Opera singer Anna Netrebko: biography, career and family. Amazing prima donna


To the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, studied vocals with Professor Tamara Novichenko.

In 1993, as a fourth-year student, Anna won the All-Russian Vocal Competition named after M.I. Glinka in Smolensk. After winning the competition, Anna auditioned at the Mariinsky Theater.

She is a laureate of the III Prize of the International Competition for Young Opera Singers named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (1996), the highest theater award of St. Petersburg "Golden Soffit" (1998-1999, 2000-2001, 2005), the Casta Diva Russian Music Prize (1998), the Bambi Prize (2006).

Among other achievements of the singer are two Grammy nominations (for the discs Violetta and Russian Album), the title of Musician of the Year awarded by Musical America in 2008, the Classical BRIT Awards (2008) and others.

In 2007, TIME magazine included Netrebko in the list of 100 most influential people.

Anna Netrebko is the owner of 11 German ECHO Klassik awards, the last of which in the nomination "Singer of the Year" for her performance in Verdi's "Macbeth" will be awarded to her in October 2016.

In 2006, the singer received Austrian citizenship, while retaining Russian.

Anna Netrebko was in a civil marriage with the Uruguayan baritone Erwin Schrott. In September 2008, their son Thiago Arua was born in Vienna, and in November 2013 the couple decided to leave.

Anna Netrebko married Azerbaijani opera singer Yusif Eyvazov.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Anna Yurievna Netrebko. She was born on September 18, 1971 in Krasnodar. Russian opera singer (soprano). People's Artist of Russia (2008).

Has Cossack roots.

Father is a geotechnical engineer, mother is a communications engineer.

Has an older sister Natalia (born 1968), she is married and lives in Denmark.

Since childhood, she loved to sing and actively developed her vocal abilities. She studied music and vocals, was a soloist of the choir "Kuban Pioneer", which worked at the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren of the Krasnodar Territory.

She was distinguished not only by her excellent vocal abilities, but also by her beauty - a tall, slender, spectacular girl from her youth attracted the attention of men.

She participated in the beauty contest "Miss Kuban - 88", where she took second place and received a prize for this: a TV. By the way, the competition was led by Alexander Maslyakov. As Anna said, her sister Natalya called her to Miss Kuban - 88, and the competition itself, according to her, was more like KVN.

In the show "Tonight" Anna spoke about the details of her acquaintance with Yusif: it happened in Italy, and he appeared in her life when she was very ill - things were not going well and a lot of problems piled up. But Yusif, easy and pleasant in communication, instantly dispelled her blues. Gradually, they began a serious relationship.

“But you can try. I have always been against marriages, families, children. But after 35 I got tired of living for myself. I wanted a child, I wanted to have someone else to whom I would give my love. one person can live a lifetime 0 for me is a question yet. But I hope to live it with Yusif. He immediately proposed, said: I would like you to marry me, I want children from you, "Anna said.

The wedding took place in the Vienna City Hall, and the wedding was very magnificent, the guests were many stars of domestic show business. The bride's head was adorned with a precious crown, which was specially made for Netrebko by the Chopard jewelry house from white gold and fancy-cut diamonds worth about 2 million euros.

“I don’t drink alcohol just before the performance. And so ... No, there are, of course, some restrictions. For example, I can’t pump the press, because the abdominal muscles are the first to contract when there is not enough breathing. But I need, on the contrary , relax them so that there is a large breath. ... But I don’t want any diets or weight loss. I’m comfortable in my weight, in my height. I want to be who I am, "says Netrebko.

Filmography of Anna Netrebko:

2003 - Anna Netrebko. Woman - voice (Anna Netrebko: The Woman, the Voice) (documentary)
2004 - Princess Diaries 2: How to become a queen (Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, The) - cameo
2005 - La Traviata
2006 - Great Performances - cameo
2007 - Romeo and Juliet (Romeo et Juliette) (film-play) - Juliet
2008 - La Bohème - Mimi
2010 - Anna Netrebko. Diva Diary (Anna Netrebko - West-Eastern Diva) (documentary)
2013 - Stalingrad - Angelo Badalamenti vocals (vocals)

Discography of Anna Netrebko:

1997 - Glinka: Ruslan and Lyudmila
1998 - Prokofiev: Betrothal in a monastery
2001 - Prokofiev: Love for three oranges
2003 - Prokofiev: Selected Works
2003 - Opera arias
2004 - Semper Libera
2005 - Violetta - Arias and duets from "La Traviata" by Giuseppe Verdi
2005 - Verdi: La Traviata
2006 - Mozart album
2006 - Russian album
2006 - Prokofiev: Betrothal in a monastery
2006 - G. Donizetti: Love Potion
2006 - The Berlin Concert: Live from the Waldbühnen (A. Netrebko, R. Villazon, P. Domingo)
2007 - Duets (with Roland Villazon)
2008 - Souvenirs
2008 - Vincenzo Bellini: opera "Capulets and Montagues" (Juliet)
2008 - Giacomo Puccini: opera "La Boheme" (Mimi)
2010 - In The Still Of Night Anna Netrebko and Daniel Barenboim. romances
2013 - Verdi (Verdi)
2013 - Britten War Requiem
2014 - Giovanna d'Arco
2014 - R. Strauss: Vier letzte Lieder & Ein Heldenleben
2015 - Tchaikovsky: Iolanta
2016 - Verismo

Anna Netrebko is a world-class opera singer. There is not a single fan of classical singing on the planet who would not know this name. During her career, the Russian singer has received a huge number of awards.

Hereditary gift of the singer

Anna comes from the Kuban region, she is a hereditary Cossack. The future star was born in Krasnodar, where the singer spent her childhood. From an early age, the girl clearly expressed her ability to sing. She inherited them from her parents, who loved to perform folk songs, but did it not professionally, but for the soul.

Anna already at school became a member of the Kuban Pioneer ensemble. This popular group toured quite a lot in the cities of the Soviet Union. At this time, the girl comes to an understanding of what she wants to do in the future. And after graduation, the girl easily entered a music school, for which she came to St. Petersburg, then Leningrad.

But after two courses, the singer decided to move to the Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory. A huge competition did not become an obstacle for a talented girl, the teachers in the selection committee immediately appreciated Anna's potential and enrolled in the conservatory. The result was not long in coming, and after a while Netrebko took the first prize at the Glinka International Competition. The jury unanimously decided to give the victory to the talented girl.

Then Anna received an invitation to perform at the Mariinsky Theater from Valery Gergiev. At the same time, the young singer was still studying at the conservatory. After a successful audition, performances began on the most famous Russian opera stage. Immediately, the artistic director of the theater, Valery Gergiev, entrusted the girl with the part in the production of Le nozze di Figaro. This performance was the first step towards the world opera stage.

Active tours

The fame of the talented singer diverges quickly enough and since 1994 she has been actively touring. At the same time, Anna becomes the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theatre. She becomes the pearl of such productions as "Boris Godunov", "Don Juan", "The Tsar's Bride", "La Boheme".

Anna Netrebko at a concert

Anna Netrebko is received with a bang by the public of European countries, she instantly becomes known to connoisseurs of opera singing of the Old World. The next step was the conquest of the overseas public. The performance in the USA was literally triumphant.

In 2004, the singer starred in the movie The Princess Diaries 2, which was about a talented performer. Earlier, Anna Netrebko's first album "Opera Arias" was released. Then comes the second disc "Sempre Libera".

Anna Netrebko on stage

In 2006, already a world-class star, he decides to move permanently to Austria, receives citizenship of this country, but retains Russian. The singer has a busy tour schedule, she is bathed in applause from audiences from different countries, the best bands and performers on the planet want to work with Anna.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Anna Netrebko at a concert

In 2012, the singer became a confidant of Vladimir Putin during the election campaign. She opened the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi with the Russian national anthem. Forbes magazine will include the singer in the top 10 world artists.

Anna Netrebko performs the Russian anthem at the Winter Olympics in Sochi

Condemnation in Austria was received by the financial support of Donbass, the Ukrainian region where the hostilities began. The Austrian Airlines, whose face was the opera singer, also got it. In 2015, Anna went on a tour of Europe with other famous performers. The tour was dedicated to the memory of Elena Obraztsova. In 2016, Netrebko performed the part in the production of Manon Lescaut together with her husband Yusif Aivazov.

The personal life of an opera star

Anna's first marriage to Uruguayan baritone Erwin Schrott lasted from 2008 to 2013. He gradually faded away and the couple quietly dispersed. The son of Thiago Arua remained with Anna. After 2 years, the press reported on the singer's romance with a tenor from Azerbaijan, Yusif Aivazov.

Anna Netrebko with her first husband Erwin Schrott

The singer's son was diagnosed with autism, but she quickly took matters into her own hands and, with the help of doctors, overcame the problem. Today Thiago Arua enjoys playing the guitar and singing.

Anna Netrebko and Yusif Aivazov

Read biographies of other famous musicians

Anna Netrebko is one of the most famous stars of the opera stage. She is active all over the world. Often the artist comes to Russia, not letting her fans get bored. The performer often appears in the videos of the most famous Russian and world stars. But our heroine ignores TV shows. She believes that there is no truthful information here. Rumors are brought to incredible proportions and splashed out on viewers, while it is claimed that this is true.

Currently, the opera diva is happily married. She lives with her husband in Vienna and New York, raising her son. Anna Netrebka hopes to become a mother again. She dreams of giving her husband a son or daughter.

Hearing the amazing voice of an opera singer for the first time, people immediately become admirers of her talent. They want to know everything about a woman, including the question of what height, weight, and age an opera diva has. It is not difficult to find out how old Anna Netrebko is, since the date of her birth is known.

In 2018, the opera star will celebrate its 47th birthday. She is creative, friendly and incredibly talented. Anna Netrebko, whose photos in her youth and now invariably arouse interest, is good-natured, sociable, inquisitive, simple, beautiful and loving. With a height of 173 cm, the artist weighs about 67-68 kg.

Biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko

Anya was born in the 70s of the last century in the Kuban. Father - Yuri Netrebko - a professional geologist. Mother - Larisa Netrebko worked as a communications engineer. Our heroine has an older sister, Natalya, with whom she is very friendly.

From a young age, the girl amazed others with her excellent vocal abilities. She perfectly felt music, relatives and friends liked her singing and ability to play musical instruments.

At school, our heroine studied perfectly, but she also managed to study music, attending classes of teachers at a music school. The girl was engaged in the Kuban Cossack choir. Anna became a participant in a beauty contest in the late 80s of the last century, in which Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, the founder of the KVN game, acted as the host. The jury noted the beauty and talent of the girl, who became the second. She was awarded a brand new TV.

Having received the coveted certificate, the future star of the opera stage becomes a student at the conservatory in the city on the Neva, who was famous throughout the world. To live in an expensive city, Anna had to look for work. She began to clean the premises of the Mariinsky Theater.

At this time, the biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko begin to take on the outlines of success. Soon, our star takes part in a prestigious competition, after winning which she begins to perform on the Mariinsky stage, striking the audience with her vocals. In the mid-90s of the last century, Anna began performing on the best European and American stages. The art of the opera diva was admired by Latvians, Americans, Italians, Germans, Czechs and many others.

Yusif Eyvazov and Anna Netrebko became guests of the program "2Vernik2". Opera performers are considered an exotic couple, and it's not just the difference in age and craving for bright, unusual clothes. To the public, they seem both very different and very similar. Both had a difficult path to success, they had to show character in achieving their goals.


At the same time, Eyvazov and Netrebko have different eating habits, different workflows (for example, Yusif spends an hour and a half on singing, and Anna 15 minutes). Even the temperature regime in the house of opera performers is different. The singer admitted that he is a romantic and loves heart-to-heart conversations, while his wife turned out to be a much more down to earth woman. Netrebko does not confess her love to her husband, but does not require romantic exploits either. What can we say - when Anna was a world-famous star, Yusif took his first steps in the opera.

Nevertheless, Netrebko and Eyvazov are happy together. They try to spend more time with each other, working on stage, and raise Anna's son, nine-year-old Thiago. Note that a few years ago, the singer admitted in an interview with Andrei Malakhov that her son had developmental features.

“Anna was left alone with this misfortune, not knowing at all how to live with it. Not understanding which side to approach a child who had serious problems. Today, after six years, we are discussing, talking ... He is now absolutely another child. But the moment when the child is just hysterical and you don't know why... And there is no one there to help... It's a terrible thing. Thiago is my child. I can't imagine how it can be "Different. He gave me a lot of things without even knowing it. He gave me a lot of love, helped me understand things about life, about family, about responsibility," the singer said.

Anna is convinced that Thiago became happy with the appearance of Yusif in their life. “He felt that he was in the family, that he was loved. Now he went to a regular school in Vienna, where 22 students study in one class,” the artist said.

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