Are gymnasiums and lyceums defined in the law? Which school to choose: regular, private, gymnasium or lyceum? Adviсe


The difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium.

Many of us do not understand very well the difference between a lyceum and a gymnasium. But in reality, these are somewhat different schools. In the article we will try to understand this.

What is a lyceum and a gymnasium?

Lyceum is an educational institution with a clear profile. That is, a certain profile subject is allocated in the institution. This makes it possible to enter a particular university. Very often, a lyceum and a university enter into an agreement. After receiving a diploma, a graduate can enter a university for the second or even third year. As a matter of fact, these are original preparatory courses.

A gymnasium is an educational institution that prepares students for a deeper program. There is no specific direction. But graduates of gymnasiums easily enter any universities due to a deeper study of subjects.

What is the difference between a lyceum and a school and a gymnasium: comparison, difference, similarity

The similarity is that after the gymnasium and the lyceum, the graduate receives the most common diploma of secondary education. That is, there is no difference with a regular school in the documents.

Similarities between high school and lyceum:

  • Diploma of Secondary Education
  • Educational institutions have sponsors who provide them with everything they need
  • Students receive in-depth knowledge
  • Teachers are accepted on a competitive basis
  • The main school curriculum is preserved
  • Easier conditions for admission to a university due to good knowledge


  • The lyceum prepares for a certain university, therefore a certain profile
  • In the lyceum, the subjects are often taught by the same teachers as in the specialized university. This facilitates the admission of some applicants, as teachers are familiar with them.
  • The lyceum gives a lot of practical classes
  • In the gymnasium, only theoretical knowledge, albeit on an in-depth program
  • The gymnasium prepares equally in all subjects, but gives more serious knowledge than a regular high school
  • After the lyceum, there is the possibility of entering a specific university for the second or third year

What is better, higher, cooler in status: a gymnasium or a lyceum?

Depending on which side to evaluate. As for the lyceum, there is an in-depth study of a particular subject. At the same time, great importance is given to practical exercises. Pupils after the lyceum are well versed in specialized subjects and can easily enter the university with which the contract has been concluded. The gymnasium has original training programs and teachers are recruited on a competitive basis. But at the same time, knowledge is mainly theoretical.

Most often there is no specific profile. Accordingly, the choice depends on how you and your child have decided on the prospects and desires. If you know where you are going, then it is better to choose a lyceum. It will better prepare the student for admission to the university.

If the child has not yet decided which path he will follow after school, then it is better to choose a gymnasium. It provides in-depth knowledge in almost all subjects.

If we talk about status, then the lyceum and gymnasium, as well as the regular school, are institutions that provide secondary education. In total, you will receive the most common certificate.

What is the difference between a school and a lyceum?

The school conducts classes according to the approved state program. There are many well-known teachers with personal and author's programs in the lyceum. This allows you to more productively perceive and remember information. The school does not have a specific orientation and practical classes, but they are in the lyceum.

The difference between high school and high school

The gymnasium recruits teachers on a competitive basis. Talented teachers with their own developments work here. The program is deeper than in a regular high school.

Where is the hardest place to study? Lyceum or high school?

Compared with a regular high school, the requirements in the gymnasium and lyceum are much higher. This should be taken into account and not hope for a simple life. Very often, parents of students in gymnasiums and lyceums use the services of tutors. Homework is more difficult. In terms of difficulty in learning, gymnasium and lyceum are almost the same. You will have to sweat over your homework and be attentive in the classroom.

If you don’t have plans to enter a cool university, then studying at a lyceum is useless. Choose a regular school or a gymnasium.

VIDEO: Lyceum or gymnasium

When a child is born, modern parents, after having decided on his name, begin to think about where to give the little child so that he turns out to be a genius, well, or at least a comprehensively developed personality.

Therefore, most often the choice falls on lyceums and gymnasiums than on secondary general education schools. What do lyceums promise for the upbringing and development of the child?

What is the fundamental difference between a lyceum and a high school?

In fact, the difference between a school and a lyceum is great. Arriving at any lyceum, you can pay attention to the number of awards won: diplomas, certificates, thanks from the district, regional and republican levels. As a rule, gifted children study in lyceums.

How can you discern a future genius in an ordinary, in appearance, child?

The thing is, the fundamental thing is initially in the recruitment of children.

As you know, all children are accepted to school, without exception. And if the school is also located in the area where the child is registered, then he must be admitted to the school, despite his further academic performance and behavior. In the lyceum, of course, the principle of accepting documents is different.

In order to become a lyceum student, a child must pass a kind of entrance test, prove that he has abilities in the subject and can claim the high-profile title of “lyceum student”. Often parents even have to send their children to preliminary courses for admission to the lyceum.

But, even if the child passed all the tests and entered, this does not mean at all that now he will “rest on his laurels”. Admission to the lyceum is followed by daily work on oneself and one's abilities.

After all, as you know, it is not so difficult to kindle a flame as to try not to extinguish it. Studying in elementary grades in the lyceum is practically no different from the program of a general education school. Unless some subjects, such as foreign languages, are introduced earlier and are studied at an advanced level. All this is done in order not to overload primary school students with complex examples and terms, but to give them the opportunity to develop harmoniously, in accordance with their age, not to extinguish the spark of their desire to learn.

How does a lyceum differ from a school when teaching children in middle-level classes?

Enrollment of children in the 5th grade of a general education school occurs without any conditions, that is, automatically. As for enrolling in the Lyceum 5th grade, everything is much more serious here. As a rule, children are offered to take a translation exam in some basic subjects (mathematics, Russian, foreign language).

Based on the results of the tests, translation is carried out. But this does not mean at all that pressure is being exerted on children; this transfer exam is conducted, first of all, for the sake of the children themselves. The fact is that not all children are able to master the further program. So why torture a child, forcing him to learn in a way that he may never be able to? It can be said that since then, difference between lyceum and school is that the school works for the certificate, and the lyceum - for the result. After all, even by this age, children often decide on the choice of their favorite subject, and sometimes even their future profession.

Of course, starting from grade 5, the program of the lyceum class becomes more complicated, new core subjects appear, and the number of electives increases. As for the latter, the majority of electives are recruited on a voluntary basis, that is, the child, after consulting with parents and teachers, can opt for additional study of the subject.

Electives, as a rule, prepare children for participation in subject Olympiads of various levels. Most often, these classes are taught by a teacher with the highest category or a university teacher. In general, the selection of teaching staff is another distinguishing feature of the lyceum from the school.

Teachers with the first and highest qualification category are hired, and often on a contract basis, teachers of higher educational institutions. This, of course, suggests that children who learn from experienced teachers often achieve great success.

The fundamental difference between school and lyceum is visible in high school. After the end of the 9th grade, the classes are divided into profiles: biological and chemical, philological, mathematical, etc.

Children at exams confirm their knowledge in a particular subject, and according to the results they are enrolled in a specialized class.

Education in classes of a certain profile is no longer aimed only at winning various olympiads and scientific conferences. This is where you should start thinking about what to do next.

Experienced teachers will help you make a choice according to the child's abilities, and visiting the career guidance center and higher educational institutions of the region, region and country will further strengthen the desire to study in the most prestigious of them.

Certainly, difference between high school and high school is large, and more and more parents prefer lyceums. However, when choosing an educational institution, one should pay attention to the abilities of the child himself, his feelings and abilities.

As you know, you can't jump above your head. Giftedness, unfortunately, is not given to everyone, and perseverance - even more so. And if these qualities are at least a little traced in a child, then you should definitely try to enter the lyceum.

This is not only prestigious, but actually very important for the development of a comprehensively developed personality. Sometimes it is worth making an effort to make the child proud not only of the parents, but, perhaps, of the whole country.

Admission to higher education is increasingly becoming the main goal for parents and children. Everyone pursues their own goal - to earn money, find a favorite thing, join the ranks of the intelligentsia, make unfulfilled dreams come true. But before entering a university and mastering a profession, you need to gain some knowledge. And where to buy this baggage: at school, gymnasium and lyceum? We tell you how these educational institutions differ and what level of training they provide.

Types of educational institutions

They give the first level of education for further professional activity (in aggregate these are: preschool, primary, basic and secondary general).


Time is distributed in such a way that the child can do not only lessons

Educational and educational institution, which allows you to get a secondary general education. It can be a music, sports, art school. A child can enter school from the age of 6 to 8 inclusive, but at the request of the parents (guardians, representatives), the age is considered younger or older than the approved one. The school can refuse to accept a child only if it is overcrowded. This education does not imply an in-depth study of specific subjects chosen by the student.

The school program is regulated by state standards: this is the level of workload for children of different ages and the training program. The child should have enough time for additional education.


Often lyceums work at universities

A secondary educational institution that accepts children from grades 7 to 11. Lyceums often belong to certain universities (medical, architectural, engineering), so they are dominated by core subjects, and training makes it possible to enter the second year of the university.

The lyceum has a huge advantage compared to the school and the gymnasium - the child will immediately prepare for admission to a certain university and the first year of study, or maybe more, he will consolidate and supplement the knowledge in specialized subjects received at the general education level. Lyceum teachers can simultaneously conduct classes at the university.

In this educational institution, you must pass the entrance exams, for which you need to prepare for about a year. The school will not give the knowledge that the applicant needs, and preparatory courses will be needed. And for those who have been studying at the gymnasium since the fifth grade, it will be easier.


In the gymnasium, the emphasis is on preparing the student for admission to the university in the chosen profile

An educational institution, the program of which is deeper than the school one, with a high level of teaching staff. This is a specialized institution that allows you to study subjects of interest for more hours. Gymnasiums often have an elementary school in which children are prepared for further education.

It is allowed to enter without additional entrance examinations for children who have completed primary school (grade 4). But in some gymnasiums, entrance examinations are additionally arranged.

The downside may be that after a regular school it can be difficult to enter a gymnasium, and preparatory courses are paid. The child will have more opportunities to find out exactly who he wants to become in the future and begin to realize his potential.

What is the difference

If the results are poor, the child is threatened with expulsion from the educational institution.

The main difference is in the age of admission, the presence or absence of specialized subjects, the employment of the child during training.

Table: comparison of school, gymnasium and lyceum

School Gymnasium Lyceum
When to act 6 to 8 years old (possibly earlier or later) Based on elementary school Based on at least 7 classes
Profile No Multidisciplinary institution One Profile
Admission Without exams The entrance test determines the specific educational institution Exams in specialized subjects (for example, with a medical direction: biology, chemistry)
Training program State Author's The main program may change; combination of state and copyright
Low Medium High
teaching There is no competition among teachers Teachers are selected Competition for jobs; teachers teaching at the university, at which the lyceum
Lesson duration 45 minutes 45 minutes 1,5 hour

Each school has its pros and cons. The school opens up wide opportunities for additional education - sports, music. The gymnasium allows the child to quickly determine their subject interests and choose a future profession. The lyceum is intended for those who have already chosen a university for admission, and strive to be ready for further activities and be successful in it. The choice of an educational institution for study depends on the goals and desires in the future.

An educational institution called a lyceum is considered to be privileged. In the past, it was available only to children from the families of officials. Now every child can enter the lyceum. The main difference is its own curriculum. The lyceum provides students with a choice of programs of various subject areas.

Parents of students are interested in the difference between a lyceum and a school

The education received at the lyceum is equivalent to secondary vocational education. There are several main areas of training:

  • Physics and Mathematics;
  • Chemical and biological;
  • Socio-economic;
  • Philological.

At school, the curriculum is chosen by the Ministry of Education. It is standard for all schools. The age of students is from 6 to 18 years. Upon completion of training, students are provided with a certificate of complete or incomplete higher education.

Comparison of a lyceum with a regular school

The lyceum's own program does not have significant differences in relation to general subjects. Lyceum students are required to acquire the standard skills and knowledge defined by the Ministry of Education. However, there are also in-depth subjects in their schedule. This is necessary to obtain specialized knowledge. Such a curriculum will give lyceum students significant advantages when entering a higher educational institution.

Often the lyceum is located on the territory of the university and prepares future applicants.

Lyceum students acquire a broad outlook. Their educational level is much higher. However, the burden on the child increases. In a specialized university, it will be easier for him to succeed. Lyceum students have a deeper knowledge of specialized subjects, they are able to think outside the box and defend their point of view.

The difference in teaching staff

The teaching staff at the lyceum has all the necessary skills to convey in-depth knowledge to students. The teachers are top notch. Teachers of higher educational institutions participate in the preparation of curricula for lyceums.

They are few, but they are quite significant.

All high school students take exams after the fourth grade. Only those who successfully passed the tests are enrolled in the fifth grade. Any exam is a stress for a child, at this age the body is not yet ready for such loads. Especially if the student threatens to "rattle" in a regular school. How, perhaps, the child was frightened by teachers and parents during the four years of study at the gymnasium.

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It is no secret that any educational institution tries to "keep up the mark", maintain high student performance, because this automatically increases the rating in the eyes of others and parents in the first place. And the workload in the gymnasium is great. If the child does not cope, he may have problems with self-esteem, not without the help of classmates and even teachers. And in the worst cases, the child may be persuaded to leave the gymnasium and go to a regular school. So as not to “disgrace” the native gymnasium!

Pros of the gymnasium

Most teachers in the gymnasium should have the highest category. It is then that an ordinary school can "grow" into a gymnasium. Yes, and staffing in gymnasiums according to the rules should be 100%, and if possible even have a reserve.

The financial support of the gymnasium, as a rule, is better than at school. BUT! Help in this often falls on the shoulders of parents. And you need to be ready for this.

As a rule, after exams in the gymnasium, mostly strong and purposeful children remain. That is, a favorable environment is created for successful learning and maintaining discipline. There are role models, there is someone to follow.

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Gymnasiums do not need "high-profile" stories and scandals, so often in gymnasiums they look after children a little more than in ordinary schools. Report absenteeism, poor academic performance, and inappropriate behavior to parents immediately.

The gymnasium teaches at least two foreign languages, while the school has only one. Also, the number of different electives in the gymnasium is much greater than in the school. Although, perhaps not everyone will agree with me that this is a plus. Because it's an extra burden.

How to get into the gymnasium?

Documents from the parents of first-graders for admission to the gymnasium will be accepted in the summer. It is not worth worrying about this for those who are territorially related to this educational institution: they act in the first place. Anyone can apply for the remaining vacancies.

In Minsk there are gymnasiums detached from the district. Then the application is submitted on a first-come, first-served basis: the one who entered the lists first is the high school student. Recently, parents are literally ready to spend the night near the school doors in order to have time to submit a package of documents. The lists begin to form the day before the start of accepting applications by the parents themselves, who are on duty near the gymnasium.

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What to choose: school or gymnasium?

Summing up, we can say for sure that this issue is very complex. And you need to decide it in combination with the following factors:

First, look at the child. If you see that your child, even before school, reads with pleasure, believes, learns something new, then, perhaps, he will be more comfortable in the gymnasium, where the level of students will be a little higher. In an ordinary school, such a child may find it boring to repeat and learn to read along with “lagging behind” children.

Conversely, if the child does not yet show interest in learning, then it is worth choosing a school. It is better to try to enter the gymnasium after the fourth grade, if you see that studying at school is easy for the child. But even in this case there are pitfalls. If you get the same result in the exam, preference is given to "your" child from the gymnasium.

Second, don't forget to take into account the area you live in. If the area is disadvantaged, then all the "overlooked" children will go to a regular school. Such children have more freedom and independence, they try adult “life” earlier.

Thirdly, look at the rating of schools, gymnasiums in your area, read the reviews on the forums. The latter, of course, is nothing more than subjective opinions, but it is not superfluous to take them into account. After all, it may well turn out that the school near your house is strong enough and no worse than the nearest gymnasium. Talented and sensitive teachers work there, students delight with victories at olympiads, and graduates with admission to prestigious universities.

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The choice is yours!

There is also a very common and, in my opinion, fair opinion that since the program of the gymnasium and the school does not differ for the first four years, then you need to choose not an educational institution, but a teacher! After all, it is often the first teacher who forms the further attitude to learning and the student's opinion about himself! Therefore, many parents ask friends about primary school teachers.

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Be that as it may, it is up to you to decide where to go to study for your child. Do not blindly trust the opinions of others. Go to the school, meet the director, the head teacher for educational work and the elementary school teacher. Look at the children at recess, ask the teacher for a lesson. This will help you make the right choice. After all, it is not so important what the name of the educational institution is, the main thing is sensitive and good teachers!

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