Description lilac in the basket. Description of the painting by Konchalovsky lilac in a basket


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Artist P.P. Konchalovsky lived a long life, he devoted 60 years to creativity. Still life became his favorite genre. Petr Petrovich was an excellent gardener. At his dacha in the Kaluga region, he himself grew flowers, many of which are depicted on his canvases. One of his most famous paintings is Lilac, which was painted in 1933.

On the canvas, against the background of a brown wall, there is a basket with clusters of lilacs. Probably, until recently, these fragrant twigs flaunted on a bush. Now they are placed in a woven wicker basket to give their fragrance and once again show how beautiful the world around us is. Various tones were used by the artist in his painting. Flowers of white, lilac, lilac, blue, burgundy colors flaunt in a basket. Some of them have a pearly tint. All this riot of colors only emphasizes the beauty and freshness of spring.

The bouquet takes up the whole picture. For all its simplicity, lilac flowers fill the soul with peace and give a feeling of happiness. Willow twigs of a wicker basket only emphasize that it is better not to invent beauty than nature itself did. And beauty can be seen everywhere, you just have to look around. Leaves are visible among the flowers, diluting the lilac-burgundy riot with dark green, light green, yellowish hues.

The background of the picture is dark, and the bouquet itself is made in dark colors, but this is the case when dark colors only enhance the charm and freshness of spring flowers. This spring, which replaced the long winter, once again proved that there is joy, happiness, and for their feeling it is not necessary to look for something exotic. The painting by P. Konchalovsky gives us a feeling of complete happiness. It seems that the delicate scent of lilac has already filled our room.

You look at this canvas and you want spring to come faster and last longer, giving the world such beauty.

There is nothing easier than a bouquet of lilacs. But it is he who is so happy in the spring. Lilac is a special plant. Real warmth comes just when the lilac bush blooms. At this time, even the nights become warm. They still feel the freshness of spring. And aromas soar in this freshness. And it is the smell of lilac that is heard especially clearly and brightly. I want to break the flowering branches of the bush and bring them home to decorate the house with spring aromas. Lilac also gives beauty. It is white, lilac, lilac, violet, pale and mottled. One bush looks incredibly charming. But if you collect branches of different colors, you can get a truly unusual bouquet.

I like looking at this picture. I love that it looks so natural and natural. As if this table is somewhere nearby. And on it stands such a modest basket with such a bright bouquet. In the picture I see spring. She comes with warmth, with bright colors. And I want to smile and rejoice in response to all this. It is precisely these emotions that evoke in me the work of Konchalovsky P.P. “Lilacs in a Basket”.

Composition No. 3 based on the painting “Lilac in a basket”

The famous creation of the brilliant artist P. P. Konchalovsky, giving spring freshness. Looking at which wakes up faith in miracles and magic. The artist was very bright and clearly able to convey all this to his viewer.

The canvas "Lilac in a Basket" was painted by the famous artist P.P. Konchalovsky. In this picture, the artist created a gentle, pleasant, eye-pleasing spring bouquet. One name of the picture gives a clue to what will be depicted on the canvas. The imagination of a person immediately draws in his imagination freshly cut lilac branches, such bright and saturated flowers on them. There are already blooming flowers, and there are also in buds. These buds are very beautiful, and should soon bloom in all their glory. Perhaps among them there will be so-called "magic" flowers, which have five petals, plucking them, make a wish. Many say it will definitely come true.

And when you stand in front of the canvas, you understand how beautiful it is. On this canvas, the same beautiful lilac is painted, like the one that was in the imagination, only the lilac on the canvas is even more beautiful. She stands in a wicker basket on the table. Her whole appearance suggests that she was only cut off and put into this simple, but in its own way elegant wickerwork. The bright color of the green leaves makes it clear to its viewer that the lilac was just cut off, its medium-sized flowers intertwined their petals with each other, resembling a strong hug, gently bowing their flowering heads and unopened buds, giving despite everything their delicate floral aroma.

Looking at this bouquet, as in your fantasy, you want to find a miracle flower and make your sacred wish on it! The bouquet itself is amazing! Mixing white, lilac and blue lilac flowers in combination with bright green leaves make the composition bright and unpredictably beautiful. Looking at this canvas, you can feel all the love and reverent attitude of the artist to nature. It is possible to see this in the whole manner of writing a picture and the energy emanating from it! The whole picture is fragrant with this love and a feeling of happiness, penetrating its viewer to the depths of the soul!

There are no suitable words to convey how beautiful and elegant the lilac painted in the picture is! This smell of lilac seems to be flowing like a thin thread from the canvas and fills the whole room. When you look at the picture, you see how the sun plays with its rays in the flowers of lilac and its leaves. Looking at the picture, one feels an early spring morning, when the plant has not yet fully woken up from a night's sleep. When still on its petals, a faint silvery coating of morning dew is visible, which permeates every flower and leaf. It feels like quite recently, when this chic bouquet was still a bush, birds sat on its branches and sang their trills.

Looking at the picture, you understand that the painter chose a dark background for a reason. With such a background, he wanted to emphasize all the lightness and splendor of this spring bouquet of lilacs. With the help of a dark background, the artist focuses our attention on the bouquet itself. One gets the impression that this is not a picture, but a natural lilac bush, which is about to begin to sway again from a light breeze, and gentle sunbeams will embrace it.

The assignment based on the painting by Pyotr Konchalovsky became unexpected and interesting for me ... It seems to be nothing special - a bouquet of lilacs, but if you look closely, such beauty! Beauty is often found in ordinary things. And we don't notice.

In the picture, of course, a bouquet of lilacs. And it's very beautiful. Lilac is like sea foam in the rays of sunset. Or dawn. The flowers are so large and abundant. The colors here range from white through pink to actually lilac. It can be seen that the bouquet is very fresh, "cheerful".

Green leaves harmonize well with the greenish background, which is given by "strokes". A basket on a table or chest of drawers also looks good. It's so classic - braided, not brand new. Her hands are not visible. It turns out that the lilac stands without water, because it would spill out of the basket. Or the basket hides a jar (vase) in which the lilac actually stands. If there is simply no water there, then the lilac will not stand for a long time without water. It will be necessary to change ... And now this is a beautiful moment. It is possible that the lilac was only brought in a basket. We went, for example, for strawberries in the garden, and plucked lilacs. Brought so far, put - beautifully. But soon they will find a vase and rearrange it.

It turns out that artists, in order to achieve realism, perfection, can draw ten pictures of lilacs!

This picture is quite light. The sun, rather, morning, the light is scattered. Very gentle and soft colors. A shadow falls from the bouquet. No branches lie on the surface, they are all in a bouquet. There is not a single wilted flower, only freshness.

In principle, this is an ordinary still life. Even I have seen a lot of them. It even looks like an assignment from art school. But everything is done so naturally and beautifully! It seems that you can smell the sweet smell of lilacs.

It is good to hang such a picture at home, at least a reproduction. This image is both invigorating and soothing at the same time. Just relax your eyes.

Description of the painting Lilac in a basket for grade 5

The artist managed to capture an amazing moment, thereby allowing other people to enjoy the still life for decades and peer into it. After all, few people stop to see what colors the sky is painted in, whether there are clouds or stars on it, whether the leaves on the trees and flowers have blossomed.

A minimum of details is written here, and the bouquet itself in a simple wicker basket filled the entire space of the picture. The bouquet is located on a dark brown table and a light, blurred background, thereby highlighting all the brightness of its tones. A brown braid with a golden hue is barely visible from under large clusters of multi-colored lilacs. If you look closely at the picture, you can conclude that the twigs were not just put in, but thoughtfully selected and composed. A few clusters of purple lilac, a few bluish, a couple of white and lilac surrounded by green, juicy foliage.

The light falling from the right enlivens the bouquet and gives brightness to the composition, despite the blur and fuzziness. The author's idea was to convey the general impression of a large bouquet, he did not try to draw every little thing and “brushes” of lilacs. Due to the contrast of the lower and upper parts of the picture, the bouquet stands out even more and catches the eye.

Konchalovsky had great talent, he knew how to convey all the beauty and naturalness of nature. Konchalovsky mainly worked in the landscape genre, painted portraits and still lifes. All his paintings were distinguished by the brightness of colors, such was the “Lilac in a Basket”.

In his collection, this painting is not the only one depicting lilacs. The author was convinced that for happiness the world needs the sun, sky and flowers. Thanks to this, he was even happier, and the flowers helped to feel the beauty of life.

"Lilac in a Basket" was written by Konchalovsky in 1933, but there is a feeling that the bouquet is on the table at that moment.

Brief description of the picture for grade 5 (essay)

Still life by Pyotr Konchalovsky "Lilac in a Basket" was painted in the best traditions of realistic painting. The artist's lilacs are unusually lively and solemn, filling the entire space of the room, even outside their picture frame.

Each lilac bunch can be called an independent bouquet of dozens of small inflorescences. Collecting an expressive composition of multi-colored flowers, highlighting a light pattern, supplementing natural expressiveness with a small wicker basket, the ability to show exceptional beauty in everyday things makes the artist a great master of the brush.

Composition based on the painting by Konchalovsky Lilac in a basket

Before me is a painting by the famous Russian artist P.P. Konchalovsky "Lilac in a basket". This still life does not contain unnecessary elements - it depicts only what the very name of the picture says. Everything is simple here - the viewer sees only the lilac in the basket, which is on the table.

Why did the artist depict only lilacs in a still life? Maybe these are his favorite flowers, or maybe he likes the period when lilacs bloom. Usually, this happens at the end of May or the beginning of June, when it is already quite warm, but not yet hot, when all nature has been renewed: the earth is covered with fresh grass, fragrant flowers bloom all around, everything is so fresh and clean. Many artists, inspired by the transformation of nature, created masterpieces that glorified them.

Very simple, but at the same time beautiful and attractive picture of P.P. Konchalovsky "Lilac in a basket". In the center of the canvas is a lush bouquet of lilacs. The artist used a great variety of colors and shades when painting the picture: pink, purple, white, purple, lilac, red. The flowers look amazing, as if they had just been plucked from the bush.

Due to the fact that the picture is so masterfully written, it looks believable. Almost every small flower is visible here. Emerald foliage, peeping through the lush inflorescences, gives a bouquet of naturalness, dilutes the warm palette of colors.

The basket is so detailed and clearly drawn. The viewer can see the interweaving of each twig. Probably, the artist wanted to emphasize the beauty of nature and natural materials, so he specially placed the bouquet not in a glass vase, but in a basket of twigs. A beautiful spring bouquet against a brown-gray wall looks very expressive.

The brightness and riot of colors of the flower bouquet is balanced by a calm background. The picture does not blind the eyes, does not seem too colorful and repulsive - quite the contrary. It is harmonious and all the colors present on the canvas are coordinated with each other.

The painting by P.P. Konchalovsky “Lilac in a Basket” is delightful. The ability of an artist to notice something unusual in simple things is amazing. When you look at this picture, vivid, pleasant memories pop up in your imagination and your mood rises.

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The work of Konchalovsky has always evoked admiring glances, because it is impossible not to admire and admire the beautiful pictures of nature, which the painter created throughout his life. Petr Petrovich painted various decorative vases and still lifes with fruit, as well as landscapes, where he depicted animals. One of his most famous paintings is considered to be Lilacs in a Basket. Someone carefully brought them into the house and placed them neatly, but very picturesquely in a basket. By the way, most likely, lilacs are the artist's favorite flowers, since many of his paintings are associated with them. But lilac is also a joyful spring mood, which the author of this canvas conveyed.

On the picturesque canvas of Pyotr Konchalovsky, the lilac brush is perfectly visible, which was cut off, and she even managed to tie a little. But by the way the small flowers hold, you can understand that it was cut recently, because its greenery is still juicy and rich. Flowers are reflected on the wall in various colors: white, yellow, lilac, purple. The painter tried to use different colors in order not only to depict a lilac brush, but also to create the general mood of the picture. Small flowers are drawn by the artist to the smallest detail, even their thin and thread-like veins are visible. This light and bright bouquet is reflected especially clearly, since the background of the table is dark. And now the shadow from him also falls like a dark spot on the wall. To show the play of shadows on the wall, the famous and talented artist used the brightest and most brilliant paint.
lives and cheers up with its multi-colored golden colors. All lilac flowers are in a cozy wicker basket. But the beautiful multi-colored lilac flowers were already able to intertwine with each other, but the artist was even able to depict those small bouquets that had not yet had time to open. But he did this so that the person who will consider his picture could imagine a little, dream and fantasize. For example, imagine how magnificently these delicate flowers will open and amaze everyone around with their unusual and delightful flowering. And at such moments I want to reach out and touch these delicate and airy lilac petals. Pyotr Konchalovsky used his special image technique to paint this canvas - applying flowers in small strokes, which makes it possible to enhance the impression of the picture.

It seems that the bouquet is so real that the hand involuntarily reaches out to find a flower with five petals, so that later, as in childhood, make a wish and wait for its fulfillment. The composition is so excellent that it is impossible to take your eyes off it. Simple flowers on an ordinary background allows you to use not only its superficial perception, but makes everyone who looks at this canvas of the artist pass it through the heart, where it will definitely find a response. The joyful mood that each person receives from a pictorial canvas will please for a long time. A bright sunny color falls on one side of the lilac bouquet, illuminating it as if it shimmers and sparkles. And in this part, the flowers seem fresh and real. The second part of the bouquet remains in the shade, so they seem to be a little wilted. And this contrast of the artist allows him to better consider, understand and comprehend the idea of ​​Pyotr Konchalovsky. This unusual shadow effect gives a special inner perception of the picture, enhances the feelings that you begin to experience.

The lilac in the image of Konchalovsky is so real that you even begin to feel its smell, a little sharp, but at the same time a little sweet and even specific. But on the other hand, it is very pleasant and like a small reminder of spring, as a wonderful time of the year, which everyone is looking forward to. The gentle and fresh aroma of spring lilacs is loved by all people, which is why the picture is so popular and so pleasant to look at. The colors that the artist chose to depict lilacs are bright and juicy, raising the mood, making it truly joyful and solemn. Such elation of feelings from the picturesque canvas can persist for a long time.

The lilac in the artist's painting is an unusual, but beautiful breath of nature, which helps to remind you of spring awakening and allows gardens to bloom, delighting a person. As a thin thread, the fragrance flows throughout the magnificent picture, dragging the person looking at it into another world, where everything is based on sensations and smells. And so I want to go to this world and enjoy the spring aromas. This beautiful picture fascinates and makes you want to touch the lilac, breathe in its unusual smell and be transported to an unusual spring day, where everything will be calm and good.

Not every artist who paints still lifes and the beauty of nature in general is able to convey the fullness of the colors of the world around us, convey feelings and mood, and also show that nature is alive, that it is able to please a person and be the most beautiful part of this world, his “lights” . Pyotr Konchalovsky managed to fully show this in his painting “Lilacs in a Basket”, which at first glance plunges into the world of light and warmth.

Are flowers always the same in artists' paintings?

It would seem that if the same flower, bouquet is depicted by several artists, they should look almost the same, but this is absolutely not the case, but rather the opposite. Konchalovsky was not the only one who really liked to depict flowers in his paintings, but his lilacs on this canvas are not similar to the works of other authors. The flowers are very bright, the lilac is expressive, and when viewing the picture, one can literally feel the aroma that exudes from the bouquet. It seems like the lilac was recently cut, how fresh and clean it is.

Lilac is not just beautiful here, it fills the human heart with warmth, gives a feeling of something beautiful and makes you leave daily problems for a moment, plunge into the world of perfection and beauty. This is beyond the power of man to create, the lilac is represented here as ideal, so perfect that only nature could create. That is why when you look at the picture, you want to join this beautiful, take a little bit for yourself, in order to become at least a little happier.

What does the lilac "say"

The lilac in the picture is represented by several colors:

  • purple;

  • white;

  • red;

  • blue.

It is this combination of shades that makes the bouquet more interesting, colorful. It is noted that directly in order to highlight the lilac and show its splendor, the author made the background not bright, but blurred enough, as if it is just a shadow of an amazing bouquet.

It seems that the picture depicts the morning. The lilac just woke up, but it was immediately cut off and put in a wicker basket, but it still continues to exude the coolness of the night. The sun kindly sneaks into the house and one feels how its rays gradually disperse the night, giving the bouquet of lilacs a new range of shades.

Lilac leaves are bright green, they seem to be glossy and reflect every ray of the early sun. Konchalovsky masterfully worked out every detail of the picture, every petal is drawn here. That is why the bouquet looks very realistic, as if the viewer is directly in front of him.

Clusters of lilacs look especially colorful, they are wet, heavy. Such weighty fluffy flowers give the impression that we have not lilac at all, but beautiful and fragrant grapes.

Pyotr Petrovich Konchalovsky, an artist of great creative talent and individuality, can be called a real lilac singer. During his life (1876-1956) he painted more than four dozen paintings with lilacs (not counting the author's repetitions). Therefore, it is not surprising that it was Pyotr Konchalovsky who "got" into the poem about lilacs and one of the best terry varieties of lilacs in the world is named after him.
His still lifes are picturesque, temperamental, full of vitality... his lilacs cannot be called a dream... it is not embellished... it is truly real, downright tangible... and very life-affirming!!!

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Still life. Lilac in a basket ("heroic")" 1933

(Waltz White Lilac Alexander Tsfasman)


Purple, white, purple,
Icy, blue, stupid
A lilac will appear before your eyes.
Summer afternoon shattered into pieces
Sharp leaves glisten cocked hats,
And, like a cloud, a shadow creeps.

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Still life. Lilac in a vase at the window" 1952

How much freshness is in the heavy branch,
How important bees try
Antediluvian beauty shines!
But look at these flashes and sparkles:
Konchalovsky has already been here,
He touched his hands and screwed up his eyes.

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac Bush" 1941

The stronger at the fence with a groove
Our admiration, as amended
On a heavy museum bouquet,
Hanging in a yellow braid
Above the table, and two bunches aside,
And from the elbow on the tablecloth trace.

Alexander Kushner

Pyotr Konchalovsky was born in Slavyansk in 1876. The city then belonged to the Kharkov province.
The artist lived in Slavyansk until the age of five.

His father Pyotr Petrovich - the Konchalovskys had a tradition of calling men in the family by the name of Peter - was a publisher, a completely non-poor person. Frequent guests in their house were famous artists of that time - Serov, Surikov, Korovin, Vrubel. Vrubel could live with them for months.

The life of Konchalovsky was closely intertwined with them. Surikov's daughter Olga became his wife, and Korovin insisted that the gifted young man go to study in France, the homeland of Paul Cezanne, whose work inspired him.

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac at the window"

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac against the background of the shutter" 1955

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Still life. Lilac white and red "1951

Lilac has become the hallmark of the work of Pyotr Konchalovsky.
One very interesting episode in the life of the artist is connected with this flower. Once, during the next excursion, and visitors often came to the artist's house, his friend decided to conduct an experiment. He pinned an inflorescence of a live lilac to a canvas with a painted one. A group of guests passed by, and no one noticed a living flower, the image was so alive.

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac" 1951

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Still life with lilac" 1944

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Window"
When you look at a series of paintings by Pyotr Petrovich Konchalovsky dedicated to lilacs, then a picture of a rich manor estate with a picturesque garden, indispensable swings, many outbuildings, domestic animals and a whole staff of servants appears in your head ... a leisurely, free way of life, full of beauty and harmony .. . cordial, hospitable hosts, accustomed to living "in a big way" ... a world long gone in the past ...

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Children in the garden." 1940

Pyotr Konchalovsky. “Still life. Lilac in a vase at the window" 1952

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac on a wicker chair" 1945

Let's say - the buzz of the hive,
And the garden is drowning in cooking,
And the backs of straw chairs,
And black grains of horseflies.

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac in a purse on the floor" 1955

And suddenly the rest is announced,
And they drop things everywhere.
Distant youth in honeycombs,
The gray lilac has blossomed!

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac in a braid" 1952

Somewhere carts and summer
And the thunder opens the bushes
And the downpour drives into the cassettes
Rebuilt beauty.

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac in a bucket"

And the wagon fills a little
Rolling air vault, -
Purple wax building
Having risen to the cloud, it floats.

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac on the window"

And the clouds are playing with burners,
And the elder's speech is heard,
What do lilacs need in a plate
By standing and draining.

Boris Pasternak

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Still life. Lilac, bucket and watering can"

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Still life. Lilac, crystal vase and basket" 1954

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac in a basket" 1944

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Still life. Lilac in two baskets" 1939

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac in a Basket"

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Lilac" 1923

Pyotr Konchalovsky. "Still life. Lilac in a glass jar against the background of the stove "1952

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