Description of Ivan the peasant son and the miracle of Yudo. Russian folk tale "Ivan - a peasant son and a miracle Yudo"


Sections: Literature

Target: through the analysis of the image of the protagonist, to cultivate a sense of patriotism, high moral principles and aesthetic values ​​of students.

  • Educational: to develop the ability to process the text in order to find fragments that answer specific questions, to highlight important information.
  • Developing: to contribute to the formation of communicative and research competence of fifth graders, to enrich the vocabulary of students, to develop the ability to master artistic images, the expressive properties of the language.
  • Educational: to educate a sense of patriotism, high moral principles on the example of the main character Ivan, a peasant son.

Lesson type: repetitive-generalizing

Lesson form: conversation with elements of practical work

Equipment: computer, screen, multimedia projector, technological map (appendix 2), textbook, ed. V.Ya.Korovina.

During the classes

I. Introductory speech of the teacher

- "Collect our folklore, learn from it ... The better we know the past, the easier, the more deeply we will understand the great meaning of the creators of the present," said M. Gorky. ( slide 1)

How do you guys understand this statement of the writer?

(From folklore works, we learn about the events of hoary antiquity, about the economic activities and family life of our ancestors, about how they fought, defending their native land, cultivated it, what they aspired to and fought against.)

Passed down from generation to generation, fairy tales have undergone changes and achieved extraordinary expressiveness. There are no random episodes and dialogues, no unnecessary descriptions. The people have thought of everything. Good always triumphs in a fairy tale, evil is punished.

The fairy tale "Ivan the peasant son and the miracle Yudo" is a fairy tale, but how does it differ from other fairy tales?

Let's try to answer this question today.

Write the topic of the lesson in your workbooks. ( slide 2)

II. Fairy tale text analysis

Did you like the fairy tale? Why?

Which of the characters did you like more? Why?

What news saddened the inhabitants of a certain state?

Which of the brothers is going to defend the Russian land at the very beginning of the tale? - Find this episode in the fairy tale

(Elder brothers (p. 29) “Do not grieve, father and mother, we will go to the miracle Yudo, we will fight him to the death. And so that you do not yearn at home alone, let it be with you Ivanushka remains, one is still young, to go to battle”)

Only Ivanushka did not agree with this decision, and the old people did not dissuade him, so the brothers set off with a miracle to fight, to defend the Russian land. The brothers took damask swords, took knapsacks with bread and salt, sat on good horses and rode off. ( slide 3)

They drove and drove and arrived at some village. What picture did the brothers present themselves with?

(Everything is burnt, broken, not a single living soul is gone. Only one hut stands, but it barely holds on)

How did the old woman react to the brothers' decision to fight the villain?

(They got down to business. So, it was not in vain that they left their native land))

They drive up to the Smorodina River, to the Kalinov Bridge. What kind of bridge is this?

(Message from a pre-prepared student) (slide 4)

Kalinov Bridge is thrown over the Smorodina River, dividing the world alive and peace dead. The bridge, which is the border, is guarded Three-Headed Serpent. It is through this bridge that souls pass into the realm of the dead. And it is here that the heroes (knights, heroes) restrain the forces of evil threatening good (in the face of various snakes).

There are many epics and legends, according to the plot of which a single combat of a hero (a knight, a hero) with a snake takes place on the Kalinov Bridge, which is the personification of the battle between good and evil.

How do brothers behave on the other side? What decision is made?

Who is the most organized?

(Ivan turns out to be the most vigilant. “Well, brothers, we drove in a different direction, we need to listen to everything and look closely”)

Can we say that all the brothers showed themselves here as real defenders of the Motherland?

How does the older brother behave on patrol?

How is the middle brother?

Why does Ivan take all the responsibility?

(Ivan realized the futility of the brothers' participation in the campaign and himself entered into combat with the miracle Yud)

How are all the fights going? How did the brothers in the watch show themselves?

Group task:

Read how the appearance of the miracle of six, nine, twelve heads is described.

Each time the image of a miracle-Yuda becomes more terrible. During his appearance, the waters on the river became agitated, the eagles screamed, and for the third time - “the damp earth shook, the waters in the river became agitated, violent winds howled” ( Slide 5,6,7 - according to the answers of the groups)

Frightened, Ivan trembled from what he saw? Why?

How does he behave every time he encounters a monster?

(The first time he did not flinch, he answered wisely;

In the second - he showed resourcefulness, courage;

For the third time, Ivan is determined, unstoppable.)

What features of Ivan, the peasant son, are revealed before the battle, during the battle, after it?

(Filling out the table in the technological map)

(First, Ivan, a peasant son, shows determination not to stay at home, but to go to battle with his older brothers;

during battles, he shows courage and perseverance, courage and fearlessness;

after victories, he does not brag to his brothers, but asks them to support him during the third battle. The quality that Ivan showed when he went to the serpent chambers in the morning can be called vigilance, caution. He learns about the plans of the serpent wives: “He who is warned is armed,” says folk wisdom.)

(Slide 8)

Depicting the growing danger each time, the author emphasizes the seriousness of the situation for the hero . This was not done by chance., this is a special technique, using which the author shows Ivan's courage, courage, fearlessness, which causes the reader's love and respect for the defender of his land.

So it's not just a fairy tale, this is a fairy tale with a heroic content

How do you understand the word "hero"? How many meanings does this word have?

(Two meanings:

  1. A hero is a character in a work of art.
  2. A hero is a person who has committed a heroic deed") (Slide 9)

Follow the text, what is the name of Ivan - the peasant son at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the tale? ( slide 10 part 1)

(At the beginning of the tale, the brothers call the younger Ivanushka, the old woman in the village says to the brothers “Good fellows.” Miracle Yudo and the snake call him Ivan the peasant son ”

In the middle of the tale, the narrator calls the hero Ivan, and then also Ivan the peasant son. Ivanushka is an affectionate name. So called usually small, younger. The address "Ivan" is respectful, and Ivan - a peasant son is similar to the address by name and patronymic (in the old days they said - Ivan Petrov's son). The address by name and patronymic had to be earned. ( slide 10 part 2)

How are older brothers doing? Why are these helpers needed?

(And this is an artistic technique. With the help of such a contrast, against the background of arrogant loafers, it is clearly shown simple and humble winner. But at first the brothers did not want to take Ivan with them. In fact, the opposite is true: the brothers are useless, and Ivan is hero, protector

And how do people show us the enemy? Why does he call him not just the Serpent Gorynych, but the filthy miracle Yudo)

(He encroaches on foreign land, brings grief and suffering to the people)

Fairy tale composition. Peculiarities.

Does the story have a beginning or an ending? Find.

How does the number three appear in this tale?

(Three fights, three brothers, three times he threw guardian objects into the brothers' hut, three wives, three trials)

What phrases slow down the action?

(whether it was a long trip or a short one) (Slide 11)

- Combine words into phrases.(Work in a notebook)

An epithet is an artistic definition that emphasizes the qualities, properties, features of the depicted object, phenomenon, event that are important for the author. (Slide 12)

An epithet firmly attached to one object is called permanent(Slide 13)

IV. generalization

How does the fairy tale end?

(“And Ivan, the peasant son with his brothers, returned home, to his father, to his mother. And they began to live, to live, to plow the field and sow wheat”) (Slide 14)

What is the unusual ending of the fairy tale?

(These words personify people's dream of a free, peaceful life, peaceful labor. Ivan is a simple man, a national hero, a patriot who has an honorable conscience, who loves his Motherland)

How can the moral of the story be formulated?

(Miracle Yudo was a conqueror in a foreign land, where there was a peaceful life. The indignation of the people cannot be stopped. In the image of Ivan, all the best forces of the Russian land united, this helped to defeat the enemy)

The game "Collect a proverb" (Combining parts of proverbs in a technological map)

Collect proverbs that can express the main moral of the tale.

  • In what nation you live, keep that custom.
  • Own land and in a handful is sweet.
  • The other side is the stepmother, the native side is the mother.
  • Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.
  • In Rus', not all carp - there are ruffs.
  • Do not go into someone else's monastery with your charter. (Slide 16)

Game "Interview with a literary hero" (Slide 17)

If you had to meet Ivan, a peasant son, in real life, what would you like to ask him, knowing about his feat?

How about answering this question?

V. Homework (Slide 18)

  • Record an interview with the literary hero of the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo”.
summary of other presentations

"In the world of Russian folk tales" - Illustrations. Episode sequence. Cipher. Letters. The wonderful world of folk tales. Fairy tales. Old snake. Peasant son. Who helped the hero. Retell the episodes. Fairy tale. Tell the story.

"Riddles to Russian fairy tales" - Firebird. Zayushkin's hut. Fox and crane. Three Bears. Goblin. The wolf and the seven Young goats. Ivan Tsarevich. Visiting a fairy tale. Kolobok. By pike command. Water. Throne. Koschei the Deathless. Princess Frog. I fly in a mortar, I kidnap children. The tablecloth is self-assembly. Snow Maiden. Baba Yaga. Stove. A hut on chicken legs. Turnip. Riddles to Russian folk tales. Kikimora. Masha and the Bear.

“The fairy tale“ Zayushkina hut ”- The fox asked the hare to warm up. Bunny. I met a rooster bunny. The fox wanted to make friends with the bunny. A bunny is walking along the path. Russian folktale. Where is the rabbit hiding? Golden comb. Spring. Didactic game. Fox. Zayushkin's hut. Dog. Bear. Spring came. Bast hut.

"Features of Russian folk tales" - A fundamental element of folk art. Russian folk tales. Features of fairy tales about animals. Tasks. Find the right answer. Antithesis. Names and titles. Heroes of fairy tales. Hyperbola. Features of everyday fairy tales. Fairy tale. types of fairy tales. Fairy formulas. Answer the questions. Heroes of fairy tales about animals. Visual and expressive means. Guess the name of the story. Heroes of everyday fairy tales.

"Teremok" - Teremok. The field mouse jumped up and quickly opened the door. That tower stood on the site of paradise. The fish is golden. In a wide wheat field, a mouse is a field vein. Animals. Runaway bunny, runaway from fire. Ecological fairy tale for younger students. The hare screams. Fish, fish, help, gold. Gray sparrow. Let the sun, air and water shine as always. Happiness ended - acid rain poured. Mouse-norushka.

"Ivan is a peasant son" - Snakes. A fairy tale with a heroic content. Replays. Younger brother. Russian folktale. Beginning. Russian folk tales. Pud of salt. Peasant son. The best features of the simple Russian people. Ivan. Dasha. Ivan was a simple peasant son. Plot.

Lesson 8


The goals of the teacher's activity: to teach to characterize the heroes of a fairy tale, to build a story about a hero; reveal the moral qualities of the hero; draw students' attention to the artistic features of the tale; learn to identify the main idea of ​​the work; to improve the work on the perception and understanding of a magical heroic tale, the formation of retelling and speech skills.

Planned results of the study of the topic:

Item Skills: know genre features of a fairy tale, a scheme for constructing a fairy tale;be able to distinguish types of fairy tales, build a story about a hero, characterize him.

Meta-subject UUD (universal learning activities):

Personal : develops new activities, participates in the creative, creative process; realizes himself as an individual and at the same time as a member of society.

Regulatory : accepts and saves the learning task; plans (in cooperation with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions, operations, acts according to the plan.

cognitive : understands information presented in a pictorial, schematic, model form, uses sign-symbolic means to solve various educational problems.

Communicative : builds small monologue statements, carries out joint activities in pairs and working groups, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks.

During the classes

I . Analysis of the text of a fairy tale.


1. Did you like the fairy tale?

2. Are you interested in Ivan - a peasant son?

3. Can it be argued that Ivan is the son of his people, his part, his protector? Why?

4. What do you think the origins of the Hero Power are?


At the very beginning of the tale, the reader does not assume that the youngest of the sons, Ivan, whom the older brothers did not want to take with them on their journey, will turn out to be the defender of their land! Gradually delving into the fairy-tale events, we observe how the mind and ingenuity, courage and dexterity of the young hero are manifested.

Question: Find in the text the words that Ivan for the first time makes the brothers think about the danger and seriousness of the situation.(“Well, brothers, we drove in a different direction, we need to listen to everything and look closely.)

Despite the warning, the elder brothers slept under the willow bush during the patrol. Ivan realized the futility of the participation of the brothers in the campaign and he himself entered into combat with the miracle Yud.

Exercise: Read how the appearance of a miracle-yuda about six heads, about nine, about twelve heads is described.

Each time, the image of a miracle-Yuda becomes more and more terrible. During his appearance, the waters in the river became agitated, the eagles screamed, and for the third time - "the damp earth shook, the waters in the river became agitated, violent winds howled."

Question: Frightened, Ivan trembled from what he saw? Why?

Depicting the growing danger each time, the author-people emphasizes the seriousness of the situation for the hero. This was not done by chance, it is a special technique, using which the author shows the courage, courage, fearlessness of Ivan, which causes the reader to love and respect the defender of his land.

Question: How does Ivan behave at every encounter with a monster?

The first time he did not flinch, he answered wisely; in the second - showed resourcefulness, courage; for the third time, Ivan is resolute, unstoppable.

Question: How are older brothers doing? Why useless helpers?

And this is an artistic technique. With the help of such opposition, the following is achieved: against the background of arrogant loafers, a simple and modest winner is clearly shown.

Remember that at the beginning of the tale, the brothers do not want to take Ivan on a campaign. In fact, everything turns out to be the opposite: the brothers are useless, and Ivan is a hero, a protector.


In order to enhance the impression of the sight of a vile monster, the people depict him as creepy, treacherous, carrying evil, violence, and death.

Another artistic technique: the monster is shown not with the aim of intimidating the people, but in order to disgust the enemy, to hate him. No matter how terrible the enemy is, a person will still win, because he is fighting for a just cause.

Ivan calmly says to the twelve-headed snake: “I came with you to fight to the death, to save good people from you, the damned one.” This remark contains folk wisdom and the main idea of ​​the tale.


Questions and tasks:

1. Is there a beginning, an ending in the fairy tale? Find.

2. Is the triple repetition of the action observed? (Three fights .)

3. What phrases slow down the action?(“How long, short, short were they driving”; “they were driving”, etc.)

4. Give examples of constant epithets.(Good fellow, damask sword, etc.)

Notice the end of the story. It once again (sounds) repeats the main idea: “And Ivan, the peasant son with his brothers, returned home, to his father, to his mother. And they began to live and live, to plow the field and sow wheat.

These words personify people's dream of a free, peaceful life and peaceful labor. Ivan is a simple man, a national hero, a patriot who has honor, a conscience, who loves his Motherland.

- How can the moral of the story be formulated?

Miracle Yudo was a conqueror to a foreign land, where there was a peaceful life. The outrage of the people cannot be stopped. In the image of Ivan, all the best forces of the Russian land were combined, and this helped to defeat the enemy. This is confirmed by proverbs in which folk wisdom lives:

In what nation you live, keep that custom.

Own land and in a handful is sweet.

The foreign side is the stepmother, the native side is the mother.

Russian neither with a sword, nor with a kalach does not joke.

In Rus', not all carp - there are ruffs.

Do not go into someone else's monastery with your charter.

II. Competition for the best illustration for a fairy tale. Discussion of works.

Homework: reading and retelling of fairy tales "Crane and Heron", "Soldier's Overcoat"; work on the assignments “Thinking about the originality of fairy tales about animals”, “Thinking about the originality of everyday fairy tales” (p. 40-46).

Russian folk tales are one of the types of folklore prose, which makes up a significant part of the entire folk oral art of ancient Rus'. Fairy tales are an important part of Russian culture and can rightfully be considered a national treasure.

Some fairy tales are relatively simple and understandable even to small children, for example, "Gingerbread Man", "Ryaba Hen", "Turnip" and others. Other works have a more complex plot - they include, among other things, the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracle Yudo".

Brief story

Like many fairy tales of the Russian people, this work begins with the traditional words "in a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...". One of the secondary characters are the old man and the old woman.

The protagonist is the youngest of their three sons named Ivanushka. Ivan and his brothers worked on arable land and sowed bread until Miracle Yudo attacked his homeland. The three brothers decided to fight the monster and went to the Smorodina River.

The further plot develops in such a way that, contrary to expectations, Ivanushka single-handedly defeats Chudo-Yudo, as well as his three wives and mother, who wanted to take revenge. After that, Ivan returns home. The tale ends with the words "they began to live and live ...". In this case - "to plow the land and sow bread."

Questions that can be made to a fairy tale

  1. How many children did the old man and the old woman have, and what was the name of the youngest of them?
  2. What did the brothers do before the battle with Miracle Yud?
  3. How did Miracle Yudo want to exterminate people and seize the kingdom?
  4. Who did the brothers meet on the way to the Smorodina River?
  5. How did Miracle-Yudo feel Ivan's presence?
  6. What did Ivan order the brothers before the battle with the monster?
  7. Why did the heads of Miracle Yud grow back, despite the fact that Ivan cut them down with a sword?
  8. How did the wives and mother of Chuda-Yuda want to take revenge?

Characteristics of Ivan - a peasant son

The task to write a description of one of the characters in literature lessons can be either independent or an additional task when writing an essay or analyzing a fairy tale.

Since the fairy tale does not pay much attention to the appearance of the characters, the main part of the characterization of Ivan, the peasant son, is a description of the character and internal qualities.

The name Ivanushka in Russian folk tales is the name of stupid characters from whom the rest do not expect anything special. But, contrary to expectations, Ivan turns out to be the most intelligent, brave and responsible of all three brothers. He was not afraid to engage in battle with Chud-Yud, and during the battle, in addition to courage and courage, he showed resourcefulness and ingenuity, which helped him win.

From the fairy tale "Miracle Yudo", in this article you will find the necessary information. We will talk about what qualities the hero showed, how he fought the monster, which helped him win the battle. The characterization of Ivan, the peasant son, will be of interest not only to those who are preparing for a literature lesson. The image of this character will be appreciated by many. And fairy tales, as you know, are a storehouse of folk wisdom.

The main characters of the work of interest to us are: Ivan, his brothers and Miracle Yudo. There were three brothers, but why does only one of them have a name? This, of course, is not accidental. The characterization of Ivan, the peasant son, is of most interest to the author. Only he fought with Chud-yud, and it is his name that is presented in the title.

The meaning of the name in ancient Rus'

In ancient times, the name was given for a reason. It had to be earned first by some worthwhile deed. Until a certain time, children did not have names. At the age of 11-12, they participated in special tests, where everyone was given the opportunity to prove themselves. It was then that the children received names. Probably, this custom was reflected in the fairy tale. In it, the older brothers remain nameless, since they did not show themselves in any way. In addition to the name, there is also a nickname. He is called the peasant's son. It almost sounds like a middle name. In ancient times, it was presented like this: Sergey, Andreev's son, or Peter, Ivanov's son, etc. By the way, surnames subsequently appeared from here. In the fairy tale, Ivan is called the peasant's son. This means that the fact that he is from the peasantry is important for the author.

Ivan's family

The work describes an ordinary peasant family, friendly and hardworking. The author notes that the members of the family were not lazy, they worked from morning to night. Peaceful labor was disrupted by the appearance of the filthy Miracle Yud, who intended to attack their land, destroy all people, and burn villages and cities with fire.

Why did the children decide to fight the monster

The children decided to fight Chud-Yud because they could not come to terms with this misfortune, to see the grief of their parents. Father and mother did not hold them back. They understood that they needed to save their land, and only the young could do this. And so the three brothers ended up on the Kalinov Bridge. This is the border between their homeland and the realm of the monster. Here Ivan suggested that they go on patrol in turn, so as not to let Chudo-Yudo through the bridge.

How did the brothers of the protagonist

It is very important to be vigilant at the border, as the enemy can cross it at any moment. However, the brothers turned out to be irresponsible and frivolous. They simply walked around the bridge and, not noticing anything, went to bed, not thinking about the impending danger. And Ivan can’t sleep on the other side, because he worries about his homeland and constantly thinks about how not to miss the enemy.

Why Ivan went to battle alone

Why did the main character decide to get down to business himself, without waking the brothers? The reason for this is not that Ivan does not rely on them. The fact is that he is the youngest, so Ivan must show that he thinks he can handle it himself. Why, in this case, disturb their sleep?

Fighting the monster

Defeating the monster was not so easy. Ivan had to spend three fights with him. The fairy tale shows that each time the monster became stronger. Miracle Yud had more heads, and therefore more strength. The first of them could not drive Ivan into the ground, the second managed to drive him up to his knees, and the third was able to drive him up to his shoulders. It was not easy for our hero. The monster deafened him with a whistle, burned with fire, showered with sparks ... In addition, he had a magical fiery finger that restored Ivan's severed heads.

The characteristics of Ivan, the peasant son, are largely revealed precisely during the battles. The protagonist shows himself in battle courageous, brave, full of self-esteem. In his speech there are proverbs that help to understand all these qualities of Ivan.

The hero is resourceful. This is evidenced by the fact that he threw a handful of sand into the eyes of the enemy when he fought with the second Chud-yud. While the monster was rubbing its eyes, he cut off all its other heads. In the final battle, the hero realized that the strength of the enemy was in the fiery finger. He won by contriving to cut it off.

But not only resourcefulness helped our hero win. His desire to liberate his homeland from adversity was also important. The characterization of Ivan, the peasant son, would be incomplete if we missed this moment. After all, the hero directly tells Chud-Yud that he came to fight to the death in order to save good people from him.

Last Stand

Describing the last battle, the author uses hyperbole. They are necessary in order to show the heroic strength of the protagonist. The gauntlet thrown by him pierced the roof of the hut where the brothers were sleeping. The house then almost rolled over the logs from the blow of his cap. Ivan fought Chud-Yud alone in the first two battles, but in the third he needed help. The hero felt it. Going to fight, he warned the brothers that help might be needed, and asked them not to sleep at night. And what happened?

Betrayal of the brothers and Ivan's reaction

The episode of the betrayal of the brothers makes it possible to discover new qualities that mark the characteristics of the protagonist of the tale. Ivan, the peasant's son, asked them not to sleep. However, the brothers, despite Ivan's request, again fell into a deep sleep. This is a real betrayal, and not just irresponsibility. Not only Ivan, but the whole native land could pay for this. How did our hero react to this betrayal? This moment is very important if you are interested in the characterization of Ivan, the peasant son from the fairy tale. After all, he did not become embittered, did not get angry, he only reproached the elders. Ivan asked his brothers. This characterizes him as a good hero. Of course, Ivan, the peasant son, knows how to forgive. The characterization of the hero, however, does not end there. It continues to manifest itself even after killing the monster.

Final victory

Having defeated the monster, Ivan, the peasant son, did not calm down. The characterization of the hero is supplemented by new qualities shown by him after the battle. Ivan was not drunk with victory, he did not lose his vigilance. The hero rightly suggested that the Miracle Kingdom could still take some tricks. The fact is that the hero killed only the main warriors. The kingdom itself remained untouched ... And Ivan needed a complete victory. That is why he decided to go beyond the Kalinov bridge, to sneak unnoticed to the stone chambers. Our hero went to the window and listened to see if anything else was being planned. Ivan's fears were not in vain. It turned out that the mother and wife of Miracle Yuda planned to destroy the brothers. Again, Ivan turned out to be smarter and more prudent than them, thanks to which he saved them from death.

Ivan is a peasant and a Christian

Note that both at the beginning and at the end of the work, the agricultural work of the protagonist and his family is mentioned. The author writes at the beginning of the tale that they "worked from morning to night." And in the end, he notices that they began to live, live, "sow wheat" and "plow the field." Therefore, the most important thing in the life of Ivan's family is work. In the title of the tale, the nickname of the protagonist (peasant's son) corresponds to the meaning of Ivan's life, which is to work on his native land. However, the word "peasant" comes from the word "Christian", which, in turn, comes from "Christian". This is the name of the one who lives according to the commandments of religion, professes faith in Jesus. This is an honest, kind, hardworking, merciful person who loves his native land and is ready to defend it.

A brief description of Ivan, a peasant son, can be supplemented by the fact that he is not just a peasant, but also a Christian. He loves his land, selflessly defends it, diligently cultivates it, knows how to forgive, is unforgiving, and respectful to his elders. His life reflects Christian ideas about man. In addition, Ivan is also a real hero. However, he is very modest: having returned to his usual business, the peasant son does not demand and does not expect any rewards. He liberated his land disinterestedly.

This completes the characterization of the hero of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo". This character shows the best qualities inherent in the common people. One of its most worthy representatives is Ivan, a peasant son. The characterization of the protagonist proves this.

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