Description of the painting by Yuon “March sun. Synopsis of the GCD for viewing the picture K


Composition based on the painting by K. F. Yuon "March Sun".
March is a special month when spring is just coming into its own. There is still melted snow on the roadsides. He basks in the rays of the March sun, laughs merrily - and imperceptibly melts. Trees rejoice at the arrival of spring, but they are not yet ready to acquire luxurious foliage. It's just that everyone understands that the March sun is a deceptive warmth that is not ready to please itself for a long time.
Yuon's painting "March Sun" depicts riders riding fast on melted snow. A small dog runs next to the horses, which constantly looks up. She is afraid to fall behind - and at the same time she hopes for some kind of treat or encouragement.
The riders have recently left the village. This is evidenced by a fresh path from the tracks, which goes towards simple peasant houses. Although these houses can be called simple only conditionally, as they are decorated with patterns. I must say, the peasants showed rich imagination when decorating their homes, so each peasant house was a real work of art.
A clear, cloudless sky is watching the village from above. It pleases with beauty and clarity, from which there is a feeling of lightness and serenity. Probably, because of this unusual feeling, the picture captivated me - and will remain in my memory for a long time.

Description of the painting by K.F. Yuon "March Sun".
The painting "March Sun", painted by KF Yuon in 1915, is one of the most famous in the work of the famous artist.
On this canvas, showing the viewer the native nature of the Moscow region, the features of Yuon's painting are embodied especially fully.
"March Sun" is a cheerful plein air landscape. The painter captured on the canvas that state of nature, when the snowdrifts had not yet melted and the snow crunched under his boots, but in the bright blue sky, in the transparent air, there was already a subtle feeling of spring warmth.
It seems that the trees reach for the light pouring from the sky with their knotted branches. The sun is still almost not warm, but it brightly illuminates the roofs of wooden houses, sprawling poplars, tall birches, creating a cheerful, upbeat mood.
An important part of the painting "The March Sun" is a genre scene. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine this landscape without these horses, perky shaggy dogs and cheerful children.
The painting "March Sun" develops the traditional landscape theme, giving it a new interpretation. The composition of the work is particularly perfect. The intensity of color, the decorativeness of the canvas does not exclude the feeling of vitality, reality, spatial depth.
The bright colors of the canvas - combinations of blue, gold, pink, lilac - help the painter convey the feeling of the first spring warmth and light. All this together sets the theme of the landscape - the theme of the joyful and solemn awakening of nature.

"March Sun"
Before us is the most famous painting by Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon - "The March Sun". This landscape reveals to us the joyful feeling of the imminent arrival of spring, although the whole earth is wrapped in a snow-white blanket of snow. White-faced birch trees, gathered in a circle, eagerly await the arrival of spring, which will give them bright green, new clothes. And the old hornbeams, wriggling, slowly stretch their heavy branches towards the sunlight. The March rays gild and dazzle the roofs of the houses and the bare tops of the trees. The carved village houses, leaning slightly, expose their sides to the March warm sun, knowing for sure that, although warmth is deceptive, spring will soon come into its own.
Riders are riding along a country road - village children. Who knows, maybe on behalf of one of the parents, or maybe saddling horses without asking. The snow clearly leaves traces of horse hooves and it seems as if we hear the crackling of snow crusts. Peasant children have just left the village. We see that a black dog is barking happily behind, playing with someone's bright red colt that has wandered away from the yard, as if calling him to return home.
The sky is filled with a bright azure color, because of this, the canvas acquires an incredible brightness of colors! Transparent snow-white clouds slowly float after the children, as if seeing off the little riders. A cheerful spring spirit hangs in the air, the whole picture is permeated through and through with it. I want to breathe the creaky frosty March air into my chest! Soon, very soon, streams will flow from the village roofs, birds will chirp joyfully in all voices, the first buds will cut through the trees and the real, long-awaited spring will come!

  • 1. Famous artist K. F. Yuon.
  • 2. The main characters of the picture.
  • 3. Artistic and compositional features of the picture.
  • 4. Conclusions.

The famous Soviet artist Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon during his life created a lot of works in various genres - sketches, sketches, portraits. But the vast majority of his paintings are landscapes. K.F. Yuon was very fond of this genre and was inspired by the French Impressionists in his work. Therefore, his works are very bright, filled with light, the contours of objects seem to dissolve in it. At the same time, the artist, remaining true to the school of realism, builds a clear composition that gives his works expressiveness and completeness. I give a description of the painting "The March Sun" by Yuon as a magnificent example of the artist's work.

Yuon's canvas is designed in soft, light colors, against which the bright, color-saturated figures of boys on horseback in the lower part of the picture immediately catch the eye. We immediately see that they are the main characters here. Despite the fact that both the horses and the boys' sheepskin coats are mostly black and gray, the artist depicted them surprisingly light and bright. They fit perfectly into the environment of a transparent azure sky, dazzling white snow, on which soft blue shadows lie, a light, barely noticeable green haze. And at the same time, they stand out very much against the general light background with saturated, rich colors. The contrast of the figures in the foreground with the surroundings gives the picture amazing liveliness and dynamism. And although they are located almost at the very bottom of the canvas, we immediately pay attention to them and understand that they are in the center of the composition. The very arrangement of the figures and the expressive way they are painted bring the landscape closer to the genre scene.

The overall tone of the picture is very joyful and optimistic. The artist surprisingly well managed to convey on the canvas the feeling of the awakening of nature, the freshness and warmth of the first spring days. Bright, pure colors and wide strokes seem to be taken from the Impressionists, they give the picture emotionality and cheerfulness. A clear, balanced realistic composition makes it amazingly alive. Before writing an essay based on the painting “March Sun” by Yuon, I looked at this canvas for a long time. And it began to seem to me that I seemed to feel the breeze, and a slight frost, and the warmth of the first spring sun, I heard the crunch of snow under the hooves of horses and the cheerful roll call of the boys. The cheerful and bright painting “The March Sun”, in which Yuon skillfully combined two painting techniques, is rightfully considered one of the artist’s best works.

The most popular March materials for grade 8.

/ / Essay-description based on the painting by K.F. Yuon "March Sun"

Yuon painted the painting "March Sun" in 1915.

In the picture we see a spring landscape, sunny and light. March is the month of farewell to winter and the entry of spring into its own. Also, this is a deceptive month, the sun can bake, and the frost gets stronger. This is what Yuon conveyed in his landscape. Today this picture adorns the Tretyakov Gallery.

In the foreground we see local people on horseback. One of them has a bucket, so they gathered in the morning for water. It seems that the guys took the horses without asking and want to go faster until their parents notice their absence.

Behind them are trees that have crumbled from the frost. They are painted in an unusual light green color. Their branches are playfully intertwined. To their left grow birches, tall and slender; their leaves are drawn slightly with a pink tint. They seem to reach for the sun, want to warm up. Behind them is a snowy clearing, behind it one can see the roofs of houses. The trees are already ready to part with the snow chains and show the first leaves. Spring is already ready to come into its own, to warm the frozen nature with its gentle rays.

In the background is a small village. Neat houses stand in a row. Previously, the villagers tried to stand out so that their house was noticed, so the facades of the buildings face the main street. In front of the houses there is a cow with a black dog clinging to it.

The sky is a clear blue, which occupies most of the canvas, closer to the horizon there is an azure hue. The picture is painted in bright colors, which conveys the harmony of this landscape, inspires a mood of confidence in the future. The play of light and shadow combines the blueness of the skies and the snow-whiteness of the snow, thanks to unobtrusive overflows.

This landscape reminds us of the Russian outback. Such a calm and light landscape. Very soon, the drops will begin, and spring nature will show all its beauty, add life to a small village. The picture is truly a genre painting, because every element, every stroke and detail are closely connected and create the commonality of a March morning.

K.F. Yuon loved to paint sunny landscapes, and this picture was no exception. The canvas “March Sun” depicts a warm day in an ordinary village. Although March is considered the month of spring, it is still winter on our streets. The snow just starts to melt a little, and the sun gives its warmth. The sky becomes somehow light and weightless, not at all like in winter, when it is cloudy and heavy.

Here are horses with young riders walking along a well-trodden path. Snow crunches under their hooves, melted in the sun. Behind them is another horse, next to which is a black dog. She tries to play with the horse, yapping at her in a boisterous way. Along the path are tall trees stretching up to a clear blue sky. Thin birches expose their branches to the sun, trying to warm themselves after a long winter. Soon the snow will melt, and they will again find a new life, spreading their leaves.

On a hillock one can see houses, the roofs of which are still covered with a snow cap. The houses are cozy and warm, although on the street, despite the snowdrifts, the spring sun warms so pleasantly. In addition to animals and children, no one can be seen. Everyone is busy with their own business. Although it can be assumed along the path that quite recently, literally in front of the young riders, other horses galloped. The path is trodden, and therefore it is easy for the children to control the horses, directing them to the right place.

At first glance it may seem that this is a winter landscape. The snow sparkles and shimmers under the sun's rays, but it is felt that the sun is already warm, spring. The snowdrifts seem to be covered with a melted crust and very soon the long-awaited streams will run. Nature wakes up from hibernation, and spring comes into its own. K.F. Yuon surprisingly accurately conveyed both the warmth of the sun and the spring translucent weightless sky, through which small air clouds float.

The painting "March Sun" was painted by K. F. Yuon in 1915. It depicts the Moscow region, the native places of the artist.

The painting depicts one of the first spring days. We see village houses, trees looking up, boys rejoicing in the rays of the spring sun. There is still snow on the ground, but “spring is already asking for the soul.” The snow is dazzling blue, pearly, sparkling, crisp. The sun joyfully plays on it with its rays, while long dull shadows stretch from the trees. The sky here almost merges with the earth. It is also pale blue, very clean, ringing, almost without clouds. In the foreground we see village boys galloping along the path on horseback. They are having fun talking to each other. On the side of the path grow old mighty trees. Their powerful crowns are directed straight to the sky.

In the background are village houses. There is still snow on their roofs. Birch trees grow side by side. The dog and the foal frolic merrily near the master's houses.

The picture leaves a joyful feeling of spring, sun, warmth.

An essay based on a painting by K.F. Yuon "March Sun"

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  • March sun painting essay
  • composition based on the picture of yuon the march sun
  • essay on the picture to f yuon the march sun

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