Description of the painting by Vasnetsov Snow Maiden. "Introduction to the painting


Composition-description based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden"

Anastasia G., 3rd grade

The picture "The Snow Maiden" Vasnetsov painted in 1899. He created it for the scenery for the play. The artist executed the canvas in cold colors. The pearl color of the stars, the snow shining with blue tints and the bright night shadows create an atmosphere of magic.

Frosty winter night. Diamond stars twinkle in the sky. Moonlight silvered the edge of the dark forest. A beautiful girl stands on a snowy meadow. This is the Snow Maiden - the daughter of Frost and Spring. She is wearing a beautiful outfit embroidered with pearls: a brocade coat, a hat with a fur trim and warm mittens. The Snow Maiden goes to the world of people. She is scared and confused. A thin birch and fluffy little Christmas trees accompany her. Lights are burning in the distance - the fireflies of the village, they beckon and call the Snow Maiden. What awaits her there?

Ekaterina B., 3rd grade

I am examining a reproduction of the painting "The Snow Maiden" by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. The painting depicts winter, night. In a dark forest on a clearing lit by moonlight stands the Snow Maiden. She wears a beautiful pearl-silver outfit: a brocade coat with lovely patterns. On the head is a cap with a fur trim. On the hands are warm mittens. Behind the Snow Maiden stands a thin birch.

In the foreground of the picture are small fluffy Christmas trees. Fireflies are visible in the distance.

I admire the skill of Vasnetsov. The artist painted a truly fabulous picture. And very accurately conveyed the winter magic of the night forest.

Dimir N., 3rd grade

In the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov, we see the Snow Maiden walking through a dark forest.

Winter night. The Snow Maiden went to the forest clearing. In the middle of the clearing stands a thin birch. Village lights flicker in the distance. Moonlight illuminates her lonely figure in a beautiful outfit. The Snow Maiden is wearing a long brocade coat, a hat with a fur trim, and warm mittens on her hands. She looks around fearfully, as if waiting for something.

I liked the picture for its winter charm. But still, a little sorry for the Snow Maiden, because she is scared and lonely alone in a dark forest.

Vasilisa Ts., 3rd grade

In the painting "Snow Maiden" by the great Russian artist V.M. Vasnetsov, I see a cold dark forest in which the Snow Maiden got lost. On the snow cover, traces of animals are visible, and in the darkness of the night forest, the eyes of wolves sparkle. On a snow-white meadow, the Snow Maiden is surrounded by fluffy Christmas trees. The Snow Maiden is dressed in a pearl-silver brocade coat. A cap with a fur trim adorns the girl's head, warm painted mittens warm her hands.

I liked the picture of Vasnetsov, because the artist very accurately conveyed the mood of a winter fairy forest.

Composition based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden"

Goals: to acquaint with the life and work of V.M. Vasnetsov; to teach children to describe a picture, to express their thoughts in a coherent manner, to observe the structure of the text; develop horizons, thinking, vocabulary; cultivate love for Russian folklore.

Equipment: textbook "Russian language" grade 3 V.P. Kanakina and V.G. Goretsky, a reproduction of a painting, a computer, a multimedia projector, task cards, a reproduction of a painting on a blackboard.


Russian language lesson “Essay based on the reproduction of V.M. Vasnetsov "Snegurochka" according to the educational system of the EMC "School of Russia" is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Designed for teachers implementing teaching materials "School of Russia" grade 3.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Self-determination to activity.

Guess the riddle:

Next to Santa Claus
Sparkle with festive attire.
Gives us riddles
Leads a round dance, sings.
Jacket made of snowflakes
Who is this? .. (Snow Maiden)

You absolutely guessed who it was. Why do you think I started the conversation with this riddle?

Today in the lesson we will write an essay based on the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov “Segurochka.” (slide 1)

    Work on the topic of the lesson.

    A story about the life of V.M. Vasnetsov (slide 2)

V.M. Vasnetsov (1848-1926) is a remarkable Russian artist. He grew up in the Russian outback in the village of Lopyal, Vyatka province, in the family of a village priest, among peasant children. His father gave him his first drawing lessons. They awakened in the boy a craving for fine arts. Viktor Mikhailovich was educated at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts.

Closest to Vasnetsov were epic-historical and fairy-tale themes. The artist said that in fairy tales, epics, the whole image of the people is reflected, and the people who do not appreciate and do not remember their history are bad.

    Conversation on the picture (slide number 3).

Consider a reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden" in the "Picture Gallery".

In the early 80s. X ІХv. V.M. Vasnetsov takes part in the design of the play by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Snow Maiden".

In the foreground we see the Snow Maiden. According to legend, the Snow Maiden was born in a dense forest - the daughter of Frost and Spring. She is dressed in a long white coat, decorated with patterns, light-colored mittens and a hat. Hands apart, head turned to the right, rear views of traces. All this creates the impression that the Snow Maiden has just come out to the viewer and is looking around.

The Snow Maiden reflects the ideal of beauty, she is the personification of “pure snowy Russia”, nature repeats the mood of the heroine: an unfamiliar forest, a gloomy but moonlit sky and sparkling snow. And the figure of the Snow Maiden is illuminated by this snow.

To paint a picture, the artist uses a cold range of colors - white, gray and blue hues, which emphasizes the mystery and fabulousness of the image.

    What impression does the painting make on you?

    What is especially beautiful about her?

    Let's make a plan for the essay, how many parts will we divide the text into? (slide number 4)

    Try to compose a text on the first paragraph of the plan.

    What should be described in the second part? Choose phrases to describe the Snow Maiden. Choose phrases to describe noah and winter forest. Try to compose the text for the second part.

    What colors did the artist use? For what?

    Did you like the picture and why?

    And now each of you, following the plan, questions and choosing key words, will try to compose an oral composition. (options are heard) (slide number 5)

    Let's start writing essays, do not forget to reread what you wrote.

Work option

Before me is a reproduction of the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "The Snow Maiden". It was created for the scenery for the play.

Looking at the picture, I see a frosty winter night. Diamond stars twinkle in the sky. In the moonlight and a snow-covered meadow stands a beautiful girl. This is the Snow Maiden - the daughter of Frost and Spring. She is wearing a long brocade coat, a fur-lined hat and warm mittens. This whole outfit is beautifully embellished with embroidery and pearls. The Snow Maiden looks confused. Behind her grows a thin birch. She is similar to the main character of the picture - just as young and fragile. There are footprints in the snow. In the foreground, I see small fluffy Christmas trees. Fireflies are visible in the distance.

I liked the picture. Vasnetsov's skill was especially admired, he really managed to convey a fabulous atmosphere.

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"dispenser for children"

Composition based on the reproduction of V.M. Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden"

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, reproduction of the painting "The Snow Maiden". The purpose of creating a picture is a decoration for a play.

    Description of the picture.

Forest, nature

What is the Snow Maiden?

What does she feel?

Where is the Snow Maiden? What is shown in the background?

    The color and mood of the picture.

    My attitude.

Did you like the picture?

Supporting questions

    What is the Snow Maiden?

    What does she feel?

    Where is the Snow Maiden? What is shown in the background?

    What color scheme did V.M. Vasnetsov?

    What mood of the picture does it convey?

    Did you like the picture? How?

View presentation content
"Presentation of the Snow Maiden"

Educational essay based on the painting by V.M. Vasnetsova "Snegurochka" Grade 3

Primary school teacher MKOU "Secondary School of the village of Lebedevka"

Kiryanova Larisa Alexandrovna

A story about the life of V.M. Vasnetsov

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov


Painting conversation

V.M. Vasnetsov "Snow Maiden"



Tretyakov Gallery

Essay plan


V.M. Vasnetsov, reproduction of the painting "The Snow Maiden". The purpose of creating a picture is a decoration for a play.

2. Description of the painting.

2.1. Forest, nature

3. Color and mood of the picture.

Dark forest, frosty night, diamond stars, moonlight, clearing, shining bluish color, bright shadows.

Girl, daughter of Frost and Spring, young, fragile, beautiful outfit, pearl-silver color, brocade coat, hat with fur trim, warm mittens;

4. My attitude.

Cold range of colors: white, gray and bluish shades. This adds mystery to the picture.

Did you like the picture?

Confusion, loneliness, fear.

Mysterious, mysterious, fabulous atmosphere, winter magic of the night forest.

2.2. What is the Snow Maiden?

In the dusk of the forest, fluffy Christmas trees, a thin birch, traces are visible, in the distance, firefly lights.

What does she feel?

2.3. Where is the Snow Maiden? What is shown in the background?

Supporting questions

3. What is the Snow Maiden?

4. How does she feel?

5. Where is the Snow Maiden? What is shown in the background?

6. What color scheme did V.M. Vasnetsov, creating a picture?

7. What mood of the picture does he convey?

8. Did you like the picture? How?

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  • Textbook "Russian language" V.P. Kanakina, V.G. Goretsky.
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  • Painting "Snow Maiden"

The painting "The Snow Maiden" was created by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov back in 1899. The master specially painted this picture in order to use it as scenery when staging Ostrovsky's play of the same name, written based on folk motives.

Folklore as a muse

The theme of the Snow Maiden has become a leitmotif throughout the artist's work. In 1881-1882 - the scenery for an amateur performance in the Mamontovs' house (based on the play of the same name by Ostrovsky), in 1885-1886 - again the scenery, but for the opera The Snow Maiden by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Vasnetsov's painting "The Snow Maiden" is just one of the manifestations of the artist's interest in folk art. Initially, it was it that served as the inspiration for writing the picture. According to the motives of the Russian fairy tale, the attractive young girl Snegurochka is the child of Frost and Spring. She represents purity, like white snow, but, alas, her cold soul did not know love at all. With all its might, the heart of a beautiful girl is trying to discover this unknown feeling. Unfortunately, by an evil irony of fate, just when the heart of the Snow Maiden is about to open love, she is destined to die. This purest creature, which combined earthly and unearthly qualities, fascinated Vasnetsov's soul so much that he embodied it on the canvas. So the idea appeared, and soon Vasnetsov's painting "The Snow Maiden" itself.

Reviews from critics

The author of the picture was deeply imbued with the image of the Snow Maiden and therefore penetratingly outlined the completeness of his understanding of the image of this winter beauty. I must say that contemporaries met this canvas unfriendly. Moments of poetic convention, and indeed the whole picture of Vasnetsov's "The Snow Maiden" caused controversy.

Critics and just spectators spoke about the inadmissibility of such free interpretations of folk stories. The painter was also blamed for the deliberateness of artistic techniques. Critic V. Stasov wrote: "There is very little nature, and there are too many conventions."

cold beauty

The painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “The Snow Maiden” is made in cold colors. Literally half of the canvas is occupied by the purest untouched snow, it is depicted in the foreground. According to the artist's intention, this snow should reflect the purity of the girl's soul and at the same time the coldness of her heart. But the image of the Snow Maiden is written in motion, she goes out into the clearing, looking around, as if she wants to recognize something in the opened landscape. Her sweet face radiates purity and tenderness. V. Vasnetsov complemented the image of a young girl with a wonderful fur coat made of expensive material - brocade. A wonderful hat completes the look, giving the Snow Maiden even greater purity and tenderness. She is charming, even nature admires her beauty. Vasnetsov's painting "The Snow Maiden" has another "zest" - the snow is illuminated by an unknown light. So the author wants to emphasize the attractiveness of a young girl even more.

It should also be noted that the mysteriousness of the forest depicted in the background creates an impression of the depth of the Russian soul, which is really impossible to understand with the mind. In the depths of the picture, houses are visible, which makes the picture even more complete.

The personification of folk beauty

It was in the image of the Snow Maiden that master V. M. Vasnetsov unusually managed to embody his understanding of real female beauty. The artist paid special attention to the choice of the model, which was supposed to personify folk beauty, simplicity and at the same time significance. His choice fell on Sasha - the daughter of S. Mamontov. This extraordinary work of the author still amazes all viewers with its penetration and depth of feelings. And those feelings that inspire

Vasnetsov managed to reveal this image. The scenery said one thing, but the artist’s painting was inspired by many details. He re-read the play several times, collected and carefully kept in his memory the patriarchal customs that existed in Russia of his time, the most vivid images of folk tales and, of course, the surrounding nature.

Today, the Snow Maiden has become one of the personifications of Russian beauty. She is an indispensable companion of Santa Claus on New Year's holidays, the inhabitants of Kostroma decided to celebrate her birthday in April, and if you are a fan of the Gaza Strip, you will find a song (very frivolous content) dedicated to this heroine of fairy tales.

Description of the painting "Snow Maiden" by V. Vasnetsov

Each of us knows the story of the Snow Maiden from childhood. We cannot imagine New Year's parties without the granddaughter of Santa Claus, who is most often either a mischievous girl or a young girl. True, as children, we did not focus our attention on the fact that the Snow Maiden is nothing more than a relic of pagan beliefs that are identical to angels in Christianity or demons in Ancient Greece.

Stories about the granddaughter of Santa Claus have appeared since the time of Afanasyev's fairy tales, published in 1869. His volume was collected throughout Russia, where Snezhevinochka (one of the names of the Snow Maiden) was loved and spoiled. As you know, they made this girl out of snow, and take it and revive it. The daughter brought joy to her foster parent, and then, with the onset of spring, she melted away.

The artist V. Vasnetsov saw the folklore Snow Maiden somewhat differently. True, he was always attracted by the theme of Russian fairy tales, but the master of the brush did not even plan a picture with a snow girl as the main character. He could not even think that of all the scenery and costume designs, Savva Mamontov, who decided to stage A. Ostrovsky's play "The Snow Maiden", would choose his work!

So, Vasnetsov, designed the play "The Snow Maiden", the performance opened a new direction in the domestic art of scenery and was so fond of the public at first Abramtsevo, and then other cities, that a new work was born. It was N. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Snow Maiden, the scenery and costumes for which Vasnetsov traditionally performed.

Only he was able to combine in a small canvas (only 116 by 80 cm) the stunning details of the architectural art of Ancient Rus', folk embroidery, woodcarving and the image of a fairy tale. Choosing a homespun canvas for the costumes of the characters in the performance, the artist introduced notes of this into the clothes of the Snow Maiden herself. Her fur coat and hat create not only a unique decor, but are also one of the main characteristics of a girl.

It was after the picture written in 1899 that the public became convinced that the fairy tale and Vasnetsov are two inseparable concepts. After all, only this person could find the image of an icy beauty that an ordinary Russian person will perceive and love. The Snow Maiden by Vasnetsov is rightly considered the ideal of a Russian woman, a model of Russian beauty and a stunning unity of heaven and earth. Moreover, not only art critics think so, but also Russian beauties themselves.

If you look closely at this canvas, painted in pale blue and white colors, you will certainly realize that the artist does not just present the image of a beauty from fairy tales. He tells us a story filled with drama.

The central object in the picture is the Snow Maiden walking through the winter forest. Take a closer look at the expression on the girl's face - it's not just beautiful. Her eyes, her hands spread in a questioning gesture, her slightly unsure tread are a single ingot of real human experiences. Absolutely everything can be read in the eyes: inexplicable fear, lack of self-confidence, impulses to move forward and incredible, not fantastic, but human sadness. Many who have ever seen the picture say that Vasnetsov forgot to write tears to the Snow Maiden. However, she cannot cry - tears will melt her snowy heart.

The fairy tale girl is matched by the mysterious, gloomy atmosphere of the picture itself. Whether Ostrovsky inspired it, or Rimsky-Korsakov inspired it, or Russian fairy tales ... We will never know this. The only thing we know for sure is that on a small canvas we will see a unique night in a snowy forest. The moonlit country road, the starry sky above the head of the Snow Maiden, who is ready to take the first step towards people, create an aura of mystery and mystery.

Now she is no longer a fairy-tale heroine, but the most ordinary frightened girl who has become deathly pale from experiences. The lights of the village in the distance at the same time beckon the Snow Maiden and at the same time lay doubts in her soul - is it worth leaving her home.

A trap is visible in the snow, and the radiance from the trees creates the effect of wide-open eyes and mouths, as if warning the girl of danger. Behind the Snow Maiden, we can see the silhouette of a person, but we don’t understand who: either the mother, or Santa Claus. This vague outline seems to carry the question of choice: whether to defend in safety, in the familiar forest, or take a few steps towards the bright, but so unkind lights of the village.

The picture is shrouded not only in present anxiety, but also in a premonition of trouble in the future. According to the play by A. Ostrovsky, the Snow Maiden will bypass the trap, but will fall into a more terrible trap. The sun, the ancient Slavic god, will kill this fragile beauty for daring to know love without having a human soul.

However, she is the daughter of the forest, virgin nature. Even the short fur coat, hat and mittens of this girl are strikingly combined with the dazzling white snow, blue-green night and young fir trees in the foreground. It is worth noting that the very figure of the Snow Maiden is surrounded by a special, Stephen-King mystical radiance. It is not without reason: such an iridescent shade does not attract to itself, but, on the contrary, repels. Strange, but this hostility somewhere in the depths of the soul attracts every person to itself. She makes you perceive the Snow Maiden not as a character in a play, fairy tale, painting or opera, but as a very real girl who will go towards her goal against all odds.

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V. M. Vasnetsov, the great Russian artist, painted his famous "Snow Maiden" in 1899. Initially, this picture was supposed to become a decoration, which the author dedicated to the work of the same name by the great Russian writer A. N. Ostrovsky.

In the picture, the viewer can see a girl of extraordinary beauty, who, as if quite recently, came out of the thicket to the edge of the forest and now stands alone and peers deep into the forest.

V. M. Vasnetsov took the ground for creating this masterpiece in Russian oral folk art. In a fairy tale dedicated to this mysterious beauty, it is said that the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Frost and Spring.

The artist depicted a girl in white dresses - in this way he tried to emphasize the fact that the Snow Maiden is a wise, kind, innocent girl, she is naive, as she lives far from human society.

V. M. Vasnetsov painted a village in the background of his picture, the outskirts of which are illuminated by lights. The Snow Maiden seems to be in disarray, it is obvious that she wants to get to know people, but at the same time she feels her belonging to nature.

To write his picture, the artist chose cold tones, mostly white. This indicates not only the time of the year that is depicted in the picture, but also the purity and whiteness of the meek girlish soul.

V. M. Vasnetsov painted a large number of paintings on a fairy-tale plot theme, one of his famous works is The Snow Maiden.

Cold winter night. Silence. Glade. Moonlight illuminates the lonely figure of the Snow Maiden. In her appearance - tenderness, purity, inaccessibility. Her eyes are indescribably beautiful. She

thought about something. Maybe about the transience, the shortness of life? Or about the impossibility of hopes, about the uniqueness of every moment, about the inevitability of parting with that inexpressible beauty that is nearby?

The dark sky and the stars on it complement the fabulous mystery of this night. Together with the Snow Maiden, we peer into the winter night, feel the silence of the forest and wait for miracles to begin to happen.

Magical beauty, immediacy of feelings, richness of content - all this makes the picture very attractive to the viewer.

Composition based on the painting "Snow Maiden" Vasnetsov

Winter has come. Frost hit. Sitting by the stove, warming up, you just want to tell a story that will amuse both adults and children. Perhaps this is how the fairy tale was born about a cold-hearted girl who came to people from nowhere, and for no one knows why. She lived with people for a short time, but left many fables, stories, and even paintings in her memory. One of the works of art belongs to the brush of the great painter V.M. Vasnetsov.

How mysterious the fairy-tale beauty looks on the artist's canvas. It is known that the work was made as a decoration for the production of Ostrovsky's play. But done so masterfully that it perfectly conveys many details, she herself can perform solo, and tell the story of a girl who was looking for love, perhaps even guessing what the price of this is.

Right now, confusion froze on the face of the Snow Maiden. She does not know where to go, and the footprints in the snow will not tell her: only a slanting bunny ran along the edge and hid in a spruce forest. But wait a little more, she will look around and see lights in the distance that they will wave and beckon her so friendly. The girl has a long way to go, but having passed it, she will find what she is looking for. First - the warmth of human souls, that they are ready to provide hospitality to a completely unfamiliar girl. Strangers will accept the Snow Maiden into their family, call her so affectionately and tenderly: granddaughter, and will protect her from any evil word. And then the beauty will meet the joy of love. They will love her, but this will not be enough for the girl, because she is the daughter of Spring, and she needs much more, she needs to love herself. And this will also happen in the life of the Snow Maiden, but will cause her disappearance. There will be no Beauty, but so much will be said and done in memory of her.

And right now, the young girl is confused. She is beautiful, as perfection itself can be beautiful. Her face and her outfit are magnificent and deserve the most exquisite epithets. And yet, she wants more than to be beautiful, she wants to be loved. She is waiting for this feeling with all her heart. And she will wait for him. The artist did a great job of imagining to the viewer that the action is about to begin and that it will definitely unfold in full force, and this story deserves to be captured, and we unwittingly became a part of it.

Composition on the painting "Snow Maiden" Grade 3

The painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov depicts a girl in winter clothes. She stands in a dense forest in a clearing. The forest glade is covered with a thick layer of snow, deep traces left by the girl testify to this. There are beautiful, green Christmas trees and a few bare trunks around, probably, in the warm season, these bare trunks turn into lush birch trees.

Judging by the name of the picture, this is not just a girl walking or lost in the forest, but a real snow maiden.

She is dressed in a rich outfit of a fur coat and hat, decorated with beautiful patterns. The Snow Maiden traveled through the winter forest and suddenly noticed something and froze in place. What did she see? Not the artist Vasnetsov? We will not know this. Whatever it was, but the picture has a magical, New Year's atmosphere, bringing fragments of fairy tales into our world.

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  1. composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov the snow maiden
  2. essay on the picture snow maiden
  3. essay on the painting in m Vasnetsova snow maiden
  4. Description of the painting by Vasnetsov Snow Maiden
  5. essay on the painting by V M Vasnetsov snow maiden

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