Ossetian sayings in Ossetian with translation. Ossetian proverbs and sayings


Ossetians- Caucasian people, descendants of the Alans, the main population of Ossetia. Ossetians are direct descendants of the Scythians and the Sarmatian tribe of the Alans, hence the name of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. This is confirmed by both linguistic data and Ossetian mythology. The Ossetian language belongs to the Iranian group of the Indo-European family of languages. The total number of Ossetians is just over 700 thousand people. Related peoples: Yaghnobis and Yases. Some Ossetians are Orthodox, some profess Islam and traditional Ossetian beliefs.


AND Life is adorned with life.

Life and death are sisters.

A goat crying to a wolf is joy.

The old wolf drags two sheep.

A pear does not grow on an apple tree.

Laziness is the enemy of man.

Laziness is the lot of the enemy.

There is no honor in idleness.

Life is in work.

Mother, father and homeland are not sold.

The other side is the dog side.

Even the hedgehog ran under his bush.

Long life is a curse.

The path of death is smeared with honey.

Man is born once for life.

Without labor there is no good.

Who does not work - he does not live.

The childless woman was crying and mother bad children cried.

Guilty and afraid of his own shadow.

Life is like water in a dish.

The morning bee flies far away.

A wolf remains a wolf even in the skin of a lamb.

Even for the enemy, be a truthful witness.

Two eyes see the whole world, but never each other.

Two dewdrops - and those do not look alike.

A kind word is the door to the soul.

If a tooth is loose, it will not get stronger.

If the herd roars at once at the oak, the oak will fall.

If you want to know yourself, ask people.

And in a good garden, rotten pumpkins are found.

And my bad, and my good - mine.

Like a wolf: sometimes too full, sometimes too hungry.

When they go hunting, one kills a deer, the other a hare.

Better death than shameful life.

Young peppers are hotter.

If you don't move your hand, you won't move your mouth either.

When the dog leaves its corner, the wolf carries it away.

A hundred dead are not worth one living.

Human life is like a flower in a field.

What you don't sweatthat will not fill your stomach.

The heart and the tip of the needle are enough.

The dog swept away at his doorstep.

Happy is he who lives without pain and without envy.

Only before death does a person know what he had to do.

A wise man is not in a hurry in a difficult matter.

If you want good for me, do it on my rainy day.

A person cannot pass without leaving a trace.

Barely alive is better than completely dead.

An ax is better than a dull knife; death is better than poor life.

And for life and for death you have to be a real man.

On his street, the last dog thinks he's a tiger.

There is nothing more precious than the fatherland, and a person must build his life there.

Though in poverty, it is still better to live on earth.

The dead man is an enemy: he is insatiable. (i.e. big expenses)

The dead man should be dressed up.

Business is a donkey: take a stick and drive it forward.

If a person breaks away from his homeland and forgets his homeland, his destiny is to be beaten with a rake.


Data: 2009-07-27 Time: 12:04:27

* An angel will be an angel today and tomorrow.

* The pocket is poor, but the heart is rich.

* Cheap meat does not give fat.

* For you, the chicken cackles, for me it rushes.

* Trusting is good, trusting too much is dangerous.

* If everyone says: "You are crooked," close your eyes.

* A shy guest stays hungry.

* Knowledge of a hundred languages ​​is like a hundred minds.

* You can't make a fire out of one log.

* Everyone seems good to himself.

* Like a wolf: sometimes too full, sometimes too hungry.

* The key is matched to the lock, not the lock to the key.

* When you went to gain your mind, I was already returning.

* Whoever you love is a relative.

* Braids are combed from the ends.

* To a frog its tadpole is like a ray of sunshine.

* The knapsack bag is not a pair.

* He scattered the flour, so he threw the sieve.

* The mouse is looking for its own cat.

* Flies even from Baghdad will fly to honey.

* Did not see - one word, "saw" - a big conversation.

* Do not climb your piece into someone else's stew.

* Do not measure strength with fire and flood.

* You will not die from a blunt blow - you will die from a sharp blow.

* There is nothing to learn to eat toothy.

* You will not think about anyone - no one will remember you.

* No one is afraid to be late for the next world.

* You can't get away from people.

* The beekeeper tries the honey first.

* It is easy to give hope, it is difficult to fulfill it.

* Request teaches to ask.

* Empty spoon scratches lips.

* An empty pocket does not protrude.

* The river lays more than one channel.

* Saying "I don't know" is not ashamed.

* No matter how much water you churn, water will remain.

* Get off the horse and sit on the donkey.

* Broken or not broken, but there was a ringing.

* If trouble happens - everyone will be blamed for the mute.

* The death of a wolf is no grief to anyone.

* The snow is beautiful, but the feet get cold.

* The sun is also far away, but warm.

* After stealing a chicken, the hawk will return for the second one.

* Strive to conquer not the world, but its knowledge.

* The poor man's stomach hurts even on holidays.

* Clever himself notices his mistake.

* If you want to buy - do not bargain.

* Language destroys stones.

Wiki Quote. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is OSSETIAN PROVERBS in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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    Proverb- A proverb is a small form of folk poetry, dressed in a short, rhythmic saying, carrying a generalized thought, conclusion, allegory with a didactic bias. Contents 1 Poetics 2 From the history of proverbs 3 Examples ... Wikipedia

    Proverb- (Latin proverbium, adagium, French proverbe, German Sprichwort, English proverb. Scientific terminology comes from the Greek name P. paroimia: paremiology is a branch of literary criticism that deals with the history and theory of P., paremiography is a record of P., ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    proverb- See the saying ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. proverb saying, saying; aphorism Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    PROVERB- PROVERB, aphoristically concise, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning, usually in a rhythmically organized form (What you sow, so you reap) ... Modern Encyclopedia

    PROVERB- a genre of folklore, an aphoristically concise, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning in a rhythmically organized form (What you sow, you will reap) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PROVERB- PROVERB, proverbs, wives. A short figurative finished saying, usually rhythmic in form, with an instructive meaning. "Russian proverbs are the best and most expressive of all proverbs in the world." Dostoevsky. ❖ Enter the proverb to become well-known, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    PROVERB- PROVERB, s, wives. A short folk saying with instructive content, folk aphorism. Russian proverbs and sayings. P. does not say past (last). Enter the proverb 1) become well-known due to its specificity. Donkey stubbornness ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Proverb- a genre of folklore, an aphoristically concise, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning, in a rhythmically organized form (“What you sow, you will reap”). Big explanatory dictionary of cultural studies .. Kononenko B.I .. ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    PROVERB- (Greek paroima, lat. adagium) one of the ancient didactic genres of folklore, namely a short and easy to remember saying: a) common in the folk language, b) expressing worldly wisdom (moral or technical prescriptions, value ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    Proverb- A PROVERB, an aphoristically concise, figurative, grammatically and logically complete saying with an instructive meaning, usually in a rhythmically organized form (“What you sow, you will reap”). … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    proverb- the Russian proverb says the subject, verbalization says the proverb is the subject, verbalization says the Russian proverb is the subject, verbalization of the proverb says the subject, verbalization of the proverb says the subject, verbalization of the proverb says ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


  • The proverb is not in vain. More than 5000 Russian, Ukrainian, English and French proverbs, Galina Chus. This collection is the result of seven years of research by the author and contains more than 5,000 proverbs in four languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English and French. The collection has… Buy for 489 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Proverb and life. Personal fund of Russian proverbs in historical and folklore retrospective, G. F. Blagov. In this book, a new direction of philological science was developed - linguo-folkloristics. How does the corpus of Russian proverbs, recorded in the collections of the 18th-19th centuries, live in oral ... Buy for 400 rubles
  • It is not for nothing that the proverb says Nema pripov i dki without truth A good maxim is never out of season Proverbe ne peut mentir More than 5000 Russian Ukrainian English and French proverbs, Chus G.. This collection is the result of seven years of research by the author and contains more than 5000 proverbs in four languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English and French. The collection has…

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    patter- shorthand... Spelling Dictionary

    PATTER- PATTER, tongue twisters, wives. 1. Fast speech, fast pace of speech. Speak briefly. 2. A person who speaks very quickly (simple fam. ironic). He is such a tongue twister that you can't make out anything in his speech. 3. A combination of words with such a selection ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Patter- Patter is a short, syntactically correct phrase in any language with artificially complicated articulation. Tongue twisters contain similar-sounding, but different phonemes (for example, c and w) and combinations of phonemes that are difficult to pronounce. ... ... Wikipedia

    patter- tongue twister, speech, joke, phrase Dictionary of Russian synonyms. tongue twister n., number of synonyms: 9 shotguns (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    PATTER- PATTER, and, wives. 1. Fast speech. Illegible s. Speak briefly. 2. A specially invented phrase with a hard-to-pronounce selection of sounds, a quickly pronounced comic joke (for example: there is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass). | adj… … Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    PATTER- PATTER. A folk poetic miniature, a joke in which words with unpronounceable combinations of sounds are deliberately chosen (Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry; There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass). S. are used to develop the purity of pronunciation ... A new dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of teaching languages)

    patter- SKOROGOVO'RKA is a folk poetic joke based on alliterations, it consists in the deliberate selection of words that are difficult for correct articulation with the rapid and repeated repetition of the entire phrase. The comic effect of S. is almost inevitable ... ... Poetic dictionary

    Patter- and. 1. Fast, hasty speech. ott. Fast pace of speech. 2. An artificially invented phrase with a selection of difficult to pronounce sounds, which, for the sake of fun, they try to pronounce quickly, without stammering. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    patter- tongue twister, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, tongue twisters (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm by A. A. ... ... Forms of words

    patter- a small genre of oral folk art: a short text, a phrase built on alliteration in such a way that it was as difficult as possible to pronounce it aloud, especially with repeated rapid repetition: The cap is not sewn according to Kolpakovsky, it is necessary ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

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  • Patter. Rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, teasers, Demyanov Ivan Ivanovich. The book contains funny tongue twisters, useful rhymes, witty riddles and even perky teasers. In them you will find a hooded cuckoo, cowering hedgehogs, a whale swimming in the Neva,…


1. The pocket is poor, but the heart is rich
2. Cheap meat does not give fat
3. For you, the chicken cackles, for me it rushes
4. Trusting is good, trusting too much is dangerous
5. If everyone says: "You are crooked" - close one eye
6. A shy guest stays hungry
7. Knowing a hundred languages ​​is like a hundred minds
8. You can’t make a fire out of one log
9. Everyone seems good to himself
10. Like a wolf: sometimes too full, sometimes too hungry
11. The key is matched to the lock, not the lock to the key.
12. When you went to get smart, I was already returning
13. Whoever you love is a relative
14. To a frog her tadpole is like a ray of sunshine
15. The bag is not a pair of knapsacks
16. The mouse is looking for its own cat
17. Flies even from Baghdad will fly to honey
18. Do not go into someone else's stew with your piece
19. Nothing to teach to eat toothy
20. You won’t think about anyone - no one will remember you
21. Nobody is afraid to be late for the next world
22. Do not compare strength with fire and flood
23. The beekeeper tries the honey first
24. It is easy to give hope, it is difficult to fulfill
25. An empty pocket does not bulge
26. Saying: “I don’t know” is not ashamed
27. The snow is beautiful, but the legs get cold
28. The sun is also far away, but warm
29. Having pulled off a chicken, the hawk will return for the second
30. Strive to conquer not the world, but its knowledge
31. A smart man himself notices his mistake
32. Tongue destroys stones
33. Who looks from the side, he sees more
34. Who does not realize a mistake - makes another
35. Two dewdrops - and they do not look alike
36. Even for the enemy, be a truthful witness
37. One fought, the other told about exploits
38. Poor pocket, but the heart is rich
39. Whoever has lost everything is not afraid of thunder
40. The happiness of a wolf and the happiness of a cow are not the same
41. From someone else's grief, the heart does not hurt
42. Nobody is afraid to be late for the next world
43. Knowledge hammered into the head is not wisdom
44. Oak slowly gaining its growth
45. When necessary, you can stand up for the wolf
46. ​​If there is no grain in the house, then there will be no mice
47. If you could not enter the door, do not climb into the window
48. Who suffers a lot, they charge a lot
49. A lazy shepherd walks far behind his flock
50. The desires of the hunter and the bear do not match
51. One is blind because he is full, the other because he is hungry
52. Go around the long road and you will reach home alive
53. Close together, apart - difficult
54. They chase the ox that goes
55. Nobody notices their flaws
56. A swear word is heard far away
57. No matter how muddy the spring, it will still be cleared
58. A person is always missing something
59. Food loves moderation
60. Surplus is not good for the wolf
61. In the dark and a weak light shines far
62. Every deed has a beginning, every tale has a beginning
63. The hunter considers rich the gorge in which he has not yet been
64. No one has had enough of life yet
65. A kind word opens the door to the soul
66. Do not reproach for a just cause
67. The fish thought: “I would say something, but my mouth is full of water”
68. And honey is boring
69. Good is not repaid with evil
70. A young man's chatter is like a foal's running
71. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to tell the truth.
72. At the word "foreign" the lip does not touch the lips, as with the word "mine"
73. A kind word and a snake understands
74. A frightened eye and a mouse - a mountain
75. Done under duress is not a thing
76. Steel is tempered in fire, man in struggle
77. The brother-in-law will not scold - the daughter-in-law will not snap back
78. War starts with single shots
79. And in a good garden rotten pumpkins are found
80. The horse gallops at the will of the rider
81. Motherland - mother, foreign land - stepmother
82. On the ill-fated stone and rolls from below
83. Strength is not for those who are many
84. Sometimes "Well, yes!" - cause for quarrel
85. Mouths are the same for many, heads are different for everyone
86. Pop and in a cassock, and without a cassock - pop
87. Wrong always speaks the truth
88. No fool admits he is a fool
89. Laughter and crying are brothers
90. Only before death does a person find out what he had to do
91. A deacon's dream is the death of a priest
92. Good clothes don't make bad things good
93. Raven ate malt, and the hedgehog got drunk
94. The pain from a bruise passes faster than the pain from a bad word.
95. If trouble happens - everyone will blame the mute
96. A die cast will fall to someone
97. The bat deceives the birds and the mice
98. Burden cursing shoulders
99. If a person wants, flowers will bloom on a bare top
100. Don't be too sweet - they will eat you, don't be too bitter - they will turn away from you
101. A dog loves a dog, a donkey likes a donkey
102. Who works hard, lives long
103. The mind will not drown, the wind will not carry it away, the robber will not steal it
104. A smart man himself notices his mistakes
105. The larger the beast, the more hunters for it
106. No one is marked with all the virtues
107. Appreciate even the bitter days of life: after all, they also leave forever
108. One good trait even a fool has
109. You do good a hundred times, but you don’t do it a hundred and first - everything is gone
110. He who dares a lot gets a lot
111. Ice extinguishes fire, fire melts ice
112. And the king died, and the beggar died
113. Happy is he who is healthy and not envious
114. Ass is always looking for a place
115. You can't turn the herd with one shout
116. An angel will be an angel today and tomorrow
117. When a field has many owners, donkeys graze on it
118. Wisdom is a helper to happiness
119. And bad is not always bad
120. A native land is dearer to a person than the sacred land of Egypt
121. If there were no wolves, there would be no shepherds
122. The future of a good ox is seen even as a calf
123. Courage conquers strength
124. In an empty village, the fox is the lord
125. I'm burning don't obey
126. The horseman does not understand the pedestrian
127. A walker who counts on a horse does not get tired
128. Not all labor is good
129. The soul of a well-fed craves songs
130. It is better to see a lot than to live a lot
131. Hen will not lay a goose egg
132. A word from the tongue, like a bullet from a rifle
133. Smart in a difficult matter is in no hurry
134. Eat to yourself - do not be angry that no one sings along
135. Truth is stronger than force
136. With fear, the dog barks at the stump
137. Who loves the priest, and who loves the popadyu
138. If you chop, then weave
139. A lion can choke on a bone
140. The cat sleeps - the mice frolic
141. Goat grief - joy to the wolf
142. If you want me good - do it on my rainy day
143. The yoke is measured on the neck
144. Tears of a little lamb touch even a wolf sometimes
145. Where it itches, there they scratch
146. When the pop stumbles, hallelujah saves him
147. A snake is recognized by its hiss
148. Big things can be reduced, small things cannot be increased.
149. A good horse is a good rider to match
150. Wisdom seeks wisdom
151. For a hungry eye and a lot - a little, for a full eye and a little - a lot
152. If a pig had horns, it would destroy the whole world
153. The intercessor inflates the fight
154. When they go hunting, one kills a deer, the other a hare
155. When people are united, they will move mountains
156. There is no limit to desires
157. Wish no good to the villain
158. Good is suitable everywhere
159. Nobody calls his mother a witch
160. Dispute breeds quarrel; a quarrel breeds a fight; fight breeds war
161. A person is stronger than a stone, and more tender than a flower

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