Identification "friend or foe" in the former Yugoslavia Comments (Link). Croats and Serbs: difference, history of the conflict, interesting facts and character traits


They DO NOT HAVE any ethnic affiliation to the SLAVES ....
Here are the same personalities running around with us, on Kaukaz ...
And the phenotype is the same and the mentality is SIMILAR .....
I don’t UNDERSTAND how a NORMAL RUSSIAN can consider peoples like Bolgars and Serbs to be kindred??!!!
Well, okay, even the Croats and Slovenes - they really practically do not differ from the SLAVES - put a Czech and a Croatian next to each other - you don’t immediately say who is who - the Czechs are often even darker in hair color ....
But THESE are...
Put a TURK, a Bulgarian and a Serb next to each other - you won’t distinguish .....
I KNOW where such a passionate "Love" for the Serbian MUDBLOODS comes from - this is from the fact that they BELIEVE in the same version of the crucified Jew as the assholes in the FUCKING RASHKA,.
That is why the PRIESTS tied this ALIEN SHIT to the Russians in Russia ...
That is why the RUSSIANS ran HUNDRED THOUSANDS to die for these goats, if not MILLIONS ...
It is for this reason that the hysterically screeching Russian Empire FIRST ran into BROTHER Germany in WWI ......
True, Germany survived, but the Russian Empire DEAD, but let him thank the Serbian *** "brothers" for this ...
By the way, for some reason called "brothers" the fucking BULGARIANS IN BOTH world wars calmly SHOT at the Russians ......
And they fought not at all on the side of the Russians ...
"Brothers" *** e ....

Of course, even among the Serbs you CAN find something decent ... Not all Turks are there ... but MOST of them are simply STUNNING. I traveled almost ALL the Balkans - I was not only in the Republic of Macedonia, but so - Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Slovenia, Greek Macedonia, European Turkey (I was also in Asian Turkey) - and I KNOW what I am writing about .... In Croatia, I traveled ALL the Dalmatian coast and the CLOSER to the north - the more pleasant faces .... And the closer to Montenegro, the worse it gets ... Dubrovnik, we don’t think there is more Italian population in fact .... In I didn’t stop by Albania, but I saw a lot of ALBANS... WORSE Chechens, draw conclusions ......
And in terms of liking ..... The most F*cked are SERBs ... Even the Bosnian guys - albeit musliks - are even MORE NORMAL. . They really don’t rush themselves, unlike the Serbs, but if God forbid they get hooked ...... I say again - the Bosniaks are WHERE more peaceful ..... The most pleasant Croats and Slovenes. No aggression, very nice, honest, neat, polite. There was no case that I was cheated, nasty, mischievous .... In Serbia - on every corner ..... In Montenegro - much less .... But their mentality ... so they don’t bully visitors THEM themselves ... As a rule - they do not cheat .....

But by the way, "LOVE" of fucking "brothers" for Russia .... real, and not the one that they declare in front of media video cameras ......
If anyone HAS BEEN in Serbia (and I have been), then FREQUENTLY encountered this ...
Something I have not seen this among the Croats, Montenegrins and even Bosniaks - although those Muslims ....

And FUCK YOU SERBIC freaks, do we need ??!!!
All LIFE the Russians supported Fucking Serbia, NOTHING, getting NOTHING at all from the BATTLE in return ...
All their lives the Russians liberated Serbia with their lives, now from the Turks, now from the Germans, but AT LEAST ONE SERB defended Russia?!
So let the "brothers" go - FUCK .....
Of all the Slavs of the former Yugoslavia, I have the WORST of all the SERBs - lazy, cowardly, vile, thoroughly ORTHODOX whores, completely racially DIRTY, unlike the same Croats and Slovenes ....
Put Serb and Turk next to each other - the only difference is circumcision .....
Having seen enough of those and those, I’ll say that the TURKS are more pleasant - they have less FOR * BOV .... Oh, Kosovo was taken away from these Serbs ...
Well, this is the PROBLEM of Serbs, NOT RUSSIAN ...
It was necessary to SHUT OUT less ...
By the way, INSTEAD OF solving the problem of Kosovo, the Serbs solved the problem of Bosnia, Croatia, Dubrovnik ... They didn’t care about the Albanians in Kosovo .... While they sat quietly and did not separate ... Well, like Chechnya ... Ah, they quietly slaughtered the Serbs .... But the SERBS didn’t give a fuck about it ... The Serbs started yelling when Kosovo wanted to SEPARATE .....
Well, now NORMAL RUSSIAN - F*ck the Serbs .....
We have a sea of ​​OWN problems ....

Do you think these are Croatian Ustashe?
They LOVE SOVOV creatures to attribute SUCH photos, but the Ustasha NEVER did THIS ...
These are SERBIAN Chetniks...
They cut, rape and TAKE PICTURES...
By the way, judging by the faces, they kill CROATS or Slovenes, SLAVIC faces .....
Here they are - SERBS geeks in all their glory ....

By the way, the CROATIAN REVENGE - Ustaš starred with the head of the SERBA Chetnik, the commander of the geeks who destroyed the Croatian villages ....
But this is just a severed head ... in the photo - a SLAV, and the head is a typical Turk ...... Oh, sorry ... SERB, that is, an UNCIRCUCTED TURK ....

Chetnik Serbs killed a Croat - cut off his head ....
In each detachment of the Chetniks there were so-called "kolyachi" (from the Serbian verb "kolyati" - to cut), that is, executioners ....
The execution was carried out EXCLUSIVELY with cold steel. Later, in 1944, the Chetniks also dealt with captured Soviet soldiers and officers.
And then the SERBS complain - they say they DO NOT LOVE ....
But Chechen...
FIND 10 differences between a Serb freak and a Chechen....
Well, RUSSIAN *** - do you still consider the Serbs "brothers"? ....

Ustasha Croats - WHITE, EUROPEAN SLAVIC-Nordic faces ....

From the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century (until 1954, to be more precise), Serbian and Croatian were one language, the so-called Serbo-Croatian. It was the language of Croats, Serbs, Montenegrins and Bosnians. The Croats were the first (in 1954) to start a movement for the isolation of their language, but until the collapse of Yugoslavia, a single language continued to exist. Croatian was then spoken in Croatia, and in Serbia, until the reign of Sl. Milosevic, continued to communicate in Serbo-Croatian.

After the collapse of Yugoslavia, the former Yugoslav republics began to actively separate their own language norms. The language was divided into Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin appeared in 1995.

The creation of the Serbo-Croatian language and its division into several autonomous languages ​​can be fully considered a political act. The language, in view of the acute issue of self-determination of previously united peoples, was divided into several closely related languages. The changes that took place in these autonomous languages ​​were often driven by the desire for originality, dissimilarity to other languages. At any cost, be different from the language of the neighbors.

In Croatia, for example, after the separation of the Croatian language, a number of inconvenient and linguistically illogical rules were introduced that were aimed at emphasizing the originality of the Croatian language (for example, conservative neologisms, words with Croatian roots that should replace borrowings). In Serbia, only the Cyrillic alphabet is now recognized as the official alphabet, while the Latin alphabet is still much more popular in everyday life.

Language differences

1. Writing. Serbo-Croatian had two alphabets, Cyrillic and Latin. Now Croatian uses the Latin alphabet, and Serbian - officially - Cyrillic, unofficially - Latin.

2. Vocabulary. In terms of vocabulary, the differences are most obvious. In Croatia, a policy of purism is actively developing, crowding out borrowings and replacing them with Croatian words.

3. Grammar. In different ways, for example, essentially the same word-building affixes are used. If in Croatian -nick and tel are used to designate a profession, then in Serbian professions are denoted by other affixes (ac, etc.). There are some minor differences in syntax as well.

4. There are also phonetic differences between Serbian and Croatian. In Serbian, for example, quite often (but not always and not necessarily) “x” is replaced by the sound “v”.

In fact, the situation is such that Serbian and Croatian are very close, similar languages, which, for political reasons, strive for as much autonomy and originality as possible. More and more - especially in Croatian - there are rules separating this language from Serbian. Serbo-Croatian and Croatian-Serbian are independent languages ​​of UNESCO, and the organization publishes its books in both languages. Despite this, speakers of both languages ​​can easily communicate with each other if they avoid using local vocabulary and use common vocabulary.

Let's try to lift the curtain on a very complex and quivering topic about the relationship between several peoples inhabiting the Balkans and being neighbors of the Montenegrins. First of all, we will talk about Albanians and Croats, a little less about Serbs and Bosnians. There is less about the Serbs, primarily because of their more or less the same community as the Montenegrins, although some researchers even have their own well-founded opinion on this fact.

In the days of Broz Tito, there was such an anecdote- Question: When will communism come to Yugoslavia?
Answer: When Macedonian stop being sad when Serb call Croatian your brother when Slovenian will pay in a restaurant for his friend when Montenegrin starts working and when Bosnian All THIS will understand!

Serbs-Montenegrins and Croats

So, the Serbs and many Montenegrins do not like the Croats, and the Croats, respectively, pay them the same coin. Let's start with history and religion.

Catholics in Croatia account for 76.5% of the population, Orthodox - 11.1%, Muslims - 1.2%, Protestants - 0.4%. In Serbia, 62% are Orthodox, 16% are Muslims, 3% are Catholics. According to historical facts, in 1054, the Christian Church disintegrated into the Western Roman Catholic and Eastern Greek Catholic “great schism”, without delving into the reasons and subtleties of this process. , it should be noted that in the Eastern Roman

empires spoke Greek, and in the West in Latin. Although even in the time of the apostles at the dawn of the spread of Christianity, when the Roman Empire was united, Greek and Latin were understood almost everywhere, and many could speak both languages. By 450, however, very few in Western Europe could read Greek, and after 600, few in Byzantium spoke Latin, the language of the Romans, although the empire continued to be called Roman or Romaic.
If the Greeks wanted to read the books of Latin authors, and the Latins the writings of the Greeks, they could only do so in translation.

And this meant that the Greek East and the Latin West drew information from different sources and read different books, as a result, more and more moving away from each other in different directions. The final division between East and West came with the beginning of the Crusades, which brought with them the spirit of hatred and malice, as well as after the capture and devastation of Constantinople by the Crusaders during the IV Crusade in 1204. On April 12, the crusaders of the Fourth Crusade, on their way to Jerusalem, committed, in the words of Sir Stephen Runciman, "the greatest crime in history", sacking Constantinople. Setting fire, looting and raping in the name of Christ, the crusaders destroyed the city and took the loot to Venice, Paris, Turin and other western cities. “Since the creation of the world, no one has seen or conquered such treasures,” exclaimed the crusader Robert de Clary.

Agree that this fact was reflected in the different mentality of these two peoples, although they speak almost the same Serbo-Croatian language.

According to historian Dr.

Each ethnic group has its own haplotype, each subgroup and each family also has its own haplotype. Slavic facial features, Russian language, hair color, religion are secondary features, they are relatively recent and could have been smeared over hundreds and thousands of years of mixing genes. Unlike secondary traits, the haplotype is indestructible; it does not change for tens of thousands of years, with the exception of natural mutations. But these mutations have nothing to do with genes. Mutations in genes do not lead to anything good (miscarriage, illness, early death).

Haplotype mutations are marks, notches that show how far a descendant has gone from a common ancestor. Such natural mutations occur every few thousand years. A haplotype is a genus label. It should also be noted that every man in the Y chromosome of DNA has certain sections that are always identical in father with son, with grandson, and further down through the offspring. Let's take a look at this table next. Here are the results of a genetic study of the Balkan and neighboring peoples (Hungarians). We see the presence of various genetic lines among the Slavs.
R1a is the so-called "Aryan" gene, and I2 is the "Dinaric" gene - (gene I2a) is mysterious in that it was associated with the Illyrians. Obviously, the Slavs in genetic terms make sense only as a combination of three lines - two "Aryan" and one "Dinaric". And Serbs with Croats at the genetic level are very close and have much more differences with Russians and Ukrainians than between themselves.

Let's move on to the typical representatives of the Serbs visually (clickable to enlarge)


Ante Starevich was a supporter of the unity of the southern Slavs, however, he believed that the single name of a single people should be the word "Croat", and not the "non-folk" word "Serb"

these are just those places in the north and west of the Balkans. In addition to purely religious differences and their prerequisites described above, there were also social problems between these peoples. Croatian feudal lords, landowners, who once received letters of land ownership from their rulers, considered as their own those territories where free Serbian farmers settled.

At first, the conflicts that arose on this basis were not of an interethnic nature. But when Ante Starevich, the ideologist of Croatian independence, appeared on the Croatian political scene in the second half of the 19th century, he considered the Serbs not only second-class people, but also called them slaves.

Modern Serbian scholars consider this period the beginning of a genocidal ideology, progressing up to the present day. Thus, elements of aggressiveness towards the Serbs were embedded in the self-consciousness of the Croats.

Well, during the Second World War and the well-known historical fact about the accession of most of the Croats to the Wehrmacht troops and the most brutal movement of the Croatian Ustashe, differences and mutual enmity intensified even more. The more than 60-decade stay of Serbs and Croats in united Yugoslavia and the events of 1991, which claimed about 30 thousand human lives and about 500 thousand refugees and displaced persons in Croatia, did not help, this is a clear confirmation of this.

As a result, it can be said with more or less high probability that despite the common genetics and common language (the main difference is in spelling, since Croatian has Latin) and even similar external signs, Montenegrin Serbs and Croats, at the moment, there is little chance of making friends within the framework of a single Europe or even the Schengen zone in the near future.

It is hard to believe, but there were no extraordinary disagreements between the Balkan Slavs. Until the 19th century, the most friendly nations were precisely the Croats and Serbs. The difference still existed, but only religious! Croats were under the domineering influence of Italy, Austria during the entire period of the Middle Ages. The first Croatian settlements arose in the Mediterranean in the 7th century.

These events are connected with the search for the salvation of the Slavic tribes from the Avars, Germans and Huns, scattered throughout the country. Most of all, the Slavs chose the possessions of today's Zagreb with its adjacent territories. However, they did not manage to get to the prosperous lands of the coast, which was under the leadership of the Romans. Then the Slavs created several autonomous principalities.

Croatia within Hungary

Closer to the X century, the Croats enlisted the assistance of Byzantium, gathered a considerable force to create a cohesive state. Even to this day, the Croatian people like to draw attention to their Christianity. The initial period of upsurge did not last long, until internal divisions became a threat to state unity. Then the noble community in 1102 recognized Kalman I, the Hungarian king, as their sovereign. As a result, Croatia became part of the Kingdom of Hungary. At the same time, the parties agreed that Kalman would leave the administrative and political structure and aristocratic privileges unchanged.

The oppression of the Hungarian kingdom

Being under the control of Hungary, the Croats had to share many difficult historical changes with this kingdom. Undoubtedly, the most significant damage was caused by the attacks of the Ottomans. Due to the fact that these advances were constantly moving north, the Hungarian government in 1553 militarized the border areas of Slovenia and Croatia. The tense military situation lasted for 25 years. During this time, most residents moved to safer areas.

However, the Turkish army, led by the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Great, broke through the defenses. Moreover, the army was able to approach the gates of Vienna, but failed to capture the city itself. In 1593, the Battle of Sisak forced the Ottomans to leave the conquered Croatian lands. Only the Bosnian environs remained in their possession.

Unity and strife of two Slavic peoples

Under the influence of the Austrians and Hungarians, the Croats imperceptibly lost their national identity. However, both Croats and Serbs experienced the same feeling of contempt for the Turkish invaders. The difference existed only in one thing - the discrepancy between traditions. However, the feeling of hatred for the usurper was much stronger than the insignificant differences in customs. Examples of military unity between Croatian and Serbian rebels are innumerable! Together they fought against the sworn Ottoman occupiers, as well as against the no less repulsive Habsburgs.

In 1918, a favorable situation arose - the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The event that took place made it possible for the southern lands to detach. This is how the united kingdom of Yugoslavia was formed. In principle, the displacement of the Turks and the formation of a separate kingdom should have brought the Slavic peoples even closer. However, the opposite happened...

The cause of the first conflicts

The first bursts of rivalry appeared after the end of the second one. It was then that the true story of the conflict between Serbs and Croats began! The need for the reconstruction of the Balkans turned into a hostility that has not subsided to this day.

In fact, two counter currents appear simultaneously, rapidly gaining recognition. Serbian minds put forward the concept of a "Greater Yugoslavia". Moreover, the system center must be formed in Serbia. The reaction to this statement was the appearance of the nationalist publication "Name of the Serb", written by the dashing hand of Ante Starčević.

Undoubtedly, these events developed long ago. However, to this day there is an insurmountable barrier that the Croats and Serbs cannot resolve between themselves. The difference between the two fraternal peoples is distortedly manifested even in the understanding of the most pressing issue for them. If for a Serb the guest is the one who is fed by the host, then for the Croat it is the one who feeds the host.

Father of the Croatian Nation

Ante Starčević was the first to come up with the idea that Croats are not Slavs! Like, they are the offspring of the Germans, who hastily became Slavic-speaking, because in this way they want to better manage the Balkan slaves. What a terrible irony of fate! The mother of the "father of the Croatian nation" was Orthodox, and the father was a Catholic.

Despite the fact that the parents were Serbs, the son became the ideological leader of Croatia, spreading the concept of the Serb genocide in his country. It is noteworthy that his closest friend was the Jew Joseph Frank. Although Ante Starcevic had a deep disgust for this nation. Joseph himself also became a nationalist of the Croats, having converted to Catholicism.

As you can see, the author's fantasy has developed in the guy unlimitedly. There is one sad thing about this story. Starcevic's delusional parting words resonated in the hearts of Croatian youth. As a result, a series of Serbian pogroms swept across Dalmatia and Slavonia at the beginning of the century. At that time, it would never have occurred to anyone that the Croats were artificially converted Serbs!

For example, under the leadership of the "father of the nation" from 1 to 3 September in 1902, together with his friend Frank, the Croats in Karlovac, Slavonski Brod, Zagreb destroyed Serbian shops and workshops. They uninvitedly invaded houses, threw away personal belongings, and beat them.

The unsteady world of a united kingdom

One of the results of the First World War was the emergence of a united kingdom. Many historical data confirm the involvement of the Serbs in the fierce rejection of the Slovenes and Croats inside the kingdom.

The economy in Slovenia, Croatia was more developed. So they, in turn, asked a fair question. Why is it necessary to feed the wretched metropolis? It is much better to form your own autonomous state, living happily ever after. Moreover, for a Serb, every Orthodox Slav has always been and will remain a stranger!

Croatian genocide

The existence of the kingdom of Yugoslavia did not last long - the Second World War began. In 1941, on April 6, German planes attacked Belgrade. Just two days later, the Nazi army had already captured the area. During the war, Ante Pavelić's Ustaše association gained fanatical popularity. Croatia became a German mercenary.

Belgrade historians are sure that the approximate number of those killed by the Ustashe is 800 thousand Gypsies, Jews and Serbs. Only 400 people were able to escape to Serbia. The Croats themselves do not refute this number, but claim that most of them are partisans who died with weapons in their hands. The Serbs, in turn, are sure that 90% of the victims are civilians.

If today a tourist accidentally ends up on Serbian soil, it is possible that the hosts will show a loyal interest in the guest. The Croatian side is the opposite! Even despite the absence of cumbersome Asian barriers, gates, any illegal appearance in their personal space is perceived as a manifestation of rudeness. Based on this information, one can clearly imagine who the Croats and Serbs are. Features of characters are most clearly expressed in the mentality of these two peoples.

Nazis and martyrs

After the end of the war, Yugoslavia came under the influence of the USSR. The new state was headed by Josip, who ruled with an iron fist until his death. At the same time, Tito did not take the advice of his closest comrade Moshe Piade, deliberately mixing the indigenous population of Slovenia and Croatia with the Serbs. After 1980, due to political and territorial conflicts in Yugoslavia, a split began to gradually occur, in which Croats and Serbs suffered the most. The difference between the two once fraternal peoples has again been reduced to irreconcilable enmity.

Even under the Habsburgs, the Croats who fought for federalism did not want to adapt to the Serbs. Also, the Croats did not want to admit that the very birth of the southern is due solely to the suffering and military victories of the Serbs. The Serbs, in turn, were not going to compromise with those who had only recently taken off their Austrian uniform. In addition, decisively, and at times even ruthlessly fighting on the side of Austria, the Croats never crossed over to the Serbian side. Unlike Slovaks, Czechs.

War within the country

Later, in early 1990, the USSR collapsed, during which the final split of Yugoslavia followed. As a result, Croatia, having declared independence, seceded from the country. However, the Serbs in Croatia themselves fomented inter-territorial clashes within the country. After a short time, this led to a brutal civil war. Serbian and Yugoslav armies invaded Croatia, capturing Dubrovnik and Vukovar.

Nevertheless, we will try to impartially look at the erupted conflict, without dividing into “left” and “right”. Croats and Serbs. What is the difference? If we talk about religious motives, we can say with confidence that some are Catholics, while others are Orthodox. However, this is the fate of inter-church conflicts, the main purpose of which is exclusively the prosperity of confessions. Therefore, one should not forget that the Croats and the Serbs are, first of all, two fraternal peoples, who were pitted throughout the 20th century by their common enemies.

The term "Patriotic War" in Croatia

Among the Croats, the civil war is called the Patriotic War. In addition, they are extremely offended if someone calls her differently. Against this background, not so long ago, even an international scandal broke out with Switzerland. The country has banned Croatian singer Marko Perkovich Thompson from entering its territory. It was alleged that Marco incites interracial, religious hatred with his speeches.

When the Swiss recklessly used the name "Civil War" in the text, they caused a flurry of emotions in the Croatian ministry. In response, the Croatian side sent a letter of protest, bypassing its president Stjepan Mesić. Naturally, such an act aroused just indignation in him. In addition, the president did not like the fact that Croatian officials defended the hated Thompson, who indeed was repeatedly seen in inciting conflicts. However, when the question concerns the exact wording, the rest can be ignored.

The culprit of the new war is the Yugoslav army

Undoubtedly, the war was largely civil. Firstly, the internecine conflicts that broke out in the united Yugoslavia laid the foundation. In addition, the Serbs who rebelled against the Croatian leadership were the actual citizens of this country.

Secondly, the war for Croatian autonomy was waged only at first. When Croatia received international status of independence, the war continued anyway. However, this time the issue of resuming the territorial unity of Croatia was being resolved. On top of that, this war had a clear religious connotation. However, is there one thing in this story that does not allow us to name a civil war, in which only Croats and Serbs participated?

History, as you know, is built solely on irrefutable facts! And they say that the Southern People's Army (JNA) acted as the real aggressor of Croatia. In addition, Croatia was still part of Yugoslavia, where two Croatian figures formally dominated - President Stjepan Mesic together with Prime Minister Ante Markovic. By the beginning of the attack on Vukovar, the Yugoslav army was already legally on the territory of Croatia. Therefore, the invasion that took place cannot be called aggression from outside.

However, the Croatian side absolutely does not want to admit that the JNA has never represented the interests of Serbia. Prior to the attack on Vukovar on 25 August 1991, the JNA acted as the opposing side. Subsequently, the Yugoslav army began to represent only its generals, as well as an insignificant part of the communist leadership.

Is Croatia to blame?

Even after the withdrawal of Yugoslav troops from Eastern Slavonia, Western Sriem and Baranya, the JNA still continued its attacks on Croatia. Particularly Dubrovnik. Moreover, pronounced aggression was manifested from Montenegro. It is important to know that Croatia also participated in the attack, in turn, also fought against the Army in the territory of Herzegovina, Bosnia.

According to experts, on the Balkan Peninsula, at least 20 thousand people became victims of the war, which lasted for four whole years. Thanks to the assistance of the UN, together with other international organizations, the war in Croatia was stopped in 1995. Today, all the talk is about the return of the refugees, who, in turn, talk more about the return than they are going to do it.

Undoubtedly, Serbian-Croatian relations today are far from cloudless. Mutual clashes continue to this day. Especially in those areas that suffered the most from the hostilities. However, the unhealthy demonization of the Croatian people, carried out throughout the 90s and continued by some now, does not coincide with reality at all!

A brief digression into the recent history of the fraternal people and state of Serbia and its conflict with Croatia.

Pre-war Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia was an idea among the southern Slavs, it meant the creation of a single state, uniting all the Slavic peoples of the Balkans (with the exception of Bulgaria). The idea was realized in 1918, after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The name "Yugoslavia" was adopted after the coup d'état of the king of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Alexander, on January 6, 1929, after the assassination of the leader of the Croatian peasant party Stepan Radich, which was committed by Serbian na-tsi-on-lis-ta-mi right in the parliament building.

The reign of the king during this period was characterized by authoritarian-con-servative tendencies. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia, in order to avoid inter-zhet-no-chess conflicts and the danger of disintegration, was divided into provinces (banovinas) that did not correspond to the territories of settlement of any of the main south-nose-Vyansk peoples . This corresponds to the ideology of erasing inter-ethnic differences and assimilation.

At this moment, the Ustashe movement was formed. The Ustaše saw themselves as fighters for independence from Serbian hegemony within Yugoslavia, setting themselves the task of creating an ethnically pure independent Croatia. From the very beginning, the Ustashe movement was created to carry out a policy of genocide. Later, they increasingly took on fascist features, ori-en-ti-ru-is on the examples of Hitler and Mussolini. Unlike other Croatian opposition movements, the Ustaše used primarily violent methods, including terrorism, to achieve their goals.

Prior to the or-ga-nizo-van-no-go by the Croatian Ustashe assassination of King Alexander in 1934, Yugoslavia was ori-en-ti-rova-na for an alliance with the de-mok-ra-tiches-ki-mi powers of Western Europe (part of the so-called Little Entente). After the death of the king and the coming to power of the prince-governor Paul, the state took a course friendly to the fascist countries - Germany and Italy.

In March 1941, the government of Yugoslavia joined the Berlin Pact of the fascist powers, which caused a widespread protest movement. On March 27, the pro-fascist government was overthrown.

World War II

On April 6, 1941, fascist troops attacked Yugoslavia, ok-ku-piro-vav-shie and calculated the territory of the country. The independent state of Croatia was created. The power in the country belonged to the ultra-tra-nazi-she-lis-ti-ches-to-mu movement of the Ustashe. The goal of the movement was to turn Croatia into a stop-ro-cent-but Catholic country, and the Serbs, Gypsies and Jews living in it were supposed to be destroyed. Croatia was the only European country ally of Germany, which created its own concentration camps.

The largest of the camps was the Jasenovac complex, in which prisoners were killed with particular cruelty, and the killings of people were put on stream. Jasenovac was the death conveyor. The largest number of victims were among the Serbs. In Jasenovac, in terms of cruelty, the executioners surpassed even their German teachers [source not specified 42 days], massively burning people alive or butchering living people with special Serbosek knives attached to the hand.

The Bosnian Muslims, on the contrary, were classified by the Ustaše as Croats of the Mu-Sul-Mans faith and officially equated their rights with Catholics. The state even pre-dos-ta-vilo the museum building in Zagreb for re-equipment into a mosque. Bosnian Muslims were equally drafted into the army. Also, a separate Bosnian SS detachment, the so-called Khanjar division, was formed from Muslims under German patronage, supported by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (and also the uncle of Yasser Arafat ), as well as the SS division "Kama".

Since the Croats themselves were Slavs, and in accordance with the Nazi ideology, the Slavs are people of the lowest grade, the Ustashe put forward the theory of the Gothic origin of the Croats.

The scale of the genocide in Croatia forced even Mussolini to pre-dos-ta-vit in Italy asylum for Serbs and Jews fleeing the Ustashe regime. The Nazis also criticized the Ustaše for the Serbian genocide (because they supported the “friendly” ma-ri-one-exact government of Milan Nedic in Serbia), but practically no actions to stop the terror are taken.

During World War II, according to various estimates, between 500,000 and 1,200,000 Serbs were killed in Yugoslavia. And the pro-fascist Ustaše regime in Croatia was the main organizer of the genocide.

Recent history. War in the Republic of Serbian Krajina

Serbs have lived compactly in the territory of modern Croatia since the Middle Ages, but their lands have never been part of Croatia, with the exception of their forced inclusion by Hitler’s decision in the so-called “Independent State of Croatia” in 1941.

Against the background of the aggravation of inter-ethnic relations during the collapse of Yugoslavia, changes were made to the Constitution of Croatia, according to which “Croatia is the state of the Croatian people”, the use of Serbian Cyrillic. There is a change in the state symbols of Croatia and the flag is changed to the “shahovnitsa” - the Croatian flag of the times of the Ustashe rule. In response to this, the Serbs living within the ad-mi-nist-ra-tiv borders of the So-ci-alis-ti-chess Republic of Croatia, fearing a repetition of the genocide of 1941-1945, in December 1990 -la-force Serbian Autonomous Region of Krajina. In April 1991, the Krajina Serbs decided to secede from Croatia and join the Republika Srpska, which was then confirmed at a referendum held in Krajina. On June 25, 1991, Croatia, at the same time with Slovenia, declared its independence from Yugoslavia.

The atmosphere of hostility towards the Serbs was felt very sharply. In 1989, one million Serbs lived in Croatia. Between 1991 and 1993 alone, about 300,000 Serbs were expelled from Croatia as a whole. How many Serbs left their lands from 1989 to 1991, no one has yet counted. The population of the 28 municipalities of Krajina before the Croatian invasions in 1993 totaled 435,595 people, 91% of whom were Serbs, 7% Croats and 2% people of other nationalities. After the Second World War and to this day it was the largest military operation in Europe. And after World War II, Europe did not see such a massive flow of refugees: half a million Serbs were forced to flee their lands in just a few days.

On August 4, 1995, at 3 am, the Croats officially notified the UN of the start of the operation. August 4 was the day of the os-in-god-de-niya of the most terrible concentration camp in the Balkans Jasenovac in the Second World War, the Croats timed the attack to this date.

The 4 years of war preceding this and the further development of events are best consecrated in the article by I. S. Plekhanov: "The Fall of the R.S.K." We will only briefly note that the degree of atrocity and inhumanity of the Croats and their allies (primarily from the NATO countries and the "world-company" troops of the UN) could envy the troops of the Third Reich. The attackers saw only one goal - to destroy the Serbian population of the Krajina lands and to do this with maximum cruelty.

Already after the end of the six-day massive military operation "Oluya" ("Sandstorm") to clean up the territory of the Serbian Krajina, NATO planes bombed refugees (although NATO, of course, denies these pres-stupleniya) and Croatian aviation, artillery shelling of Serbs on the roads, shooting from small arms and tanks is being carried out. The endless columns of Serbs are constantly attacked by the Croats. Croatian children and Catholic priests bludgeon women with bricks and fittings, and stab them with pitchforks. Such a number of people have never died in Europe after the Second World War in such a short period of time.

In Europe, a real hunt for people is quickly coming up. A week "safari" cost about $3,000. The well-known Croatian in-terb-ri-gada was created. Mercenaries-killers besp-re-pyats-tven-but were allowed to take photos of the corpses of the Serbs, kill, rape. Mostly Germans, Dutch, British, Americans, Danes, Hungarians came to Croatia.

Related materials

A brief history of the arrival of the Serbian people in Krajina, as well as a detailed chronology of hostilities in Serbian Krajina in 1990-1995. well described in the already mentioned article by Plekhanov

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