Description of the painting by Vasnetsov heroic lope. Description of the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov “Bogatyrsky lope


Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov conveyed his attitude to the people and their work through his paintings. He revealed the full power of the Russian spirit by turning to epic themes, among which the images of heroes occupied a special place. One of the paintings of this direction was the painting "Bogatyrsky lope", written in 1914.

In the center of the picture is the figure of a hero sitting astride a mighty black horse. The author depicted the moment when the horse had just left the earth's surface with its hooves, and already the dark forest, wide fields and gentle hills were far under his feet, and the clouds were near his head.

Vasnetsov, with the help of composition, conveys a sense of movement. The figures are arranged diagonally, the legs of the animal are tucked in for a jump, the muscles are tense in relief, the head is tilted. The pose of the hero expresses masculinity and determination. Frowning eyebrows hanging over his eyes, a piercing look show that he prepared to fight the enemies of Rus' on the spot. His weapons are on alert, his armor gleaming in the light of the rising sun.

In the picture, one can note the mutual understanding of the animal and the hero. The rider has such confidence in his horse that he does not even look in the direction of travel, his head is turned back, while he does not hold on to the bridle at all.

The tension of the moment emphasizes the background of the picture. The author used dark deep tones to write it. The moment of time before sunrise is captured, the outlines of the forest and fields are barely visible.

So that the figure of the characters does not merge with the earth, Vasnetsov painted them against the background of a brightening sky, playing with delicate shades of red, blue and purple.

The picture was painted in the difficult year of 1914, through which the author tried to remind people of the former glory, power and unity of the Russian people.

In addition to the description of the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrsky lope”, our website has collected many other descriptions of paintings by various artists, which can be used both in preparation for writing an essay on a painting, and simply for a more complete acquaintance with the work of famous masters of the past.


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In his artistic work, the Russian painter Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov often turned to folk art and myths. Quite often, the heroes of his masterpieces became the mighty defenders of the ancient Russian land - heroes. The author skillfully and with color was able to convey their fighting spirit and spirit, their mood and feelings about the upcoming battle.

My attention was not spared by Vasnetsov's painting "The Bogatyr's Leap", in which, in the very center of events, the author depicted the ardent and fast gallop of the Russian hero on his faithful assistant - a brave and nimble horse. The picture seems so “alive”, as if I hear the blows of hooves on solid ground and gusts of fresh wind that flies towards the rider, creating an obstacle to his intentions.

The author shows the power and strength of the Russian spirit, depicting the horseman as if he is so great and powerful that he occupies spaces from earth to heaven. It seems that the hero touches the clouds with his head. His gaze is very stern, thus, he instills fear in his enemies, which is one of the combat approaches. So he shows his advantage and hints to the enemy that the battle will be unequal.

The chain mail worn on the rider complements his image, and is a means of protection from the enemy. The long spear, which protrudes far beyond the horse's head, reminds me of the flight of an arrow through endless space, as if it were tearing the wind currents in its path.

Vasnetsov depicts in detail every movement of the horse, his jump, tense and tucked-in legs, all this speaks of the good fitness of the animal, of his desire to please his "master". And the hero completely trusted the animal instinct, and his gaze was riveted towards the viewer. Thus, the author shows the connection between the spiritual impulses of man and the feelings of animal instinct.

To create a warlike atmosphere, the author depicted the background, where a forest and endless fields can be seen in the distance, in dark colors. That allows you to focus your eyes only on the rider and his horse, as the central element of the picture. The painter also skillfully depicts the dawn, the time when nature awakens from a night's sleep, and the soldiers are ready to attack the enemy.

Description of the painting by Vasnetsov Bogatyr skok

Vasnetsov is a man who, through his works of art, turned to the ancient literary works of the Russian people. Very often the main persons in his paintings were the main defenders of the Russian land - the heroes. Vasnetsov was able to very accurately portray the emotions of his characters, the general mood and fighting spirit, their feelings about the upcoming battle.

One of these paintings is his artwork "heroic lope". It depicts an ancient Russian hero, who is very fast racing on his strong and faithful horse. The picture is made in such a way that perfectly conveys that atmosphere. There is a feeling that you can hear the sound of hooves and feel the gusts of wind that blows in the face of the rider, trying to become an obstacle for him.

Vasnetsov shows his character as very strong and large, showing the full power of a strong heroic spirit. He seems so huge and powerful due to the fact that his huge body rises to the heavens, it seems as if his head reaches the clouds. The hero himself has such a stern and formidable look that instills fear in any enemy. He seems to show with a glance to all enemies that the alignment of forces is initially unequal.

The rider is dressed in chain mail, which serves as a good complement to his image and protects him from enemy attacks. His long and powerful spear, seen from behind the head of the horse, which looks like an arrow, ready to fall on the head of any enemy.

The picture is made in such a way that the rider and his horse attract all the attention of the viewer, being the center of the image. Behind you can see a thick forest thicket and a huge endless field, which is depicted in the most gloomy colors. The time is depicted as dawn when all nature and people are just beginning to wake up, which is a great time to strike. All this conveys the atmosphere of the situation and the feelings of the main character as accurately as possible.

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The artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov painted many wonderful paintings in his life. Since his youth, he began to get involved in painting, took drawing lessons. Today, he is the author of many famous paintings that numerous art lovers will never cease to admire. Fairy-tale characters - the heroes of his paintings - always look so alive and interesting that you involuntarily begin to admire them. One of his works is called "Bogatyrsky lope". I want to tell about her.

In the picture we see a hero saddling a mighty horse. The warrior carries himself very confidently and menacingly. On it, the artist depicted combat armor. It can be seen that the hero is ready for battle. In one hand he has a whip to control the horse, and with the other hand he holds a stake with an iron tip, she is also wearing a shield. The hero has a sword in front of his belt. He is not only completely ready for battle himself, the fighting spirit is felt in the horse. He is ready to serve his master to the bitter end! The grandiose, high and unique jump, which he made at the behest of his master, proves his true devotion. The sky in the picture is slightly overcast. The earth and trees are dark in color. Nature seemed to be preparing for the upcoming battle. But thanks to our mighty hero and his invincible appearance, we have nothing to worry about.

I think the picture is fully consistent with its title. Both a graceful horse with its jump, and a hero with an invincible look can be described in one name - heroic lope. The author of his picture once again reminds us of the steadfastness of the Russian spirit. Fairy-tale characters in Vasnetsov's paintings always come to life and make us believe in miracles.

Together with the article “An essay based on Vasnetsov’s painting“ Heroic lope ”they read:

Description of the painting by Vasnetsov “Bogatyrsky lope”

On May 15, 1848, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, a very famous artist today, was born.
He became interested in painting in his youth.
Took drawing lessons.
Today, many famous paintings belong to his pen, and they never cease to admire him.
His fabulous styles and the characters he draws are simply mesmerizing.
One of these exciting paintings is his work "Bogatyrsky lope".

The picture shows the hero in all his glory on a mighty horse.
He carries himself very confidently and menacingly.
Dressed in combat armor.
Therefore, it can be judged that he is preparing for battle.
A shield is put on his right hand and the hero holds a stake with an iron tip in it.
In the left hand is a chickpea to control the horse.
There is a sword in front of the belt.
The hero is fully equipped and ready for battle.
Even his horse is on full alert.
With all her proud appearance, she shows how much she serves her master.
The grandiose, high and unique jump, made by her at the behest of her master, proves her devotion.
The sky in the background, although bright, is slightly overcast.
The ground and trees are dark in color.
All nature was transformed before the onset of the battle.
But thanks to our hero and his invincible appearance, we have no need to worry.

It seems to me that the picture is fully consistent with its title.
And the horse with its grandiose jump, and the hero with an invincible look very harmoniously fit into one whole - a heroic lope.
I think everyone will see in the picture what Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov wanted to convey.
The steadfastness of the Russian spirit and its love for nature.
His fairy-tale characters always come to life in his paintings and make us believe in miracles.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov always adhered to the Russian theme in his work. Epics, simple peasant life were displayed in his works. The description of Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrsky lope” will be useful to schoolchildren and students when writing an essay and analyzing an image. For a better understanding, it is worth printing a reproduction on which you can see all the details and recognize the hidden meaning.

Composition basis

The painting “Bogatyrsky lope” Vasnetsov was painted in 1914. Now the masterpiece of the Russian artist is kept in his house-museum in Moscow. The plot of the picture is dedicated to the epic hero (presumably Ilya Muromets). The character is presented in full combat attire, as if ready to go into battle with enemies at any second. A powerful horse acts as an assistant in his difficult task.

The main task of the artist was to maximize the detail of the moment the rider jumped on the horse, which Vasnetsov undoubtedly succeeded in doing. To convey movement, the author of the canvas used a diagonal composition with a bottom feed. Because of this, one gets the impression that the browser is watching the acting character from the bottom up. Such an artistic technique adds physical strength to the image. . Other compositional features include:

  1. The diagonal arrangement of the figure of a formidable black horse in a jump is emphasized by the lines of the spear and moving clouds in the background.
  2. Dynamic background image. Clouds are moving quickly across the sky, a storm is coming. A strong wind is indicated by a developing horse's mane.
  3. Demonstration of the will to win is manifested in the position of the horse's head and the stern look of the hero.
  4. The use of backlighting and the contrast of the background with the main character adds to the impressiveness of the drawing.
  5. Emphasizing the size and strength of Russian heroes by the low location of the horizon and a miniature pine forest behind.

The whole picture is quite symbolic and demonstrates the invincibility of the people living in Ancient Rus'. When looking at the canvas, the fighting spirit immediately rises.

Detailed examination of the picture

Children, in accordance with the school curriculum, are given an essay on a painting in the 4th grade. At the lessons devoted to literature and folk art, children get acquainted with famous artists who painted epic stories. The one who is given the task of writing an essay based on Viktor Vasnetsov's painting "Bogatyrsky Skok" must understand the plot and the elements depicted on the canvas. There are several main points to be noted:

  1. Russian hero. He is courageous, ready to fight enemies. In the heroic look there is not even an ounce of fear, pity. The man is dressed in strong armor (steel breastplate, chain mail and a pointed metal helmet), blue pants and high brown boots. A large shield flaunts in his left hand, a horse whip in his right. In the scabbard one can see an impressive sword, on the other hand a sharp spear peeps through. All this says that the rider is ready for battle.
  2. A black horse with a developing black mane is a faithful comrade of the rider in battle. On the horse you can see a golden bridle and a red saddle. The animal is drawn in a jump or gallop, as it is high above the ground. This creates the effect of a powerful fast jump, as evidenced by the rider's whip in motion.
  3. The background, represented by clouds quickly floating across the gray sky and a sparse coniferous forest. The hero is on a hill, because of which his image is saturated with majesty even in comparison with nature. The power of the central character and his “comrade-in-arms” is added by the contrast of colors, which are radically different from the background image, made in muted calm colors.

The picture itself is very patriotic, it is associated with epics and fairy tales, which inspires military accomplishments and an elevated mood. Before writing an essay or preparing an oral story, you can highlight the main points in the form of a plan, indicating the theme, description of the main character and the mood conveyed by the author of the canvas.

Essay example

In his work, the Russian painter Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov always turned to ancient epics, myths, the history of the country. Heroes glorifying the lands of the state for centuries became the main characters of his canvases. The powerful defenders of the homeland are depicted by the artist in a colorful and skillful manner, which adds to their power. A vivid example of this is the painting "Bogatyrsky lope".

The central position in the artistic composition is occupied by a mighty horseman-hero sitting astride a black horse. Together they may go to the battlefield. The rider is dressed in full uniform - he has strong armor, a protective helmet, and a frightening weapon. A brave and nimble horse gallops high above the ground. It looks so alive and realistic that the clatter of hooves is involuntarily heard. The wind blows towards the horse, developing its mane, but it does not become an obstacle for brave comrades-in-arms in battle.

A detailed image of a horse galloping across the field, its tense legs sharpened for a quick gallop - all this indicates the preparedness of the animal, which repeatedly participated in battles with its owner. This is probably why the rider trusts the horse so much that does not even look ahead, but fixes its gaze on the audience. The darkened background, showing endless fields and forests, adds militancy to the image.

The image symbolizes the power of the Russian spirit. To do this, the author uses the technique of remoteness of the background landscape and the size of the hero.

The main character is so powerful occupies almost the entire space - from earth to heaven. A menacing look inspires fear of a warrior. It immediately seems that he will definitely win. He hints about this with a menacing look to his opponent in battle.

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