Original recipes for appetizers for the holiday. Snacks on the festive table recipes with photos


Soon you have an event - a holiday is planned or is the New Year already on the nose? And you already want to surprise and treat your guests with something new? Then you just need to look and choose - snacks for the festive table or for the New Year, new simple and tasty recipes for canapes, tartlets, pita bread, sandwiches.

Cold appetizers for the holiday table

The time has already passed when buckets of salads and tons of hot dishes were prepared for the holidays. Increasingly, people are trying to prepare light snacks and make a buffet table.

In this article, you will find delicious appetizer recipes with photos that you can serve on any holiday table or surprise your relatives and friends every day for no particular reason.

I cooked it myself and I suggest you use it, as these recipes are truly new and original, insanely tasty and satisfying.

Menu for the festive table, snacks for the new year 2018 recipes with photos:

Light and new snacks on the festive table - tartlets

Filled tartlets are prepared quite quickly, they turn out beautiful and tasty. It is convenient to serve such an appetizer for a birthday, name day, New Year or a house party.

Tartlets with mussels and cheese


  • mussels in oil - 200 grams;
  • a pack of tartlets;
  • sour cream;
  • hard cheese - 300 gr.;
  • medium tomato - 4 pieces;
  • champignons - 220 g;
  • onion - one bulb;
  • standard spices;
  • any oil for frying.


First, wash the mushrooms, chop them finely. Remove the skin from the onion and also cut into cubes. Fry mushrooms and onions in oil, add spices.

Next, you need to cut the tomatoes and mussels into small cubes. Now take a tartlet, pour a few drops of sour cream or mayonnaise on the bottom, put a small amount of mushrooms on top, then mussels, then tomatoes and the final stage - grated cheese.

Place the tarts in the microwave for just a few minutes before serving until the cheese is melted.

Caviar is an irreplaceable product at any celebration. and in combination with cheese and cucumber it turns out spicy, fresh and original.


  • tartlets - 1 pack;
  • red caviar - 60 grams;
  • cream cheese - 120 g;
  • small lemon;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • any greenery.


First, cut the lemon into rings and each ring into 4 parts. Cucumber cut into thin rings. Now put a small amount of cream cheese in each tartlet, put red caviar on top.

Now it remains to decorate the baskets with a slice of cucumber and a quarter of a lemon. If desired, use a parsley leaf or a small sprig of dill for decoration.

Another simple recipe with amazing taste. Seafood, caviar and cheese are easily combined in such a dish.

We will need:

  • tartlets - 1 pack;
  • medium shrimp - 100 g;
  • mozzarella - 100 gr.;
  • light mayonnaise;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • green onions;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

First you need to defrost the shrimp, and then lightly fry them in sunflower oil for about 4 minutes. Allow the seafood to cool, then peel and divide each into two equal parts.

Then we will prepare the main filling - mix mozzarella, mayonnaise, garlic in a blender, if necessary, add some spices. Finely chop the green onion.

Spread the cheese mass in each tartlet, then put half of the shrimp and sprinkle with green onions.

Sandwiches on the festive table

We have selected for you sandwich recipes with an unusual and even unusual taste. Be sure to try to make them for some holiday or just for breakfast to your loved one. Real jam!

Avocado is generally a godsend for original snacks. It can be crushed and mixed with spices or served on a slice of bread in the form of slices.

  • medium avocado - 1;
  • small pomegranate - 1;
  • bun to your taste;
  • feta cheese - 200 g.


Peel the avocado and cut into slices of medium thickness. Lay the avocado on a slice of bread. Now you need to crumble the feta on top and decorate with pomegranate seeds.

Insanely delicious and exotic appetizer. Surprise your guests by presenting such a sandwich at a festive buffet table.


  • toasted bread;
  • ricotta - 200 grams;
  • figs - 150 g;
  • sesame.

Let's start cooking:

Toasted bread can be lightly warmed in a dry frying pan and each toast can be divided in half. Brush each slice with ricotta cheese and top with a few fig slices. Top the sandwich with sesame seeds. Ideal with dry white wine.

The recipe is for an amateur, but the combination is very original, so you can surprise guests at the holiday.


  • bread;
  • Mozzarella;
  • mango;
  • dill;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

Cut the mozzarella into round thin slices. Cut the mango into slices as well. Arrange the mozzarella slices on the bread and place the mango on top. Garnish the sandwich with finely chopped dill and spices.

Hawaiian toast

A delicious overseas sandwich can be prepared for the festive table, and for breakfast at least every day.

Products per serving:

  • toasted bread - 1 pc.;
  • pineapple (canned) - 1 slice;
  • processed cheese for toast - 1;
  • low-fat ham - 30 grams;
  • butter - 5 g.


On a slice of toaster, which can be fried in advance, spread a piece of butter. We put the ham on top, and on the ham - a round slice of canned pineapple.

After the pineapple, cover with melted cheese and send for a while in the microwave. A hot appetizer turns out to be bright and original in serving and delicate in taste.

Appetizing canapes

Canapes are small multi-ingredient sandwiches served on a skewer or toothpick. The more contrast you choose in color and taste products for canapes, the brighter the appetizer will turn out.

Firstly, such canapes on skewers look bright, and secondly, feta and eggs give a luxurious taste and aftertaste. For the convenience of preparing canapés, a special set is used that resembles a syringe in principle. But this is optional.

  • quail eggs - 6 pieces;
  • small shrimp - 12;
  • cherry tomatoes - 6 pieces;
  • feta - 150 gr.;
  • any vegetable oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • any bread - 3 slices;
  • lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Boil the eggs, let them cool, peel them and cut them in half, but not lengthwise, but across.

Fry the shrimp in a drop of oil, literally 1 minute on each side, do not overcook them. Transfer the shrimp to a plate and drizzle with drops of lemon juice.

Cut the feta into cubes and cut the tomatoes in half. Cut the bread into roughly the size of feta cubes.

Now we take a skewer, we chop half an egg, half a tomato, then a piece of feta and the final stage is bread. Bon appetit!

The recipe may seem very strange, but the taste is not far behind other canapes.


  • small potatoes - 6 pieces;
  • multi-colored cherry - 4;
  • hard cheese - 120 grams;
  • processed cheese - 100 grams;
  • light mayonnaise;
  • dill;
  • black bread - 4 slices.


First you need to boil the potatoes in their skins, let cool and cut into two parts. Wash the cherry and cut into two pieces.

Cut hard cheese into cubes. From processed cheese, make a soft mass with finely chopped dill and a small amount of mayonnaise. Cut the bread into cubes.

Now we collect canapes: we prick a piece of potato with a toothpick, then a tomato, then hard cheese, then a ball of melted cheese mass and a piece of bread.

Canape a la Mimosa salad with shrimps

The taste of the appetizer is very similar to the good old Mimosa salad.

We have to:

  • loaf - 4 slices;
  • mackerel (canned) - 1 can;
  • medium potatoes - 200 grams;
  • carrots - 150 gr.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • light mayonnaise;
  • shrimp - 6 pieces;
  • olives - 6;
  • spices.


To begin with, boil potatoes and carrots in their uniforms. When the vegetables are ready, they need to be grated on a fine grater and seasoned with a small amount of salt.

Hard boil the eggs and cut them into circles.

Now open the canned fish and mash the fish with a fork.

Take a round mold, prick a piece of bread, then put grated potatoes on top, then a small amount of mayonnaise, then put grated carrots, mayonnaise again, now some fish and a circle of eggs.

Garnish ready-made canapes with shrimp and olives fried in oil.

Snacks on the festive table from lavash - delicious rolls

Lavash is a whole field for culinary fantasy. Let's start with the simplest recipes step by step and move on to more complex ones.

Lavash with cottage cheese


  • shop cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • lavash - 1 pack;
  • crab sticks - 1 small pack;
  • dill;
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

Prepare the filling: add mayonnaise, finely chopped dill and crab sticks, as well as spices to the cottage cheese, mix well.

Take a sheet of pita bread, spread the curd mass with a thin layer, twist the pita bread into a tube. Now cut the roll diagonally into small slices.

We put the snack on a plate and send it to the refrigerator to soak.

Lavash with salmon

Lavash goes very well with fish and seafood.


  • cream cheese - 250 grams;
  • Armenian lavash - 1;
  • salmon - 250 g;
  • lemon juice;
  • dill greens;
  • green onion.


Finely chop the dill and onion, mix them with cream cheese and add lemon juice.

Cut the salmon into thin slices. Take pita bread, spread it with a creamy mass, put the fish on top.

After carefully wrap the pita bread in a roll and cut into small rolls. It will be to your taste with brut champagne or any dry white wine.

Lavash with minced liver


  • any lavash - 1;
  • minced liver - 400 gr.;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • hard cheese - 150 g.


Finely chop the onion, fry a little in oil, add liver minced meat, mix well and bring to readiness.

Expand the pita bread, put the minced liver on it, roll it into a roll and divide it into equal portions.

Put the circles in the pan and put grated cheese on each serving. Put the dish in the oven and bake for a few minutes. It's quick, easy, and most importantly, delicious!

The festive table is not full of appetizers, where are the salads -

2 original appetizer recipes

For example, you can make several types of bruschetta. This is a kind of Italian sandwich to increase your appetite.

Bruschetta with vegetables


  • French baguette - 1;
  • curd cheese - 220 g;
  • spices "Italian herbs";
  • garlic;
  • cherry, yellow and red - 3 each.


First you need to cut the baguette into slices and fry a little, and rub with garlic. Spread each slice with curd cheese and lay out two types of cherry tomato sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin circles.

Top the bruschetta with spices.

For bruschetta, you can use baked eggplant, canned anchovies, fried mushrooms, minced mushrooms, even sprats and several types of greens.

But canapes do not have to be made with a bread base. It can be replaced, for example, with cucumber.

Let's stock up:

  • fresh cucumber - one;
  • processed cheese - 2 pieces;
  • mayonnaise;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • canned mushrooms - 200 grams.


From cheese, garlic and mayonnaise you need to make a mass. Cucumber should be cut into slices. We take out the smallest mushrooms from the jar.

We take a skewer and first prick a mushroom, then a ball of cheese mass and close the canape with a slice of cucumber.

By the way, canned mushrooms can be made at home. To do this, choose the smallest champignons, wash them well.

Load into a saucepan, add water, then add a tablespoon of sugar, a tablespoon of salt, a little vinegar, black peppercorns and bay leaf. Boil the mushrooms for a few minutes after they boil. Let them cool down and infuse.

snack with chips

Here's a quick appetizer to the place on the table on your birthday

Chips can be used instead of tartlets or pita bread. They can be smeared with various tasty masses.

Option 1: Combine lettuce, dill, grated hard cheese, tomato, olives, garlic and mayonnaise. The filling should come out tender and savory.

Option 2: boil the shrimp and finely chop, add dill, olives, lemon juice and grated cream cheese.

Option 3: Divide the boiled chicken breast into small cubes, add the tomato, grated garlic, grated cheese and mayonnaise, salt and pepper, and mix well.

Snacks for the New Year - Three insanely beautiful and delicious Video recipes

Well, what is the New Year's table, but without snacks ?! For the new year, you especially need to open all your abilities and imagination - sometimes do something impossible. It is necessary to surprise not only yourself and the guests, but also the animal that comes to replace it - a symbol of the coming year.

Here are especially beautiful and simple recipes for you on video:

These quick recipes will help you meet unexpected, but beloved guests, as well as quickly and inexpensively prepare for a festive celebration!

You can always add something and get your original recipe for an appetizing and beautiful snack on the festive table for a birthday, anniversary or holiday, for example, for the New Year.

Cherry tomatoes with cucumber and cheese filling


Cherry tomatoes - 24 pcs.
Cream cheese - 100 g
Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
Medium cucumber - ½ pc.
Finely chopped green onion - 1 tbsp. l.
Finely chopped fresh dill - 2 tsp

Cooking original snacks on the table recipes with photos are simple and delicious:

1. Peel the cucumber and cut into very small cubes.
2. Cut off the top of the tomatoes and carefully remove the pulp. Place upside down on a paper towel to drain excess juice.
3. In a bowl, mix mayonnaise and cream cheese until smooth, mix in cucumber, dill and green onions.
4. We stuff the tomatoes with the filling and put the dish in the refrigerator for a few minutes: this appetizer is tastier to eat chilled.

Appetizer with cucumber and smoked turkey


Medium cucumber - 3 pcs.
Pesto sauce - ¼ cup
Processed cheese slices - 6 pcs.
Smoked turkey or chicken - 170 g
Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
Spinach leaves - ½ cup
Salt, pepper - to taste

Preparing holiday appetizers:

1. Cut the cucumbers into slices (thin flat slices) 2 mm thick. Pat the slices dry with paper towels to remove excess juice.
2. Cut the cheese slices into strips about 2 cm wide.
3. Cut the turkey into small cubes, pepper into strips, finely chop the spinach.
4. Evenly grease the cucumber slice with pesto sauce (1 teaspoon is enough for a piece), put the turkey, sweet pepper and spinach on top. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
5. We twist the roll and fix it with a toothpick in the middle. We serve snack recipes for the festive table right away.

Salmon rolls with cottage cheese filling


Lightly salted salmon or any salmon fish - 120 g
Low-fat cottage cheese - 50 g
Cucumbers (optional) - 100 g
Garlic - 1 clove
French mustard - 10 g
Salt, pepper - to taste

Preparing appetizers for the table:

1. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, knead it with a spoon and mix it with mustard.
2. Finely chop the cucumber, crush the garlic with the flat side of the knife and add to the curd mass. Salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.
3. Put a little stuffing on the edge of a slice of salmon, roll it up and stab it with a toothpick. You can eat it right away, or you can put it in the refrigerator for a short time. It turns out very tasty snacks for the festive table recipes with photos.

Bruschetta with sardines and cream cheese


Fresh baguette - 1 pc.
A can of canned sardines (it is best to take a boneless fillet) - 1 pc.
Mozzarella - 300 g
Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
Fresh herbs - 1 tbsp. l.


1. Cut the baguette into thin slices, sprinkle with olive oil and lightly fry in a pan - half a minute on each side.
2. Preheat the oven (preferably in the "grill" mode) to 180 ° C.
3. Drain the liquid from the sardines and knead the fish a little with a fork. Cut the mozzarella into thin slices.
4. For each slice of fried baguette, put a piece of mozzarella and 1-2 tbsp. l. sardines.
5. Put the sandwiches on a baking sheet and put in the oven under the grill for 2-3 minutes to melt the cheese.
6. Sprinkle with Provence herbs or herbs and serve. The appetizer for the holiday table is ready.

Omelette rolls with mushrooms and spinach

Perhaps the most sophisticated simple and delicious snacks on the festive table recipes with photos will be on your table. Bon appetit.


Eggs - 2 pcs.
Champignons (canned or pickled) - 100 g
Spinach - 1 handful
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
Salt, pepper - to taste


1. Beat the eggs in a bowl.
2. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes, finely chop the spinach and add to the mushrooms. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and mix well.
3. On high heat, heat the pan with olive oil. Pour into the pan about 2 tbsp. l. beaten eggs and spread evenly like pancake batter.
4. Fry until cooked, but only on one side. We fry omelette pancakes until the eggs run out.
5. Put mushroom and spinach filling on pancakes. Roll up, secure with toothpicks if needed, and serve.

And another selection of 20 recipes for snacks on the festive table.

For test:
`79; 4 eggs;
● salt;
● 7 Art. l. flour;
● 1/3 tsp. soda;
● 200 g of sour cream;
● 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
For filling:
● 6 boiled eggs;
● a large bunch of onions;
● salt.
Beat eggs with salt. Add sour cream...

Thin Armenian lavash is a surprisingly convenient product for many original recipes. We finally tried another one, which we had long hoped for and not in vain. In just 10 minutes, the simplest products turned out to be an excellent, hearty breakfast!
-Armenian lavash
Lavash cut into transverse strips. Cheese cut into slices…

Red caviar 70 gr
Processed cheese 70 gr
Dill 20 gr
Crispbread 100 gr
Step 1. Main ingredients.
Step 2. Let's open a pack of bread. Let's put them on the board.
Step 3. Coat each piece with toaster cheese.
Step 4. Take cling film. Let's put it on the table. To the center…

1. Salmon rolls with cream cheese
Lightly salted salmon slices - 250 g
Cream cheese - 250 g
Pickled or fresh cucumbers - 1-2 pcs.
Dill sprigs - 3-4 pcs.
Lettuce leaves - for serving
Lemon juice - for serving
Red caviar - for decoration

Lavash roll with stuffing is a tasty and quick appetizer that can be prepared for a festive table or for a picnic. You can experiment with toppings, choosing according to your taste. This time I made a pita roll with crab sticks and cucumber. It turned out to be very appetizing and satisfying, and fresh …

This incredibly simple recipe is associated with feasts from my distant childhood. The smell of toast rubbed with garlic, along with sprats, is incomparable with anything. This appetizer, despite its simplicity, will always be in place on your table!
Bread 4 slices.
Chicken egg 2 pcs (hard boiled)

For you dear hostesses! Recipes of original snacks for the festive table of your choice. Try to cook and surprise your family and guests with delicious snacks!
You will need:
6 large eggs (for the body), hard boiled
6 small eggs (for head), hard boiled
1 carrot
1 …

Insanely delicious!
-1 egg
-1 glass of milk
-1 glass of flour
-300 g suluguni (cottage cheese)
-30 g butter
1. Whisk an egg in a bowl.
2. Pour in milk and beat everything again.
3. Add flour and beat everything.
4. Rub 300 grams of suluguni.
5. Put grated ...

Expand the pita bread (thin), put the filling on it and roll it into rolls or envelopes. Let soak for 30 minutes.
Put on a plate and decorate with herbs. Can be cut into slices.
Stuffings for pita bread:
1. Grind 1 package of crab sticks. Add parsley and dill, garlic and mayonnaise to taste. The filling should not ... Let's continue the recipes for snacks on the festive table in a separate article.

- cottage cheese + greens + garlic on a fine grater + you can add spices to taste.
1. Wash the Chinese cabbage leaves, dry well, cut off the white hard part.
2. In the middle of a sheet of Chinese cabbage, put 1.5-2 tbsp. l. stuffing and roll up gently.
We try light and quick snacks on the festive table. Recipes with photos are simple and delicious!😉

● crab sticks - 1 pack (200 g),
● eggs - 3-4 pieces,
● cheese - 70-100 g,
● garlic - 1-3 cloves,
● mayonnaise,
● dill
Preparing snacks for the holiday:
Boil eggs. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks and grate into different bowls ...

Excellent original snacks on the festive table from fresh homemade tomatoes!
You will need:
Tomatoes 1 kg
Bell pepper (red) 1 pc
Bulb onion 180 g
Dill fresh 1 bunch
Garlic 0.5 pcs
Water 1 l
Salt 50 g
Sugar 120 g
Vinegar 9% 100 g
How to cook:
Stage 1.
Tomatoes …

- 250 g pork
- 50 g mushrooms (champignons)
- 3 eggs
- 1/2 onion
- 30 g flour
- breadcrumbs
- vegetable oil
- greenery
- salt
- black pepper (ground)
1. We start the work of snacks for the festive table with the preparation of an omelet. Fry onions and mushrooms. Whisk the eggs and add...

What is the first thing a guest sees before a festive feast? Festive table with cold appetizers. Recipes for cold appetizers for the festive table are diverse in appearance, method of preparation, labor intensity and content of ingredients. The simplest cold appetizers on the festive table are sandwiches. Sandwiches are also the most common snack. Sandwiches are prepared from bread and butter, various gastronomic products and culinary products. When organizing banquets, receptions, they prepare small snack sandwiches - canapes.

The festive table implies the need to decorate dishes, so it is worth serving snacks in different forms. Cold meat appetizers for the festive table, cold appetizers for the festive table from pita bread, cold appetizers for the festive table on skewers can add variety to the table. It is also desirable to combine cold and hot snacks on the festive table. Our site presents a variety of delicious cold appetizers for the festive table. Among them you can find inexpensive cold appetizers for the festive table, original cold appetizers for the festive table, interesting and unusual cold appetizers for the festive table.

Of greatest interest to hostesses are quick cold appetizers on the festive table. Their assortment is also large, the main part of which is cold meat appetizers for the festive table. And yet, if you have any new cold appetizers for the festive table, send us photos and recipes of these dishes, they will decorate our collection. Simple recipes for cold appetizers for the festive table are of interest to many of our readers.

You may be interested in a few more tips to help you prepare cold appetizers for the holiday table:

If you salt the salad in advance, then the vegetables will release a lot of juice, and this will affect the taste of the salad. Therefore, it is better to salt just before serving;

Salads and vinaigrettes should also be seasoned immediately before serving;

Try to remember which of your guests and what exactly they like for a snack. It will not be difficult for you to correct the planned serving plan, and they will be pleased;

It is better to undersalt and undersalt cold appetizers, salads, and it is better not to experiment with spices - the guest may not like it. It would be correct to simply put a salt and pepper shaker, mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish and a dish with various herbs on the table;

Salad potatoes are best cooked without peeling and peeled after cooking. When cooking, unpeeled potatoes lose 20% of vitamin C, and peeled - 40%;

By holding wilted greens in cold water with vinegar, you will restore their fresh look.

How to independently set tables in the office so that it is not only tasty, but also aesthetically pleasing in a restaurant? How to treat a large company if the area of ​​​​the apartment is more than modest? What snacks and aperitif at the wedding to offer guests so that they do not get bored while the newlyweds are busy with a photo shoot? Finally, how unusual is it to set the table on New Year's Eve so that all guests can not only have a hearty meal, but also dance, sing, arrange quizzes and play games? The answer suggests itself - you need to arrange a festive buffet.

The main thing in the article

Buffet: when is it appropriate and irreplaceable?

It was the practical and sophisticated French who coined the term "buffet", which means "fork". That is, all food served at the buffet table should fit on one fork. A distinctive feature of the buffet table is that people are not seated at tables, but move freely around the hall with a glass and a small plate in their hands, which does not prevent them from feeling comfortable and communicating with each other. Before arranging a buffet table, you need to familiarize yourself with its first rules, one might say, commandments:

  • the number of dishes that will be on the tables (plates, glasses, spoons, forks and napkins) should be two or even three times more than the invited guests;

  • sometimes it makes sense to buy disposable tableware, but only of the same type and decent quality, stylized and aesthetic;
  • at the entrance it would be nice to have a “hospitality table” with an aperitif: champagne, cognac, liqueurs or liqueurs;

  • tables with treats should be located so that it is easy and simple to get to them;
  • buffet tables should be slightly higher than ordinary kitchen tables: usually their height is slightly more than a meter.

Traditional buffet dishes: what snacks are suitable?

All kinds of cold appetizers are very popular on the buffet table: small sandwiches, multi-layer canapes, stuffed vegetables, and especially rolls and mini-rolls with various fillings.

Not a single buffet is complete without exquisitely decorated meat and sausage cuts, cheese plates, as well as fruit platters.

Beautifully decorated tartlets with different fillings, various sandwiches, snacks on skewers, in slices or chips - all this will not only be part of an excellent menu for any holiday, but also great for any corporate holiday, business reception or friendly party.

If you want to have a fun holiday, be sure to take care of alcoholic beverages in advance. Basically, guests at the buffet table are offered champagne, table wines, a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

What should not be served at a buffet table?

According to the rules of the buffet table, all dishes and snacks served on it must be "one bite", that is, decorated very concisely, but capaciously and compactly. At the buffet table are not welcome at all:

  • a variety of first courses, in particular soups, in any case, in their usual serving;
  • traditional hot dishes - potatoes, meat, roasts, all kinds of stews and casseroles - are categorically not welcome. It should be convenient for the guest to place snacks on a plate and eat them with just a fork;

  • the fish must be carefully deboned and thinly sliced: guests should not experience discomfort, picking their hands in a plate in order to separate the bones from the pulp;
  • layered salads in traditional salad bowls are not allowed on the buffet table: there are many other ways to serve your favorite, sauced dishes at such an event.

Cold snacks for the holiday: a tribute to the classics

Basically, the buffet table consists of cold appetizers, which should be light, unobtrusive, for every taste. At the same time, they should be portioned so that guests do not have to cut or separate the dish, trying to take a piece for themselves.

Before a buffet table, you should carefully consider the menu and serve universal snacks that will be good both cold and hot, since it is not customary to warm up food at such an event. Food should be in harmony with the drinks offered to guests. So, we offer you several popular and proven options for buffet dishes.

Hslices and rolls for the festive table

Traditionally, at the buffet table, it is customary to serve a variety of cuts: meat, vegetable, cheese and fruit platter. Sliced ​​dishes look very nice, especially if you do not just put meat and sausages on a dish, but combine them with other products, such as olives, wrap them in rolls, string them on skewers.

The cheese plateau looks very advantageous: several types of cheese are cut in various ways: hard cheese is cut into plates or triangles, and soft cheeses are cut into cubes.

Together with cheese, it is customary to put grapes, honey and nuts on a dish: these products are in perfect harmony with each other.

Cold snacks for the festive table in the form of rolls are not only nutritious, but also very beautiful dishes that diversify and make the menu of any feast original. You can make such rolls from almost any product: pita bread, cheese, fish, zucchini, pieces of meat or ham, as well as wrap all kinds of stuffing in pancakes, scrambled eggs and crab sticks.

The most popular buffet rolls are:

  • cheese rolls with meat or mushroom filling;
  • ham rolls with "Jewish" salad and herbs;
  • twists from pita bread or puff pastry (meat, red fish, caviar, melted cheese with salmon or mushrooms are suitable as a filling);

  • zucchini or cucumber rolls stuffed with spreadable cream cheese;

  • herring rolls with chopped gherkins or Korean carrots as a filling. This version of serving herring looks much more original and festive than a banal fillet cut into pieces, and is eaten by guests in a matter of minutes.

Very unusual is a cheese roll with chicken and mushrooms. To make it you need:

  • boil chicken fillet and one chicken egg;
  • cut and fry mushrooms;
  • chop all the ingredients, mix them and season with mayonnaise, adding a little greens;
  • grate 500-700 grams of hard cheese, send it to the microwave or oven for a couple of minutes: the cheese should melt and acquire a viscous, pasty consistency;
  • lay a cling film or parchment for baking on the table and “pour” cheese on it, smoothing the edges with a spoon;
  • after waiting for the cheese to dry a little, evenly distribute the filling on it;
  • roll a tight roll of cheese;
  • wrap it in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours;
  • nicely cut into slices and serve.

Lavash or omelet rolls are made in the same way. They can wrap any products that are in harmony with each other to taste.

Do not forget about fruit slicing: fruits and berries must decorate the buffet table, and they can be served in an original and elegant way:

Sandwiches and canapes

Sandwiches are the simplest buffet snack. They can be prepared innumerable, and all of them will be finally and irrevocably eaten, the main thing is to serve them beautifully and effectively, using a variety of products for cooking. It is convenient to use different breads as a basis for them:

  • white toast - for club sandwiches, sandwiches with caviar, red and white fish;

  • black - for sandwiches with herring, bacon and pickles;

  • crackers - used to serve canapes: cheese with olives and herbs is served on unsweetened ones, sweet cream with berries is served on sweet ones.

Pancakes are suitable as a basis for sandwiches: any salted fish is good with them. Even from simple products such as brown bread, lettuce, cream cheese, small tomatoes and olives, you can make very spectacular and mouth-watering sandwiches.

Take note of a few more outstanding ways to prepare canapés.

Snacks on skewers and in tartlets

The simplest, however, no less tasty, are cold appetizers served in tartlets. You can bake them yourself, or you can buy them ready-made at any store. These little baskets can be filled with any salad, garnished with a sprig of parsley or a few eggs, and the original, delicious appetizer is ready.

Combinations are great as fillings for tartlets:

  • processed cheese and seafood;
  • liver, carrots and pickled cucumbers;
  • chicken, prunes and fresh cucumber;
  • cheese with garlic and olives;
  • smoked meat or chicken and pickled mushrooms.

These same snacks can also be served in a different way, by placing them on large potato chips of the same size, or alternatively on savory crackers.

The most popular food for the buffet table is snacks on skewers, as they are very convenient to eat and very easy to prepare.

On skewers, you can put any products that go well with each other. They can be strung with cubes of meat, thin slices of ham and cheese, miniature pickled mushrooms and gherkins, cheese with grapes, as well as various seafood - mussels, shrimp and others.

The appetizer is very original and tasty. "Taste of Italy" and it is very easy to prepare. For this you will need:

  • 200 g mozzarella in small balls;
  • 2 sprigs of cherry tomatoes;
  • a bunch of green basil;
  • a handful of dried basil

We take out the mozzarella from the brine, dry it and roll it in dried herbs. A tomato, a leaf of green basil and a ball of mozzarella are strung on a skewer.

Stuffed dishes at the buffet

Stuffed dishes are an excellent option for a cold appetizer, because a lot of products can be stuffed, the contents of which can be taken out and filled with something tasty, resulting in an appetizer with a harmonious, refined taste. An excellent option for a cold holiday snack will be:

  • eggs stuffed with canned salmon and garnished with red caviar;

  • tomatoes stuffed with crab salad;
  • halves of sweet bell pepper with the core taken out, filled with any salad.

An original and elegant appetizer that will decorate any table is Fly Agaric. For its preparation you will need:

  • several cherry tomatoes, cut in half;
  • 200 g of ham;
  • 2 boiled eggs;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 1 large cucumber;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream.

Steps for making appetizers:

  • in a separate dish, mix diced ham, grated cheese and eggs;
  • dressing the salad with sauce;
  • cut the cucumber into medium-sized rings;
  • we collect fly agaric mushrooms: first we put the cucumber rings on a flat dish, put the balls on them, which we “roll” from the ham and cheese salad, and put the halves of the tomatoes on the balls - the caps of our mushrooms.

In order for the appetizer to acquire a finished, believable look, you need to put dots of mayonnaise on the fly agaric hats.

Mini pastries: what to serve at the buffet table?

Baking is very welcome at the buffet table, but all of it should be in a mini format: if pies, then miniature, if pies, then cut into tiny portions. Eclairs with cheese and liver filling and small puff buns, which can be stuffed with any salads, are very relevant.

At the buffet table, it is customary to serve pancakes stuffed with everything you like, in several serving options:

  • we roll the pancake greased with the filling into a roll, cut into small pieces, decorate with herbs, caviar;
  • fold the pancake with filling in a neat envelope;
  • put the minced meat in the middle of the pancake, collect the edges to form a bag, and connect the ends with a green onion feather.

Today, muffins are very popular at buffet tables - miniature cupcakes with or without filling. Such an appetizer successfully replaces even a cake, because you can serve several options for muffins and guests will try them all.

Hot buffet dishes

Although the format of such a holiday as a buffet table does not imply warming up food, hot food is a must at such an event. As hot dishes will be ideal:

  • chicken or pork skewers on bamboo sticks;

  • mini skewers of mussels, shrimp or chicken hearts;
  • chicken or seafood julienne in portioned bowls or tartlets;

  • meat rolls with various fillings (mushrooms, ham, cheese, bacon);
  • as a side dish at a buffet table, you can serve boiled young potatoes sprinkled with herbs and strung on skewers.

Fondue is perfect for a buffet table: hard or processed cheese is heated and brought to a liquid consistency in a container for sauce, to which greens and spices can be added. Anything is dipped in such a sauce: small sausages, cubes of sausage and cheese, croutons, miniature potatoes, pastries.

Recipes for "fashionable" buffet snacks: modern ways of serving dishes

Over time, not only new recipes for buffet dishes become popular, but also ways to serve them are improved.

Snacks in transparent glasses : a very fashionable kind of treat even for the most sophisticated buffet receptions. Everything can be placed in a glass: from thick sauces (guacamole, sour cream, to which garlic and dill are added, eggplant pulp, mashed with herbs, garlic and cheese in a puree, to creamy soups).

In such glasses, you can dip skewers with lightly salted herring strung on them, boiled or baked meat, ham, croutons with vegetables.

Surprise guests with an original serving of simple products, prepare a snack "Chinese chopsticks". To prepare it, you will need a package of ordinary straws and 300 g of lightly salted red salmon. The fish is cut into very thin slices and overlapped on each straw. If necessary, the base of the straw can be tied with a green onion feather.

Thinly sliced ​​ham and salami can be served in the same way, and cheese sticks can be used instead of straws. These sticks are served by placing them in glasses.

club sandwiches - unusual sandwiches from familiar products. They are prepared from toast bread and any ingredients (ham, meat, fresh cucumbers, melted cheese and others). It is noteworthy that such a sandwich is a "multi-story", bread closed on top, and cut into several small triangles. Sometimes tiny buns are used for their preparation.

And, of course, rolls are an insanely popular appetizer that has become just a trend at modern buffet tables.

buffet table design options

To make your buffet table unforgettable, you need to approach with imagination not only the preparation of dishes, but also the design of the festive table. So, we offer you some tips that will help you create an unusual, original holiday:

  • to save space on the festive table and in order to create the effect of abundance, use special multi-storey dishes, that is, put snacks in tiers so that they are easy to take;

  • for a buffet table, white or light linen tablecloths decorated with lace or classic cotton tablecloths with or without delicate embroidery are relevant: it is easiest to pick up dishes for such a tablecloth, besides, it will suit any celebration format;
  • for table setting, actively use glasses and glasses: not only for drinks, but also for snacks, in particular salads and desserts. Glasses can successfully replace plates and salad bowls, and it looks very impressive;

  • serve dishes in special ceramic spoons. This technique is used at the most sophisticated receptions; “snacks” are usually served in such spoons - beautifully decorated balls rolled from a variety of salads.

We invite you to consider more options for the original design of dishes on the buffet table:

For more details on how to decorate buffet dishes, see our video:

In certain situations, there is nothing better than a buffet for celebrating significant events. Your guests will deal with food and drinks themselves, serve themselves, and the host of the holiday will be free to accept congratulations and communicate with his friends in a relaxed and easy atmosphere.

Quick snacks in a hurry - these are, perhaps, exactly the dishes with which the career of any hostess begins. They are very easy and simple to prepare, which is why even children can prepare such snacks. Very often, for the preparation of such dishes, there is no need for heat treatment of products.

When it becomes necessary to prepare a snack, it is very important to understand what it is being prepared for.

Many underestimate the importance of quick snacks and believe that these are dishes for a light snack. Actually this is not true. Firstly, there are a number of dishes in this category that are very satisfying and can be used as an independent dish. Secondly, you can freely form a full-fledged buffet table from quick snacks.

How to cook quick snacks in a hurry - 15 varieties

Very easy to prepare and quite tasty snack. It has a meat component, and cheese, and of course bread.


  • Lavash Georgian - 1 pc.
  • Suluguni cheese - 2 sticks
  • Hunting sausages - 4 pcs.


Hunting sausages are lightly fried in a pan. Cut the suluguni cheese sticks lengthwise into two parts. Lavash is divided into 4 parts. We wrap one half of suluguni and one sausage in pita bread. The end result should be a long roll. Fry the finished rolls in a preheated dry frying pan on each side until golden brown. The snack is ready.

Stuffed eggs are a very popular snack. To prepare it, you need very little time and the simplest products. Therefore, you can cook it at least every day.


  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 80 gr.
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Greens - for decoration


Boil the eggs, cool, peel, cut lengthwise in half and remove the yolk. Three cheese on a fine grater. Break up the yolk with a fork. We clean the garlic, wash and pass through the garlic. In a deep bowl, combine garlic, cheese, egg yolks and mayonnaise. Mix everything thoroughly. Stuff the egg halves with the prepared mixture. We decorate the finished dish with greens and serve it to the table.

In almost 85% of cases, canapes are an ordinary, independent dish for one bite. The remaining 15% are canapés served with sauces. Greek canapes just belong to this minority.


  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 14 pcs.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Pitted olives - 1 can
  • Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, ground black pepper, lemon juice - to taste


Cut fetta cheese into large cubes. Wash cucumbers, tomatoes and greens and dry. Cucumbers cut into wide rings. Drain excess liquid from olives. Now let's start forming canapes. On a skewer, we string first a tomato, then an olive, then a cucumber, and lastly a piece of cheese.

Now let's make the sauce. Finely chop clean greens.

For such a dish, it is best to take several types of greens. For example, parsley, dill, cilantro. Then the sauce will be more fragrant.

Then we put it in a deep bowl and add balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice and black pepper to the greens. Mix everything. The sauce is ready.

Canapes are served on the table on a small wide dish. Sauce is served with them in a bowl.

Italian cuisine has a whole army of its fans around the world. Its peculiarity is the sharpness and piquancy of dishes. Tomatoes in Italian fully meet all these qualities.


  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Hard cheese - 150 gr.
  • Salt, mayonnaise - to taste


My tomatoes and cut into slices of medium thickness. Then spread them on a flat wide dish in one layer. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise and garlic passed through the garlic and mix everything thoroughly. Three cheese on a large grater.

Lubricate each circle of tomato with garlic mixture, and sprinkle with cheese on top. The snack is ready.

Such canapes will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. Outwardly, they resemble small gifts that you just want to quickly unpack.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Herring - 2 fillets
  • Green onion - ½ bunch
  • Salt - to taste


We clean the potatoes, wash them, cut them into circles and fry in a pan in vegetable oil on both sides. Then place the potato slices on a paper towel to get rid of excess oil. Cut the herring fillet into pieces. Wash the onion, dry it and disassemble it into feathers.

We lay two onion feathers with a cross on top of each other. At the place of their intersection we lay potatoes, and on top of it a piece of herring. Now we tie the ends of the feathers together. Prepared canapes are laid on a beautiful dish and served.

If you want to surprise your family and guests with an unusual dish, while spending very little time, crab stick rolls are just what you need.


  • Crab sticks - 250 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Processed cheese - 150 gr.
  • Mayonnaise, garlic, herbs - to taste


Three cheese on a fine grater. Boil the eggs until fully cooked, cool, peel and three on a fine grater. Wash greens, dry and finely chop. In one container, thoroughly mix greens, mayonnaise, cheese and chopped garlic.

We clean the crab sticks, defrost and carefully unfold them. Spread the resulting crab cloth with the cheese-egg mixture and then carefully wrap it back. Now stuffed crab sticks should be cut into rolls.

This appetizer is very satisfying and is perfect for strong alcoholic drinks. Butter and fish will not let you get drunk quickly.


  • White bread - 3 slices
  • Butter - to taste
  • Parsley greens - 1 bunch
  • Red fish - 130 gr.


Cut out several circles from each piece of bread. Now these circles should be smeared with butter on all sides. Wash greens, dry and chop very finely. Cut the fish into small cubes.

Dip each piece of bread in greens on all sides. In the center of each circle, stir a few pieces of fish. Bon appetit!

This is a very unusual snack. It can be served as a canapé or as a cake. It takes about 5 hours and 20 minutes to prepare the Tenderness appetizer, however, the lion's share of this time is the time for soaking the cake.


  • Cakes for Napoleon - 3 pcs.
  • Canned saury - 240 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 300 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, olives - to taste


Three cheese on a large grater. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and three on a coarse grater. Grind saury with a fork.

We lay the first cake on a flat wide dish and spread it with mayonnaise. Then we evenly distribute saury over its surface. Lubricate the second cake on both sides with mayonnaise and cover the first one with it. Lay the grated cheese on top of the second cake. We also grease the third cake with mayonnaise on both sides and cover the second one with it. Spread the grated egg evenly on top of the third cake.

We send the finished cake to the refrigerator for 5 hours. After this time, the cake should be cut into canapes and garnished with olives.

"Raffaello" in cooking is the name of a popular candy. The appetizer with the same name is not at all sweet, but no less tasty.


  • Processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 100 gr.


Boil the eggs until fully cooked, cool, peel and three on a fine grater. Three crab sticks and cheese on a fine grater in different containers.

To make them easy to rub, they should first be held in the freezer.

We clean the garlic, wash it and pass through the garlic, or three on a fine grater.

In one container we combine cheese, garlic, eggs and mayonnaise. Mix everything thoroughly. From the resulting mass we sculpt small balls, which we then roll in grated crab sticks. Rafaelki can be served at the table.

This appetizer is definitely not an ordinary one. The fact is that although it is prepared quite quickly, the products for its preparation cannot be called the simplest.


  • Canned cod liver - 1 can
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sesame - 3 tbsp. l.


Boil potatoes and eggs until fully cooked, cool and clean. We clean and wash the onion. Wash parsley and dry. Three potatoes on a large grater. Three cheese and eggs on a fine grater. Finely chop the onion and herbs. Mash the cod liver with a fork.

Cod liver, potatoes, cheese, onions, eggs, parsley and soy sauce are combined in one container and mixed. Then we form balls from the resulting mixture. In a dry frying pan, lightly fry the sesame seeds, and then dip the cooked balls in them. Snacks can be served at the table.

Cheese balls are one of the most common quick snacks. There are several recipes for this dish. One of the most popular is listed below.


  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Olives - 15 pcs.
  • Dill - to taste


Three cheese on a fine grater. From the resulting cheese mass, 2/3 is sent to a deep salad bowl, and the remaining cheese is laid out in a shallow wide plate. We clean the garlic, wash it and pass it through the garlic maker. Add garlic and mayonnaise to the salad bowl and mix everything thoroughly. Now from the resulting mass we sculpt small pancakes. We put one olive in the center of each pancake, and then wrap each olive with a cheese pancake. The end result should be balls with an olive inside. Dip the finished balls on all sides in grated cheese, and then in finely chopped greens. All is ready!

Such canapes are just perfect as an appetizer with light white wine, and will also become a real decoration for any table.


  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.
  • Canned pineapples - 4 rings
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Salt, pepper, spices for meat - to taste


My chicken fillet, rub with salt, spices for meat and fry in a pan in vegetable oil on both sides. During frying, minced garlic should be added to the pan. When the fillet is ready, remove it from the pan, cool and cut into medium-sized cubes.

Oranges are peeled and peeled and cut into cubes. Pineapples should also be cut into cubes. When everything is prepared, we proceed to the formation of canapes. On a culinary skewer, we first prick a cube of pineapple, then an orange, then a chicken, then again a pineapple, and again a chicken. Canapes are ready.

Appetizer "Ibiza" is great for any youth party. The perfect combination of seafood and avocados can complement the taste of any alcoholic cocktail.


  • Avocado - 3 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 150 gr.
  • Canned tuna - 150 gr.
  • Shrimps - 6 pcs.
  • Orange - ½ pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ketchup - 1 tbsp. l.


We clean the crab sticks, cut into cubes of medium thickness and put in a deep salad bowl. Drain the excess oil from the tuna and add it to the crab sticks. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise with ketchup and mix them thoroughly. The resulting mixture is sent to tuna and crab sticks. We also send the juice of half an orange there. We mix everything well.

My avocado, cut in half, remove the bones from them, and fill the resulting indentation from the bone with the prepared filling. Place one shrimp on top of the filling. Bon appetit!

This simple dish has simply unsurpassed taste and can significantly support the human immune system. This appetizer is best eaten with black bread.


  • Salo salted - 250 gr.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Mustard - 1 tsp
  • Fresh dill - 5 sprigs
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


We pass the fat through a meat grinder. We clean the garlic, wash it and pass it through the garlic maker. Wash dill, dry and finely chop. Now all the ingredients should be combined and mixed thoroughly. Salo appetizer is ready to serve.

Tartlets with red caviar

Red caviar has always been considered a particularly tasty and refined product. When preparing this snack, this expensive product is used. It is quite natural that such an appetizer is best suited for a festive table.

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