The attitude of citizens of the Russian Federation to the institution of power. Indifference and responsiveness to art


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1 How to reveal the topic “Indifference and responsiveness” Final essay on literature The theme of indifference and responsiveness as human qualities is one of the main ones in world literature. It is difficult to find a work in which, to one degree or another, in one form or another, this eternal moral problem. The writers paid attention to the indifferent attitude to close, dear people and just to those who are nearby, to life in general, to their professional duty. The writers discussed the reasons for the emergence of this quality. Along with heroes with a callous soul, there are many examples of selfless, honest, good characters capable of sacrificing themselves for others. Life is complex and multifaceted, and sometimes it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of people's actions, it is not easy to explain the motives of their behavior, to understand whether a person is absolutely indifferent or is able to be responsive and compassionate. It is these difficult life questions that graduates will have to think about when writing an essay. As a basis for your reasoning, you can refer to following works. Attitude towards people M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil" Danko and Larra are two heroes, strong and courageous young men who do not know what fear is. There is one difference between them: Danko cannot look at the suffering of people with indifference, and Larra cares only for his own selfish desires. There is no love, no pity, no compassion in him, he does not know what responsiveness is, he only wants to be free from people. In striving for this, the hero often shows hardness of heart. Danko, at a critical moment, does not allow his people to bow to the conquerors, but instead offers to follow him. The hero devotes his short life to people. Only a shadow roaming the steppe reminds of the existence of Larra, and people remember Danko before a thunderstorm, when sparks illuminate the steppe.

2 A.I. Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin yard» In the story, the writer creates a unique image of a simple Russian woman who lived hard life, but who managed not to become embittered, not to become indifferent. Matrena Vasilievna retained in her soul disinterestedness and sincerity towards people. She responded with a light heart to any call for help, without demanding anything in return: no plowing was complete without her, she harnessed herself to the plow and dragged it on herself. Matryona could not refuse her help to any relative, even if she had to sacrifice her own interests. The absence of any self-interest and the desire to preserve "personal good" leads to the fact that Matryona resignedly gives adopted daughter Kira and her husband an upper room, cut off from the old house. The heroine devoted her whole life to people, and when she needed help, no one was around. M. Gorky “At the Bottom” In the drama, the writer shows both absolutely callous, soulless, heartless people who make the life of loved ones unbearable (Mikhail Kostylev, his wife Vasilisa), and sympathetic, kind people (Natasha, Anna, Nastya, Actor). Suffice it to recall Vasilisa Kostyleva, the hostess of a rooming house, who insults and humiliates people offended by fate. She is soulless not only to the "inhabitants of the bottom", but also to her own sister, whose happiness she is ready to ruin forever. The general tragic pathos of the play smooths out the appearance of the wanderer Luke, who carries the idea of ​​goodness. In his soul there is a place for responsiveness and compassion. He pities the unfortunate, gives them hope, teaches them to believe in a person. However, do not forget that the figure of the wanderer and his philosophy are very controversial (the eternal debate about the bitter truth and white lies). Nevertheless, from the position of indifference and compassion for people, he undoubtedly positive hero(remember, for example, the dialogue between Luke and dying Anna). V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow" In the story, the author talks about cruelty in the world of adolescents, draws attention to how merciless sometimes children are in relation to those who are different in some way. main character Lena Bessoltseva is the object of cruel ridicule in the class. She is a kind, compassionate person open mind, takes responsibility for someone else's ugly act, trying to protect the boy she likes. Classmates arrange a boycott for her, and then they commit a completely terrible act: they burn an effigy depicting a girl at the stake. The worst thing is that the person who actually committed this act (Lena's classmate Dima Somov) could not find the strength to admit

3 and two more classmates, Shmakova and Popov, who accidentally found out the truth, decided not to interfere and see how the case would end for Lena Bessoltseva. Here we can safely say that their indifference is even worse than cowardice Dima Somov. The cruelty of these still very immature people is truly enormous. She brings Lena untold suffering: the girl is an outcast in the class, she is despised, hated, in every possible way demonstrating their attitude towards her. But for a teenager, and indeed for any person, there is nothing harder than exile. Particular attention is drawn to the behavior of adults who, it would seem, are obliged to understand that Lena should not be responsible for the asceticism of her grandfather, but they did not react in any way, and even in some cases supported the cruel behavior of the girl's classmates, thereby contributing to the formation in the hearts of young heroes of indifference. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" In his famous novel Fedor Mikhailovich creates vivid image a person in whose heart there is no place for indifference, whose soul is full of compassion for one's neighbor. The author believes that it is compassion that determines the humanity of each of us. Sonechka Marmeladova has to trade her body for the well-being of her family, so she shows compassion. And when the heroine meets Raskolnikov, we see how the girl shares his heartache, shows kindness to young man than saves his soul. Speaking of Dostoevsky's novel, it is worth noting that almost every hero is tested by this great feeling of compassion for his neighbor. So, even the killer Raskolnikov cannot indifferently pass by a drunk girl, gives the last pennies to the family of the deceased Marmeladov. This means that in his soul there is a place for compassion, his heart responds with pain to the torment of others. Attitude to your professional duty. VG Rasputin "French Lessons" An example of a teacher who is responsive and attentive to his pupils is the heroine of Rasputin's story "French Lessons". Lidia Mikhailovna cannot stand aside, cannot show indifference to a child who is experiencing life difficulties. Seeing in the main character capable student, who was not given the phonetics of the “mysterious language”, and a lonely child, trying to cope with constant hunger on his own, the teacher invited him to her house not so much to teach him pronunciation, but wanting to feed him. But the boy cannot afford to sit at the teacher's table, and Lidia Mikhailovna

4 finds a successful way out of the game for money: now the hero has funds again, he can again buy milk for himself. Nor has he contacted a dubious company of idlers, does not gamble with them. She, of course, mature and sensible, imagined that this story could end for her, “the sower of the good and eternal,” with dismissal from work. But she really helped the child, did not remain indifferent to someone else's misfortune. She is a real teacher with a soul open to children, and she understands perfectly well that it is better to commit such an “ugly” act and lose a ruble for milk for a child, but help him survive and not lose himself, his individuality, his dignity, than to follow all the rules adopted in society, and indifferently pass by. A.I. Kuprin "The Wonderful Doctor" At the center of the writer's narration poor family Mertsalov, who is starving, who does not even have firewood to warm her room. One girl in this family has already died, the second is very sick. One day, when everyone has already stopped hoping for the best, Mertsalov meets an elderly man in the park, to whom he tells his story, and the old man immediately goes to their house. It turns out that he is a doctor whose duty is to respond to the call of the patient for help. The doctor prescribed treatment for little Mashutka, gave money for medicine, firewood and food. The wonderful doctor didn't even give his name. After all, it doesn’t matter what the name of the person who unselfishly extended a helping hand is, true goodness is always nameless. Later, the grateful Mertsalov learned that his daughter was saved by the great surgeon Pirogov. A.P. Chekhov "In the Pharmacy" We see a different attitude to one's duty in Chekhov's story "In the Pharmacy". Silent, pedantic in everything, arrogant and indifferent to the request of the patient, the pharmacist, who has only mutually beneficial relations in the first place, and not sympathy and disinterested actions, refuses the patient medicine, as he lacks six kopecks. The teacher Svoykin, who asked for help, tries to start a conversation with the pharmacist and find understanding, promises to repay the debt, but they don’t hear him, they don’t want to hear. Strict man behind the counter, indifferently watches how the one in dire need of help leaves with nothing. Responsiveness is the main idea of ​​the story. Without the ability to empathize with other people, we become nothing. The author leaves the story about the fate of the teacher unfinished. Such open final gives the reader the opportunity to guess what eventually happened to the patient. Did he die or did he go to the pharmacy in the morning? This question

5 the author deliberately leaves open. This is what the result of human misunderstanding and indifference can lead to. Attitude towards loved ones. L. N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” At first glance, it seems that in the novel “War and Peace” by the Bolkonsky and Rostov families, these are two poles, two completely different worldviews. If for the Rostovs the main thing is emotions, then for the Bolkonskys, order is at the head, once and for all instituted by them. But there are common features, one of which is love for each other. Countess Rostova is sincerely devoted to her children, she cannot accept the news of her son's death with indifference, and this pain is understandable and youngest daughter who will never allow herself to leave her mother in grief alone. Natasha is responsive and kind. These qualities were instilled in her by her parents. Speaking of the Bolkonsky family, one should pay attention to the fact that old prince, at first glance, it seems indifferent and cruel towards children, but all his words and actions are dictated by love for them. So, he wants Marya only good, and she, in turn, blindly obeys him, fearing to upset the old man. K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram" The plot of Paustovsky's story tells about the life of Katerina Petrovna, an elderly woman who was lonely waiting for the arrival of her daughter. Nastya lives in a big city, works as a secretary in the Union of Artists. At work, she is respected, she tries in all her manifestations to be a responsible, responsive person. The heroine helps the young sculptor with the organization of the exhibition, realizing how important it is for him. But at the same time, he indifferently puts the telegram with the news of the imminent death of his mother into his bag, without even reading it. And only after losing her mother, Nastya realizes that her daughter's debt should not be reduced only to a money transfer, close people need attention, love, support, and indifference "kills" them. Nastya realized this too late, when there was no one to ask for forgiveness. The heroine of B. Ekimov's story "Speak, mother, speak" turns out to be wiser. A young woman understands in time that it is not the money paid for telephone calls that should be regretted, but an elderly mother, whose life can end at any moment. The daughter realizes that by indifferently interrupting her mother's story, she offends her. The relationship of power to common man.

6 Of course, it is advisable to reveal the indifferent and heartless attitude of the authorities towards the common man primarily through the analysis of the images of small people. The gallery of these heroes is presented quite widely in Russian literature: Stationmaster», « Bronze Horseman» A.S. Pushkin, "Overcoat" N.V. Gogol, "Poor People", "Crime and Punishment" by F.M. Dostoevsky, early stories A.P. Chekhov and others A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", "Matryona Dvor" The main theme of Solzhenitsyn's work is the exposure of the totalitarian system, the proof of the impossibility of human existence in it. The writer pays attention to the indifferent attitude of those in power to the fate of ordinary people who are just a cog in a huge machine. In the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, the center of the story is Shukhov, who ended up in a camp on charges of treason, although all his fault was that he was in captivity for several days. However, the authorities regarded this as a betrayal, and such facts in the history of our state are far from isolated. The state was deaf and blind to the fate of the common man. And Ivan Denisovich is serving his term in the camp, trying to keep a person in himself. The same theme is also touched upon in "Matryona's Yard", which depicts the difficult fate of Matryona Vasilievna, a righteous woman. unfair treatment power to the heroine is manifested in the issue of attempts to receive her well-deserved pension. A lot of bows were given to the bureaucratic authorities (the heroine herself complains to the hero-narrator: “They oppress me, Ignitich, she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. I took care of it”), despite the fact that Matrena’s work was ultimately never appreciated. V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera" In the story, the author talks about the flooding of the island of Matera and the relocation of old people to comfortable city apartments. The focus of the writer's attention is the old people, who address the "administrative people" who do not understand the feelings of the inhabitants of Matera, for whom the cemetery is the "home" of relatives who have gone to the next world. This is the place where they remember their ancestors, talk to them, and this is the place where they would bring them after death. The inhabitants of Matera are deprived of all this, and even before their own eyes. People understand that flooding will happen anyway, but “it would be possible to do this cleaning at the end so that we don’t see it.” So it goes up in

7 lead the question of the indifferent attitude of the authorities to the people. Rasputin shows how unusual responsiveness is for officials who justify their actions by the good of the whole people. Attitude to the world, to life in general. A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" The main character, after whom the novel is named, is Eugene Onegin. This is a young metropolitan aristocrat who received a typical secular education. At the beginning of the novel, we meet a young man who has already survived everything, tired of life. He does not see the point in anything and is indifferent, it would seem, to everything in the world. "Languishing with spiritual emptiness", the young man tries to look for the meaning of life in any activity. In the village where he escapes, Onegin meets the daughter of a local landowner. Tatyana falls in love with a neighbor, but he does not accept love, explaining that he was not created for bliss, that is, for a family. Indifference to life, passivity, desire for peace, inner emptiness suppressed sincere feelings. Subsequently, he will be punished for his mistake by loneliness. M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" About a hero who is indifferent to own life, says in his novel and M.Yu. Lermontov. Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin has special abilities: an extraordinary mind, a penchant for deep analysis, charm, determination. But he does not find his purpose in life and suffers from this. The question comes to his mind: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? He begins to understand that time is lost, nothing significant has happened in his life and is unlikely to happen. Pechorin bitterly realizes that he has done nothing to be recognized in society. Involuntarily, Pechorin thinks about death. The hero feels like a spiritual old man and immediately adds that he looks like a boy. Those around him talk about his indifference (Werner, Maxim Maksimych), and he himself feels his strange sensitivity, the power that the past has over him. Pechorin is very contradictory, and one might think that his indifference is forced, under it he tries to hide his feelings in order not to give others power over himself.

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Final essay 2017

Vocabulary work:

Indifference - indifference, indifference, passivity, absence
interest in everything around, cold calm.
Responsiveness -
positive spiritual and moral quality
personality, manifested as a tendency to help those in need,
to see need, disinterestedness, generosity, generosity, skill
forgiveness, tolerance.


dispassion, indifference, indifference, coldness, dispassion,
cold-bloodedness, indifference, insensitivity, cruelty.
Sincerity, cordiality, sensitivity, sympathy, attentiveness,
kindness, humanity, compassion, good nature.

“Good does not lie on the road, you cannot pick it up by chance. good man u
a person learns” Ch. Aitmatov
“In my opinion, a person lives as long as he loves, and if he doesn’t love people, then why
he's needed!" M. Gorky
“To take to heart the joys and sorrows of the Fatherland is only capable of
one who cannot pass indifferently past the joys and sorrows of an individual
Man" V. A. Sukhomlinsky
“Condescension to evil very closely borders on indifference to good” N. S.

Aphorisms and sayings of famous people:

“The worst sin in relation to the neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; here
truly the pinnacle of inhumanity." George Shaw
“The greatest sin of man is not hatred, but indifference to his own
brothers" Mother Teresa
"Do not be indifferent, for indifference is deadly to the human soul"
M. Gorky
“The great vice is indifference, dispassion. Little man with ice
in the heart - the future inhabitant. Already in childhood it is necessary to ignite in the heart of everyone
a spark of civic passion and intransigence towards what is evil
or condone evil"
V. A. Sukhomlinsky

The theme of indifference and responsiveness as human qualities is one of the main ones in the world
literature. It is difficult to find a work in which, to one degree or another, to one degree or another,
this eternal moral problem would not have been revealed in any other form. Writers turned
attention to the indifferent attitude towards close, dear people and just to those who
is close to life in general, to his professional duty. Writers
talked about the reasons for the emergence of such a quality.
Along with heroes with a callous soul, there are many examples in literature of selfless,
honest, kind characters, capable of sacrificing themselves for the sake of others.
Life is complex and multifaceted, and sometimes it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of the actions of people,
it is not easy to explain the motives of their behavior, to understand whether a person is absolutely indifferent or
able to be responsive and compassionate.

Attitude towards people

M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"
Danko and Larra are two heroes, strong and courageous young men who do not know what
fear. There is one difference between them: Danko cannot look indifferently at
suffering of people, and Larra cares only for his own selfish desires.
There is no love, no pity, no compassion in him, he does not know what
responsiveness, wants only to be free from people. Aiming for it, hero
often shows cruelty. Danko, at a critical moment, does not allow
his people to bow to the conquerors, but instead offers
follow him. The hero devotes his short life to people. O
the existence of Larra is reminiscent of only a shadow roaming the steppe, and Danko
people remember before a thunderstorm, when sparks light up the steppe.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor"
In the story, the writer creates a unique image of a simple Russian
a woman who lived a hard life, but managed not to become embittered,
do not become indifferent. Matrena Vasilievna kept in her soul
disinterestedness and sincerity towards people. She is light
heart responded to any call for help, without demanding anything
in return: no plowing could do without her, she harnessed herself to the plow
and carried her along. None of the relatives could not refuse
Matryona in her help, even if you had to sacrifice
own interests. The absence of any self-interest and desire
save "personal good" leads to the fact that Matryona resignedly
gives his adopted daughter Kira and her husband an upper room cut off from
old house. The heroine devoted her whole life to people, and when she
I needed help, no one was around.

M. Gorky "At the bottom"
In the drama, the writer shows how absolutely callous, soulless,
heartless people who make the life of loved ones unbearable (Mikhail
Kostylev, his wife Vasilisa), and sympathetic, kind people (Natasha,
Anna, Nastya, Actor). Suffice it to recall Vasilisa Kostyleva, the hostess
a rooming house that insults and humiliates people offended by fate. She is
soulless not only to the “inhabitants of the bottom”, but also to her own sister, happiness
which is ready to ruin forever. The general tragic pathos of the play
smooths out the appearance of the wanderer Luke, who carries the idea of ​​goodness. In his
the soul has a place for responsiveness and compassion. He pities the unfortunate, gives
them hope, teaches them to believe in man. However, do not forget that the figure
the wanderer and his philosophy are highly controversial (the eternal dispute about the bitter truth
and white lies). Nevertheless, from the position of indifference and manifestation
compassion for people - he is undeniably a positive hero (remember,
for example, the dialogue between Luke and the dying Anna).


V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
In the story, the author talks about cruelty in the world of adolescents, draws attention to the fact that
how merciless sometimes children are in relation to those who are different in some way. home
the heroine Lena Bessoltseva is the object of cruel ridicule in the class. She is,
good-natured, sympathetic person with an open mind, takes responsibility for
someone else's ugly act, trying to protect the boy she likes.
Classmates arrange a boycott for her, and then they commit a completely terrible act:
they burn an effigy depicting a girl at the stake. The worst thing is that a person who
actually committed this act (Lena's classmate Dima Somov), could not
find the strength to confess, and two more classmates, Shmakova and Popov, accidentally
who learned the truth, decided not to interfere and see how the case ends for Lena
Bessoltseva. Here we can safely say that their indifference is even worse than cowardice.
Dima Somov. The cruelty of these still very immature people is truly enormous. She is
brings Lena untold suffering: the girl is an outcast in the class, she is despised, hated,
in every possible way demonstrating his attitude towards her. But for a teenager, but in general for any
man, there is nothing harder than exile. Particular attention is paid to the behavior
adults, it would seem, obliged to understand that Lena should not bear
responsible for the asceticism of their grandfather, but they did not react in any way, and even in
in some cases supported the violent behavior of the girl's classmates,
thereby contributing to the formation of indifference in the hearts of young heroes.


F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
In his famous novel, Fyodor Mikhailovich creates a vivid image
a person in whose heart there is no place for indifference, whose soul is full of
compassion for your neighbor. The author believes that it is compassion that determines
the humanity of each of us. Sonechka Marmeladova has to trade
with her body for the well-being of her family, so she shows compassion.
And when the heroine meets Raskolnikov, we see how the girl
shares his heartache, shows kindness to the young man than
saves his soul. Speaking of Dostoevsky's novel, it is worth noting that
almost every hero is tested by this great feeling
compassion for your neighbor. So, even the murderer of Raskolnikov cannot
indifferently pass by a drunk girl, gives the last pennies to the family
deceased Marmeladov. This means that in his soul there is a place for compassion, his
the heart responds with pain to the suffering of others.

12. Attitude to one's professional duty.

V. G. Rasputin "French Lessons"
An example of a teacher who is responsive, attentive to his pupils is the heroine
Rasputin's story "French Lessons" Lidia Mikhailovna cannot stand aside,
may show indifference to a child experiencing life's difficulties. Seeing in the main
the hero of a capable student who was not given the phonetics of the “mysterious language”, and a lonely
a child trying to cope with constant hunger on his own, the teacher invited
him to your house, not so much with the aim of teaching him pronunciation, but wanting to feed him. But
the boy cannot afford to sit at the teacher's table, and Lidia Mikhailovna finds
a successful exit - a game for money: now the hero has funds again, he can again
buy your own milk. Nor did he associate with a dubious company of slackers,
playing for money with them. She, of course, mature and reasonable, imagined that this
history may end for her - "the sower of the good and eternal" - with dismissal from work. But
she really helped the child, did not remain indifferent to someone else's misfortune. She is real
a teacher with a soul open to children, and he understands perfectly well that it is better to make such
"ugly" act and lose a ruble for milk for a child, but help him survive and not
lose yourself, your individuality, your dignity, than to comply with all the rules adopted
in society, and indifferently pass by.


A.I. Kuprin "The Wonderful Doctor"
In the center of the writer's narrative is the poor Mertsalov family, which
starving, who doesn't even have firewood to heat her room. One
the girl in this family has already died, the second is very sick. One day when everyone
have already ceased to hope for the best, Mertsalov meets an elderly
the man to whom he tells his story, and the old man immediately
goes to their house. It turns out that he is a doctor whose duty is to respond
to the sick man's call for help.
The doctor prescribed treatment for little Mashutka, gave money for medicine,
firewood and food. The wonderful doctor didn't even give his name. It doesn't matter how
the name of a person who disinterestedly extended a helping hand, true goodness
always nameless. Later, the grateful Mertsalov found out that his daughter
saved by the great surgeon Pirogov.

14. Attitude to loved ones.

L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
At first glance, it seems that in the novel "War and Peace" by the Bolkonsky family and
Rostovs are two poles, two completely different worldviews.
If for the Rostovs the main thing is emotions, then for the Bolkonskys order is at the head,
once and for all wound up by them. But there are common features, one of which is love for
each other. Countess Rostova is sincerely devoted to her children, she cannot
indifferently accept the news of the death of his son, and this pain is understandable even to the youngest daughter,
who will never allow herself to leave her mother in grief alone. Natasha is responsive and
of good. These qualities were instilled in her by her parents.
Speaking of the Bolkonsky family, one should pay attention to the fact that the old prince, on
at first glance, it seems indifferent and cruel towards children, but all
his words and actions are dictated by love for them. So, he only wants Marya
kindness, and she, in turn, blindly obeys him, fearing to upset the old man.


K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"
The plot of Paustovsky's story tells about the life of Katerina Petrovna, an elderly
a woman who was lonely waiting for the arrival of her daughter. Nastya lives in a big city,
works as a secretary in the union of artists. At work, she is respected, she tries to
in all its manifestations to be a responsible, responsive person. Heroine
helps a young sculptor with the organization of an exhibition, understanding how it is for him
important. But at the same time he indifferently puts a telegram with the news of
imminent death of the mother, without even reading it. And only after losing her mother, Nastya realizes that
child debt should not be reduced only to a money transfer, close people
need attention, love, support, and indifference "kills" them. Nastya
I realized this too late, when there was no one to ask for forgiveness.
The heroine of B. Ekimov's story "Speak, mother, speak ..." turns out to be wiser.
A young woman understands in time that it is not the money given for
telephone conversations, and an elderly mother, whose life could end at any
moment. The daughter realizes that, indifferently interrupting her mother's story, she inflicts

16. The attitude of power to the common man.

Undoubtedly, the indifferent and heartless attitude of the authorities towards
it is expedient for the common man to disclose first of all
through the analysis of images of small people. Gallery of these heroes
presented quite widely in Russian literature:
"The Stationmaster", "The Bronze Horseman" A.S. Pushkin,
"Overcoat" N.V. Gogol, "Poor People", "Crime and Punishment"
F.M. Dostoevsky, early stories by A.P. Chekhov and others.

17. Attitude to the world, to life in general.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
The protagonist, after whom the novel is named, is Eugene Onegin. It's young
a metropolitan aristocrat who received a typical secular upbringing. At the beginning of the novel
we meet a young, but already experienced, tired of life person.
He does not see the point in anything and is indifferent, it would seem, to everything in the world.
"Languishing with spiritual emptiness", the young man tries to look for the meaning of life in any activity.
In the village where he escapes, Onegin meets the daughter of a local landowner.
Tatyana falls in love with a neighbor, but he does not accept love, explaining this by the fact that he
“not created for bliss,” that is, for a family. Indifference to life, passivity,
“desire for peace”, inner emptiness suppressed sincere feelings.
Subsequently, he will be punished for his mistake by loneliness.


M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
About a hero who is indifferent to his own life, he speaks in his
novel and M.Yu. Lermontov. Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin has
special abilities: extraordinary mind, propensity for deep
analysis, charm, determination. But he doesn't find his purpose
in life and suffer from it. The question comes to his mind: “Why did I live?
For what purpose was I born? He begins to realize that time is lost
nothing significant has happened in his life and is unlikely to
happen. Pechorin bitterly realizes that he did nothing to
to be recognized in society. Involuntarily, Pechorin thinks about
of death. The hero feels like a spiritual old man and immediately adds that
he looks like a boy. Those around him speak of his indifference (Werner,
Maxim Maksimych), and he himself feels his strange sensitivity,
the power that the past has over him. Pechorin is very controversial, and
you might think that his indifference is forced, under it he tries
hide your feelings so as not to give others power over yourself.

Respect for human rights is the main factor in the relationship between the people and the authorities.

Spiritual health of the people as a socio-cultural factor in the relationship between the people and the government.

In order to understand the relationship between power and the people, it is necessary first of all to clarify what is meant by power, what means of influencing the people it has, why in some cases the people support power without stopping before the threat of dying in the name of its interests, and in other cases the same the people are striving to free themselves from the dictates of power, to replace the current one with a new power. The concept of "power" has several meanings: 1) the ability, right and ability to dispose of something, to have a decisive influence on the fate, behavior and activities, morals and traditions of people with the help of law, law, authority, court, coercion; 2) domination over people, their communities, organizations, over countries and their groups; 3) the system of state bodies; 4) persons, bodies vested with appropriate powers or having various kinds of influence according to custom or who appropriated them.

Political power is associated, as a rule, with the activities of the state and various political organizations - parties, associations, unions, etc. The main means that power usually uses to achieve its goals are persuasion and coercion. The state equally actively uses both methods: reports, speeches, speeches, broadcasts of government meetings on television, etc. - these are methods of persuasion. But very often the authorities turn to the means of violence. Arrest, interrogation, torture, disinformation, slander, lies are aimed at intimidating a person and subordinating him to his will.

In this case, the authorities rely on the mental and volitional properties of a person and social groups. The initiators of "perestroika" used the dissatisfaction of large masses of the people accumulated over many years with the rule of the Communist Party Soviet Union and managed to win over most of the people to their side, organized them and achieved their goal. The demolition of the power of the CPSU, the people at first met with jubilation. But a few years later, when the "winners" revealed their true goals and led the country to the return of "wild capitalism", he came to his senses, but it was too late: all the levers of influence were in the hands of the "reformers". Now indignation is growing among the people, pouring out in a number of cases into mass protests of many thousands. Thus, we can conclude that the relationship between the people and the government develops depending on how and whose interests the government satisfies.

At the same time, the government is not indifferent to how the people treat it, it strives in every possible way for the people to be on its side and support its policy. This can be traced throughout the history of mankind. From ancient times to the present day, the authorities everywhere and everywhere are fighting for the disposition of the people towards its policy and its specific actions. The methods are the same everywhere and everywhere. The ancient Chinese politician and scholar Han Fei (one of the greatest theorists of “Legalism”, the doctrine that advocated that the people should be controlled with the help of strict and even cruel laws) said that the people should be influenced with the help of encouragement and punishment.

Why are the political authorities of all times fighting so zealously for the opinion and mood of the people? Because the people are the earth that nourishes the whole society. The people are the main producer of material and spiritual wealth. His trust is the strength of the state, distrust is a sign of an approaching collapse. The ancient Greeks created a wonderful myth about the importance of the people in the life of the state. famous hero Hercules fought with another hero Antaeus. Hercules won, tearing him off the ground, which gave him invincible strength. The central idea of ​​this myth is that the power of any state lies in the people. One of the deep and observant thinkers, N. Machiavelli, in his political writings tirelessly explained to the rulers of states that no matter how they come to power (honestly or dishonestly), their first concern is to win over the sympathies of the people: “... if the sovereign came to power with the help of the people, he must try to keep their friendship, which is not at all difficult, because the people demand only that they not be oppressed. But if the sovereign was brought to power by the nobility in defiance of the people, then his first duty is to enlist the friendship of the people, which again is not difficult to do if you take the people under your protection ... the sovereign must be in friendship with the people, otherwise he will be overthrown in difficult times ... Therefore a wise sovereign should take measures to ensure that citizens always and under any circumstances have a need for the sovereign and the state - only then can he rely on their loyalty.

Machiavelli defends the interests of the people and, above all, property: it is necessary that the people are not oppressed, i.e. so that they do not encroach on his property, do not force him to work for the feudal lords, the church, the king, leaving negligible time to work for himself.

Truths seem to be simple, not requiring a great mind to assimilate them, but throughout the history of mankind, those in power have always sought to enslave the people, humiliate their dignity, put themselves above them, make them their subjects, slaves, serfs, not allow them to live well and freely, rob him, bring him to a position worse than bestial. This is what main reason social exacerbations, conflicts, often ending in the overthrow of the power of the oppressors.

Property relations are closely intertwined with natural and social human rights. If a person is driven from a piece of land that fed him and his family, under the grazing of sheep, then this is a gross violation of the natural rights of man. If, at the whim of a seductive dancer, they cut off John the Baptist's head and present it on an expensive platter, then this is a mockery of the natural human right to life. If the court, on the basis of a slanderous denunciation, without understanding the essence of the matter, guided only by emotions, sentences the great philosopher to death, then this is a clear manifestation of the imperfection of the most important institution of power.

Since ancient times, philosophers have defended the natural rights of a person - to life, to get food, to build housing, to give birth and raise children, to help the victim, etc. These rights were consecrated in the sacred books of various religions, in the first legislative acts (“Laws of Manu”, the laws of the ancient Greek kings Solon, Cleisthenes, the Hebrew king David, in the ancient Egyptian book “Teachings of Ptahotep” (XXIII century BC), in the ancient Sumerian laws of God Shamash (in the so-called “path of Shamash”), the laws of the ancient Babylonian king Hammurabi (eighteenth century BC). Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, etc. - and reflected the natural rights of man, which were realized humanity first, as immediate human rights.

Subsequently, social human rights appeared associated with social functions people: the right to freedom, to work, to property, the right to own property, to tools of labor, the right to participate in the political life of the state, the right and duty to defend the fatherland, the right to defend their interests in court, to participate in ceremonies of worship of the gods, etc. P. In the future, social rights have expanded significantly. Characteristically, natural and social rights were closely intertwined with each other from the very beginning. For example, the right to food was directly linked to the right to work; the prohibition against adultery was caused by the right of property. These rights at first were in the nature of customs, traditions, later they acquired the status of an official law, and in ancient rome have already been codified and become written laws.

Observance of natural and social rights, fixed in the laws, acquired the quality of a characteristic of the state in the opinion of the people. Their observance began to be associated with the idea of ​​social justice. Justice itself also acquired the status of a moral and legal norm. The attitude of the people to the state was formed mainly on the basis of its justice. If the state strictly observed the natural and social rights of man, such a state in popular opinion, of course, received an assessment of fair. And vice versa - the violation of these rights caused a negative attitude towards the state. Thus, the relation of the state to natural and social rights is the first basis of the relationship between the people and the state. The foundation of these relationships is formed by the relationship of property, which has always been the subject of litigation, domestic and civil wars. Wars over territories, women, trade routes, attacks on trade caravans were constant occasions for the establishment of international relations, the conclusion of alliances of some states against others, the defense of their territories, attacks on others, etc. Property has always been the subject of disputes, clashes and bloody battles.

In addition to these rights, there are also spiritual and cultural rights, the source of which is respect (or disrespect) for historical, spiritual, national, ethnic, cultural traditions people. An outstanding Russian philosopher of the first half of the 19th century A.S. Khomyakov assessed the significance of the traditions and beliefs of the people for the knowledge of their spiritual life in this way: “More important than any material signs, any political system, any relations of citizens among themselves, the traditions and beliefs of the people themselves.” It is in them that the spiritual make-up of the people, their cultural and moral ideals are first revealed. The spirituality of the people, according to N.A. Berdyaev, includes not only today's, but also past and future life people, as he presents his historical vocation or God's destiny: “A nation includes not only human generations, but also the stones of churches, palaces and estates, gravestones, old manuscripts and books. And in order to grasp the will of the nation, one must hear these stones, read the decayed pages.”

It is almost impossible to isolate the object of spiritual life in its pure form from social existence (it can never be said that this area of ​​human life is spiritual, and all the others are not spiritual), nevertheless, there are components that determine the level of spirituality, according to which it is possible with a sufficient degree of certainty to judge the spiritual sphere of societies, their spiritual health.. This is morality and culture, primarily in the relationship of people with each other. And in them the main criterion is the degree of humanity, humanity. Thus, the object of spiritual life is the entire sphere of society in which those types of needs and interests are produced, developed, improved, transformed, those types of activities that are aimed at achieving the spiritual goals of a person and society, their spiritual health. The object, as you can see, is extremely complex, fluid, changeable, containing many facets, shades, tones and halftones. The strengthening or weakening of the humane principle in relations between people is a sign of the strength (weakness) of the spiritual health of the people. In modern Russian life, there is a decline in spirituality and morality, because humanistic values, the value of a person have declined sharply. They want to remake Russia in a Western manner, instill in its inhabitants the spiritual and moral values ​​of the West, regardless of the opinion of the Russian people.

Russia was brought up for centuries on the principles of collectivism. Collectivism gives rise to a different, higher morality, which includes responsibility to the Motherland - patriotism, the rise of the public over the personal. The origins of such patriotism go back to hoary antiquity. Already Nestor, the first Russian chronicler, wrote down the words of the famous Prince Svyatoslav before the unequal battle with the Pechenegs: “A dead imam is not a shame.” This phrase has become winged and forever entered the spiritual covenants of the Russian people, serves as a pure source of their spiritual health. She is in different options repeated by Russian soldiers before a decisive or unequal battle, battle. It is worth remembering only the words of the political officers of the times of the Great Patriotic War: “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind”, “There is no land for us beyond the Volga”. They took an unequal battle and saved the Motherland. Withstood the onslaught of incredible strength on the edge of the cliff, and then drove the enemy to his stinking lair. Soviet people of those times had indestructible spiritual health.

Patriotism in the Russian mind is associated not only with military prowess, but also with self-respect, with pride in one's land, for one's people, with an unwillingness to humiliate oneself before foreigners. This idea also runs through the entire history of Russia. Yuri Krizhanich passionately warned: “Nothing can be more disastrous for the country and people than neglecting one’s own good orders, customs, laws and language, and appropriating other people’s orders and a foreign language and the desire to become another people.” "Alienness" is a mad love for other people's things and peoples and an excessive trust in strangers. L.A. Tikhomirov contemptuously called admiration for the West “monkey”

With the same passion, the Slavophiles rebelled against the blind imitation of everything foreign, especially Western European: K.S. Aksakov, A.S. Khomyakov, I.V. Kireevsky and others. They critically perceived the "legalism", "logical rationality" of the West, the individualism of Protestantism. Like Yu. Krizhanich, they believed that the West has something to learn (especially sciences), but at the same time one should not humiliate oneself, one should respect one's history, culture, customs and traditions.

"Westerners" V.G. Belinsky, P.Ya. Chaadaev, A.I. Herzen, F.I. Tyutchev, later N.G. Chernyshevsky will also come to the conclusion that it is not worth opposing Russia to the West, and the West to Russia. A.S. Pushkin and P. Ya Chaadaev were the first to express the essence of this idea: Russia is no worse and no better than the West, it is different. F.I. Tyutchev will formulate an idea that will become both an artistic and philosophical characteristic of Russia:

“You can’t understand Russia with the mind,

Can't be measured with a common yardstick: She has become special -

One can only believe in Russia.”

It should be noted that in Russia patriotism was understood by many scientists, politicians, and by the people themselves as the subordination of their personality to the interests of the people, the state, as self-sacrifice in the name of the common good. The outstanding Russian philosopher S.L. Frank, one of the "passengers" of the famous "philosophical ship", spoke of the patriotism of the Russian people: "This public life- supra-personal, extra-temporal and extra-spatial - encompasses all generations, past and future, which occupy equal places in the stream of life. Thus, the social self-consciousness inherent in us by nature, overcoming the fragmentation of generations in time by national memory, creates a national culture and binds individuals into a nation - a unity of fate that remembers the past, our ancestors, and aspires to the future, to our descendants. That is, more matters than the sum of the individuals that make it up: it is a spiritual superpersonal organism... Along with the fact that a person himself wants and can... an ideal power of due acts on a person - the voice of our conscience - a call that he perceives as proceeding from the highest empirical nature surpassing it and its transforming instance; ... a person, feeling a sense of duty, realizing the absolute ideal of his life, rises above his empirical nature; and this exaltation is the most authentic being of man.”

The strength of conscience, responsibility to the Motherland for its fate stronger than death. The famous Russian poetess, front-line soldier, Yulia Drunina, in protest against the destruction of Russia, committed suicide, explaining her act in her dying poem “The Hour of Judgment”:

“I’m leaving, I have no strength.

Only from a distance

(All the same, baptized!)

I will pray

For people like you,

For the elect

Keep Rus' over the cliff.

But I'm afraid that you are powerless.

That's why I choose death.

As Russia flies downhill,

I can’t, I don’t want to watch!”

This sense of responsibility for the Motherland, the ability to put the interests of the Motherland above personal interests, to die for the Motherland - this lofty moral trait distinguishes a Russian person from the soulless prudence of a Western man in the street.

Other feature Russian self-consciousness - the desire for will. This spiritual quality also runs through the work of most of the outstanding Russian thinkers, poets, folk singers and storytellers throughout the history of Russia.

In the West, ideas about the will were quite often interpreted as a manifestation of either complete individualism or the absolute control of the state over the individual. Russian philosophers saw the falsity of the so-called Western democracy. I.S. Aksakov pointedly noted that "democracy in the West has a legitimate historical significance as an expression of enmity and struggle between the oppressed conquered people and the conquering aristocrats." I.S. Aksakov was one of the first to use the term that would later be widely used in political discussions - “barracks equality”. This term was equally used by both Slavophiles and Westernizers. Let us recall that the socialism of Babeuf Gracchus A.I. Herzen called "barracks socialism".

One of the fundamental ideas that make up the core of the spiritual and moral state of the people is the idea of ​​existence at the expense of one's own labor. It's hard to name a philosopher religious leader who would perform with opposite opinion. The apostle Paul said, "Do not let them eat." This expression will later turn into a proverb and into one of the principles of communism: "He who does not work, he does not eat." Labor has been glorified in folk tales and songs since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the god Ra, because, according to people's ideas, he carried warmth that infused life into all the fruits that people ate and fed livestock with. He allowed to grow trees from which ships were made. He gave heat to the smelting furnaces, where copper, bronze, and iron were brewed. People worshiped and worship the gods, seeing in them for themselves benefit, protection and consolation. If the gods were not capable of all this, then they would hardly have appeared. Religion is, first of all, respect, reverence for the gods for their work, for the benefits people receive from them. Religion is thus also connected with labor. Paraphrasing the well-known statement of F. Engels, we can say with confidence that labor created religion and gods.

In Soviet times, the idea of ​​labor was one of the central in all types of theoretical and artistic creativity. main character Soviet literature, dramaturgy, opera, cinema, sculpture, painting was a man of labor. Both from a theoretical and practical point of view, this is quite justified, because. it is labor that is the source of the wealth and prosperity of the people, the power of the state. Unfortunately, today's Russian art has put forward people of the opposite sort as heroes: prostitutes, "cool" businessmen who profit from the unrestrained exploitation of working people. This direction is supported by the majority of political and state figures. It was enshrined in the current legislation, where a person of labor, according to A.N. Radishchev, dead.

In strengthening the spiritual health of society, always big role played religion and church. Religion is one of the age-old forms of morality.

But neither the church itself, nor believers, nor people indifferent to faith should exaggerate the role of the church in moral education. Morality is brought up and strengthened (or destroyed) throughout life. There is hardly a person who did not listen to fairy tales in childhood. But a fairy tale is a fairy tale - discord. Wide famous fairy tale Italian writer Long about Daphnis and Chloe, two lovers who could not “learn” love in any way: and the old man advised to take off your clothes and hug each other tightly - then love will appear. And Chloe was forcibly taken away by sailors and, one must understand, they “taught” her the art of love. And Daphnis, an experienced woman in love affairs, “taught” love. Complete naturalism.

And in the Russian fairy tale about the Swan Princess? A young man is in love with a bird, sees how she flies to the lake, turns into a beautiful girl, and then dresses in her swan clothes and flies away. How to master the swan girl? How to make your own? Finally, he guesses: he steals her clothes and does not give them back, and the swan princess becomes the beloved of the young man. How much poetry, beauty, feelings, understatement, hints are here, but the chastity of lovers is never violated. Russian girls and boys listen to these fairy tales from the age of two or three, and from that time they absorb a chaste attitude to love, beauty, careful attitude to this brightest and most beautiful feeling. It is not necessary to deprive the church of its role in moral education, let it do its job. But we should not forget about the Russian fairy tale, Russian poetry, in which the most exalted feelings and ideas are sung. The moral health of a person matures under beneficial influence family, school, art, science, many other factors, unfortunately, not only positive ones. As a result of the destructive “perestroika” processes, the spiritual and moral life of Russia over the past decade has sank into some kind of fetid swamp formed from the filth of its overthrowers. What is of scientific, artistic, moral value, with rare exceptions, has shrunk like shagreen leather. Everything has been reduced. Both the material base of spirituality and spirituality itself. For today's Russia, the title of the book "Russia in the Darkness" by the English science fiction writer G. Wells, written by him in 1918, is quite legitimate.

The attitude of the people to power is manifested in the way it relates to the economic, political, legal, cultural position of the state-forming people, in Russia - to the Russian people. During the 15 years of “perestroika”, Russia lost about 10 million Russians who died of natural and (to a large extent) unnatural death. Over 25 million Russians are in a powerless position in the countries of the near abroad, where they are deprived of their language, faith, they are called invaders, they are first of all deprived of work and last of all provided with it. And the Russian rulers "do not notice" this. They want the Russian people to respect their rulers. There is a well-aimed Russian proverb: "As it comes around, it will respond."

The other side of the attitude of the people to the state is its attitude to small nations. Soviet Russia not only preserved peoples numbering literally tens to hundreds of thousands of people, but also gave them a language, preserved their customs, traditions, way of life, raised culture to a new level. This was done mainly thanks to the efforts of the Great Russian people. Indeed, fraternal friendship reigned between the peoples, and in many respects - family relations. What is observed now? Russians are being pushed out everywhere. Hostile relations between the peoples, turning into bloody wars The peoples flee to Russia, seeking protection under her cover. Russia refuses them this. Will these peoples respect the ruling circles of Russia? As the famous satirist says: "You can't wait." Russia deliberately surrounds itself with a ring of mistrust, suspicion, alienation. Does it want to acquire international prestige and power in this way? At the very least, it's a strange way.

The attitude of the people to the authorities largely depends on what style of leadership prevails, democratic or authoritarian-bureaucratic. Soviet power was rightly criticized for bureaucracy and authoritarianism, for the omnipotence of bureaucracy. But what now? There are more officials in Russia now than in the days of the Soviet Union. As a result, there is more bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is afflicted with the leprosy of bribery and corruption. The well-known "democrat" G.Kh Popov in one of the TV shows suggested that these unseemly actions be called "payment for services." The people answer this: "radish horseradish is not sweeter." Already the current President has stated many times that it is time to put an end to these shameful phenomena. Bribers and corrupt officials only rub their hands in contentment: “Well, since the President undertakes to eradicate us, we have nothing to fear.” The President knows all the corrupt officials and many bribe-takers by sight. He has a special security service at his disposal. What prevents to shorten the grabbing hands? Unwillingness and lack of will of the highest official in the state.

Aristotle said: "When the people are admitted to power, they are calm." In Russia, the people have been torn away from power throughout the entire “perestroika”. Isn't that why one strike, then another breaks out. Already weak pensioners tens of thousands go to demonstrations in protest against the stupid (you can't call pension reform otherwise) government policy. The people were actually deprived of the right to speak. AT Soviet times circulation of regional newspapers reached several tens of thousands of copies. Now the circulation of federal publications is estimated at one or two, at most 3-5 thousand copies. From the pages of newspapers, from television screens, from radio broadcasts, the speeches of workers, peasants, the main producers of material and moral values, have disappeared. But they have something to say and offer to the rulers. But the truth pricks the rulers' eyes, cuts their ears. The people are actually deprived of all their sovereign rights proclaimed in the Constitution. He freezes in the cold, dies of hunger and disease, from the inability to earn a living. honest life. Many people steal on purpose in order to get into prison, because it is warm there, they are fed, clothed, there is a mandatory bath once a week, they regularly cut their hair, and they give some kind of job. In prison, you feel like a man.

The current government treats the people with contempt and arrogance. But I would like to remind those in power the fairy tale of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin about how one man fed two generals. Without the muzhik, the generals became savage, and the muzhik made them people again. The current government, having driven the working man beyond all thresholds of power, is already degrading: he steals, takes bribes, cheats, deceives, lies, does anything during working hours, but not his own. state functions, having apartments in his cities, he gets them back in Moscow, and you can’t drive them out of there by any force, organizes sales of cheap and high-quality goods in his institutions, culinary workshops provide officials with pies, cakes, pastries, meat products, smoked fish, fresh vegetables and fruits, selected wines and other dishes. And thousands of “homeless people” at this time are rummaging through garbage dumps to find at least some stinking and half-rotten piece of bread, an unfinished carton of milk.

Is it a democracy? No, it's a plutocracy.

Control questions

What is the main source of respectful (disrespectful) attitude of the people to power?

Can the state count on the trust and support of the people if it neglects the natural and social rights of the people?

Does it help to strengthen the ties of the people with the authorities, if they harm their spiritual, national-ethnic, historical traditions?

The attitude of the authorities to the state-forming people.

Do democratic or violent methods of government contribute to the strength of relations between the authorities and the people?

What contributes to the peace of the people: participation in power or, on the contrary, rejection from it?

What forms of people's sovereignty in resolving political issues strengthen the people's relations with the authorities, and which weaken them?


Aron R. Democracy and totalitarianism (translated from French). M., 1993.

Golenkova Z.T. Classes//Political encyclopedia in 2 volumes. T. 1. M., 1999.

Djilas M. Face of totalitarianism. M., 1992.

Ivanov V.N. Russia: finding the future. M., 1997.

Lenin V.I. Two tactics of social democracy in the democratic revolution / / Full. coll. op. T. 11.

Lenin V.I. Great initiative//Full. coll. op. T. 39.

Plekhanov G.V. On the monistic view of history // Selected works. philosopher. prod. in 5 volumes. T. 1. M., 1956.

Sorokin P.A. Man. Civilization. Society. M., 1992.

Sukhanov I.V. Customs, traditions and continuity of generations. M., 1976.

Transformation of the social structure and stratification of Russian society. M., 1986.

Khalipov V.F. Introduction to the science of power. M., 1996.

Chetvernin V.A. Modern concepts of natural law. M., 1988.

Shafarevich I.R. Russian people at the turn of the millennium. Race with death. M., 2000.

Engels F. The origin of the family, private property and the state / / Marx K., Engels F. Soch. T. 21.

Essay topics

The material stratification of society is the main source of tension in relations between the people and the authorities.

Natural and social rights of the people: the degree of their satisfaction in modern Russia.

The spirit of the people is the source of strength or weakness of power.

State-forming people in a multi-ethnic state: its strength and weakness.

Power of power: in democracy or violence?

Democracy: forms, levels, methods.

Ways of real assertion of the sovereignty of the people.

Every person, living in any country, has his own point of view on the government. There will always be those who agree with him, and, conversely, disagree. In this text, V.F. Khodasevich raises the problem of attitude to power.

The author tells about Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin, a statesman. He was dismissed, and he moved to Zvanka. Here Derzhavin “endured being outside the affairs of state,” a bitter sediment settled at the bottom of his soul. “He was sometimes ready to transfer his irritation to the rulers and nobles of all times and peoples.” Gavriil Romanovich worked tirelessly, tried to common people, was engaged in charity work, but for some reason did not turn out to be a worthy assistant in the eyes of the rulers whom he served.

He considered the ungrateful tsar, who dismissed him from service, despite his services to the Fatherland.

I fully agree with V.F. Khodasevich and I think that Derzhavin did not deserve such an attitude towards himself. The people had a very good opinion of him, because he often helped the poor, courtyards, servants, gave loans and even started a hospital for the peasants.

The problem of attitude to power was often raised in the works of writers. I ran into her main character novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" The master wrote his novel about Pontius Pilate not by order, but by the call of his heart, and they refused to publish it, as the editors of the magazine were afraid of the wrath of the authorities.

In the poem by A.S. Pushkin's "The Bronze Horseman" also traces this problem. This is not the end, continue below.

Useful material on the topic

  • before his resignation, Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin loved Zvanka because ... V.F. Khodasevich

Here, an unusually sharp contradiction arises between the individual and the state. Eugene, a petty official who lost his bride, blames Peter I, the founder of St. Petersburg, who, on the one hand, is a great reformer, but at the same time a cruel tyrant. There is no final resolution of the conflict in the plot of the poem.

1) The indifference of the authorities to the people and to the common man:

Tale "Lefty" Leskov about the miracle master Lefty - a collective image of the whole people, handicraft, inventive, patient and disenfranchised. The main theme is the inability to appreciate the skill of the people, the conniving, indifferent attitude of the authorities to unique masters, and to the people as a whole.

"Railway" N. Nekrasov- this is not only the path along which people move. The road is human life itself, it turns, and goes downhill and hard uphill, there are stops, it happens that they go astray. Nekrasov put a comparison into the image of the railway with human life, life a society that develops and moves forward, but not always in the right way. The sacrifices made to achieve goals are not always comparable to the price of people's lives, crippled destinies, but was progress worth such human grief. The main idea of ​​​​the poem is the question of the fate of ordinary people , heavy beat and callous attitude authorities to working people.

2) Indifference and responsiveness in love:

"War and Peace" L. Tolstoy. Pierre Bezukhov was blinded by love for Helen, everyone around saw the truth, except for Pierre, who trusted Helen. She deceived her gullible husband, and even worse, she did not think to hide it from society. , and in the society that surrounded him. The marriage of Helen Kuragina is a marriage of convenience, she is not able to love the main thing for her is money, the condition of her husband, to whom she is indifferent.

A. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet". The theme of the story is love, an all-consuming feeling that does not look at ranks and class differences, no matter if it brings happiness or suffering, a person cannot live without a feeling of love. Life is empty without love, a person does not live, but only exists. Life loses meaning if a person does not love anyone or no one loves him. Vera Sheina rejects Zheltkov's feelings, laughs at them, but in the end she remains lonely, life loses its meaning, no one can love her like Zheltkov, who is dying. Position and well-being in society cannot replace a real, devoted feeling, love is higher than material values, stronger than death, as it remains in Vera's memory as the highest feeling in her life that she lost.

3) Responsiveness to oneself and to one's life in general:

N. Gogol "Taras Bulba". Taras is proud of his life - he fought for his homeland. Taras dies happy, he is calm for his homeland, his followers will continue to fight. The execution of Taras, he dies as a martyr, the Poles themselves, not understanding, made him a saint. a symbol of the struggle for independence, a symbol of heroism and love for his homeland. Taras is not afraid of death, it is more important for him to know that his comrades managed to escape and continue his work. The fire only kills Taras's body, his image remains forever in the soul of the people, his enemies are also broken the greatness of the executed.

B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man". Aleksey Meresyev did not reconcile himself to physical loss, he hears himself - he cannot live without heaven. The hero passes tests and proves to everyone what a person is capable of for the sake of a dream. has not lost its meaning for the pilot.

4) Indifference and responsiveness to art:

A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".Onegin visits the theater every day, this is part of his life routine, the author calls him an "honorary citizen of the backstage." Being late for the opera, as he goes not to listen to her, but goes to pay his respects to acquaintances or make new ones. The theater does not care how both art and beauty in general, he is tempted by behind-the-scenes intrigues. Onegin is not a connoisseur of art, he is only concerned about acquaintances, looking at the stage, he yawns. Art does not give rise to any emotions in Eugene, he indifferently contemplates beauty, masterpieces do not excite him. Lensky knows how love, admire beauty, write poetry. passionate about art. Ardent romantic, fascinated by poetry and works of art.

Ray Bradbury "Smile" In the distant future, people destroyed the painting "Gioconda" by Leonardo da Vinci. Tom, a little boy, saved a piece of the canvas, enchanted by the beauty of the Mona Lisa's smile. People laughed and spit on Mona Lisa. Beauty saves the world, Tom believes in the spiritual rebirth of humanity, Gioconda's smile helps him in this.

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