Original gizmos from vinyl, plates. Original gizmos from vinyl, records How to bend a vinyl record


An unusual, creative design can be done using old vinyl records.

With the help of simple manipulations with vinyl, you can decorate any room in a very original way: be it an apartment or an office, a home kitchen or a cafe-bar. You can paint on the plate using acrylic paints, make a wall clock by cutting out various patterns on any subject, decorate the interior with vases and original vinyl plates. You can even make jewelry, because vinyl is a very malleable, easily bending material, it is easy to drill any hole in it, it sticks well, you can decorate it with beads and any material at hand. Having shown imagination and patience, you can make an original, unique thing with your own hands.

In order to bend a vase from vinyl, it is necessary to heat the plate in the oven at a temperature of about 150C for several minutes (the temperature may be higher, it all depends on your oven). The main thing is not to overheat the vinyl, otherwise it may leak. As soon as the plate becomes soft, put on gloves on your hands, and immediately get to work. You can bend the edges of the record in the form of a wave, or you can make an original plate - then put a can in the center of the heated vinyl (warm, cold will burst) and wrap the edges of the vinyl around the can. Instead of a jar, you can use any object: a bowl, a saucepan, etc. The leg of the vase can be from an old furniture handle attached to the center of the plate with a screw. You can heat the vinyl several times, until the product you have conceived is obtained.

Scissors are required to make jewelry. Cut strips of any size from hot vinyl and twist them into a spiral. Drill a hole at one end of the spiral and insert an eyelet for the future earring. You can decorate jewelry with any pattern made using acrylic, or glue glass beads and beads, and then varnish the product. In general, you can make any object of any design from vinyl, and wall clocks made of vinyl records with various carved patterns look just amazing.

For painting with acrylic, the plate must first be prepared: sand the work surface, then cover it with acrylic paint in several layers. After that, you can start decorating with multi-colored acrylic paints, drawing any drawing you like. If you are on “you” with fine art, then take any drawing depicted on paper, cut it out and paste it on a plate. Let the masterpiece dry and then varnish. In general, when working with vinyl, there is room for your imagination to roam.

Many artists and masters of creative art work with such an interesting material as vinyl.

The second life of vinyl records - 1
The second life of vinyl records - 2
The second life of vinyl records - 3
The second life of vinyl records - 4
The second life of vinyl records - 5
The second life of vinyl records - 6

"I had to fix it - I just needed to figure out how. So I called my friend (who has an amazing record collection) who told me what to do. So I grabbed my record and got to work."

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Consider that you have been warned: cats are treacherous - and at the same time surprisingly cute creatures. You won’t even be especially angry with them - and there’s nothing to be done about it. When I got home recently, I found my cat on the couch. He yawned and got up - and then I saw that he was not just lying on the sofa, but on my vinyl record. And not on any, but on the recording of the group's album. I listened to this album to holes when I was a teenager - he managed to brighten up my life, and while I was doing endless homework in physics, and when I suffered from unrequited teenage love.

As it turned out, my cat produces as much heat as the forges of Mount Doom [the one in Mordor - approx. transl.] - when I picked up the cat from the plate, it turned out that the outlines of his body were imprinted on it. The plate was bent.

I'm not going to lie - I was terribly upset. Of course, I myself am to blame for leaving her lying on the couch after a nostalgia attack washed over me at night. And of course, my cat had no idea what vinyl was and had no idea of ​​the importance of classic rock and roll. But this album was part of my youth—my thirteen year old teenage soul.

My furry childhood memory destroyer

But it wasn't all that bad, was it? I put the record on the turntable. The voices of Nicks and Buckingham [Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham - the band's vocalists] were distorted due to the fact that the audio track was damaged. It was definitely the day the music died.

When I later regained my composure, I decided that there was nothing irreparable in the problem. I had to fix everything - I just needed to figure out how. So I called my friend (who has an amazing record collection) who told me what to do. So I grabbed my record and got to work. In the process, I managed to take a few photos, so that turned out to be a small guide.

What to do if your vinyl record is bent:

You will need two pieces of glass that are larger than a record but smaller than your oven. It is better to use heavy and thick glass.

Step 1

  • Take the record out of the package and make sure it is free of dust or dirt.
  • If the record is dirty, clean it.
  • Place the plate in the center of the piece of glass.

Step 2

  • Carefully cover the plate with another piece of glass

Step 3

  • Preheat oven to 80 degrees.

Step 4

  • Glass can crack from sudden temperature changes. Make sure the glass has been stored at room temperature before, or place it somewhere warm enough to avoid "thermal shock".
  • Place your record sandwiched between pieces of glass in the oven.
  • Stay close to the oven at all times. If you notice unpleasant odors or strange noises, remove the record from the oven immediately.
  • Warm up the "sandwich" of the plate and pieces of glass in the oven for 2-3 minutes.
  • If you leave the record in the oven for a longer period, it may melt.

Step 5

  • Using oven mitts, remove the glass and plate from the oven.
  • Again, don't forget about the possibility of "thermal shock". Do not place glass on cold surfaces.
  • Place the glass on a surface at room temperature. To protect the surface, it is better to cover it with a towel or a special “hot” napkin.

Step 6

  • Press down on the glass with a stack of books or other heavy, flat objects.
  • Leave the structure until the glass has completely cooled.
  • When the glass is completely cool, you can take out the plate.

Step 7

  • If during playback you still hear distortion of sounds, it may be worth repeating the operation: hold the record in the oven a little longer and, in the process of cooling, press it down with slightly heavier objects.
  • From now on, store the vinyl upright and in a place cool enough to prevent it from bending again.

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E If you find old vinyl records on the mezzanine, do not rush to get rid of them. This is a great material for making various things! passion. Ru offers to decorate your home with exquisite works of art of your own making.

Of course, there are vases in your house. But, you must admit, there are not many of them, besides, we all dream of decorating our interior with original details that are unique.

So, to make a vase, you will need one plate, a doorknob, a screw and nut, superglue, two colors of acrylic paint and varnish.

2. Heat the oven to a temperature of 120-140 degrees and put a plate in it. Be careful, vinyl becomes soft very quickly. It is necessary not to miss the moment when it will be pliable, like plasticine, and has not yet melted.

3. Wearing gloves, remove the plate and shape it into a vase with draped edges. To make the shape of the vase relatively symmetrical, you can put a heated plate in a bowl, distributing it in folds along the inner surface of the dish. Wait about a couple of minutes for the mold to harden. If the vase didn't work out the first time, don't worry, put the record back in the oven, the vinyl will straighten out, and you can start sculpting again.

4. Choose a door handle with a flat surface, this will be the future leg of the vase.

5. Use a screw with a nut to attach the handle to the plate through the existing hole.

6. Using hot glue or any superglue, apply arbitrary lines to the edges of the vase. The glue will spread, dry out and get an abstract pattern.

7. Paint the entire vase with black acrylic paint.

8. The first layer will turn out to be quite uneven and will serve as a primer. So wait for the paint to dry and apply one more, two coats.

9. In order for the vase to take on a finished look, it must be tinted in gold. To do this, take a drop of paint on a dry brush and smear it on paper. When there is almost no paint left on the brush, run it lightly over the protruding surfaces of the vase.

10. Especially carefully "wipe" the brush with gold on the edges of the vase and bulge. Finally, be sure to coat the entire vase with one or more coats of acrylic lacquer.

11. This vase can be used for fruits or sweets. It washes well, it is difficult to break it, because the vinyl becomes more dense after heat treatment.

12. If you can't find a vase foot, make it flat. If desired, apply a pattern along the edge, in the form of hieroglyphs.

13. Similarly, you can make an unusual candy bowl. Cut the heated plate with scissors on four sides. The cuts should reach the paper sticker. Fold the plate in the form of a cube, and bend the protruding corners in different directions.

14. Paint the outer surface with white paint in several layers.

15. With a thin brush or black glitter, draw any primitive drawing.

16. Then tint the corners with black paint in the same way as you tinted the vase with gold.

17. This is a simple version of the candy bowl.

17 a. If you connect your fantasy, you will make it any, even the most incredible form. Now let's make decorations. Decide on the length and width of the desired bracelet. For example: 19 * 5 cm. With a pencil, draw a rectangle with rounded corners of the desired size on the plate. Heat the plate and cut out the shape.

18. If you do not have time to quickly cut, and the record hardens, do the work in stages, each time warming up the vinyl.

19. Bend the part and hold it in this state until the form grabs. For convenience, you can take a metal or wooden bracelet and wrap a rectangle around it.

20. Cover the workpiece with several layers of black paint.

21. 22. Tint the bracelet with gold or copper color, not only on top, but also inside.

23. Apply a little more paint to the side surface, thereby creating an imitation of worn metal.

24. Cut out a strip of ornament from a three-layer napkin.

25. Separate the layers, leaving only the top with the pattern.

26. Coat the edges of the bracelet with PVA glue and carefully glue the ornament, smoothing it with a brush dipped in glue. Be especially careful when sticking the design on the rounded parts of the bracelet. If thin paper is torn, cut off a small piece with a similar pattern and glue over the gap - your oversight will become invisible.

27. Don't forget to varnish the bracelet when the glue dries.

28. Here is another example: the original pendant.

Now figure out what to make from such a pliable material as vinyl.

Svetlana BARSUKOVA, designer
Photo by A. Gyrenkova

Some old records are certainly valuable for collectors. But all instances that do not belong to those can be turned into new interesting accessories. Our review presents 7 retro-style items that are easy to make with your own hands.


A fairly simple option is to turn an old vinyl record into an exquisite clock. The mechanism with arrows is easily attached to the disc, any person can handle the task. A more difficult option is to create a curly clock by cutting the plate according to a previously created stencil.


If book volumes continually strive to fall off the shelf, you can build a stand for them from an old vinyl record. To do this, the lower edge of the plate must be bent to give it stability. This is done simply - boiling water is poured into the baking dish, into which the plate is immersed to the desired level. Under the influence of hot water, the material will become soft and pliable. Under the pressure of the hand, the plate will easily bend, and when taken out of the water, it will harden again.

mirror frame

With the help of several vinyl records, it is easy to make an original mirror by sticking them in a circle.

small vases

Another interesting option is to build small elegant containers from old records. The creation process is simple and very interesting.

1. Preheat the oven to 100-120 ° C. Place a heat-resistant container on a baking sheet or, as in our example, a colander.

2. Put a plate on top, send everything to the oven. Wait a few minutes until the vinyl begins to melt and become soft.

3. Get the structure out of the oven. The plate will only be soft for a few minutes, so you have to act quickly. It is necessary to carefully bend the plate on the sides to form a kind of vase. If the result is not satisfactory, the plate can be heated again to try again to get the desired shape.

Wine bottle holders


Consider that you have been warned: cats are insidious - and at the same time surprisingly cute creatures. You won’t even be especially angry with them - and there’s nothing to be done about it. When I got home recently, I found my cat on the couch. He yawned and got up - and then I saw that he was not just lying on the sofa, but on my vinyl record. And not on any, but on the recording of Fleetwood Mac's Rumors album. I listened to this album to holes when I was a teenager - he managed to brighten up my life, and while I was doing endless homework in physics, and when I suffered from unrequited teenage love.

As it turned out, my cat produces as much heat as the forges of Mount Doom [the one in Mordor - approx. transl.] - when I picked up the cat from the plate, it turned out that the outlines of his body were imprinted on it. The plate was bent.

I'm not going to lie - I was terribly upset. Of course, I myself am to blame for leaving her lying on the couch after a nostalgia attack washed over me at night. And of course, my cat had no idea what vinyl was and had no idea of ​​the importance of classic rock and roll. But this album was part of my youth - my thirteen year old teenage soul.

My furry childhood memory destroyer

But it wasn't all that bad, was it? I put the record on the turntable. The voices of Nicks and Buckingham [Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham - the band's vocalists] were distorted due to the fact that the audio track was damaged. It was definitely the day the music died.

When I later regained my composure, I decided that there was nothing irreparable in the problem. I had to fix everything - I just needed to figure out how. So I called my friend (who has an amazing record collection) who told me what to do. So I grabbed my record and got to work. In the process, I managed to take a few photos, so that turned out to be a small guide.

What to do if your vinyl record is bent:

You will need two pieces of glass that are larger than a record but smaller than your oven. It is better to use heavy and thick glass.

  • Take the record out of the package and make sure it is free of dust or dirt.

  • If the record is dirty, clean it.

  • Place the plate in the center of the piece of glass.

  • Carefully cover the plate with another piece of glass

  • Preheat oven to 80 degrees.

  • Glass can crack from sudden temperature changes. Make sure the glass has been stored at room temperature before, or place it somewhere warm enough to avoid "thermal shock".

  • Place your record sandwiched between pieces of glass in the oven.

  • Stay close to the oven at all times. If you notice unpleasant odors or strange noises, remove the record from the oven immediately.

  • Warm up the "sandwich" of the plate and pieces of glass in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

  • If you leave the record in the oven for a longer period, it may melt.

  • Using oven mitts, remove the glass and plate from the oven.

  • Again, don't forget about the possibility of "thermal shock". Do not place glass on cold surfaces.

  • Place the glass on a surface at room temperature. To protect the surface, it is better to cover it with a towel or a special “hot” napkin.

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