Oksana Oleshko from Hi-Fi. Stoned soloists of "Hi-Fi" raped a teenager Former hi-fi soloist


This weekend Sergey Zhukov and the group "Hands up!" twice collected "Olympic". On the wave of general nostalgia for the 90s and early 2000s, in addition to the main participants in the event, the audience was entertained by the Inveterate Scammers, Eva Polna and the golden Hi-Fi line-up that appeared on stage together for the first time in 10 years. This year, on August 2, the team will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Mitya Fomin, the sweet girl Ksyusha and the "jock" Timofey - a colorful trio aroused the interest of any representative of the youth of that time.

Hundreds of thousands of fans dreamed of seeing the spectacular trio again on stage all these years. Fans are happy to follow how the life of musicians has changed over these 20 years and are interested in what is happening to them now.

Mitya Fomin

In 1998, Mitya, having received a diploma from the Novosibirsk Medical Institute, came to Moscow and entered VGIK. It was at this moment that the producers of the group approached him with an offer to join the team. In 2009, he left the band and began a solo career, over 10 years of which he released four studio albums, won the Golden Gramophone award three times and many other music awards. Last year, Mitya premiered a play in which he appeared as an actor.

Mitya, you have repeatedly said over the past years that you would like this association ...

Yes! I really wanted this to happen, and the main reason is that they missed us! And when else could this be done if not in the year of the band's 20th anniversary? I have always treated Hi-Fi with warmth and gratitude, yesterday we went out in a gold line-up for the first time in 10 years, so what? And the hall was delighted! People got bored.

What are your impressions?

Special. I will remember this day, probably forever. Yesterday I sang songs with which I became related a long time ago, but 10 years ago their time was over for me. Songs that I love very much. It was cool! And the guys - Ksyusha, Timofey, the new vocalist of the group Marina - and Olimpiysky himself! I want to once again thank Serezha Zhukov, who prepared such a musical gift for his fans. They appreciated it, we all saw it. Our viewer - the one who knows "Hands up!", Hi-Fi, "Scammers" and "Guests" - he is especially grateful. And it's very cool - to please him!

Do you remember your first impressions of the meeting with your groupmates - Ksyusha and Timofey?

When I first saw Pronkin and Oleshko, I thought that the three of us would never become a popular musical group. We are very different, we have absolutely nothing in common. “This will be a fiasco,” I thought.

Song of the princess.

Mitya, admit it, you gathered for a reason, didn't you?

No. I already promised that we would have more news. At least we recorded a couple of songs and we are thinking how best to introduce the fans to a new round of creativity. In any case, I am happy with this resurrected union.

Ksenia Oleshko

Ksyusha, a ballerina and professional dancer, was the first Hi-Fi soloist. She left the group in 2003, deciding to devote herself to her family. Since then, she has not appeared on stage again.

Ksyusha, you left the group before everyone else, you decided to devote yourself to your family. What are you doing now?

It can be said that I succeeded in what I left the group for. I am now engaged in my large household and large family. I have three children: the eldest Lisa is 12 years old, she loves to sing, is engaged in vocals, the middle Veronica is 11 years old, she, like me, is passionate about horses, goes in for equestrian sports, and competes. The younger Plato is 6 years old, he is preparing for school. We also have 5 horses and 6 dogs.

Tell us about your first impressions when you first saw your groupmates - Mitya and Timofey?

Impressions immediately were the most pleasant. At that time, we didn’t think much about how everything would turn out in the team. They just lived for today - young, creative, positive. And so it was.

Did you immediately support the idea of ​​uniting with a gold line-up?

Yes, I immediately was for it, simply because it's cool! Musketeers after 20 years.

You have not been on stage for 15 years, and then immediately "Olympic". How are the impressions?

I was worried, but as usual, only until the moment I went on stage.

What is your favorite Hi-Fi song?

"I love", the last song of the group before I left. She has romantic memories.

Timofey Pronkin

Timofey is a professional dancer and an exemplary family man, he has two sons.

Timofey, you are the most devoted and faithful member of the group, you have not parted with Hi-Fi for 20 years. What years do you remember the most?

About the first 10 years, from the first day to the departure of Mityai. These were the brightest, warmest, most interesting and fun days.

Answer without hesitation: how many soloists were in the Hi-Fi group?

I also have a question (laughs). 5! I can even list them without hesitation - Ksenia Oleshko, Tanya Tereshina, Katya Li, Olesya Lipchanskaya, Marina Drozhdina.

Tell us about your first impressions when you saw your bandmates - Mitya and Ksenia?

Ksyusha and I met at the Manhattan Express club at a lingerie show. Actually, we both showed it there. I thought: “Wow, what a beautiful, fragile, graceful!”. In general, then I could not even think that we could have some kind of group. Then, by some miracle, I met her on the subway, although she had never traveled there. She asked for my phone number, it turns out she had already told the producers about me and asked me to come to the audition. I arrive - I see Mityai, and I think: “What the hell? Why are we all so different? You see, 20 years ago there were boy bands or girl bands. But there were none like ours. And I just had an ocean of misunderstanding, how can this work? And this played into our hands - the romantic Mitya, the fragile Ksyusha and I are such an "alpha" - images for each audience. And everything worked out!

Who did you dream of becoming as a child?

I had two dreams. I wanted to be an independent traveler and travel everywhere. And also - the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. I watched on TV how pompously they were buried (and then there was just a series of funerals, general secretaries died one after another), watched and thought: “This is a level!”.

They say that in addition to music, you are engaged in furniture? Is it a hobby? Second job?

I make and restore interior items myself, with my own hands. I am such a many-sided Janus, and this is another face of mine. In addition to the stage, I also want to express myself like this, “through the hands”.

Favorite Hi-Fi song?

Difficult. They are all badass! Not so long ago, we talked with Lesha Serov from Disco Crash, and he says: “You, Hi-Fi, are the coolest dudes.” I asked: "Why do you think so?" He: "Yes, because you perform the songs of Pavel Yesenin." And it is true. How can Pasha not like something? He is one of the best modern composers and melodists, and this is not because we praise everything that is our own, other professional musicians also recognize this. Few people know him personally, sometimes they ask: “Is Yesenin a living person in general? He exists?" And he exists! And for so many years he has been creating such works! The whole country knows some, some went unnoticed, some have not yet come out, but they are all no less masterpiece than Homeless. And from the most favorite I will name "Black Raven".

Timofey, what is your secret of youth and great shape?

My main rule is when a person is happy, when he enjoys every moment of life, everything is in order with him both internally and externally. Do not spoil your mood by counting calories, nothing will come of it. But "do not eat at night" - this rule is better to learn. At all. Nothing. I still run every evening for 5 kilometers.

What did you feel when you went out on the stage of the Olimpiyskiy in the first line-up?

First of all, it's excitement. The excitement of stepping into the same river twice after 15 years. Those sensations that were then before each exit on stage returned. We have not been together for a long time, how it will be - it will work out, it will not work out - it was not clear, but I liked it! And such euphoria after the performance - people rage, scream, rejoice. All night and all morning social networks are torn apart: “Hurrah! Finally!". All this is nice. Now we need to do our best not to let our listeners down.

Marina Drozhdina, the new soloist of the Hi-Fi group

Marina came to Hi-Fi in 2016, today, together with Timofey, they are permanent members of the team. In addition to her musical career, she is also a teacher. She has her own children's modeling creative studio. As the singer admits, she does not make models, dancers or actors, her studio is for general development, because everything is useful in life.

Marina, tell us, before participating in the group, did you know about its existence? Was you a fan?

I've been on stage since 2004, so even with the old line-up we crossed paths and saw each other on large venues. I was not a fan, but I liked certain details - here the vocals, here the choreography. And, of course, songs - they have always been heard. I could sing any of them even before I started working in the band.

What is your favorite Hi-Fi song?

It is very difficult to single out one. I like everything that we perform at concerts, we took the best into the program. I like the song "Angels", probably because I sing there most of all. And I really love our new track - we made a remake of the singer Shura "Do not believe in tears", it sounded very modern. The stage shakes when we go out with her at concerts.

Is this your first time at such a large venue?

Not at all, but in the Olimpiyskiy itself for the first time. I was very worried. It’s always like this for me: before going out, I’m excited, everything is shaking nearby. But as soon as I take the first step onto the stage, I forget about everything. Here the emotions are, of course, crazy. Already when I just looked out to see how many people were there, I realized that it would be a gap. Especially when all these people sing, wave their hands, raise their phones with flashlights up!

How did you feel standing on stage with the former members? What is the reaction of the audience?

I traced the reaction to myself when Mitya announced me. Of course, everyone knows the guys both visually and by name, despite the fact that they have not performed together for many years. So far I have been met differently, but I am fine with this, in musical groups it happens that the soloists change. Get used to me. I think I'm in the group for the long haul.

After numerous musical experiments (some of them, by the way, were very popular with the Novosibirsk, and later the Moscow public), it was decided to create a group. Initially, the Hi-Fi included Dmitry Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko, in this composition the team worked until 2003. August 2 is considered Hi-Fi's birthday, because it was on this day in 1998 that the group's debut video was filmed. The clip "Not given" was filmed in St. Petersburg, directed by Eric Chanturia and Alisher. The plot of the video, like a mirror, reflected the real history of the team: Mitya, Ksyusha and Timofey each went their own way, and now their paths crossed in one short word - Hi-Fi. It was on the set of "Not Given" that the band members first saw each other. The first impressions of the guys were very contradictory - their characters turned out to be too different. But over time, it became clear that even such polar personalities are quite capable of getting along with each other. Since then, Hi-Fi has been considered one of the most friendly bands on the stage. The first Hi-Fi performance took place on August 23 at the Soyuz show. After that, the team began to prepare material for the debut album. The release of "First Contact" took place in February 1999, it included 11 tracks authored by Pavel Yesenin and Eric Chanturia, including a remix of the band's most famous song at that time, "Not Given". The album sold in record numbers; this is confirmed by the huge number of its pirated versions, individual copies of which can be found on the shelves today. In support of their debut album, Hi-Fi is shooting a video for the song "Homeless Child", one of their most striking works. Filming took place on the territory of a functioning chemical plant: natural scenery was selected in accordance with the nature of the song. The second video of the Hi-Fi group did not leave the first lines of the charts throughout 1999. Immediately after the release of "First Contact", the authors of Hi-Fi began to prepare material for the next album, its presentation was scheduled for the second half of 1999, and it happened. The "Reproduction" (as the disc was called) included Pavel Yesenin's remixes of hits from "First Contact", as well as 3 previously unreleased songs - "Black Raven", "About Summer" and "Cuba". Two of them acquired video versions at the same time. They decided to make the video for the song “About Summer” as sporty and dynamic as possible, for which a gym was rented. Mitya, Timofey and Oksana arrived at the set to observe the exercises of professionals and try to set world records on their own. Thus, the Hi-Fi group confirmed the validity of the title of one of the most sporty and mobile musical groups in the country. For the fourth, for the song "Black Raven", a Hi-Fi video clip, the ruins of a once famous store in the center of the capital became the film set. The plot of the clip is somewhat reminiscent of the film "The Matrix": black suits, a little gloomy, in the mood of the song, scenery and a lot of special effects - but appeared on the screens much earlier. The start of the musical project turned out to be so successful that Hi-Fi participants practically stopped appearing in Moscow due to constant touring. However, the authors continued to work: in the fall of 2000, Hi-Fi released a new masterpiece - the song "Stupid People". The composition received a rather original video design: a film crew led by Artur Gimpel settled in one of the Moscow courtyards, where the Hi-Fi participants had to reincarnate as angels watching the hectic earthly life. These shootings became one of the most interesting in the history of the team - they involved special machines, with the help of which Mitya, Ksyusha and Timofey were raised to a height of 5-6 floors to create the effect of flight. The song "Stupid People" became the first swallow from the upcoming new Hi-Fi album. The group's third disc, "Remember", was released in February 2001 and included seven completely new songs, three compositions already known to the public and an electronic sketch for Pavel Yesenin's favorite game "Counter Strike" called "Network". Originally planned

We wanted to put more slow songs on the disc, but at the last moment the concept was changed in favor of dance tracks. At the end of 2001, the Hi-Fi group again released an album, this time an album of remixes. It was then that the longstanding tradition of Hi-Fi was first violated - the creation of melodies for the project was not entrusted to Pavel Yesenin. The experiment in the form of creating remixes for the band's best songs was supported by such musicians as Maxim Fadeev, Yuri Usachev, Evgeny Kuritsyn and others - their original versions of proven Hi-Fi hits and compiled a new group disc called "New Collection-2002", or " D&J remixes. In April 2002, the shooting of the fifth Hi-Fi video took place. The script was chosen in accordance with the theme of the song: the band members get together and recall the bright moments of their almost four years of joint activity. The song "Secondary School" entered the golden clip of Hi-Fi hits and every summer becomes the anthem of all school graduations. Following Hi-Fi's "High School", another clip is being filmed; this time the composition with the eloquent title "I love" got a video version. The plot of this video differs from the previous shootings of the group with a bold futuristic processing and tells about the love story of a girl from the future. The clip "I love" was the last collaboration of the original composition of the project. At the end of the same 2002, the Hi-Fi group sums up four years of its existence with the release of an album with a set of the most famous songs, supplementing it with three previously unreleased tracks: "I Love", "Secondary School No. 7" and "Ole-Ole" (song-anthem in support of the Russian football team at the World Cup). In parallel with the disc, the video cassette "Uninvented Stories" was released, on which they posted the complete set of the group's clips at that time: "Not Given", "Homeless Child", "About Summer", "Black Raven" and "Secondary School"; participants' revelations about five years of work in Hi-Fi and a bonus in the form of recordings of performances on "Song of the Year". In 2003, serious changes took place in the team: the soloist of the group Oksana Oleshko decided to leave the team and devote herself to her family and husband, Hi-Fi had to start looking for a new member. As a result, professional model Tatyana Tereshina was selected to replace Ksyusha in the group. The first work of the updated Hi-Fi composition was the song "The Seventh Petal". By order of the group, St. Petersburg animators drew a fabulous clip, taking into account the theme of the song, but the Hi-Fi group did not distribute it further than the official website. In 2004, the team shoots the next, seventh, video clip. Filming of the video for the song "Trouble" (a cover version of the hit of the group "Forum") took place in a nightclub. The director and scriptwriter was Pavel Yesenin, the permanent composer of the band. About 20 actors were involved in the filming of the video, including the travesty show Birds of Paradise and the Hi-Fi ballet group. The plot is based on a complicated love story; The adornment of the video was specially staged dance numbers. Exactly at the same time, Hi-Fi was awarded an important award: the band's songs were recognized as the most rotated. According to the statistics of the portal tophit.ru, the works of the Hi-Fi group are among the most demanded by radio stations. The song "Trouble", for example, broke all records in terms of the number of hits: more than 200 radio stations downloaded it on the first day the composition was online. In 2005, personnel changes again took place in Hi-Fi: in May, Tatyana Tereshina left the team with the intention of pursuing a solo career. The group's producers began searching for a soloist. The new 2006 year began for Hi-Fi with positive changes in the line-up: on tour in St. Petersburg, the group met a girl named Katya, a student of the jazz department of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, who was subsequently approved for the role of a soloist. The acquaintance took place in a karaoke restaurant, where the artists came to have dinner after their performance, Katya worked there in the show program as a vocalist. Simultaneously with Katya, in February, the project got its own ballet, consisting of four girls

In the new line-up, the Hi-Fi group immediately recorded two songs. On one of them, the artists are shooting a colorful video in Thailand. Since March, Mitya, Katya and Timofey have been preparing material for the fourth full-length album. The history of Hi-Fi continues… Important facts: - the group's birthday is August 2, 1998 - the name of the group was invented by the well-known image maker Alisher; Hi-Fi (high fidelity) = "highest quality" - permanent authors of Hi-Fi are Pavel Yesenin (music) and Eric Chanturia (words) Awards: - "Muz-TV Award", 2005, nomination "Best dance project" - "Golden Gramophone" 1999 - "Black Raven" 2000 - "Follow Me" 2002 - "Secondary School" 2004 - "Seventh Petal" - "Stopudov Hit" 1999 - "Homeless Child"; 2000 - "Follow me"; 2004 - "Ticket" - "Bomb of the Year" ("Boom of the Year") 2000 - "Follow Me"; 2001 - "So easy"; 2003 - "Secondary School"; 2004 - "The Seventh Petal"; 2005 - "Ticket" - "Movement", 2003 - Popov Prize, 2003 - Night Life Awards, 2001, nomination "Club Group" and others ...

Pop years - present tense A country Russia Russia label Real Records, First Music Publishing House, Velvet Music Compound Mitya Fomin
(1998-2009, 2018-)
Timofey Pronkin
Oksana Oleshko
(1998-2003, 2018-)
Marina Drozhdina
(2016-) Former
members Tatyana Tereshina
Maria Demidova
Catherine Lee
Kirill Kolgushkin
Olesya Lipchanskaya
Vyacheslav Samarin
(2012) Official site Media files at Wikimedia Commons

The official founding date of the group is August 2, 1998. From that day on, Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and fashion model Oksana Oleshko began to work together on filming a video clip for the composition "Not Given", which was filmed in St. Petersburg. It is noteworthy that the participants until this moment did not intersect with each other and did not know each other. The chorus of the song "The Seventh Petal", which is in the repertoire of "Hi-Fi", was composed by rock singer Zemfira. The first version of the song was originally in English, called "Get to stand after falling" and was recorded back in 1997 for the Orbita band, in which Mitya Fomin himself participated. Later, from this very first version, the song “Not Given” appeared [ ] .

In early 2003, Oksana Oleshko left the group, devoting herself to her family. Two weeks later, a new soloist was found, she became a professional model Tatyana Tereshina. The first soloist of the pop group VIA Gra was also offered to replace Oksana Oleshko Alena Vinnitskaya, but despite the long persuasion of the producers, the singer flatly refused. In May 2005, Tereshina was forced to leave the group. In early 2006, a student of the jazz department, Ekaterina Lee, was approved for the role of soloist.

At the beginning of 2009, against the background of the falling popularity of Hi-Fi, Mitya Fomin left the band for the sake of a solo career, tired of "animating" Pavel Yesenin. He was replaced by a new member - Kirill Kolgushkin, but Timofey Pronkin became the actual frontman of the group.

In February 2010, Ekaterina Lee announced her departure from the team for "greater self-realization on stage". Later, she became the soloist of the Factory group instead of the departed Sati Casanova. In March 2010, after passing the casting, the new soloist Olesya Lipchanskaya got into the team.

In April 2011, Kirill Kolgushkin announced his intention to leave the team. In February 2012, Vyacheslav Samarin became the new soloist of the group. The group's repertoire included several of his songs, one of which, "Do not leave", was filmed a video. However, Vyacheslav left the group in October of the same year.

In December 2016, a new soloist Marina Drozhdina appeared in the group, and until April 2018 the Hi-Fi group was a duet of Timofey Pronkin and Marina Drozhdina.

In April 2018, Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko for the first time in 10 years took the stage of the Olimpiysky in the golden line-up of the Hi-Fi group. Sergey Zhukov invited them to perform as guests at the concert “Hands Up! ". Mitya Fomin also said that they had recorded several new songs. On April 25, it was announced on the official website of the group that the golden line-up was preparing to shoot a new video clip. On September 6, the group performed in gold on the show "Murzilki Live" of the Avtoradio radio station, where they performed some of the previous compositions, and also presented a new song - "Wake me up" with vocals by Pavel Yesenin and Mitya Fomin. On December 20, 2018, a music video was released for the song "Wake Me Up".

Related videos

Composition of the group

Period Compound
08.1998-02.2003 Timofey Pronkin Mitya Fomin Oksana Oleshko
02.2003-05.2005 Tatyana Tereshina
02.2006-12.2008 Catherine Lee
02.2009-02.2010 Kirill Kolgushkin Catherine Lee
03.2010-04.2011 Olesya Lipchanskaya
02.2012-09.2012 Vyacheslav Samarin
12.2016 - present V. Marina Drozhdina
04.2018 - present V. Mitya Fomin Marina Drozhdina Oksana Oleshko

Remember them? The first soloists of "Hands Up!", "Brilliant" and other pop groups
We are ready to argue, as soon as you see photos of these girls, you will immediately remember them in the first clips of popular groups. But rather quickly, the artists left the bands, and even the most devoted fans of our pop music will hardly remember their names.

Oksana Oleshko, Hi Fi

Professional ballerina Oksana is the star of the debut video of the Ne Given group. Oksana worked in the group for 2 years - from 2003 to 2005. During this time, the artist managed to divorce Vladimir Levkin, a former member of the Na-Na group, and marry millionaire Anton Petrov (the one who left the pregnant MakSim in 2014). Out of a desire to become a mother, the artist left the team. Oksana and her second husband had two daughters, but later the couple broke up, and Oksana has a son from the following relationship with businessman Sergei Tsvitnenko.

Polina Iodis and Varvara Koroleva, "Brilliant"

In 1995, Polina Iodis dropped out of law school and began her stage career. Polina sang in the first part of the "Brilliant". Tours, clips, fans, fees ... But one day Polina realized that this was not for her. She was attracted by the ocean and surfing! The decision was made: a break with a past life, and a little later - moving to Bali. Polina became one of the founders of the Surfing Federation and the Russian Championship in this sport, which she herself won three years in a row. Polina organizes events, surf camps in Europe, writes articles and shoots what she loves so much and how she lives. Nicole, Polina's daughter, appeared in Bali. Barbara lasted even less in Sequins and also preferred sports to music. But instead of waves, the girl chose the mountains and became a professional rock climber.

Alena Vinnitskaya, Via Gra

"Alena, save yourself before it's too late!" - this phrase from the song "Attempt No. 5" was picked up by the whole country. Alena (whose real name is Olga), in a duet with Granovskaya, took on the leading solo parts, so Nadezhda, without a twinge of conscience, decided to improve her personal life, but returned to the group a few weeks after the birth of the baby. After that, the fickle Granovskaya left VIA Gro and returned again, so she became a real star of the team. And Vinnitskaya, having survived four more line-up changes, left VIA Gra in 2003, starting a solo career. Now Alena lives and works in her homeland - in Ukraine. For many years, Alena has been faithful to her husband, producer Sergei Alekseev, whom she married back in 1995. The couple has no children.

Maria Alalykina, "Factory"

Masha rather quickly left the group (in August 2003) to devote herself to her family. But few people know that the former artist not only got married, but converted to Islam! This was demanded by Masha's husband, lawyer Alexei Zuenko, to whom Alalykina gave birth to a daughter. True, family happiness did not last long: the man left Masha for another. Alalykina did not take off her hijab and is now raising her daughter Katya in the traditions of Islam.

Elizaveta Rodnyanskaya, "Hands Up!"

"Student", "Move your body" and, of course, "Song" from the first album "Breathe evenly" were recorded with the participation of Lisa. Together with the guys, she also starred for the insert of the debut cassette, where she was listed as a member of the team. Rodnyanskaya regularly performed with Zhukov and Potekhin, but Elizaveta no longer worked on the second disc. The singer began to develop her own project MeliSSa, where she still works.

Marina Lizorkina, SEREBRO

As part of the "factory" trio, Marina participated in Eurovision 2007 with the song Song # 1, but a couple of years later the artist decided to change the field of art. Lizorkina left the team to become an artist! Marina presented three exhibitions in Moscow, and since 2015 the former singer has been working and exhibiting in the States.

The pop group Hi-Fi was one of the most sought-after musical groups in Russia in the early 2000s. Hi-Fi is melodic pop music, experiments with eurodance and vocal parts that salute the new age style. Such a complication of sound, together with texts devoid of primitive turns, allowed the group to create their own brand, which has existed for almost 20 years.

The Hi-Fi group was created in 1998 by Pavel Yesenin (composer and arranger) and Eric Chanturia (producer and lyricist). Pavel Yesenin initially wanted to become a soloist himself, but soon realized that constant touring did not leave time for composing music, so Mitya Fomin was chosen as the frontman. At the same time, Yesenin did not like Fomin's vocals: Pavel recorded in the studio himself, and a phonogram played at concerts. That is why in Afisha they wrote about the uniqueness of the Hi-Fi pop group, in which none of the participants has anything to do with writing or performing songs.

Together with Mitya Fomin, the original line-up of the group included Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko - the joint work of the trio began with the filming of the video “Not given”, before that the members of the group did not know each other. In 1999, the clip "Homeless Child" was released, which was on the top lines of the charts throughout the year. At the same time, the first Hi-Fi album called "First Contact" was released, and a few months later the second disc "Reproduction" was released, which included another super hit of the group - "Black Raven".

The year 2000 for Hi-Fi was marked by the release of the video "Stupid people" - this song remains one of the most recognizable today. In 2001, the album "Remember" was released, as well as a disc with remixes "New Collection-2002" or "D&J remixes".

In 2003, Oksana Oleshko left the group and show business - she decides to devote her life to her family. Two weeks later, professional model Tatyana Tereshina takes her place, but in 2005 she decides to pursue a solo career. In 2006, Katya Li, a student of the jazz department of St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, became a Hi-Fi soloist.

By 2009, the group's popularity is noticeably declining, Mitya Fomin leaves the band, tired of the role of an animator for Pavel Yesenin's vocals. Mitya is replaced by Kirill Kolgushkin, but in fact Timofey Pronkin becomes the leader of the team. In 2010, Katya Li leaves the project, a month later she is replaced by Olesya Lipchanskaya chosen during the casting, and in 2011 Kirill Kolgushkin leaves, who is replaced by Vyacheslav Samarin. The latter stayed in Hi-Fi for only a few months, so until December 2016 the group acts as a duet of Timofey Pronkin and Olesya Lipchanskaya. The last one, before the onset of 2017, was replaced by Marina Drozhdina, so today Hi-Fi is a duet of Pronkin and Drozhdina.

Since 2002, Hi-Fi has not released a single full-length record, only compilations, the last of which is 24 tracks released on four vinyl discs under the general title "The Best".

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