Organize safety training. Training of employees on labor protection within the organization


All categories of workers should be trained in labor protection. Violations of this law are subject to severe penalties. How to properly organize the educational process - we will tell in the article.

Read in the article:

Labor protection: training

The employer is obliged to timely train employees on labor protection and check their knowledge (). If an employee has not been trained in labor protection, he is not allowed to perform duties. If this happened through the fault of the organization, the missed time is paid to him as for a simple one (, art. 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

As a rule, the training procedure includes:

  • familiarization with safe methods and techniques for performing work;
  • first aid training.

In addition, the employer is obliged to organize a test of knowledge of the requirements of OT ().

Organization of labor protection training

Some categories of employees must study in labor protection in training organizations of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection. These include, in particular:

  • employers (heads of companies, entrepreneurs);
  • deputy heads in charge of OT issues;
  • engineering and technical specialists supervising the work;
  • specialists of services, members of labor protection commissions;
  • organizers and leaders of production practice;
  • proxies of trade unions, other representative bodies of employees (Order No. 1/29).

Today, the only training organization for federal executive bodies in Russia is the Ministry of Labor of Russia. In the process of preparing for OT, they conduct lectures, seminars, interviews, individual or group consultations, and business games. In addition, you can use elements of self-study, modular, and computer programs, as well as study remotely (Order No. 1/29).

Training of personnel on labor protection at the enterprise is carried out according to programs approved by the employer. These programs are developed on the basis of labor protection programs approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor on May 17, 2004.

In addition, the following documents are required:

  • regulation on the order of training and knowledge testing.

At the enterprise, OT training programs are developed by the heads of structural divisions with the participation of an OT specialist (service). Training programs are approved by the employer in agreement with the representative of the trade union (if any).

Training organizations, on the basis of exemplary curricula and programs of the Ministry of Labor, develop and approve working curricula, programs in agreement with the relevant federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of labor protection (Order No. 1/29).

On the basis of exemplary curricula and programs of Mitruda, organizations also develop and approve their curricula. To do this, exemplary programs are supplemented with the missing thematic sections, abstracts, educational materials that are relevant for a particular position (profession) or type of work performed. Correct or delete inappropriate sections.

In order to develop your own program, you can use the following documents:

  • Approximate training program, ;
  • Exemplary curricula,;
  • Approximate training programs on OT for certain categories of insured, ;
  • Model Program (for business leaders, members of commissions for knowledge testing),

When compiling training programs, intersectoral rules, standard instructions and other regulatory legal acts containing the requirements of OT are used.

The programs include information on:

  • about the basics of labor protection,
  • basics of OT management at the enterprise,
  • features of ensuring the requirements of labor protection and safety of production activities,
  • protection of victims of accidents at work, .

The specific duration of training programs is not established by law. When changing local acts, rules on labor protection, other regulations, they must be amended.

In addition to the program itself, it is necessary to develop a thematic curriculum. As a basis, you can take Exemplary plans for training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements (). The thematic plan, as a rule, is a separate table. It indicates the list of topics studied and the number of hours for each topic.

In addition, you need to draw up examination cards for employees. They are made strictly according to the curriculum. The tickets should not contain those that are not in the curriculum.

The training organization and the employer are responsible for the quality of training in labor protection and the implementation of approved programs. If the organization does not have an approved training program (or a copy of the program in which the employees were trained in the training center), then the employer will not be able to confirm the completion of the OSH course by the employees. For admission to work of such employees, the inspector may impose the following fines (Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation):

  • for officials - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • for entrepreneurs - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • Order No. 1/29). The order and frequency of this event depend on the category of employee. For managers and specialists, it is carried out at least once every three years, for employees of working professions - at least once a year.

    Extraordinary examination is held in certain cases, for example:

    • with changes in technological processes;
    • when transferring, when an employee has new responsibilities;
    • with a break in work for more than one year;
    • when establishing violations by the employer on labor protection;
    • with insufficient knowledge of the requirements of OT;
    • after accidents that have happened.

    Such rules are established in Procedure No. 1/29.

    At the enterprise, the theoretical knowledge of the labor safety requirements, the practical skills of the safe work of blue-collar employees are checked by their immediate supervisors. Employees must be aware of the requirements of the rules and regulations, and, if necessary, special safety requirements (Order No. 1/29).

    To conduct a knowledge test, a commission is created, which should include at least three people. Members of the commission must study and pass an exam in labor protection at the training center.

    The commission may include:

    • heads of the company and structural divisions;
    • OT service specialists;
    • chief specialists (for example, technologist, mechanic, power engineer);
    • representatives of the trade union, other representative bodies of employees (Order No. 1/29).

    The results of checking the knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees are drawn up in a protocol, the form of which is approved. Employees who successfully pass the exam receive a certificate in the form approved. The chairman of the commission must sign the certificate and certify it with the seal of the organization.

    If the employee has not passed the knowledge test, he is obliged to do it again no later than one month (Order No. 1/29). Training organizations check the knowledge of only those employees whom they have trained (Order No. 1/29).

Occupational health and safety is an important state task, and therefore the attitude towards it is serious. The legislator has developed norms and standards that guarantee the safety of human life.
. Occupational safety training is a mandatory procedure for representatives of various professions. It must be passed:
. Heads of enterprises, their deputies, who are charged with supervising OT issues, deputy. chief engineers and employers and other persons who are engaged in business;
. Specialists, managers, engineers involved in the organization, management and performance of work at various workplaces and production units, control and technical supervision of their implementation;
. Teachers of educational institutions of various directions and additional vocational education, i.e. teachers of educational disciplines related to the study of the versatile requirements that apply to labor protection;
. Leaders and organizers who are engaged in the implementation of the practical training of students;
. Specialists working in labor protection services, personnel assigned by employers with duties on labor protection, as well as members of commissions (committees) on labor protection, trusted (authorized) persons on labor protection of trade unions and other representative bodies;
. Specialists working in federal bodies or executive bodies. OT authorities;
. Professionals working in executive bodies. authorities, members of commissions involved in testing knowledge of OT requirements;
. Personnel of local self-government bodies on OSH;
. Members of the commissions who test knowledge of the regulatory requirements of OT;
. Representatives of working professions employed in various parts of the production process.

For heads of enterprises and all specialists of organizations, it is allowed to undergo compulsory training on labor protection requirements, followed by testing the acquired knowledge directly at enterprises and organizations in which commissions have been created and operate that have the authority to test knowledge in the field of labor protection requirements.

This norm is provided due to the fact that it is often extremely difficult for managers to break away from the production process for a long time. Therefore, they are allowed to study directly at the enterprise.

When organizing training of personnel on labor protection, it is necessary to use regulatory documents that have been developed and approved by authorized state bodies.

Help and knowledge on OT can also be obtained at the Razvitie training and consulting center, which has all the necessary accreditations and licenses. During its existence, the center has gained vast experience in teaching, which allows it to provide various high-quality services.

In this article, we will look at labor protection training at enterprises: which categories of workers are required to undergo labor protection training within the organization, how does labor protection training for managers and specialists differ from the training of workers who control training.

Training employees on labor protection in the organization is one of the most important aspects of labor protection. In the course of labor protection training at enterprises, workers receive the necessary knowledge and skills to work safely, which will help them maintain their health and ability to work.

The main parameters of training on labor protection within the organization

Training on labor protection within the enterprise is characterized by:

1. Regulatory documentation establishes clear deadlines for all types of work, as well as for workers working professions. These deadlines are strictly observed.

2. narrow focus. In the course of training, workers receive knowledge only in their specialties, professions, and types of work. At the same time, they are not given any information “for general development”.

3. Variability. Legislation has a democratic attitude to the format of training in safety requirements. It can be carried out in the classical lecture/practice format, as a seminar, consultation, using automated methods (computer programs, simulators, simulators) and even remotely. The main thing is that the level of knowledge of employees is sufficient for the safe performance of work.

4. equal demands . Everyone who works in the organization, including top management and even directors, is required to undergo labor protection training. Of course, training programs differ depending on the profession and job responsibilities. Someone will have enough, but someone will have to receive more than one certificate for the right to perform especially dangerous work.

Occupational safety training for managers and specialists

It can be carried out at your own organization or in specially created training centers.

In organizations for these purposes, special commissions are created, which at the end of the training test the knowledge gained.

The first such training for an OT specialist, a manager takes place no later than 1 month after employment. The procedure is then repeated every 3 years.

Occupational safety training is required for:

managers, directors of organizations, their deputies, persons who perform their duties. This category of trainees also includes individual entrepreneurs;

heads of structural divisions, services , departments of organizations and their deputies;

persons who organize the work and directly supervise their implementation: foremen, foremen;

Engineers who control the quality of work , incl. with OT specialists;

union members ;

authorized labor collectives for labor protection .

In some cases, the above listed persons are required to undergo labor protection training earlier than in 3 years if:

➤ due to their fault, an accident occurred in the organization;

➤ new legal and regulatory acts that relate to their work have come into force;

➤ during the inspection, the inspector revealed violations that appeared due to the wrong actions of these employees;

➤ there have been changes in the technological process in the areas entrusted to them: new equipment has been launched, other types of work have appeared, raw materials have changed, new structural divisions have been added, workers of other professions have come to work, etc.;

➤ they move to another position;

➤ they have not performed their official duties for more than 12 consecutive months (maternity leave, transfer to another job, etc.).

Training is carried out according to special programs. The training programs developed within the enterprise are approved by the employer. Programs developed by training centers are approved by the federal or subject executive authorities that oversee the area of ​​labor protection. If the legislation and production processes have not changed in 3 years, the engineer will have to take exactly the same course that he took before.

Occupational safety training within the organization for workers

Everyone who works in the organization is required to regularly undergo occupational safety training. For representatives of working professions, it is divided into two varieties: training by type of work (professions) and instruction.

Occupational safety training during the performance of work is carried out in the organization no later than 1 month from the date of employment of the employee. The same period is given to retrain the rules from persons who:

➤ moved to another job;

➤ have not performed work that is subject to increased safety requirements for 1 year or more.

Such training of labor protection employees is also carried out in the course of retraining, obtaining a new working specialty. Before being allowed to perform work independently, workers undergo duplication or internships.

Within the first month after employment, new employees must learn how to provide first aid. In the future, workers are required to undergo this training on labor protection annually. It is carried out by the forces of the organization or in the training center.

Instruction goes like this:

➤ as soon as the worker crossed the threshold of the organization - introductory;

➤ as soon as he first got to his workplace or is going to start a new type of work - primary;

➤ periodically during the work (maximum break - 6 months) - repeated. It is carried out in the same volumes as the primary;

➤ if there have been changes in the production process, new instructions, legal acts have been put into effect, an accident has occurred (in the organization itself or at a related enterprise), the administration has new information on labor protection that needs to be brought to the attention of workers - unscheduled;

➤ before carrying out one-time work, mass events, as well as in the case of issuing a work permit - targeted.

The instruction program includes instructions on the profession or types of work that the employee performs. The program of unscheduled and targeted briefings depends on the reason for their conduct.

The fundamental difference between instruction and OT training within a certain profession or type of work lies in its local action. The mark of the briefing "works" only at the enterprise where it was held. It does not apply to other companies. For example, if on Monday an electrician of a repair organization twists light bulbs for the first time in his life at one enterprise, on Tuesday at another, and on Wednesday at a third, then he will have to go through 3 introductory briefings and 3 primary ones. At the same time, his professional training and electrical safety certificate, other OSH trainings that he took in his organization (for example, working at height) are valid at all three enterprises.

Who controls the training of employees on labor protection

The timeliness, quality and completeness of the training of employees on labor protection in the organization are controlled by labor protection specialists. They have the right to check the availability and quality of labor protection training for all employees without exception. For violations discovered by them, fines are imposed on responsible persons.

The same amount of work can be done by the inspectors of the GIT, as well as specialized institutions (Gosgortekhnadzor, Gosenergonadzor, etc.). At the same time, they will also control the quality of training of the OT service employees themselves. For failure to conduct OSH training in accordance with the established procedure, they impose administrative fines on the officials responsible for this. If a person commits such an offense repeatedly, he may lose the right to hold his position for 1-3 years. The penalty in this case increases significantly.

How is OT training conducted at IP?

If an individual entrepreneur employs hired workers or specialists, he conducts OSH training and briefings in the same way as it is done in large organizations. He is obliged to undergo training in labor protection, and organizes training for his employees in accordance with their positions, professions, and work performed. The only significant difference is that individual entrepreneurs with a small staff have to resort to the services of training centers more often. The main reason is that there are not enough trained engineers to create a commission on and develop training programs; it is not economically feasible to conduct such training on one's own.

Individual entrepreneurs who do not use hired labor are also required to undergo training in labor protection. Despite the fact that their “work life” is simpler than that of subordinate colleagues burdened with health concerns, they need to take care of their own safety and the health of the people who interact with them (neighbors, clients, bystanders). Therefore, they need to learn the rules for the safe use of equipment, fire safety, first aid, and receive at least group I in electrical safety. It will not be superfluous to draw up instructions for the safe performance of work, operation of equipment and periodically work out their provisions. Such self-education will help to preserve health or even life during the current work or in an emergency situation, so it will never be superfluous.

Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

If the organization employs no more than 50 employees, it is not necessary to create a labor protection service. These functions can be performed by the director or another specialist. A representative of Rostrud tells about what such a specialist will have to do and what training is needed for this, as well as a new system for recording data from a special assessment of working conditions.

Ivan Ivanovich, how to decide who to appoint responsible for labor protection at a small enterprise? Does the director or other professional responsible for occupational safety need to receive additional training?

I.I. Shklovets: The choice depends on the specifics of the company. Recommendations of the Ministry of Labor and approved Decree of the Ministry of Labor dated February 8, 2000 No. 14. Within a month after being appointed to the position, a labor protection specialist must undergo training in a training organization according to a special program. But if he has a specialized education in the specialty "labor protection" or "safety of technological processes and production" or at least 5 years of continuous experience in the field of labor protection, training and knowledge testing can not be completed within a year after entering work with clause 1.6 of the Procedure, approved. By the Decree of the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education of 13.01.2003 No. 1/29. Further, special training should be carried out as necessary, but at least once every 3 years.

After completing the training and passing the exam, managers and specialists are issued a certificate of completion of training and knowledge testing.

Are there educational institutions under Rostrud where you can get training for free? Can I study on my own and just pass the exam?

I.I. Shklovets: Rostrud does not have subordinate educational institutions. You can get training in vocational education institutions and training centers that have licenses for the right to conduct educational activities. Or in the organization itself, if it has such a license, the necessary teaching staff and material and technical base. Training is paid. You should not try to learn on your own.

The director or specialist responsible for labor protection must conduct an occupational health and safety briefing with all employees. Is it enough to do it once, or do workers, including office workers, need to be instructed regularly?

I.I. Shklovets: With all persons hired, it is necessary to conduct an introductory briefing according to the program approved by the employer: familiarize them with the existing dangerous or harmful production factors, talk about labor protection requirements, familiarize them with the labor protection instructions, and teach them safe working methods. An introductory briefing is conducted by a labor protection specialist or an employee who is assigned these duties by order.

In addition to the introductory briefing on labor protection, each employee must undergo an initial briefing at the workplace. Primary briefing should also be carried out with employees transferred from another structural unit, with employees who are entrusted with the performance of new work for them, as well as with seconded employees of third-party organizations. Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by the immediate supervisor of work (foreman, foreman, teacher), who has been trained in labor protection and tested knowledge of labor protection requirements. Re-briefing under the same program is carried out with all employees, including office workers, at least once every 6 months in clause 2.1 of the Order, approved. By the Decree of the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education of 13.01.2003 No. 1/29.

In what cases is it necessary to conduct unscheduled briefings?

I.I. Shklovets: Unscheduled briefing is carried out, for example, when changing technological processes, replacing or upgrading equipment, fixtures, tools and other factors affecting labor safety. It is also necessary to conduct an unscheduled briefing if, due to violation of labor protection requirements by employees, there is a threat of an accident.

Is it necessary to conduct unscheduled briefings if new computers have been installed for employees?

I.I. Shklovets: Replacement of computers, as a rule, does not affect labor safety, so unscheduled briefing is not required.

What documents do you need to complete the training?

I.I. Shklovets: Any briefing (introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled) ends with an oral test of the knowledge and skills acquired by employees of safe working methods. The inspection is carried out by the same employee who conducted the briefing.

The conduct of each briefing must be registered in a special journal, instructing and instructed must put their signatures.

How to write an occupational health and safety manual?

I.I. Shklovets: Rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, the employer must draw up, taking into account the opinion of the trade union or other body authorized by employees a Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. When developing labor protection instructions, you can use the Methodological Recommendations and approved Ministry of Labor 05/13/2004.

The instruction on labor protection is developed based on the position of the employee, his profession or the type of work performed on the basis of an intersectoral or sectoral standard instruction on labor protection. If there is no standard instruction for such a profession - on the basis of intersectoral or sectoral labor protection rules.

Is it necessary to draw up a separate instruction for each employee or for each position?

I.I. Shklovets: As a rule, instructions are developed for a group of workers in the same position or profession. But you can develop a separate instruction for each individual employee.

If an employee responsible for labor protection quits and a new one has not yet been appointed, can the organization be fined?

I.I. Shklovets: When a specialist is dismissed, the responsibility for fulfilling the requirements in the field of labor protection is assigned to the manager. When an occupational safety specialist leaves, you need to take care of a replacement in advance.

The results of the special assessment of working conditions should be transferred to the Federal State Information System for recording the results of special assessments and Part 1 Art. 18 of the Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ (hereinafter - Law No. 426-FZ). Why was this system created? Has it been up and running since January 1st?

I.I. Shklovets: The state information system for recording the results of a special assessment worked before, only it was called the Automated System for Analysis and Control in the Field of Occupational Safety and Health (AS AKOT). By the decision of the Ministry of Labor, its name was brought into line with the name provided for by Law No. 426-FZ. Information about the results of the special assessment, which are transferred to Rostrud, is entered into this system.

It was created so that it could be used by federal and regional executive authorities, state non-budgetary funds. For example, the information is used to establish an additional rate of insurance contributions to the PFR, taking into account the class (subclass) of working conditions, to calculate discounts or surcharges on the insurance rate for contributions to the FSS for compulsory social insurance against accidents, to justify financing from the FSS of measures to improvement of working conditions and labor protection. Information from the system is also needed to determine the relationship between an employee's illnesses and harmful and dangerous production factors at his workplace, and to investigate accidents at work.

Will employers and employees be able to use the data of this system?

I.I. Shklovets: The direct users of the system are the authorities and non-budgetary funds. Restricted access to the system is due to security considerations.

And employers and employees will be able to receive the information they need by applying for such a service to Rostrud. For example, if an employee needs to confirm that he had a workplace with harmful factors. And the employer may need data on the results of the special assessment, if, for example, he lost his reporting. Or if you find corrections or erasures in the documents on the special assessment received from the evaluating organization, which you did not immediately pay attention to. Also, the employer can make a request and clarify the data if, during the inspection, the labor inspector discovers discrepancies in the documents held by the employer and in the information system.

The service is provided free of charge. To do this, you need to send an application to Rostrud in electronic form. Administrative regulation, approved. Order of the Ministry of Labor dated 03.09.2014 No. 603n.

If the organization that conducted the special assessment does not transfer information to the accounting system, what will be the consequences for it and for the employer?

I.I. Shklovets: The organization that conducted the special assessment of working conditions must transfer information to the information system within 10 working days from the date of approval of the report on the results of the special assessment and Part 3 Art. 18 of Law No. 426-FZ. For failure to comply with this requirement, she faces a fine: for officials - from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles, for an organization - from 70,000 to 100,000 rubles. Part 1 Art. 14.54 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

If the employer becomes aware that the organization that conducted the special assessment did not transfer information to the information system within the prescribed period, he has the right to do it himself part 4, 5 art. 18 of Law No. 426-FZ. But no responsibility threatens him.

The organization of training on labor protection and testing of knowledge on labor protection is an important component of the labor protection management system at the enterprise. The quality with which employees are trained in safe working methods directly affects the likelihood of an accident.

Read our article:

The order of training in labor protection

When investigating an NC of any severity, the commission is obliged to analyze the state of the training in labor protection. Therefore, it is important to arrange training on time so that you do not have to pay dearly for labor protection lessons.

Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is fully devoted to the training of employees in labor protection at enterprises. OSH training includes briefings, internships, in some cases duplication and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Regulations on the order of training on OT 1/29

The main regulatory legal act in OSH education was and remains the Procedure for training and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations, approved by a joint resolution of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on January 13, 2003 for. In a professional environment, everyone is used to calling it 1/29 or the Order of Learning.

1.29 The order of training in labor protection consists of three parts. The first part provides general information about the organization of OT training. For these purposes, both training centers and the employing organization itself are used.


The employer is obliged to execute only regulatory documents that have been registered with the Ministry of Justice and published in the prescribed manner ().

GOST is a guiding methodological document (Article and Law of June 29, 2015 No. 162-FZ “On Standardization in the Russian Federation”). It does not cancel the special requirements of the legislation for the procedure for training, briefing, training and testing the knowledge of personnel.

Here is the provision on the procedure for training and testing knowledge on labor protection 1/29 is mandatory in all cases, this is a regulatory legal document. Therefore, you do not need to revise your internal regulations. The status is always below the established Order.

step by step algorithm

Step 1. Development of local regulations

Prepare an order for the organization of OT training. Familiarize all employees with this order. Make two lists - workers who should be trained in OT in off-the-job training centers, and workers who are trained internally.

Approve these lists and bring them to the employees. Take note of the opinion of representative bodies of employees. Provide department heads with training programs, internships, initial briefings, and a job briefing log.

Step 2. Appointment of responsible


Not all employees are subject to training in training centers. in training centers managers and specialists must undergo training, and only there they must pass a knowledge test.

The following should be sent to the training center for training:

  • Head of the organization;
  • employees of the labor protection service;
  • authorized for labor protection of the trade union or council of the labor collective;
  • union members;
  • members of the permanent commission of the enterprise for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, including a special test of knowledge (on electrical safety, on working at height, etc.);
  • responsible work managers, work foremen, responsible work executors, issuing work permits, allowing access to workplaces, approving and developing construction organization projects, projects and work production plans, signing an act of admission for construction and installation and other contract work;
  • persons appointed by the responsible order of the head of the organization for labor protection, as well as those responsible for labor protection by divisions (departments, sections, workshops, workshops, construction sites, etc.);
  • instructing on the program of briefings at the workplace.

If the organization has created conditions for conducting labor protection training, there is a knowledge testing commission trained at the training center of the Ministry of Labor of Russia in accordance with the second paragraph of clause 2.3.2 of Order 1/29, as well as managers and specialists not specified in the previous paragraph of this article, should be trained in occupational safety by their employer.

For these purposes, the organization should be equipped with occupational safety rooms and corners, information stands, posters on occupational health, should promote safe work and a healthy lifestyle.

Step 3. Design programs and visual aids

It is necessary to conduct labor protection training at enterprises according to those approved for each group of positions or for each profession.

Programs for conducting briefings and training on labor protection should be developed by those responsible for labor protection in the subdivision, heads of structural divisions, chief technical specialists and managers.

It's great when an occupational safety specialist knows the technological process to such an extent that he can write or write a training program with exam tickets, but this rare duty is no longer included in the functionality of an occupational safety specialist. The specialist can only provide methodological assistance in the preparation of programs and coordinate it. The perfect model, right?

Step 4. Charting

The OT training schedule must correspond to the thematic plan in the Training Program.

To do this, make a separate line with the dates of classes to the table "Thematic training plan for labor protection". Familiarize everyone who will be enrolled in this training program with this schedule. Try to make sure that everyone passes only during working hours.


You cannot call an employee to an OT class on his day off. An exception can only be the voluntary desire of the employee to attend the lesson to repeat the material covered.

Therefore, make a schedule taking into account the shift of workers.

Do not forget to sign the schedule and familiarize employees with it.

How to ensure that the OT training system in the enterprise functions without failures

The schedule must be kept. If a class has been rescheduled for business reasons, it must be held at a different time and employees must know which day the class is being rescheduled.

Workers should be provided with conditions for employment. It is necessary to give the employees educational methodological materials in their hands so that they can repeat at home, in their spare time, the questions for the exam.

It will not be superfluous to remind employees that they will be suspended from work without pay.

Practice should be interspersed with theory, classes should be conducted in a form convenient for the listeners, speech turns that are incomprehensible to blue-collar workers should not be used. This is annoying and distracts from the learning process.

During the training, the teacher also receives a lot of knowledge from the students. Therefore, you need to fix for yourself what the training group is strong in, and what questions cause a stupor. Consequently, in the workplace, one situation does not cause difficulties, and the other, with incorrect actions of the personnel, can lead to an accident.

If the knowledge test reveals poor training, the commission should develop a strategy to overcome the difficulties of workers in OSH training. It should be taken into account that the training is conducted not for schoolchildren who are open to perception, but for blue-collar workers who believe that there is nothing to surprise them with.

By the way, the most dangerous age in case of accidents is just “experienced”, “hardened wolves”.

A young trainee still remembers the school program and is afraid once again to go where there is not enough knowledge and experience, and workers of 30-40 years old consider themselves to be experts in the profession, increasing their self-esteem due to victories in minor production situations.

Employees over 40-50 years old are already becoming more fearful due to the experience of traumatic situations that have occurred, and they perceive fresh knowledge better, as they do not want to lag behind modern trends.


Regulation on the procedure for organizing and conducting labor protection training 1/29 does not establish requirements for the employer to record labor protection classes in a separate journal.

But they note that where classes are recorded in journals, where attendance to classes and topics is noted, and questions from students are recorded, the quality of knowledge is better. Many, for example, lead classes with a mark in the “school magazine”.

On the other hand, if an organization conducts training in OT formally, buying “crusts” for members of the commission in dubious offices that call themselves no less than the Moscow Schools of Construction and Management of the construction industry, and other adventurers from additional vocational education, instead of that specified in clause 2.3 .2 or a CA of a constituent entity of the Federation, then when communicating with an expert, there will be nothing to present, and no fictitiously compiled log of OT classes will help to recognize the training as valid and avoid a large fine for the organization.

Therefore, conduct training in quality training centers. The cost of education is the same everywhere, and it will always be cheaper than paying a million dollar fine and then paying the tuition again. Miser pays twice. Do not try to deceive the inspector, deceive yourself. Thus, you end up deceiving the worker, sending him, untrained properly, under the influence of harmful and dangerous production factors. And this is already a criminal offense.

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