Olga Ushakova, TV presenter: biography, career, personal life. Olga Ushakova: “Superstitious people told me that I called trouble on my daughter What happened to Olga Ushakova’s daughter


Olga Ushakova and Timur Solovyov in the Good Morning program

Olga Ushakova has been appearing in the Good Morning program on Channel One for more than three years. At the end of January, the TV presenter shared with fans the good news about the imminent replenishment in the family.

Yesterday, Olga posted a tender photo on Instagram with her husband and child, signing it: “04/14/18. 9 months after the wedding, our miracle was born. They say that children conceived on a honeymoon will be happy ... So be it.

It is known that the TV presenter gave birth to a girl. The baby was born in one of the most prestigious maternity hospitals in the capital - Lapino Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child". The first ever photograph of the third daughter of Olga Ushakova was taken by a professional photographer working at the hospital.

A post shared by Olga Ushakova(@ushakovao) on Apr 4, 2018 at 9:54am PDT

Olga Ushakova with her husband Adam

Olga Ushakova is raising two daughters of the same age: 12-year-old Daria and 11-year-old Ksenia. The older girl was diagnosed with neurological disorders resembling high-functioning autism. Olga admitted: “Raising special children in our country is like surviving on a desert island.” The TV presenter almost did not talk about the father of the girls and did not name him, however, that the daughters bear his last name.

Olga lived in a civil marriage for several years with a much older man, having met him in Ukraine. After her lover moved to Moscow, the TV presenter followed him. According to her reviews, the man communicates well with her daughters and helps her raise them.

Olga began dating her current husband, restaurateur Adam, in October 2013. The TV presenter carefully guards her personal life and does not tell anything about her spouse. It is known that Adam most of the time does not live in Russia. The couple got married on July 17, 2017 in Cyprus. Adam, even before the wedding, found a common language with Olga's daughters. “They have fun together. The husband is generally deft with children, and all the children, familiar and unfamiliar, always circle around him, ”said the TV presenter.

Olga Ushakova (on Instagram - @ushakovao) is a Russian TV presenter on Channel One. She was born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Dad was a military man, so the family did not stay anywhere for a long time, but she even liked it: she quickly learned to settle down in an unfamiliar city and gain authority, even if it was necessary to defend her interests by force. After school, she entered the university in Kharkov, after which she went into business with her boyfriend. But since childhood, she dreamed of getting on television and becoming a presenter.

In 2004, Olga Ushakova came to audition and passed, but without a journalistic education she could not immediately be allowed to air. First, she trained in different departments, learned to write stories, practiced diction, and after all this, she began to conduct news, where she worked for 9 years. In 2014, she got on Channel One, in the Good Morning program, and a year after her arrival, the program received the TEFI award for the first time.

The first time Olga Ushakova got married at a young age, but some sources claim that it was a civil marriage. From her first husband, she gave birth to two children: the eldest daughter Dasha and the younger Xenia. The eldest daughter suffers from autism, but Olga, as soon as she found out about it, began to do everything to ensure that this disease did not progress. As a result, now she goes to a regular school and even more: she discovered a photographic memory, she is fond of various topics, she constantly reads books and encyclopedias about stars or dinosaurs (depending on what she is currently interested in), she also learns languages ​​\u200b\u200bfrom dictionaries and dreams of becoming a translator.

The youngest daughter Ushakova discovered other talents in herself - she loves to draw and create images with the help of clothes and accessories, so it is quite logical that her dream is to become a designer. The host herself got married again in July 2017. Olga Ushakova does not like to talk about her second husband, so almost nothing is known about him. The TV presenter's wedding itself was very romantic: Olga Ushakova's Instagram has several photos from the bachelorette party and the ceremony itself - the newlyweds spent it on the seashore.


Both in the program and on the official Instagram website, Olga Ushakova promotes positive always and in everything. She often posts photos from work, and she looks perfect in them, despite the fact that every day she has to get up at 02.30 at night to arrive at the place by 5 in the morning.

Also on Olga Ushakova's Instagram, photos often appear in which she practices yoga. It helps her keep fit. In general, judging by the posts on Instagram, she plays sports at home. She completely devoted one post on Instagram to the fact that you don’t need to look for excuses for yourself if you can’t go to the gym: you just need to take a jump rope and go to work out.

Olga Ushakova - TV presenter of Channel One, co-host of the Good Morning program, winner of the TEFI-2015 award.

Olga Ushakova is a Crimean. The future TV presenter was supposedly born on April 7, 1981. In addition to the girl, two more children were growing up in the family.

The Ushakovs led a "nomadic" lifestyle: the head of the family was a military man. I had to move often. In one place, the family lingered for no more than six months. Therefore, life itself taught Olga sociability. The girl was forced to look for new friends in every new place, to establish contacts with teachers and classmates.

For other children, such “migrations” turned out to be stressful, but for Olga, moving turned into an adventure. The girl liked to settle down in a new place and make friends. Olga got along with new classmates and learned to quickly gain authority in the team. Sometimes I had to use my fists for this.

As Ushakova said in an interview, conflicts took place on ethnic grounds. When the family moved to a Ukrainian city, Olga was called a “Katsapka”, when in a Russian city - “Khokhlushka”. Being the most weighty argument, physical strength won. Parents were called to school, but Olya's authority in the team was strengthened.

The “nomadic” childhood of Olga Ushakova turned out to be excellent soil for developing the qualities necessary for the profession that the girl dreamed of from a young age. Olya often, playing, portrayed a television announcer. Picking up any object that remotely resembles a microphone, Ushakova could “cover events in the world” or “conduct a concert” for a long time.

And Olga Ushakova could speak for a long time and on any topic. The girl loved to read and "swallowed" books instantly. I went to school at the age of 6 and studied perfectly. Any "four" or even more so "troika" was perceived as a tragedy and was subject to immediate correction.

Ushakova graduated from school at the age of 16 with a "gold medal". But the childhood dream had to be forgotten for a long time. Olga entered Kharkov University. Upon graduation, together with a loved one, she began to do business. At the age of 23, Ushakova managed a branch of a trading company in Ukraine that promoted European brands.

After moving to Moscow, having got to a new place, Olga suddenly thought: is it worth continuing her business or is it better to switch to something new. And then Ushakova remembered her childhood dream, which predetermined the girl's creative biography. Olga did not take a decisive step, but her common-law husband convinced her to try.

A television

Ushakova came to the main federal channel of Russia in 2004. Olga passed the audition and was accepted as a trainee. At first glance, the girl's career on television developed rapidly. In fact, Olga, a person without a journalistic education, had to work hard before she was allowed to air.

First of all, Ushakova had to get rid of her accent and develop diction. Olga completed an internship in several departments in order to better understand the television "kitchen". The girl learned to write and create news stories. After that, the journalist was entrusted with the news program, which she did for 9 years.

It was interesting for the TV presenter to face the news of the day every day, which required the announcer to be efficient and have a good memory. Work in the Novosti program required Olga to be reactive, which the girl developed in her youth. Olga loved bungee jumping, climbing mountains, diving into the depths of the sea, but with the beginning of her career at the Ostankino television studio, these desires faded into the background.

Then Olga began to appear in the Good Day block, where famous announcers of the Soviet Union, childhood idols of Olga Ushakova, became frequent guests of the studio.

In 2014, Olga Ushakova "grew up" to the host of the Good Morning program on Channel One. To charge people with positive, set them up for a working mood - the bright and charming presenter did an excellent job with this task. This is evidenced by the TEFI award, which was received by the morning program in 2015 for the first time in its history. This is the merit of TV presenter Olga Ushakova.

On the days of the release of Good Morning, Olga Ushakova’s working day begins at half past three in the morning, since the program goes on air at 5 in the morning. You need to get to work, put on makeup and tune in to positive as soon as possible. The presenter says that such a responsibility invigorates and mobilizes, so the girl manages to get out of bed neither light nor dawn quickly.

For Olga Ushakova, working on television is a drive and a regular dose of healthy adrenaline. The journalist jokes that a “live addiction” has appeared, from which you can’t get rid of.

Personal life

Olga Ushakova is a versatile and enthusiastic person. The girl loves her own house, garden and animals. She practices yoga and loves horseback riding. And Olga is fidgety and easy-going. Probably, this quality was instilled in the girl from childhood. Olga can easily pack up and fly to Austria for the weekend to visit the Vienna Opera.

In addition to the sea coast, which has a beneficial effect on Olga's state of mind, the TV presenter fell in love with Moscow. When Ushakova's sister arrives in the capital, Olga happily takes her relative to museums and galleries where she herself has been.

The personal life of Olga Ushakova is an unloved topic for discussion. The TV presenter does not name the father of her children. According to some reports, the couple lived in a civil marriage. The presenter speaks of a man only in excellent tones. The husband supported Olga when the girl, after moving to the capital, decided to try her hand at television.

From the words of Ushakova, it is known that her husband was older and became the support that every woman dreams of. The man gave Olga a lot in terms of spiritual and intellectual development. According to the TV presenter, one can understand that at present the spouses maintain friendly relations at a distance.

Olga Ushakova has two daughters. The girls have different surnames, although they have the same father. Why so - Olga does not explain. It is known that daughters are the weather. The TV presenter found out about her second pregnancy less than 3 months after the birth of Dasha's eldest daughter. The first girl was soon diagnosed with developmental features, but this did not stop Olga from becoming a mother for the second time. The second daughter, Ksyusha, was born in the same year as her older sister. Girls go to school together in the same class.

Ushakova's daughters are as versatile as her mother. Dasha and Ksyusha go in for horseback riding, attend music and choreographic schools. They go to the chess club and the ballet studio with pleasure. And the girls are just as restless as their mother: they love to travel and are easy-going.

Dasha has already decided on her choice of profession - the girl dreams of a career as an interpreter. The youngest daughter is fond of drawing, including the image of clothes and accessories, and declares her desire to master the profession of a designer. But recently Ksenia began to show extraordinary vocal abilities, so she decided to devote more time to singing.

At the beginning of 2017, it became known that Olga Ushakova was in a relationship with a new chosen one who works in the restaurant business and does not live in Russia. The couple managed to maintain a harmonious relationship at a distance. Olga's daughters quickly got along with their mother's new chosen one. Olga Ushakova stated in an interview that she was in no hurry to register a marriage, but was already thinking about a third child.

In the summer, the media surprised fans with TV presenter news about Olga and her chosen one held in Cyprus. Later, Ushakova herself posted a wedding photo on her personal account in " Instagram ».

Olga Ushakova now

Now the professional qualities of Olga Ushakova are constantly improving. In 2017, the TV presenter hosted the Direct Line with the President of the Russian Federation. For Olga, this live broadcast has already become the fifth in a row. Working in an emergency mode, taking into account the coverage of the maximum amount of information, exact names, numbers, has become an integral part of Olga Ushakova's life. The girl cannot imagine existence without the adrenaline that live work gives.

The girl does not forget about the rest. In November 2017, on the TV presenter's personal page on Instagram, photos appeared taken in the pool of a hotel in the United Arab Emirates, where Ushakova was vacationing this year. In the picture, the girl appeared in a playful pose, which was appreciated by the subscribers of the TV star.


  • 2005 - "News" on the air of the "Good Morning" program
  • 2010 - Night News
  • 2013 - "Good afternoon"
  • 2014 - "Good morning"

Olga Ushakova is a TV presenter who has long had a staff of her loyal and devoted fans. From the comments on various forums, it is clear that there are people who watch programs with her participation only for the sake of the presenter herself. The girl built her brilliant career on Channel One on her own, having come to television as an ordinary trainee in 2004. Like many public people, she attracts special attention of ordinary people to her person. Olga Ushakova, a TV presenter whose personal life is very interested in an impressive part of her regular audience, tries not to disclose information about her beloved man. But this only increases the public's interest in the personal life of the screen star.

An example to follow

Looking at the TV presenters, many get the feeling that their emancipation, sociability, ease of communication and perfect command of speech are exclusively innate abilities. But few people think about the fact that some screen stars had to develop all these qualities through hard work over the years. Beauty Olga Ushakova is a TV presenter who belongs to just such a category of people famous in the media space.

Many of the qualities that now make the girl a unique screen star, she acquired thanks to her difficult childhood. Olga Ushakova - TV presenter (age, height, weight of which all her fans are interested), without a doubt, is an example to follow. Today, a 35-year-old woman has almost ideal parameters: her height is 172 cm, and her body looks slim and toned. But few people think that the attractive appearance and excellent figure of the presenter were also not presented from above. In order to maintain ideal forms after two births, Olga has to make a lot of efforts.

Family and childhood of the future screen star

The birthplace of this beautiful girl is Crimea. Olga Ushakova, a TV presenter whose date of birth is of interest to many viewers of her broadcasts (since everyone is concerned about the same question: how old is this beautiful woman really), was born on 04/07/1981. The girl's father was a military man, and quite strict orders reigned at home.

In addition to Olga, two more children were growing up in the family: a younger brother and an older sister, who was mainly engaged in Olya's upbringing. Ushakova recalls that when the children in their family were 8-9 years old, they were already completely independent: they did their homework, prepared their own meals and cleaned the apartment. Such qualities acquired from childhood, such as perseverance, discipline and responsibility, were very useful to Olga in her later life.

How did the first communication skills develop?

Since the father of the future TV presenter was a military man, their family moved quite often from place to place. It so happened that Olga did not stay in one school for more than six months. In order to join a new team, to establish contact with peers and teachers, Olya had to be interesting, sociable and sociable. Largely thanks to such a childhood with constant moving, Olga Ushakova (TV presenter, whose photo is in our article) has developed the talent to find an approach to completely different people and the ability to find a common language with them.

Received education and acquired experience as a business woman

At school age, Ushakova loved to read and had a good memory. The girl studied for one five and she graduated from school at the age of 16 with a gold medal. Then she entered Kharkov University. After graduation, together with her beloved young man, Olga began to actively engage in business. Living in Ukraine, the future star of the Russian screen was engaged in the promotion of well-known foreign brands. Being a fairly young girl, at the age of 23, she already headed one of the branches of a large trading company.

Fatal move to Moscow

Olga Ushakova, a TV presenter whose biography has changed dramatically after moving to Russia, dreamed of being an announcer or TV presenter since childhood. But life circumstances developed in such a way that for a long time the woman had to leave her dreams. Everything changed dramatically after she moved to Moscow.

In one of the interviews, the TV presenter said that the move was due to the fact that her beloved man needed to be in the Russian capital, and she followed him. After the move, Olga had doubts about what she really wants to do. Today she recalls that, seeing her swept away state, her beloved asked what she dreamed of becoming in childhood, and Ushakova remembered that she always wanted to become a TV star.

Coming to television

Initially, this idea seemed crazy, since Olya did not have a specialized education as an announcer or TV presenter. In 2004, auditions were held at Ostankino, and Olga Ushakova (a TV presenter who is loved by almost all viewers of Channel One today) decided to go for them at her own peril and risk. It suddenly turned out that the girl is very photogenic, the camera loves her, and in the frame she looks just great.

But at the same time, the lack of experience in the media sphere, as well as the explicit one, could not allow her to instantly become the host of top programs. But at the same time, Channel One did not want to lose such an interesting type, and Olga was offered a trainee position.

Hard work on yourself and well-deserved career growth

For almost a year, Olga Ushakova, a TV presenter whose husband supported her in all her endeavors and aspirations, studied the secrets of the television backstage. She took classes in rhetoric and studied speech techniques, tried to get rid of her accent and learned how to write news articles and prepare them for broadcasts.

Gradually, the hope that someday she would still be allowed to air began to leave Olga. And just at that moment, the vacancy of the leading news program became vacant. Olga was offered this position, and she successfully held this position for 9 years.

In 2014, when no one doubted the professionalism of this woman, she became the host of the Good Morning program, which brought her recognition and love from viewers all over Russia.

The secret of personal life

Olga really does not like to talk about topics that relate to the father of her children. In all her interviews, she emphasizes that she does not consider it necessary to make her personal life public. From time to time, completely different information appears in print media and on various information resources regarding the status of the relationship between Olga and the father of her children.

According to one of them, Ushakova and her husband are in a civil marriage. Others write that Olga divorced her husband, but simply maintain a good and warm relationship.

Olga very carefully and tactfully avoids the topic of marriage and divorce, saying only that she and the father of her children have one common goal - to give them all the best, make them happy and raise them worthy people. By the way, this mysterious couple has two children - two weather girls: Ksenia and Daria. For some unknown reason, despite the fact that the girls still have the same father, they are recorded under different surnames. But Olga also does not expand on this riddle, just as she does not agree to give the name of their father. Ushakova only says that this is a very correct person, who is much older than her and to whom she is very indebted, first of all, for moral support. The star of the screen also notes that this person always instructed her spiritually, encouraged her to spiritual self-development and self-improvement. It is simply impossible to find at least some negative statement by Olga that would concern the father of her children, since she always speaks of him only in the best way.

The secret of good mood and great appearance

Olga Ushakova - a TV presenter, the age that haunts the majority of Channel One viewers - often becomes the subject of controversy and discussion on Internet forums, as she looks really amazing. The TV presenter herself, apparently wanting to be a coquette sometimes, says that make-up artists provide her with such a fresh and cheerful look in the morning. Of course, no one reduces their merits, but Olga herself should be given credit. At the moment she is 35 years old, but those who see her for the first time on television will never give her more than 25.

Olga endured two pregnancies, and, as she herself admits, after the second birth, she restored her shape quite hard. Ushakova said that after the birth of her second daughter, for the first time she began to like herself again only a year later. It was difficult at first to cope with two little girls alone, and there was sorely not enough time for oneself. But when Olya got used to the role of a mother, she took care of herself. Of course, it was exercise, massage and beauty treatments. The main incentive that forced the TV presenter to achieve ideal forms was, of course, her daughters, for whom she wants to be an example in everything.

Olga also tries to ensure that only healthy food is always in her kitchen, and, as far as possible, Ushakova tries to follow the principles of proper nutrition.

And, of course, the beloved work and the love of regular viewers is the catalyst that makes Olya remain cheerful and positive under any circumstances.

The host of the positive and sunny program of Channel One is about raising children, the secrets of female attractiveness and the personal secrets of the “first button” early birds.

- How can a mother of two children manage to do everything: upbringing, and a career, and even look great?

My girls are now 7 and 8 years old. Modern children have such a rhythm of life that they rather have to allocate time between classes and parents. School, circles, classes at home - they have so many interests that I literally stand in line for an appointment (smiles).

Seriously, I plan all my affairs while my daughters are at school. Of course, with the exception of working days, when I leave for almost a day, but even here we always call up before they go to bed, we talk about how the day went.

Sometimes, when a very busy work schedule is built up, of course, I have to hear their complaints about my work, but as soon as the weekend comes, we become lovebirds, walk together, play, do our homework or leave somewhere.

- I know that you have a rather dramatic story connected with your eldest daughter.

- This is true. When I gave birth to her and was on maternity leave, the idea came up to create a charitable foundation. It seemed terribly unfair to me that there are very few organizations that would help children, so to speak, with "unpopular" diagnoses - epilepsy and other, neurological, which are difficult to treat, require a very long rehabilitation.

My friend and I founded a foundation that dealt with precisely these problems. I, as a meticulous person, immersed myself completely, studied medical science. Superstitious people called

- What secrets of female attractiveness and beauty do you have?

- I don't have any beauty secrets. That is, everything that I do is not a secret at all and is available to everyone. First, sports. I quickly get bored with everything, so sports change quite often, but one thing remains the same - physical activity should be regular.

If you can't go to the gym - go for a run, if you can't run - go, just move. I am an adherent of yoga, but my activity is not limited to this. I like to go for a run in good weather, play tennis, go in for horseback riding, if possible, I swim. Second, sleep.

This is more difficult for me, for obvious reasons. But I have already accustomed myself to go to bed at 11 pm, even if I don’t work, and I have seen for myself how right the scientists are who say that sleeping before midnight is much more useful than after.

Thirdly, of course, no one canceled skin care. I have identified two main points for myself: cleansing and moisturizing. In addition to home remedies, I do ultrasonic facial cleansing every 1-2 weeks. And for moisturizing I use homemade masks and salon procedures. In the off-season, I definitely take vitamins.

Not the last place is occupied by the internal mood. I will say a banality, but none of the most magical creams will make you glow from the inside.

- You work in the morning program. Is it hard to wake up at 5 am?

- This broadcast starts at 5 in the morning, and now we have to wake up at half past three. And even earlier. I won't lie, it's very hard, I'm still not used to it. I have the broadcast once a week, on the other days I still try to live in a normal mode. Therefore, waking up early every time is a stress for the body.

In the studio, sleep sometimes overcomes, we fight as best we can. On long stories or news releases, we squat, do push-ups, do some yoga asanas, sing, dance.

About how we spend time behind the scenes, we could shoot a separate program, sometimes it's very funny (smiles). The whole day, of course, it is difficult to hold out after the broadcast, so when I get home, I go to bed for a few more hours. The best thing we can do for our body is to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, preferably going to bed no later than 23:00.

– Tell us about interesting meetings with fans.

– Fortunately or unfortunately, they don’t often recognize me on the street. There was even a funny case when I arrived at Gorky Park at 4 in the morning to work in a summer studio, I went up, and several young people were standing there and asking me: “Girl, do you know when Ushakova is coming?”

On the set, they ask me to take a picture and sign, but when I tie a ponytail and put on jeans outside of work, I become an ordinary person. Or maybe I don’t notice the attention, simply because I don’t subconsciously wait for it. Probably, this is again the influence of work in the news.

We somehow do not perceive ourselves as public people. So much work has to be done before the actual release that the work in the frame seems to be just such a cherry on the cake. Therefore, almost no one suffers from star disease - there is no time.

- What are you dreaming about? How do you see your life in 10 years?

– All I dream about and ask God for is the health of my children and loved ones. Everything else is in our hands. There are plans, yes. I want to develop both in the profession and in life. It is interesting to try your hand at documentary. There are ideas, but it's too early to talk about them. I like to test my strength, explore new territories, even if it's scary, so I'm open to everything new.

In general, after 10 years, I see myself as still a young and active mother, maybe not two, but three children, successful in the profession, and most importantly, in harmony with myself.

- Your recipes for proper rest: how to not get tired while resting?

- For me, the main thing on vacation is not to rush. The habit of always rushing, the fear of being late - these are the diseases of a big city. Therefore, when traveling, I try to spend time as my heart desires. I just want to lie on the beach - I lie, I want to climb somewhere - I climb. And of course, the main thing is that your loved ones are there.

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