Description of the painting by the artist and Mr. Venetsianov. Russian painter Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov


Composition based on the painting by Venetsianov "Zakharka"

Composition based on the painting by A. G. Venetsianov "Zakharka".
A. G. Venetsianov - famous portrait painter.
His paintings were a discovery in Russian painting.
The artist showed the peasants in their Everyday life.
He set out to introduce to the Russian society people of labor, full of dignity and nobility.
At the same time, the artist remained true to nature.
Zakharka is the son of a peasant Fedul Stepanov,
taken by V. G. Venetsianov to the household from the remote village of Slivnevo.
When the artist first saw the boy, he was wearing a large hat and mittens, with an ax on his shoulder.
He himself is small, but he looks important, businesslike.
Well, just a man with a fingernail!
From under a clumsy, fur-trimmed hat, which now and then crawled over his face, large, lively eyes looked inquisitively.
They shone with intelligence, firmness, kindness.
A clear look illuminated and made attractive an ugly face with wide cheekbones, short nose and very full lips.
Aleksey Gavrilovich then immediately called Zakharka, talked to him and took him to his house.
There he immediately began to paint a portrait of him.
Poorly dressed village boy, serf by position, but not a shadow of timidity, dependence, but only quickness of mind, human dignity, giftedness.
Here he is, a Russian peasant!

Portraits have always attracted the attention of viewers. After all, carefully examining them, you can better understand human nature. Such practice will be useful not only for psychoanalysts. But also to everyone. After all, the faces of people, I am convinced of this, this is - the whole world! A world full of not only mysteries, but, I think, a special logic. Yes, knowing better people, you can understand how to behave in different situations. It turns out that this is a whole academy for the knowledge of life. Therefore, the picture of A.G. Venetsianov deserves special attention. After all, "Zakharka" is both a portrait and a story that nature will tell us, with its way of life, culture, and customs. So what did I personally learn by looking at this canvas? And what did you learn?

To write a portrait of a little tomboy, it would seem, what is so special about it? But A.G. Venetsianov could do this by emphasizing the features of his hero, depicting a characteristic spark in the whole image. Looking at the portrait of Zakharka, I am involuntarily amazed that a little boy so serious. Perhaps the ax on his shoulder should suggest reasons why there is no mischief in the eyes, which is so inherent in this age. His tanned complexion testifies to his frequent stay on fresh air, and about physical labor. So, the child remained for the head of the family. I think that Zakharka took it upon himself to take care of his mother and the rest of the family because his father died for some reason. Hence the sadness in his eyes that he no longer considers himself a child. Quite different worries fell on the shoulders of a little boy.

Looking at his portrait, I thought, am I ready to answer as an adult for my words and deeds? How about taking care of your loved ones? It's good that I don't have to do this. After all, then I will lose the last opportunity to be for some time a child who can do almost everything. And most importantly, I still have time to figure out how to live right!

A. G. Venetsianov is a well-known portrait painter. His paintings were a discovery in Russian painting.

The artist showed the peasants in their daily life. He set himself the goal of presenting to the Russian society people of labor, full of their own dignity and nobility. At the same time, the artist remained true to nature. Zakharka is the son of the peasant Fedul Stepanov, taken by V. G. Venetsianov as a servant from the remote village of Slivnevo.

When the artist first saw the boy, he was wearing a large hat and mittens, with an ax on his shoulder. He himself is small, but he looks important, businesslike. Well, just a man with a fingernail! From under a clumsy, fur-trimmed hat, which now and then crawled over his face, large, lively eyes looked inquisitively. They shone intelligence, firmness, kindness. A clear look illuminated and made attractive an ugly face with wide cheekbones, a short nose and very full lips.

Aleksey Gavrilovich then immediately called Zakharka to him, talked to him and took him to his house. There he immediately began to paint a portrait of him. Poorly dressed village boy, serf by position, but not a shadow of timidity, dependence, but only quickness of mind, human dignity, talent. Here he is, a Russian peasant!

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/ / Description of the painting by Alexei Venetsianov “Zakharka”

Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov (1780 - 1847), a Russian artist of the period of romanticism in Russian art, painted portraits of his prominent contemporaries, the first artist to draw attention to the life of peasants as an object of painting. Alexey Gavrilovich founded the Venetian school, which included artists attracted by the "peasant" genre. The images of peasants in Venetsianov's works were painted in a romantic vein, somewhat embellished, but it was the paintings in the "peasant" genre that brought him fame.

The most famous of them are “On arable land. Spring”, “Reapers”, “Zakharka”, “Girl in a Kerchief”, “Sleeping Shepherd”. The faces of peasants engaged in simple labor in the paintings of Venetsianov are very lively, sincere, full of feelings, and for more than two hundred years the work of this painter has been attractive to people.

"Zakharka" (1825) - a portrait of a peasant boy about twelve years old. He is depicted on the shoulders, from the left side, the head is in a half-turn to the viewer. This boy is not a figment of the artist's imagination, he is painted from the real Zakharka, the son of the peasant Fedul Stepanov. Aleksey Gavrilovich treated with interest and respect the life of the peasants, full of labor, rightly believing that ordinary workers give rise to everything in this world.

Zakharka at twelve years old looks like an independent boy. He has a serious, expressive look, but still childishly swollen face. In the young boy, peasant thoroughness is already visible: this is still a small peasant with the skills necessary in rural life. He is wearing winter clothes, the hat is a little too big, an ax lies on his right shoulder, the boy grabbed the ax handle with a brush in a mitten. The guy looks businesslike.

Zakharka is a healthy little boy with a blush all over his cheek. His blond curly hair sticks out from under his hat, his nose is like a potato, his lips are full, kind. He slightly frowned distinct, darkening on his face eyebrows, for the importance, giving himself an adult. It is felt that Zaharka is the first assistant in the house. At the same time, it's easy to imagine him sleigh-riding with the boys, playing cash on holidays.

Venetsianov managed to show something in the boy's eyes that attracts the viewer. In Zakharka's eyes, some of his own feelings and considerations lurked. Contemporaries of the artist, this portrait could not but suggest the injustice of serfdom of peasants, endowed with reason and feelings no less than their masters.

Venetsianov - Zaharka

Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov is a great Russian painter. It was he who in 1825 painted the portrait "Zakharka".
On the canvas, a young boy of about twelve appears before the audience. A working ax is busily placed on the young man's shoulder and it immediately becomes clear that the boy is a villager. A huge fur hat, thick brown mittens and a sheepskin coat draped over the shoulders of a teenager indicate the winter season.

The boy is not particularly handsome: blond curly hair peeking out from under the headdress, childishly plump cheeks, large reddish lips, a neat short nose, thick frowned eyebrows and a thoughtful look of brown eyes. The author wanted to convey to the viewer that sometimes village boys are engaged in completely non-childish affairs. After all, the ax in the hands of Zakharka, the main character of the picture, indicates that he is going to or has already finished chopping wood. But this is not child's work.

The canvas is executed in rough brown tones. The bright spot here is only the face of Zakharka, shown in light yellow and dark orange colors.

After viewing the picture, a heavy feeling of that time remains in the soul. How ordinary children had to help their parents by working like adults, and sometimes even more.

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