloring. Cheap skins, with appropriate processing and coloring, can look like expensive furs. Previously, the coloring of furs was a very complicated matter: it was done using various mordants from chromium, iron and copper sulfate, etc. The introduction of aniline dyes into practice greatly simplified production, increased the color strength and the range of shades obtained.

When using aniline dyes, the color appears on the fibers with the help of oxidizing agents, such as: sodium perborate, hydrogen peroxide, etc. Sodium perborate is more convenient than hydrogen peroxide, it does not decompose so quickly and is cheaper.

2. Aniline paints for skins. Skin coloring can be done in two ways. According to the first method, the entire skin is immersed in a dyeing bath (dipping dyeing), according to the second, the dyeing liquid is brushed onto the hair (pointing).

If the skins are rich in fat, then before coloring they should be treated with the following mixture: 500 g of slaked lime, 250 g of iron sulfate, 150 g of alum per 10 liters of water. Apply the mixture with a brush, after which the skins are dried and washed well several times in water. Thanks to this treatment, the hair is degreased and it takes color more easily.

For skins less greasy, you can use a solution of soda (6 ° B.) and soap for washing. The use of caustic soda should be avoided.

One more piece of advice.
First of all, we process the mezra as follows. We apply ordinary glycerin (so that not too much and not too little) to the surface of the mezra carefully so as not to touch the villi of the fur along the edges. We buy ordinary hair dye of the desired color (I note that the colors when painting light fur completely correspond to the palette of colors) henna - there will be red fur, basma-dark green. When the glycerin is slightly absorbed, we take a board and pin the fur around the perimeter with sewing pins, and paint according to the instructions attached to the selected paint. and dry it with a hairdryer. Done! If you want to make spots of a different color, then wrap the painted places in foil, there will be a beautiful spot.

Painting advice.
I am writing at the request of workers on the eve of winter.
We paint the fur, in my case there was a collar.
The coloring technology is simple - we rip off the collar - so that there is only fur, without fabric, etc.
We take hair dye - I took a black phytolinium garnier (gave the best result), we dilute the paint - the whole bottle went to my large collar, and we apply paint on a board dressed in a plastic bag with an old toothbrush.
There is such a catch - the fur is thick, the arctic fox, the mink is painted worse than the marmot - the undercoat is stained everywhere. It takes a long time and tedious to move the brush in different directions in order to evenly distribute the paint.
Leave for the time indicated on the bottle of paint. Periodically comb the fur with a brush, so that it would be taken more evenly.
Rinse off in the shower, apply (if any) balm. We wash off again. And then we prick the wet fur along the edge of the skin with needles on the board. We dry. I took it off the board when the fur was dry and the skin was semi-dry. In the process of drying, I combed it with a clothes brush. Then air dried.
At the end, it would be good to spread the mezdra with glycerin, or hand cream, or just sunflower oil.
And then - sew! smile
The main thing is not to dry it with a hairdryer, and not to let it dry without being stretched - my mink shrank after this, began to tear, in general - I ruined the fur.
But if everything is done well - my brown groundhog has become completely black, soft and smells like a pleasant balm.
Good luck!

Natural fur coat - refers to fashion clothing. Such things are bought not for one season. Time and cleaning make the fur dull, light colors turn yellow, dark ...

Natural fur coat - refers to fashion clothing. Such things are bought not for one season. Time and cleaning make the fur dull, light colors turn yellow, dark ones fade. It is possible to restore the tone by coloring. This is carried out in special workshops, sometimes the service is provided by dry cleaners. Despite the high price, they may refuse you if the fur, in their opinion, is worn out. More often they are simply too lazy to do such work, it is much easier to refresh the shade of a collar or hat. Working with outerwear is responsible, takes a lot of time. The way out is simple, it is possible to paint a fur coat with your own hands.

Before painting, it is necessary to determine whether the product was tinted earlier (during production). The most diverse natural color, in the elite segment, has a mink. It can be black, mahogany (brown), walnut, pearl, silver. The naturalness of the shade is easily determined. If the down is lighter than the awn, the menzra is monophonic, white - the toning of the product was not carried out. An even color is a sign of artificiality. The inner side of the skin will also be dark. Items that have been processed before require special care.

The desired color is advised to choose a couple of shades darker than the actual one. Lightening the dark is not recommended. A multi-colored rabbit or previously dyed colored materials may produce unexpected, undesirable results. White coats are tinted twice.

Stages of work how to dye a fur coat at home

1. Buy hair dye from the supermarket. Do not save, choose a stable, well-proven one. If the clothing area is large, take several packs. It is with this paint that it is possible to give faded villi a new color and shine. If there is no balm for colored hair in the kit, you will also have to buy it.
2. Prepare carefully before painting. Clean off dust and grease. To do this, you can use one of the solutions:
- water 1 liter, 1 dessert spoon of salt plus the same amount of soda, 10 drops of ammonia (ammonia);
- in equal proportions water, vinegar, alcohol;
- water with shampoo.
Moisten the rag. Wipe the fur. No rubbing, in one direction. Rinse off detergent residue.
3. The inside of the thing is carefully smeared with glycerin or a very greasy cream. The base will not absorb water.
4. Wear protective gloves.
5. Read the instructions in the purchased paint. When mixing ingredients, follow the recommendations.
6. With a wide brush, apply the mixture to the pile, with a comb with rare teeth and your hand, evenly distribute the composition. To color paired elements, dilute the paint once.


Prepare more mixture, paint induced at different times, from different boxes in the future may differ in shade.

7. Keep the time set according to the instructions
8. Wash off the coloring composition with running water. You need to do this together. Do not soak your coat in water. Rinse the lint thoroughly while keeping the clothes hanging.
9. To fix the color, rinse in cold water with vinegar (when watering the fur, try not to make the menzdra limp).
10. Apply conditioner for colored hair. Hold for a couple of minutes, rinse. The fur will become soft and shiny, the smell of vinegar will go away.
11. Let excess liquid drain. Fold the fur coat in half, lay it on a wide support.
12. Treat the skin a second time with glycerin.
13. Lay out the clothes with the fur on the outside. Use a backing made of dense fabrics that absorb moisture well. Change it at first every two hours, then as needed.

Smooth and comb the product. Dry in a dry, ventilated place. Away from artificial heat sources and direct sunlight. The process takes 3-5 days.

Be patient. Rapid drying will shrink the skins.

Accurately sustained process of coloring a guarantor of excellent result.

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