Olezhka Alexander biography. Alexander Oleshko: biography, personal life, children, wife, family (photo)


It cannot be said that the name of the artist Alexander Oleshko is constantly found in the credits of famous paintings. Rather, he is not there at all, because he is more of a theater actor and TV presenter. But those rare films that come out with his participation bring kindness and light, he tries to make his characters better, cleaner, and he fully succeeds.

National fame and love came to the actor Alexander Oleshko after the release of the series "Daddy's Daughters". The artist's fans love him for numerous television projects, designed mainly for children.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Oleshko was born on July 23, 1976 in the capital of Moldova - Chisinau. Mom Lyudmila Oleshko worked as a technician at an energy company. Father's name was Vladimir Fedorovich, he left the family when Sasha was just a baby. The boy was raised by his stepfather Alexander Fedorovich, who worked as a gas station operator.

Since his parents were constantly busy at work, Sasha spent a lot of time with his grandmother. She often took her grandson to church, taught prayers, and dreamed that one day he would become a priest. But the boy stubbornly insisted that he wanted to become an artist. In early childhood, he liked to perform in front of the public, using a skipping rope instead of a microphone with a cord. He liked to participate in different matinees in kindergarten, played a variety of characters. He even tried to put on makeup, for which he exhausted all his grandmother's makeup.

He never thought about what he wanted to be, it was obvious - an artist. The family was perplexed for a long time, trying to understand where such zeal came from, because there was not a single creative person among them.

In the first grade, a photograph of Red Square caught his eye, and he said in all seriousness that he would definitely move to Moscow and live there. In school years, teachers had no problems with this talented boy. He studied well and took an active part in all school activities.

In high school, academic performance dropped slightly, and all because of the exact sciences that the boy did not want to learn. He was sure of choosing a life path, and understood that the artist did not need this knowledge.

After finishing eight classes, he told his relatives that he wanted to go to study in Moscow, and if they didn’t let him go, he would run away anyway. Mom had no choice but to give permission to leave. At the age of fourteen, it was only possible to enter a circus school, which is where Oleshko went.

The guy's talent was immediately noticed, and in the same year he entered the university. His childhood dream came true, so Alexander studied at this educational institution not like at school, but with great pleasure.

During his studies, Alexander almost never asked to send him money. He learned to earn them himself, working as a presenter on television. Student years flew by quickly, and now he is holding a diploma with honors, which he earned with honest work.

He still continued to work on television, when he again decided to continue his studies. Alexander Oleshko became a student at the acting department of the Shchukin School, and left his job in order to fully devote himself to the educational process. These four years flew by unnoticed, and according to the actor, they became the happiest in his life. Oleshko received a diploma of graduation from "Pike" in 1999.

Alexander rarely sees his grandmother, who practically raised him. The journalists spoke with the old woman on the phone, and she said that she continues to worry about her Sashenka even now, although he has long been an adult and successful. They may not see each other for years, but every month the grandmother receives money transfers from her beloved granddaughter.


The theatrical biography of Alexander Oleshko began at the Moscow Theater of Satire, but cooperation with him was very short. He did not find a common language with the leadership, and was forced to quit. After some time, Oleshko invited her to her place, and soon the artist was already on the stage of Sovremennik.

His first character was Epikhodov from the production of The Cherry Orchard. For him, this image was very difficult, and it did not work out right away to fit into it. Colleagues and the director helped, and the artist's talent was fully revealed.

In parallel with Sovremennik, Alexander also collaborates with the Vakhtangov Theater, where he was involved in the production of Mademoiselle Nitush. After this role, he became the owner of the Golden Seagull. It was very honorable for Alexander to light up in this image, because once he was played by an incomparable one.


Oleshko made his film debut during his studies at the circus school. There were no new offers, and only after the end of "Pike" did he again find himself on the set. He was called to series for supporting roles and episodes.

Then there was a positive shift in the artist's career. He was invited to shoot the series "Daddy's Daughters", which became his most notable work in cinema. Alexander still remembers the indescribable atmosphere on the set, and says that the actors continue to be friends and often meet now.

Alexander says that he has not yet played an important and big role in the cinema. The artist really hopes that such a role will definitely be found for him, and will be of interest to him and the viewer.

A television

Fans of Alexander Oleshko also know him as a talented TV presenter. Over the years, he appeared in the Smeshariki projects, which was broadcast by the Domashny channel, then there was Minute of Glory, Home Tales and Alphabet.

Separately, it is worth highlighting perhaps the parody show "The Big Difference", in which Oleshko became a participant more than once. He reincarnated as several dozen characters, and performed with their parody from the stage. There he first met, and since then they have often taken part in various shows. They even starred together in a touching film called "A Man with a Guarantee."

In 2014, Alexander was invited to host the program “Just Like It”. He showed all his resourcefulness and sense of humor, and quickly acquired numerous fans, although some of his colleagues did not like his manner of leading the project.

The artist received the most comments from, who was a member of the jury. Yarmolnik was tired of Oleshko's talkativeness, he said that the host simply shuts their mouths and does not give them the opportunity to express their opinion. The conflict was gaining momentum until, on the air of one of the episodes, Leonid handed Alexander 10,000 rubles and invited him to go to India. He said that it was there that Oleshko would be able to make a dizzying career for himself, and that nothing would shine for him in Russia.

Personal life

In the personal life of the artist there was only one marriage. He married Olga Belova, with whom he studied at the Shchukin School. They got married after graduation, and lived together for only six months. The divorce was civilized, the former spouses continue to communicate.

In the photo Alexander Oleshko with Olga Belova

Some sources claim that it was a fictitious marriage, because Alexander needed registration in the capital.

Currently, the artist is not married, he has no children, although some women are trying to blackmail him with illegitimate offspring. He does not tell anything about his life, and such secrecy is always accompanied by rumors and gossip. They even talked about the artist's unconventional orientation, and this made Alexander very amused.

Oleshko follows his form, so he can often be found in the pool and the gym. He has his own style in clothes, and the artist always looks brand new.

He is often credited with a relationship with Nonna Grishaeva, a partner in numerous performances and filming. This is nothing more than fiction, Nonna is happily married, and Alexander is nothing more than a friend and partner for her.

In fact, Alexander has a girlfriend, but no one knows her name or what she does. She herself asked not to tell anything about herself, because she wants to make an independent career, and then already shine next to Alexander. It is only known that she is ten years younger than Oleshko. The artist dreams of creating a classic family in which there will be two children - a son and a daughter, but so far he is not ready to become a dad due to his employment. So far, he is satisfied with communication with his beloved and three cats who have been living in his house for a long time.

He has no illegitimate children, although sometimes completely unfamiliar women tried to attribute paternity to him. Alexander firmly believes that children should be born in the family.

The press service of the TV channel reported that the thing is that there were no suitable projects for Oleshko. They also clarified that he had not been working on the First for six months.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that Oleshko switched to NTV.

“Alexander Oleshko has not been working on Channel One for about six months. Since there were no suitable projects for the presenter, they decided to part with him and did not renew the contract for 2017, ”the press service of Channel One told RIA Novosti.

According to the site "Dni.ru", Oleshko will host the program "You are super! Dancing". Back in May, NTV announced the second season of the show “You are super!” — it will be shown next spring. And already this fall, according to the channel’s website, the project “You are super! Dances”, where children who were left without parental care will also be able to take part.

International children's competition "You are super!" is an incredible show in which talented children who found themselves without parental care got a chance to express themselves and demonstrate their abilities to the whole country, according to the project page on the NTV.Ru website.

Participants of the contest "You are super!" - pupils of orphanages, boarding schools and children from foster and guardian families from Russia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia and South Ossetia. Talented guys aged 7 to 18 were able to demonstrate their vocal abilities to a professional jury and millions of viewers, to work with the best music teachers and producers.

“I always wanted to have my own face, my own style,” Oleshko said in an interview.

“I don’t know what to swear on, I’m ready even on the Bible, I don’t have a feeling of envy. On the contrary, if I see that I cannot do something as well as someone else, this person makes me delight and respect. In my heart I applaud him, - said the TV presenter. - For example, Vanya Urgant, who knows how to joke in a unique way. Pay attention: in Ivan's programs, many guests try to imitate him, and this is always a failure, because they look stupid. Why do it? Still, it won't work. But no, they want

“Just like a bunch of hosts trying to fit in. But weakly - they are "nedourgeants". The same with Andrei Malakhov. He works talentedly in a different genre, but on different channels he has many imitators - "non-Malakh". I don’t understand this, ”tele.ru quotes Oleshko.

What is happening with Malakhov

Meanwhile, a saga is developing with the possible departure of Andrey Malakhov, the host of Let They Talk, to Russia 1.

According to the kp.ru website, the list of candidates to replace Malakhov has narrowed down to one name: Dmitry Borisov, the well-known host of the evening news. “People remember that they saw me, but they don’t remember where,” Borisov said about himself three years ago. - Before the broadcast, my heart does not skip - there is no time.

Ekaet in the most unexpected moments when you tell a story and suddenly imagine someone close: how he would react to this news. And suddenly he is watching the news now?

On Monday, a source told Gazeta.Ru that Andrey Malakhov could not write a letter of resignation because he was on vacation. “Andrey is in Sardinia,” an acquaintance of the TV presenter told Gazeta.Ru. “As far as I know, he simply physically could not write any statement.”

Representatives of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company last week did not give a specific refutation of the information received, however, they told RT that "now the entire leadership is on vacation," and therefore the conclusion of a contract with Malakhov "physically cannot happen at the moment."

On Monday, Elle magazine, citing sources close to the TV presenter, said that maternity leave could be the reason for Andrey Malakhov's departure from Channel One. Malakhov's wife Natalya Shkuleva is "on a serious stage of pregnancy", her husband plans to take parental leave.

Malakhov's departure is associated with the appearance in the show "Let them talk" producer Natalia Nikonova, who previously directed the program "Live" on the channel "Russia 1". Together with her appointment, according to sources of the BBC Russian Service, the program had to seriously change its format. Let them talk was supposed to add more politics. In this sense, the appearance of Dmitry Borisov as a presenter would look more than logical.

Oleshko Alexander Vladimirovich

Honored Artist of Russia (2015).

Graduated from the Moscow State School of Circus and Variety Art named after MN Rumyantsev. Graduate of the Shchukin School (course of V.V. Ivanov) in 1999.

He worked at the Satire Theater, the Sovremennik Theater.

In 2007-2010, he was an acting teacher at the State School of Circus and Variety Arts.

Member of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation.
Member of the International Creative Union of Variety Artists.

theatrical work

Theater "Sovremennik":
A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", dir. G. Volchek - Epikhodov
A.P. Chekhov "Three Sisters", dir. G. Volchek - Fedotik
L. Filatov "Once again about the naked king", dir. N. Vysotsky and M. Efremov - Minister of Tender Feelings
S. Mikhalkov "Balalaykin and Co", dir. I. Kvasha and V. Gaft - Kshepshitsyulsky
T. Williams "Sweet Bird of Youth", dir. K. Serebryannikov-Fly
A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", dir. N. Chusova - Kuligin
Difficult People, dir. G.Volchek - Beni Alter

Theatre. E.B. Vakhtangov:
Mademoiselle Nitouche, dir. V. Ivanov - Celeste, aka Floridor.

Theater of Satire:
Shakespeare "The Taming of the Shrew", dir. V. Pluchek - Cook and tailor
N. V. Gogol "The Government Inspector", dir. V. Pluchek - Bobchinsky
B. Brecht "The Threepenny Opera", dir. V. Pluchek: Robert Pila
E. De Fillipo "Naples - the city of millionaires", dir. M. Makeev - Federico

prizes and awards

Laureate of the theater award "Seagull" in the nomination "Best comedy actor" in 2005.
Winner of the "Cinema Beauty Awards" 2007.
Twice laureate of the Yakov Smolensky reading competition. 1997-1998
Laureate of the All-Russian competition of readers named after Yakhontov. 1999
Diploma winner of the competition "With Love for Romance". 1998
Laureate and winner of the first gold prize of the festival. B. S. Brunova. 2004
Winner of the "Golden Frame" award of business circles "AU-ROOM", for the best comedy role in the series "Stop on Demand". 2002
Winner of the "Constellation" Foundation Prize. 2004
The International Academy of Public Recognition was awarded the Order of "Recognition" for outstanding services (2010)
The International Academy of Culture and Art was awarded the Silver Order "Service to Art" (2010)
Laureate of the National Festival "Good Song of Russia - 2010"
"Discovery of the Year" (2009) according to the results of a Gallup Media sociological survey
Fashion Actor of the Year (2010) - World Fashion Awards
The International Coordinating Council of the World Alliance "Peacemaker" was awarded the medal "Talent and Vocation" in 2008.
Russian National Acting Award named after Andrey Mironov "Figaro" (Special Jury Prize) (St. Petersburg 2013).

In Chisinau, in 1976, the theater and film actor Alexander Oleshko was born. The family saw how still little Oleg sought, firstly, to leave, live and work in Moscow, and secondly, to work in the circus.

Grandmother always tried to instill in her child a love for the church, religion, she dreamed that one day her grandson would become a clergyman. Oleg, on the other hand, attended church, but in his heart he dreamed of something completely different. From an early age he was an active boy, tried to participate everywhere.

After leaving school, he never changed his dream of leaving for Moscow. He knew that mom would be against it, but put her before the fact, so she gave her consent.

Alexander Oleshko, personal life, biography

In the early nineties, Oleshko left for the capital, entered and graduated from the circus variety school. At the same time, he works as a TV presenter. Four years later, he enters the Shchukin school. Here Oleshko really liked it, as he himself admitted, these were the best years of his life. During his studies, Alexander realized that acting is exactly what he needs and what he really likes. At the end of Pike, the actor began work on the stage of the theater.

First, the actor changed the theater, then he began working with Galina Volchek. He describes their joint work in the theater as a happy and good time that will forever remain in his memory. It was in Sovremennik that Oleshko gained invaluable experience.

As for filming an actor in a movie, here he has a lot of experience behind him. Oleshko began acting in films almost immediately after graduating from college. Alexander Oleshko starred both in TV series and in films, and in different genres. The series "Daddy's Daughters", where he played the role of an oligarch, brought him fame. The actor liked the shooting of the series, he got along well and communicated with the entire film crew. In his opinion, he has not yet had that very role, significant and large.

The actor's work as a TV presenter of various programs, such as "Alphabet", "Minute of Glory" and others, was successful.

Among other things, Alexander Oleshko teaches acting at the school.

As often happens, actors, presenters, singers, athletes are invited to participate in various television projects, where they test their physical and mental strength, projects for survival. Of course, they are well paid and quite popular, but Alexander Oleshko believes that this is not for him (and he has repeatedly received offers). He is one of those people who lead a healthy lifestyle, pay special attention to their diet, physical health. But the actor is not going to be on the verge, for the sake of filming.

Everyone knows Alexander Oleshko as an actor and TV presenter, but his personal life (an impressive biography) is rather poorly covered. It is only known that Alexander was once married, but divorced. Also, more than once appeared in public with a new darling. But there is no information about his marriage yet. Beloved Oleshko is designer Victoria, who has nothing to do with acting, but has repeatedly admitted that she is an ardent admirer of her chosen one's acting skills.

The actor himself is crazy about the girl. He likes her for devotion, tenderness, reliability and fidelity. He also admires how professional she is. He made sure of this during the design of his concert by the girl.

Contrary to denial, there are rumors that the girl is still preparing for marriage. She is engaged in choosing a wedding dress, preparing a wedding, wanting everything to be perfect, the way all the girls in the world want it. True or not, in any case, we wish a couple of strong relationships, understanding and love.

Alexander Oleshko and his wife

The actor married actress Olga Belova. The lovers were happy, but after some time burned out. According to the actor, the former passion and love has passed. The couple broke up by mutual decision. Although some sources indicate a divorce in connection with the infidelity of his wife, which was very hard for Alexander.

Alexander Oleshko and his wife have been married for a year and a half. It is also known that Olga remarried and recently gave birth to a child.

Alexander Oleshko, children

Here, perhaps, there is nothing special to tell, since Alexander Oleshko does not have children, but he loves them very much. Wherever he had to play a role with children, he got along well with them and always found a common language.

Being the host of the Smeshariki television program, Alexander Oleshko (his children called him SmeShurik) enjoyed filming and had fun with the children.

Today, Alexander Oleshko has the status of a bachelor, many girls would dream of being next to him, still - a tall brunette with a beautiful smile and a mysterious look ... But, most likely, his heart is occupied. Although, when asked by the press about marriage, he often evades or answers ambiguously. One thing is for sure, perhaps the 40-year-old actor is not yet ready to marry again, and therefore is in no hurry with this.

As for career success, the actor is doing well here. He is in demand, works as a film and theater actor, hosts TV shows, and teaches. Oleshko does not plan to leave the stage in the near future, which means that he will please fans of his work more than once with good works.

Show business stars often flash on TV screens. The psychology of many people is arranged in this way: seeing that someone has managed to achieve popularity, fame and money, but they have not, justifications for success are pouring in: rich and influential parents, everything is bought. But not many will think that a person has overcome many difficulties to become what he is now. A striking example of this is the popular TV presenter Alexander Oleshko.

The actor went through a lot on his way, with his own efforts he arranged his successful and prosperous career. He never wanted to sit in one place in a small town and live an ordinary, uninteresting life. And it was the desire to achieve something greater than everyone else that contributed to the achievement of many peaks.

The future talented artist was born on a hot July day in 1976 in Chisinau, which is the capital of Moldova. This place brought together diverse people of various nationalities who, despite this, liked to gather at the same table, noisily discuss something and make new friends.

Always being with his parents in large companies, Sasha loved attention, he constantly told something, gathering an interested audience around him. From here came the love for everyone's attention, the stage that the boy was not at all afraid of.

The grandmother raised the boy and dreamed of instilling in him a love for the church so that his beloved grandson could become a priest. Alexander did not like this fate, because from early childhood he showed interest in acting, reconciled various images on himself, complementing them with grandmother's hats and cosmetics.

School lessons did not bring pleasure, physics, mathematics and other exact sciences were boring for Oleshko, and in his diary he brought home not the most rosy grades. In general, Sasha was an obedient and diligent boy, did not miss a single rehearsal of the theater circle, actively participated in productions and was loved by teachers.

Since school, he had a dream - to go to Moscow. Parents were against, did not want to hear about the career of an actor, but Oleshko Alexander was adamant and put them before the fact.

Study and first creative successes

Having left for the capital of Russia, Alexander could easily enter the circus school. He had a frenzied charisma, artistry, so he was taken immediately without further ado. Studying, in comparison with school, brought a lot of pleasure and was only a joy.

She was given to Oleshko so easily that he simultaneously worked as a TV presenter, earning his own living on his own and not asking for financial help from his parents. His efforts and love for work led to the fact that Alexander Oleshko graduated from the circus school with honors.

Sasha didn't stop there. He decided that he wanted to learn all the intricacies of the profession of an actor and entered the Shchukin school. The level of difficulty of study was high, so I had to give up all kinds of work in order to direct all my strength into the acting sphere. The process of gaining new knowledge, improving himself as an artist was so fascinated by Oleshko that he would call his student years the happiest time of his life, and the decision to leave the city was the most correct.

After Alexander Oleshko graduated from the Shchukin School, in a short period of time he managed to work in two theaters. He did not take root in the Moscow Theater of Satire due to constant quarrels with his superiors and went to work at the Sovremennik Theater, where he was received with open arms.

Their tandem was so successful that they played the main roles in the film "A Man with a Guarantee". Alexander is an ordinary security guard in a shopping center who knows all the intricacies of his work. A serious task falls on him - to teach everything he knows to a new intern. Gradually, business relations grow into something more, feelings and romance are wedged between two people. But only Alexander does not know that his student is a businesswoman who owns this shopping center.

Alexander Oleshko in 2014 became the host of the show "Just Like" on Channel One. His charisma and acting talent were to the taste of the viewers, who with great desire watched his manner of broadcasting.

Personal life

Alexander Oleshko managed to be married to Olga Belova, but this union lasted only six months. The reason for the split remains unknown, but the actor says they made the decision together and parted ways on a positive note. There is a rumor that this marriage was not based on sincere feelings, but was concluded in order to obtain a Moscow residence permit.

The actor tries not to talk about his personal life. Secrecy in this matter, the absence of children and girls pushes journalists to think that Alexander Oleshko is gay.

The actor always maintains a good physical shape, dresses with a needle and, according to the media, his habits are similar to a gay man. The actor is in no hurry to dispel this myth, because in the first place such conversations are beneficial to him, as they draw attention to his person.

Many, due to frequent cooperation and warm communication with Nonna Grishaeva, attribute the novel to the artists. But Grishaeva is married and treats Oleshko as a good friend, comrade and work colleague.

Alexander Oleshko was always afraid of heights, although he graduated with honors from the circus school, where he learned to perform tricks of varying complexity. In this regard, the actor never rode a Ferris wheel, but really wanted to try. In Chisinau, where Oleshko comes from, there is a huge wheel, which has never been ridden. Alexander Oleshko overcame his fear in Cannes, feeling euphoria and delight.

The actor simply loves children with whom he has a special relationship. Participating in projects that are aimed at a small audience, Alexander Oleshko received tremendous pleasure. Children themselves are drawn to the actor because he talks to them like adults, giving them the opportunity to talk about serious topics.

Alexander Oleshko now - latest news

Alexander Oleshko told the press that his television career on Channel One was over. He took part in the new project “You are super! Dances" on the NTV channel, which gathers talented children in one place and helps them overcome all their fears and become talented dancers.

Oleshko stopped cooperating with Channel One, because he did not see projects that were interesting for him in which he could participate.


Alexander Oleshko is an artist who, by his own example, proves that if you really want something and at the same time make incredible efforts, you can reach your goal. It was through thorns that the actor got to the stars and inspires his fans to do so.

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