Onyx and signs of the zodiac. Talisman stones for Scorpio by date of birth


According to many astrologers, Scorpio is the most complex, yet energetically strong sign of the Zodiac. Its representatives need stones that will calm and support, help to avoid negative emotions and better feel those around them.

Which stone suits Scorpio women, astrominerologists suggest. It turns out that by choosing minerals according to the horoscope, one can improve health, relationships, and well-being.

Choose by date of birth

Those born from October 24 to November 2 are ruled by Mars. Self-confidence, sometimes even selfishness are traits inherent in Scorpions of this period. They need hard stones, while transparent ones are also suitable. The choice is large:, serpentine, malachite, red jasper, rock crystal.

Those born between November 3rd and 13th are under the influence of the Sun. They are kind, noble, brave and strong. Their stones are turquoise, sardonyx,.

Those born between November 4th and 22nd are protected by Venus. They are passionate, amorous, artistic, talented. They are suitable, emerald, topaz, alexandrite,.

Properties of stones suitable for Scorpions according to the horoscope

Helps to find peace of mind, peace.

Promotes the development of abilities given by nature.

Good to wear to maintain good physical shape, for endurance and calmness in difficult situations.


It will save Scorpio from bad mood, negative emotions, rash actions, relieve stress and restore energy. And coral will help to soberly assess the situation, think constructively and rationally. The mineral may turn pale, anticipating the illness of the hostess.

Promotes the career growth of Scorpios. And in business, their path with this stone will be peaceful and calm.

Stone is a peacemaker. Giving preference to her, a woman will learn to compromise, even be able to turn an enemy into a friend. Intrigues will be successfully overcome without reaching open hostility.


Those Scorpios who are hindered by natural skepticism should wear topaz in a white frame. The stone will set a more optimistic mood, sharpen intuition and open your eyes to the clues of fate. Manipulators will not be able to control Scorpio.


Release from the burden of the past, from disturbing and obsessive thoughts. A Scorpio woman under the influence of a stone will become softer, more balanced, learn to yield, and be able to nip anger and negative emotions in the bud. It is sapphire that is the ideal stone for all Scorpio women.


Set in silver will give wisdom, harmony, peace, improve memory. The best frame metal is silver.


Promotes concentration of attention, purification of thoughts and intentions from negativity. With it, it is easy to acquire harmony in the soul and with the outside world. Pomegranate is perfect for businesswomen, as it contributes to successful negotiations and deals.


Ambiguous for Scorpions. It helps weakened, emotionally exhausted natures to relate to life easier, to become self-confident, cheerful person.

Contraindicated in hypertensive patients, girls on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Their condition from the ruby ​​may worsen. But the stone will further strengthen the full of strength, active Scorpios, so they can be overwhelmed by excessive passion and energy. The violent activity of those obsessed with some idea can be used for destructive purposes. To prevent this from happening, find a worthy use of energy, for example, creativity or charity.

For love


What are health stones?


Crimson red or scarlet will help cure migraine, sore throat, weakness. And brown or yellow is indicated for skin diseases.

It has unique properties: headaches and even migraines disappear with it, sleep becomes better, diseases of the throat and lungs are cured more easily and quickly.


Helps maintain youth.


Ideal for Scorpions. Facilitates and helps in the treatment of many diseases of the cardiovascular system, joints, diabetes, allergies, insomnia, skin diseases.

Precious and semi-precious: which one to choose?

Among the minerals suitable for Scorpio women, there are precious and semi-precious stones.


  • Alexandrite;
  • Sapphire;
  • Topaz;


  • Aquamarine;
  • Pomegranate;


  • cat's eye;

The classification itself indicates only the rarity of the stone (the rarer it occurs in nature, the more expensive it is), but not their properties. Therefore, it is worth choosing minerals not so much for the price as for the soul.

Choose by name

You can enhance the properties of the mineral if you select stones by name:

  1. Topaz: Ada, Amalia, Diana, Xenia, Regina, Lina, Stella, Nelly, Taisia.
  2. Sapphire: Tamara, Yvette, Lyudmila, Rosa.
  3. Love, Larissa.
  4. Anna, Daria
  5. Elizabeth, Lily, Tamara, Yana.
  6. Coral: Victoria, Irina, Svetlana, Nonna.
  7. Ruby: Alla, Anna, Vera, Barbara, Valeria, Eva, Maya, Rita.
  8. cat eye: Elena, Victoria, Margarita, Rimma, Zoya, Tamara, Tatyana, Yana.
  9. Pomegranate: Alexandra, Vasilisa, Valeria, Zinaida, Lyudmila, Maria, Taisiya, Tamara.

Talismans and amulets


  1. Alexandrite- a stone that, by changing color, warns its owner of danger. When choosing such a talisman for yourself, hold it in your hands before buying. "Your" stone will respond with special warmth. He gives his mistress an extraordinary calmness, relieving internal torment.
  2. Cat (tiger) eye- a talisman for strong, self-confident, purposeful individuals. Namely, most of the Scorpios are like that. They should wear a cat's eye to protect against and damage. Also, this stone will serve as a talisman against robbery, betrayal and theft.
  3. Aquamarine will become a strong amulet, its properties are enhanced in high-quality cutting and in a good frame of platinum, gold or silver.

The woman herself should choose stones or jewelry with them. You can also accept them as a gift if the donor is a loved one or you are sure that you are giving from the bottom of your heart.

Be afraid of such gifts from ill-wishers, it is better to refuse the present.

Be wary of the find: the found stone can become your talisman, protect, or it can bring trouble.

Listen to your feelings, if you feel depressed, aggressive, disgusted, no matter how beautiful the jewelry or mineral, get rid of it.

The amulet does not have to be in front of everyone. It will still help, even if kept in your pocket.

The most valuable and strong are those stones that are inherited. Stolen stones will bring trouble.

What stones should be avoided?


Minerals of yellow and orange colors are not suitable for scorpions. , pearls, agate, emerald, diamond are contraindicated for them.

Pearls are able to greatly calm Scorpio, suppress his energy and even talent! And without passions, shake-ups, adventures, the Scorpio girl will very quickly get bored and depressed. Therefore, pearls are not the best choice for the impulsive representative of this sign.

Agate and amber will deprive Scorpio of perseverance, determination and the will to win. Minerals deplete emotionally and energetically, and a woman will not receive nourishment from them. These stones should be avoided.

The recommendations of astrominerologists are just tips for those who want to choose a stone according to the horoscope. Of all the minerals listed, the stone that will be to your liking will become a talisman and talisman, it will attract the eye and will respond with warmth in the hands upon purchase.

Positive emotions when choosing is a sure clue. Listen to your intuition! Sensual, emotional Scorpios can have several different minerals in their arsenal. They will help under different circumstances, in different situations. The main thing is to believe in their strength.

Under the influence of the planet Mars, people born under the sign of Scorpio have a strong-willed and purposeful character. The article lists the stones recommended for this sign. Find your talisman!

In the photo: gems from the Gem Lovers collection

If you are wondering which stone suits the Scorpio zodiac sign, this article is for you. We have collected many sources with auspicious stones for people born in different zodiac seasons, analyzed the information and prepared recommendations: talismans and suitable gems according to the horoscope.

Alexandrite for Scorpio

In the photo: alexandrite - the talisman of Scorpio

The royal gem alexandrite is a recognized talisman for people born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio. It was first discovered in the Urals in 1834 and named after the then Tsarevich Alexander II, who celebrated his coming of age that year. This gem is so rare and expensive that finding natural alexandrite of high jewelry quality is a great success.

Alexandrite, in fact, is a variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. A distinctive feature of this gem is the effect of color change - the ability to change color depending on the type of lighting: from bluish and greenish in daylight to purple-red in artificial light. In the East, it is accepted that alexandrite brings good luck, longevity and prosperity, balances the emotional and rational components.

Apatite for Scorpio

In the photo: apatite - the talisman of Scorpio

In nature, the mineral apatite is extremely rare in gem-quality crystals. Its name comes from the Greek "apathao", which means "I deceive". The fact is that the color palette of apatite is very diverse: yellowish, brownish, less often blue and green. In addition, in cutting apatite is similar to beryls, tourmalines, chrysolite and other gems. There is even a variety of jewelry apatite, reminiscent of Paraiba tourmaline in color!

It is generally accepted that bluish and greenish apatites have a calming effect on a person; it is not for nothing that it is called "a stone that brings peace." Apatite is considered a suitable stone for temperamental and strong-willed Scorpios, both men and women.

Ruby and Garnet for Scorpio

In the photo: hessonite garnet

Those born under the sign of Scorpio are ruled by the planet Mars. Mars is a symbol of vigor, action, strength and determination. Perhaps that is why the stones of Mars are blood-red rubies and garnets. Until the 18th century, these stones, along with red overcoats, were known under the word "lal".

Rubies are credited with numerous healing properties and associated with, including being associated with love and passion. Ruby - the stone of Scorpio - inspires and inspires, kindles deep feelings. Red garnets include varieties of pyrope, rhodolite and almandine.

Beryl for Scorpio

In the photo: beryls of different colors

Beryl is considered a reliable talisman for those born under the sign of Scorpio. The color variety of beryls is great: from colorless goshenite to rich emerald, this gem has a high hardness and is beautifully cut. For scorpions, some authors consider the most suitable varieties of beryl of calm colors: blue and greenish aquamarine and pinkish morganite, as well as noble green beryl, cooling the passionate and ardent nature of Scorpio. Emeralds are more suitable for stubborn and headstrong Scorpios, who are able to take risks.

Opal for Scorpio

In the photo: opal for Scorpions

Despite the fact that in traditional sources, noble opal does not appear in the lists of favorable stones for this zodiac sign, as well as among those not recommended, we found a mention of opal for Scorpios. With one single condition: the owner of this sign must be a person, a strong spirit, a passionate nature, ready to take risks and go to the end in achieving his plans and really capable of moving mountains. Opal should be bright, cast green, red, blue.

Kunzite for Scorpio

In the photo: kunzite

Among the recommended auspicious stones for Scorpions is kunzite, a type of spodumene mineral. Among astrology lovers, there is an opinion that kunzite has the ability to harmonize the state of mind, reduce stress and resist depressive moods. Pink spodumene is considered the stone of romantics: pastel pink and lilac are the color of tenderness and elegance. The pink hue in kunzite makes this gem look like a pink diamond.

Topaz for Scorpio

In the photo: topaz for Scorpio

The traditional protective amulet for Scorpio is yellow topaz. It is believed that this stone brings happiness in family life and love to this zodiac sign, protects from dangers and losses. Topaz imperial gives rise to notes of optimism and attracts good luck and joy in the gray everyday life of its owner. In addition, topaz is a stone of fidelity and decency. A man wearing topaz becomes wiser and more reasonable. Yellow topaz is mined in Brazil and some other countries.

In any case, topaz, regardless of color, is an auspicious stone for those born under the sign of Scorpio.

Amethyst for Scorpio

In the photo: amethyst for the sign Scorpio

Amethyst is recognized as a reliable talisman for Scorpions according to the horoscope. Amethyst gives prudence and protects fanatical Scorpions from rash acts. In all cultures, amethyst was highly valued as a gem that reveals the best qualities in a person. In ancient Egypt, it symbolized happiness and prosperity, in Europe, amethyst was used to express sincerity, and in the Indian tradition - kindness and good relations. In addition to positive properties, amethyst helps to awaken the power of the subconscious, or, as they say, to open the "third eye". To do this, it is suggested to meditate with amethyst or even just keep the stone under the pillow while sleeping.

tourmaline for scorpio

In the photo: verdelite - a variety of tourmaline

It is generally accepted that tourmaline is great for people born under the sign of Scorpio. Among the many varieties of jewelry stones tourmaline, according to legend, is one of the most powerful amulets and healing gem. Beliefs say that green tourmaline (verdelite) helps the owner cope with stressful situations and fatigue, as well as recover, and pink tourmaline (rubellite) brings inspiration and a burst of creative energy to artists and architects. In addition, tourmalines are credited with rejuvenating abilities.

If you are thinking about choosing a talisman, remember the main rule: you must like the gem. And even if it is not on the list of suitable stones, listen to your inner voice! You can choose suitable gemstones for Scorpio in our catalog:

Babylonian horoscope of stones - Babylonian zodiac sign Scorpio (24.10-22.11) -->engl
Stones that suit Scorpio - seasons, minerals on Earth

Zodiacs of stones. Babylonian type horoscope, strictly tied to the seasons, climatic seasons and stones and minerals on Earth. The time of strong doors, locks and walls is the protection and protection of previously collected especially valuable and rare stones and minerals, the protection and formation of collections of ornamental stones and minerals in chests. The Secret of Hidden Treasures. A poisonous scorpion is a guardian symbol of treasures of valuable and expensive stones and products made from them in dark and gloomy closed rooms. The last month of autumn, the end of October-November - the time of twilight and Scorpio. The element of water, which is the least expressed in this sign. Its master is gloomy Pluto and red Mars. When the goddesses Artemis and Latona created Scorpio, it was he who, becoming a constellation, frightened the horses of the solar chariot when Phaethon controlled them, which is why he died. In Scorpio, two extremes coexist at the same time, so dangerous black, red, blue and saturated lilac stones are best suited to Scorpio. Scorpio does not tolerate delicate and light colors, especially yellow and golden green, since in nature the season of these colors is over. Scorpio has sufficient potency of his own to control his energies, having blue, red and black shimmering stones at his disposal, which will never harm him and are good in the twilight with their mysterious brilliance. But we must not forget about the support of the elements of Water. Scorpio is recommended to have at least 4-6 (preferably 6-8) different stones suitable for Scorpio, among them there should be stones of different colors - to choose from.

Hematite +++
black, dark grey, mother-of-pearl
inclusions of black tourmaline
red, pink, white
blue, black moon
black noble
thick red corundum (or synthetics !!)
blue, gray, cold
purple-red garnet
blue, green, white
black chalcedony
fiery, half fire
blood red garnet
blue, lilac corundum
blue, colorless
colorless cut diamond
lilac quartz
deep red, brown chalcedony
dark blue, sky blue
green with patterns
black, dark brown
+ green serpentine +
crystalline quartz
red, brown, black (not yellow!!)
stone color,
Category Autumn Type
Agateblue, gray, coldsemi-dr. ++ yin
Agatesemi-dr. ~ harm.
Aquamarineblue beryldrag. ~~ harm.
Diamondcolorless diamond (embodied Fire)drag. + yang
Diamonddrag. ~~~ harm.
Almandinepurple-red garnetsemi-dr. ++ harm.
Amazonitegreen lunar (moon)divided. ~ yin
Amethystlilac quartz (Air)drag. + yin
Berylsemi-dr. ~~ yin
Turquoiseblue, green, whitedrag. ++ harm.
Heliodorgolden beryl (Sun)drag. ~~ harm.
Hematiteblack, steel metallic sheendivided. +++ yin
PearlWhite yellowdrag. ~ yin
Pearldrag. +++ yin
Emeralddeep green beryldrag. ~~ yin
carneliandeep red chalcedonysemi-dr. + yang
hairy quartzinclusions of golden rutile, black tourmalinesemi-dr. +++ yang
coralsred, pink, whitedrag. +++ yang
Labradorblue, black moonsemi-dr. +++ yin
Lapis lazulidark blue, sky bluedrag. + harm.
Moon rockdrag. ~ yin
Malachitegreen with patternsdrag. + harm.
Nephrite Jadeitedrag. ~ yin
stone color,
Category Autumn Type
Obsidianblack, dark browndivided. + yin
onyx arabicdivided. ~ yang
Onyxblack chalcedonysemi-dr. ++ yin
Opalmilky white, cacholongdrag. ~~~ yin
Opalfiery, half firedrag. ++ yang
Opalblack nobledrag. +++ yang
Pyritegolden yellow, shinydivided. ~ yang
pyropeblood red garnetdrag. ++ yang
Rhodonitepink, black inclusionsdivided. ~ harm.
Rubydeep red corundumdrag. +++ yang
Sapphireblue, lilac corundumdrag. ++ yin
Sapphiredrag. ~ harm.
Cornelianyellow orangesemi-dr. ~~ harm.
Serpentinegreen serpentinedivided. + yin
Topazblue, colorlessdrag. ++ harm.
Topazyellow, wine, pinkdrag. ~~ harm.
Uvarovitebright green brushdrag. ~ yang
Chalcedonygrayish, yellowishdivided. ~ harm.
Chrysolitegolden green pomegranatedrag. ~ harm.
Chrysoprasegreen chalcedonydrag. ~ yin
Mountain crystalcrystalline quartz, colorless, transparentsemi-dr. + harm.
Citrineyellow, honey quartzdrag. ~~ yang
Epidotedark green, black pushkinitedivided. + harm.
Jaspergreen, heliotropedivided. ~ harm.
Jasperred, yellow, browndivided. + yang
Ambergold, yellow, whitedrag. ~~ yang

Here are the conventions used in the tables of stones:

drag.- a precious stone, often used in cutting as inserts in jewelry;
semi-dr.- semi-precious stone, used for making beads, bracelets, jewelry;
divided.- jewelry and ornamental stone, used in jewelry and for making souvenirs;

+++ - the stone is emotionally recommended; ++ - the stone is emotionally desirable; + - the stone is emotionally positive-harmonious;
~~~ - a stone can harm (emotionally); ~~ - not recommended (emotionally); ~ - neutral (neither help nor harm);

harm.- the stone is harmonizing (neutral), does not have a pronounced beginning of yin or yang ("golden mean"); maximally devoid of side effects;
yang- an active masculine, explosive and creative principle is expressed; enhances all the active qualities of the owner and helps with active movement forward to new achievements;
yin- the feminine and protective, pacifying and calming beginning is pronounced; the stone protects and protects the owner, helps to firmly gain a foothold and establish itself on what has already been achieved.

Character traits, temperament and inclinations born under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio

Scorpio is a powerful sign of love and death, strongly influencing others. The sign of Water is feminine, constant, frantic, nocturnal, silent, quirky, prolific. Motto: "Song of love on the battlefield." Ruled by Mars, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the outermost of the planets. The water of Scorpio is "stagnant", as opposed to the water of Pisces ("ocean"), Cancer ("spring"). Scorpio has a bad reputation. Volatile or permanent, Scorpio has great resistance and how the Phoenix can resurrect.

Scorpio is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. This type lives in full force with the alternation of successes with failures. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion. Scorpio is defined by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly. Scorpio carries strong passions, dormant, but not dying. This character does not change. Satisfied with himself, despite external changes. He knows what he wants. The essence of his nature is determination. The taste for life is tireless. Rebellious under any coercion, defiant to the point of anarchism, if contradicted. An individualist who despises public opinion and customs. Born under an inharmonious sky. His decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, he knows how to defend himself thanks to his strong will and perseverance, but he is afraid to attack himself.

Scorpio is a sensual nature, prone to excesses, including in love. Scorpio seems to be made for her. He strives for it with all his being. The Scorpio man is not inclined to show his feelings in public. In public, he is rude, inattentive and even cruel, in private he confesses his true attitude. He is very suspicious and jealous. The Scorpio woman is partly a witch. With a sixth sense, she recognizes her future chosen one at first sight. He will have no choice but to submit to her witchcraft charms. The Scorpio woman is an unusually passionate person. Scorpio does not allow defeat. He knows the value of his charm.

Scorpio's health is entirely in his power. He can both destroy himself with sorrowful and malicious thoughts and neglect of danger, and heal himself by gathering together a strong will. The vitality of Scorpio, bestowed upon him from birth, is enormous. Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they do, the disease is severe. The life energy of Scorpions is very high. Scorpio has an excellent balance of mind and emotions.

Babylonian horoscope of stones - stones according to the sign of the Zodiac
Stones and seasons - spring, summer, autumn, winter

Stone- Babylonian horoscopeStone color Type Kate-
Aries Taurus Near-
Cancer a lion Virgo Scales Speed
Spring Summer Autumn Winter Spring
21.03- 20.04 21.04- 21.05 22.05- 21.06 22.06- 22.07 23.07- 23.08 24.08- 23.09 24.09- 23.10 24.10- 22.11 23.11- 21.12 22.12- 20.01 21.01- 19.02 20.02- 20.03
Agateblue, gray, coldyin semi-dr. ~ +++ + ~ ~ ~ + ++ + ++ +++ ++
Agatered, orange, yellow, warm colorsharm. semi-dr. +++ + ++ ~~ ++ +++ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Aquamarineblue berylharm. drag. ~~ + ~~~ +++ ~ ~ + ~~ ~ ~ ~ +++
Diamondcolorless diamond (embodied Fire)yang drag. +++ ++ + + + + ++ + + + ++ +
Diamondyellow, brown (Sun in Air signs)harm. drag. ~ ~~ +++ ~~ +++ ++ + ~~~ ~ ~~ + ~~
Almandinepurple-red garnetharm. semi-dr. + ~ ++ ~ ~ ~ + ++ +++ ~ ~ ~
Amazonitegreen lunar (moon)yin divided. ++ +++ ++ ++ ~ ++ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ++ ++
Amethystlilac quartz (Air)yin drag. + ~~ +++ ~ ~~ + +++ + ++ ~ +++ ~~
Berylpale green, white, bottle greenyin semi-dr. ~~ ~ + +++ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ++ +++
Turquoiseblue, green, whiteharm. drag. +++ ++ + ~ + + ~ ++ +++ ~ + ~
Heliodorgolden beryl (Sun)harm. drag. + ~ ++ + +++ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ++ +
Hematiteblack, steel metallic sheenyin divided. + ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ + +++ ++ +++ + +
PearlWhite yellowyin drag. ~ + ++ +++ ~ ~ + ~ + ~~ +++ +++
Pearlblack, grey, mother-of-pearl haliotisyin drag. ~~~ + ~~ + ~~ ~~~ + +++ + +++ ++ +
Emeralddeep green berylyin drag. + ++ ++ +++ ++ + ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ + +++
carneliandeep red chalcedonyyang semi-dr. +++ + ~ ~~ ++ + ~ + ~ ~ ~~ ~~~
hairy quartzinclusions of golden rutile, black tourmalineyang semi-dr. +++ ++ + ~~ +++ ~ + +++ +++ ++ ~~ ~~~
coralsred, pink, whiteyang drag. +++ + ++ + ++ +++ + +++ +++ + ++ +++
Labradorblue, black moonyin semi-dr. ~~~ + ~ + ~~~ ~~~ ++ +++ + +++ + +
Lapis lazulidark blue, sky blueharm. drag. +++ +++ + ++ + ++ + + +++ ++ +++ ++
Moon rockmilky white, transparent moon with iridescenceyin drag. + ++ ~ +++ ~~ + ~ ~ ~ ~ ++ +++
Malachitegreen with patternsharm. drag. + ++ + ++ +++ ++ + + + +++ + +
Nephrite Jadeitegreen, pale green, white, blueyin drag. ~ + + +++ + + ~ ~ ~ ~ +++ +++
Stone Stone color Type Kate-
Aries Taurus Near-
Cancer a lion Virgo Scales Speed
Obsidianblack, dark brownyin divided. ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ + ~~~ + + +++ ++ +++ ~
onyx arabicblack and white, brown and cream bright stripesyang divided. +++ ++ ~~~ ~~ ++ ~ ~~ ~ ~ +++ ~~ ~~
Onyxblack chalcedonyyin semi-dr. ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ + ++ + ++ + ~~
Opalmilky white, cacholongyin drag. + +++ ~~ + ~ +++ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ++ +++
Opalfiery, half fireyang drag. +++ + + + +++ ++ + ++ ++ ++ + +
Opalblack nobleyang drag. ~~~ ~ ~~ ++ ~~ ~~~ ~ +++ ~~~ ~ ++ ++
Pyritegolden yellow, shinyyang divided. ++ ~~ +++ ~~ ++ + ~ ~ + ~ + ~~~
pyropeblood red garnetyang drag. ++ ~~ ~ ~~~ ++ ~~ + ++ +++ ++ ~~ ~~~
Rhodonitepink, black inclusionsharm. divided. + ~ + ~ ~ ++ + ~ + ~ + ~
Rubydeep red corundumyang drag. +++ ~ + ~~ ++ ++ + +++ +++ ++ ~ ~~
Sapphireblue, lilac corundumyin drag. ~ +++ ~ ++ ~ + ~ ++ ++ ~~ +++ ++
Sapphireyellow, orange, pink, colorlessharm. drag. ++ ~ +++ ~ +++ + ++ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Cornelianyellow orangeharm. semi-dr. ++ +++ ++ ~ +++ ++ + ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Serpentinegreen serpentineyin divided. ~ ~~ ~~ ++ ~ ~ ~ + ~ +++ ~ ~
Topazblue, colorlessharm. drag. ~~ + ~ + ~ ~ + ++ ~ ~~ +++ +++
Topazyellow, wine, pinkharm. drag. ~ ~ + ++ + ~ + ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~~
Uvarovitebright green brushyang drag. ++ + ++ +++ ~ ++ ~ ~ + +++ + ++

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Onyx and astrology

The onyx gem has long been familiar to man, in particular its impact and influence on the signs of the zodiac. Mostly it was considered a neutral stone that helps in business, improves health and calms the psyche. However, if you understand who the onyx stone suits according to the zodiac sign, you can get good support in everyday affairs.

For example, completely black onyx () is considered a very strong stone. Its reckless use can cause harm to a person. While milky and yellow colors can serve as amulets for all people. It is very difficult to choose a stone by color, since you need to take into account many individual characteristics, it is easier, of course, to choose a gem by zodiac sign or date of birth.

According to one of the Greek legends, the mineral is considered to be a fragment of the nail of the goddess Aphrodite. When the god of love Eros was still very young, he was very restless and played with bow and arrows every now and then. When the beautiful goddess of beauty Aphrodite was sleeping, Eros himself, without noticing it, accidentally knocked down the nails on his mother's hands with a fired arrow. When the almighty gods of Olympus found out about the pranks of little Eros, they collected Aphrodite's nails to let them disappear without a trace in the ground, turned them into stone.

The legend about the origin of onyx

Layered - a special form of agate in which parallel layers are clearly visible. These layers may vary in color and thickness. There are samples in which it is very difficult to see these same layers without special devices, there can be hundreds of them in one millimeter. The colors of the gem layers also differ depending on the inclusions of chemical elements.

There is another legend that says that the temple of the wisest king Solomon was decorated with red onyx (it was probably carnelian or carnelian). The throne room, where he administered justice and received visitors, had no windows at all, and its walls were entirely of onyx. Due to the optical properties of the mineral, the room was not dark, the light was evenly scattered and gave a pleasant honey-red hue.

Items with special power

Although the mineral is difficult to process, they still learned how to do it many centuries ago. Both small onyx inserts and large cabochons with relief carvings, which were so loved in Greece, have survived to our time.

As mentioned above, the temple and throne room of the palace and Jerusalem were decorated with this gem. And since those ancient times, onyx interior items have been decorating houses in the upper classes of the nobility. Today, in the age of industrial progress, kitchen utensils (most often bowls, wine glasses) selected individually, according to the sign of the zodiac, are available to almost everyone.

What is remarkable is that onyx is almost never faked or imitated, since there are many deposits, and the reserves seem to be inexhaustible. However, there are craftsmen who tint the gem to give it a more saturated color or enhance the contrast of alternating bands, this increases the cost of the stone. However, tinted minerals return to their original color over time.

Onyx stone for Aries

Onyx stone is considered a strong life amulet. According to astrologers, this is the optimal mineral for the sign Aries. The stone will help the representatives of this sign to concentrate all their forces on achieving their goals, thanks to which the boiling energy in such people will be directed in the right direction. If Aries wears white onyx, then:

  • He will become calm and peaceful;
  • Can manage their emotions;
  • It will be protected from the evil eye and damage.

In addition, the gem will make its owner think, remembering the experience of the past, and will also create powerful invisible protection around him from various hostility.

Onyx stone for Taurus

Onyx is a lucky stone for Taurus born May 2-11. This mineral is suitable for those representatives of the sign who dream of a career in politics. Gem of yellow and brown colors for Taurus:

  • Helps to attract good luck;
  • Directs to victory in any business;
  • Strengthens the will;
  • Helps to defend interests, beliefs, and gain authority so that others respect the opinion of Taurus and unconditionally trust him;
  • Develops intuition, ingenuity, suggesting how to unravel the opponent's intentions.

For vulnerable and sensual natures, the mineral will become a kind of amulet against various experiences and anxieties.

Onyx stone for Gemini

A simple onyx stone is best suited for twins born between June 1st and 10th. Due to the fact that people born under the Gemini sign are very superficial and frivolous, jewelry with striped onyx will help them focus and concentrate on business. The mineral should not be cloudy and dark. On the stone must be necessarily with straight stripes. He is able to develop in the twins fortitude, stamina and leadership qualities, to develop the fighting spirit of the twins. Gemini women are the brightest representatives of contradictions and frivolity; onyx will help them focus on the main thing and not waste yourself on trifles.

Onyx stone for Cancer

Black onyx is suitable for people born under the sign of Cancer. With him, Cancers will become much more decisive, more self-confident, more persistent. The stone will add strength to Cancers, because it is the stone of winners. People with such a talisman are able to cope with their negative emotions and fears much better. Onyx is able to cure diseases, you just need to attach a stone to a diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. The stone is an excellent amulet against damage and the evil eye. Cancer with onyx jewelry is able to gain self-respect, concentrate on business and success. Onyx jewelry protects elderly Cancers from loneliness and longing.

Onyx stone for Leo

Red onyx is ideal for those born under the sign of Leo. A beautiful stone suitable for both men and women. This mineral is a symbol of leadership. It allows you to achieve your goals, realize yourself in business and other areas of life. Wearing an item with onyx, Leo feels:

  • Confidence;
  • Determination;
  • Inflexibility.

Immediately disappears softness and indecision, which is typical for many Lions. With the help of black onyx, representatives of this sign will not only achieve success in work, but will also find love. After all, all women adore strong-willed, successful men who are able to achieve what they want, and guys are crazy about purposeful girls.

Onyx Stone for Virgo

Onyx is suitable for representatives of the Virgo sign. Beautiful stone, harmoniously looks in any decoration. The magic of a mountain mineral has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of overly pedantic and responsible people born under this sign. Thanks to onyx, Virgo will feel:

  • calm;
  • cheerfulness;
  • Confidence.

The mineral helps to reduce fatigue. A woman with onyx jewelry will become an excellent, caring hostess, create harmony and understanding in the family. The Virgo man will be a reliable support for his beloved, support her in all endeavors. Share peace and confidence.

Onyx stone for Libra

Libra - have strong feelings and in most cases, they lack common sense, as emotions take over common sense and allow them to make decisions that do not meet the requirements. The use of the onyx mineral helps to improve the ability to think logically and make decisions that contribute to the improvement of both physical condition and the correctness of each action. Being born under the Libra zodiac sign, a person has a number of advantages that other signs dream of getting:

  • Quick decision making;
  • Influence on others;
  • No prolonged depression.

Onyx stone for Scorpio

Born under the star of Scorpio, a person already has a strong character and is able to overcome great difficulties. The onyx stone only improves and groups his forces, allowing him to optimally perform the work planned in advance. In most cases, there are no unattainable goals for Scorpio, and he stubbornly achieves them, but onyx gives additional qualities for love for others and successful communication. Having great ambitions and a constant desire for their goal, it is important for a person with the sign of Scorpio not only to pay attention to their interests, but also to listen to the opinions of loved ones.

  • The advantage of using onyx stone:
  • Concentration;
  • Successful communication with others;
  • The influx of energy;
  • Kindness.

Onyx stone for Sagittarius

Onyx - a stone known for its magical, mystical properties, is considered one of the twelve biblical stones. Its characteristic feature is the ability to accumulate energy in itself. That is why it adds strength, helps to overcome fears and indecision, protects from external negative influences. For the fire sign of Sagittarius, yellow onyx is most suitable. The effect of onyx on Sagittarius:

  • Protects against stress, depression, melancholy;
  • Neutralizes a quick temper;
  • Acts as a talisman against envious people;
  • Enhances leadership qualities.

Onyx stone for Capricorn

Onyx is the "stone of leaders" and suits well for Capricorns ruled by Saturn. This stone helps Capricorn women to gain power over a man and dominate family life, and for men to overcome obstacles on the way to career goals, endowing them with oratorical eloquence and prudence. The effect that onyx has on Capricorn:

  • Strengthens memory;
  • Increases intellectual potential;
  • Protects against accidents and sudden death;
  • Helps to penetrate the thoughts of opponents;
  • Extinguishes outbreaks of aggression;
  • Protects against cardiovascular diseases.

Onyx stone for Aquarius

Onyx is a chalcedonic variety of quartz. Differs in plane-parallel multi-colored variants of interlayers. This gem is suitable for zodiac signs of leaders. Each owner of onyx will receive incredible strength and power over people, heightened perception, self-confidence and the ability to concentrate on goals.

  • Cannot control his emotions;
  • Wasting his energy;
  • Experiencing fear and self-doubt;
  • Susceptible to negative influence.

Onyx Stone for Pisces

Onyx is a semi-precious stone that has the ability to accumulate negative energy in itself. It is found in various shades, each of which can favor different signs of the zodiac. However, it does not fit the sign of Pisces.

Pisces are not very friendly with onyx stone, because their creative nature cannot feel the effect of this mineral. Wearing it is simply useless, although it will not bring harm to its owner. The following types of stones are best for Pisces:

  • Amethyst;
  • Aventurine;
  • Pearl;
  • Moon rock.

They will relieve them of a bad mood, help them make the right choice, remove anxiety.

What zodiac sign suits onyx jewelry

The wonderful mineral onyx is a semi-precious stone. It was used in alchemical experiments and magical rituals of the Middle Ages, especially black Arabic onyx. In almost all countries, it was considered a stone of witches and dark forces. This is due to the amazing ability of onyx to accumulate negative energy in itself. Depending on the hue, onyx can favor various signs and planets, but is not particularly favored by water signs.

Most of all, onyx suits Cancers. Inert and indecisive Cancer, onyx gives self-confidence and a commitment to achieving a clear goal. The water sign Crayfish is characterized by soft marine shades, in this regard, bluish onyx is suitable for it. Also, this stone is able to protect the impressionable representatives of this sign from the adverse effects of others.

Twins onyx of warm and bright shades - sardonyx, can charge with strength, give their windy and contradictory nature a powerful charge of positive energy. Helps to reveal leadership qualities in Gemini predisposed to this.

Black onyx suits Leo well. As it is a stone of natural leaders, it enhances the corresponding ability of Leos to attract the love of others, to be decisive and adamant.

Black onyx is also suitable for scorpions. For them, he will become a reliable assistant in the fight against melancholy and apathy. It will bring prosperity to the family life of Scorpios and protect them from all troubles.

Like other air signs, onyx has a beneficial effect on Aquarius. Especially for people born under the sign of Mercury in early February. Onyx also inspires Aquarius with determination to overcome difficulties and strengthens the desire to achieve their goals, because Aquarius is prone to sudden hobbies, which is the result of Uranus in his sign. As an air sign, cold onyx suits him. For an Aquarius woman, onyx is able to provide answers to questions that relate to making clear and thoughtful decisions.

Onyx acts extremely favorably on Taurus, neutralizing the tendency to use alcohol and tobacco. Taurus is an earth sign, so stones of warm shades are suitable for him. Also, the stone helps Taurus to relax and become more sociable. Insecure people - onyx is strictly contraindicated, since the stone will bring only misfortune.

Aries will also benefit from wearing onyx jewelry. After all, according to the horoscope, these are energetic and business people whom this stone will be able to protect from malevolent influence. Also for Aries, the mineral is able to increase awareness, improve creativity and increase intelligence.

Onyx with a blue tint is well suited for Libra. The properties of the stone harmonize with the balance of Libra, adding to them a sense of stability and confidence in the future.

In Virgo, the stone will help relieve stress and headaches after a hard and busy day. In general, onyx calms and restores the strength of hardworking and pedantic Virgos.

Sagittarius, born under the sign of the Moon, especially shown onyx. It perfectly balances their natural variability. In general, black onyx improves the energy of Sagittarius, serving as a lightning rod for negativity and envy.

The planet Saturn equally nourishes Capricorn and Onyx with forces that help to overcome the enemy and guarantee success in any business for this sign. Jewelry with onyx will be a good adviser for Capricorn women in their difficult moments of life.

Onyx does not suit Pisces soaring in their fantasies. Since the temperament and ways of realizing creative Pisces are not in tune with the action of this mineral.

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