"He's also a fool." Journalists and bloggers discuss anti-Semitic statements by Pyotr Tolstoy


Vice speaker of the State Duma, deputy from United Russia, former anchor of Channel One Pyotr Tolstoy at a press conference said a phrase that was interpreted by many as anti-Semitic. He pointed out that today the “grandchildren and great-grandchildren” of those who “jumped out of the Pale of Settlement” in 1917 oppose the transfer of St. Isaac’s Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church. After a wave of indignation, Tolstoy did not refute his statement, but denied that it was anti-Semitic.

Speaking at a press conference in TASS dedicated to the opening of the Christmas readings “1917-2017: lessons of the century”, TV presenter and deputy Pyotr Tolstoy, who now holds the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, said literally the following:

I would like to add on my own behalf that, watching the protests around the transfer of Isaac, I cannot help but notice an amazing paradox: people who are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who destroyed our churches, jumping out there ... from the Pale of Settlement with a revolver in the seventeenth year, today their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, working in various other very respected places - at radio stations, in legislative assemblies - continue the work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

In the reports of TASS itself, as well as other state news agencies, these words are not present. They were quoted by Ekho Moskvy. In confirmation, the radio station published an audio recording.

Tolstoy's statement caused indignation of many, including publications in the media and social networks. Petersburg deputy Alexander Kobrinsky called it anti-Semitic and noted that no one in Russia had heard such a thing from officials since the 1980s. In addition, many drew attention to the fact that the words about the "Pale of Settlement" were heard four days before the International Holocaust Remembrance Day: on January 27, Soviet troops liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Kobrinsky, like two other deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Boris Vishnevsky and Maxim Reznik, opposes the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral under the control of the Russian Orthodox Church. In addition to him, many of those who have nothing to do with the conflict around the cathedral spoke out.

Dmitry Aleshkovsky, the publisher of the Takie Dela website and the head of the Need Help charity foundation, wrote on Facebook:

My Jewish ancestors were just engaged in beating the fascist bastard and restoring churches, and people like Pyotr Tolstoy just destroyed them. What a pity that a fascist in our country is now allowed and honorable.

He also spoke about his family and its contribution to Russian history and culture.

Many, like the journalist Alexander Tsypkin, reacted to Tolstoy's words with irony. Tsypkin's post was shared almost 100 times: he simply asks Tolstoy "organizational questions":

Also, businessman and journalist Anton Nosik, one of the most popular bloggers on LiveJournal and Facebook, spoke about the words of the vice speaker. He accused Tolstoy not only of anti-Semitism, but also of illiteracy, citing another quote from Peter Tolstoy about St. Isaac's Cathedral.

In the same speech, the Nazi speaker of the State Duma said that at present in St. Isaac's Cathedral "Foucault's pendulum is hanging", and "Petersburg intelligentsia leads tours with champagne" on its balcony. If he limited himself to the first part of this statement, one could assume that he had not looked into St. Isaac's Cathedral since 1986 (Foucault's pendulum was dismantled just then). However, judging by the second part of the sketch, he was never there at all. Because St. Isaac's Cathedral has no balcony. There is a colonnade there. […] No champagne is poured or sold in St. Isaac's Cathedral (as well as anywhere else within a radius of 100 meters from its cash desks), unlike the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, glorious, in addition to a car wash and dry cleaning, for its VIP banquets and corporate parties.

Nosik does not believe that Tolstoy's main problem is anti-Semitism.

I foresee the dissatisfaction of Russian Jews with the fact that the deputy chairman of the State Duma turned out to be a Nazi speaker. But, I think, it is no less a problem for Russian citizens of any nationality that the deputy chairman of the parliament from the ruling party is so insane and stubborn. By the way, he is also a fool: for his exit from the closet as a Nazi speaker, he chose that one week of the year when it would be wise for the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of policemen, guards and Vlasovites, both by blood and ideological, to remain silent.

The head of the public relations department of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Borukh Gorin, also spoke about the situation, his words are quoted by Ekho Moskvy. In his opinion, the vice-speaker's statement is "inadmissible." Besides, it's illogical.

He talks about great-grandchildren and speaks like a great-great-grandson of a man who at one time was anathematized by the Orthodox Church of Russia. Does this mean that he bears the same responsibility for what happened in the 17th year with the churches of the Orthodox Church, when they were destroyed, of course, not only by Jews, but by people of different nationalities and religions? And among them, of course, there was a huge number of Tolstoyans who destroyed churches, including because of the ugly attitude that the then Orthodox Church showed to the great humanitarian thinker, the great writer of the Russian land, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy. This, so to speak, is simple, if you already remember family ties.

Boruch Gorin considers Peter Tolstoy's accusations against the Jews untenable:

If a person ascribes views to a national group solely because of its national origin, then, of course, these are not just generalizations, but nationalist generalizations, in this case anti-Semitic. Separately, it can be noted that this does not correspond to reality in any way, because there are no common views on the return of St. Isaac's Cathedral, not only among the Jewish community of Russia, but among the Jews of Russia as individuals.

Pyotr Tolstoy himself denies that there was anti-Semitism in his words, although he does not deny that the phrase was actually spoken at a press conference. He wrote about it on Facebook.

Twitter reacts to Tolstoy's words mainly with jokes.

"The cathedral was built by our ancestors not so that the Foucault pendulum dangles there or for the St. Petersburg intelligentsia to lead excursions with champagne to the balcony there. This is a building that should belong to and serve the church," said the Vice Speaker of the State Duma
Global Look Press

The former TV presenter of Channel One, and now Vice Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Pyotr Tolstoy, who oversees the block of civil society, interaction with the media, the Internet and culture, commenting on the petition that collected 200 thousand signatures against the transfer of St. petitions are a waste of time, and the temple itself "was not built for Foucault's pendulum to hang there or for the St. Petersburg intelligentsia to lead excursions with champagne to the balcony there."

"Unfortunately, our Facebook public, not knowing anything, is exchanging SOS signals from one sofa to another with wild speed, believing that this is how they will govern the state," the deputy said, stressing that the authorities are obliged to comply with the law, in this case - the law "On the transfer of religious property to religious organizations," Interfax reports.

In addition, Tolstoy casually made an anti-Semitic statement, hinting that the current fighters against the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church are the descendants of Jews who in the last century "destroyed our churches." “Watching the protests around the transfer of Isaac, I can’t help but notice an amazing paradox: people who are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who destroyed our churches, jumping out from behind with a revolver in the seventeenth year, today their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, working in various other very respected places - at radio stations, in legislative assemblies, continue the work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers' said Pyotr Tolstoy.

The journalist made similar statements at a press conference at TASS dedicated to the opening of the XXV Anniversary International Christmas Educational Readings "1917-2017: Lessons of the Century". Together with him, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church took part in the event.

State media did not broadcast these words of the Deputy Speaker of the State Duma, limiting themselves to quotes about "champagne on the balcony" and "Facebook public". But the scandal erupted when representatives of religious communities drew attention to the statements of the vice-speaker of the State Duma.

It is important to note that Tolstoy's statements came "on time" - this week Russia is hosting a "Week of Remembrance", timed to coincide with the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust and the 72nd anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp by the Red Army. It was organized by the Moscow government, the Russian Jewish Congress and the Holocaust Center.

The head of the public relations department of the Federation of Jewish Organizations of Russia, Borukh Gorin, said that anti-Semitic statements, especially from statesmen of this level, are unacceptable. He added that Tolstoy's words have nothing to do with reality, Ekho Moskvy reports.

"The statement is not just doubtful, but it is absolutely unacceptable, and I would very much like to know the assessment of the leadership of the State Duma, the leadership of the country to such statements, which, in my opinion, completely undermine the foundations of modern Russia, modern society," Gorin said.

“I personally consider Tolstoy’s statement to be open anti-Semitism, which is already there. If a person ascribes views to a national group solely because of its national origin, then, of course, these are not just generalizations, but nationalist generalizations, in this case anti-Semite. Separately, one can notice that this does not correspond to reality in any way, because there are no common views on the return of St. Isaac's Cathedral, not only among the Jewish community of Russia, but among the Jews of Russia as individuals. There are completely different views on this issue," he added.

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Boris Vishnevsky agrees with Gorin's assessment of Tolstoy's statement. “They have already sent me this “wonderful” statement in quotation marks. But I have never overestimated the cultural level of most of the State Duma deputies, especially those related to United Russia, especially the former leading federal channels, such as Mr. Tolstoy,” the parliamentarian said.

"I intend, after consulting with lawyers, to present my claims in the form of an official statement, possibly to the Investigative Committee, possibly to the prosecutor's office. Since I believe that what Mr. Tolstoy allowed himself, in general, should be qualified as inciting ethnic hatred," Wisniewski emphasized.

In turn, Nikolai Burov, director of the state museum-monument St. Isaac's Cathedral, called deputy Tolstoy's statement insulting and invited him on a tour to tell how the museum actually worked.

According to Burov, Tolstoy's comments about the intelligentsia walking around the church with champagne are offensive and untrue. “Firstly, the conclusion is offensive in itself. By definition, champagne is not provided in a museum. Especially in a museum that has a number of restrictions. It’s not like champagne, many things cannot be done there. at best, to the colonnade, which is open until half past four in the morning, in order to receive as many tourists as possible," Burova Life quotes the words.

In addition, the head of the museum advised critics to study history before talking about the "dangling Foucault pendulum", which was dismantled in 1986.

"I will gladly show him (Tolstoy - Note. website) and any other State Duma deputy is our museum. Maybe then the brains will fall into place and people will start talking about what is really there, and not what is dirty conjecture," Burov added.

Recall, on January 10, it became known that the authorities of the Northern capital decided to transfer St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church, while retaining its museum function. Meanwhile, in 2015, Smolny refused similar demands from the Russian Orthodox Church, citing economic considerations. The church has been seeking the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral for several years. Earlier, Smolny and St. Sampson Cathedrals were already transferred from the structure of the state museum-monument of the same name to the Church.

Pale of Settlement(originally a feature of the permanent residence of Jews) - the border of the territory within which gypsies and Jews constantly lived in the Russian Empire.

The Pale of Settlement was determined by decree of Catherine II on December 23, 1791 after the second partition of the Commonwealth. After the annexation of the Kingdom of Poland in 1815, in which about 200 thousand Jews lived, the Pale of Settlement began to include 25 provinces in western Russia (the territories of present-day Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, part of Poland) and amounted to 1.2 million square meters. km.

In 1835, Nicholas I approved a new "Regulation on the Jews", including introducing the term Pale of Settlement. It confirmed all restrictions on the residence of Jews and brought Kyiv, Nikolaev, Sevastopol beyond the boundaries of the Pale of Settlement; in the Baltic provinces, only those Jews who were born there were allowed to live. Jews could stay out of the Pale of Settlement for no more than six weeks and at the same time had to have a passport issued by the governor and wear European or Russian dress.

In the 1850-1860s, certain categories of the Jewish population received the right to freedom of movement: merchants of the first guild and part of the artisans.

In the 1870s, Jews who graduated from higher educational institutions received the right to reside throughout the empire.

By the 20th century, 94% of the Jews (about 5 million people) in the Russian Empire lived within the Pale of Settlement, making up almost 12% of the population of these lands, recalls Kommersant.

The decree expired on August 13, 1915, when a circular was signed by Interior Minister Nikolai Shcherbatov, allowing "Jews to live in urban settlements, with the exception of capitals and localities under the jurisdiction of the ministries of the Imperial Court and the Military."

On March 22, 1917, the Provisional Government adopted a resolution "On the abolition of religious and national restrictions", which abolished, in particular, the Pale of Settlement.

On Thursday, January 26, the Christmas parliamentary readings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution were held. Patriarch Kirill also took part in them. Here the meeting of Peter Tolstoy and Alexander Beard took place.

According to media reports, after the conversation, the vice-speaker and the head of the Jewish communities of Russia shook hands, from which it follows that the parties have reconciled.

Later, in an interview with Life, Alexander Boroda said that Tolstoy could not be considered an anti-Semite, and the incident was over.

Alexander Beard

Head of the Jewish Communities of Russia

If we look objectively at the history of Pyotr Tolstoy's journalistic activity, we can say that the statement is not part of any policy that he voiced before, we cannot say that he is an anti-Semite with a past, we did not see this, there is no point in inflating , everything is exhausted. I hope that our interaction with the State Duma, the activities of the State Duma and the activities of Pyotr Tolstoy will help to strengthen international peace and harmony.


Vice Speaker of the State Duma Pyotr Tolstoy, participating in a discussion on the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church, stated the following:

Pyotr Tolstoy

Vice Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

Watching the protests around the transfer of Isaac, I cannot help but notice an amazing paradox: people who are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who destroyed our churches, jumping out of the Pale of Settlement with a revolver in the seventeenth year, today their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, working in various other very respected places - at radio stations, in legislative assemblies, continue the work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers

Petersburg deputies Boris Vishnevsky and Maxim Reznik drew attention to Tolstoy's statement. They saw signs of anti-Semitism in the words of a colleague.

The vice-speaker himself denies the accusations, stating that only people with an unhealthy imagination who do not know the history of their country can blame him. State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin spoke in defense of United Russia. In his opinion, Tolstoy did not go beyond and did not name a specific nationality, so all the accusations are groundless.

Opinion of the blogosphere

I really like Pyotr Tolstoy, but his speech made me remember the Soviet interpretation of anti-Semitism, according to which the bourgeoisie deliberately provokes anti-Semitism in order to distract the proletariat from the class struggle against the bourgeoisie. And, continuing the work of my grandparents, who did not destroy any churches or synagogues, but were indignant at “this barbarity” in those days when it was dangerous to be indignant at this, I allow myself to note that in the Soviet interpretation of anti-Semitism, replace the proletariat with the Orthodox, and the bourgeoisie on the Masons and you will get a completely adequate picture of what is happening.

I am for the transfer of the Russian Orthodox Church and Isaac and the Chersonesos Museum, but the fact of the matter is that they are transferred not for the prosperity of the Church of Christ, but in order to provoke a conflict between the Church and those who yearn for the return of Soviet achievements in social policy. And for modern Russia, the union between the Soviet and the Orthodox is a natural and necessary condition for survival, since the social achievements of the USSR were originally native to Christianity of Nil Sorsky. And what made the Russian people turn away from Christ for 70 years did not originate beyond the Pale of Settlement, but in the head of Catherine the Great, who introduced the Pale of Settlement and serfdom (or rather, practically slavery), focusing on her native Germany, which brought her position to absurdity Joseph Volotsky, which he occupied in a dispute with Nil Sorsky.

And the grandparents of Petrov Tolstoy fully enjoyed the advantages of their position under Catherine the Great and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and even proudly described it in obscene literature worthy of excommunication from the Church. And as a result, when in February 1917 it was they who destroyed the Orthodox Empire and abolished the obligatory communion in the army, no more than 10% of the soldiers came to the liturgy. It was after this that the destruction of 90% of churches in Russia became inevitable, and not at all the jumping out of the Pale of Settlement of those who in Soviet times not only destroyed, but also built, just like the great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers of Petrov Tolstoy during the time of Catherine the Great and Alexander I.

Such is the mudflow, as the heroes of Leo Tolstoy said in the brilliant novel War and Peace.

Pyotr Tolstoy was accused of anti-Semitism for a phrase in which there is not a word about Jews, but there is a wording about revolutionaries "because of the Pale of Settlement." And a very important addition about their great-grandchildren, who "working in various other very respected places - at radio stations, in legislative assemblies - continue the work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers."

And by doing this, he revealed for some reason a very painful truth for Russian Jewry, and painful only for him. The truth is twofold. First, indeed, among the leaders of revolutionary groups (Bolsheviks and not only) there were a lot of Jews who came from places beyond the Pale of Settlement. This is an obvious fact, although hushed up and not pedaled. Nevertheless, a lot has been written about this, and conscientious authors took data from the Great Jewish Encyclopedia, the authors of which did not consider these facts to be anti-Semitism. Solzhenitsyn also relied on it in the book “200 Years Together”, where he meticulously examined the role of the Jews, including in the Great Revolution, and named all the prominent participants by name. And it is obvious that their role is huge - this is objectively. You can't accuse Solzhenitsyn of anti-Semitism.

As an explanation of this phenomenon, I am closest to the point of view of Vadim Kozhinov, who also cited a lot of evidence of the disproportionate participation of Jews among the leaders of revolutionary movements: in the process of destruction at the first stage of the revolution, those who are less sorry for the national traditions and ways of this people take leadership positions , in this case they were Jews, Latvians and other small peoples of the Russian Empire. This is not an excuse for the crimes of Jewish revolutionaries, but an understanding of why this happened. In the end, it is not the Jews who are to blame for the collapse of the Empire, it is the common fault and fate of the people of the Russian Empire, and among the Great Russians there were quite a few destroyers who knocked down crosses, shot nobles and destroyed statehood. The Jews only actively helped, but many of them then actively built the Soviet empire, finally becoming Russified.

The second part of the truth is that there are indeed many great-grandchildren of "commissars in dusty helmets" among modern liberal oppositionists. So, I somehow had to tell, in three voices leading the fight against the Kremlin regime: their great-grandfather on the mother's side - Tsvi Samoylovich Fridlyand - was a prominent prominent revolutionary figure who started in the Jewish National Zionist organization "Poailei Zion"; the grandfather of the Dzyadko brothers, Felix Grigorievich Svetov-Fridlyand, was a dissident and a member of the PEN club, and his mother, Zoya Svetlova, was a well-known dishonest journalist, author of The New Times. And there are many such examples. The brightest of them: the grandfather of the editor-in-chief of "Echo of Moscow" Venediktov served in the NKVD and organized detachments. It is clear that the grandson is not responsible for the grandfather, and vice versa, and the very fact of participating in the Revolution does not immediately indicate that the person is bad, but one cannot fail to notice how the radicalism of the modern liberal oppositionists is similar to the revolutionary habits of their direct ancestors.

And Pyotr Tolstoy is thrice right when he says that some of the descendants of those revolutionaries are doing the same destructive work as their great-grandfathers. But if the Bolsheviks at least shouldered the burden of power and eventually kept the country from the abyss, albeit with the most cruel methods, then modern Westerners are not capable of this, but only dream of how to sell themselves to the West quickly and sell Russia. That's their whole revolutionary idea.

The Jewish question as special and painful for Russians does not exist, since history has put everything in its place: both Jewish revolutionaries and Jewish oligarchs are only a consequence of the illnesses of the Russian world itself. When even relative order has been established in Russia, there are no such distortions. It is still painful for Jewish organizations, judging by their reaction, and this is just worrisome: Jewish activists look out for anti-Semitism so carefully everywhere that they see it even in the word "Jew", and in the case of Peter Tolstoy, even without it. words - and such distortions may well cause a bad attitude towards Jewish organizations in Russia.

There is such a deliberately dull kind of intellectual competition as controversy, and even worse - a tough fistfight with a bunch of shit ...

Today, the media and the blogosphere furiously rushed to respond to the explosion of a small hydrogen sulfide bomb (let me remind you that the tests of a large anti-Semitic bomb were last carried out in our country in the late 1940s, during the period of the struggle against "rootless cosmopolitanism") - a statement by State Duma Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy .

And Tolstoy said the following: “... Watching the protests around the transfer of Isaac, I cannot help but notice an amazing paradox: people who are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who destroyed our churches, jumping out there ... from the Pale of Settlement with a revolver at 17 th year, today their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, working in various other very respected places - at radio stations, in legislative assemblies - continue the work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

And with what and with whom to argue here? Alas, with no one and nothing. For in the head of the author of the quote, apparently, instead of knowledge about Russian history, there is the very substance, the polemic with which, as I said, is impossible by definition.

Therefore, I will not argue with Tolstoy. I'll just try to explain why I so fatally assess the contents of the skull of this "truly Russian" politician.

Pyotr Tolstoy, as follows from the quote, believes that in 1917 "the Jews destroyed Russia." And they were able to do this only because it was precisely this year that they "jumped out of the Pale of Settlement with a revolver."

But the question is - how did they manage to jump out of there? And how did the representatives of a malicious, but still “small people” (according to the well-known definition of the author of the brochure “Russophobia”, anti-Semitic philosopher Igor Shafarevich) manage to bring down the greatest empire in the world, created by a great people?

Pyotr Tolstoy, I think, does not know the answer to these questions. He also does not understand that, making such statements, he acts not so much as an anti-Semite, but as a Russophobe. For to assert that a bunch of bandits-foreigners, armed only with revolvers, was able to destroy Great Russia, means to recognize this very Russia as some kind of brainless and weak-willed historical vegetable.

And this, I repeat, is purely Russophobic! - the vision of the Russian state as an “eternal trembling creature” has been inherent in Peter Tolstoy for a long time. Back in 2012, on the eve of the presidential election, arguing with opponents of Vladimir Putin, Tolstoy said: “Fortunately for Russia, such [as those who are against Putin] leaders in the country have always been an overwhelming minority. They managed to turn the country off its path only once - during the bloodless February and then bloody October revolution, and this threw Russia back decades in its development. That is, it was the “overwhelming minority” that first overthrew the legitimate tsar, and then drowned Russia in blood and threw it back in development.

At that time, Tolstoy, however, did not explain what kind of minority he had in mind. Now we know which one: Jewish.


“I think we have removed the issue”

State Duma Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy apologizes for anti-Semitic remarks

State Duma Vice Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy, who found himself at the center of a scandal after an ambiguous statement perceived as anti-Semitism, expressed regret that he could hurt someone's feelings. Tolstoy stated this during an inspection of the exhibition organized in the State Duma “Property of Russia. Pages of History and Spiritual Traditions”, which was also examined by the head of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) Alexander Boroda, TASS reports.

“Of course, I did not mean any nationality and spoke about the history of our country and about those people who destroyed churches and synagogues, and it was not about nationalities. Therefore, I ask you, if this offended someone, then I am sorry, I ask you to understand correctly, ”said Tolstoy. He also stressed that interethnic harmony and interfaith peace must be protected.

Alexander Boroda agreed with the statements, and after a conversation with Tolstoy, he told reporters that he considered the incident settled. “I think we have removed the issue. He said that he regrets that he was misunderstood, and he asks for forgiveness (from those) whom he offended, ”said the head of the FEOR.

The head of the HRC criticized the vice-speaker of the State Duma for an anti-Semitic statement

Tolstoy found himself at the center of the scandal after he sharply spoke out at a press conference on January 23 regarding opponents of the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg to the Russian Orthodox Church. Tolstoy said that "people who are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who destroyed our churches, jumping out of the Pale of Settlement with a revolver in the seventeenth year" oppose. “Today, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, working in various other very respected places - at radio stations, in legislative assemblies, continue the work of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers,” the vice speaker said.

If anyone is not in the know, the “Pale of Settlement” in Tsarist Russia was the internal border, to the east of which Jewish subjects of the Empire were forbidden to settle. The ban was lifted in 1917, shortly after the February Revolution. Most of the Ashkenazi Jews now living in Russia (including the author of these lines) are the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of those who lived below the Pale of Settlement before the revolution. But what does this fact have to do with the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the gratuitous use of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma did not explain. Until today, not a single Jewish organization in Russia, religious or secular, has spoken out against the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral to the Russian Orthodox Church. I believe that now I will have to speak out - but not on the essence of the property and economic dispute around Isaac, but due to the fact that the vice speaker of the State Duma, posing as the great-grandson of Leo Tolstoy, turned out to be a Nazi speaker, the spiritual son of Hitler and Goebbels. The thesis about Jewish commissars harming the Russian people is not his personal invention, but the leitmotif of Nazi propaganda in the occupied Soviet territories in 1941-1944. The Nazis assumed that they would be able to win over the entire population of the USSR to their side with leaflets promising to overthrow the oppression of the Jewish commissars. The calculation, as we know, was not justified. Anti-Semitism, which served as an important spiritual bond for the Nazis, did not help them defeat the USSR.

In the same speech, the Nazi speaker of the State Duma said that at present in St. Isaac's Cathedral "Foucault's pendulum is hanging", and "Petersburg intelligentsia leads tours with champagne" on its balcony. If he limited himself to the first part of this statement, one could assume that he had not looked into St. Isaac's Cathedral since 1986 (Foucault's pendulum was dismantled just then). However, judging by the second part of the sketch, he was never there at all. Because St. Isaac's Cathedral has no balcony. There is a colonnade where you can really climb, without presenting certificates of belonging to the St. Petersburg intelligentsia, simply by buying an entrance ticket - just like you can climb the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican or St. Paul's in London, to the gallery of St. Mark's Basilica in Venice or Giotto's bell tower in Florence, on the towers of Notre Dame de Paris, Cologne Cathedral or Barcelona's Sagrada Familia (all of these objects are active cathedrals).

No champagne is poured or sold in St. Isaac's Cathedral (as well as nowhere within a radius of 100 meters from its cash desks), unlike the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, glorious, in addition to a car wash and dry cleaning, for its VIP banquets and corporate parties.

I foresee the dissatisfaction of Russian Jews with the fact that the deputy chairman of the State Duma turned out to be a Nazi speaker. But, I think, it is no less a problem for Russian citizens of any nationality that the deputy chairman of the parliament from the ruling party is so insane and stubborn. By the way, he is also a fool: for his exit from the closet as a Nazi speaker, he chose that one week of the year when it would be wise for the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of policemen, guards and Vlasovites, both by blood and ideological, to remain silent. If not out of respect for the victims (I don’t count on this from the Nazi speaker, and they don’t need respect from the neo-Nazi scum), then at least for reasons of common sense. It seems that he did not spend the night in the head of the Nazi speaker. And it's good that the preaching of neo-Nazism in Russia is done by stupid, short-sighted and shit-headed idiots. It would be much worse if smart, far-sighted and prudent cynics who can wait out Holocaust memorial day before publicly throwing a ridge would do it.

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