Description comparison of paintings by Gerasimov and Baulin. Comparative essay on the paintings of S.I.


Two paintings - the painting by S. V. Gerasimov "The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl" and the painting by S. A. Baulin "The Temple of the Intercession on the Nerl" are devoted to one topic - the image of the building of the Temple on the Nerl. The subject of the image is one, but its vision, of course, each artist has his own.

S. V. Gerasimov focuses not only on the temple, but also on the surrounding landscape. In the foreground of the picture is a green meadow, behind it the river turns blue, beyond the river is a small green hill on which the Temple was erected. It stands surrounded by trees, its dome, illuminated by the spring sun, shimmers with gold. We do not see the details of the Temple building itself - it is depicted from a distance. The artist's goal was to depict the Temple surrounded by nature in order to emphasize its grandeur, the grandeur of the consecrated place where the Temple building was erected. The colors of Gerasimov's painting are bright and juicy. The sky in the picture seems especially surprising - it is a rich blue color with snow-white clouds running across it.

In the center of Baulin's canvas is the Temple itself. It depicts a hill on which the Temple building rises. We can see it in the smallest detail - from the gate to the bell tower crowned with a dome. Baulin depicts the Temple in darker colors; the painter most likely painted it in early autumn. The building looks majestic, thanks to the fact that the artist emphasized the features of its architecture through the play of light and color shades.

The paintings of the two artists differ not only in that they were painted from different plans: one concentrated his attention only on the Temple building, and the other on the Temple surrounded by nature. But also by the fact that each of the painters painted the Temple at different times of the year: Gerasimov in the spring, and Baulin in the early autumn, which determined the choice of colors for the paintings. However, the main difference, of course, is the subjective perception of the subject. On the other hand, both pictures seem to complement each other. As a viewer, it is more interesting for me to see two paintings on the same topic at the same time. This makes it possible to compare different points of view on one subject and decide for myself whose author's position is closer to me. In this case, the picture of S. A. Baulin is closer to me.

Description of the paintings by S. Gerasimov "The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl" and S. Baulin "The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl"

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  • essay on the painting by Gerasimov Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
  • essay on the painting Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
  • Church of the Intercession on the Nerl essay
  • description of the painting Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
  • Composition based on the picture of the temple of the Intercession on the Nerl

The image of temples and churches is one of the favorite themes of Russian painters. Artists have repeatedly depicted architectural structures against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape. Many craftsmen were especially attracted by small ancient Russian churches, such as the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

The church was built many centuries ago, in 1165, and was named after the Russian Holy Intercession. According to legend, Andrei Bogolyubsky himself chose the place for the construction of the church. It was this miniature and elegant church, located on the banks of the Nerl River, that was depicted by the artists S.I. Gerasimov and S.A. Baulin.

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is presented in paintings by famous artists with different moods. If Gerasimov shows a bright colorful day in various ways, then on Baulin's canvas you can see a gloomy and cloudy day. The Church of the Intercession is presented in these paintings as a symbol of goodness, beauty, and the spiritual connection of man with nature.

Gerasimov depicted the temple in the center of the canvas. It seems that the church and nature are a kind of unified whole. At the same time, the temple is a human creation. The church is located almost in the center of the composition. Despite this, there is no sense of strict symmetry, clarity and completeness. When you look at this picture, it seems that you can walk along the river bank, go up to the church and take a closer look at it. The image of a sunny day only reinforces this desire. The artist shows the harmony of nature and the man-made church, a bright mood, the belief that this feeling will never leave.

In Baulin's painting, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is depicted very close. This technique was not chosen by the artist by chance. The architectural details of the temple are spelled out with great care, and against the background of a dark gloomy sky, the church looks very bright. The purity and untouchedness of the place where the temple is located is especially emphasized: a reflection in the river, a bank overgrown with grass, a white birch on the opposite bank of the river. Thus, the painter creates a special mood and shows that light and faith can overcome any hardships and troubles.

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is presented in the paintings of Gerasimov and Baulin as a symbol of goodness, beauty, and the spiritual connection of man with nature. Each stroke of the artists, the choice of colors, some details indicate that the painters painted these canvases with special trepidation. Therefore, these paintings always cause admiration and bright thoughts.

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  • Two paintings - the painting by S. V. Gerasimov "The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl" and the painting by S. A. Baulin "The Temple of the Intercession on the Nerl" are devoted to one theme - the image of the building of the Temple on the Nerl. The subject of the image is one, but its vision, of course, each artist has his own.

    S. V. Gerasimov focuses not only on the temple, but also on the surrounding landscape. In the foreground of the picture is a green meadow, behind it the river turns blue, beyond the river is a small green hill on which the Temple was erected. It stands surrounded by trees, its dome, illuminated by the spring sun,

    Sheds gold. We do not see the details of the Temple building itself - it is depicted from a distance.

    The artist's goal was to depict the Temple surrounded by nature in order to emphasize its grandeur, the grandeur of the consecrated place where the Temple building was erected. The colors of Gerasimov's painting are bright and juicy. The sky in the picture seems especially surprising - it is a rich blue color with snow-white clouds running across it.

    In the center of Baulin's canvas is the Temple itself. It depicts a hill on which the Temple building rises. We can see it in the smallest detail - from the gate to the bell tower crowned with a dome.

    Depicts the Temple in darker colors, the painter most likely painted it in early autumn. The building looks majestic, thanks to the fact that the artist emphasized the features of its architecture through the play of light and color shades.

    The paintings of the two artists differ not only in that they were painted from different plans: one concentrated his attention only on the Temple building, and the other on the Temple surrounded by nature. But also by the fact that each of the painters painted the Temple at different times of the year: Gerasimov in the spring, and Baulin in the early autumn, which determined the choice of colors for the paintings. However, the main difference, of course, is the subjective perception of the subject. On the other hand, both pictures seem to complement each other.

    As a viewer, it is more interesting for me to see two paintings on the same topic at the same time. This makes it possible to compare different points of view on one subject and decide for myself whose author's position is closer to me. In this case, the picture of S. A. Baulin is closer to me.


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    - an essay based on the painting of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

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    37. Someone loves a thunderstorm, especially if it is in May. And I am ready to devote both poems and paintings to this topic. So, Gerasimov decided to please his loyal admirers. How many emotions and feelings are born in me when I look at the painting “Noon. Warm rain"! What is shown on it? How does all this help to feel like a great artist? Rain is always […]
    38. The contradictory nature of the symbol of the sun is widely reflected in Balmont's work. The cross-cutting image is endowed by the poet with either creative or destructive power. The “giver of life”, the daylight “caresses” delicate flowers, but if it “wants”, it can easily kindle a fire in the steppe, becoming a source of “terrible burning light”. The majestic image is close to the divine principle. The author who capitalizes "The Sun" calls him "immortal" and […]...
    39. Someone loves a thunderstorm, especially if it is in May. And I am ready to devote both poems and paintings to this topic. So, A. M. Gerasimov decided to please his constant admirers. How many emotions and feelings are born in me when I look at the painting “Noon. Warm rain"! What is shown on it? How does all this help to feel like a great artist? […]...
    40. Alexander Mikhailovich Gerasimov is one of the most significant figures in Soviet art. During his long life (he lived for 81 years), the artist painted more than three thousand paintings. Among them are still lifes, portraits, landscapes, epic canvases. He also became famous as an architect. Gerasimov's numerous awards eloquently speak of the deepest recognition of Gerasimov's talent. Among them are some of the highest […]

    Comparative essay on paintings

    S.I. Gerasimov "Church of the Intercession on the Nerl" and S.A. Baulin "Temple of the Intercession on the Nerl"

    The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl was built in 1165. Historical sources connect its construction with the campaign of the Vladimir regiments against the Volga Bulgaria in 1164. In this campaign, the young prince Izyaslav died. In memory of these events, his father Andrei Bogolyubsky laid the foundation stone of the Church of the Intercession.

    Two well-known paintings are devoted to this plot - S. I. Gerasimov “The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl” and S. A. Baulin “The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl”. In Gerasimov's painting, the church is in the center of the image, but it is not the central subject of the picture, but appears as part of a large landscape, stretched horizontally. We see that the place where the church stands is washed by the Nerl River. The dome is slightly flattened, in contrast to its depiction in Baulin's painting. Trees grow around the church, we observe the magnificent nature, painted in green, blue and yellow colors. Half of the landscape is beautiful blue skies. Looking at this picture, we feel the thin, transparent air, the light breath of the breeze, the quiet rustle of leaves. We want to visit this place and enjoy nature.

    In Baulin's painting, we see a temple surrounded by nature. It is three-tiered (this can be determined by the arched windows), decorated with skillfully made stucco. The temple is depicted against a clear sky and sunset. The artist uses pale colors - white, blue, gray, pale green. This landscape gives us the feeling that autumn has come, cold and gloomy. In general, the picture conveys a feeling of sadness and loneliness.

    I liked both pictures very much. They remind us of the great events of our history and are an integral part of the great Russian culture.

    Searched here:

    • essay based on the paintings of Gerasimov and Baulin Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
    • essay on the painting by Gerasimov Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
    • essay on the painting Church of the Intercession on the Nerl
    Write an essay: Comparison of two paintings.

    Before you are two paintings depicting the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. One painting is by the artist S. A. Baulin, the other is by the artist S. V. Gerasimov.
    The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (1165) is one of the most poetic monuments of ancient Russian architecture. Look at reproductions of paintings. Which of them shows the connection of the church with nature, and which shows more clearly those details of the church that emphasize its elegance? Pay attention to the slender, elongated drum, pilasters, arched frieze, semi-columns.

    Write 1.5 sheets. Only not from the solution book, the teacher will check. Urgent today!!!

    Answers and solutions.

    Composition. Comparison of two paintings "Church of the Intercession on the Nerl".

    Before us are two paintings, which depict the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. One painting is by the artist S. A. Baulin, the other is by the artist S. V. Gerasimov. But, despite the fact that they painted the same temple, the pictures have many differences.
    Gerasimov depicted the temple in summer, surrounded by greenery, sky and clouds. The picture is made with bright colors, and most of it is occupied by the landscape. In the foreground we see a green meadow and a river, a woman on the shore, and the temple itself is located in the background.

    The church stands on a small hill, everything around is immersed in greenery, trees grow around the temple, and above the dome we see a clear blue sky. Against the backdrop of fluffy snow-white clouds, the temple seems to be something airy. Architectural details are not drawn in this picture, because this is not important for the author. I think that the artist depicted the temple surrounded by nature to emphasize its grandeur and connection with nature.

    In Baulin's painting, we see the same temple against the backdrop of nature. But there are no longer those colors that in the picture of Gerasimov. The artist uses pale colors and does not focus on the landscape. He pays more attention to the details of the temple, its architecture. We can see the smallest details: amazingly beautiful carvings that decorate the building, columns, high arched windows. The windows of the drum, on which the dome is located, are also framed by arches on the semi-columns. The most important element of the facades are also pilasters with a column, which give the church a special elegance and harmony. The temple is decorated with skillfully made stucco, and looks very majestic and elegant.

    In the painting by S. Baulin, the church is shown close up, close-up, so that the viewer can see the temple in great detail and admire the work of the ancient masters who built this splendor.

    The paintings of the two artists are distinguished not only by different angles and richness of colors, but also by the fact that one concentrated his attention only on the building of the temple, and the other - on the temple surrounded by nature. This gives us the opportunity to compare different points of view on the same subject and decide for ourselves whose work we like best.

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