Organization and conduct of outdoor games for a walk. Synopsis. "Organization of outdoor games for preschoolers, in different types of activities." Methods for organizing and conducting outdoor games in kindergarten


"Organization and conduct of outdoor games for a walk

with preschool children

(Consultation for educators)

Dow teacher No. 131

Golubina E.L.

The game occupies an important place in the life of a preschool child, and therefore is considered by teachers as one of the main means of education. In the practice of kindergarten, role-playing, didactic, construction, mobile games, games with singing, etc. are widely used. But among the whole variety of games, especially mobile games should be distinguished, in which all players are necessarily involved in active motor actions. These actions are determined by the plot and rules of the game and are aimed at achieving a certain conditional goal set for the children.

Along with creative games that arise in the independent motor activity of children ("Salki", "Hide and Seek", "Cossacks-robbers", etc.), the so-called organized, pedagogically most appropriate outdoor games with ready-made fixed content and certain rules were distinguished. Such games are convenient for conducting them with groups of children in the classroom or in their free time under the guidance of a teacher.

Mobile games are diverse in content and organization. Some games have a story, roles, and rules that are closely related to the story; game actions in them are performed in accordance with the requirements, a given role and rules. In other games, there are no plots and roles, only motor tasks are offered, regulated by rules that determine the sequence, speed and dexterity of their implementation. Thirdly, the plot, the actions of the players are determined by the text, which determines the nature of the movements and their sequence.

When selecting games that contribute to the physical education of preschool children, it is advisable to focus on the features of their content, which means, first of all, the plot, the theme of the game, its rules and motor actions. It is the content of the game that determines its educational and educational significance, the game actions of children; the originality of the organization and the nature of the performance of motor tasks depend on the content.

All games for preschool children based on movement can be divided into two big groups: outdoor games with rules and sports games. The first group consists of games that are different in content, in the organization of children, the complexity of the rules and the originality of motor tasks. Among them are plot and plotless games, fun games. The second group - sports games: towns, badminton, basketball, table tennis, football, hockey. In working with preschool children, they are used with simplified rules.

In the younger groups of the kindergarten, plot-based outdoor games, as well as simple games without a plot such as “traps” and fun games, are most used. Plotless games with elements of competition, relay races, games with objects (skittles, ring toss, serso, etc.) are not yet available to kids. Sports games are not played at this age at all. At the same time, in work with children of primary preschool age, game exercises are widely used, which occupy, as it were, an intermediate place between gymnastic exercises and outdoor games.

Methodology for outdoor games

Methodological principles (shown in the presentation)

Choice of games. Games are selected in accordance with the tasks of education, the age characteristics of children, their state of health, preparedness. The place of the game in the mode of the day, the time of year, meteorological and climatic and other conditions are also taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of organization of children, their discipline: if they are not organized enough, then first you need to pick up a game of low mobility and play it in a circle.

Features of outdoor games for a walk.

Gathering children to play. There are many ways to get kids to play. In the younger group, the teacher begins to play with 3-5 children, the rest gradually join them. Sometimes he rings a bell or picks up a beautiful toy (bunny, bear), attracting the attention of the kids and immediately involving them in the game.

With older children follows in advance before entering the field, reach an agreement, Where they will gather what game will play and on what signal it will start(a word, a beat on a tambourine, a bell, a wave of a flag, etc.). In the older group, the teacher can instruct his assistants - the most active children to gather everyone for the game. There is another trick: after distributing the children into links, suggest, on a signal, to gather in the designated places as quickly as possible (note which link gathered sooner).

It is necessary to collect children quickly (1-2 min.), because any delay reduces interest in the game.

Planning outdoor games.Creating interest in the game. First of all, you need to create interest in the game in children. Then they will better learn its rules, more clearly perform movements, experience an emotional upsurge. You can, for example, read poetry, sing a song on an appropriate topic, show children objects, toys that will meet in the game. It is often possible to lead to the game by asking questions, guessing riddles. In particular, you can ask: "What did you draw today?" Children, for example, will answer: "Spring, the arrival of birds." “Very good,” the teacher says. “Today we will play a game” Flight of birds» children junior group you can show a flag, a bunny, a bear and here or ask: “Do you want to play with them?”

A good result is also given by a short story read or told by the teacher immediately before the game.

Characteristics of outdoor games in children of primary preschool age

Organization of players, explanation of the game. When explaining the game, it is important to correctly place the children. The teacher most often sets the children of the younger group as it is necessary for the game (in a circle). senior group he can line up semicircle or gather around you (flock) The teacher must stand so that he can be seen all (facing children at building in a line, in a semicircle; next to them if the children are gathered in a circle).

In the younger group, all explanations are made, as a rule, during the game itself.. Without interrupting her, the teacher places and moves the children, tells how to act . in senior groups the teacher gives the name, reveals the content and explains the rules before the game even starts. If the game is very complex, then it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, but it is better to do this: first explain the main thing, and then, during the game, supplement the main story with details. When the game is played again, the rules are clarified. If the game is familiar to children, you can involve them in the explanation. An explanation of the content and rules of the game should be concise, precise and emotional. In this case, intonation is of great importance. Explaining, it is especially necessary to highlight the rules of the game . Movements can be shown up to start or during the game. It usually does it itself teacher and sometimes anyone from children of his choice. The explanation is often accompanied by a show: how does the car, like a bunny jumping.

The successful conduct of the game largely depends on the successful distribution of roles, so it is important to take into account the characteristics of children: shy, inactive ones can not always cope with a responsible role, but they must be gradually brought to this; on the other hand, one cannot always entrust responsible roles to the same children; it is desirable that everyone be able to fulfill these roles.

Playing with young children the educator first takes over the execution leading role(for example, a cat in the game "Sparrows and a cat"). But only Then, when the kids get used to the game, entrusts this role children themselves. Even during the explanation, he appoints the driver and puts the rest of the players in their places, but counting rhymes can also be used for this purpose. Sometimes those who have performed the role of the leader themselves choose their own deputy. In the older group, they first explain the game, then distribute the roles and accommodate children. If the game is played first then it does educator, and then already themselves playing. When dividing into columns, links, teams, it is necessary to group strong children with weaker ones, especially in such games where there is an element of competition (“The ball to the driver”, “Relay in a circle”).

Characteristics of outdoor games in children of middle preschool age

You can mark the playing area in advance or during the explanation and placement of the players. Inventory, toys and attributes are usually handed out before the start of the game, sometimes they are placed in designated places, and children take them during the game.

Game play and management. Children's play activities are directed educator. Its role depends on the nature of the game itself, on the numerical and age composition of the group, on the behavior of the participants: the younger the children, the more actively the teacher manifests himself. When playing with younger children, he acts on a par with them, often playing the main role, and at the same time directs the game. In the middle and senior groups, the teacher at first also plays the main role himself, and then transfers it to the children. He also participates in the game when there is not enough pair ("Find yourself a pair"). The direct participation of the educator in the game raises interest in it, makes it more emotional.

The teacher gives commands or sound and visual signals to the beginning of the game: hitting a tambourine, drum, rattle, musical chord, clapping, waving a colored flag, hand. Sound signals should not be too loud: strong blows, sharp whistles excite small children.

The teacher makes instructions, both during the game and before repeating it, evaluates the actions and behavior of the children. However instructions should not be misused on the incorrectness of the movements: comments can reduce the positive emotions that arise during the game. It is better to give instructions in a positive way, maintaining a joyful mood, encouraging decisiveness, dexterity, resourcefulness, initiative - all this makes children want to follow the rules of the game exactly. past the “trap”, stop quickly), reminds that poetry should be read expressively and not too loudly.

The teacher monitors the activities of the children and does not allow long static postures(squatting, standing on one leg, raising arms forward, up), causing chest constriction and circulatory disorders, monitors the general condition and well-being of each child.

The teacher regulates physical activity, which should increase gradually. If, for example, at the first time the game is played, children are allowed to run for 10 seconds, then when it is repeated, the load is slightly increased; on the fourth repetition, it reaches the limiting norm, and on the fifth or sixth it decreases. The load can be increased by changing the pace of the movements.

Games of great mobility are repeated 3-4 times, more calm - 4-6 times. Pauses between repetitions 0.3-0.5 minutes. During the pause, the children perform lighter exercises or say the words of the text. The total duration of the outdoor game gradually increases from 5 minutes in the younger groups to 15 minutes in the older ones.

Characteristics of outdoor games in children of senior preschool ageEnd of the game and debriefing. In the younger groups, the teacher ends the game with a proposal to move on to some other activities of a more relaxed nature. In the older groups, the results of the game are summed up: those who correctly performed movements, showed dexterity, speed, ingenuity, ingenuity, followed the rules, rescued comrades. The teacher also names those who violated the rules and interfered with their comrades. He analyzes no, how he managed to achieve success in the game, why the “trap” quickly caught some, while others never got caught by him. Summing up the game should take place in an interesting and entertaining way in order to create a desire to achieve even better results next time . For discussion the game involve all children. This teaches them to analyze their actions, causes a more conscious attitude towards the implementation of the rules of the game and movements.

An outdoor game is an indispensable means of replenishing a child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, developing thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities.


Organization and holding of outdoor games in various activities.

Methods for organizing and conducting outdoor games in kindergarten.

Purpose of mobile games.

It's no secret that a good mood contributes to a more complete development and functioning of the whole organism, including a developing growing child. Active movement allows the baby to spend his unlimited energy, acquire the necessary motor skills.

The purpose of mobile games is: Release the child's energy reserves. Development of coordination of movements. Increase positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health. Development of communication skills. Ability to assess situations and draw appropriate conclusions. Develop responsiveness. Mobile games: a technique Any game is aimed at solving problems for the development and improvement of children. The main tasks of games, including outdoor games in the fresh air, are. Educational. This goal is achieved by creating a process.

Tasks of outdoor games Expansion of motor experience and its enrichment with new, more complex movementsImproving motor skills and their use in changing game situations.Development of creative abilities and physical qualities.Education of independence and activity with new, more complex movementsIntroduction to the elementary norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults.For the success of the game, it is necessary to consider The complexity of movements and the feasibility of their combination, taking into accountreadiness of children.Compliance of the content of games and exercises with the weather and season.The use of different methods of selecting children for leading roles.The variability of outdoor games in order to develop creativity and positive motivation for self-expression in motion.Classification of outdoor games StoryPlotlessGames - funSport gamesSelection and description of outdoor games Low mobility games Such games are recommended for relieving intense physical activity, static fatigue, anxiety, tension. These are games with calm movements, movements that are not large in amplitude, at a calm and moderate pace (calm walking, walking with tasks, arm movements, movements in a circle, body turns, etc.) .

« Owl, owl"

Children depict small birds, one of the children is an owl. The driver says: "morning, afternoon, evening, night!" "Birds" fly, peck grains, chirp, etc. With the words "night" everyone freezes, the "owl" flies out, which had previously slept in its nest. Those guys who made sounds and moved were taken by the "owl" to their nest.


At the signal of the leader, the children go in a circle or around the playground. At the second signal, they stop and take a pose, agreed in advance. You can't move. The driver walks and chooses a figure and changes places with him. Be sure to ask who the player wanted to portray.

"Ocean is shaking"

According to the counting rhyme, the driver is chosen. The driver pronounces the words: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the figure ......... freeze in place”, The guys freeze in poses corresponding to the figure that the driver asked for, for example, a skier. The driver, walking between the players, chooses the figure he likes. This child will be the next leader.

Game variant.

Children sit in a semicircle or in a circle.

By command:

"The sea is calm" - everyone freezes.

"The sea is worried" - they raise their hands and wave them.

"There is a storm on the sea" - they scatter.

"The sea is calm" - they try to sit in their place.

Medium mobility games The motor load in such games is achieved through intensive walking, calm runs, squats, jumping, actions with objects, imitation of animal movements, general developmental exercises, frequent and quick change of movements, the presence of several roles, and their alternate performance.

Game "Hit the ball"


Equipment: playing field, cue ball, large balls.

Rules of the game.

More than 2 people can take part in the game. Children take turns rolling the cue ball in such a way as to knock the ball out of the playing field without using a cue.

Complication. Children knock the ball into a certain sector or onto a certain field, gaining the most points.

Game "Points"

Tasks: Learn to calculate the right impact force. Develop accuracy, eye.

Equipment: playing field, cue ball, small balls.

Rules of the game. With one hit of the cue ball, break all the balls from the center around the entire playing field. After they stop, count the number of points. The child with the most points wins. Balls rolled off the playing field are counted as 0 points.

Game "Kick the ball"

Tasks: Learn to calculate the right impact force. Develop accuracy, eye.

Equipment: playing field, cue ball, small balls from 2 to 6 equally for each participant.

Rules of the game.

This game can be played by 2 or 4 people. Each player places several balls in his sector. All players roll the cue ball in turn, trying to knock out as many balls as possible from the opponent's sector. The player who first knocks out all the opponent's balls wins.

High mobility games

The motor load in such games is achieved through intensive walking, calm rushes, squats, jumping, actions with objects, imitation of animal movements, general developmental exercises, frequent and quick change of movements, the presence of several roles, and their alternate performance.
At the bear in the forest

Number of players:any


A "bear" is chosen, which sits aside. The rest, pretending to pick mushrooms and berries and put them in a basket, approach the "bear", singing (saying):

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries.

The bear is sitting

Looks at us.

(Options: The bear does not sleep

And growls at us!

or: The bear caught a cold,

Frozen on the stove!)

The bast basket overturned (children show with a gesture how the bast basket overturned),

The bear is after us!

Children scatter, "bear" catches them. The first one caught becomes a "bear".

inflate the bubble

Number of players:any


You can play with two, three or more people. We hold hands, forming a circle. First, we stand as close to each other as possible, and then we disperse, expanding the circle, and we say: “Inflate the bubble (or ball), just look, do not burst. Swell up, just don't burst ... don't burst ... ". We disperse as far as our hands allow, and then “burst” the bubble: “Bang! The bubble burst!

As one "person" in this game, you can take a doll or a bear.

If the child does not know what a bubble or balloon is, it is advisable to first show him by inflating a soap bubble or a balloon. Then the game will make sense.

There are mice in the closet

Children pretend to be mice. Mice sit on chairs or benches on one side of the site. Each in its own hole. On the opposite side of the site, a rope is stretched at a height of 50-40 cm. This is a hole in the pantry. To the side of the players sits a cat-caregiver. The cat falls asleep, the mice run into the pantry, bend down and crawl under the rope. In the pantry, the mice squat down and gnaw on crackers. The cat suddenly wakes up and runs to chase mice. The mice run away and hide in their burrows. The cat, having dispersed all the mice, lie down to take a nap in the sun. Game continues.

Organization and holding of outdoor games in different age groups 2nd junior group Organization of games with more complex rulesRecommended games with textThe teacher plays with the childrenUsing Attributesmiddle group Complicating the conditions of the gameThe teacher distributes roles among childrenThe role of the leader is entrusted to childrenUsed figurative storySenior group Using more complex movementsChildren are tasked with responding to the signalThe use of games with elements of competition, competitions by links are introducedUnder the guidance of a teacher, a driver is chosen in the gamepreschool group The teacher pays attention to the quality of movementsTasks are set for independent solutionUsing the example of one game, the teacher invites children to come up with options for complicating the rulesIndependently choose a driver with a counting rhymeUse of sports games, relay racesThe structure of outdoor games Gathering children to playCreating interest in the gameOrganization of players, explanation of the gameLead definitionPlaying the gameEnd of the game and debriefing

Story games

Theme: "Family"

Program content:

To consolidate children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members.

Develop interest in the game.

Continue to teach children to assign roles and act according to the role they have assumed, to develop the plot.

Encourage children to play creatively in the game of family life.

Contribute to the establishment of role-playing interactions and relationships between the players in the game.

Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various objects - substitutes.

To cultivate love and respect for family members and their work.

Equipment. Furniture, utensils, attributes for equipping a house, a "kindergarten", a large designer, a toy car, a baby doll, a toy stroller, bags, various items - substitutes.

Preliminary work.

Conversations: “My family”, “How do I help my mother”, “Who works for whom?”.

Consideration of plot pictures, photographs on the topic.

Reading fiction: N. Zabila "Yasochkin's garden", A. Barto "Mashenka", B. Zakhoder "Builders", "Driver", D. Gabet from the series "My Family": "Mom", "Brother", "Work ”, E. Yanikovskaya “I go to kindergarten”, A. Kardashova “Big wash”.

Story - role-playing games; "Treat", "Kindergarten", "Construction", "Little Helpers", "Daughters - Mothers".

Playing roles:

1 family: mother, father, grandmother, eldest daughter, youngest daughter.

2 family: mom, dad, daughter, doll - baby.

Sample game play.

Organizing time. Children enter the group, stand in front of the teacher.

Guys, recently we talked about the family, looked at illustrations, photographs. Tell. What is a family?(Answers of children). Tell us about your family: how many people live in it, who does what(Children speak at will).

Do you want to play family game?(Yes). To make an interesting game, we must first decide: “How many families will we have?”, “How many family members will they have?”, “What will family members do?”, “Who will play what roles”.

Distribution of roles, development of the plot.

Guys, look (Gesture at the play corners), there are two houses here, so we will have .... How many families?(Two).

In the first family we will have: mom, dad, grandmother, older and younger daughters. What will mom do?(Answers of children). And let's mom work in a kindergarten - a teacher. Who will be the mother-educator? What will you do at work?(Child's answer). What will dad do?(Answers of children). Dad will work in construction. Who will play the role of dad? Who will you work? (The child chooses the role of dad - builder or driver). What is grandma doing?(Answers of children). I will be a grandmother, and I will help all of you. And what will the children do?(Answers of children). Who will be the children?

In the second family, we will also have: mom, dad, daughter and little son - Andryushka doll. Who will be the mother? Dad? daughter? What will they do?(Answers of children).

Where will the first family live? Where is the second?(Children decide, choose their own home).

Fine. If our houses will be here, then where will we have a construction site where dads work? Where will we have a "kindergarten"?(Children choose places).

Now that we have decided everything, we can start the game. Moms and dads took their children and went home.(Players go to their homes and depict how they sleep (night) .

The teacher in the role of grandmother starts the game.

Summary of the game.

Game over. Did you like the game? What game did we play? What roles did you play in the game? What were your characters doing? Well done guys, we got an interesting game, thank you!

Plot - role-playing game "Hospital"

Goals: Familiarization of children with the activities of medical personnel; fixing the names of medical instruments. To form the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game. Teaching children the implementation of the game plan; the use of substitute items in the game. Raising respect for the medical profession. Interaction in the game with each other. Develop the ability to take on a role.

Material and equipment : Game set "Puppet doctor", toys - animals, a bench for an ambulance, dolls, tea utensils for a cafe, a dressing gown and a hat for a doctor, hats with a red cross for medical staff, two toy cars.

Game roles . A doctor in a clinic, an ambulance doctor, a nurse, orderlies, a driver, a pharmacy worker, a cafe worker, a zoo worker.

Game progress

Game motivation . Children, look what a modern clinic we have built. Here is a doctor's office for receiving patients, and this is a treatment room for treating patients. Here the nurse treats the sick. And here is an ambulance station, here they receive calls from patients. By ambulance, the doctor leaves to call the patient to provide medical care. And here is the Pharmacy. Here, patients can buy the necessary medicines. And this is Cafe. While waiting for their turn, patients can drink hot coffee and tea, eat hot pies. Children, today the personnel department is recruiting at the clinic. Are there any of you who want to work in the clinic? (answers). Then come to me, I will employ all comers.

Children go to the teacher. The teacher asks who the child would like to work in the clinic? If the role has already been given to another child, the teacher offers another one. It is important that during the game, the children change roles.

Children, take your jobs. (Refers to a child who has received the role of a doctor) . Karina, please allow me to be a doctor for a while, and will you be my assistant? (Karina agrees.) Children take their places to play, put on a bathrobe and hats. The first patients with dolls come up.

caregiver . Hello. Please sit down on this chair. Tell me what hurts you? (The child says that the Katya doll caught a cold, she has a high fever and cough.). Let's put a thermometer under the arm and measure the temperature. (Puts down thermometer.) Katya has a temperature of 39 degrees - this is a high temperature. Let's see the neck. (Looks at the neck with a spatula). The throat is red. You need to listen to Katya's breathing. (Listens to breathing). There are wheezing. I will write you a prescription, you will buy cough tablets at the pharmacy and you will take them three times a day, medicine for fever injections, vitamins and always hot tea with raspberry jam, and bed rest. The injections will be given to you by a nurse in the treatment room.

The patient with the doll goes to the pharmacy, buys medicine and goes to the treatment room, where the nurse takes patients and gives injections. The teacher says that his working day is over and leaves. The place of the doctor is taken by another child. Accepts patients.

An ambulance rings from the zoo. The emergency doctor picks up the phone and listens. The zookeeper says that the bear cub played, ran and fell, now lies and does not get up. He must have broken his leg. Need medical help. The ambulance doctor listens on the phone, then takes a suitcase with medical supplies and goes by car with an orderly to the zoo. At the zoo, he examines the leg of the bear cub, puts a splint on the leg and says that an x-ray should be taken urgently. A zoo worker with a nurse put the bear cub on a stretcher and take the bear cub to the hospital. An x-ray is taken in the hospital. The teddy bear has a fracture. A plaster cast is applied and taken back to the zoo. They put the bear cub to bed and give him honey.

Game continues. Patients come to see a doctor. They buy medicines at the pharmacy. The nurse gives injections. Patients in cafes drink tea with raspberry jam and hot cakes. Put sick dolls to bed, give pills.

The teacher during the game observes, imperceptibly prompts, guides. When the dolls are put to bed, he says that the working day is over.

Plotless games
catch up with me

Description . Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. The teacher invites them to catch up with him and runs in the opposite direction. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. When they run up to him, the teacher stops and says: "Run away, run away, I'll catch up!" The children run back to their seats.

Instructions for conducting . At first, it is advisable to play the game with a small group of children (4-6), then the number of players increases to 10-12 people. The teacher should not run away from the children too quickly: they are interested in catching him. You should also not run too fast after the children, as they may bump into the chairs. At first, the run is carried out in only one direction. When the kids run up to the teacher, they need to caress, praise that they can run fast. When the game is repeated, the teacher can change directions, running away from the children. A simplified version of this game is the "Run to me" game, then the children run in only one direction, to the teacher, and return to their places.

Ak suyek

The participants in the game line up. The host takes a white bone (you can use a rubber ball, a wooden key, carved sticks, etc.) and sings: White bone is a sign of happiness, the key, Fly to the moon, To the white snowy peaks! Resourceful and happy is the one who will find you in an instant!

After that, the leader throws a bone for a line of players. At this point, no one should look back to see which way the bone is flying. When the bone falls, the host announces: Look for the bone - Find happiness soon! And the one who is faster and more dexterous will find it!

Games - fun


Raising the child high in his arms or on his knees, the adult sings:

Carcasses - tutushki,

With cottage cheese cheesecakes.

wheat pie

Hop! Hop! Hop! Hop!


Surely your kid will like the game "Fists". With the fists or joints of the bent fingers of the child, the adult taps on the table top in time with the rhymes:

Ay, tuki, tuki, tuki,

Hammers banged

Hammers banged

fists played,

Knock-tock, knock-tock,

Our Lenochka is a year old!

(Our Mishenka is a year old!)

Another simple game for young children is "The Hen Cackles". The child sits on the lap of an adult. With the finger of one hand of the child, the adult gently pokes his other hand into the palm of his other hand and sings:

The hen cackles

Daughter pokes his nose:

Oh, where, where, where,

Hey, bring it here!

The well-known game "On a narrow path" can be diversified by the following options.

"Ride on the ice."

The baby sits on the lap of an adult. The knees are tightly pressed to each other. An adult then raises his legs “on toes”, then lowers them “on heels”. The child thus bounces. Adult sings:

I'll ride on the ice

I won't fall for anything!

Then she spreads her knees a little, supporting the child, and adds:

Clap! - on the ice!

Ah, no luck!

Another version of this game is "Red Fox":

I am a red fox

I am a master of running.

I ran through the forest

I chased the bunny

And boom in the hole!


The leader gives one of the participants a scarf tied in a knot. Participants stand in a circle around the driver. At the command of the driver "One, two, three!" all participants run away. The driver must catch up with the player with the scarf, touch his shoulder and take the scarf. At the moment of pursuit, a player with a scarf can pass it to a friend, he can pass it to the next, etc. If the driver catches a player with a scarf, he must fulfill any of his desires: sing a song, read a poem, etc. After that, he becomes a leader.

Experience on the topic

« Russian folk games"

“Little children… play like a bird sings.” These words capaciously and figuratively highlight the main thing: the game is the natural state of the child, his main occupation. They belong to N.K. Krupskaya, whose views on the essence of the game formed the basis of preschool pedagogy.

The games used for physical education are very diverse.

They can be divided into two large groups: mobile and sports.

Outdoor games:

Actually mobile: plot, plotless, fun games, attractions.

Sports: football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, tennis, gorodki, hockey.

But I noticed that folk games have almost disappeared from childhood today. The preservation and revival of national culture is now one of the primary tasks. In order for a child to develop a feeling of love for the Motherland, it is necessary to educate him in an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives, to develop the ability to see and understand their beauty, the desire to learn more about them, to form the desire to provide all possible assistance to people who surround. Therefore, we must remember that folk games as a genre of oral folk art are a national treasure, and we must make them the property of our children. So I had a need to create a circle of Russian folk outdoor games.

I have set myself the following tasks:

1. Conduct an analysis of the literature.

2. Determine the relationship of physical education with the possibilities of folk traditions.

3. To study the existing experience.

She began her work with the study of methodological literature. Along with the study of methodological innovations, she studied outdoor games and their organization. “Russian Folk Outdoor Games” by M.F. Litvinova became my reference book.

Then, work began on creating conditions for holding games: for this purpose, play corners in groups were re-equipped, their aesthetic design was thought out, and the rationality of the arrangement of the game material.

For the first time, when I study this or that game with children, I tell them about the history of its creation.

It turned out that it is not easy for children to convey the movements characteristic of some animals. To do this, I tried to talk more about the habits of animals - the characters of games, such as “At the Bear in the Forest”, “The Fox in the Chicken Coop”, “Hares and the Wolf”, etc. The teachers read fairy tales, folk rhymes aloud, together with the children made all the necessary attributes.

In older groups, learning games with children, she talked about the different peoples inhabiting Russia, introduced them to the history and traditions of these peoples.

I chose folk outdoor games in accordance with the tasks of physical education that I was working on at the moment and those motor skills that children had already mastered, as well as in accordance with the recommendations of the program and based on the principle of similarity of the attributes used or tasks solved with the help of games.

Only after that the circle "Russian folk outdoor games" began to work. I set myself the task:

Arouse children's interest in folk games. Learn to organize them yourself.

Because Since the game is the main activity of children, when drawing up a plan, I decided to use outdoor games more effectively, which not only stimulate the child’s motor activity, but also contribute to the development and improvement of basic movements.

The most acceptable for children are games with a simple and accessible plot, as well as game exercises based on the performance of specific motor tasks. I selected these tasks in games and game exercises in such a way that they corresponded to the abilities of children. First of all, these are movements such as walking, running, throwing, crawling. I tried to distribute all the game material in a certain sequence, taking into account the complexity of the movements.

During the period of mastering children with a new environment, outdoor games made it possible to teach them to play together, together, not to bump into each other while running, to navigate in space (the game "Ordinary Fifteen").

In the future, I tried to select outdoor games and game exercises in such a way that they ensured the versatile development of children's movements. When planning games, I always took into account the development of which motor skills and abilities require special attention in this period.

A large place in working with children is occupied by plot outdoor games. In these games, along with the development and improvement of movements, I teach children to act in accordance with the rules of the game. The fulfillment of these tasks, first of all, depends on us, educators, on how much we managed to interest children in the game. Therefore, I tried to explain the game emotionally and expressively and took a direct part in the game, showed interest in the actions of the children. All this helped active actions, caused a desire to repeat the movements again and again. Performing this or that role in the game, I not only suggested how to move, but also showed an example of the correct execution of movements.

So in the game "Cockfight" showed how to jump on one leg and push each other with the shoulder, while encouraging the children who perform the movement most successfully.

Considering that the motor abilities of older children are large, the game offered everyone to practice movements. I tried not to limit the space for movement. Do not reduce the time of active actions, increased the dosage of running and jumping in games.

Preschoolers are good at familiar outdoor games. However, observations have shown that children's interest in the game, motor activity is noticeably reduced if a familiar game is played for a long time in the same variant, without changing anything. This circumstance made me take the variation of games more seriously.

To ensure the interest of children in outdoor games, it is necessary to make changes to their content from time to time: complicate, supplement movements, etc. Various options for conducting an outdoor game provide for the preservation of its rules and the improvement of the movements of children, taking into account their individual characteristics.

For example, everyone knows the game "Cunning Fox". And her options are:

    The leader touches 2 or 3 children who become leaders.

    A restriction is introduced for the fox: salting with his left hand.

    It is not children who play the game, but different animals: hares, ducks, bears, and so on - therefore, they must move during the game in accordance with the images.

An interesting method of explaining an outdoor game in the form of a mini-tale was borrowed by me from the teacher of the Moscow State Pedagogical University E.Ya. Stepanenkova. The main requirements for such mini-tales are their figurativeness and emotionality, the presence of a specific content of the game and a clear signal for the beginning of the action.

For example, for the game "Owl" a fairy tale can be like this.

“Animals often gathered to play in the forest clearing: hares, cubs, squirrels. They ran, jumped, climbed - as best they could, and everyone had fun. And in the hollow of a tree lived an owl - an owl. She slept during the day and went hunting at night. She will see that the night has come, she will shout: “Wow!” - and flies for prey. The animals will hear her hooting and quickly run to the houses. And when morning comes, the animals again come running to the clearing to play.

A very important point in the game is the distribution of roles. You can select children for certain roles using various methods: entrust someone with a role, choose a rhyme, etc. So that children do not use accidentally heard rhymes with negative content, we learn rhymes in a class in a circle. In addition, we use counting rhymes with a question, collusion, drawing lots, guessing. I'm running a contest for the best rhyme for the game. Such competitions allow enriching children's knowledge of folk games, educate taste, imagination, develop a sense of rhythm, which is so necessary in folk outdoor games. An album with the most favorite and interesting rhymes was designed.

I pay much attention to the use of natural materials in folk games: pebbles, sticks, twigs, cones. I encourage the use of folk games in free activities.

I pay special attention to the implementation of the rules by children. Rules are of great educational value. Obedience to the rules brings up in the child the will, endurance, the ability to consciously control their movements, to slow them down.

So, folk games in combination with other educational means are the basis of the initial stage of the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.

Outdoor games improve health, develop motor qualities and strengthen motor skills, improve the rhythm and accuracy of movements. They enrich the players with new sensations, ideas, concepts, increase activity, educate strong-willed qualities, discipline, collectivism, honesty, modesty. These types of physical exercises are also good because, without requiring special technical training from the players, they partly equalize everyone's chances of winning.

In addition, during mobile and sports games in nature, in addition to the beneficial effects on the body of physical exercises, the hardening effect of the natural forces of nature (sun, air and water) is added. And an increase in the emotional background contributes to the aesthetic impact of the beauty of nature.

We also note that mobile and simplified sports games are good because they do not require expensive inventory and equipment. Before proceeding to the description of games, I would like to give some general practical advice on their organization.

When explaining a new game, you should arrange the players in the order in which the game begins. If the players stand in a circle, then the explainer should stand in the same circle or 2-3 steps inside the circle, but not in the middle, so as not to stand with his back to anyone. When building in two lines, the explainer should be placed on the flank. If the players lined up in columns, then the explainer stands on the side.

You can not put players against the light. The person explaining the game should stand sideways or facing the light. It is better to explain the game in the following sequence: the name of the game, the actions of the players and their places, the course of the game (rules), the goal of the game, repeat the basic rules. After explaining the game, you can try it once without identifying the winners.

The most important moment of preparation for the game is the choice of the driver. The organizer can appoint the driver, but he must explain his choice to the players. The driver can also be determined by lot. Children really like to choose a driver with the help of a rhyme. At the same time, the players become in a circle, and one of the future players starts a counting rhyme. Pronouncing each word of the rhyme, he points to the players in turn. The one who has the last word of the counting rhyme will be the leader. Let's take a few counters as an example.

“One, two, three, four, five, the bunny went out for a walk. Suddenly the hunter runs out, Shoots straight at the bunny: Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh, My bunny is dying! .. They brought him home, He turned out to be alive. “White hare, where did you run? In the forest, oak forest. What did he do there? Lyko tore, Under the deck cleaned. And this counting song was composed by S. Ya. Marshak:

“Oblique, oblique, Don’t go barefoot, But go shod, Wrap up your paws. If you are shod, Wolves will not find a hare. The bear will not find you, Come out, you will burn!

Another old way - choosing a driver with a stick (bat) - is especially good if it is later used in the game. The driver is chosen as follows. The stick is held vertically. Any of the participants takes it by the lower end so that the end of the stick is flush with the lower edge of the palm. Then the stick, close to the hand of the first player, is taken by another player, the third, etc. If everyone grabbed the stick with one hand, and there is still room, then the one whose hand was the lowest takes it up. And so on until the stick runs out. Who in turn does not have enough space on the stick to hold its upper end, he becomes the leader.

In games where driving is prestigious, you can determine the driver using throwing. Whoever throws the object farther or more accurately, he drives.

You can drive according to the results of the previous game. In this case, the most (least) dexterous becomes the driver. If you want all children to be on an equal footing and could demonstrate their abilities, you can take turns driving, then everyone will be in the role of a driver.

Another important point in the organization of the game is the division into teams. Teams of equal strength can be created at the discretion of the organizer of the game or by dividing the players by calculation. To do this, all players stand in line in order of height and are calculated on the “first-second” if two teams are required, or on the “first-second-third” if the need for three teams, etc. The collusion method is very popular with young children, since it is essentially a game. For this method, two captains are chosen. The rest of the players are divided into pairs of equal strength and come up with new “names” for themselves, agree with each other who will be called what. Then they approach the captains and call the invented "names". The captains, not knowing who is hiding behind these "names", choose the players in turn. "Names" can be the names of various objects, flowers, trees, cars, etc.

The method of choosing captains is as follows. Two or three captains are chosen (depending on how many teams are required), and they take turns choosing one player for their team. This method is often used in practice, but it is not very good due to the fact that the captains are reluctant to choose weak players and this, as it were, deliberately emphasizes their weakness, which, of course, is not pedagogical.

Getting ready to play

When choosing an outdoor game, a teacher or coach should give preference to those games that bring up high moral and volitional qualities in students, improve health, promote physical development and the formation of vital motor skills and abilities.

In the process of playing, children form concepts about the norms of social behavior, as well as cultivate cultural habits. However, the game is beneficial only if the teacher understands well his tasks - educational, health and educational, which are solved during the game, knows the anatomical, physiological and mental characteristics of students, owns the methodology for playing games, takes care of creating and maintaining appropriate sanitary conditions. .

Game selection

Before choosing a game, a specific pedagogical task should be set, taking into account the composition of the participants, their age characteristics, their level of physical development and preparedness. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the form of conducting classes (lesson, break, holiday, training), as well as adhere to the well-known rule in pedagogy: from simple to complex.

In order to determine the degree of difficulty of a particular game, many elements included in it are taken into account: running, jumping, throwing, etc. Games consisting of a small number of elements that do not provide for division into teams are considered easier.

The choice of the game also depends on the venue. In a small, narrow hall or corridor, games can be played with lining up in columns and lines, as well as those in which players take part in turn; in a large hall or on a playground - games of great mobility with loose running, throwing large and small balls, with elements of sports games, etc.

When choosing a game, you should remember about the availability of special equipment. If the players stand in line for it for a long time, they lose interest in the game, and this, in turn, leads to a violation of discipline.

The effectiveness of the game depends on:

ability to explain the game in an intelligible and interesting way;

the position of the players during the game;

ñ definitions of leaders;

ñ distribution to teams;

ñdefinitions of assistants and judges;

ñmanaging the process of the game;

load dosing;

the end of the game.

Explanation of the rules

Students take their starting position. The teacher tells the name of the game, its goal and course, talks about the role of each player and his place. At the same time, the teacher must stand in a place from which all players could see and hear him well. In order for the children to better understand the conditions of the game, the teacher demonstrates to them how certain complex movements are performed. If the game is being played for the first time, make sure that all players understand the rules.

Host Choice

There are several ways to determine the leader, depending on the conditions of the training, the nature of the game and the number of players. The teacher can appoint one of the players to be the leader at his discretion, briefly justifying his choice. The leader can also be chosen by the players themselves. However, for this it is necessary that they know each other well, otherwise their choice will not always be successful.

You can appoint a leader based on the results of previous games. This choice encourages students to achieve better results. Lots are often used in the form of a counting rhyme. It must be remembered that the role of the leader contributes to the formation of organizational habits and the growth of activity.

In team games and relay races where several teams compete with each other, the distribution of players can be done in one of the following ways:

ñwith the help of calculations;

figured marching;

ñ at your own discretion;

ñ by the choice of the captains, who alternately get their players.

And who are the judges?

The division into teams must be carried out in accordance with the nature and conditions of the game, as well as the composition of the players. In complex games with a large number of participants, it is necessary to involve assistant referees, whose task is to count points, control time, and monitor the order and condition of the place for the game.

Judges and their assistants are appointed from students who are exempted for health reasons from doing physical exercises of medium and high intensity. If there are no such students, then the appointment is made from among the players.

Game Guide

This, undoubtedly, is the hardest and at the same time the decisive moment in the work of the teacher, since only it can ensure the achievement of the planned pedagogical result, which includes several mandatory elements:

monitoring the actions of the players;

elimination of errors;

ñdemonstration of correct collective techniques;

Prevention of manifestations of individualism, rude attitude towards players;

load regulation;

Stimulation of the required level of motor activity throughout the game.

Directing the game activity, the teacher helps to choose a way to solve the game problem, achieving activity, independence and manifestation of the creative initiative of the players. In some cases, he can join the game himself, demonstrating how best to act in this or that case. It is important to correct errors in a timely manner. It is better to do this during a special break. The players remain where they are. You need to explain the error concisely, demonstrating the correct actions. If these techniques are not enough, you can apply special exercises, separately analyzing this or that situation.

Load control

A crucial moment in the management of outdoor games is the dosing of physical activity. Playing activity captures children with its emotionality, and they do not feel tired. In order to avoid overwork of students, it is necessary to stop the game in a timely manner or change its intensity and nature of the load. By adjusting the physical load in the game, the teacher can use a variety of techniques:

ñreduce or increase the time allotted for the game;

change the number of repetitions of the game, the size of the court and the length of the distance that the players run;

adjust the weight and number of items;

complicate or simplify the rules of the game and obstacles;

Introduce short pauses for rest, clarification of individual moments of the game and analysis of errors.

game over

The end of the game must be timely (if the players have received sufficient physical and emotional stress). Premature or sudden ending of the game will cause dissatisfaction among the students. To avoid this, the teacher must meet the allotted time. At the end of the game, you need to sum up the results. When reporting the results, teams and individual players should be pointed out to the mistakes made, positive and negative points in their behavior. It is desirable to note the best presenters, captains, judges.

When to play?

Depending on the tasks and nature of the game, its physical and emotional load, the composition of the students, it can be included in all parts of the lesson (training).

The preparatory part - games of low mobility and complexity, contributing to the concentration of attention. Typical types of movements for these games are walking, running with simple additional exercises.

The main part is games with speed running, overcoming obstacles, throwing, jumping and other types of movements that require great mobility and contribute at this stage to the study and improvement of the technique for performing certain movements.

The final part - games of low and medium mobility with simple movements, rules and organization, helping to actively relax after an intense load in the main part of the game and allowing you to finish it in good spirits. Comprehensive education and harmonious development of students can be achieved only in the process of many years, systematic and properly organized training in outdoor games.

Where to play?

Games on the ground are mobile, but at the same time they differ from them both in content and tasks, as well as in the conditions and methods of conducting: in unusual conditions, on a playground, in a forest, etc. Almost all games on the ground provide for the presence of certain training and knowledge in children. Outdoor games are very popular among students, they have a beneficial effect on their overall development, forming initiative, the ability to move dexterously, disguise themselves well, navigate correctly in a variety of game situations, and overcome certain obstacles depending on the conditions and tasks of the game. Games on the ground, as a rule, are team games. Children actively participate in the competition for mastering the flag or package. There are also intellectual games: with orientation in the area, hiking along a certain route using a compass, etc.

Preparing for the game

Each game on the ground must be prepared in advance, for which children must be familiarized with the terrain, show forbidden places in the forest, near reservoirs or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bgardens, orchards, arable land, etc. For this purpose, several walks or hikes should be organized. On the eve of the game, its leader (coach) must study the area in detail, outline the points of departure for groups (teams), and provide for gathering places. After that, it is necessary to outline the composition of the teams, analyze the rules and conditions of the game with all the players, i.e. methods of movement, disguise, orientation on the map, use of the compass. One or more coaches should prepare assistant referees who would know the course of the game and its tasks well, be able to always assess the situation and find a way out of any situation. It is desirable that the assistant judges themselves do not take part in the game, but only monitor the observance of the rules and discipline by the players and, together with the coach, determine the victory of one or another team. The assistant referees wear an armband or other badge that will distinguish them from the players.

Each game on the ground begins and ends at predetermined signals. After the end of the game, the coach, together with all the players, must analyze its course, determine the winners (groups or teams), mark individual players who performed the tasks especially successfully and assistant referees who successfully coped with their duties, and also say a few words about those who received comments.

Game classification

Outdoor games as a means of physical education have a number of features. The most characteristic of them consist in the activity and independence of the players, the collective action. Rules facilitate the choice of tactics of action and the management of the game. The relationship between the participants is determined, first of all, by the content of the game. There are two main groups - non-team and team games, which are supplemented by a small group of transitional games. Non-team games can be divided into games with and without leaders. Team games are divided into two main types: games with the simultaneous participation of all players; games with alternate participation (relay races); as well as in the form of a duel between the players: without the players entering the fight with an opponent and, conversely, providing for an active fight with him.

A more detailed classification of games is based on the performance of motor actions:

simulation (with the performance of imitative actions);

ñ with dashes;

ñ overcoming obstacles;

ñ using balls, sticks and other items;

with resistance;

ñ with orientation by auditory and visual signals.


What you need to know when preparing and conducting outdoor games:

Stage 1. Preparation for the game.

game selection. It depends on the task at hand; age, physical data, number of children, conditions and venue.

ñpreparing the place for the game. For outdoor games, you need to pick up a flat, grassy area. If the game is played indoors, then there should be no foreign objects that interfere with the movements of the players.

Preparing equipment for games. It is desirable that the inventory be colorful, bright, noticeable in the game. The size and weight should correspond to the forces of the players.

site marking. If the marking of the court requires a lot of time, then this is done before the start of the game. Simple markup can be carried out simultaneously with the story of the content of the game. In the sports hall, as a marking for the game, you can use the marking lines of the playgrounds for sports games.

Stage 2. Organization of the players.

ñ the placement of the players and the place of the leader in explaining the game. Before explaining the game, it is necessary to arrange the participants in such a way that they can see and hear the leader well. In this case, the players should stand with their backs to the light source.

explanation of the game. It should be short and logical:

a) the name of the game

b) the role of the players and their location,

c) game progress

e) rules.

selection of leaders. You can do this in different ways:

a) by appointment of the head,

b) by lot,

c) at the choice of the players.

ñ distribution into teams, selection of team captains.

the allocation of assistants. Assistants chosen by the leader (these may be children who for some reason do not participate in the game) monitor compliance with the rules, take into account the results of the game, and distribute and arrange inventory.

Stage 3. Management of the game process.

The outcome of the game and the behavior of the players. The game starts on a prearranged signal. It is difficult for children to immediately remember all the rules of the game (especially if they play it for the first time), so during the game you need to remind them of them. If most of the players make the same mistake, the leader stops the game and makes corrections.

refereeing. The referee must find a place convenient for observation in order to see all the players and not interfere with them. Noticing violations of the rule, the judge gives a timely and distinct signal. He makes remarks without getting into arguments with the players. Comments and clarifications regarding refereeing must be made at the end of the game.

load dosage during the game. Intense loads must be alternated with rest. It should also be taken into account that with an increase in the emotional state, the load on the players in the game increases. To regulate the load, you can use short breaks, increase or decrease the size of the site, lengthen the distance of runs, divide the players into more subgroups, and increase the amount of inventory in the game.

the end of the game. The leader needs to finish the game when the children are not yet overworked and show interest in it. He forms groups of children and organizes the cleaning of inventory.

Stage 4. Summing up the game.

ñdetermining the results. When determining the results of the game, not only the speed, but also the quality of the performance of a particular task is taken into account.

parsing the game. When parsing, the details of the game are clarified, conflicts are settled. The debriefing helps the manager understand how much the game has been mastered, what the players liked and what needs to be worked on in the future.


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Tatyana Kovaleva
Consultation for educators "Organization of outdoor games with preschool children"

Consultation for educators

Organization of outdoor games with preschool children

The value of outdoor games

Outdoor games create an atmosphere of joy and therefore make the most effective complex solution of health, educational and educational tasks.

Situations on the playground, which are constantly changing, teach children to use motor skills and skills appropriately, ensuring their improvement. Naturally manifest physical qualities - speed of reaction, dexterity, eye, balance, skills of spatial orientation, etc.

The need to obey the rules and respond appropriately to the signal organizes and disciplines children, teaches them to control their behavior, develops intelligence, motor initiative and independence.

Outdoor games expand the general horizons of children, stimulate the use of knowledge about the world around them, human actions, animal behavior; replenish vocabulary; I improve mental processes.

Thus, outdoor games are an effective means of versatile development.

Classification of outdoor games

For convenience of practical use, outdoor games are classified. There are elementary outdoor games and sports games - basketball, hockey, football, etc. Outdoor games - games with rules. In kindergarten, mainly elementary outdoor games are used. Outdoor games are distinguished by their motor content, in other words, by the main type of movement that dominates in each game (games with running, games with jumps, etc.)

According to the figurative content, outdoor games are divided into plot and plotless. Story games are characterized by roles with motor actions corresponding to them. The plot can be figurative ("The Bear and the Bees", "Hares and the Wolf", "Sparrows and the Cat") and conditional ("Craps", "Running", "Fifteen").

In plotless games (“Find a mate”, “Whose link will build faster”, “Think of a figure”), all children perform the same movements. Round dance games constitute a special group. They pass under a song or a poem, which gives a specific shade to the movements.

Competitive games are distinguished by the nature of game actions. They stimulate the active manifestation of physical qualities, most often speed ones.

According to the dynamic characteristics, games of low, medium and high mobility are distinguished.

The kindergarten program, along with outdoor games, includes game exercises, for example, “knock down the skittle”, “Get in the circle”, “Overtake the hoop”, etc. They do not have rules in the generally accepted sense. The interest of the players is caused by attractive manipulations of objects. The smallest game exercises lead to games.

Game selection

When choosing a game, the educator refers, first of all, to the program according to which the institution works. Each game should give the greatest motor and emotional effect. Therefore, you should not select games with movements unfamiliar to children, so as not to slow down game actions.

The motor content of the games must be consistent with the conditions of the game. Games that run at speed, throw at a moving target, or throw at a distance have no effect indoors. It is also important to take into account the time of year and weather conditions. For a winter walk, for example, logical games are more dynamic. But sometimes the slippery ground interferes with the dodge run. In summer it is convenient to compete in fast running, but in hot weather it is better not to hold such competitions.

Regulates the choice of the game and its place in the daily routine. More dynamic games are advisable in the first half of the day, especially if it was preceded by classes with significant mental stress and a monotonous body position.

On a walk in the afternoon, you can play different games in terms of motor characteristics. But, given the general fatigue of children by the end of the day, you should not learn new games.

Methodology for outdoor games

Gathering children to play

First of all, you need to make the layout of the playground, prepare and place the necessary gaming equipment.

Gather children in the place of the playground from where the game actions will begin: in games with dashes - to the "house" at the short side of the playground, in games with building in a circle - to the center of the playground. The collection of children should be fast and interesting. Therefore, it is important to come up with collection techniques. They are different from the age of the children and their attitude to the game.

Older children love and know how to play. You can agree with them on the place and signal of the gathering long before the start of the walk. Young children do not accept such methods. Directly on the playground, older children can be collected with the help of barkers ("One! Two" Three "Play, run quickly!", "One, two, three, four, five! I call everyone to play!"). It is possible, in a separate form, to instruct individual children to collect the rest within the prescribed period (while the top is spinning, a melody sounds, attributes are placed). You can use non-standard sound and visual signals (sports whistle, bell bell, bunch of balloons, etc.) Effective and surprise moments: those who can run under a rotating rope will play, who will be able to slide along an icy track, etc.

The organization of kids requires great resourcefulness from the educator, because they still need to be taught to play, to form an interest in outdoor games.

Therefore, the educator, attracting the attention of the kids, defiantly plays the ball, accompanying the movement with verses: “My cheerful sonorous ball ...”, or spins by the arms with a birthday boy or a doll, singing: “Loaf, loaf”; or coming up to the children in a mysterious voice, he offers to see whose ears stick out behind the bush, and the house drawn on the site, where the teacher invites, looks like a real one - with a roof and a chimney ...

The methods of collecting children for the game must be constantly varied.

Creating interest in the game

Throughout the game, it is necessary to maintain the interest of children in it by various means in all age groups. But it is especially important to create it at the beginning of the game in order to give purposefulness to game actions. Techniques for creating interest in the game are closely related to the methods of collecting children. Sometimes it's the same. For example, an intriguing question for kids: “Do you want to be pilots? Run to the airfield."

Playing with attributes has a huge effect. For example, the teacher puts on a mask - a hat: “Look what a big clubfoot bear came to play with you ...”, or “Now I will put on a hat for someone, and we will have a bunny ... Catch him!” Or, "Guess who's hiding behind me?" - the teacher says, I manipulate the sounding toy.

In older groups, interest creation techniques are used mainly when the game is being learned. Most often, these are poems, songs, riddles, including motor ones) on the theme of the game, examining footprints in the snow or icons on the grass, by which you need to find those hiding, changing clothes, etc.

Game Explanation

The explanation of the game should be short and clear, interesting and emotional. All means of expression - voice intonation, facial expressions, gestures, and in story games and imitation, should find appropriate use in explanations in order to highlight the main thing, create an atmosphere of joy and give purposefulness to game actions. Thus, the explanation of the game is an instruction, and the moment of creating a game situation.

In the younger group, the explanation is carried out in stages, that is, in the course of game actions. It can take the form of a motor story. For example, the game "Airplanes": "The pilots are sitting on the bench, waiting for the command to go flying. Here comes the commander (the teacher puts on his cap): “Get ready to fly,” or the game “Sparrows and the Cat”: “The cat is lying on a bench, basking in the sun (gesture towards the toy). He really wants to catch some bird. And at this time, the sparrows spread their wings and flew off to look for grains ... "

Preliminary explanation in the middle and senior groups takes into account the increased psychological capabilities of children. This teaches them to plan their actions. Of fundamental importance is the sequence of explanation, similar to an arithmetic problem: first - a condition, then - a question. In practice, unfortunately, a common mistake is when the explanation begins with the assignment of the child to the main role, as a result of which the children's attention to the instructions falls, hence the failure in game actions. A similar incident occurs when children are given attributes before explaining the game. The sequence of explanation: name the game and its idea, briefly state the content, emphasize the rules, recall the movement (if necessary, distribute roles, distribute attributes, place players on the court, start playing actions.

If there are words, then you should not specifically learn them during the explanation, children will naturally remember them during the game.

If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explaining, you need to remember certain important points with them. the rest of the scheme of action by the educator is preserved.

Distribution of roles in the game

Roles determine the behavior of children in the game. The leading role is always a temptation. Therefore, during the distribution of roles, various conflicts occur.

the distribution of roles should be used as an opportunity for educating children's behavior. the choice for the main role should be perceived as encouragement, as trust, as the confidence of the educator that the child will fulfill an important assignment. Appointment to the main role is the most common technique. The choice of a teacher must be motivated. For example: “Children, let Sasha be the first trap. He has a birthday today. This is our gift to him. Do you agree? Or “Helen guessed the best riddle about our game. Let her appoint a fox ... "Or" Masha was the first to hear the barker and quickly ran. She will be an entertainer ... "

For appointment to a leading role, counting rhymes are often used. They prevent conflicts: whoever has the last word will drive. The counting rhymes are truly understandable to older children: everyone is jealously watching the counting hand. Therefore, it is impossible to divide words into parts. The rhyme must be impeccable in the pedagogical sense.

You can assign roles with the help of a “magic wand”, all kinds of turntables (spinning tops, hoops, skittles, etc.), etc.

All of these techniques are used, as a rule, at the beginning of the game. To appoint a new leader during the game, the main criterion is the quality of the execution of movements and rules. For example: “Vova ran to the bench faster than anyone. Now he will catch. Or “Children what Sveta is a good fellow: she easily dodged the wolf, and rescued Valya. Now she will be a wolf ... "

Game control

In general, control over the course of the game is aimed at fulfilling its program content. This determines the choice of specific methods and techniques.

The teacher needs to monitor the movements of preschoolers: encourage successful performance, suggest the best course of action, help by personal example. But a large number of comments about improper performance negatively affects the mood of children. Therefore, comments should be made in a friendly manner.

The same goes for the rules. Overwhelmed by a joyful mood or image, especially in story games, children break the rules. No need to reproach them for this, let alone exclude them from the game. It is better to praise the one who did the right thing. Weakened children especially need the benevolent reactions of the educator. Sometimes, having come up with a convenient excuse, some of them need to be excluded from the game for a while (for example, help the teacher hold the other end of the rope under which the "chickens" crawl).

The repetition and duration of the game for each age is regulated by the program, but the teacher must also be able to assess the actual situation. If children cough while running, it means they are tired and cannot catch their breath. You need to switch to another, more relaxed game.

An important point of leadership is the participation of the educator in the game. In the first junior group, the direct participation of the teacher in the game is mandatory, which most often plays the main role. In the second younger group in familiar games, the main role is entrusted to children. In the middle and senior groups, leadership is indirect. But sometimes the teacher participates in the game if, for example, according to the conditions of the game, an appropriate number of players is required.

The outcome of the game should be optimistic, short and specific. Kids need to be commended.

Variation and complication of outdoor games

Outdoor games - a school of movements. Therefore, as children accumulate motor experience, games need to be complicated. In addition, the complication makes well-known games interesting.

By varying the game, you cannot change the idea and composition of the game, but you can:

Increase the dosage (repetition and total duration of the game);

Complicate the motor content (sparrows do not run out of the house, but jump out);

Change the placement of players on the court (the trap is not on the side, but in the middle of the court);

Change the signal (instead of a verbal sound or visual);

Play the game in non-standard conditions (it is more difficult to run on the sand);

Complicate the rules (in the older group, those caught can be rescued; increase the number of traps), etc.

The place of play in the pedagogical process

Outdoor games are held daily in all age groups, outdoors and indoors; games are part of physical education classes, are used between classes, as a means of active recreation for children. Games are held at children's matinees, holidays, during leisure hours.

In the morning, during the collection, games of medium mobility are appropriate, which do not excite children (skittles, serso). During walking hours, games are held that are more diverse in content, with greater physical activity.

If before the walk there was a relatively “calm” activity, you can start the walk with a game. If the children are carried away by an interesting creative game, you do not need to interrupt it, but gather the children to play at the end of the walk. It happens that labor processes in the kindergarten area and creative games end quickly, children find it difficult to find something to do, then it is worth playing the game in the middle of a walk.

You can not play outdoor games just before bedtime, as they can excite children.

When choosing games, the physical fitness of the children of the group, the time of year, weather conditions, and the venue are taken into account. In the group room, children play in a limited area (“Guess by the voice”, “Find where it is hidden”, etc.) In cold weather, outdoor games should quickly warm the children, so a lot of physical activity is needed, although you cannot demand from all children the same pace of movement .

It is necessary to keep in mind the sequence, alternation of activities. If the children were sitting in the room, the game should give physical relaxation. If a physical education lesson was held with children, the games should be calm.

Games associated with excessive muscle tension and monotonous slow movements should be excluded. It is very important to select games that require diverse motor activities, so that their motor content is not repeated when performing other exercises. For example, if jumping was taught in the classroom, then there should be no jumps in the game. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, children cannot correctly pass the jump, their enthusiasm for the game interferes, on the other hand, such repetition creates the prerequisites for a one-sided, limited effect on the body.

Outdoor games place special demands on children's clothing and footwear. Clothing should be light, loose, shoes - lightweight.

The approximate average duration of the game is in the younger group - 5 - 6 minutes, in the middle - 6 - 8 minutes, in the senior - 6 - 10 minutes, in the preparatory group for school - 8 - 15 minutes (the total duration of the game is the time since the collection children for the game until it ends).

Physical activity in games is regulated by alternating running, jumping with walking. In addition, physical activity can be regulated by reducing the total duration and number of repetitions of the game, increasing or decreasing the playing area, changing the weight or size of inventory, changing the rules of the game, reducing or increasing the number of actions, introducing breaks, organizing a place to rest, changing the roles of players, etc. .

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