Organization of personnel work. How to organize work: tips for managers


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From this article you will learn:

  • What are the conditions for the formation of a cohesive team
  • What are the criteria for a cohesive team?
  • What activities and games bring the team together

Any leader cares about the microclimate in his organization. No one needs squabbles and strife that interfere with the effective operation of the company. Team cohesion is very important for both management and each employee. Agree, it’s nice to come to work and see smiling faces, to solve all current issues in the team constructively and calmly, and in case of a difficult situation, to know that they won’t drown you, but will lend a helping hand. A successful leader must have an idea of ​​how to unite a team, how to bring different people together, what methods of bringing people together into a team are generally accepted, because very often it is joint cohesive work that leads the company to success. Read about all this in our article!

When you need to create a cohesive team

  1. In the absence of the necessary and truthful information, there is always someone who comes up with the missing one himself, winds up the entire team, filling it with rumors and gossip. Such a situation is typical for organizations where corruption, abuse of power, non-transparency of the remuneration system, bonus payments, etc. reign. In such a situation, an expert method that optimizes personnel policy can help achieve the goal of rallying the team. The method, designed to rally the organization's team, is based on systematic monitoring with the involvement of HR professionals.
  2. Discord in the team is most often caused by the actual lack of control. Illiterate leadership management makes it possible to lack a clear distribution of roles and responsibilities, discipline, order and mutual respect. There is no way to bring people together. In such an environment, the unspoken rules and code of conduct in society are easily forgotten. Mini-groups appear with their informal leaders who manipulate people and conflict with each other. The purpose of such behavior is by no means aimed at increasing the efficiency of labor and the success of the enterprise. They only satisfy their own ambitions. All this leads first to the split of the team, then to the disintegration and, ultimately, to the complete division of the team.
  3. Illiterate team management gives rise to internal competition and dissatisfaction with each other. So it is also impossible to rally the team. A successful team leader must understand that competition is favorable only for the development of market relations, but not for relations between people working in the same team. It won't help bring the team together. Working on the principle of "carrot and stick", when the best get bonuses, ranks, bonus rewards, etc., and others get comments and fines, the team loses elementary trust in each other, mutual assistance, receiving in return hypocrisy, falsehood, obvious "setups" and covert sabotage. Many members of the team are forced in these conditions to forget about the principles, just to get an unsurpassed result, better than their colleagues. Teams with such internal relationships have long forgotten about the team spirit. The joint solution of complex issues in a constructive way in such a situation is almost impossible.
  4. In the absence of existing strategies aimed at the formation and development of an internal corporate culture, improving the microclimate in the group, uniting people with a single goal that is significant for each and everyone together.

Conditions for the formation of a cohesive team

Consider the basic conditions and criteria for the formation of a cohesive team. The team will become cohesive if:

  • the interests, views, values ​​and worldview of a larger number of team members coincide;
  • The team is of the same age group. It is difficult to combine fifty and seventeen-year-old members of the team into one group, it is possible only on mutual respect;
  • goodwill, acceptance of the opinion of another, general psychological safety should dominate in the team;
  • the whole team must conduct an active, emotionally rich joint activity aimed at obtaining a result that is significant for everyone;
  • the head of the team or its leader represents the behavior model of the most effective employee and colleague;
  • a successful leader is able to take special actions or activities to strengthen team cohesion;
  • there is another group of people or a collective that can be considered as rivals;
  • there is a person in the team who opposes himself to the team and is significantly different from the main number of its members.
  1. Purposefulness. The purposefulness of the team is called the desire for a common goal. unites group interest in the content of the goal put forward by this group, dictates collective social attitudes, beliefs, ideals. The degree of purposefulness can be determined by the following indicators:
    • the level of interest of group members in joint activities, in improving the microclimate of the team, mutual understanding between people, focusing on failure of positions in common activities and relationships;
    • relationship between these parameters;
    • correspondence of the goals of the individual and the team, their complementarity, inconsistency, similarity and difference.
  2. Motivation. This criterion determines the level of activity, interest and effective attitude (striving) to the common activities of all members of the team. applies to her. The activity and interest of each member of the group in the overall result, involvement in its achievement, the efforts made, the degree of satisfaction from participating in a common cause are indicators that determine motivation. .
  3. integrity or the commonality of a team is the unity of its members. Interconnection and interdependence between the members of the group determine the degree of their cohesion, compatibility, contingency, etc. It is possible to determine the degree of integrity of a particular team by analyzing the ratio between joint achievements and the total number of work performed, understanding which type of work dominates - joint or individual. This helps bring the team together.
  4. Structured determined by a clear and strict order of interaction. It regulates the functions, tasks, rights, duties and responsibilities among the members of the group. Thanks to this, the team is able, if necessary, to quickly divide into groups and subgroups, depending on the tasks to be solved and the goals set. Structuring is determined by the prevailing methods of redistribution of duties, through complementarity, safety net, duplication. Another important criterion is the method of distribution of responsibility - concentration, division, diffusion. Business relationships are also important. This helps bring the team together.
  5. Consistency team members determines their harmonious interaction, due to the presence of a common goal. Consistency can manifest itself to varying degrees at any stage of joint work. The degree of agreement or disagreement is determined by the dominance of methods for eliminating contradictions and divisive factors, the level of conflict between team members and typical behavior in conflict resolution. Coordination of actions helps to rally the team.
  6. organization characteristic of groups that are distinguished by orderliness, composure, subordination to the established order that regulates joint activities, the ability to strictly follow a pre-established plan (plannedness), manageability, including diligence and self-organization. Performance should be understood as the ability, frequency and style of performing external control actions. The self-organization of the team directly depends on the degree of its participation in its work and is characterized by the number of participants involved in management; the number of management actions carried out; leadership potential; the way the members of the group participate in management, etc. Organization helps to rally the team.
  7. Efficiency characterizes the degree of cohesion of the group in achieving a high result and the intended goal. This is an integral characteristic of the productivity, performance and efficiency of team work. Performance indicators require specifying the features of the group's work. High performance helps to unite the team.

Evgeny Kotov will reveal two topics on personnel management at , which will be held from 3 to 10 May in Turkey at the Rixos Premium Belek hotel.

How is the formation of a cohesive team

Building a cohesive team is a long process. Experts have identified a step-by-step methodology that includes five mandatory stages that should not be skipped or changed in their sequence. A successful manager must understand the importance of each of them, know that only the strict fulfillment of the requirements will help to unite the team at work.

Relationships begin with lapping. This is typical for any team, especially for newcomers who come to an already formed group. During this period, they pay special attention to each other, reveal the essence, demonstrating the strengths and weaknesses of their character, leadership abilities, conflict behavior, etc. The most important aspect of this period is the general characteristics of the selected contingent. The work of a professional psychologist, aimed at the formation of interpersonal relationships, taking into account all their features, helps to minimize the problems of the next stages. This helps bring the team together.

Next comes " conflict» stage. It should be understood that the occurrence of any conflicts is normal for any team. The ability to resist them and successfully resolve such situations is the key to creating a strong and cohesive team. At this stage, the formation of small subgroups and the selection of outsiders is acceptable. There may also be misunderstandings on the part of management and subordinates. Often the conflict stage ends with some dismissals - on the personal initiative of the employee or at the direction of the management.

The third stage experimental". The settlement and resolution of all significant internal conflicts leads to the inevitable growth of the potential of each employee and the entire group as a whole. This applies to both the personal plan and the work plan. This period is characterized by an uneven distribution of efforts, minor failures in work, however, in the end, the enterprise achieves greater results than at the initial stages. All this helps to unite the team.

creative stage comes after the successful completion of the first three. Leaders stand out and form around themselves a team of people who share their positions and opinions. At the first stages, employees could make a mistake in choosing a leader, but by this stage everything is clear to everyone, people know each other enough, and all assessments have already been made.

Mature team- the result of the fifth stage, the final one. The debate and disagreements that arise at this stage, which have formed especially often with the arrival of a new employee, are resolved extremely quickly and calmly, only positively affecting the work of the entire team. This is considered the highest aerobatics of rallying people, and every leader who wants to be successful should strive for this.

How to rally a team

  • Start a tradition it helps bring the team together

Think about it, it’s not in vain that kids watch their favorite cartoons several times. Psychologists say that they are pleased and attracted by the fact that the plot is known in advance. The child is comfortable knowing what is going to happen and nothing is uncertain or unexpected. Adult employees who daily solve some issues, invent and learn something, also dream of peace and comfort. Then the work will be better. There is nothing easier to solve this issue than the establishment of traditions. For example, you can start every morning with music or go to the pool every Wednesday with the whole team, communicate in English every Friday, celebrate holidays, birthdays together, attend various quests. All this unites people, makes them closer to each other, reveals their potential and is also a team building.

  • Get together it helps bring the team together

Try to bring all team members together. It doesn't matter how often it happens: once a month, week or day. It's important that this happens. Discuss achievements, successful results, share ideas, thoughts and doubts. People in the team must understand that their work is important, their opinion is heard. It is necessary to know the essence of the work of each member of the team, emphasize the importance of his participation in a common cause, share problems and find solutions together. It is not necessary to detail your work too much, you can simply point out problem areas, perhaps someone can easily help in these matters. This maximizes team performance, makes people united.

  • Corporate media helps bring the team together

Organizing the release of a corporate newspaper or magazine is the best opportunity to report the latest news to employees, make suggestions, celebrate achievements, including individual ones, and congratulate them on holidays and anniversaries. Holding an open day will serve to establish relationships between agencies and departments. In order to rally employees, you can initiate monthly events when each department in turn presents the importance of their work in a creative format.

  • Corporate rest helps bring the team together

Collective trips and joint vacations help to establish contact between employees. This increases the efficiency of each employee and the enterprise as a whole, because:

  • a change of scenery defuses any complications that have arisen in the team, helps to see each other in a different light and in different conditions;
  • non-standard situations help to look at employees in a completely different way;
  • relaxed atmosphere reveals the unexpected potential of each employee. People get to know each other better, discover common interests, learn new things about each other.

In order to rally the team, use such a type of corporate holiday as tourism: ordinary, adventure or even story. Any of the options is attractive and special, but all form a team spirit, unite people into one group with common interests and mutual respect. Thanks to a corporate holiday, all members of the team get to know each other again in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoy relaxing from routine work, absorb positive emotions, which is extremely useful for preventing burnout of emotions and reducing efficiency. That guarantees a cohesive work of the team.

  • Gamify it helps bring the team together.

One of the most significant trends of recent years is the use of principles and technologies specific to computer games to increase the involvement of consumers and users in any process. And this method works great for keeping people in the workflow. Make completing tasks, solving problems, or achieving milestones the goal or stages of the game - and here, the whole office is enthusiastically playing a quest called "Work". The system of rewards, badges, titles and skill levels turns any process into fun and, using a competitive spirit, drags gamers into its abyss headlong. According to analysts' forecasts, by 2017 about half of all companies will use gamification technologies in corporate governance, so do not delay the study and implementation of this method, otherwise you risk ending up in the sad and backward half of the global business community.

What activities bring the team together?

Holding collective events brings the employees together very much - joint celebration of holidays, participation in games and quests, psychological or game trainings that encourage people to actively interact with each other, moving towards a common goal. All these activities are united by the term "team building" - team building, methods that help to connect different people into one strong team. This helps bring the team together.

  • extreme team building helping to bring people together

The basis of extreme team building is the collective practice of extreme sports, involving some risky situations and a surge of adrenaline.

  1. Adventure racing

This is the most popular type of team building training, similar to adventure and extreme racing. The task of such an interesting team race is to overcome a certain distance with a variety of tasks and find checkpoints. Each team goes through several stages, each team has a minimum of 5, a maximum of 12 people. In an exciting way, employees from point to point go the distance, showing knowledge, ingenuity, the ability to act together and plan these actions. This is great for bringing the team together.

  1. Orientation as a way to bring a group of people together

Orienteering is a great sport. The team must find the required number of control points on the ground. A compass and a map with marked destinations are provided to help. Such trim building is able to reveal the leadership qualities of employees, the ability to help each other, the degree of conflict of a person and the level of his communication skills. One of the modern types of orienteering is jeep orienteering. The basic principles are the same as for a regular sport, only orienteering takes place in jeeps and in a deserted area. Drive and a sense of extreme helps to unite the team.

  1. Drop by helicopter fun way to bring a group of people together

Such a quest requires quite serious expenses for renting a helicopter, however, large companies conduct it for their top managers. The main meaning of such an adventure is to develop the ability of the staff to make quick decisions, focused on the most effective obtaining of the desired result, the ability to unite the team. It helps bring the team together. The essence of the quest is that several people are thrown by helicopter into a completely new area for them and left there. Their task is to get out on their own.

  1. Rafting as a way to bring a group of people together

What can definitely bring people together in one team is the conquest of the water element. Several employees are invited to raft down the river. This type of trimbuilding is not very popular in Russia and is rarely used in practice as an independent vacation. Such activities are extremely common in places where bamboo grows. It is not difficult for a large stable firm to organize a tourist trip to places where the local population would help the team build their own raft and go on a trip on it. Joint production of food, water, protection of the raft, overcoming obstacles can unite all participants.

  • intellectual team building, helping to bring people together

This technology can be presented in the form of quests, ethnic games, photo hunting, role-playing events, etc. The main thing is that there is an opportunity to show ingenuity and mental work. Such team building perfectly reveals the potential of the employee, all his talents and helps to rally people into a team.

  1. Quest in the city / Orientation in the city. This is the most popular quest in the opinion of modern marketers. He has a bright future in terms of demand. The organization of a certain competition, puzzles, rich internal communication of the group, the manifestation of all creative potentials.
  2. Photonavigation/Photohunting. A great opportunity to show intelligence, change the environment and relax. Landmarks in this quest are photographs and images of noteworthy places in the city. It is necessary with the help of gadgets, including the Internet and a mobile phone, to be in the right place at the right time.
  3. Made by hand. A great idea for employees to show creative thinking and a creative approach. It is necessary to invite the staff of the team, especially those who work in offices and receive everything ready-made, to create something with their own hands. Such technology relieves tension and fatigue, switching people to something new, requiring a completely different approach and actions.
  4. Architecture and painting. It is interesting to everyone and always. A joint visit by the whole team of an exhibition or a temple turns into an educational vacation, helps to get to know colleagues from a different side and unite employees. Interesting conversations, discussions on topics not related to work are possible, which also positively affects the emotional state of the team. You can add participation in various master classes to the program, for example, during the restoration of a temple or work.
  5. Ancient Russian crafts. Antiquity always attracts people with its development history, the development of crafts is especially interesting. Chasing, forging, wood carving, embroidery, mead making, etc. You can choose for every taste a common activity for the team, unobtrusively learn a new skill for almost everyone, identify talents and plunge into the past century for some time. Shared passions and common interests help bring the team together.
  6. Last Hero. Thanks to the creation of extreme situations provided for by this type of team building, all the negative aspects of the team members, the degree of conflict of each of them, the tendency to create or destroy are easily identified.
  • creative team building, helping to bring people together

Unlike extreme team building, creative team building more subtly helps to rally the team, effectively solving most of the collective tasks and issues. Creative team building is able to increase the level of trust in the team, build communications, distribute roles, strengthen emotional cohesion, and determine the common goal. In Russia, this is still a rather unfamiliar technology, but its prospects are undeniable.

  1. Theatrical. Try to attract a professional director to stage a play chosen jointly, in which all the roles are occupied by the staff of the team. An exciting activity for all participants and spectators is able to colossally unite people with a common goal and interest, and make interaction with each other habitual.
  2. Musical. Create your musical group. It may simply be an ensemble consisting of musically gifted employees who own instruments and have vocal abilities. Or a brass band performing works, where the solo parts of each member are combined into the most beautiful collective works. The most popular in Russia are folklore ensembles, groups of musicians playing African musical instruments, and jazz groups. A common interest will help bring people together.
  3. dance teambuildings cheer up, improve the emotional component of the microclimate of the team, making it more united. Dance all together, go ice skating together in winter, participate in various competitions, and the team will become united, people will be closer to each other, the attitude towards their work and the company will improve.
  4. Historical team building. When composing an event for your team, add historical notes to its plot. It can be any plot or an interesting historical fact. You can try to hold, for example, knightly battles, Pioneer Day or a Viking campaign. Create a great opportunity to rally the team with the brightest new emotions and unexpected experiences.
  5. Military. Now many are fond of paintball. A kind of game "Zarnitsa", with a military atmosphere, artifacts, abandoned training grounds. A common goal, collective planning of actions make this team game the best way to rally people.
  6. Literary team building. Arrange themed literary readings. They don't have to be long. You can read interesting articles to each other for five to ten minutes every morning. You can compete departments for the best article of the week. All this unites, distracts, provides an opportunity to relax for a while and helps to unite employees with a common hobby.
  7. Movie team building. Create your movie. It can be timed to coincide with any date, anniversary or professional holiday. Each employee of the team will contribute, play their role, and joint viewing will improve the mood and help unite the team even more.
  8. Culinary team building. Arrange a joint dinner after a culinary duel. You can make teams from departments or separate groups. Let people surprise everyone with their culinary talents. Collective cooking and eating dishes incredibly brings people together. A change of scenery and activities helps to relieve fatigue, get positive emotions and unite people into a team.

Advice from an Expert - Job and Career Consultant

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A manager who needs to properly organize the work of the team entrusted to him must have not only special knowledge, but also knowledge of psychology in order to optimally distribute duties and achieve maximum labor productivity from each employee. Just follow these simple step by step tips and you will be on the right track in your work and career.

Quick step by step guide

So, let's get down to action, tuning in to a positive result.

Step - 1
Study the work of the department entrusted to you, familiarize yourself with the methods and technologies used in the work, consider how they can be improved. Break the whole process into technological blocks that can be assigned to different groups of people. Decide what you have as input and what you want as output. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Get to know the people in your department better. Determine the actual degree of competence and experience of each. Take a closer look at their character and behavior, study psychotypes. Knowing this, you will be able to predict how this or that employee will behave in different situations, what work can be entrusted to him so that it is most suitable for him and corresponds to his psychotype. Design working groups with this in mind, in which everyone will complement their colleagues psychologically in order to optimize work processes. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
Talk to each of your employees, explain how important their work and creativity is in the technological chain that your department performs. Tell us about the hopes that you place on him, outline the prospects. Your employees should feel that a lot depends on them, that they can participate in discussions in which final decisions are made. This is one of the most powerful incentives for every employee. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
Your task is to unite all your subordinates into a single team so that everyone has a zone of their responsibility, and everyone feels the importance of the task they perform. Hold regular meetings in the department so that the work process is discussed and everyone's work is visible. In this case, the colleagues themselves will not allow one of the employees to work badly or poorly. Having done this, we move on to the next steps.

Step - 5
Motivate your employees and reward them fairly financially. Everyone should be sure that the cost of his work directly depends on the quality of work. Do not flatter your vanity by encouraging flatterers, do not get favorites. This will contribute to a calm, working environment in your department and will have the most positive impact on productivity.
We hope the answer to the question - How to organize the work of the team - contained useful information for you. Good luck in your work and career! To find the answer to your question, use the form -

Formulate a task, appoint performers and a responsible person, monitor the implementation - this is how you can briefly formulate the task of any leader. This is true for organizations of all sizes, from a small private firm to a huge transcontinental corporation. Moreover, even when it comes to the work of one person, he acts exactly according to the same principle: he designates a task, appoints himself as a performer, and controls the process of solving this task himself.

The key to successful team work is its organization. When it comes to a small group of people and not particularly complex tasks, the phone, address book and e-mail are sufficient tools for coordinated work. But now the organization is growing, the tasks are becoming more complex and global, the number of people involved in the process of working on projects is growing and at one fine moment it becomes clear that the “work mess” is turning into chaos and some automation of business processes is required, the introduction of a well-thought-out management system .

Phone is good, but phone calls are forgotten. The diary is great, but its entries are only available to its owner. A board that writes down everything that is related to the project helps out, but does not allow you to cover all the tasks and all the connections within the team. The solution to the problem suggests itself. A unified system for task management is needed. A certain software product that could become a comprehensive tool for business management.

Such software exists. Alas, in our country it has not yet gained wide popularity, but large companies have been using software solutions for quite a long time to organize the work of individual departments or the entire company. Access to the system is carried out from the workplaces of employees or via the Internet. Everything that is related to the work, one way or another, is displayed in the program.

The easiest way to understand how this works is with some illustrative example. Let's say a company has received a task to develop a website. The responsible manager logs into the task management system and creates a new project. The project specifies the necessary information, terms of reference, customer requirements, customer contact details, etc. The manager gives orders to the designer and programmer, indicating the deadlines. If a group of programmers is working, then one of them is assigned responsibility. There can also be a discussion of individual issues related to the project, large tasks can be divided into small ones, and adjustments can be made. Execution control system allows you to track the progress of tasks at each individual moment of time, to maintain strict control over the timing of the execution of instructions.

The habit of conducting all projects in electronic form is the key to the well-coordinated and competent work of the team. The business process management system eliminates the need to find out who is responsible, by what date the project needs to be completed, which of the employees is responsible for one or another part of the work. The result of the implementation of the management system is meeting deadlines, a high level of employee responsibility, satisfied customers and, as a result of all this, an increase in the company's profit.

Managerial work requires a very careful approach to the organization of work. Why is this necessary and how is it implemented? – Correct work organization allows you to rationally spend vital energy for the organization and have its reserves in order to enjoy life, to fully use the opportunities that are due to financial success. What is the right organization of work?- The correct organization of work begins with the correct organization of the workplace and the culture of communication, the culture of negotiations, the ability to focus on the main thing, weed out the unnecessary and many more simple but important rules. And if you organize your work process correctly, you will work with pleasure, have the opportunity to fully relax, have diverse interests, but if you do not have the correct organization of work, then, and most likely, due to the exorbitant burden of many unresolved problems, the limit of your dreams, there will be a desire to get to bed to relax and forget about a hard day at work.

Why so categorically? - To illustrate, let's look at some examples from life, opinions and misconceptions about managers at all levels and how this is related to the proper organization of work. For example, workers who work physically, for the most part, believe that this work is very easy and simple - turn on the air conditioner, sit in a chair and answer calls. Some of them, after pushing themselves and having received a higher education, with such conviction go to office work, and if they do not have a systematic approach to organizing work, they will be deeply disappointed. If earlier, while working physically in the fresh air, strengthening their muscles and nervous system, they felt only physical fatigue when they came home, after office “turnover”, they felt empty, exhausted. This is evidenced by many who have replaced physical labor with mental, office work, stating only a fact and not saying or not knowing what the reason is, and the reason for this is the wrong organization of work.

What does a typical working day of a leader, a top manager look like? - Constant phone calls, mail and messages with many problems, the need to make complex, quick decisions, the queue at the reception - partners with business proposals, subordinates - with problems. And also planning meetings, meetings, calls “on the carpet”. And if this process is left to take its course, then without the proper organization of work, many problems will not be properly resolved, debts will accumulate in cases that will have to be resolved at the expense of personal time. Physical labor in production is regulated by many instructions, rules, laws, is controlled by labor protection services, commissions, committees of all levels, i.e. labor protection, safety measures are organized at the state level.

“And this is right, and it cannot be otherwise,” as Mikhail Sergeyevich liked to say, it is wrong that such an approach to mental work is practically absent. Your safety precautions, as a leader, are a systemic organization of work. Let's look at this with specific examples. The organization of work begins with the choice, arrangement of the office, workplace. What is the main criterion? – Creation of the most comfortable working conditions, without frills, pretentiousness, because antiques, art objects that require additional protection, careful handling, complicate your life, reduce the concentration of attention at work. Figuratively speaking, a set of exclusive furniture will in no way help you avoid a collapse in business, but you can earn millions sitting at the table produced by a local furniture artel.

Plan the location of your workplace in advance in order to eliminate as much as possible inconveniences that negatively affect your emotional state and reduce the possibility of proper organization of work. Here is a list of additional factors on which the effectiveness of the organization of work depends:

If it is possible to independently decide on the layout of the office (at the stage of construction or reconstruction), make a list of the necessary equipment and furniture in advance (even for planned purchases), provide for the necessary space for this, decide on the laying of communications, placement and connection of equipment, the location of the main and auxiliary premises;

High-quality lighting contributes to comfort, and therefore you can approach the organization of work more carefully, but if the workplace is located next to the window, you must avoid direct sunlight, drafts, and if you do not have enough windows next to the workplace, hang bright curtains or a picture there with good scenery;

Avoid locating your office next to a toilet close to sources of noise.

Doing business involves numerous business connections, contacts, and this direction requires a certain rigidity in organizing work to develop business cooperation. If you allow yourself to be drawn into questionable offers, you will lose a lot of time and nerves. And it all starts with a single polite answer. Develop a system and a reasoned response strategy, develop the habit of strictly adhering to it so as not to involve yourself in endless negotiations and meetings, i.e. learn to say a firm "no".

Another obstacle to the proper organization of work can be the unproductive use of time. - Arrange a meeting or negotiations "after lunch, in the morning." As a result, 5-6 hours pass in useless waiting, useless, bringing confusion and disorder into the process of organizing work. The recommendation is obvious - you need to negotiate "purely specifically", indicating the exact time, you can do it without seconds :)

Let's take a closer look at one of the important components of the proper organization of work, as a culture of telephone conversations, because. its low level translates into a loss of working time at the level of 25-30% and this is the largest indicator of all factors that reduce the efficiency of work organization. The inability to prepare for a telephone conversation, clearly formulate your thoughts, value your time and the time of the interlocutor, also negatively affects your image, the reputation of your company. For example, in firms with high requirements for the organization of work, an employee who is not able to solve problems or find an acceptable solution in 2-3 minutes of a telephone conversation will certainly be fired. It follows that the telephone conversation should be brief.

Here are some rules for organizing work in terms of telephone communication in the office:

Pick up the phone after the second or third beep of the phone - no one likes to wait;
pick up the phone, introduce yourself, the person calling you has the right to know who he is talking to, in addition, this introduces an element of trust into the conversation. The words "hello, I'm listening" are neutral, uninformative;
do not use scraps of paper for notes, sheets - use a special notebook for this;
make sure that your questions to the interlocutor do not turn into an interrogation: “Who is this, what is needed?”;
don't "kick" the problem: "Not my question, it can't be, you made a mistake." Help a person figure it out and he will feel like a debtor, and this is already an opportunity for new contacts, a more efficient organization of work.

Never answer a question with the phrase “I don’t know”, much more effective in terms of proper organization of work: “Interesting, unexpected question, let me clarify.” Your job is to know, don't undermine the credibility of your firm.

Do not refuse a client or counterparty “having slashed from the shoulder” - he will go to a competitor, it is much more productive to take time to think about options for cooperation - your business will only benefit from this, confirming that there are no trifles in the organization of work.

Never say the word "no" at the beginning of an answer - this makes it very difficult to solve the problem. To refuse something, expressing disagreement, always try to find a less conflicting option. For example: “We do not have the opportunity ... but we are ready ...”, Your organization of work with this approach will be more productive.

If a client contacts you, avoid the wording: “You must ...”, as a rule, he does not owe you anything, so choose less categorical answers: “It would be more acceptable ..., it suits you more ...” - this will be more correct communication with the client in the context of the proper organization of work in the office.

If you are having a personal conversation with one of the visitors, do not give preference to the caller on the phone if the level of the problem or the essence of the question does not significantly exceed the essence of the conversation - this borders on disrespect. And if the organization of work in your company is at the proper level, then your secretary must be qualified to solve this problem on his own.

It will be right if the caller ends the conversation, the caller is not recommended to demonstrate his impatience, provided that this conversation does not go beyond the expediency, both in content and in duration. In order not to offend an overly talkative interlocutor and end the conversation delicately, develop and strictly adhere to a polite exit strategy from an unwanted conversation. There are many options, but the universal recommendation can be as follows - in the first part of the phrase you emphasize in every possible way the importance of this topic, the professionalism of the interlocutor, and the second is a great regret that you cannot continue such a meaningful conversation due to urgent matters, circumstances (there are many options ).

The organization of work, its effectiveness largely depends on your ability to correctly stop encroachments on your time. By and large, this is the most pernicious type of theft, because. money stolen from you can be returned somehow, but stolen time - never. Remember this. For example, I experience something similar to physical discomfort when they try to drag me into empty chatter or state the essence of the issue, prefixing it with a phrase of this type: “When mammoths still walked the Earth ..., I physically feel that minutes, seconds are wasted ineptly, they are simply deleted from life, so I ask leading questions, politely, unobtrusively move on to the topic of interest to me - as a rule, the interlocutor recalls that he also has similar interests. With understanding, without offense, we agree.

Organization of work is impossible without its planning. This also applies to telephone conversations. Never pick up the phone without thinking it through in detail, and in especially important, difficult cases - without drawing up a thesis plan for the upcoming conversation.

The statement that a daily work plan is a mandatory component of an effective work organization may seem controversial - there are people for whom, allegedly, this does not suit at all, circumstances and situations often change, etc. Unfortunately, in this matter a compromise is impossible - there must be a plan for organizing the work for the day, if you want to avoid unproductive loss of time, unnecessary work. The work plan for the day is not a rigid structure that does not allow you to adequately respond to changes in external and internal factors. On the contrary, a plan for organizing work for the day is a way that makes it possible to navigate in trends, directions of changing events, circumstances.

The plan for organizing the work for the day must be in writing (on a paper form, notepad, laptop). Be sure to review it regularly throughout the day. It will take several minutes, but you will get the opportunity to control, manage the workflow, correctly determine priorities, do not forget anything, and make the necessary adjustments. You should plan the organization of work for the day taking into account the priority of each new task, for which it is necessary to evaluate each task in terms of urgency and importance. Based on personal experience, I can recommend the following gradation of task priority:

1.) Important and urgent.
2.) Important, not urgent.
3.) Urgent, not important.

4.) Not urgent, not important.

Effective organization of work is the ability to highlight the main areas, tasks, focusing maximum efforts on them, instead of spraying them on many ordinary tasks. This recommendation stems from the Pareto rule, which states that 80% of successful results come from 20% of effort.

Now let's look at a systematic approach that will help you cope with large amounts of information, avoid stress, reduce the efficiency of your work. The key to this is the proper organization of work with documents. First of all, it is necessary to divide the incoming information according to the level of value, for example: important, urgent, additional. The correct organization of work in this case is that your efforts are concentrated on the main directions. Instruct the secretary or assistant to review all documents and not to hand over to you those of them that can be reviewed in the usual way by your subordinates. Do not give out your business cards unreasonably to reduce the flow of "waste paper", exclude yourself from the mailing list of internal documents that are not related to your duties, but reduce the efficiency of the organization of work.

Decision-making is a creative process for every leader and in practical terms, its completion means that this is just the beginning of organizing work to implement the decision. To make a decision, you need to decide on the answers to the following questions: why is this decision being made, what goals do I want to achieve, do I have the necessary information to make it and organize work on execution, what are the costs of money and time, what are the options for the decision to be made?

– There is always a temptation to consider the most attractive option at first glance and your attention is fixed only on it, to the detriment of other possibilities. Take your time, analyze all the options, so as not to make adjustments at the stage of organizing work to implement the solution. Even the most brilliant decisions can fail if you don't convey your conviction to the performers. The basic principles for organizing effective persuasion, attracting supporters, is that you should do it from the perspective of the audience, establishing an atmosphere of trust by setting out an analysis and a clear plan for implementing the solution, emphasizing the benefits of future results.

A lot has been said and written about meetings that are convened for any reason, without bringing a visible effect, and the loss of time is enormous, and if there is a loss of time, then there are opportunities to improve the organization of work. Why are some people so eager to attend meetings? – This is supposedly a kind of recognition of their importance, involvement with the “top level”, this is an opportunity to impress management, colleagues, meetings, as it were, protect you from accumulated problems, phone calls, i.e. meetings are an atmosphere of relative inaccessibility. What do we get from meetings? – Exchange of information, opinions, analysis and promotion of various ideas, the need to motivate employees.

When considering the prospect of convening a meeting, always try to answer the question - what will be the end result? - After all, more effective methods of organizing work on bringing information, exchanging opinions have long been known, and at meetings, as a rule, everyone listens, but the first persons speak. Creative meetings, "brainstorming" is also not always more effective than individual creativity - this is evidenced by recent studies. Meetings on targeted motivation of the team often lose when the emphasis is on individual mentoring and training.

Why is a well-organized office work so important? - It makes it possible to win 2-3 hours from the turnover and chaos for creative work, self-development, rest, i.e., figuratively speaking, your day will not have 24 hours, but 26-27 hours.

Do not take this article as a ready-made instruction for organizing office work. This is just material, which sets out the essence of the problem, its individual directions, solutions. The diversity and scope of your knowledge of this topic is huge and they depend on your personal experience, the level of knowledge in many areas, from management to psychology.

Work with employees is one of the most important parts in the organization of any company. For companies that develop and implement products in the field of IT technologies or the web, it is important to be able to competently hire staff, motivate them and fire them. All this adds up to a single system for organizing the work of employees. Here you need to be a bit of a psychologist in order to be able to properly resolve all the situations that have developed in the team, as well as to competently manage the staff.

The task of the company's management is to motivate employees to achieve the goals of the company. If the company does not have goals, then the employees will not have them. In order to properly organize the work of employees, the company needs to be guided by certain principles, introduce various methods into management that will bear fruit.

So, let's look at 10 ways to build a motivated and strong team in a company that will be super productive and will be able to earn for the company much more than the average in the market.

1. Understanding the purpose of employees. Uncertainty does not bring anything good. If a person does not know where he needs to move, he will most likely stand and think what to do? Uncertainty in a company can ruin many good endeavors. If you do not inspire confidence as a company, you do not have a vision of why you are doing all this, then most likely your employees will not stay long. especially promising. Because they will strive to where they can grow. Growing and defining the company's roadmap is what employees need to be clear about. Develop a career advancement system for employees. When hiring a person, do not leave him in the dark about what awaits him in terms of salary, responsibilities, opportunities, and so on. Also, your company must have a purpose. Let employees know it. For example, sell 100 units of products next month. Goals should motivate. So if we're selling 98 units this month and we sold 96 last month, then a goal of 100 units is unlikely to be exciting. Raise the bar to 120, or even better, to 150 units. That's when you'll have something to work on!

2. With a clear goal in mind, an employee will always do a much better job. In addition to the main goals in the form of achieving one big result, the company should also have motivating goals that would encourage employees to achieve high-quality intermediate results. And these intermediate results should be rewarded so that employees are better motivated. In addition, it is worth visualizing how you want to reward employees. For example, you can promise them a trip to Europe or any other motivating prizes and gifts when they fulfill a certain sales plan.

The main thing in this principle is the celebration of victories when intermediate results are achieved. You can create a motivated and successful team of employees in the office by successfully applying this principle in your business.

3. Use what you have learned in your projects. Very often, employees and company management are faced with the fact that there is a lot of incoming information, but the real result from its consumption is practically not visible. You should understand that all the information that comes to you should either be used by you, or you should not waste time on it! How often do many people spend half a day reading email, browsing social media accounts, and so on, while valuable human time is wasted, and work efficiency is reduced. The inability to adequately respond to information, not to view that part of the data that you do not need, is one of the important qualities of a productive employee. And if you have already decided that you will still study some of the information, then do it in such a way that any data can be used for the benefit of the company. In other words, you learned something, so put it into practice!

It is best, of course, to avoid the flow of information as much as possible. Do you spend a lot of time on mail and news? You have serious productivity problems. First, if your work is already connected to a computer and a monitor, then your productivity with hours of work will decrease. Since you have low physical activity, you will do less in the same period of time. So better limit your time on social media and the time you spend writing. Try to consume only the information that can be useful to you during working hours. Use what you learn in your work. Teach this to your employees.

4. Limit the number of information flows. And also monitor the quality of incoming data. This is very important from a productivity point of view. Firstly, when consuming only the information that can be useful to you, you willy-nilly will improve your working skills and abilities. If you exclude all the husks such as news and off-topic articles from the daily information menu, you can not only increase the productivity of employees, but also significantly increase their competence and educational level. Try also to limit the number of information flows. So you will be less tempted to be distracted by activities that are not related to work, as well as read and watch everything that willy-nilly comes to hand.

5. Healthy eating and activity of your employees. If there is a healthy atmosphere in the office, you will be surprised at how much more productive your employees are. Promoting a healthy diet among your own employees, as well as giving them the opportunity to play sports in between work, allows you to much more motivate each individual employee to perform their duties. It has long been proven that if a person alternates mental work with physical work, then he works more productively. Also, a healthy diet can reduce the risk of morbidity among employees and simply increase brain activity, as well as perseverance and productivity.

6. Efficient use of working time. Each of your employees has the potential to increase their productivity by at least 25 percent. Think about how you can reduce the amount of time your employees spend talking on the phone, talking to each other, and so on. Time management training usually helps a lot. By the way, any intensive training can be used as an illustration of how important it is to work quickly, efficiently, in any team and in almost any conditions. When you come to a training, there is no time left to talk to someone, write letters and messages to someone that have nothing to do with work. If only it were like this at work! You can at least partially organize such a process in your office if you conduct several trainings on time management and explain to employees why they need to work as efficiently as possible and how this will affect their salary.

7. Share secrets with each other. This refers to professional secrets that can help you all do your job more efficiently. You can create an atmosphere of trust in the company, working in which the productivity of each employee increases. At the same time, professional secrets are important not only from the point of view of informativeness, but also from the point of view of providing each employee with the opportunity to act as a lecturer, teacher, adviser, and so on. Choose a format that is convenient for you in which each of the participants can share what they have learned. You will see that the employees have become much friendlier, and that everyone will have an increased level of perception of the work they are doing.

8. Nurture synthetic employees. These are people who can do almost everything in your company. Naturally, there are such specific items as legal or accounting services. But, if desired, this work can be outsourced, and in your company you can only deal with what brings in income, that is, the production, sale of the product. Almost any company can bring up a so-called synthetic employee who will perform many different interesting functions. What does it give the company? Productivity at work, because switching from one activity to another often increases productivity. It also makes it possible to reduce the need for personnel such as secretaries and office managers, whose functions and roles in the company are very often blurred. Thirdly, by raising a synthetic worker who has an idea of ​​how the company works and what makes money, you will be less exposed to the risks of incurring losses due to the fact that one of the employees quits.

It will also become possible for the company to establish a work structure that will not depend much on the number of staff, but will largely depend on the labor organization system that you can build. This is the key to the company's success.

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