Dangerous ritual. Kiss of a dead man in a dream


This dream has 2 interpretations. On the one hand, the dream book writes information about what a kiss in a dream means with someone who is no longer alive, and it is quite another thing to kiss a dead person or someone who died before your eyes on the lips.

In the first case, you can not be afraid that outsiders will find out your secret, as well as intimate relationships that you are going to keep secret, in the second, expect changes in your personal life. That's what dreams of kissing a dead man in a dream most often.

Return of the past

Usually a person who kisses his husband, a loved one or just a man who has died, does not realize in a dream that the object is no longer there. Often relationships look the same as in life, and only then the dreamer begins to understand that there is no loved one among people. The dream interpretation describes several meanings of such a vision.

In the first case, it means that the memories of your husband, lover or boyfriend have not yet gone. Most likely, you continue to yearn for relationships in a dream, which then leads to such plots. Most often, such dreams come almost immediately after the loss and during the first six months after the funeral.

In them, a person finds an outlet for his emotions and in various ways tries to come to terms with the loss. The dream interpretation does not interpret such dreams, as this is simply a psychological defense that preserves health and frees the brain from unexperienced experiences. It will be much easier to accept the loss and departure of another person to another world after such a dream.

In the second case, if such a plot suddenly appears in a dream, the dream book writes that a piece of the past will soon return to your life. For example, a new man will somehow resemble a deceased spouse or friend, and the same can be said about a woman. If in a dream a deceased person with whom there was once a love relationship kisses you on the lips, then such a dream of the book is interpreted to various changes and the fact that a matter of the past, a person or a new lover will remind you of the deceased.

It is possible that the new man will have some of his qualities, character traits, or you will have to complete the old business related to the deceased husband. For men, a similar dream promises the same thing. If the deceased kisses you on the lips, then a new lover or girl will awaken memories of him, most often the brightest and most beautiful.

The dream book gives a third interpretation if the face of your lover is currently changing and you notice that you are kissing a long-dead person. The dream book interprets such a dream to troubles in relationships, often breaking or stopping at a certain stage, or, on the contrary, to constancy and marriage. Sometimes you will notice that with a real partner, the relationship will be the same as with the deceased husband, wife, or he will strongly resemble them.

If in a dream the dead man kisses not on the lips, but simply on the cheek, such a dream predicts success and the preservation of some secret. Often such a dream symbolizes the rebirth or improvement of relations with relatives and friends.

Kiss a dead person

Such a dream shows various changes in life, but not always favorable.

If the person who kisses suddenly died or lies in a coffin, then building some kind of relationship with him is useless. Most likely, after such a dream, he himself will talk about his plans for the future, not related to you, marry or the woman will experience great disappointment in him.

Kissing an unfamiliar dead person on the lips is a disease, sometimes very contagious and unpleasant. The dream interpretation writes that such a dream, especially if a person of the same gender and age as you, means a disgustingly dangerous skin disease, sometimes an incurable disease. Often kissing a dead person of a very unattractive appearance on the lips means a venereal disease or dull dissatisfaction with oneself.

Just kissing the whisk, as if saying goodbye to the deceased - to change. An important stage of your life will end, which can be very difficult and non-trivial. Such a dream can predict global changes and various fundamental changes in life.

Kissing a dead person is not only strange, but also at least "unhygienic", and sometimes illegal. However, when a manifestation of tenderness does not concern a real dead person, but only an image seen in a dream, the situation can be completely different.

If a kiss is “given” to the corpse of a loved one who recently went to another world, then such a dream may well mean that the sleeping person simply continues to yearn for the deceased. In a dream (whether he demonstrates it or not) a person dreams of bringing someone close to life.

Fortunately, black magic does not give people such an opportunity, and magical Indian cemeteries that can revive the dead exist only on the pages of Stephen King books.

At the same time, a kiss “given” in a dream by a loving dead man can have a positive interpretation. He, according to authoritative experts, is a symbol of good luck in entrepreneurial activity, as well as a sign of success in solving some commercial issues.

Before looking for an interpretation of the dream, which we managed to fix in memory in such detail, you need to concentrate on your emotions. As in the case of other visions, they are even more important than the "strange" images seen.

Of great importance are the emotions received in the "embrace of Morpheus." It is believed that without fear, kissing the cold lips of the deceased, the sleeper can count on a successful resolution of his problems. So it’s definitely not worth being scared of such dreams, like many other creepy ones at first glance. However, sometimes in the presence of a dead person it is difficult to maintain composure.

If the kiss of the deceased causes panic, uncontrollable horror or even hysteria, then such a dream, for all clear reasons, is usually considered unfavorable. It may well be a sign that difficult times are coming in the life of the sleeper. The compilers of dream books convince: a person can get sick or suddenly lose his livelihood.

If the dead man looks unhealthy, then the sleeper will soon face injustice. It is believed that dead people who appeared in a dream “with friends” portend an epidemic or a terrible catastrophe that will take many lives.

When a dead friend dreams, they usually expect changes. At the same time, he may try to warn the sleeping person about something.

If a dead man calls somewhere, then going with him means dooming yourself to a serious illness or depression. At the same time, seeing a corpse in a dream is a sign of long years of life, and a naked dead man is a sign of complete peace of mind for his soul.

Kissing the dead on the forehead (as is customary during farewell) is a kind of sign of separation from someone close, friends or acquaintances. True, it is often said that kisses with the dead dream of a change in the weather.

Sometimes, when you see a dead person in a dream, you don’t need to “invent” inevitable troubles for yourself or, on the contrary, wait for some problems to resolve themselves. A dead man in a dream may be the result of a horror movie seen the day before.

Whether or not to believe such predictions (good or bad), everyone decides for himself. One thing is clear: it is certainly not worth completely subordinating your own life to them. After all, no specialist in this field gives a 100% guarantee. In the end, there are many interpretations, and why dream of kissing a dead person - everyone can decide for himself.


Why dream of a dead man kissing?

Kissing a dead man in a dream is a sure sign of unrequited love. For a young woman, this dream means that in life there is a person in love with her, who practically means nothing to her. Maybe you should think about the presence of a lover in her life and reconsider her priorities?

If in a dream you kiss the deceased before the funeral, this may mean that in life all obligations and debts are fulfilled to the deceased, you can not be tormented by guilt for something not done for him or not said during his lifetime. The deceased kisses in a dream or, someone close to him kisses the deceased - large financial costs are coming or some significant losses are possible, not planned deprivation of any property or real estate.

In general, despite the terrifying mysticism of the theme of sleep, where the dead man kisses someone, it is quite favorable for businessmen, merchants and entrepreneurs. The dream you see portends good luck in transactions, significant financial income and the creation of new profitable business projects.

If, in reality, women, especially young ones, have some secrets, you need to try very hard not to see a dream where a dead man kisses them. Because what you see can mean unwanted publicity of the secret, entailing undesirable consequences and unpleasant events.

Also, a dream about a kiss of a dead person can be a reflection of recent sad events if a person has buried someone. It's like a final farewell to the deceased. It is worth reconciling with a heavy loss and remembering it only with a smile.

A dream where the dead man kisses or, conversely, the sleeping man kisses the dead man on the forehead - means small difficulties in life, with subsequent material changes not for the better. There may be a long difficult period in life.

Also, if you see a dream where an unfamiliar dead man kisses, you should think about the past, past close relationships - and stop feeling sad or yearning for them.

If bright and pleasant past life situations sit in your memory, a dream about a kiss with an unfamiliar dead person means the final denouement of all problem knots in life and the solution of difficult situations.

The dream is not so terrible and disturbing, it does not carry negative information if the sleeper has actually recently lost a loved one. This is a veiled longing and boredom from the loss of a loved one.

The dead man kisses in a dream - you should probably go to the grave or commemorate him in the church, just by lighting a candle. Do not worry, just once again visit his last refuge and clean up a little there.

The banal answer to the question is also relevant - why dream when a dead man kisses? The usual fluctuations and changes in the weather, seasonal transitions.

A kiss of a dead person in a dream may portend the onset of a long illness. But, if the sleeper kisses the deceased, whom he knew well during his lifetime, this means healthy longevity and good luck in all matters.

But, if suddenly the sleeping man kisses the deceased, whom he knew well during his lifetime, this means healthy longevity and good luck in all matters. It is also an indicator of his worthy behavior and making the right decisions in life issues and situations.

There is no need to take a dream about a dead man's kiss with great anxiety - you can invite troubles or difficulties on yourself. If, on the contrary, you perceive what you see calmly, with a smile and adequately, there will be problems in any case, but with an excellent outcome.


Dream Interpretation Kiss on the lips, why dream Kiss on the lips in a dream to see

Modern dream book If you dream of Kiss on the lips:

Solves the dream book: A kiss on the lips - basically such a dream has a negative interpretation and it doesn’t matter who exactly is the initiator. In reality, you will encounter deception from friends, their hypocrisy, betrayal, deceit. Such dreams can warn of hostility or misunderstanding between people. For example, you kiss on the lips with a boss, colleague, business partner - soon your relationship will become complicated, not everything will necessarily end in a quarrel, but hidden hostility will remain.

Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with a relative predicts the loss of trust, mutual respect, squabbles. Kissing with a regular partner is an empty dream that throws up images from your memories, but a kiss with a stranger speaks of a situation that will bring a lot of anxiety and negative emotions.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream of a Kiss on the lips in a dream:

Kiss on the lips with relatives? You have good and interesting friends with whom you have fun in your free time. A kiss with enemies indicates the need to forget old grievances and build relationships with old acquaintances. Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips of a married couple is interpreted as maintaining harmony, fidelity and devotion. You kiss with a person of the same sex as you - expect a loud scandal, a hostile situation.

Dream Interpretation A kiss with a dead person portends a serious illness that is difficult to treat. Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with a friend indicates troubles, problems that will arise due to the fault of your partner from sleep. Your lover kissed you - soon you will quarrel or even part.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why dream Kiss on the lips: "French", deep - in reality you will get sick, but the disease will soon recede, a protracted, long, passionate hickey indicates parting with your loved one. We felt pain in the mouth during the kiss - soon get rid of painful thoughts, life will change for the better.

Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with a spouse warns you against rash acts, as a result of which you may lose his respect. Kissing with an unfamiliar woman - in the near future you can commit shameless and immoral acts.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea Kiss on the lips according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Why dream of a Kiss on the lips with a dead man - to a serious illness or to death. Kissing in a dream with a celebrity - to a sharp increase in trust and respect for you from colleagues and friends.


Dream Interpretation Dead Man, why dream of the Dead Man in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of the Dead Man from the dream book:

Seeing a dead man alive in a dream and dreaming of talking - such a dream warns you of the troubles that will arise on your life path. What was discussed in a conversation with the deceased? This dream will give you the answer to the question from which area to expect problems.

Why dream of a dead man alive and talking to him in a dream - a new period will begin in your life. You can quit your job or break off relationships that have weighed on you, in any case, changes await you.

A revived dead man - a long and eventful life awaits you.

Why is the revived dead man dreaming of visiting you - if the revived dead man is in your house and he is one of your friends - then you just yearn for this person in real life.

Why dream that the deceased gives money or something else - this person, if this is your friend, wants you to repeat his fate. If he gives you some advice, you should remember them and listen to them.

The deceased gives gifts in a dream - the interpretation of sleep depends on the thing that you received from him as a gift.

Dead relatives dream of being alive, calling with them - to illness, possibly death. Go after the dead, kiss them, hug them - the same thing.

Why do the dead relatives dream alive in a dream - these people want to support you, you may start to succeed. You will receive spiritual help and support. However, it is possible that you simply yearn for these people, therefore you see them alive in a dream and talk to them.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why the Dead man dreams:

Interpretation of sleep by a dream book:

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: Dead man what does it mean

To see a dead man in a dream - This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show discontent, does not make claims, then the dream is a dream for a change in the weather. To dream that people condemn the one who lies in the coffin is in trouble; prepare for a conflict with superiors; to quarrel with neighbors or strangers. Seeing in a dream a person who has died a long time ago, as if he is still alive, is a change in the weather. To see a person who, with his pale appearance, is very reminiscent of a dead person, is a disease; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to date with the elderly.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Dead man what does it mean

Dead man - To the rain, changes in the weather; outside the coffin is a guest.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

  • Dead man - The dead man is crying. - portends a squabble, a quarrel.
  • You see a dead man standing, portends a great misfortune.
  • The dead man collapses with tears. - portends prosperity.
  • The dead man is alive. - portends news, a letter.
  • You see another person dead or yourself. - Fortunately.
  • You see your son dead. - There will be a joyful event with the addition.
  • You see your dead ancestors, respectable people. - Great happiness.
  • Accept condolences from other people. - Heralds the birth of a son, according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered in this way.

Modern dream book If you dream of a dead man:

Solves the dream book: The dead man is dreaming of - Health and longevity, weather change

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Dead Man in a Dream

In a dream, why dream of seeing a dead man in a dream - Health, longevity

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when a dead man dreams:

Interpretation of the dream book: Dead man - Seeing in a dream portends a change in the weather.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff Why is the Dead Man dreaming about the dream book?

What does it mean to see the Dead in a dream - Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but in itself its appearance does not carry a great semantic load for the whole dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant actor in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event, the participants of which were once both the sleeping person and the deceased. It is likely that in a dream, hidden sadness and regret are manifested in this way that there is no longer a person nearby who was dear to you. The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is an element of condemnation or joy in such dreams. Condemnation dreams show us the dead, either just dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, because we are unable to do anything to change the situation. What traits of character during life were endowed with the dead? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, etc.) Did their behavior in the dream match or go against reality? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why do the dead dream (people who have died, but appear alive in a dream) - In general - to a change in the weather; rest, peace of mind. To take and give something from the deceased, they take it “to oneself” - it’s very bad (unfortunately, serious illnesses, death of loved ones or one’s own).

Small Velesov dream book Why does the Dead man dream in a dream:

  • The dead (dead fathers) - To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered;
  • deceased mother - a severe illness, grief;
  • dead man - you will get sick, you will overcome ducks, to bad weather (rain, snow), a quarrel, to a change of housing, bad news, to death (sick);
  • to meet the deceased - for good, luck // illness, death;
  • man - success;
  • a woman - obstacles the dead came to life - obstacles in business, loss;
  • to be with the dead - to have enemies;
  • to see the dead alive - long summers // big trouble, illness;
  • to see the patient dead - he will recover;
  • hugging a dead person is a disease;
  • kissing the dead - longevity;
  • give him something - loss, loss;
  • move the deceased, transfer - bad, sadness;
  • congratulations - good;
  • talking with the dead - curious news // disease;
  • the dead man calls with him - death.


What does it mean to kiss a dead person in a dream


Aigul Khuziyakhmetova

A kiss with a dead person is interpreted in two ways. If in a dream you kiss a person close to you who has recently passed away, the dream may mean that you continue to yearn for him and would like to bring him back to life. Also, the kiss of a dead person can mean good luck in business and commerce.

If you kiss the deceased and do not feel fear at the same time, then the dream portends a successful solution to complex issues. If the kiss of a dead person causes you fear or hysteria, then such a dream may be a sign that a difficult period is coming in your life. You may become ill or begin to feel financial need.

Julia Il

to illness

dead man kissing

Dream Interpretation Dead Man Kissing had a dream, why does the dead man dream of kissing in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead man kissing in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead man eats - a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead in winter - to the snow.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of the dead in a dream: the usual presence, the resolution of questions and condemnation.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living dead person, either to fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death to this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your guilt towards this person.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing in a dream a person who has died a long time ago, as if he is still alive, is a change in the weather.

To see a person who, with his pale appearance, is very reminiscent of a dead person, is a disease; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to date with the elderly.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

If you dream that you are a dead man - be sure - good health and a long, happy life await you.

If the deceased is someone else, you will have a long and interesting life, however, not necessarily happy and in good health.


What does it mean .... If a dead man kisses you in a dream?



He just misses you and is offended that you rarely remember him.


it would be bad if you liked it)))

Dolphin and mermaid

it's alright...don't worry....


To answer jokingly, you don't have to sleep in the morgue. But seriously - your friend is not his body. His soul was your friend. She remained the same, and will be your friend forever.

Arkady Gaidar

When he calls with him badly, but a kiss is okay.

Mikhail Lyovochkin

He leads you into this world.


It does not mean anything, since the dream is not lucid.



Alexey Kotov

Kissing is undoubtedly associated with young lovers. Imagination immediately draws images of two teenagers (not adults!), Frantically kissing on the subway escalator. You can kiss someone, watch others kiss, or have a premonition that you are about to be kissed.

Kissing another in a dream, in this way you can simply realize your sexual desire in relation to someone. And in this case, this is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss in order to feel the energy of love. A kiss is a desire to arouse passion, and it is not necessary that this passion manifest itself.

Do you see others kissing? It means that you know too much personal information about these people or take too active part in their lives. The exception is when you witness your partner kissing, which is a clear sign of infidelity or voyeuristic tendencies in your relationship.

When you wake up feeling like you want to be kissed, it reflects your real sexual attraction to someone. Usually it doesn't get to the kiss itself, because you wake up on it. The reason is the feeling of PROHIBITION: you want a kiss, but you understand that this is not desirable.

Kissing the dead

Dream Interpretation - Kiss (kiss)

"kiss of death" (deadly disease), "kiss of Judas" (betrayal). "Kiss" mechanically collide. "Kiss of life" or artificial respiration saving aid, return to life, activity.

A kiss at a joyful meeting or parting, farewell.

Dream Interpretation - Aim

Intention, plan of action, desire.

Dream Interpretation - Kissing the Dead

Serious illness, own death; farewell (if this is a loved one) on a more subtle, energetic, mental (astral) level.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

To recovery - yours, if you are sick, or a close sick person.

Imagine that there are more kisses than you dreamed about.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Suspension - with a person of the opposite sex - and it will be in reality.

With a person of the same sex - to a chronic disease of the genitourinary system.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss

Reconciliation with the enemy, and girls.

Soon marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss children

Calm times.

Dream Interpretation - Kiss children

Success (peace), joy.

Dream Interpretation - Kisses the deceased

Serious illnesses and troubles.

Dream Interpretation - Dead man, dead man

Dead in a dream will not harm you in life, as long as he lies still and does nothing. The dream in which you saw that the dead man was rowdy portends trouble and anxiety. Seeing him from your home is a sign of trouble or danger. If you dream that the dead came to you and spoke to you, then expect the weather to change for the worse. Dead hugging or kissing in a dream portends anxiety, obstacles in business. For a patient, such a dream predicts death. It is believed, however, that kissing the dead on the forehead (as is customary when saying goodbye to them) is a sign of farewell or separation from someone close to you or acquaintances with whom you were in a similar relationship. A short vision in which you saw unfamiliar dead at the moment when you thought about something or someone means that the business or person you were thinking about is empty ideas from which nothing will come of it. For lovers, such a dream means that your relationship will never become the way you would like it to be. To see many corpses in a dream and not be afraid portends the beginning of a new business that promises to be profitable. If you dream that a stranger has died, then you can easily cope with the difficulties that have fallen to your lot, or a dream predicts good news for you. To dream that your acquaintance or friend has died (or was killed) means trouble, separation from him or great experiences. The same dream about a dead enemy (or competitor) predicts victory over him. The dream in which you saw that the person whose funeral you attended came to you and warned you of danger, then listen to his advice and do not go on a long journey and do not take important steps in the time immediately after this dream, as this threatens your life. To dream that a person who has already died has come to you and is silent means that he wishes you good, wealth and happiness, which he himself had during his lifetime. Seeing the deceased alive in a dream sometimes predicts an invitation to a celebration. Carrying the deceased in a dream is a sign of grief, sadness, hopelessness, and sometimes death. The dream in which you lie with the dead means that your relationship with someone has come to a logical conclusion, has died. After such a dream, it is right to expect parting with a person who was close and dear to you. However, the dream also says that such a separation is simply necessary for you, otherwise you may later regret that you did not break up with this person. The dream in which you saw that you are lying between two dead people portends you that soon you will have to endure a serious illness. A cheerful deceased in a dream is a sign that we will soon receive some good news from relatives or from a friend. A sad deceased in a dream portends bad news that our enemies are not asleep. If you dream that you see a dead man who during his lifetime was a greedy and envious person, then beware of the intrigues of enemies. To move the dead or try to budge in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you are busy with empty business and waste your strength in vain. Sometimes such a dream portends death from an accident. Giving money or clothes to the deceased in a dream is a sign of great misfortune, serious illness or death of one's own or a loved one.

To dress the deceased in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Taking food from the deceased in a dream is a sign of enrichment and well-being. If you dream that the deceased came to your house and straightened the bed, then beware of illness. It is possible that such a dream means that your close friend or relative will soon fall ill. A dream in which you saw that you had died and were going to be buried according to all the rules means that you can lose your job and even change your place of residence. Sometimes such a dream predicts a large inheritance or wealth. Seeing yourself dead in a dream is a sign of the great mercy of an important person whose service will exalt you. Such a dream also portends that your life will be long and successful. But at the same time, you will have many envious people who can overshadow your carefree existence. The dream in which you saw that you were buried alive portends you misfortunes, worries and anxiety. If you dream that the dead has come to life, then expect losses, obstacles and delays in your affairs. Sometimes such a dream also means that the lost will return to you. For lovers, such a dream indicates that their passion can blaze with renewed vigor. To see in a dream that a dead person came to life again and then died, portends that a person with the same name (position, rank) will die. If you dream that a person you know and who is alive has died, it predicts you failure in business, trouble or losing a controversial case in court. If in a dream the dead man called you or took you away, then expect an imminent death or a death similar to the one that died and the person who took you away with him. If you have such a dream about your friends and relatives, then they will have many misfortunes in life and serious illnesses. Fighting with the deceased in a dream is a harbinger of a quarrel with his relatives. To meet a dead person by chance in a dream is a sign of the beginning of something (a new love or business). It all depends on what kind of relationship (business, love or friendship) you had with the deceased. See interpretation: agony, father, hug.


Kissing the dead

Dream Interpretation Kissing the dead in dreamed of why in a dream Kissing a dead man in? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Kissing a dead man by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is auspicious. Seeing a dead man - expect a change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see a male dead man - for an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find a peer. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a dead man in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep her distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreamed of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a dead woman in a dream is a long and happy life. Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - for entertainment in the company of friends. If you dreamed that the coffin with the dead was being carried to the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the dead is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a dead man for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your friend or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, you will make a dizzying career with the help of friends or sue a large inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are placing flowers in a coffin for a dead person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious is the coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

The dream in which you see your relatives dead, portends them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream portends a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on which foot you got up on.

Seeing your lover as dead portends a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead - to anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, and if solemnly and with many people - such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely known.

A dream in which a dreaming dead man committed suicide portends betrayal by your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement according to the saying: “What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunk on his tongue.”

Seeing a drowned person or a victim of an accident means that you have a desperate struggle to maintain your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by the revived dead, who have turned into ghouls, thirsty to drink your blood - such a nightmare portends many annoying troubles in your personal life and a worsening situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment portends strife in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to malicious slander and slander.

The deceased who fell out of the coffin - to injury or malaise, fall on him - will soon receive news of the death of someone close to him. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased - to illness, burying - they will return to you what you did not hope to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

Opening the coffin and talking with the dead is unfortunately.

The dead man eats - a disease.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest will arrive from outside.

The dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.

The dead man is crying - portends a squabble, a quarrel.

The dead man collapses with tears - portends well-being.

A dead man in a coffin - portends material gain.

The dead man who is standing - portends a big trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To see a dead man means that he asks for the repose of his soul.

I saw the deceased - you need to put a candle in the church and give it for the rest.

The dead are dreaming - to bad weather.

The dead dream in the summer - to the rain.

The dead in winter - to the snow.

If the deceased calls to himself, behind him, or says: "I'll pick you up" - a very bad omen.

Dead parents - to death, parents came for you.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of the dead in a dream: the usual presence, the resolution of questions and condemnation.

Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but in itself its appearance does not carry a great semantic load for the whole dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant actor in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event, the participants of which were once both the sleeping person and the deceased. It is likely that in a dream, hidden sadness and regret are manifested in this way that there is no longer a person nearby who was dear to you.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is an element of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

"Condemning" dreams show us the dead, either just dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, because we are unable to do anything to change the situation.

What traits of character during life were endowed with the dead? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, etc.)

Did their behavior in the dream match the real one, or did it go against the grain? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead (Deceased Fathers)

To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered; deceased mother - a severe illness, grief; dead man - you will get sick, you will overcome ducks, to bad weather (rain, snow), a quarrel, to a change of housing, bad news, to death (sick); to meet the deceased - for good, luck // illness, death; man - success; a woman - obstacles the dead came to life - obstacles in business, loss; to be with the dead - to have enemies; to see the dead alive - long summers // big trouble, illness; to see the patient dead - he will recover; hugging a dead person is a disease; kiss - longevity; give him something - loss, loss; move the deceased, transfer - bad, sadness; congratulations - good; talk - curious news // illness; calls with him - death.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living dead person, either to fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death to this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your guilt towards this person.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Washing the dead is a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person is good luck, achieving a goal.

If you are a dead man - to a long life.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show discontent, does not make claims, then the dream is about a change in the weather.

To dream that people condemn the one who lies in the coffin is in trouble; prepare for a conflict with superiors; to quarrel with neighbors or strangers.

Seeing in a dream a person who has died a long time ago, as if he is still alive, is a change in the weather.

The kiss of the deceased can mean both a good and a bad event. Depending on the situation in a dream, the situation and, of course, the one who kisses. It is also important to pay attention to the feelings that prevail in a dream at this moment. If fear is in trouble, calmness is good luck.

What if the kiss of the deceased is dreaming?

The only contact with the dead for the rest of the people remains only through dreams. In real life, they cannot physically do anything to people. But dreams greatly affect the psyche of people and the further perception of events. That is, for their development. The kiss of the deceased is generally considered a good sign. But only if there is no feeling of fear. Otherwise, in the opposite case, this is a portent of some difficulties in a career, study or personal life. If the deceased kisses and there is no fear, this is good luck and prosperity in everything. There is no need to worry about this.

It is believed that dreams are not signals from the future, but echoes of the past. That is, the moments experienced during the day, any experiences can be reflected in a dream. You just need to correctly decipher them and compare them with reality. Maybe there is no threat.

If a person who has a dream kisses a departed relative, friend, this can be interpreted as a lack of a loved one nearby. This is how the experiences of real life, longing, are expressed. Therefore, such a dream cannot be called prophetic. And don't take it seriously. Also, the kiss of a dead person means success in financial matters. Maybe something will go uphill at work or service. You can expect an unexpected increase in the family budget, which came from somewhere outside. Again, if there is no feeling of fear. Otherwise, the situation is reversed.

What portends?

So, why dream of a kiss of the deceased? Of course, such a dream does not portend anything very bad. As you know, a person himself has the right to dispose of his own destiny. Yes, there is a possibility that some financial difficulties will soon come. Forewarned - armed. This means that you should not scatter money and even more so dedicate outsiders to your affairs. But in most cases, the dream nevertheless portends good things: profit, profit, luck should soon get closer. Even in the old days they said that seeing a dead person in a dream is good news.

But after all, there are also serious cases when a deceased person seriously injures the psyche of a sleeping person. With such problems, it is better to consult a specialist if the dreams do not stop. Perhaps some problems of everyday life greatly disturb a person, and this stress is reflected in dreams.

Of course, everyone decides what to believe. Dreams can be deciphered from an astrological point of view. And many people believe in them. Someone they suggest the right decisions. Maybe it's easier to interpret an already complicated life with its unpredictability.

Why dream of a dead man kissing on the lips? Such a vision in a dream promises misfortunes, troubles, obstacles to business, deterioration in well-being. However, the dream book also gives more favorable interpretations of this plot: a successful business or career growth is possible.

good luck in business

It is important to remember your emotions after a dream. If you are uncomfortable - expect problems. When the emotional state was neutral, and even more positive, it means that in reality everything will be fine.

For a woman, the kiss of a dead man in a dream portends: someone will reveal a secret that she would like to hide.

The dreamed kiss of a dead man is auspicious for people engaged in commerce. The dream interpretation claims: the vision promises the entrepreneur business success, successful transactions, big profits.

Why do business people dream of kissing the deceased? The dream book notifies: in reality, an excellent period is coming for the implementation of plans, new beginnings.

Obstacles, unrest

Kissing the deceased on the lips in a dream often portends the appearance of obstacles at work. Perhaps enemies will harm in order to "sit out" the dreamer.

For a girl to see that her dead man is kissing on the lips means: an admirer has appeared, for whom she does not have warm feelings.

Did you dream of kissing the deceased on the lips, but experiencing discomfort at the same time? The dream book warns: a period of anxiety and unrest will soon begin.

Success at work

If you recently buried a person dear to you, seeing and kissing him in a dream means simply expressing your love, regret that he is gone. However, you should not get hung up on minor experiences for a long time, because you can get depressed, from where it will be very problematic to get out.

Had a dream about how a friend of the deceased kisses, with whom they had good relations during life? This means: ahead of success at work. Soon the sleeper's career will go up.

In addition, such a plot in a dream promises not just a successful business, business, but the opening of new horizons, prospects for successful development.

Save your health

However, to see a kiss on the lips received from the deceased is often a harbinger of misfortune, grief. Sometimes a dream warns: someone close to you has serious health problems, even death.

Such a vision also warns of a deterioration in one's own well-being. You need to pay close attention to your health in order to prevent the development of a serious illness.

Why dream that an unfamiliar dead man kisses on the lips? The dream book says: in reality, large unforeseen expenses are possible, which cannot be avoided. You should think about where you can get money if necessary.

Who was it in the dream?

The dream interpretation offers various interpretations of sleep according to which of the dead it was:

  • parents - thanks to timely advice, the dreamer will overcome difficulties;
  • husband - longing for the deceased, unwillingness to let him go;
  • boyfriend / girlfriend - a sign of betrayal of the current boyfriend (girlfriend);
  • relative - material losses;
  • stranger - someone close to you can become seriously ill.

Miller's dream book: be careful when doing business

Why dream that a dead man kisses on the lips? The dream has a negative meaning and portends misfortunes, problems. You need to be careful when doing business, as well as monitor your well-being.

Why dream of kissing a dead man?

A dream with a dead man's kiss can be called unusual, even creepy, however, it is quite favorable. For entrepreneurs, businessmen, a dream portends a successful conclusion of transactions that will bring considerable profit in the future.

For a woman, such a dream may mean that she has a secret admirer, or an obsessive boyfriend, to whom she does not favor. If you dream that a deceased relative kisses a person, then such a dream can be regarded as a blessing and approval of the dreamer's actions, especially if these are his deceased parents. In general, a dead person in a dream is a symbol of peace, peace. Therefore, if you dream of a kiss of a dead man, it can be assumed that a smooth and calm period is coming in life, without worries, excessive fuss, insoluble problems and upheavals.

If a person was tormented by doubts about making decisions, then such a dream suggests that doubts are in vain, everything will be resolved in the best way. Trying to interpret the symbolism of this dream and understand why the dead man's kiss is dreaming, it is necessary to take into account the circumstances of the dreamer's life.

For widows and widowers, such a dream can serve as an indication to pay attention to their own health, especially if the spouse died of an illness. I recall a sad incident when a woman who buried her husband said that almost every night she dreams of the deceased, who passionately kisses and hugs her. Intoxicated with a dream that was pleasant for her, the widow did not notice the signs that a serious illness had begun in her, moreover, exactly the same from which her husband died. The news of her untimely death was a terrible blow to all relatives and friends. She survived her late husband by only one year.

If a person recently buried a relative or friend, and kisses the deceased in a dream, then such a dream means that the time has come to come to terms with the pain of loss, let go of the deceased, learn to live without him. No matter how difficult it may be, a dream with a kiss of a dead man, in this case, just means the beginning of a new period in life, the emergence of fresh ideas, gaining self-confidence. Saying goodbye to the deceased in a waking dream portends a quiet joyful life, meeting new pleasant people, may suggest new friendship or love, deliverance from mental anguish.

The dream in which the dreamer kisses the deceased person is more favorable than the one if in a dream the deceased dreams of being alive. There are cases when a deceased relative, kissing and hugging, carried a person along with him. In reality, this turned into a serious illness for a person who saw such a dream.

Although many dream books interpret a dream with a kiss of a dead person as unusual, it must have been dreamed of by many, especially people who have lost loved ones. It is often enough to commemorate the deceased, go to church, order a memorial service to help yourself let go of the deceased and find peace of mind yourself

Dream Interpretation Kiss of the Dead

What is the dream of Kiss of a dead man in a dream from a dream book?

Kissing a dead person in a dream - in reality, you will have to go through a turbulent period. Get ready for the fact that over and over again joy will be replaced by grief, and vice versa.

Emotional instability will manifest itself most of all in matters of the heart, but may affect the business or material sphere.

Which of the deceased relatives did you dream about?

Dead mother kisses in a dream

The dream in which the deceased mother kissed you symbolizes forgiveness. All the troubles, quarrels that were with her during her lifetime, she completely forgives you. Your soul will find peace.

Kissing a dead father in a dream

Dreaming about kissing your late father - relationships with family, colleagues will even out. For a girl, a dream is a harbinger of an imminent wedding or meeting a worthy young man.

Kissing a dead grandmother in a dream

The dream interpretation considers the kiss of the deceased grandmother as vanity, anxiety in reality. This can be especially evident in the business sphere. It is necessary to carefully monitor the state of health.

Kissing a deceased relative in a dream

I dreamed that you were kissing a deceased relative - in reality you would stop being afraid. You will be able to overcome your anxieties, experiences that until recently did not give rest.

Kissing the late grandfather in a dream

Why dream of kissing the deceased grandfather? The dream is a favorable sign. It promises success in all endeavors. It's time to bring plans to life, to fulfill previously conceived.

Kiss the living dead

Dream Interpretation Kissing a Living Dead dreamed of why in a dream Kissing a living dead man? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to kiss a living dead in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - The Dead (people who died, but appear alive in a dream)

In general, to a change in the weather; rest, peace of mind. To take and give anything from the deceased is taken away “to oneself” very badly (unfortunately, serious illnesses, the death of loved ones or one’s own).

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead man eats - a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead in winter - to the snow.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Washing the dead is a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person is good luck, achieving a goal.

If you are a dead man - to a long life.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show discontent, does not make claims, then the dream is about a change in the weather.

To dream that people condemn the one who lies in the coffin is in trouble; prepare for a conflict with superiors; to quarrel with neighbors or strangers.

Seeing in a dream a person who has died a long time ago, as if he is still alive, is a change in the weather.

To see a person who, with his pale appearance, is very reminiscent of a dead person, is a disease; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to date with the elderly.

The dead man kisses on the lips

Dream Interpretation Dead man kisses on the lips dreamed of why in a dream the dead man kisses on the lips? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dead man kissing on the lips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lips (kissing)

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is auspicious. Seeing a dead man - expect a change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see a male dead man - for an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find a peer. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a dead man in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep her distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreamed of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a dead woman in a dream is a long and happy life. Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - for entertainment in the company of friends. If you dreamed that the coffin with the dead was being carried to the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the dead is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a dead man for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your friend or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, you will make a dizzying career with the help of friends or sue a large inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are placing flowers in a coffin for a dead person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious is the coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Kissing the dead on the lips

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

The dream in which you see your relatives dead, portends them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream portends a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on which foot you got up on.

Seeing your lover as dead portends a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead - to anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, and if solemnly and with many people - such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely known.

A dream in which a dreaming dead man committed suicide portends betrayal by your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement according to the saying: “What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunk on his tongue.”

Seeing a drowned person or a victim of an accident means that you have a desperate struggle to maintain your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by the revived dead, who have turned into ghouls, thirsty to drink your blood - such a nightmare portends many annoying troubles in your personal life and a worsening situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment portends strife in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to malicious slander and slander.

The deceased who fell out of the coffin - to injury or malaise, fall on him - will soon receive news of the death of someone close to him. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased - to illness, burying - they will return to you what you did not hope to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

Opening the coffin and talking with the dead is unfortunately.

The dead man eats - a disease.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest will arrive from outside.

The dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.

The dead man is crying - portends a squabble, a quarrel.

The dead man collapses with tears - portends well-being.

A dead man in a coffin - portends material gain.

The dead man who is standing - portends a big trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad family relationships;
pleasant full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the house;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
See also face.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing your lips swollen is a slight malaise.

Lips to paint - separation.

Exactly. No wonder mom forbids you to use her cosmetics.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

If anyone dreams that he has fresh crimson lips, this dream notifies him that his friends are healthy.

If the lips are faded, dry and wrinkled, then this means the opposite.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To see a dead man means that he asks for the repose of his soul.

I saw the deceased - you need to put a candle in the church and give it for the rest.

The dead are dreaming - to bad weather.

The dead dream in the summer - to the rain.

The dead in winter - to the snow.

If the deceased calls to himself, behind him, or says: "I'll pick you up" - a very bad omen.

Dead parents - to death, parents came for you.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of the dead in a dream: the usual presence, the resolution of questions and condemnation.

Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but in itself its appearance does not carry a great semantic load for the whole dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant actor in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event, the participants of which were once both the sleeping person and the deceased. It is likely that in a dream, hidden sadness and regret are manifested in this way that there is no longer a person nearby who was dear to you.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is an element of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

"Condemning" dreams show us the dead, either just dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, because we are unable to do anything to change the situation.

What traits of character during life were endowed with the dead? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, etc.)

Did their behavior in the dream match the real one, or did it go against the grain? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead (Deceased Fathers)

To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered; deceased mother - a severe illness, grief; dead man - you will get sick, you will overcome ducks, to bad weather (rain, snow), a quarrel, to a change of housing, bad news, to death (sick); to meet the deceased - for good, luck // illness, death; man - success; a woman - obstacles the dead came to life - obstacles in business, loss; to be with the dead - to have enemies; to see the dead alive - long summers // big trouble, illness; to see the patient dead - he will recover; hugging a dead person is a disease; kiss - longevity; give him something - loss, loss; move the deceased, transfer - bad, sadness; congratulations - good; talk - curious news // illness; calls with him - death.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips - Separately - longing for the caress of the opposite sex. Bright on the face - pay attention to your appearance, cosmetics, put everything in order.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. To see a living dead person, either to fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death to this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your guilt towards this person.

Kiss the dead on the lips

Dream Interpretation Kissing a dead man on the lips dreamed of why in a dream Kissing a dead man on the lips? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Kissing a dead person on the lips by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lips (kissing)

If you dream in a dream that you are kissing on the lips, this is to reciprocity in love.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and a kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in the lips indicates a possible betrayal of your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) speak of your partner's frivolity.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is unhappy with you, but does not yet tell you about it.

Clean, tender lips speak of a desire to find the perfect partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fears of losing him.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To dream of thick, ugly lips on someone's face - to hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in relationships with loved ones, to abundance in the house. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips - to the fact that you can easily master a foreign language that you undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are tinting your lips with lipstick, then this portends the possibility of achieving what you want through a sacrifice that will cost you nothing materially, but can cause moral damage.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To have big lips - to the upcoming concern.

Very thick lips - to the successful solution of problems.

Dirty lips in a dream - to trouble.

Someone else's clearly defined lips dreamed - to reciprocity and disposition from others.

Thin lips dream - to new problems that will appear due to the hasty solution of old ones.

You see thick lips - you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

To see beautiful lips in a dream - to good news and good health. But if they are made up, then beware of saying too much, so as not to invite trouble on yourself. Dry and chapped lips in a dream mean that quarrels with friends and the subsequent parting await you. If in a dream your lips become fuller or larger (but without ugliness), then you will have an addition to the family. Burning your lips in a dream means that you need to blame yourself for the situation you have created. See interpretation: mouth.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

"his lip is not stupid" to have good taste.

"slap lips", "lip-slap" idle talker, onlookers.

"to have sensual lips" sex appeal. "Pout out lips" resentment, swagger, capriciousness.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Lips very large to have - concern.

Very thick - well-being.

Sick, swollen, sore, dirty lips are a big nuisance.

In a dream, a woman smears her own lips with something - experiencing sexual dissatisfaction.

Thinking a lot in a dream is a disease from overwork.

Lips go numb, become stone - the inability to restrain oneself, the limit of endurance, the threat of an emotional explosion.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

it is the help of man. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off, he is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, that relationship with friends does not develop in the best way. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is auspicious. Seeing a dead man - expect a change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see a male dead man - for an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find a peer. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a dead man in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep her distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreamed of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a dead woman in a dream is a long and happy life. Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - for entertainment in the company of friends. If you dreamed that the coffin with the dead was being carried to the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the dead is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a dead man for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your friend or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person you saw dead. Such a dream promises him a long life, full of joys and pleasures. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, you will make a dizzying career with the help of friends or sue a large inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead - you will be able to make a decent fortune in a relatively short time.

Imagine that you are placing flowers in a coffin for a dead person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious is the coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Partial lips - to a quarrel with relatives.

Swollen - to the trouble of a loved one.

Thin - to hasty conclusions about something.

Deliberately bright, sensual lips - to separation from a loved one through their own fault, to divorce.

Beautiful, well-defined lips - to reciprocity in love.

In a dream, it is strange and even creepy. Such a dream is fraught with several meanings and interpretations, and each specific dream book has its own opinion on this matter.

Why is the vision dreaming?

Dead husband in a dream

Hugging with a dead husband suggests that everything fears and doubts in reality will be groundless and all terrible problems are solvable. A waking dreamer to cope with all the problems and circumstances going against her.

If in a dream the deceased spouse hugs and kisses his wife, this indicates illness, a tendency to depression, as well as neglect of one's health. The dreamer does not protect herself at all, and such an attitude can have detrimental consequences.

If in a dream the deceased husband kisses on the cheek, then no change is expected in the dreamer's life. An intimate relationship with a late husband portends a series of minor failures, monetary losses. Cuddling in bed with a deceased husband predicts business success and material well-being.

If the dreamer herself kisses her deceased in a dream, then in reality some kind of trick awaits her, an adventure that can turn into both success and loss. Kissing a dead husband in a dream portends success in business and undertakings for a business woman.

Granny's Kiss

Often, deceased relatives dream before important events - such dreams serve as an omen or warning. The late grandmother portends imminent changes in the dreamer's life, in most cases for the better.

A kiss from a late grandmother to new mothers indicates their frivolous attitude to the upbringing of children. For inexperienced girls, such a dream indicates negligence, the assumption of some mistakes in life.

If a deceased grandmother kisses a dreamer in a dream, then this sign of poor health, unstable mental state of the sleeping person. Seeing a dead woman kissing someone on the forehead means the death of some person from the dreamer's inner circle.

Kiss the deceased grandmother, who is alive in a dream, means not mutual, unhappy love of the dreamer, his broken heart. Kissing a grandmother lying in a coffin promises deliverance from regrets and burdens, burdens, release from debilitating debt.

Seeing someone else hugging and kissing a deceased grandmother indicates quick material expenses, a change in social status for the worse.

A deceased grandmother kisses her granddaughter in a dream - this is a sign that the dreamer needs to be wary of a young man who is stuffing herself into her suitors. This is an unreliable, self-serving guy who can brazenly and shamelessly take advantage of the dreamer.

Kissing the late grandmother on the forehead means receive the blessing of a relative for all things and undertakings. Kissing a dead grandmother who is alive in reality - such a dream portends a serious danger.

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