Opera singers show Carmen Averbukh. Ilya Averbukh turned "Carmen" into a circus attraction


Ilya Averbukh is not just a famous figure skater. This is also a showman who brought figure skating as close as possible to high art. His ice performances have become one of the hallmarks of the arena at Luzhniki. Moreover, they are successful not only in the capital, but also on the road. City Lights was applauded by Switzerland, China, Great Britain and Lithuania. And this fall will be a grand premiere - Ice show Carmen by Ilya Averbukh in Moscow.

Ice musical premiere in Moscow
October 23 - November 7, ISA Luzhniki

Many thought that after such a bright production as "Lights", Averbukh would take time out to gather new creative ideas. Nothing of the kind: he almost immediately presents an equally interesting project: the ice musical "Carmen"! And again follows a loud world premiere. It began in the Olympic Sochi, where almost a hundred performances took place. Then the artists will visit Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, and then they will go to conquer the "distant frontiers". The venue for performances in the capital will be the small sports arena "Luzhniki", so beloved by Ilya Averbukh. Call us now to buy tickets to the ice show Carmen at ISA Luzhniki, demand is high and therefore tickets may not be enough for everyone!

The plot of the short story by Prosper Merimee never left the reader indifferent: neither in the 40s of the 19th century, when it was first published, nor now, when the works of the French classic are published in multi-volume collected works. The story of a gypsy woman, for whom freedom turned out to be more precious and more important than life, excites and makes you empathize. Tatyana Navka, who plays the role of Carmen, managed to fully get used to the image of the rebellious gypsy beauty. On the ice, she, like her character, is both serious and frivolous, romantic and practical.

  • Large selection of tickets from 900 rubles.
  • Quick order by phone in Moscow 8-495-789-41-85.
  • Shipping to all customers is free.
  • Beautiful unusual ice performance from Ilya Averbukh!

Alexey Yagudin and Roman Kostomarov became Tatyana's partners in the ice arena. Alexei got used to the image of Theodore Escamillo - a handsome man and, as we would say now, a real macho. But Roman tried on the form of a servant of order. His character - policeman Don Jose - is madly in love with Carmen, but the proud gypsy does not reciprocate.

Tickets for the ice show Carmen by Ilya Averbukh

"Carmen" on the ice of "Luzhniki" is a production that is ideal in every respect. The skill of Russian figure skaters, their wonderful acting transformations, numbers with incredible tricks - all this keeps the audience in suspense from the first to the last minute of the show. Our agency already has in stock tickets to the ice show Carmen Averbukh in Moscow, a quick order is available for you from this site or by calling 8-495-789-4185. The musical is successfully complemented by the design elements of the arena: light, special effects, 3D graphics. Even the scenery fascinates: the views of the lighthouse, the port, the bell tower and the factory are made with maximum realism. What can we say about the bullfight, where the action of the novel and the musical is also transferred: real Spanish passions boil on it! Many of the numbers that you are about to see are truly dangerous, and during the performance of especially difficult tricks by the artists, the audience feels how they take their breath away and the blood freezes in their veins.

In addition to the star trinity Navka-Yagudin-Kostomarov, other famous figure skaters, winners and prize-winners of international figure skating competitions take part in the show. They are accompanied by professional actors and circus performers. Together they create a show that can stun even the most demanding musical lover, and in order to see everything in person, you need to order tickets to the ice show Carmen by Ilya Averbukh in ISA Luzhniki from October 23 to November 7, 2015, our agency is ready to offer its services for ordering and booking tickets!

The musical accompaniment of the performance, of course, was the magnificent opera by Georges Bizet. It runs like a red thread through the entire production, reminding the audience that they are touching the classics of world art - in literature and music. A successful addition to the main musical theme is the work of the composer Roman Ignatiev. To immerse yourself in the atmosphere of passion, the audience can appreciate the flamenco, which is performed by real Spanish musicians. Live guitar, percussion and vocals further blur the boundaries between our time and the events of two centuries ago.

Yesterday visited the St. Petersburg premiere of the ice musical from Ilya Averbukh - "Carmen".
The performance goes to the SC "Jubilee". Almost all of our stars took part in it - Olympic champions of figure skating, such as Tatyana Navka, Alexei Yagudin, Roman Kostomarov, Tatyana Totmyanina, Maxim Marinin, Oksana Domnina and others...

First, some street beauties, to warm up...

The weather was pleasing, even the meeting with the ice show did not frighten us with cold, but vice versa. Carmen lady is hot, putting her on ice is a kind of risk...))

Soon they gave me a badge and I went to the Ice Palace in search of adventure.

It's logical... to play catch in the women's locker room - too much...

I liked the booklets and programs for the show. Everything is done very stylishly and to the highest standard. I slightly reduce the pictures, whoever wants to read it.

80 artists and more than 200 costumes take part in the performance)))

Who remembers Carmen's story? This is such a Spanish version of "So don't get you to anyone." In short, everyone died because of Carmen, even she, but it’s a pity all the same only for her ...

Now a long version of Carmen

It takes place in the Spanish Seville. There are a lot of military and smugglers. They have a lot of crazy girls, but the star among them is the gypsy Carmen. Temperamental and courageous, she is used to changing men like gloves. Meeting with the dragoon Jose awakens passion in her, and his bride Michaela is not a rival for her. She turns out to be the culprit of a quarrel at the factory, she is arrested and José must deliver and protect her in prison. But the charms of the gypsy are omnipotent, she slept with Jose, deceived him, closed him in her cell instead of herself and fled. He was demoted, but left to serve.

Carmen is connected with crime and smugglers. What is the norm for a gypsy. A relationship develops between her and Jose. And once in a tavern, Jose finds Carmen with his boss. In a fit of jealousy, Jose kills him and the path to return to the barracks is cut off. José stays with Carmen and with the smugglers.

But Carmen has already fallen out of love with him, and her ass requires adventure. When José leaves the camp due to her mother's illness, she starts new romances. When Jose finds her with another boyfriend - a bullfighter, he challenges him to a duel, but Carmen Jose stops and rejects his love.

The story ends on a beautiful day in the square in Seville, before the bullfight. Carmen charms the bullfighter, and Jose forgives everything and asks her to return. But she does not want a relationship with him and wants a bullfighter. “So don’t get it for anyone,” thinks (probably) Jose and cuts it in front of a respectable audience, to the delight of married women and the chagrin of men ....

The retelling is free, in general terms ... look for a more detailed version on the Internet)))

A few thoughts from the Internet from critics and great experts: director Ilya Averbukh created all the conditions for showing the maximum possibilities of the ice show genre. And there are no better performers than our prize-winners - figure skaters. This is the best ice show in the world today.

The hall of the Olympic Ice Palace was divided in half. It turned out to be a very cozy hall, because the slope allows even children to see the whole stage, and no one's hair in front is able to interfere, even though Varlamov himself will sit down. Although, that this one, it can already be crossed out of the hairballs.

The growing stars of figure skating also took part in the performance)))

The scene with the suitcase amused))

By the number of actors, the complexity of the performance of the episodes and the stardom of the performers, there are no analogues to this show in the world. At times it really looked like a circus performance, but the nerve and thread of the performance was still not lost.

There is a lot of fire and ice in the show... and they are combined without conflict))

The dynamics of figure skating and the emotionality and plasticity of ballet, including acrobatic elements of circus complexity, are in harmony.

These guys had fun. And slightly walked through the men dressed as women and gay people at the same time)))

Roller skating is cool. And when they put it in, and it also squeaked like a car alarm, it was a masterpiece))

In some places it was humorous ... circus artists even collected change from the audience, that's what it means to dust off Stanislavsky's abstract))

The main role - Carmen in the musical was played by Olympic champion Tatyana Navka. “For me, the role of Carmen is a landmark. 11 years ago, it was with Carmen that Roman Kostomarov and I won gold at the Turin Olympics in 2006. But my Carmen then and today are two completely different characters in character. (C) Tatyana Navka

I don't know what they do, but the audience liked it))

Ilya Averbukh: "Never before the city on the Neva hosted ice shows in the summer, but I am sure that the power of the Carmen performance will bring fans of figure skating and theatrical art with it."

The music of the performance is a separate song! The strength of this show is in the music that everyone knows well from childhood. These are hits. And the soul opens up... and without closing, it opens up again... and so repeatedly, until you feel completely dissolved in this enchanting action...))))

Vocals by Svetlana Svetikova, Sergey Li, and Olga Domenech Terroba, invited from Spain...

My mother and I, like probably most of the inhabitants of our country, are big fans of figure skating. Therefore, when they saw the posters of the performance on vacation, they caught fire to visit it if possible.

It took place in the Olympic Park at the Iceberg Winter Sports Palace.

And so, having arrived, for a walk in the Olympic Park, we decided to stay and bought tickets for the show.

It starts at 18.30 and lasts until 21.00.

Ticket price ranged from 1000 to 3000 rubles. But since we bought tickets before the performance at the box office of the palace, we no longer had to choose. The most inexpensive more or less central places were in sector C3 for 2000 rubles.

Before the performance, we walked along the Iceberg.

Numerous shops prudently sold blankets, T-shirts, sweets and other performance paraphernalia.

There was such a book of wishes, where everyone could leave something as a keepsake.

For 200 rubles, we bought a program, which turned out to be a rather capacious brochure with a colorful description of the scenes and photographs of the participants.

The star cast of the show: Tatyana Navka, Roman Kostomarov, Alexei Yagudin, Tatyana Totmyanina, Maxim Marinin, Maria Petrova, Alexei Tikhonov, Oksana Domnina, Maxim Shabalin, etc.

In addition to well-known figure skaters, ice ballet dancers and a dance group from Sochi took part in the performance.

The show lasts 2.5 hours, half an hour of which is an intermission and consists of 25 scenes, each of which is not only part of the whole performance, but also an independent program.

They left in a frenzy. Sparkling show, tragedy, humorous scenes.

My heart was pounding with excitement and excitement.

The skaters jumped, rotated, showed step sequences, parallel lifts, and most importantly, they danced!

In general, lit in full. And even the double fall of Yagudin did not spoil the emotions about the skill of the athletes.

Seat Tips

Better higher, but more central.

Visibility in this case will be excellent, and it is even better to ask the cashiers about the presence of bars. I felt sorry for some of the people peeking out from behind them.

And further:

Dress warmly!

Otherwise, you can splurge on a blanket from "Ilya Averbukh" worth 700 rubles.

Well, the promised VIDEO with fragments of speeches

Those who once visited the production of the famous director Ilya Averbukh will no doubt tell with delight about every minute of the performance. For many years now, this man has been tirelessly pleasing the eyes of lovers of fine art with amazing works. Last year, "City Lights" literally lit up the audience, and not only in Russia, but also in Lithuania, Great Britain, Switzerland and China.

Tickets for the musical "Carmen" sold out long before the premiere, which predicted a successful breakthrough for the entire group. We did not have to wait long, because from the first seconds the audience watched the actions in the arena with interest. There are still 90 amazing performances to come in Sochi, after which the troupe will travel to other cities in Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The amazing work of Prosper Merimee is beautiful in itself, and if you have not read this masterpiece, we advise you to buy tickets to the Carmen show in Moscow. This picture in full will tell an amazing story about a beautiful girl with not the best fate. The role of the main character went to the talented figure skater Tatyana Navka. She amazingly conveyed the image of Carmen - passionate, romantic, frivolous, decisive and many-sided. Male leading roles are played by no less talented actors: Aleksey Yagudin became the dizzy womanizer and womanizer Teodor Escalmio, and Roman Kostomarov, a simple policeman Don Jose, deeply in love. All Averbukh's performances impress with the high professionalism of the chosen skaters, who, among other things, have excellent acting skills. They quickly take the viewer to the world of another story, thanks to a real sincere game. With ice, these people are on you from a young age, so performing amazing complex tricks is a real joy for them. To make sure of this, be sure to buy tickets for the musical "Carmen" by Ilya Averbukh and enjoy one of the most impressive shows of the coming autumn!

All artists from Averbukh's creative group are professional figure skaters with many years of experience and impressive career achievements. Only with this director you will be able to see actors, circus performers and masters of ice art on the same arena at once.

The music of Georges Bizet is an invariable accompaniment to the Spanish performance. It is it that is able to accurately convey all the subtleties of an extravagant country with a passionate temperament and a broad soul. This music inspires again and again many authors and directors for new large-scale projects. But Ilya Averbukh went even further, using compositions not only by Georges Bizet in his musical. For his project, he attracted the Russian composer Roman Ignatiev, who, with great joy, also worked responsibly on this production. This allowed both to expand the musical part ice show Carmen and unleash the full potential of a live symphony orchestra. The upcoming event will be worth the candle, because the show is thought out to the smallest detail. One of them is a picturesque arena for a performance. Many viewers have no idea that this is possible, but amazing 3D projections with light laser play will appear in front of you. Magnificent scenery will decorate the main platform and convey the flavor of history. In them you will find a port with a lighthouse and a bell tower. A dizzying bullfight will add a spark to the ice, which will immerse all spectators in the passionate world of Spain.

With passion on ice: Ilya Averbukh will bring to St. Petersburg a new version of the musical "Carmen"

Petersburgers will see a new version of the play by Ilya Averbukh from June 15 to 22 on the stage of the Yubileiny Palace of Sports. The strongest Russian figure skaters will present the audience with the story of the gypsy Carmen, created by producer Ilya Averbukh. The show features 80 artists, over 200 costumes and tons of tiered sets. Salt Lake City Olympic champion, world and European champion Alexei Yagudin as the bullfighter Escamillo, Olympic world champion, world and European champion Roman Kostomarov as Jose. Lithuanian figure skater, thirteen-time champion of Lithuania, winner of the European and World Championships Margarita Drobyazko plays the role of the fatal Spaniard Carmen.

“Rita Drobyazko will lead everyone, and Alexei Yagudin will seek her heart. This is a performance with a single storyline, with the author's director's intent, with 160-meter scenery that occupies the entire ice space and bright artists. “Carmen” is an accomplished performance, we have shown it more than 200 times, received more than one award for it, so we are confident in the quality of what we will bring to St. Petersburg. We come with different projects for the third year in a row and we hope that the interest in figure skating in the summer will be great! St. Petersburg attracts all of Russia, and I think that over time, ice shows will become the hallmark of summer St. Petersburg!” - says Ilya Averbukh.

"Carmen" is called an ice musical, it is rather difficult to give an exact definition of the genre of this show. The musical will combine classical and modern music - Georges Bizet and Roman Ignatiev. The performance has parts in Spanish, live music, flamenco, percussion instruments. However, the main actors are the skaters - the stars from the Averbukh team: Alexei Yagudin, Margarita Drobyazko, Povilas Vanagas, Oksana Domnina, Roman Kostomarov, Maria Petrova, Alexei Tikhonov, Albena Denkova, Maxim Stavisky.

« This year marks 15 years since I organized my first ice project. I'm interested in the genre of a serious ice production - such as, for example, ballet - when people forget that the action takes place on skates. Skates are the language of choreography, and the trick is the language of dance. The viewer is immersed in the action, and does not sit waiting for a trick. I think I manage to keep the lead in this. Ice is the element that I already know almost everything about, this is my base, and I want to conquer a new element. I enjoy creating choreographic numbers!" - says Ilya Averbukh.

The premiere of the musical "Carmen" took place in 2015, after which the show toured in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. From the very first shows, it was recognized as one of the most impressive performances of our time. At the Chereshnevy Les Arts Festival, the ice-skating Carmen won the Oleg Yankovsky Creative Discovery Award.

*Skaters may change.

Children up to 4 years old inclusive can enter the event free of charge, without providing a separate seat.

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