Operetta Moscow. Silvia

Die Csardasfurstin Composer Authors)

Leo Stein and Bela Jenbach

Number of actions Year of creation First production Place of first performance

Silvia or Queen of shards(German Die Csardasfurstin) is an operetta by the Hungarian composer Imre Kalman, written by him in 1915.

In the repertoires of some theaters, in addition to the name "Queen of Czardas", there is also a literal translation from German - " princess chardash».

The first production of the operetta in Russia took place at the height of the war with Germany (), therefore, both the name of the operetta and many of the names of the characters were redone. Since then, in the Soviet Union and Russia, most productions have been and are being staged under the name "Silva". Russian lyrics - V. S. Mikhailov and D. G. Tolmachev.


In Russian theaters, the role of Edwin is often played by baritone singers, such as Gerard Vasiliev, while in European productions using Kalman's original scores, the protagonist is most often a tenor (this role was played, for example, by Swede Nikolai Gedda).

Silva Varescu - talented and hardworking, becomes the star of the capital's variety show. Silva loves the young aristocrat Edwin, but their marriage is impossible due to social inequality. In addition, it turns out that Edwin is engaged to another. Silva leaves with Count Boni.

At the engagement of Edwin and Stassi, Count Boni suddenly appears with Silva, whom he introduces to everyone as his wife. Boni, who has fallen in love with Edwin's fiancee, willingly grants a "divorce" to Silva. The old prince, Edwin's father, is struck by his son's refusal to be engaged to Stassi, who managed to fall in love with Boni. But Silva shows the marriage contract that Edwin signed with her before leaving. It turns out that Silva is not Countess Boni, but just a singer. Silva breaks the contract and leaves.

Boni tries to comfort Silva as she considers returning to the stage. Edwin arrives, who loves Silva and will not refuse to marry her. Following the old prince appears. It turns out that his wife and mother Edwina in her youth was also a chansonette, a singer in a variety show. The prince is forced to submit to circumstances. Edwin on his knees asks for forgiveness from Silva.

Screen adaptations

  • Silva (film, 1944) - Soviet film directed by Alexander Ivanovsky
  • Queen of Csardas (film) - German film directed by Georg Jacobi (1951)
  • Queen of Csardas (film, 1971) - a Hungarian-German co-production film
  • Silva (film, 1976) - Soviet film directed by Natalya Barantseva
  • Silva (film, 1981) - Soviet film directed by Jan Frid



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See what "Queen of Czardas (Silva)" is in other dictionaries:

    Queen of Csardas Die Csárdásfürstin Genre musical ... Wikipedia

    - (German: Die Csárdásfürstin) an operetta by the Hungarian composer Imre Kalman, written by him in 1915. Libretto by Leo Stein and Bela Jenbach Long Live Love! The premiere took place on November 17, 1915 in Johann Strauss ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Silva. "Silva" is the name of feature films based on the operetta by Imre Kalman. Silva (film, 1944) Soviet film directed by Alexander Ivanovsky The Queen of Chardash (film) film ... ... Wikipedia

    The Queen of Csárdas (German: Die Csárdásfürstin) is an operetta written by the Hungarian composer Imre Kalman in 1915. Libretto by Leo Stein and Bela Jenbach Long Live Love! The premiere took place on November 17, 1915 ... Wikipedia

production designer- Natalya Khokhlova.

Lighting designer– Sergey Martynov (Moscow).


First action

Second act

First picture

Prince Volyapyuk tries to publicly announce Edwin's engagement to Stassi, but Edwin interrupts his father and says that he has another obligation, another love - here she is, Countess Konislavu. But Silva refuses the title that does not belong to her. She is not a countess, but a princess - Princess Volyapyuk. Here is her contract! Edwin is ready to fulfill his obligation, but Silva breaks the contract and leaves the prince's palace. Boney and Ferry follow her.

Second painting

The hotel where Silva, Boni and Ferry are staying. Ferry persuades Silva to return to the stage: art will heal heart wounds. Edwin has come here: he cannot live without Silva. And then his father shows up. Edwin doesn't want to see him now. Prince Volyapyuk tells Boni that Stassi is disgraced, but Boni immediately asks for her hand in marriage. To confirm, he calls on the phone, and Stassi agrees. Boni runs after her, and Ferry, who appears, reveals the secret past of Juliana, the wife of the prince, who also once sang in the Orpheum. She was the famous chansonette Nightingale. Edwin and Silva reconcile. The operetta ends with the victory of love.

Silva returns to Samara
Margarita Praskovina
"Samarskaya Gazeta", 12/03/2013

The premiere of the operetta "Silva" by Imre Kalman will take place in Samara
"niasam.ru", 06.12.2013

The premiere of the operetta "Silva" will take place on the Samara stage

"afisha.63.ru", 12/09/2013

Return of the Queen
Alexander Vladimirov
"parkgagarina.info", 12.12.2013

Operetta "Silva"
TV channel "Smara-GIS", 12/13/2013

Kalman's "Silva" sounded on the opera stage
Tatyana Bogomolova
"Volga Commune", 12/16/2013

Premiere of "Silva"
SEC "Terra", 12/16/2013

“It is impossible to live without women in the world ...”
Tatiana Gridneva
"Samarskaya Gazeta", 12/17/2013

"Meeting point"
TV channel "Gubernia", 20.12.2013

"Komsomolskaya Pravda - Picture of the Day"
Oleg Rakshin, cameraman: Galina Shcherba.

Silva Varescu,
Yuliana Volyapyuk,
Prince Volyapyuk, Edwin's father,
assistant director,
Young Rons,
old rons,
Silva's chambermaids,
footman, butler,
Artists of the corps de ballet "Orpheum".

Imre Kalman (1882-1953).

Libretto by L. Stein and B. Jenbach.

Upcoming operettas

About the performance Characters

Imre Kalman is one of the founders and most prominent representatives of the new Viennese operetta, distinguished by sharp plot situations, detailed musical dramaturgy, and effective orchestration. His art has not only a generous melodic gift, but also the ability to psychologically subtly depict the inner world of the characters.

Imre Kalman's operetta "Silva" is also known under other names: "Queen of Cardash", "Princess of Cardash". Its plot is “a theater about the theater”, a story about the fate of a variety show artist. Silva's entourage is princes, counts. Her talent is admired, but Edwin, the son of Prince Volyapyuk, who is in love with Silva, cannot marry her because of class prejudices. The fates of the characters are intertwined, and it gradually becomes clear how deceptive a lot of things are in their lives... Silva was, is and will always be the number one operetta, its inspired melodies tell about the all-conquering power of love, which is not afraid of any obstacles.

The stage director of the operetta, Honored Artist of Russia Evgenia Tenyakova, seeks to move away from the usual “cliches” for this genre:

- I want the audience to see in the operetta not just entertainment, not a set of witty remarks and comic tricks. In the famous operetta by Imre Kalman, in addition to a series of ordinary situations, there are also deep human feelings. I was interested in the brightness of the feelings and experiences of the characters, I wanted to see humanity in the cheerful plot, the embodiment of the dream of love and fidelity. The eternal theme of most operettas is the theme of love, and in "Silva" it is shown how this theme is refracted in each fate in its own way. Next to the theme of love, the theme of the theater, the theatrical “inside out”, backstage runs through the entire operetta. Shakespeare said: "The worldtheater". The operetta claims: "and love is also a kind of theater."

production designer- Natalya Khokhlova.

Lighting designer– Sergey Martynov (Moscow).


First action

During the intermission, a group of regulars appear backstage, along with Boni and Ferry. Bonnie sees Edwin coming in. He has a telegram for Edwin from his parents, who demand to break up with Silva. But Edwin thinks only of Silva. He begs her not to leave. Silva is firm: they must part, because their marriage is impossible.

Boni is surrounded by cheerful corps de ballet girls. He offers himself as assistant choreographer. Ferry and Boni want to comfort Silva. Another visitor appears - Edwin's cousin Rons, the captain. He came for Edwin: he is required in the regiment. Rons recalls: Edwin is engaged to Countess Stassi, soon to be engaged. He gives Bonnie an invitation card. Boni leaves to help Silva pack.

Edwin decides to announce to everyone that he will marry Silva right there, now. The name of the notary. Edwin writes a commitment: to seal the marriage in eight weeks. Ferry encourages Silva and Edwin to test their feelings and blesses the lovers. They sign a contract.

Rons reappears. Silva persuades Edwin to go, to fulfill his military duty. He is leaving. Bonnie runs in: everything is packed, you can go. To Silva's story about what happened, Boni shows an invitation to the engagement of Edwin and Countess Anastasia. He did not have the right to conclude a new contract. Silva is desperate.

Second act

First picture

Ball at Prince Volyapyuk's mansion in Vienna. Edwin, unaware of what Rons revealed about his engagement to Stassi, which he never took seriously, is surprised and troubled by Silva's silence. There is no answer to his numerous telegrams. Edwin is dancing with Stassi. She knows about Silva, but is not opposed to marrying her cousin. Edwin wants to forget about everything. But exactly eight weeks have passed since Edwin's departure from Budapest - the term of the contract ends. Silva, Boni and Ferry came to the ball. Boni introduces Silva to Prince Volyapyuk as his wife. Edwin is confused and does not understand anything. While the old prince is dancing with Silva, with whom he is fascinated, Edwin tries to find out from Boni what happened. Silva returns and Boni slips away. Bonnie is in love with Stassi at first sight.

Edwin is next to Silva again. He watched her and sees that she is unhappy. So Silva loves him. Boni breaks their privacy and ... blesses those who love. Considering that Silva is Boni's legal wife and, therefore, bears the title of Countess Konislav, Edwin wants to take her to her parents: he will be allowed to marry a divorced countess! Edwin runs away, and Silva again despairs: it means that Edwin cannot marry the actress Silva Varescu!

I. Kalman began to work on his, as it later turned out, the best operetta "The Queen of Csardas", on the eve of the war. It was April 1914, and in July the Austro-Serbian war began, which immediately grew into a world war.

Nevertheless, the composer completed his magnificent incendiary operetta, which we know as "Silva". The premiere took place with extraordinary success in Vienna on 11/17/1915. The performance has been staged two thousand times and has been triumphantly marching all over the world for more than a hundred years.

Operetta "Silva"


  • Silva Varescu is the star of the Orpheum variety show in Budapest.
  • Prince Edwin Ronald von Lippert-Weilersheim, a promising officer.
  • His father, who is extremely proud of the purity of his aristocratic origin (lost in the darkness of four centuries), is very stupid.
  • His mother - has a "past".
  • Countess Stasi is the charming bride of Prince Edwin.
  • Count Boni Kanchiano is a bon vivant, frivolous, charming, wealthy playboy.
  • Feri von Kerekes is Silva's producer and patron, protecting her under all circumstances.
  • Kise is an old theatergoer who knows all the secrets of the cabaret.

Now that all the main characters are presented, it is necessary to consider the work itself, known as the Silva operetta. Its contents are brought to the attention of the reader below.

At the Orpheum cabaret

There is a farewell performance by Silva before the tour. The hall is full. Under incendiary music, the star begins its exit. Her song about the beauty of the meadows and mountains begins smoothly and immediately turns into a stormy warning (chardash) that if the daughter of this region falls in love, then this is the only one who will love her with all her heart.

The operetta "Silva", the content of which we began to consider, immediately reveals the proud and, along with it, the gentle character of the main character, who knows how to feel deeply and strongly. She will give her heart to someone who is brave and straight. She means Prince Edwin, who is seriously infatuated with Silva.

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes is its own frivolous fun, which is led by the prankster Boni. He easily picks up the corps de ballet in the dance and sings verses about the beauties of the cabaret, which are created only for entertainment. They are graceful, careless, they do not understand the love of torment. They enjoy every day. But then Edwin appears, to whom Boni sends another telegram from his father. It insists that Edwin break up with Silva. Together they sadly and tenderly argue that you can often get carried away, but love only once. Silva does not believe that their union is possible - class prejudices will destroy their love and hopes for happiness. Edwin, against all odds, is extremely determined.

This is how the operetta "Silva" continues, the content of which we present. He does not want Silva to go on tour, and a notary is invited backstage. All the artists see with amazement that the prince writes an obligation to marry Silva in 8 weeks.

The joy is interrupted by the officer who brought the summons to Edwin. He is transferred to another regiment, and he must immediately report to the barracks. Edwin leaves bitterly. Boni appears and informs Silva about the announced engagement of Prince Edwin and Countess Stasi. Having received such a blow, Silva gives the order to immediately collect things on tour. The drama of the story told by the composer is growing. But the viewer expects that the operetta "Silva", the content of which he listens to, will end happily.

Edwin's engagement

Silva came to the big engagement ball in the magnificent mansion of the Prince and Princess von Lippert-Weilersheim, accompanied by Boni and Feri. It's been 8 weeks now, she hasn't answered Edwin's telegrams, and he's free. But love torments her heart. Boni introduced Silva to Edwin's parents as his wife, meaning she is now a countess. The old prince is delighted with the charm that the noble Silva exudes. Edwin hasn't seen her yet. He dances with his fiancee and reasons that marriage does not require love. They will live in a friendly union, and their successful marriage will become a topic for newspapers.

Silva and Edwin

Seeing Silva with Boni, Edwin just wants to destroy him - because he sincerely loves Silva, about which he immediately informs her. And she didn't forget anything. There is an ardent declaration of mutual love, when they, interrupting each other, now and then say: “Do you remember our dreams?”

They only have memories. This beautiful dream of love bewitches them again. Magnificent melodies based on čardas, created by "Silva" conquers them.

Bonnie and Stacy

Meanwhile, Bonnie declares her love at first sight to Stacy. Boni tells Stacy that his marriage is a trick, his wife is not really his wife. Love overtakes a person unexpectedly, and, except for Stacy, he cannot think of anyone. Their cheerful major explanation - light coquetry and play, dancing and Stacy's declaration that she is not a meek lamb - all leads to the engagement. Edwin believes that Countess Silva will divorce her husband, and he has no obstacles to marriage with Countess Canciano. The happy Edwin runs off to tell everyone about the breakup of his engagement to Stacy and his marriage to the Countess. Silva is killed - Edwin will not marry an artist from a variety show. She leaves the ball.

Variety show again

Prince von Lippert-Weilersheim arrives at the music hall, and Kise informs him that his wife was a star named "nightingale" here in the Orpheum. In her youth, she was not just anyone, but the queen of chardash. The prince is killed. He unconditionally agrees to the marriage of Silva and Edwin: one more singer in the family, one less. The happy Stasi and Boni, who are formally engaged in a variety show, appear, as well as Silva and Edwin. “They are all given love by fate itself!” Two couples and their parents raise glasses of champagne.

Operetta "Silva": reviews

There are both positive and sharply negative reviews. Everyone wanted to plunge into the atmosphere of the beginning of the 20th century. No one liked the new modern look and experiments of directors. Still, those who have seen traditional productions are simply delighted.

January, 2016

Iovnovich Yakov

One hundred years of happy love

To the 100th anniversary of the creation of the operetta "Silva" by I. Kalman

Morning of November 18, 1915. The capital of Austria-Hungary is Vienna. For more than a year, the First World War has been going on. The morning newspapers are full of headlines: "The fourth battle on Isonzo. Italian troops have moved forward a little", "Offensive operation of Russian troops in Northern Iran", "Britain is annexing the Gilbert and Ellie Islands (modern-day islands of Tuvalu and Kirkbati). They are becoming colonies from a protectorate" , "After the failure of the Gallipoli operation, Winston Churchill resigns from the British Cabinet." An endless, senseless war that will last for another three long years. But this day will not be remembered for these events.

On this day, Vienna woke up with the hope given to the world the day before at the Johann Strauss Theater at the premiere of a new operetta by the young composer Imre Kalman, The Czardas Queen. So the author called it, changing the original title "Long live love!", Which was given to their play by playwrights Leo Stein and Béla Jönbach. The plot of the operetta was quite banal: the love of the aristocrat Edwin and the variety show singer Silva. Can it end happily? Or is she, like everything that happens in the world slaughter, destined for a sad fate?

But "Silva", as befits her genre, had a happy ending.

The hit was in the top ten, because the happy ending of the love story revived the hope that the world has a chance for the future. The first performers were: Silva Varescu - Mitzi Günther, Edwin - Karl Bachmann, Countess Stassi - Susan Bahrich), Boni - Josef Konid.

This performance was repeated at the "Strauss Theater" Vienna 2000 times. That is, for another six long years, three years after the end of the war, every evening the hope born at the premiere was affirmed! Naturally, versions of "Silva" appeared in other capitals. In Berlin, it ran nightly for two years with the famous Frizzi Massari in the title role, in the same year the premiere took place in Budapest, then in 1916 another production in Vienna. So, gradually, the "Princess of Cardash" (sometimes she was called the "Queen of Cardash") began to conquer the world. Moreover, on both sides of the hostilities. Russia was an opponent of Austria-Hungary in the First World War, but in 1916 the premiere of the operetta took place there as well. Who decided to translate the libretto and stage it remained a mystery, but the name was changed to the neutral "Silva" (so as not to remind of the Hungarian czardas) and the aristocrat von und zu Lipert-Weilerheim was replaced by Leopold Volyapyuk. Edwin sang in baritone, although he was a tenor in the Vienna premiere.

On both sides of the line of fire, the Silva helped keep the dream of those who were in the trenches and those who were waiting for their loved ones at home that the nightmare of war would end. Well, how could one think otherwise, if from the very first sounds of the melody of the operetta overture, the viewer fell under the spell of Kalman's music.

Interest in the production and film adaptation of "Silva" especially grew during the wars and in the post-war period. So, "Silva" became the first film shot at the Sverdlovsk film studio that opened during the Second World War.

Mikhail Ilyich Romm, a well-known film director, was then the head of artistic cinematography within the framework of the film committee and was evacuated in Tashkent (the central studios were evacuated during the war). He wrote a letter to the Central Committee of the party that the war was nearing an end, and it was necessary to create musical films for the psychological relaxation of the people, in order to support them in such a difficult time and give them the opportunity to move away from their hard everyday life, front and rear worries.

There were musical theaters in the city that had authority: the Opera House, the Theater of Musical Comedy. Alexander Viktorovich Ivanovsky, a film director from Leningrad, arrived from Ashgabat. Before the war, he directed two musical films: "Anton Ivanovich Gets Angry" and "Musical History", which were very popular at that time.

Zoya Alexandrovna Smirnova-Nemirovich from the Moscow theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich Danchenko was invited to the role of Silva.

At the Opera House on "La Traviata" the director saw the young Niyaz Dautov, he liked him, and he invited him to the role of Edwin.

The future movie star S. Martinson starred in the role of Boni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgvGWaPpGys

And in Germany, which was defeated in the war, almost in the very first years after the creation of West Germany (FRG) in 1949, a film based on the operetta "Silva" was made.

The film was directed by Georg Jacobi (who also co-wrote the screenplay). Starring Marika Rökk and Jochenen Heesters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE8aNEgJ53I 1:42

Famous opera singers considered it an honor to sing on stage and act in film adaptations of Silva.

Anna Moffo is an Italian-American opera singer (lyric-coloratura soprano) and film actress who starred in the 1971 film adaptation of Silva.

The last film adaptation of "Silva" appeared on the Soviet screen in 1981. It was a film directed by Yana Frida with Zhanna Glebova as Silva and Ingvar Kalninsh as Edwin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI7IYuPBmY0

The famous actress Tatyana Piletskaya, who played Edwin's mother in Silva, stated in an interview: "Zhanna Glebova - there was that rare case when an actress combined beauty with dramatic talent and a beautiful voice. Zhanna graduated from the conservatory."

What is the success of the ageless "Silva"? Of course, in the stunningly beautiful music of Kalman. We can say that the music of "Silva" is a collection of hits, each of which is good in itself, and together they create pearls in the necklace of Kalman's beautiful operettas. Due to the nature of the genre itself, the musical part of "Silva" is interspersed with the dialogues of the characters and, thus, it is divided into 12 parts. These are the overture, Silva's exit aria, four duets of Silva and Edwin, Boni's verses "you can't live without women in the world, no", the "cabaret beauties" ensemble, famous melodies "a particle of the devil in us", Silva's aria "only once", a duet Edwina and Stassi, duet of Boni and Stassi "Love is such a big stupidity". All of them will be performed during tonight. And the scene of "Silva" changed from production to production, from film to film, from a cheerful Viennese cabaret to a gloomy concentration camp. Much has changed, but the incendiary music of Kalman remained, was always present practically without cuts and additions.

In the history of “Silva” there were also curious moments. The name "Silva", under which this operetta was performed in Soviet times, played a bad service to one illegal Soviet intelligence officer. When he was in one of the countries of Europe, being a citizen of this country on his passport, he remembered the operetta "Silva", this caused bewilderment, and someone remembered that it was called that in the USSR. In Europe, she went under the name "Queen of Cardash" or "Princess of Cardash" .. However, there is an opinion that this is just a fiction.

The secret of the 100-year-old triumph of "Silva" is that it is an example that even in the most difficult periods of life, one should hope for the best, and even with complete hopelessness, a happy outcome can come. No matter how small the chances for a happy ending in the relationship between Silva and Edwina were, love won out. It is no coincidence that the original version of "Silva" was called "Long live love!". Against all the forces of evil! May it be so always and everywhere!

100-year-old ageless "Silva" continues to win and captivate people's hearts! As long as the melodies of "Silva" exist, hope does not die and love wins! Long live Silva! Up to one hundred and twenty! And not just once!

Is it possible to understand the meaning of life without "Silva"?
Is it possible for the world to stand without "Silva"
After all, only with her a ray of hope shines again
And love always wins!
And love always wins!

At the evening, the musical part of the operetta was performed in a soulful performance by the vocal group of the Cultural Center on the street. Weiner, 2 consisting of:

Vocal group of the Cultural Center at the evening 7.12.15

Die Csardasfurstin

In the repertoires of some theaters, in addition to the name "Queen of Czardas", there is also a literal translation from German - " princess chardash».

The first staging of the operetta in Russia took place at the height of the First World War (1916), when Russia and Austria-Hungary were at war, so both the title of the operetta and many of the characters' names were changed. Since then, in the Soviet Union and Russia, most productions have been and are being staged under the name "Silva". Russian lyrics - V. S. Mikhailov and D. G. Tolmachev.


In Russian theaters, the role of Edwin is often played by baritone singers, such as Gerard Vasiliev, while in European productions using Kalman's original scores, the protagonist is most often a tenor (this role was played, for example, by Swede Nikolai Gedda). However, when the director is not limited by the capabilities of a particular troupe, and in Russian recordings, Edwin is usually a tenor. In particular, in the films of 1944 and 1981 (the film of 1976 is, in fact, a television version of the performance of the Moscow Operetta Theater), as well as in the classical radio editing, where Georgy Nelepp performs the vocal part of the part.


Silva Varescu - Talented and hardworking, becomes the star of the Budapest Variety Show. Silva loves the young aristocrat Edwin, but their marriage is impossible due to social inequality. However, before leaving for the regiment, Edwin invites a notary and an engagement takes place between Edwin and Silva backstage. Already after the departure of Edwin, it turns out that he is engaged to another. Silva leaves on tour, accompanied by Count Boni.

At the engagement of Edwin and Stassi, which takes place in Vienna, Count Boni suddenly appears with Silva, whom he introduces to everyone as his wife. However, having fallen in love with Edwin's fiancee, Boni willingly gives a "divorce" to Silva. Edwin is happy: he can now marry Silva, a divorced countess, without conflict with relatives. The old prince, Edwin's father, is struck by his son's refusal to be engaged to Stassi, who managed to fall in love with Boni. But Silva shows the marriage contract that Edwin signed with her before leaving. It turns out that Silva is not the Countess Canciano, but just a singer. Edwin is ready to fulfill his promise, but Silva breaks the contract and leaves.

At the hotel where they are staying, Boney tries to comfort Silva as she considers returning to the stage. Edwin arrives, who loves Silva and does not refuse to marry her. Next comes the old prince. It turns out that his wife and mother Edwina in her youth was also a chansonette, a singer in a variety show. The prince is forced to submit to circumstances. Edwin on his knees asks for forgiveness from Silva.

Screen adaptations

  • Silva (film, 1944) - Soviet film directed by Alexander Ivanovsky
  • The Czardas Queen - Austrian silent film directed by Emil Leide (1919)
  • The Czardas Queen - German-Hungarian silent film by Hanns Schwartz (1927)
  • Queen of Csardas - German black and white film

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